『長靴をはいた猫』(シャルル・ペロー著/澁澤龍彦訳/河出文庫/Kindle版) 『台湾漫遊鉄道のふたり』(楊双子著/三浦裕子訳/装画:Naffy/装幀:田中久子/中央公論新社/Kindle版) 『聊斎志異(上下巻)』(蒲松齢作/立間祥介編訳/岩波文庫) 『灯台守の話』(ジャネット・ウィンターソン著/岸本佐知子訳/装幀:吉田浩美、吉田篤弘〔クラフト・エヴィング商會〕/白水社) 『新版 小さなトロールと大きな洪水』(ヤンソン著/冨原眞弓訳/さし絵・カバー装画:ヤンソン/講談社文庫/Kindle版) 『象の旅』(ジョゼ・サラマーゴ著/木下眞穂訳/書肆侃侃房/Kindle版) 『リリアンと燃える双子の終わらない夏』(ケヴィン・ウィルソン著/芹澤恵訳/イラストレーション:中島ミドリ/ブックデザイン:アルビレオ/集英社) 『透明人間』(ハーバート・ジョージ ウェルズ、著/海野十三訳/青空文庫/Kindle版) 『世界の終わりの天文台』(リリー・ブルックス=ダルトン著/佐田千織訳/創元SF文庫/Kindle版) 『去年を待ちながら 新訳版』(フィリップ・Kディック著/山形浩生訳/カバーデザイン:土井宏明/ハヤカワ文庫SF/Kindle版) 『ザップガン』(フィリップ・K・ディック著/大森望訳/扉デザイン:土井宏明/ハヤカワ文庫SF/Kindle版) 『パーマー・エルドリッチの三つの聖痕』(フィリップ・K・ディック著/浅倉久志訳/早川書房) 『火星のタイム・スリップ』(フィリップ・K・ディック著/小尾芙佐訳/扉デザイン:土井宏明/ハヤカワ文庫SF/Kindle版) 『マーダーボット・ダイアリー 上下』(マーサ・ウェルズ著/中原尚哉訳/カバーイラスト:安倍吉俊/東京創元社/創元SF文庫/Kindle版) 『珈琲と煙草』(フェルディナント・フォン・シーラッハ著/酒寄進一訳/東京創元社/Kindle版) 『シャーロック・ホームズ シリーズ全10巻 合本版』(コナン・ドイル著/延原謙訳解説/新潮文庫/Kindle版) 『イラハイ』(佐藤哲也著/佐藤亜紀発行/Kindle版) 『シンドローム』(佐藤哲也著/森見登美彦解説/カバー装画:西村ツチカ/カバーデザイン:祖父江慎+コズフィッシュ/キノブックス文庫) 『俺の自叙伝』(大泉黒石著/四方田犬彦解説/岩波文庫) 『ブサとジェジェ』(嶽本野ばら著/『三田文學 153 春季号 2023』掲載作品) 『珈琲挽き』(小沼丹著/清水良典解説/年譜・著書目録:中村明/講談社文芸文庫) 『不機嫌な姫とブルックナー団』(高原英理著/講談社/Kindle版) 『祝福』(高原英理著/装幀:水戸部功/帯文:渡辺祐真/河出書房新社) 『若芽』(島田清次郎著/青空文庫Kindle版) 『交尾』(梶井基次郎著/青空文庫/Kindle版) 『のんきな患者』(梶井基次郎著/青空文庫/Kindle版) 『城のある町にて』(梶井基次郎著/青空文庫/Kindle版) 『風立ちぬ』(堀辰雄著/青空文庫/Kindle版) 『自分の羽根』(庄野潤三著/講談社文芸文庫/Kindle版) 『幾度目かの最期 久坂葉子作品集』(久坂葉子著/久坂部羊解説/年譜・著書目録:久米勲/デザイン:菊地信義/講談社文芸文庫) 『現代語訳 南総里見八犬伝 上下巻』(曲亭馬琴著/白井喬二訳/カバーデザイン:渡辺和雄/河出書房新社/Kindle版) 『キッチン』(吉本ばなな著/カバーデザイン:増子由美/幻冬舎文庫/Kindle版) 『かもめ食堂』(群ようこ著/装画:牧野伊三夫/カバーデザイン:井上庸子/幻冬舎文庫/Kindle版) 『ハピネス』(嶽本野ばら著/カバーイラスト:カスヤナガト/カバーデザイン:松田行正/小学館文庫/小学館eBooks/Kindle版) 『猫の木のある庭』(大濱普美子著/金井美恵子解説/装幀:大久保伸子/装画:武田史子/カバーフォーマット:佐々木暁/河出文庫) 『ハンチバック』(市川沙央著/装幀:大久保明子/装画:Title: mohohan Year: 2020 Photo: Ina Jang / Art + Commerce/文藝春秋) 『文豪たちの妙な旅』(徳田秋聲、石川啄木、林芙美子、田山花袋、室生犀星、宇野浩二、堀辰雄、中島敦、萩原朔太郎著/山前譲編/カバーデザイン:坂野公一+吉田友美(welle design)/カバー装画:樋口モエ/カバーフォーマット:佐々木暁/河出文庫) 『作家の仕事部屋』(ジャン=ルイ・ド・ランビュール編/岩崎力訳/読書猿解説/カバーイラスト:Guillaume Reynard/カバーデザイン:細野綾子/中公文庫) 『腿太郎伝説(人呼んで、腿伝)』(深掘骨著/左右社/Kindle版) 『硝子戸の中』(夏目漱石著/石原千秋解説/カバー装画:安野光雅/新潮文庫) 『思い出す事など』(夏目漱石著/青空文庫/Kindle版) 『文鳥』(夏目漱石著/青空文庫/Kindle版) 『ジュリアン・バトラーの真実の生涯』(川本直著/文庫版解説:若島正/ロゴ・表紙デザイン:粟津潔/本文・カバーフォーマット:佐々木暁/カバー装幀:大島依提亜/カバー装画:宇野亞喜良/帯文:魔夜峰央/河出文庫) 『駅前旅館』(井伏鱒二著/解説:池内紀/カバー装画・文字:峰岸達/新潮文庫)『硝子戸の中』(夏目漱石著/カバー:津田青楓装幀「色鳥」より/注解:紅野敏郎/解説:荒正人/新潮文庫) 『村のエトランジェ』(小沼丹著/講談社文芸文庫/Kindle版) 『午後三時にビールを 