xe-company · 1 year
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(  !  ) ... ❝ FASTEN YOUR SEATBELT! HELLO, WE’RE RUSH HOUR! ❞ ... (  !  )
RUSH HOUR is 10-member boy group under XECOMPANY. The group have gone through countless lineup changes with their initial debut as POINT OF VIEW with 8 members under CASSIOPEIA MEDIA on JANUARY 8TH, 2008. The group disbanded in 2015 with the original 8 members having quite a public fall-out between some members after sexual harassment accusations came out against original ex-member CHANHEE. When they first redebuted on MARCH 12TH, 2019 they had 9 members but after their second comeback HANEUL left due to mental health concerns and MINSEOK left the group as he wanted to leave the idol industry and move to focusing on acting. During their third comeback, ROAD TO: OVERTIME, three new members were added to the lineup. 
title song — JUMP START
how many songs — 5
number of members — 9 [originally] ; 10 [currently]
age range of members — 1996 - 2004
concept — boys in the city, carefree, youth
fandom name — RODS [RIDE OR DIES]
official colors — #000000 (Black), #880000 (Dark Red), #48AEA4 (Verdigris), #043927 (Sacramento)
They’re one of few groups who don’t have a set lore or concept with their music. 
Twitter: @/RushHourOfficial
Reality show/idol webseries: PIT STOP  
Spotify: RUSH HOUR
Monthly followers: TBD  Monthly song streamed: TBD  Top 5 streamed songs:  JUMP START JIKJIN BREAKING DAWN BACK DOWN DOOM DU DOOM Where they’re most listening in:  Phoenix, Arizona  Sydney, Australia Seoul, South Korea Los Angeles, California Bangkok, Thailand
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mechaknight-98 · 3 months
A Train to Busan (NSFW) FT Chaehyun
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Author note: So I remember reading a prompt somewhere about 3 Busty Busan Beauties and this was the first that came to mind probably going to make this a mini-series so stay tuned for more. Shoutout to @leafostuff for the idea
Part II
I grab my ticket to ride the train. I loved trains ever since I was a kid and the super train on Lightspeed Rescue flew into the skies I knew I was hooked (iykyk) so I made a point of taking every “famous train” in the world today trip. A train to Busan Korea. As per usual I get weird looks and glares due to my stature and appearance.
I sit down in my seat enthusiastic and ready to begin the ride. As the train fills up the three seats around me are taken by 3 pretty ladies. In front of me was a Pretty blonde who radiated a happy energy that was almost suffocating, diagonal left a pretty brunette with a smile that curved into a half moon, and directly to the left of me was a smaller brunette with a determined look. They all politely greet me and I reciprocate of course. Their names are Jeewon (in front of me), Hayoung (diagonal Left), and Chaehyun (Direct left)
"Nice to meet you all. My name is Dinovaldo, but everyone calls me Dino"
"Dinopaldo?" Hayoung says cutely. I was going to correct her then I remembered my friend who was also Korean complained about how "Complicated my name was." so I nodded and said,
"Yeah, but call me Dino." Hayoung and Jeewon smile. Chaehyun looks at me with a focused and determined look.
"So what brings you to Busan?" Chaehyun asked as the train moved.
"Oh, I like trains and try to ride as many "famous" ones as I can," I replied. the three girls looked at me surprised but didn't say anything else. Chaehyun let out a chuckle and I went back to enjoying the ride.
A little later Chaehyun asked me, "Hey so where are you from Originally?"
"Um...Portland, Oregon. No, you wouldn't know that... The United States." I answer Chaehyun. She nods and chuckles as do Hayoung and Jeewon.
"What about y'all? Where Y'all from?" I ask
"Oh, we're all from Busan," Jeewon answers confidently. I nod now dialed into the conversation.
"How long are you in Korea for?" Hayoung asks
"Oh, a few weeks for some business in Seoul. I finished yesterday so now my last week I am just enjoying it. You know seeing the rest of the country." I replied. I noticed that Jeewon and Hayoung were starting to warm up to me and being more involved.
"Oh, that's cool," Hayoung said. I gave her a thumbs-up as we continued to chat. I learn a lot about the girls. they were all K-pop idols (whatever that meant) who were going home to visit family and just relax as their schedules had all eased up for the time being. They were all incredibly charming but also kinda dorky in an extremely lovable and endearing way. As we talked I could feel myself being lulled into a state of ease by the three girls. it worried me. They were almost too perfect, too sweet, and too engaging, so I kept my vigilance as I continued to talk to them.
While we rode the train we enjoyed each other's company until Chaehyun (the boldest of the trio) asked, "Hey I noticed you keep looking over your shoulder. Are you worried you are being tricked?" I instantly tensed and then eased again. seeing her pleasant smile
"Yeah, a little it's not often three pretty ladies just come up and talk to me. Especially for so long." I reply.
Jeewon perks up, "Aww thank you. Well, you're cool to talk to. Plus you aren't treating us any different."
"Well, I thought you were all normal ladies," I replied hesitantly
"No," Hayoung says with a cute but also aggressive tone. she takes out her phone and starts playing a video of her performing at Inkigayo along with seven other young ladies. I watched in awe as I could see it was Hayoung but her presence was so different. gone was the goofy girl who sitting across from me the Hayoung I was watching was graceful poised, with an almost deadly sense of presence I had only seen replicated in assassins. it was unnerving but also captivating. when the video finished the other ladies all showed similar videos. Each showed me a bit more about them. Jeewon is super bubbly and happy in her video and Chahyun’s video shows her range. I see a huge range of her personality but it always comes back to the determined look. That look of desire. After that, we hit the third hour of the trip and fatigue began to set in. All of us started to get heavy eyelids and one by one each of us fell asleep. I was the last one and got to see Chaehyun's head fall onto my shoulder as she was talking about how hard being the "unofficial" leader of her group was. I couldn't help but smile at her plight. her pleading eyes but strong voice made me listen and consider her words with the utmost seriousness. something she noted
"you're a really good listener," she said as her eyes fluttered as they got heavier. A telltale sign she was losing the fight with her fatigue.
"Well in my profession being a keen observer is always a requirement," I answer politely
"Oh and what do you do Mr. Mysterious?"
Chaehyun teased
"It's a secret." I teased
"Oh come on please tell me," Chaehyun asked with pleading and endearing aggression
when she did fall asleep I found myself stroking her hair carefully and her grip on me tightened. I smiled content as I watched the window and the picture continue to move and change. Looking at the other two girls I felt a bizarre pang in my heart. One I hadn't felt in a long time. Usually, I shied away from it, but this time I let the pang linger and ferment into emotion, as a smile crept on my face. Soon my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off as well.
I was woken up by a rapid light shaking of my shoulder. My eyes were forced open as I turned to see Chaehyun who lifted the armrest separating us.
"Hey, Hey wake up," she whispered.
"I'm awake. I am awake, but why are we whispering?" I asked
Chaehyun smiled with heavy desire filling her eyes look water, and said "Follow me to the bathroom."
