#계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워
lauraagrace · 29 days
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Needing some family-focused manhwa?
Let me HIGHLY recommend Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom! 🤩🤩🤩
I am SO thankful that IZE Press physically printed this series because each volume is such a joy to read!! It's fun, emotional, and heartfelt! SO GOOD!
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mooido · 1 year
무료웹툰 '계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워' 리뷰
무료웹툰 '계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워' 귀여운 딸을 덕질하면서 행복한 삶을 살 수 있을까?     '계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워' 포스터     장르: 로맨스 판타지 작가: 모구랭 연재처: 카카오웹툰, 카카오페이지     무료웹툰 '계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워' 주요 등장인물 소개   프리드킨 왕실의 비. 아름답지만 무서운 미소를 가진 미모의 소유자. 본래 눈에 띄길 좋아하고 질투심이 강해서 의붓딸이나 자기 시녀들조차 괴롭혔으며 조용히 살길 원하는 백합은 아비게일의 이런 이력 때문에 의심받느라 고생하게 된다. 작중 시점에서 23세. 프리드킨 왕실의 유일한 후계자이자 공주. 이름처럼 새하얀 피부와 귀여운 미모의 소유자이다. 아비게일을 두려워했지만 백합이 빙의한 이후로는 사이가 좋아진다. 작중 시점에서 11세 프리드킨 왕국의 왕. 블랑슈의 생모 미리엄이 죽은 이후로 11년 동안 왕비 자리를 공석으로 남겨두었고 아비게일과도 사이가 좋지 않다보니 게이라는 소문까지 돌 정도다. 냉정하다 못해 무정한 성격의 소유자. 자신이 15살일 때에 태어난 친딸 블랑슈를 어떻게 대해야 할지를 몰라서 다가가지 못했다. 이에 따라 블랑슈가 그의 자식이 아니라는 소문까지 돌았다고 한다. 과거에 몸이 약해 몇 번이나 죽을 뻔했고 14살에 부왕이 죽어 왕위에 오르면서 어머니와 전 아내에게 왕실 적자의 피를 잇기 위한 종마 취급을 당해 여성을 대하는 걸 어려워한다. 세이블리안의 이복형으로 서자.   '계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워' 무료웹툰 '계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워' 스토리   이야기의 주인공 '이백합'은 귀엽고 사랑스러운 것들을 아주 좋아했기 때문에 책이나 동화속에서 나오는 공주님 같은 삶을 살고 싶었습니다. 하지만 현실은 그녀의 바램과 달랐고 그저 평범한 사람으로써 지내면서 아이들을 귀엽게 만들어줄 아동복 디자이너가 됩니다. 아이들에게 옷을 입혀주며 공주님처럼 보이게 만들어주는 직업만족도 최상인 일을 하며 살아가고 있었는데 결국 회사 수면실에서 과로사로 죽게됩니다. 그 후에 다시 눈을 뜨게된 그녀의 눈앞에는 전혀다른 풍경들이 펼쳐져있었고 엄청 아름다운 사람의 몸으로 빙의를 했다는 것을 알게 됩니다. 아름다운 여성의 이름은 '아비게일 프리드킨' 백설공주의 계모 였었습니다.   귀엽고 깜찍한 것들을 엄청 좋아했었던 그녀는 '블랑슈' 공주를 보자마자 너무나도 행복해 하며 좋아하게 됩니다. 하지만 그런 행복감을 뒤로하고 아비게일은 웃을 수가 없었는데 치명적인 단점이 엄청 아름다운 얼굴이지만 웃으면 마녀처럼 보였기 때문입니다. 공주가 무서워 할까봐서 바로앞에 귀여운 공주가 있음에도 불구하고 쉽게 웃지 않고 감정을 최대한 숨겨냅니다. 빙의전의 아비게일은 아름다움에 집착을 하는 여성이었고 그 집착때문에 성안의 모든 예쁜사람들은 성에서 쫒겨나기까지 했었습니다. 그리고 귀엽고 예뻤던 블랑슈 공주한테 까지 질투를 느껴서 블랑슈를 계속 방치하기 까지 합니다.   그렇기 때문에 주인공은 빙의가 된 이후에도 블랑슈에게 쉽게 다가가지 못하게 되었고 지금까지 자신이 했던 잘못에대한 사과를 구하러 갑니다. 