酒場作品集』(萩原朔太郎、井伏鱒二、大岡昇平、森敦、太宰治、坂口安吾、山之口貘、檀一雄、久世光彦、小沼丹、内田百閒、池波正太郎、吉村昭、開高健、向田邦子、安西水丸、田中小実昌、石川桂郎、寺田博、中上健次、島田雅彦、戌井昭人、吉田健一、野坂昭如、倉橋由美子、松浦寿輝、山高登著/カバー画:山高登「ビヤホール」/カバーデザイン:高林昭太/中央公論新社編/中公文庫/Kindle版) 『対談 日本の文学 素顔の文豪たち』(中央公論新社編/巻末付録:全集『日本の文学』資料/中公文庫) 『40歳だけど大人になりたい』(王谷晶著/デザイン:アルビレオ/平凡社/Kindle版) 『人生ミスっても自殺しないで、旅』(諸隈元著/ブックデザイン:祖父江慎+根本匠(コズフィッシュ)/晶文社) 『ロバのスーコと旅をする』(髙田晃太郎著/装幀:大倉真一郎/地図制作:小野寺美恵/河出書房新社) 『本当の翻訳の話をしよう 増補版』(村上春樹、柴田元幸著/カバー装画:横山雄(BOOTLEG)/新潮文庫) 『書籍修繕という仕事 刻まれた記憶、思い出、物語の守り手として生きる』(ジェヨン著/牧野美加訳/装幀:藤田知子/装画:谷山彩子/原書房)
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kei139-line · 2 years
舞台「COLOR CROW -神緑之翼-」キャラクタービジュアル解禁 2022年10月20日(木)~10月25日(火)、紀伊國屋サザンシアター TAKASHIMAYAにて上演
2022年10月20日(木)~10月25日(火)、紀伊國屋サザンシアター TAKASHIMAYAにて上演する舞台「COLOR CROW -神緑之翼-(しんりょくのつばさ)」のキャラクタービジュアルを解禁いたしました。 今回解禁となったキャラクタービジュアルは既存キャスト8名に加え、新キャスト3名のビジュアルも解禁に。 今作からの参加となる山田ジェームス武・五十嵐啓輔はクロウ達が所属する国家特別防衛課(トクボウ)と敵対する、東亜共和国連邦(東連)の国防軍諜報師団「SPIX」(スピックス)のメンバー、遊馬晃祐はCOLOR CROWの候補生を演じます。新たなメンバーを迎え上演する「COLOR CROW -神緑之翼-」を是非お楽しみに。 「COLOR…
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leenaevilin · 2 years
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[Update] 冤罪執行遊戯ユルキル the stage (enzai shikkou yuugi yuru kill the stage)
cast update under the cut^^
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Ino Hiroki as Shunju Sengoku (春秋千石)
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Takayanagi Akane as Azami Rina (莇リナ)
Matsumoto Koudai as Yamada Fuuta (山田風太)
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Nozawa Yuuki as Yamada Raita (山田雷太)
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Ichikawa Miori as Ichirin Hanaka (一凛花華)
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Oochi Yousuke as Oka Keiichi (岡恵一)
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Noguchi Jun as Omuro Gentoku (御室玄徳)
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Oda Nana as Akegarasu Izane (明烏イザネ)
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Oda Nana as Kagutsuchi Kagura (嗅土かぐら)
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Asuma Kousuke as Akechi Allan Poe (明智アランポ)
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Suzuki Fumina as Kobayashi Kristina (小林クリスチーナ)
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Sena as Binko (びん子)
homepage twitter natalie
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315-no-stage · 3 years
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2015 vs 2021.