"Why?" I asked dazed and confused.
"I want to show you why I'm the suction expert," she said as she got up leaving her jacket. I follow on instinct and when we enter the bathroom she locks the door. Thankfully the train car we were in was mostly empty and the few people inside were asleep.
when we entered the bathroom in three actions Chaehyun was on her knees. Lock the door undo my belt and spring out my cock.
"Hm, you're still soft. that won't do," she said before taking me into her mouth. I reeled back as the softness of her lips and the warmth wetness of her mouth overwhelmed me leaving me light-headed.
"Go ahead fuck my face," she said
I nod and begin to thrust into her warm wet orifice. her eyes held mine in an intense gaze that left me transfixed as I grabbed her head and thoroughly used her. After six or so thrusts she breaks taps my thigh and I pull back.
"Okay you're going to go," she says as she gets up wiping the drool from her chin before it could stain her shirt. She undid her pants and moved to the side. before she could give further instruction the intercom said
"30 minutes to Busan" I am assuming it said it in other languages as well but I heard English in there as well.
"We don't have much time so you're going to have to be quick. so just pound me, Dino." Chaehyun insists as she lines my cock with her pussy. I slowly ease in and we both moan as her sex sucks mine in whole. it's dizzying, it's hot, and wet but oh my goodness does it feel euphoric. I bottom out inside her and begin to pull out. I get halfway before plunging back into her. I repeat this two or three times increasing the pace until my body begins to override my mind and I begin to plow her in earnest. she leans her body into mine and says, "You're so big inside me." her words act like a spur to a wild buck and make me only rougher with her. I relax my grip on her waist and stroke a finger across her pillow midriff, and I whisper into her ear
"I love how soft your body is." I snake my hand under her shirt as I thrust and cop a feel. they are a lot bigger than her sweater lets on. I get a firm grip on her breasts and say, "These sexy buoyant pillows you try to hide drive me wild. I am going to call you Marshmellow from now on because I am in love with how soft and plush your body is." my words have their desired effect "I think" as I feel her pussy tighten and pulse as she turns her face to mine.
"Fuck, Fuck" she pants as I continue to piston in and out of her. I tweak her nipple and she moans even harder before I feel a rush of liquid come from between our bodies. I look down to see her squirting all over my cock. I look up to see her embarrassed.
"No No baby it's okay," I reassure my slip of the tongue makes her eyes go wide and she questions me
"Babe?" but at that point I am too far gone and begin tumbling into my orgasm with her.
"Aw fuck mello I'm cumming" I say groaning as I begin to explode into her greedy pussy. Chaehyun moans in ecstasy.
After we come down from our high Chaehyun looks at me with a shy look before cleaning herself up and leaving. Also leaving me to clean up our combined fluid mess. I do so, then make sure I look presentable and head back out. I get back to my seat where Jeewon and Hayoung look at me with knowing and teasing smiles. Chaehyun refused to look or speak to me as Hayoung and Jeewon asked me questions about the ride after they slept. Respecting Mello's boundaries I follow her very limited and guarded answers. leaving the two other girls a little miffed. after the train ride was over I grabbed my bags and bid farewell to the ladies. as I was walking away from them on the station. Chaehyun speaks up for the first time.
"Where do you think you're going, Dino? you're hanging out with us for the rest of the time you're here. so cancel whatever plans you had." Her confidence and desire have returned to her stare and I smile.
"Okay." I acquiesced
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jo-speaks · 6 days
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more ways than one
in which...
luke shows up to fem! reader's college soccer game.
Luke scanned his ticket, walking into the stadium. He had a really big test coming up, but the second Mark, Ethan, and Dylan invited him to watch the girl’s soccer team take on Michigan State, he dropped everything and headed towards the stadium.
“I heard that Y/N girl is really good.” Ethan said, leading the group of boys to their seats. 
Mark hummed, “Is that the girl who absolutely destroyed you at beer pong last week?” Mark’s comment caused the boys to laugh, and Ethan to grimace. 
“Well if her soccer skills are anything like her beer pong skills, I’d say that what you heard is right.” Luke stated, getting a few more jabs at Ethan.
Dylan chirped in, “She’s only a sophomore and she’s captain and she’s leading the whole NCAA in goals. I mean, why do you think her friends called her the ‘sophomore sniper’ when they introduced her at the party?” 
Mark laughed at Dylan’s slight rant, “Sounds like someone has a little crush.”
“I do not! I just did my research before coming here.” Dylan retorted. “If anything Luke’s the one with the crush. He told us he had a huge test coming up, but the second we mention girls soccer, he drops everything. A little suspicious, no?” 
A warm feeling rose to Luke’s face. Knowing Dylan was right, he just laughed it off and stayed quiet. 
Luke had approached you at said party because the second he laid eyes on you the boy was smitten. The two of you talked the whole night, but by the end of it you were both too drunk to remember to exchange numbers. Sure, he could’ve asked around the fraternity, but he wasn’t sure if you remembered your interaction at all. So he saw this game as a perfect opportunity to get your number. 
You could hear the laughter approaching close to the field. It was familiar, but you didn’t care enough to turn around as you were on your 47th juggle. 
“No way you get 70!” Your teammate, Jules, exclaimed. 
You laughed, “Not if you keep talking!”
She chuckled as she watched you closely. Soon enough, you had passed seventy, nearing ninety. You hit 86, wanting to go for more but your coach called out your name, telling you to go meet with the refs to decide which side you wanted. Settling the ball with a groan, Jules grabbed your hand and pulled you to the midfield with a slight tug. 
You greeted the refs and the opposing team’s captains with a slight smile. When you went to shake one of the girls’ hands, they both side-eyed each other, looking you and Jules up and down, then refusing your hand. 
Furrowing your brows, you let out a small scoff at their attitudes, but let it go as you picked ‘tails’ for the coin flip. 
It was heads, and they picked having the right side of the field, meaning you’d have the ball first. As you walked away, heading back to the rest of your team, Jules’s laughter filled your ears. 
“Oh my god! The attitude they had?” She laughed. 
You gave her a smile, “I know! On our field too.”
The closer you got to the sidelines, your eyes couldn’t help but take a glance at the group of boys who had sat down laughing. The second you could make out their features, a smile grew on your face. Luke was sitting there, along with three other boys which you quickly realized as his hockey teammates. You had been trying to get his number ever since the interaction you had at the party, but never found the right time to. In your head, you promised yourself you’d get it tonight. 
You decided to snap out of your thoughts and nudged Jules, “Look. Your boy toy is here.” 
Jules’s eyes widened as she followed your eyes, “What the hell are they doing here?” She walked over to the fence to say something you couldn’t quite hear, but figured she called Ethan over as he walked down a few steps to talk to her. 
Not caring enough to eavesdrop, you walked towards the rest of your team, letting them know you’d have ball first. They nodded, going back to their warm up. You took a glance up at the scoreboard which had the clock displayed on it. There was around five minutes left, and you wanted to do some long passing. 