아이에게 조금씩 마음을 얻으면서 한순간에 갑자기 네르겐 왕국의 왕이었던 '세이블리안 프리드킨'과 부딪혀서 넘어지게 됩니다. 그는 사과를 하지도 않고 딸에게 무심하게 대했고 그 모습을 본 아비게일은 블랑슈를 돌려보낸 후 화를 내면서 이야기를 합니다. 하지만 왕은 지금까지 아비게일이 공주에게 했었던 행동들을 알고 있었고 아비게일이 진심이 아니라고 생각했으나 아비게일도 반박을 하지 못합니다. 그러고는 이번에 일어난 일도 아비게일이 일부로 자작극을 펼친 것이 아닌지 까지 의심의 눈초리로 보게 됩니다.   아비게일은 이전에도 왕의 관심을 끌기위해서 독을 먹은적이 있었기 때문에 찔렸지만 아니라고 부인을 해버립니다. 아비게일은 죽었다 깨어나보니 생각이 많이 달라졌기 때문에 왕에게 더 이상 구애도 하지 않을 것이고 서로 각방을 쓰자고 제안합니다. 그리고 하물며 자신에게 남편의 역할은 절대 바라지도 않지만 딸에게 만큼은 아버지로써 충실해달라고 제안을 하게 됩니다.   '계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워' 블랑슈   무료웹툰 '계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워' 리뷰   그림체가 매우 훌륭한편이며 가끔 어색한 부분들이 등장하기는 했지만 애교로 넘어갈 수 있는 부분이라 딱히 신경쓰이지 않았습니다. 특히 착장 즉 드레스 같은 부분에서 엄청 신경을 쓴 듯한 느낌을 받았지만 밸런스가 맞지 않는 것들이 있어 의구심은 들었습니다. 등장인물들을 외모나 표현력은 꽤 좋았고 그 중에서도 공주의 귀여운 얼굴이 너무나도 마음에 들어서 보는 내내 웃음이 지어졌습니다. 그리고 가끔 나오는 여주의 살벌한 표정은 아주 표현이 잘되어 웹툰으로 보는데도 실제로 바로앞에서 있는 듯한 생동감도 있었습니다.. 전개 속도는 약간 힐링물 느낌이나는 작품이다 보니 엄청 느린 편이었던 것 같으며, 공주와의 전개는 빠르지만 남편과의 감정선은 엄청 느리게 흐릅니다.   초반에 여주의 사악하고 악랄한 미소들이 엄청 흥미를 가지게 만들어 주었고 관심이 끌렸었습니다. 중간중간 개그적인 요소들도 많이 첨가되어있고 굉장히 재밌게 본 것 같고, 상황에 따라 분위기의 무게를 잘표현한 것 같아 몰입이 쉬웠습니다. 그리고 남주에게 약간 트라우마? 같은게 있었던 것 같은데 그부분이 다소 약하게 표현되어서 아쉬웠긴합니다. 전체적인 내용은 이렇다할 고구마같은 답답한 내용은 없었지만 사이다같은 시원한 전개도 없었어서 다소 무난하게 흘러갔던 것 같습니다. 엄청 재밌거나 이런 스토리요소는 아니지만 연출실력을 감상하는 것과 개그요소들을 한번씩 받아들이는 편한 마음으로 보아 좋았습니다.   링크사이트 링크스타 에서는 무료웹툰 추천정보 를 제공해드리고 있으니 바로 접속하셔서 둘러보시기 바랍니다.       - 원 페어 레이디   - 이번생도 잘 부탁해     Read the full article
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animesiconbr · 3 years
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I'm Only A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just So Cute
— like or reblog if you like ♡
— twitter: animesiconsbr
pt: 1|>2<
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waaanderingluna · 3 years
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🥀 𝕹𝖔𝖙-𝕾𝖊𝖜-𝖂𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝕾𝖙𝖊𝖕𝖒𝖔𝖒
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otomenai · 3 years
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verytiredblob · 3 years
My reviews on Manhwas
Alright so, recently I've began to fall into the great Manhwa hell, as if I didn't have enough fandoms.