The only OG cast member to see it all the way through.
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asuma-kousuke-pics · 4 years
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Asuma Kousuke 17live Live Stream 7th March
Very fun stream, Kousuke was in a very happy and bouncy mood!
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casisonabender · 6 years
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お誕生日おめでとうございます,  遊馬晃祐さん!! (October 20th) Your Oikawa-san always blesses my day  ♡(˘⌣˘ )
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tsukkinode · 6 years
Cosmania 2018: Ino Hiroki and Asuma Kousuke Fan Meet Report
Hello! I’m back with a new fan report, and it’s from the recent Cosmania 2018 in the Philippines where Hiroki and Kousuke came as special guests! It was a pretty fun and wild(?) fan meeting, so I hope you enjoy my report!
Note: I know that a lot of fan reports have emerged from Twitter, but I would appreciate it if you would link back to this post if you ever decide to share any parts from this post. This is ging to be as detailed as possible esp the talk part. Thank you!
I also have a Ko-fi account, so if you ever want to give me some coffee, I’ll be grateful!
The MC introduced both of them with their respectful 2.5D roles, and the screams were really loud without them appearing yet. They entered from the center of the stage, as the backdrop display splits into two. Hiroki is wearing a dark navy suit with a black shirt underneath, while Kousuke is wearing a light brown suit with a white shirt underneath. They both look so handsome in person! We were lucky to be seated on the fourth row near the stage!
Hiroki and Kousuke greeted the fans to the front! Hiroki greeted everyone in English along with a “Mabuhay!” Kousuke mentioned how he’s finally in the Philippines. (Fun fact: I got a Hiroki calendar from a friend, and the friend with me used it as a signage. We decided to use the July page bc it’s a very sexy one. Hiroki couldn’t help but laugh to himself bc there were at least 3 Hiroki calendars in those pages waving at him lol I love my friends. He was looking at us when he laughed, it’s so precious XD)
The first part is a talk event where the MC asks questions, and they basically have to answer them. (Stylistic note: Anything that’s italicized is spoken in English.)