“Jules!” You called out, bringing her attention back to you. 
She said something to Ethan before jogging back towards you. “Sorry. Long passes?” You nodded, “What was that about?
“They invited us to get some food after the game. You down?”
“Is Luke gonna be there?” You asked. 
Jules smirked at your question, “Yeah. Why?” 
You left her question unanswered, smiling as you walked away from her with a ball at your feet.
Five minutes went by quickly, as you heard the whistles blowing, telling you that the game was about to start. You jogged towards your team, listening to a quick pep talk before getting ready to hear the starting line up and National Anthem. 
You blanked out during the whole process, too focused on the game ahead of you. By the time you knew it, the whistle blew and you passed the ball to one of your teammates. 
Knowing exactly what play you were running, the second you saw the ball get to Jules, who was playing at the left wing, you made a diagonal run towards the goal. It was a high cross, but you managed to settle it at your feet before taking a shot from the 20 yard line. You watched as the ball soared towards the top corner of the net, making its way past the keeper’s gloves. 
You ran towards Jules, who was waiting for you at the corner flag. The two of you did the handshake you did every single time one of you assisted the other's goal, before hugging each other, then the rest of you teammates. 
As you ran back down the field to restart, you couldn’t help but take a glance up at the stands. They were decently packed, but your eyes quickly found the ones you were looking for.
You saw Luke sit back down from his standing position and to no one’s surprise he was looking right at you. You pointed at him with a smile and he quickly returned the action. 
While you focused back on the game, Luke was getting teased by his friends. 
“Ooo! Lukey’s got game!” Ethan exclaimed, shaking his friend by the shoulders. 
Luke laughed, “Shut up.”
The game ended an hour or so later, the final score being 4-2. You had scored three of those four goals, earning you a post-game interview with some reporters who had shown up at the game. 
They had decided to interview you on the sidelines. This meant you were close enough to be near your team, but also close enough so Luke and the other guys could hear what you were saying. 
“Y/N, amazing performance out there tonight! What would you say is the biggest factor in your training that makes you such a valuable player out there?” The interviewer asked, bringing a mic close to your face. 
“The conditioning, for sure. I mean, we’re making a lot of long back and forth runs out there and we’re able to do so consistently because of that conditioning.” You answered, smiling slightly to take away the nerves you were feeling.
The interviewer nodded, “You pointed to someone after that first goal. Was it a family member, a friend, or…?” 
You let out a soft laugh, “Um, no. It was a good friend of mine that I'm meeting up with after this."
Luke heard your words, as did his friends. His eyes widened at your statement, specifically the part where you said you were hoping to meet up with him. 
“Oh shit!” Mark exclaimed, “Bro, she's talking about you!" He shook his head, “We don’t even know if she’s talking about me. She could’ve been pointing at one of you.” The boys laughed at his statement.
“I’m talking to her best friend, Mark’s taken, and Dylan’s not her type.” Ethan said.
“What’s wrong with me?” Dylan asked jokingly, yet seriously. 
Mark shrugged, “She said she was into tall guys. As in, guys over six feet.” 
Laughing at Mark’s words, the group of boys made their way down to the field to wait for Jules and hopefully, you.
Jules made her way over the boys, sliding her hand into Ethan’s. “What’s Luke all red for?”
“Y/N mentioned him in her interview just now.” Ethan told her casually.
Her eyes widened, “Seriously?”
Luke quickly shook his head, “We don’t know for sure it was about me.”
Before Jules could question it any more, you were walking over. You gave everyone a quick greeting which they happily returned. As you were all about to make your way towards the exit, you decided now was a better moment than ever. 
“Hey Luke? Can I talk to you for a second?” You asked, trying to ignore all the stupid grins on everyone else's faces. 
He smiled and turned around, “Yeah.”
The two of you stepped away from the group towards an area on the sidelines where people couldn’t hear you. 
“Great game tonight.” He said, trying to dissolve some of the awkwardness that was beginning to build. 
You smiled, “Thanks. I appreciate you coming.” “Yeah, anything for a good friend of mine.” He smirked, quoting your previous words. 
You looked away and laughed, now knowing he heard that part of your interview. “Funny. Anyway, I had a really good time talking with you last week and I was hoping to maybe get your number?” Luke’s face turned slightly red yet again as he smiled and nodded as you pulled out your phone so he could type in his information. “I was hoping you’d ask.” 
After he handed you your phone back, the two of you made your way back to your friends.
Jules pulled you back slightly, letting the boys walk ahead, “Looks like you scored in more ways than one, huh?”
“I definitely did.”
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hairyjocktf · 2 months
Spring Break
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Noah was pissed. Today was supposed to be the beginning of the best spring break ever. He’d planned a week-long trip with his college friends to New York City. They’d had it all lined up- museums, restaurants, sightseeing, it was perfect. But about a week before, Noah’s mom had called and delivered devastating news. They were having a family reunion that week. In rural Florida. Attendance was not optional. She’d bought his ticket already and there was no way out.
The day had arrived, and he solemnly made his way to the airport and flew to Tallahassee. They were meeting at his relatives’ place in the Florida panhandle, in the middle of nowhere. He’d been once as a kid and vowed never to go back. After a two hour drive from the airport he made it, driving up a dirt driveway to the massive, yet ramshackle, house in the forest. The next hour was a blur of greeting extended family, most of whom he barely remembered since they tended to stay out here in the country. After that settled down his mom came up to him, clearly very excited about something.
“Noah! You’re not gonna believe this, but since it’ll be a few more days before everyone’s here, your cousins Chevy and Logan are gonna take you out on a hunting trip! Just for a couple days,” she was nearly bouncing off the ground.
Noah groaned. That was the last thing he wanted to do. He had nothing in common with his cousins, and certainly did not want to spend time alone with them out in the swampy wilderness. His mom was not hearing any complaints from him though, and she dragged him out back to reacquaint him with his cousins. Chevy and Logan were chatting with each other on the patio, beers in hand, decked out in the camo hunting gear Noah assumed they lived and slept in. They were only a couple years older than Noah, but looked quite a bit older compared to the baby faced city boy.
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“Ayyy Noah! What’s up, it’s been a while man,” Chevy walked over and gave him a bear hug, spilling some beer on his back.
“Hey Chevy, nice to see you too. I heard you guys were uh, taking me out camping,” Noah said unenthusiastically.
“Not just camping my guy!” Logan butted in, “We’re talking full on country backroads hunting boy’s trip! We’ll show you what you’re missing by being cooped up in the city.”
Noah’s heart sank; it was worse than he’d thought. They were gonna drag him out there and make him hunt? He didn’t like killing anything and worse, having to deal with the aftermath. He put on a forced grin since his mother was right there.
“Wow, that sounds real great guys, I can’t wait,” he said through gritted teeth. His subliminal messages to them were entirely lost.
“Hell yes bro! Here’s a pack with some of our extra hunting clothing, you won’t want a whole suitcase out there,” Chevy said, handing Noah a backpack. “We’ve got some extra gear that should fit you, it’s already in the truck. We’ll leave in 30 minutes, so get yourself ready.”