But I neither have friends to chat about this with, nor a Discord chat where I can fanby about it, so I just decided to throw it in here.
These are both Manhwas I recommend and my opinions on them. If there are any spoilers, They will be striked through and in blue for anyone that wishes to avoid them (if anyone even reads this lol).
1. The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass (악녀는 모래시계를 되돌린다)
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Premise: Aria was a terrible person and was sentenced to dead by being beheaded. In her final moments, she discovers her step sister, Mielle, actually manipulated her during her entire life just so she could get Aria killed. She then is beheaded, and wakes up in the past, in her child body. So now, she must work to both survive and get her revenge on her sister.
Lovely story, and my first Manhwa. The art is simply stunning, and all the characters are very flashed out and developed. Aria (MC) is the pettiest person alive and I'm here for that.
Also, I noticed a trend where, even though the manhwa has "Villainess" in the title, the MC is usually a total angel. Well, not here. Aria is egotistical and a total Diva, she has her goals and one of them is her revenge and by all that is sacred she'll get it.
Mielle is a great villain, she has grown a lot in her own pettiness and tactics since she was a child, and I really like that. Also, watching her suffer for being a terrible person is delightful.
The Male Lead (Asher) is also really cool, I like how he's both witty and friendly, and how much he truly admires Aria and her achievements.
The side characters are also pretty good, and they get a lot of focus because of their interactions with the main cast.
Again, The art is S T U N N I N G. Look at this:
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Literally all panels are drawn like this or better, I'm in love.
All in all, an awesome read, 10/10, I love this a lot.
2. The Monster Duchess And Contract Princess (괴물 공작가의 계약 공녀)
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Premise: Leslie's life was terrible, and always centered on her big sister, Eli. After a failed attempt of her family to grant Eli her sister's skills and knowledge, Leslie searches for the feared "Monster Duchess" in an attempt to survive.
Another one with incredible art AND incredible characters. Leslie is an absolute angel, and seeing her grow as a person is awesome.
The gender envy I feel with the Duchess is unbearable, she's utterly perfect. And the entire family is so dotting and loving and sweet, my little grinch heart can't take it.
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She's perfection, really.
The plot keeps getting more and more mysterious, and I'm here for it!
I love each of the main characters a lot, and even the villains are well done and fuel your hatred.
Also, Eli Sperado and her Dad can choke on those black flames for all eternity.
Another 10/10, although I must warn anyone that wishes to read this that the translations sometimes are very spotty and messy, so it can be a bit annoying.
3. I'll be the Matriarch in this Life (이번 생은 가주가 되겠습니)
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Premise: Firentia was a girl that died in Korea in her past life, and was reborn into an influential family as the illegitimate daughter of the third son. Her life was pretty terrible, with in the end, her family ending up in poverty and disgrace because of her uncles and cousins, while she was exiled from the family. After another accident, she wakes up in her past, now with a goal: Become the Lombardi matriarch and stop the other family heirs from bringing it to ruin.
Awesome art and Awesome plot number 3! This is so good, genuinely. Firentia is such an awesome plotter, and her goals and actions are very well developed.
The Male Lead is my baby and I shall protect him, and the side characters? Utterly stunning.
The twins are the cutest fucking shit, seriously. Like, look at these two?? I'm dead. Although, all the children are very, veeery cute.
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I like how Firentia subtly manipulates things around her to get what she wants. It's similar to Aria, but she's much more mature and knowledgeable, and has a much less petty goal.
Guess what? 10/10. Yeah, I know, I'm terrible at grading, sue me.
4. The Twins Siblings' New Life (쌍둥이 남매의 뉴라이프)
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Premise: Arien and Arjen were a pair of twins that died in Korea, and were reborn again as twins and as the Emperor's illegitimate children. Now, with only each other to trust, they must do their best to survive.
My current obsession. I really like this one. The art is not on the same level of pure Awesome like the ones before, but it's pretty good nonetheless.