Q: How did you start as an actor?
Hiroki: Oh. Alright, I’m gonna start talking (Fans started screaming when he started talking in English, and he said that we’ll probably like it if he does speak in English)... So, when I was 15, I worked in Harajuku and I was scouted by a manager. But at first, I was not interested in being an actor... Oh, sorry! Okay, in Japanese!
Everyone was laughing because he really did his best but he gave up midway. He wanted to probably answer it properly.
Hiroki: In my very first stage play, during the curtain call, I could properly see everyone’s face. From then on, that’s when I started getting interested in acting so I decided to become an actor.
When it was Kousuke’s turn and he started talking, fans were so loud. He really has a lot of fans here in the Philippines.
Kousuke: As for me, I was introduced into the entertainment scene by my friend.
MC: I think it’s fate that they have met several people into becoming actors, and now they’re here with us!
Hiroki: Right! That’s it!
(Please stop Hiroki, he’s too cool and funny in this panel.)
Q: We understand acting is not easy. What are the challenges you faced as an actor?
Hiroki: It actually varies on the characters you get as an actor like you could be required to know sword fighting. And there, we actually have to study those skills.
Kousuke: For me... Well, as I’ve been into different 2.5D production, with every single character that differs, you have to keep studying the (original) work and so every day there’s a challenge you face. But right now! It’s (the character) Jollibee.
Right after he mentioned Jollibee, everybody just lost it. I did too because that’s too extra of him to say tbh.
Hiroki: Do you want to try (acting it)?
Kousuke: Jollibee?
HIS FACE WHEN HIROKI SUGGESTED THAT. Seriously, Hiroki is so good with this adlib thing, Kousuke looked like he wasn’t prepared for it. But anyway, Kousuke went in front to try doing Jollibee. What he did is he’s like doing this holding a tray thing and serving it in a cute way. XD
MC: Is that Jollibee?
Fans were screaming, “Noooo!” and were disagreeing.
Hiroki: Where’s Jollibee? XD
Kousuke turned to Hiroki while laughing bc he got so shy and embarrassed. Suddenly, the fans were asking for Hiroki’s turn to show his Jollibee. Fan went, “Hiroki! Hiroki!” along with Kousuke. So when Hiroki went in front, he just did this cute pose and went, “This is! Jollibee Spaghetti!” And the whole audience went wild and cheering for him!
Hiroki: Is this Jollibee? (The fans said yes!)
Hiroki, looking/pointing at Kousuke: I’m Jollibee, you’re not. XD
Kousuke looked so dejected though. Both of them are so cute in that segment.
Q: Which character you portrayed is your favorite?
Hiroki: I know you want to, you want, ehh... (He gets flustered here bc of his pause and the fans were just cheering him on XD) Okay, okay! What you want to is... Koushi Sugawara? (Fans: Yesssss!) I know, I know. But the question is difficult for me because it’s like, “Hey, who’s your favorite, your mother or father?” So yeah, it’s hard because I can’t choose.
(My friend and I were like, “Awww that’s so sweet” lol)
MC: Everyone is your favorite.
Hiroki: Yeah! Hmm yeah!
(This is just me, but it’s weird for the MC to ask the audience if we accept that... Of course, we do lol what are you saying)
Kousuke: Uhm, well... it’s Haikyuu’s Oikawa Tooru.
The fans just went screaming (seriously though, Oikawa’s a fan favorite, and a lot of PH fans became his fans bc of Oikawa). The MC asked if we can hear his “Yaho!”
Kousuke went to the front and went, “Yaho, Tobio-chan!” The screams were louder than usual, and then some started chanting, “Iwa-chan!” Kousuke didn’t understand it at first, until Hiroki told him (without the mic) to say Iwa-chan too. And so he did that too!
Q: What was your happiest moment as an actor?
Hiroki: It makes me the happiest when I get to see everyone laughing or crying because of stage plays. (Hiroki does these crying motions too, and he was just so adorable).