30 minutes?? That was immediate, he wouldn’t even have time to plead his case to get out of it. Begrudgingly he went back inside to get his stuff together. The next thing he knew, it was time. The boys were out front in their pickup truck, the back full of tents, camouflage gear, and who knows what else. Logan laid on the horn.
“NOAHHHHHH! It’s time to scram, let's get outta here!” Logan shouted over the blaring horn. 
Noah groaned, this was setting the tone for the whole trip. He looked at himself in the mirror, the camo pants and hoodie just looked wrong on him. He for sure didn’t want his clothes getting covered in mud though, so he sucked it up and headed out front. Chevy grabbed his bag and tossed it in the back before climbing in shotgun, leaving Noah in the cramped back seats. And with that, they were off.
“There’s a real nice game area ‘bout an hour, hour and a half from here,” Logan said. “We’ll get in, set up a nice camp, then relax. Then at sunrise we’ll start you off with somethin easy, maybe a deer or boar,” he turned and looked at Noah, grinning. 
Noah bounced around in the back of the truck as Logan drove through the forest on bumpy dirt roads. Chevy had put on some country music up front, and they were practically yelling to have a conversation over it. They tried talking to Noah about what he’d been up to, but Noah was sulking and gave only short answers. The sun was starting to hang low in the sky when they pulled off, offroading through some clear land towards a spot they’d clearly been to before. They stopped at a neat little clearing near a creek. It was objectively a beautiful little spot, but Noah was not in the mood to appreciate it, already swatting at mosquitoes swarming him. 
“Alright man, you ever pitch a tent?” Chevy asked Noah. 
“Uh, no, I haven’t”
“Well here, I’ll help ya out,” he said earnestly. “We’ve already got a well used spot here, so first we just lay out this footprint, and here let’s have you start with the poles.”
Noah fumbled around with the metal poles before eventually getting them together. He was frustrated, why would he ever need to know this? Chevy took the poles and got the tent up while Logan was still unloading the back of the truck.
“Alright we’re nearly done, just gotta secure it with these stakes,” he handed them to Noah. “Just stick these through the corner, make sure they’re deep in the ground now.”
Noah took the stakes and tried pushing them into the dirt, but they only made it about an inch in. He tried scraping the dirt away with his hands but that didn’t help. Chevy tapped his shoulder, holding a mallet as a suggestion. They’d just gotten here and already Noah was annoyed despite his cousin’s encouraging attitude. His hands were covered in dirt too, he hated being dirty! And he had no escape from all of it. He stormed off to the water’s edge in a huff while the other two finished putting their site together. The sun was really setting by then.
“Ey Noah!” Logan called, “Come have a beer with us man! We’ve got some chili cookin’ too, ya gotta eat somethin,” he laughed. Noah sighed. There was no point in sulking the entire trip like this, even if he wanted to. He walked back over and pulled a beer out of the cooler they’d brought and sat down.
“It seems his highness has decided to grace us with his presence,” Chevy mocked. Noah chuckled. He’d make it through this, even if it took all the beer in that cooler. The boys ate dinner and talked as the sun dipped below the horizon, with Noah actually giving some substantial answers this time. He was exhausted, having flown in and driven all day. He climbed into his tent to hit the sack. If he’d had a mirror in there, he would’ve noticed what looked like some dirt smeared on his face, just on his upper lip and the sides of his face by his ears.
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Noah was abruptly awakened by Chevy shaking him. “Hey bro! It’s just starting to get light out, let’s get moving.” Noah groaned, it was his vacation and he was getting woken up at five something in the morning. He crawled out of his tent, banging his head on the pole; was it really that small last night?  The boys were up and moving already, and Chevy handed Noah a granola bar to eat. “It’s a light breakfast I know, but we don’t wanna miss the prime time of the day,” he said softly.
Despite being exhausted, Noah’s annoyance was fading quickly. Maybe this would be a little bit of fun; at the very least it would be something different from normal. He scratched at his chin, his fingers brushing through the smallest bit of stubble that had sprouted overnight. Noah had never been able to grow facial hair, but for some reason this didn’t alarm him, it felt natural even. He put on his hat to hide his messy hair and began to chow down on that granola bar. As he did, that small amount of stubble began pushing out more, giving Noah a shadow across his jaw. It grew thicker, sticking out further until he had a rough, patchy beard. It made Noah look more natural in his hunting gear, aging him up just a hair. His clothes had also grown less baggy on him, attributing to an extra inch or two in height and some mass he’d never been able to pack on before.
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Within a few minutes, they were off, trekking through the tall grass into the brush. Logan guided them to a denser pocket where they set up watch and waited for some wildlife to show up. Logan had told them he knew there were deer that tended to feed nearby, so they just had to be quiet and wait. The tension grew as time passed, and before he knew it, a buck had shown up in the clearing. Chevy had prepared him for this, and he took the shot. The deer went down, and Chevy and Logan cheered.
“Hell yes dude! Nice shot, especially for your first time,” Logan patted him on the back.
Chevy gripped him with joy, “It must be in your blood bro, you’re a natural.”
The adrenaline was coursing through Noah’s veins and to his surprise he was actually having a good time. He couldn’t remember why he hadn’t wanted to spend time with his cousins, they were chill, and this was turning out to be better than being cooped up in the house. The three of them carried the animal back, working together to hoist several hundred pounds. The sun was fully up now and it was humid. Sweat ran down Noah’s back, and he could smell the putrid stench coming off Chevy in front of him. He didn’t mind though, after all, that’s what a working man smells like.
The sweat was clinging to Noah’s damp skin, beading on his forehead. As he slogged ahead, carrying this massive weight on his shoulders, his body began to adapt. His twig like arms expanded with new muscle, his thighs exploded with size, and his chest produced an impressive set of pecs before softening with a layer of fat. The sweat and smell really began to soak into his skin, and under his sopping shirt small brown hairs poked up around his nipples. Those soft, small hairs didn’t remain so for long, sprouting from his chest, covering the expanse in a curly rug that was slicked down with sweat. Noah’s stubble was not to be left out, pushing further out of his face. Hairs wriggled out in the gaps between old ones, leaving him with much better coverage on his cheeks. Around his chin it even started to fluff up a little, coarse hairs puffing out.
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They finally made it back to their camp, dropping the load and slumping into the chairs they’d left around the fire pit. 
“We’ll have to gut and clean that in a minute, but here champ,” Logan handed Noah a beer. It was cold, and exactly what Noah needed against the oppressive humidity. “Here’s to many more,” he toasted, before chugging his own down. Noah was finally able to take a breather, and thats when he noticed.