The plot is pretty nice, but I must warn you: DO NOT expect them to act like adults. Honestly, just forget they're meant to be reborn in this world. They're just normal children and that's it. They act like children, and they think like children. Honestly, I think the author just wanted to make this story about them as children and their producer went and said to make them reincarnates because that Isekai shit is popular nowadays (And to justify they having memories of their newborn days). Seriously, just ignore it, the experience reading will be much better.
Other than that, the story develops nicely. The characters are all very good and the plot is very mysterious. I am holding myself back to not spoil anything, aaaaa.
There is also only one another thing that disappoints me: Arien is very clearly the MC. The story is told by her eyes and we only know what Arjen thinks or feels when he says it 9 or by subtext). I really wish it was more balanced, because they're both different people and have different perspectives, and also I really like Arjen.
I have absolutely no idea where this plot is gonna go, and honestly? I like it. It's very rare when I don't know how things are gonna develop because of other stories, so it feels very fresh.
The brothers are freaking awesome. I was so scared they were going to hate the twins and be petty, because of other manhwas that are like that, but they're so loving and sweet?? All hail these idiots. Also, Daddy is the biggest dumbass of all, this poor clueless man.
An 8/10, because of the complaints above. Still a good read, and I really like it, even with it's defects.
4. I'm A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just Too Cute! (계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워)
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Premise: A seamstress dies of overwork in Korea, and wakes up in the body of Abigail, the vain Queen, and the evil stepmother to the princess Blanche. Yes, It's like she stepped into the world of Snow White, and she must now do her best to live and.. Dote on Blanche with toys and dresses as much as possible?
Again with the awesome art and nice plot. Why are there so many manga with awesome art?? I'm so envious.
May all hail this crispy, delicious art.
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Abigail is a whole mood, and I enjoy how she is inserted into the life of someone who had already lived and had a reputation. Her actions baffle a lot of the characters, as do her motivations, and I'm here for it.
The King has also an amazing backstory that's very tragic and yikes. I enjoy it, really. Not something you see in men's backstories that much.
Also, I'm kinda saddened by the fact the MC and the king are bound to become an actual couple. They would be such good platonic friends stuck in a political marriage. I was robbed, y'all.
Abigail greatest ambition is to get to design a dress for Blanche and have her wear it, and you know what? Good for her! Sometimes, it's good to have an MC that is not plotting against world at large.
Also, her mirror? Verite is simply perfect, I love this guy. I non-jokingly ship him with Abigail more than her with the King.
Blanche is a sweetheart, she deserves to be in my "adopted children" wall.
For now it's more of a Slice of Life than anything? But I also don't know what happens in the novels, so I'm just going to wait.
For the current lack of a grater plot, this gets a 7/10. Still pretty good and entertaining, especially for when you just don't feel like trying to understand deep plots with lots of elements.
5. Beware of the Brothers! (그 오빠들을 조심해!)
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Premise: Another one of those "I lived my life and then wake up in the past." Hari was adopted by this family after the death of their only daughter, and although her parents love her, her 3 older siblings very much don't. She lives a miserable life in their hands, and when it's the night before she is to get married and finally escape her brothers, she wakes up in the past, and has to deal with them all over again.
Another nice art one, and the background characters are very nice, as is the MC.
But for me, it has a big problem. And that problem is the main ship. It's Hari with her eldest brother, Eugene. Even though they are not related and yadda yadda yadda, they were raised as such, and thus it bothers me. Also, Eugene is as plain as white bread and just as generic when seen as the Male Lead.
I ship Hari with Johan, even though I know it's not gonna happen, Ugh, the pain..
For me, the main point in this is Hari's relationship with her other siblings and the other background characters. I'm here for that wholesome sibling interaction. Her relationship with Erich, specially, is awesome. I love these two so much
It also kinda lacks a plot? Other than the relationship development and their story as a family, but again, I have no idea how they will develop this.
Also, pet peeve? Why do they keep using Oppa instead of translating it properly as brother? I get honorifics and stuff, but it's so annoying.
I give it a 6/10. Good characters and good relationships outside of the bloody incest thing, and it's a good enough way to pass the time.