Kousuke: Well, I feel just the same as Hiroki, but also from getting into Haisute, I get to be in different amazing stage plays. And the fact that I am here in the Philippines. How do you say this... I’m very grateful for everything.
Q: What advice do you have for people aiming to be an actor?
Hiroki: So... Actors cannot be alone. You’re here, and we’re here.
Tbh, I got what he meant by this. He said this in English and I went, “Awwww. Holy crap, I want to cry.” Hiroki said it in Japanese to his interpreter which she basically said the same thing, “If not for you, they won’t be here.” With an addition of “Never forget that feeling of gratitude towards your fans.”
Kousuke: For me... Well, I know everyone’s aiming for it, but we won’t know when we would be debuting exactly. Until then, I think it’s important that we keep studying and improving ourselves so we can be much more prepared for it. That’s what I want to share.
From here, questions are asked from the audience.
Q: What future roles would you want to be in?
Hiroki: I wanna be a prime minister! President! Or Spider-Man!
Kousuke: I’ve said this earlier, but it’s Jollibee! A 2.5D version of Jollibee!
Good heavens, you don’t know how much we laughed at this part bc it ended up as Hiroki and Kosuke arguing about Jollibee. XD
Hiroki: Hey, you said Jollibee is me?!
Kousuke: I’m gonna steal it from you!
Q: For Asuma-san, have you every adlibed on stage? If so, how did you execute it?
Kousuke: Adlib... a little. I’m bad at it.
The audience went silent, and Kousuke got so confused with the reaction, so he went, “Eh? Eh??” Hiroki saved him by saying, “They’re saying ‘ooooh’”
Kousuke: Well, so not to forget my character’s lines, I always make sure to really study them very well so I can tell them properly.
Q: For Ino-san, out of all the characters you have portrayed, whom do you relate the most, and why?
Hiroki: Uhm, Koushi Sugawara. He’s the most normal human out of all the characters I’ve played, which is like me who’s pretty much normal and doesn’t want the kouhais to steal the position from me. I think that’s how much I relate to him.
Q: What is your reaction when you were invited for an overseas event for the first time?
Hiroki: Yesterday, I was really nervous because this is my first time to be with you. But now! I am so excited to see you! Thanks to you!
Kousuke: Uhm... I was really worried that there wouldn’t be a lot of people who would come, but now, if we could make each and every one of you even a little bit happier, then... Until the end, let’s have fun with what we have today!
Second half is more of the fun stuff! The first challenge is making them speak Tagalog. Sentences were flashed on the screen and they basically have to pronounce them.
The first one is “Ako si __. Ako ay ipinaganak sa __. (I am __. I was born in __.)”
MC: Can you do it, Hiroki-san?
Hiroki: Of course!
Hiroki was actually good in pronouncing words so he was able to speak the sentences well.
Hiroki: Ako ay si... Hiroki! Ako ay ipinanganak sa... Japan! (Fans were cheering him on!) Masarap... Jolly Spaghetti!
He also asked if it was good, so the fans were satisfied and gave him an okay sign. Kousuke went up next.
Kousuke: Ako ey si... Kousuke Asuma. Ako ey pen? pen?... (Fans were teaching him by this time, shouting “ipinanganak/pinanganak) pinanganak! Sa... Japanese!
Kousuke was so cute, but because of that little mistake, fans were giving him an NG sign and telling him to try it again. He also cannot pronounce ‘ipinanganak’ well so he fumbles his words too. He did it again and he said that he was born in ‘Japanese’ until Hiroki taught him the proper word and said that Japanese is a person, Japan is the place. When Kousuke did it again, he said, “Ako ay si Kosuuke Asuma. Ako ay pinanganak sa... in Gifu!”
Second sentence is “Ang paborito kong pagkain Pinoy ay __ (My favorite Filipino food is __).” A lot of fans are actually chanting Jollibee here, but I kinda shouted adobo lol
Hiroki: Alright. Paborito kong... pagkaing Pinoy ay... adobo!... Perfect?