He raised his arms back behind his head, airing them out. The sweat drenched pits aired their stench to the world, but to Noah, he just matched his cousins now. The exposed pits had a few hairs plastered to the skin. As he sipped the beer and relaxed, more wisps of hair shot out from his skin, growing thick and wiry. What started as a few extra hairs quickly blossomed into a thick forest of hairs, tangling together and poking out of the sleeves of his t-shirt. The hairs itched as they grew in, prompting Noah to dig his fingers in there, scratching through the sweaty, smelly hairs. He didn’t question it, as far as he remembered he’d had hairy pits since middle school. The hairs spread out of his pits, connecting to the dense coating on his chest. The rug on his chest had started creeping upwards, reaching with thick tendrils of hair towards his burgeoning beard.
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After a short reprieve Noah was back on his feet, jumping at the opportunity to learn from his cousins how to clean their kill. They were eager to teach him, to fold him into their ways. Noah’s distaste for his cousins, the country, hunting, all of it was evaporating. He felt like he had so much in common with them now, how had he never realized? 
The rest of the day Chevy and Logan took Noah on a whole laundry list of activities they’d planned. Fishing, mudding, you name it. All hesitation had disappeared, Noah was in deep now. He kept drinking with the boys, not noticing that his gut was pushing tight against his shirt. In fact, his whole upper body was stretching out. His shoulders pushed out, growing broader. His frame was massive now, bigger than either of his cousins. He stood out on the edge of a pond in the harsh sunlight fishing, his shirt absolutely soaked with sweat that dribbled down his massive back. As it reached his waistband, it began fertilizing the growth of a new patch of hair right above his plump ass. The hairs sprung out of the wet skin, shooting up his spine in minutes. Before long the hairs had spread out across the wide expanse of his lats, pressing against the tight shirt. The fields of hair were thick, dense enough to darken the shade of his skin, and definitely didn’t help with the sweat situation. The hairs continued to spread, climbing over his round shoulders and down his arms, coating him with a wild fur that cemented his place out in the country. He was really starting to look like his cousins now, between his camo gear, hairy body, and beer gut. 
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When the three of them returned to camp that night, Noah was exhausted. He grabbed another can from the cooler and cracked it open. Putting up to his mouth, he tilted it a little too far, spilling foamy beer down his face and into his chest hair. He chuckled and half attempted to wipe the foam off. Where it sat in his beard, the hairs began to thicken and sprout. His mustache grew incredibly thick, making itself known above the rest of his scruff. His chest fur also took to the growth, turning into a real carpet that climbed up and out of his shirt collar. Noah let out a massive burp in response.
“Yo Chevy, we really gotta head back tomorrow? Shit rocks out here,” Noah said with a deeper voice than he’d ever had previously.
“Yea bro, Ma will skin us if we miss the reunion. But don’t worry man, I know you’ll be back out with us in no time,” he flashed a grin at Noah. 
Noah went and dug through their bags, finding a lighter and pack of cigars. Now that the sun was going down, it was cool enough to enjoy being outside. He lit it up and took a hefty puff, his huge, hirsute body taking it in like a champ. Any thoughts about his old spring break, his old life, had been dragged through the mud and stamped out. All he wanted to do now was relax, listen to the sounds of the crickets, and spend time with his bros. 
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ddmmyuta · 9 months
Can I request a Yuta Nakamoto best friend smut? With female reader...
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I like your hands…
yuta x afab reader
warnings (wtf are you doing on smut tumblr as a minor?): smut, friends turned situationship, more smut, hand kink…
it was finally the weekend after a week that felt like a month! you needed to chill, take a breath, get some needed sleep, meditate… but that wasn’t going to happen, for you were going to a concert that evening. not that you minded… you were going to watch your best friend Yuta perform live, something you have always wanted to witness. but before that you had to do grown-up stuff… like shower and make yourself food and go get groceries… ugh!
just as you were about to exit your apartment to go get some groceries, your phone rings in your bag. it’s Yuta (your bestie) asking if you wanted to go for a quick brunch (that sounded so millennial I’m sorry). you agreed after being hesitant… you wondered where he got the time since he was literally performing that evening to thousands of people. you quickly pack the rest of your bag and sprint to the cafe he said to meet up at.
the cafe was fancy to say the least. you walked through the cafe doors and saw Yuta sitting in the middle of the room, already drinking a coffee. he doesn’t notice you until you’re right next to him. he quickly stands and gives you a hug ‘hi y/n, how have you been?’ he asks, pulling your seat out for you to sit. ‘I’ve been good… busy but good.’ you reply, settling your bag to the side. ‘shouldn’t you be preparing for a crowd of thousands at the moment’ you ask, looking into his eyes. damn, his eyes are really pretty now that you’re actually noticing and his hair compliments his skin tone a little too much to your liking. ‘We have a few hours before the concert and I knew you were coming to watch… thought we could chat a bit since we’ve both been busy and out of touch’ he says, grabbing your hand that was on the table and holding it. His hands are… fucking beautiful to say the least. it’s like Aphrodite sculpted every vein and crease on his hands, wrists… wow. ‘Would you like to order something?’ Yuta asks as the waiter is standing next to you… you must’ve gotten lost in a trance while looking at Yuta’s hands… you were weak!
after your meeting, Yuta walked with you back to your car, a awkward silence filled the air. ‘y/n, is there anything you’re insecure about?’ he asks, not in a offensive way, he was genuinely curious. ‘I don’t know, I think I’m insecure about everything and nothing at the same time. some days I feel pretty and other days I feel like dog shit’ you answer, Yuta looking at you confused. ‘Is there anything you’re insecure about?’ you ask in return. he takes a while to get to something that makes him feel insecure… ‘I don’t like my hands that much.’ you are shocked to say the least… ‘why, your hands are so pretty?’ you ask, a reprimanding tone in your voice. ‘I don’t know, I just wouldn’t list it as something that makes me attractive.’ he replies, you still shocked by his statement. you finally reach your car as Yuta greets you. ‘I should go get ready for tonight’s concert…’ you say, Yuta turning away and walking. ‘oh… and I like your hands…’ you say to him across the parking lot. you didn’t see it but he smiled and blushed so hard he could barely keep a straight face.
you arrive at the stadium for the concert, lines waiting for their tickets to get scanned. it was packed and you knew it was going to be a suffocating environment, however that didn’t matter for you were supporting your BEST FRIEND (which you told yourself constantly after your encounter at the cafe that morning). the show starts, people screaming and shouting, lights flashing… it was incredibly entertaining and somewhat nostalgic. the other members were amazing but your eyes were focused on Yuta… a little too much honestly. you started wondering mid concert if you were falling hard for the dude who lies like it’s a language and calls you bro as if it’s your first name. to be honest you tuned out so hard that before you knew it, the concert ended. people were leaving and the seats next to you were empty as you were just standing there lifelessly in a state of thought. you snapped back to reality shortly, got your things and went to go greet the guys backstage.