There are two more that I've read, buut it's like 4am and I'm sleepy as all hell, so I'll just add it in a reblog or attached post later, and I plan on doing this for other future manhwas as well.
Do you have any recommendations or comments or just wanna talk about any of these manhwas? Hit me up!
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otomelavenderhaze · 3 years
5 romantic manhwas to read
There’s been this trend for some time now about isekai/ressurection/non-modern!au of manhwas and I’ve been reading a lot of them more and more, in the past I’ve speak about how I liked The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass and Seduce the Villain’s Father, but I’ve seen new ones poppin’ around so I wanted to update my indications with more five that I never spoke about it my blog. 
I hope y’all feel like giving them a try! 
Under The Oak Tree (상수리나무 아래)
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Author(s): Kim Soo-Ji/김수지
Status: Ongoing
Summary: The daughter of a duke, the stuttering Maximilian, married a knight of lowly status at her father’s coercion. After their first night, her husband departed for an expedition without another word. He comes back three years later, this time as a famous knight in the whole continent. How would Maximilian face him on his return? “The more I think of you, the more lonely and lonely I become. I don’t know why I can’t quit even though it’s so painful.”
This one is a more in a mature side, there’s a lot of gore, heavy themed and some more (cough) spicy spicy scenes.
I’ve been following this one for a while now and I wasn’t sure about this one in the start, because Maxi suffers of severe anxiety, traumas and a very deep and constant vulnerability, but my problem with her actually was... is she going to rely on Riftan, the male lead, for absolutely everything? And I’m still not sure if she will, but I have reasons to believe that she’s more than what she shows to us in the start (trying not to spoiler). 
I like how Riftan is the voice of the reason but he’s not mature or flawless, he has some work to do in himself too, which put them both in a more balanced relationship. I also like how solft the scenes gets when they’re together, and it gets softer and softer with the progressing of it, despite how medieval and rough around the edges it gets sometimes.
I Don’t Love You Anymore (더 이상 사랑하지 않는다)
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Author(s): 수수, 연재중
Status: Ongoing
Summary: To Niveah, the world seemed like an eternal winter. Her parents and maids had given her the cold shoulder ever since she was a baby. Niveah was engaged as part of a pre-natal agreement between her father and her fiance’s father. Her fiance was a Wistash. Duke Valor Wistash. As in the prelude to every tragedy, it all began with a damned love. “Love has its moments. You missed them all, and now I don’t love you anymore.” Niveah said to her fiance who had never once looked at her for the past decade, then left the Empire for the neighbouring country where she was welcomed with open arms. After meeting Arendt, Niveah’s winter began to overflow… into spring as the snow began to melt.
I started this one kinda skeptical of Niveah’s resolution on changing her life just because she wanted to, because I was so used with some complex reason behind it, like most of those manhwas do. But no, she really told herself “Valor is an asshole and I’m TIRED longing for his love, I want to leave and have someone that actually will be at my side no matter what, I’m done living like this” and that’s actually a pretty amazing reason by itself to go ahead and change.
And she sticks to it so well, with so much dignity and self awareness, with no magic involved, without knowing the future, just with the hope that things will change and she can live a better life... that this manhwa won me over pretty quickly. And she didn’t aimed low kkkkk she aimed for the handsome emperor of another country!! Damn gal! It also helps that the actual male lead is so sweet and caring about her, and I love how he shows it acting more than with words too. This one is really healing but also really mature and self-aware. 
I'm Just A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is So Cute! 
(계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워)
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Author(s): Yir
Status: Ongoing
Summary: I managed to get myself thrown into a story as a stepmother so jealous of her daughter that she tried to kill the girl with a poisoned apple. I’d love it if I could shower my cute and lovely Blanche with all sorts of affection, but– “Hilarious. Since when did you like Blanche so much?” This god-damned husband keeps getting in my way! “I am Blanche’s parent as well. I demand an apology for being so suspicious of me.”
This one is a isekai/second-life-experience and on top of that a very cute alternative version to the Snow White story. Right off the bat I need to say that we start strongly desliking Sabelian, the male lead, but it’s “very pleasent” surprise realize that he has very valid reasons to be the way that he is, like, actual very serious and valid reasons (I have been keep up with the light novel, but the manhwa didn’t react this part just yet, so y’all hold on kkkk trust me).