When it was Kousuke’s turn, I had to cheer him with ganbare!
Kousuke: Paborito kong... pegkein? Pagkain? Pinoy? Pinyoy? ay... Philippine meat! Philippine meat... Chicken, chicken.
The fans were not so convinced so he went, “I like lapu-lapu!” Which is a kind of fish in the Philippines.
The last sentence is, “Mahal ko kayo” and omg the fans were losing it lol.
Hiroki went to start, and he turned his back to us. He started this countdown, 3, 2, 1, then he went to turn to us and say, “Mahal ko kayo” in quite a sexy voice lol
Kousuke also did the same, and his countdown is in Japanese, san, ni, ichi. AND GAHD KOUSUKE WAS SO SOFT but his voice is deeper. It was so good! Both of them were so good! Thank you for the food lol
The next challenge is an improvisation game/acting challenge. They have to pick a noun they have to portray and an adjective to describe their character. Now, this is also a contest so there would be voting at the end of the challenge. The loser would have to dance. I told my friend that I hope Hiroki loses so he would have to dance.
For the first round, Hiroki picked up a cheerful gay person (it’s actually okama, but it doesn’t have a good connatation imo) while Kousuke picked up a dog that is surprised easily. Hiroki actually laughed when he first picked his paper. Funny thing is when Kousuke picked up ‘dog’, he went back to the bowl to try to change it, but he was stopped. 
They have to act together too, and all I can say is... Hiroki went too all out XD Kousuke was on all-fours because he was a dog, while Hiroki started as “Oh no. It’s so hot!” And he suddenly screamed and ran after dog!Kousuke! Hiroki went, “Come on, dog!! Come on!” There was a part that he was grabbing dog!Kousuke by the pants lmao just to call him towards him. 
Kousuke looked so scared of how gay!Hiroki was acting obviously. He was doing this gesture with his hands in front of him to make gay!Hiroki calm down too (he’s being too friendly with this dog lmao). 
Gay!Hiroki kept trying to get dog!Kousuke’s attention and asked for his name, to which Kousuke answered, “Jollibee” lmao. Dog!Kousuke kept walking around the stage (in all-four), but Hiroki kept grabbing him (by his leg/feet). And then Hiroki called him while bringing a bottled water, “Do you want this?” Kousuke is just looking at him even though he’s scared.
Hiroki: Do you want this from my mouth?
istg I think the venue went a bit hotter during this segment. Kousuke couldn’t understand him tbh, so Hiroki told him in Japanese, and KOUSUKE’S SHOCKED FACE LMAO. So they continued with the segment, with Kousuke saying he’ll drink it. HAHA Even Hiroki didn’t expect that hah.
They were actually sitting on the floor, the bottled water placed in between them, and Hiroki suddenly went, “Do it yourself! Do it yourself!” and shoved it to Kousuke XD And then Kousuke walked away looking sad HAHAHA PLEASE STOP THIS.
Hiroki: Oh, sorry, sorry, my puppy! Puppy!
Kousuke went back to him, and then Hiroki asked him to stand up (tbh whyyyy). Kousuke did, and they were just looking at each other’s eyes, and suddenly Kousuke fell to his knees, and GOOD HEAVENS THE POSITION THEY WERE IN. Kousuke looked up to Hiroki and just akslgalkgjalkg. And then Hiroki put his hand on Kousuke’s shoulder and went, “Finished!”
Note that there were two screens on the side of the stage so we can see their faces close up. And istg it was that good, just from seeing Kousuke’s face lmao. From our seat, we can vividly see their faces, but thanks to the screen, we can see their expressions bigger lmao
Voting was done and the screams were just so loud for both of them. It was decided that they would do one more. They will have to pick another character, but there will be a change.
Hiroki: I picked a dog! Well it’s okay because I like dogs.
Kousuke: I got a drunk! (and he acted this for a bit lmao)
The setting would be in a school.
Kousuke: Going drunk in school is bad though!