as you entered the backstage area you saw the other members either cooling off, eating or chatting with one another or other fans with a backstage pass, but you couldn’t see Yuta. you figured he was tired and probably wanted to be alone, so you greeted some of the guys but eventually left soon after. as you were heading for the exit of the backstage area, Yuta runs after you. ‘y/n where are you going?’ he asks slightly out of breath from running and performing for like… 2-ish hours. ‘I didn’t see you backstage so I thought you were tired or getting dressed…’ in that moment as you looked at him you realized he was shirtless. ‘I’m sorry, I wanted to change quickly before I saw you, I look all sweaty…’ he says shyly, and you won’t lie you would lick that sweat anytime! ‘I was wondering if you’d like a drink? Tea?’ he asked, gesturing to go to his dressing room. You couldn’t say no cause he looked all sexy with sweat dripping down his neck and he still smelled like an angel and his hair was all messy and his tattoos look all pretty and his belly button piercing was shining and his… you were WEAK!
as you entered his dressing room, you realized you were the only ones in there. he closed the door behind you and showed you to the couch in the room, which was conveniently facing the mirror. ‘so what do you want to drink?’ Yuta asks, walking across the room to the small fridge in the corner. ‘I have beer, whiskey, vodka, wine…’ he says, rummaging through the little fridge. ‘tea or a glass of water would be nice…’ you reply, Yuta laughing at your response. ‘you’re really boring.’ he says, pouring himself some whiskey and putting the kettle on for your tea. ‘I have to drive home…’ you reminded him. he sits down next to you on the couch, handing you your tea. ‘thanks for supporting me tonight, I really appreciate it.’ he thanks you, turning himself slightly to face you. ‘not as much as the fans appreciated it though…’ you say, gesturing to his still naked torso. ‘oh sorry… am I making you uncomfortable?’ he asks sarcastically, placing his hands on his chest to cover himself up. you once again notice his hands and how attractive every vein running down his arms are. he notices you staring, the air becomes thick and you completely zone out. subconsciously you both move closer to one another, both of you trying to keep focus but you just end up saying weird shit to one another and without even thinking you’re on his lap.
your lips are centimeters apart, foreheads touching and your heavy, nervous breathing seals the deal. his lips meet yours as his hand travels up your neck to your hair and grips tightly, your hands cupping the sides of his face and his other hand making it’s way under your underwear. ‘we should stop…’ you say breathlessly in an attempt to potentially save your friendship. ‘no we don’t…’ Yuta replies kissing you harder than before, his tongue intertwining with yours (and your friendship leaving the door). he flips you over so that he is hovering over you on the couch, his hands lifting your shirt up and throwing it on the ground. your bare torso feels the cold sensation of his rings as his hands roam your body, snaking down to your pants. he quickly removes your pants and throws them to the side, his hands moving towards your core. you look up to see yourself naked in the reflection of the mirror, seeing only Yuta’s back and head. he moves down to your heat, his head between your thighs and all you can see is the filthy reflection of you two in the mirror. he starts eating you out, making it impossible to keep quiet. ‘let them hear you…’ he says, moving his fingers toward your entrance and entering two fingers. his tongue licking your clit and his fingers moving in and out of you got you in a trance. ‘Yuta, I’m close…’ you say heavily, earning a grin from him. ‘cum around these pretty fingers you like so much…’ he says, pushing in and out of you faster until your cumming and squirting all over his hands and face. ‘such a good girl…’ he says, wiping his face with his dry hand.
you hear his belt unbuckle, his pants falling slowly to the floor. you feel embarrassed all naked like this, especially in front of your (former) best friend. ‘fuck, you’re beautiful…’ he says, finally removing his underwear to reveal his dick. even his dick was pretty, you don’t know how someone can be this attractive. just looking at his bare body, hooded eyes, tattoos and piercings could feed your fantasies and make you cum. ‘you look so cute naked… we might have to do this more often so I could see how cute you can get’ he says, teasing your entrance with his dick. ‘stop teasing me, please…’ you manage to whimper. ‘what do you want me to do then?’ he asks devilishly, removing himself from your entrance. ‘I want you to fuck me…’ and before you could end the sentence, he was fucking you hard. the sounds echoing in the room as his dick slams in and out of you, you’re heavy panting adding to the atmosphere. his left hand moving to your neck, slightly choking you. the sensation arousing you even further, it made you smile even. his right holds your one thigh, pushing it against your body as he moves even faster than before… you were going insane. your toes were curling from the pleasure, you knew you weren’t gonna last any longer and neither was he. ‘I’m gonna cum…’ you moan softly, his eyes meeting yours for a brief second after he was looking at your body the entire time. ‘cum for me…’ he pants in your ear, his abdominal muscles contracting with every thrust. ‘fuck you feel so good…’ Yuta says, earning a grin from you. before you could even think of anything else to say, you reached your high again. cum pouring out of you, your body shaking from what just happened. Yuta slowly pulls out and watches the cum drip down onto the couch, the sight making him want more.
before you could gather your senses he flipped you over once again so that you were straddling him. he looked into your eyes as you were hovering over him, his lips meeting yours again. he moves his lips to your neck, then to your chest as he leaves marks all over your body. ‘turn around’ he says, signaling for you to turn around so that you were facing the mirror on top of him. you quickly face the other way, now looking at yourself in the mirror and Yuta’s hands crawling along the sides of your body, one moving to your neck, the other moving to your clit. he starts circling your clit while kissing your neck from the back, him looking at your sensual reflection as well. the moans coming from you filled the room (and the hallway) as his hand moved faster around your clit. you were close to climaxing but before you could Yuta removes his hand and places it on your thigh. he lifts you slightly over his dick and he starts thrusting into you from below, your body automatically syncing up with his thrusts. the sight of you bouncing on his dick made him feel a certain way, and him knowing you’re seeing yourself all ruined like this made him even more turned on. ‘look at how pretty you are, fucked raw…’ he whispers into your ear, your core clenching at his words. ‘I want you to see how cute you look when my cum leaks out of you…’ he says thrusting even harder as if it was even possible. the hand that was on your neck moved to your breast, teasing your nipple as you were so close to cumming for the third time that evening. ‘Yuta I can’t…’ you say breathlessly, you can’t hold it in anymore. you were reaching your high for the third time but Yuta didn’t stop thrusting in and out of you until you were a cumming, squirting mess. his dick hitting you so deep it felt like you were gonna break. when he finally pulls out of you, he takes your jaw in his hand and he forces you to look at your reflection in the mirror. he forced you to look at your fucked out face, shaking body, heaving chest and the cum running down your thighs. he gently lifts you up and places you down on the (not cum smeared part) couch. ‘see this is what happens when you compliment me!’ he says, giving you a kiss to the forehead. he went to the bathroom to go clean up and you were understandably confused and shocked. you gather your clothes that were on the floor and you quickly put them on. you look at the cup of tea on the table and you feel sorry for everything it just witnessed.
‘I should get going.’ you say as Yuta comes out of the bathroom. ‘Hey, wait…’ Yuta says, trying to stop you from leaving. ‘What?’ you ask, kinda confused and rattled by everything that just happened. you were expecting Yuta to end the friendship. you thought he wanted to cut all ties with you now that things were awkward as fuck. Yuta looked into your eyes and he asks you… ‘I was wondering… there is a new Sanrio store that opened and I was wondering if you’d like to go check it out with me?’
thanks for reading… I absolutely loved this request, we need more people like anon who asks and requests what society needs! this is inspired by my love for Yuta’s hands cause when I see them hands I started barking like a damn dog!