As for Abigail, the female lead, she got a very fun personality, in which she kinda enjoys being born a villainess, despite changing completely the way she treats the people around her, especially around Blanche. I love how she stays true to herself but still knows when use the tools she got to do what must to be done, according to the moral compass of a person who lived in a modern society and revived in a more "traditional" society. 
It’s very much a slow burn romance, but It isn’t an almost-not-moving romance. We see them changing, learning and yearning mutual respect and trust in a very logic and engaging way. It’s very heart-warming watch those three characters slowly become a family, very sweet see Sabelian and Blance opening up to Abigail and I’m very curious to where they will be going with this story.
I Became The Hero’s Mom (남주의 엄마가 되어버렸다)
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Author(s): Go Eun Chae, 엉쓰
Status: Ongoing
Summary: I’d been stanning the hero for 3 years when I was suddenly caught red-handed by his tyrannical doting father, Duke Hades Louvremont.
“Ceaseless pursuit, expensive gifts, and now you’ve come alone all this way up north with no regard for your life…”
“I’m sorry. I have no excuse.”
“Alright, I’ve lost. Your devotion is undeniable.”
“...You think so too? Even I admit that this is the pinnacle of devotion.”
“Many women have pursued me, but none as persistently as you. I stand amazed. Let’s hold it, then. Our marriage. As soon as possible."
I’m personally obsessed with that one.
The story is pretty simple. The female lead is from anther world, she died, then reborn on a super minor character from her favorite novel, that is barely mentioned, so she decides that she will help her favorite character from that novel, that is the little boy, son of the male lead. The male lead finds out that she’s the one sending gifts for his son, HOWEVER, he thinks that she’s in love with him (the male lead) and that’s why she sent the gifts. 
She gets so stunned by his conclusions that she barely finds in herself to deny his proposal to marry him, then she realizes that if she marries him, she can help even further her favorite character, so, naturally, she agrees kkkkkkkk. Which is so nuts and damn simple minded that I can’t even. She have a very platonic-motherly love towards her favorite character, because she loves him in the ship that she has kkkkkk (cough, relatable).
And the surprise is the feelings she might catch for his father, that is one of the few male leads that actually make me smile. It’s so rare we get actually non-serious and actually funny male leads. The fact that he’s so full of himself sometimes to the point of being silly is very refreshing. Her reactions are also very refreshing to them. But it’s very endering see them getting closer through hardships and their routine together, they all have a very cute side that I can’t get enough sometimes. 
I Will Make an Effort to Change the Genre 
(장르를 바꿔보도록 하겠습니다)
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Author(s): Ken
Status: Ongoing
Summary: I entered the world of my favorite novel and genre through someone else’s body. Of course, out of all the characters, I just had to enter the body of the protagonist’s aunt, the woman who abused her nephew, the selfish villainess. According to the original storyline, in any case, my nephew was expected to leave my side soon. Compassion for him grew, so I put my most sincere effort into tending for him until the day we parted- “I realize it is rude in asking since you have been taking care of Luca until now, but may I take Luca to Winterwald with me?” There’s no way that won’t happen! I mean, I suppose I could’ve rushed to send him off and then live comfortably, but unexpectedly, my nephew wrapped his arms around my waist and shouted. “M-mom!” How did I become his mom all of a sudden?
I don’t wanna spoil things for you guys, but nothing in this manhwa is what it looks like that is.
You guys don’t need to questionate the romance aspect of this one, but the rest? Don’t trust in first impressions. Trust me. But I guess this one is still in a more softie side, despite the little action and danger going around. There’s also a lot of cute moments when the characters can flash out their relations and charisma. 
The huge attraction of this one is the mystery, how this looks and reads so cute sometimes and in the next chapter there’s something crazy going on, there’s questions about what’s going to happen. It’s not super overused, but there’s certainly some unsureness about how they’re going to deal with certain conflicts. 