Which is true lmao, but they have to act in this setting. Hiroki was also in all-four but he’s towards the back of the stage, while Kousuke was in front. And then Kousuke went moving around the stage, he even went down towards the left side almost near the audience, looking for “San Miguel”
When he went back to the stage, he saw dog!Hiroki and asked for San Miguel. “San Miguel please? San Miguel!”
Hiroki: What!? San Miguel?
Kousuke: San Miguel. Uh.. San Miguel, San Miguel! (does a drinking motion lmao)
Hiroki: What you saying?!... Hey, don’t touch the puppy! What are you talking about? DON’T TOUCH ME! Don’t touch the puppy! You don’t touch the puppy! Holy shit!
Kousuke was actually touching Hiroki the entire time on his back lmao. So when Hiroki said not to touch him, he was trying to walk away (in all-fours) but he was so cute being grumpy like that lmao 
Kousuke: I... I don’t speak in English a little. Okay? Koko (here)
Hiroki: Annyeong.
Kousuke: Japanese.
Hiroki: Ni hao.
Kousuke: Japanese. I speak Japanese.
Hiroki: You speak Japanese... Ohhh. Annyeong.
Kousuke seemed to give up because Hiroki won’t speak to him in Japanese, so he kept looking for San Miguel. They have a table full of bottled water and Kousuke acted as if he found beer (San Miguel), and then he brought one to Hiroki. 
Hiroki was so cute because he was just sitting there and just being such a diva puppy tbh. XD And then he put the bottled water on the floor, and then he just drank from the straw. 
Hiroki: I’m a dog.
Kousuke: Dog?
Hiroki: No, a puppy. That is so cutie puppy!
Kousuke: Want to drink? Want to drink?
Hiroki: I want to drink.
And then Kousuke took the bottle and he drank from it. Of course everyone exclaimed and just lost it (bc indirect kiss lol)
Kousuke: Oh this is water! Water! No San Miguel, water!
Kousuke: Puppy’s?
Hiroki: Yeah!
Kousuke: Oh, sorry. Sorry... I didn’t know. My house? You want to come my house?
Hiroki: Your house is big?
Kousuke couldn’t understand it, so Hiroki repeated if his bag is big XD
Kousuke: Oh! Big! Yes, big!
Hiroki: Ooooh okay, I go your house!
And that’s when they end the skit. LOL. Of course, there’s also the voting. Voting started with Hiroki, and he was like “More!!” When voting started for Kousuke, Hiroki went, “booo!” In the end, Hiroki won, and Kousuke like, “No, no!!”
The punishment is dancing to MOMOLAND’S Boom Boom because it’s trending here in the Philippines. They showed the video on the screen and Kousuke was trying to follow it. He was so cute as he tried to do it. Hiroki was actually dancing along with it. Kousuke was so unprepared because they only showed the video once, and he had to dance to it already.
In the end, Hiroki also danced to it together with Kousuke. We even danced with them too. It was so nice! So it ended up as the audience are their teachers while dancing haha. Also there was this part that Hiroki is doing the Gangnam Style dance steps instead haha.
After that, we took a photo together! After the official photographer, Hiroki asked to take one from his phone too (he actually brought it with him on stage haha).
And then onto the last messages:
Hiroki: Thank you for coming today. It’s my very first time to come here so... How do you say it. I was really nervous. Just like what Kousuke said earlier, I worried if people would come. For the sake of people who came and those who have fun, I will keep doing my best as an actor. I love you all.
Kousuke: Thank you to everyone who came here today. When I get home, we’ll start with Haikyuu, so I’ll be doing my best for that. Also, with everyone’s continuous support, maybe we can return to the Philippines.... I will come back Philippines!
Hiroki: Which you like... Me and Jolly Pasta? I mean Jolly Spaghetti?
At this part, he has acctually looking at our side, and because I was motioning that I like him more than Jollibee, he saw me and went, “Me?”
I thought his question was like that, until Kousuke reacted with, “No! Me Jollibee!” And both of them were just a laughing mess.