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medusavsviperz · 19 days
May thy do the AU where DogDay is a rockstar? And mayhaps the reader is his assistant or a very big fan. I would like it to be smut but go with whatever you want bookie😁😁😁😁❤️🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🩷
Your fic’s are the best. I hope you know that boookie😁😁😁🫶🫶🫶
and also no rush. It perfectly fine if you don’t wanna do it. Or can’t for whatever reason.
warnings: smut!!! like its hardcore sex, cussing, mating, bondage
relationships: rockstar!dogday x fem!reader
writing type: second person
genre: smut
an: yall are so sweet. thank you for the support my little ankhs <33
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you had seen every single one of his concerts. every. single. one. this time was special though. you had vip tickets, which also happened to get you a personal meet and greet with the rockstar himself. you were over the moon about it, as any fangirl would be. spending as much time as you could getting ready and making sure every perfect little detail match your expectations, you ran to get your car and drove to the concert. The moment you got there, you ran inside and took your seat at the first row. The amount of money you spent on these tickets was probably more than triple your rent, but you didn't care. He was your favorite rockstar after all.
everybody was cheering. There was a humongous crowd surrounding the stadium that he was performing at. you assumed he wasn't going to notice you, he was too famous to notice anyone after all, but your expectations were matched when he winked at you as he sung. you looked at him with wide eyes and bit your lip, going unnoticed by Dogday. The concert was three hours. Three. whole. Hours. and you enjoyed every damn minute of it. After the show, it was the moment you've been waiting for the whole night. The meet and greet. You ran to the bathroom really quickly to adjust your makeup and hair, making sure everything was perfect before walking to the VIP section and chatting with the guards. "i need your id and ticket please." the guard said, taking notice of your appearance. "yes sir, here you go." you said with anticipating eyes. he just smirked and stepped to the side, granting you entrance to the private room. the room was gorgeous. bright orange and yellow neon signs lit the room, along with a large orange couch and pretty much everything you would assume Dogday would have in his room.
it took about five minutes before Dogday walked into the room. you stood there with a sultry look on your face as he leans against the doorframe and looks at you. "hey there princess..." he trails off, stopping to take in your beautiful appearance. "i presume you are a fan..?" he says while smirking at you, stepping fully inside the room and closing the door. "y-yea.. i really enjoy your shows.." you nod softly, eyes darting across the room. "oh come on now... don't get all shy on me.. i saw how you were looking at me in the crowd." he smirks, raising one eyebrow. "you did..?" he nods, stepping closer and grabbing your chin with his rough fingers. "of course i did. though i do have one question.." he tilts his head while staring at you with curious eyes. "w-what is it..?" you whine as his hand snakes up to your throat. "whats a pretty girl like you doing at a rock concert? it cant just be the music.." he gives your throat a small squeeze before trailing it down to rest on your hip. "i-i... i like the music.. i also like watching you play guitar." you finally admit, your hands coming up to rest on his chest. he chuckles and pulls you closer, one hand remaining on your hip and the other on the back of your head. "guitar eh..? you like the way my fingers move? or is it deeper than that... hm?" you look at him with wide eyes and stutter out an incoherent sentence, before choosing silence. "ill take that as a yes. how about i give you a more... hands on demonstration..?" you decide to take in as much touching as you can, running your fingers up and down his clothed chest. "do you treat all your fans like this..? or am i special?" you ask with a hint of jealousy in your voice. he laughs at your tone, shaking his head slightly. "dont worry princess. you're special. i never do this." he genuinely smiles and leans down to press a small kiss to your lips. "there. have i proved my point..? or do you want more..?" you whine and lean into the kiss, disappointed when he pulls back. "more... please.." you say almost embarrassingly. he lets out a throaty chuckle and pushes you against the wall, pressing his chest against yours and leans down to kiss you roughly. you continue to kiss him for a few minutes, a regular kiss turning into a heated makeout session. your tongues colliding, and hands exploring eachothers bodies. you let out a low moan into the kiss and watch as he pulls back. his eyes darken with lust. "take your fucking clothes off and turn around." your eyes widen at his request, yet you obliged. you slowly remove your top, revealing your breasts that are practically spilling out of your bra. he groans at the sight and reaches around you to unclasp your bra. he tosses it aside and dives in, licking and sucking your perky tits. his teeth graze a nipple earning a pathetic whine out of you. he pulls back slightly to reach for your pants, easily undoing the buttons and pushing them down. god you were soaked. he moans lowly, watching your wetness soaking your panties. his finger runs along the outside of them and rips them in two. you gasp and watch as he discards your torn panties to the side.
he sinks to his knees in front of you and gives you a smirk before lifting one of your legs over his shoulder. you can feel his hot breath on your dripping folds, and you feel as if you could pass out. he dives in, sucking, licking, and devouring every inch of your sweet cunt, he whimpers loudly into you, his mouth drooling from the taste. his claws dig into your thigh ad you desperately try to close your legs around his head, fortunately he holds you open. his rough tongue slides and licks at your puffy clit, your loud moans echo throughout the room. just as you reach your peak, he shoves his tongue inside of you, feeling your velvet walls enveloping his tongue. your cum drizzles out of you onto his face, and by the time he stands up, he has to catch you. he carries you over to the couch and rests you down on it. he quickly discards his clothes and stares down at your naked form. you watch in awe at his sculptured body, and he smirks as he catches your gaze. "condom or no..?" he asks, nodding towards you. you quickly shake your head no and watch as a smirk tugs at his lips. he is fast to climb on top of you, his vanilla scent wafting over you.
you spread your legs, giving him a clear view of your still puffy clit, and glistening pussy. he lets out a low growl and grabs your thighs, pushing them farther apart. he uses one hand to keep you held open, and one hand to give his hard cock a few strokes. he positions the tip against your opening, and watches as your face scrunches up in pain and pleasure while he pushes in. once hes bottomed out, he sets an even pace. his balls gently smack against your ass and his cock curves into your g-spot. skin slapping against skin is all that could be heard, your body bouncing with every long thrust he makes. his eyes flash with possessiveness as he stares down at you. he quickens his pace and eagerly rubs at your clit, noticing how you clench around him signaling your approaching orgasm. you moan out loudly and cum all over his cock, a white string connecting the two of your lower abdomens. his pace gets sloppier as your tight cunt clenches harder around him, and he starts whimpering and pleading out your name. it wasnt long before thick, warm, ropes of his cum fill your womb. he came a lot. his whimpering never ceases, and your moans are deafening. he collapses on top of you, his strong arms on either side of your head holding him up. he slowly pulls out of you with a pop, and flops next to you on the couch. "i cant wait for your next concert..." you whimper out, still out of breath.
"who says we have to wait that long?"