I’m still not 100% sold on the male lead yet, but I love his exchanges with the female lead, I love how messy he is about his own feelings, and I kinda like how she is convinced that he hates marriage kkkkk so she thinks that he will never fall in love for anyone ever. For her this is the only thing in the story that she read that would never change, when absolutely everything she has experienced in history so far has changed kkkkk. But I guess she don’t want to get her hopes up. 
Anyway, this one is a good one to keep up with too, so with that I finish my little list! I hope that if some of you have read this, then went read those manhwas, let me know if you liked them! 
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otomeisekainovels · 5 years
I’m Only a Stepmother, but My Daughter is Just so Cute!
계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워
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NU | B-UM | OIU | OIC | OG
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mangafeeds · 4 years
I'm Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is Just So Cute!.
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Alternative : Gyemo-inde Ddal-i Neomu Gwiyeowo ; 계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워
I'm Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is Just So Cute! summary: An alternate retelling of Snow White with a reincarnated Stepmother… I managed to get myself thrown into a story as a stepmother so jealous of her daughter that she tried to kill the girl with a poisoned apple. I’d love it if I could shower my cute and lovely Blanche with all sorts of affection, but– “Hilarious. Since when did you like Blanche so much?” This god-damned husband keeps getting in my way! “I am Blanche’s parent as well. I demand an apology for being so suspicious of me.” “And if I don’t?” “I’ll visit your bedroom tonight, your majesty.” “…..” “I even managed to get some really sexy panties just for you.” With a big smile on my face, I struck him with a critical hit. “I could show it to you right now if you’d like?” The look on his face was truly something to behold. I lifted my chin, and looked down on him victoriously. [hr][i]Note: This is a oneshot promotional webtoon for novel.[/i] #MangaFeeds.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline MangaFeeds.Com: Read manga online the latest manga comic book, updated daily: https://mangafeeds.com/post/i-m-only-a-stepmother-but-my-daughter-is-just-so-cute_1588872462
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lydianovelworld · 5 years
Sono una Matrigna, ma mia figlia è troppo carina!
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NOME: 계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워 Gyemo-inde Ddal-i Neomu Gwiyeowo
La versione rivisitata della favola di Biancaneve con una Matrigna reincarnata…
Sono finita in una storia dove la matrigna è così gelosa di sua figlia da cercare di ucciderla con una mela avvelenata.
Sarei così felice se potessi riempire la mia dolce e amorevole Blanche con ogni tipo di attenzione, ma-
“Divertente. Da quand’è che ti piace Blanche?”
Questo dannato marito non si leva dai piedi!
“Anche io sono un genitore di Blanche. Esigo delle scuse per essere così sospetto nei mei confronti.”
“E se non lo facessi?”
“Farò visita nella vostra camera da letto stanotte, vostra altezza.”
“Sono riuscita anche a trovare della biancheria molto sexy per voi.”
Con un grosso sorriso sul mio volto, lo colpisco con un critical hit.
“Ve lo potrei mostrare anche adesso se volete?”
L’espressione sul suo viso era veramente qualcosa di divertente.
Alzai il mento, e lo guardai dall’alto vittoriosamente.
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
I'm Only A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just So Cute!.
Alternative: Gyemo-inde Ddal-i Neomu Gwiyeowo ; 계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워
Description : An alternate retelling of Snow White with a reincarnated Stepmother… I managed to get myself thrown into a story as a stepmother so jealous of her daughter that she tried to kill the girl with a poisoned apple. I’d love it if I could shower my cute and lovely Blanche with all sorts of affection, but– “Hilarious. Since when did you like Blanche so much?” This god-damned husband keeps getting in my way! “I am Blanche’s parent as well. I demand an apology for being so suspicious of me.” “And if I don’t?” “I’ll visit your bedroom tonight, your majesty.” “…..” “I even managed to get some really sexy panties just for you.” With a big smile on my face, I struck him with a critical hit. “I could show it to you right now if you’d like?” The look on his face was truly something to behold. I lifted my chin, and looked down on him victoriously. [hr][i]Note: This is a oneshot promotional webtoon for novel.[/i] #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/i-m-only-a-stepmother-but-my-daughter-is-just-so-cute_1588872129.html
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animesiconbr · 3 years
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I'm Only A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just So Cute!
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