Before they actually went off the stage, they actually went down towards the audience so we were able to see them closer! Hiroki touched some fans from the other side haha. But aah, they were really handsome and funny! Such nice people too!
I was able to meet and talk to Kousuke too because of the high touch event!  He was so fun to talk to, and he got excited when I told him I will see him again for Haisute~ He also remembered me talking to him on his very first even in 2016. My request of telling him to go to the Philippines because he has a lot of fans here has come true. That time, he told he that he wants to. ;A; (Yep, I lined up more than once for the high touch event, thanks to some people! You know who you are! <3 No regrets lining up for 3 hours for the goods and getting so hungry just before the talk panel.)
I hope you enjoy this fan report! I tried to be as detailed as possible, so please direct people here instead of lifting/reposting them. 
Again, my ko-fi account is also open for coffee donations! Thank you! 
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leawesomesloth · 6 years
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I wanted to post this on Kousuke's birthday but it will probably get lost in the hordes of birthday messages so I was advised to post this now. So here's Asuma Kousuke as Oikawa Tooru!
Derwent Coloursoft on black paper.
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[Video] 舞台「BRAVE10~昇焉~」 (butai brave10 ~shouen~)
the DVD will be released on February 10th, 2021☆ ☆ ☆
☆ DVD         ♪ Amazon   ☆ DVD         ♪ CD Japan
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viiolawonder · 7 years
Hyper Projection Engeki 「Haikyuu!!」 Karasuno Revival!: Aoba Johsai cast's Speech (Eng Sub) Finally I get to sub my favourite OTP of all time~   I love them so much o(^∀^*)o and Allen-san you are speaking tooo fast!! *sigh* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much silvery_flameさん at LJ for the video and thank you to other people, who help me listening to the video 本当にありがたいです!
*Please do NOT re-upload this elsewhere, especially on Facebook.*(´;ω;`)
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yukiena-blog · 7 years
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Update! I have put some color on my drawings. 😋 Sorry for the bad quality… I will take better pictures when the sun will there! #drawing #yoshimotokouki #sugakenta #kondoushouri #takatonagata #asumakosuke #allenkohatsu #yuukikousei #justintomimori #遊馬晃祐 #吉本恒生 #須賀健太 #小波津亜廉 #冨森ジャスティン #永田崇人 #近藤頌利 #結木滉星
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leenaevilin · 2 years
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[Announcement] 冤罪執行遊戯ユルキル the stage (enzai shikkou yuugi yuru kill the stage)
the show will be running from April 23rd, 2022 to May 1st, 2022 (Tokyo) @ ニッショーホール (Nissho Hall)
Ino Hiroki as Shunju Sengoku (春秋千石) Takayanagi Akane as Azami Rina (莇リナ) Matsumoto Koudai as Yamada Fuuta (山田風太) Nozawa Yuuki as Yamada Raita (山田雷太) Ichikawa Miori as Ichirin Hanaka (一凛花華) Oochi Yousuke as Oka Keiichi (岡恵一) Noguchi Jun as Omuro Gentoku (御室玄徳) Oda Nana as Akegarasu Izane (明烏イザネ) Oda Nana as Kagutsuchi Kagura (嗅土かぐら) Asuma Kousuke as Akechi Allan Poe (明智アランポ) ??? as Kobayashi Kristina (小林クリスチーナ) Sena as Binko (びん子)
homepage twitter natalie
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fran-puccino · 7 years
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How can I not redraw this, my otp and my two favorite biases in the entire universe? hahaha
Source: From Allen’s twitter post
From left to right: Asuma Kousuke (Oikawa’s stage play actor) Allen Kohatsu (Iwaizumi’s stage play actor)
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asuma-kousuke-pics · 4 years
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Asuma Kousuke 17live Live Stream 10th May
Kousuke dyed his hair again!
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kyoyalicious · 7 years
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Asuma Kousuke & Nakamura Yūichi from Sparkle Vol. 30 2017
Please do not repost the pictures! :)
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k3-dom · 7 years
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