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made by medusavsviperz
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swissboyhisch · 7 months
The Best Kinda Night
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Pairing: Arber Xhekaj x Reader
Summary: Your first time watching Arber play and you get to see the rough side of his job.
Word Count: 1574
Warnings: fighting, mentions of sex related things
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Since meeting Arber at a club after a game one night, the two of you hit it off. The two of you spent the whole night on the dance floor together. Maybe getting a little too handsy in public. After a couple too many drinks, you found yourself waking up in his bed. Arber woke up while you were getting dressed once more, phone held between your shoulder and ear. He protested you leaving and asked you to breakfast. Citing that he was wanting more than a one night stand with such a pretty person.
It had been months since you had had your first date and you were yet to go watch Arber play. Until tonight that is. Tonight he had a game against Arizona at home and you had a glass side ticket. You pulled out the pair of jeans, hoodie and jersey you planned on wearing before jumping into the shower. After spending the afternoon pampering, you made sure you were ready early so you could leave for the stadium and take in the journey.
What he didn’t tell you was that Caitlin, the captain’s girlfriend, would be meeting you at the stadium and sitting next to you so you weren’t alone. Not that it would have bothered you. But he wanted you to have a friend within the team because he knew you were going to be around for a while.
“Hi! You’re Wi-Fi’s girlfriend, yeah?” A blonde greeted you a couple moments after you stepped into the club bar area.
“Uh hi?” You and Arber weren’t public yet so you were very confused as to why she asked you this. She was dressed similarly to you but wearing a jersey with a C patch. Suzuki if you’re correct. “Sorry, who are you?”
The girl smiles, “I’m Caitlin, Nick’s girlfriend. Arber thought it would be a good idea you weren’t sitting by yourself.”
“Oh, that’s exciting. Thanks for agreeing.”
The two of you grabbed a drink from the bar before taking a seat. There was still half an hour until the teams took to the ice for warm-ups. You got to know Caitlin while you two bonded over the drinks. The blonde even introduced you to a couple of the other girls who walked by on their way to their seats.
“Let’s go find our seats. We’re against the glass,” Caitlin suggests when you both had finished your drinks.
Following others through the stadium halls, you find your section and descend the stairs. You made sure to take pictures of everything. Taking in all the bright lights and experience. The two of you were at a perfect spot. Across from the bench and near the penalty box. Or as you like to call it, the sin bin.
“When did you and Arber meet?” The blonde asks.
“Uh, a year ago? Dating for about 7 months.”
“He’s kept you hidden from us!”
You chuckle at the girl’s reaction. “Yeah, we just wanted to get settled and comfortable in our relationship before telling everyone.”
The two of you got to know each other while waiting for the teams to take to the ice for pregame warm ups. At least the chairs were comfier than other stadiums you have been to in the past. You glanced around at the fans around you. People watching. A few Arber jerseys stood out to you. Some Caufield and Suzuki jerseys as well.
“Here they come,” Caitlin spoke up, pointing to the tunnel.
One by one the boys stepped onto the ice and did their laps. Arber came out and skated around, looking around at the fans. He spotted a fan sign with his name on it being held up by a boy no older than 6. Watching the fan interaction was one of the best parts. Arber played paper, scissors, rock with the kid before flicking a puck over the glass and posing for a picture.
“Look who’s skating this way,” Caitlin teases as she waves to Nick standing in front of the girls.
Arber skated towards Nick and bumped him. He then turned his attention to you. The Canadian boy had the biggest smile as he waved like a kid to you. Just like he did for the little boy, he waved the puck then tossed it over the glass. You caught the cold rubber and posed for a picture that Caitlin was more than happy to take for you. Before he skated away to continue warm ups, he put his into a fist as best as he could and put it against the glass. You copied his actions and did a fist bump through the glass.
The fist bump started when you two first started dating. You had always fist bumped your best friend as a goodbye since they weren’t the hugging type. With Arber, the first time you did it was when you were both laying on the couch after your second date. Both of you were to shy to cuddle at the time. But you randomly held out your fist to him. From there it’s a daily occurrence. When it came to games, it fitted into the pregame ritual. He would kiss you goodbye then a fist bump on the way out.
“I like the jersey,” He yelled before giving you a smirk and skating off with his captain to join Caufield not far away.
“He’s so in love with you,” Caitlin pointed out. “I’ve never seen him smile that much. That wide!”
Warm ups went quicker than you’d like and next thing you know the teams skate off again. Now the wait between warm ups and the start of the game. Caitlin grabbed a silver sharpie from her bag and thrusted it towards you.
“You have to write on the puck the date and first Canadiens game.”
You agreed and wrote it on the back of the puck. One to start a collection. Or add to Arber’s puck collection when you moved in together.
The game started and was going smoothly. Kinda. There was some tension building and by the 2nd period you could see that Kassian was aiming at Arber. Wanting to drop the gloves. It wasn’t until a checking incident that Arber decided he had had enough.
“Here we go,” You smirk as Arber and the Arizona player threw their gloves off and grabbed each other. As someone with combat sport training, a fight was entertaining. “Arber’s got this one.”
Kassian’s first punch knocked off Arber’s helmet but he was sure to retaliate with multiple blows, one after the other in quick succession. The Coyotes player dropped to his knees pretty quick, allowing Arber to get some good hits in. Kassian managed to stand up again but didn’t stay on his feet for long. With the coyotes’ jersey in his grasp, Arber took him to the ground. He threw one last punch before the refs managed to pull him off. You watched as your boyfriend smirked at the sight of the player on the ice before skating to the penalty box. He even waved his arms to hype up the crowd who were all cheering by. He looked towards you, a smirk on his face as he chewed on his mouthguard.
“Fucking hell,” you mutter, turned on more than you’d admit to anyone.
“Keep it in your pants,” Caitlin laughs after she hears your muttering.
Arber took his seat in the sin bin and side glanced at you. Another smirk appeared when he noticed the look on your face. He winked at you before turning back to the game.
“Welp I’m gonna have to buy new lingerie after tonight,” You joke (slightly) to Caitlin.
She laughed, understanding the feeling, “it’s the best kinda night after a good, tense game.”
The pair of you laugh before turning back to the game that was playing. The game soon came to an end with a win for the home team. Caitlin showed you down to the family room where people waited for the players to finish changing and the media tasks.
“I’ll introduce you to some of the other girls if you want?”
You shrug, “Sure why not.”
The captain’s partner took you around, introducing you to the older players’ partners. Meeting their kids who were running around the room as well. It definitely filled the waiting time because you feel arms wrap around your waist as you talked to Caitlin and Kirby Dach’s girlfriend.
“Hey,” you grin, turning to see a freshly showered Arber.
He pressed a kiss to your temple. You could see in his eyes what he was thinking about. “Hey baby.”
“I can’t believe you hid her from us!”
“Sorry girls,” he chuckles. “You’ll have her around more but I’m gonna steal her now.”
Caitlin smirks, “don’t break any furniture.”
You blushed but Arber smirked and dragged you away and out of the arena. When you reached his car, he pushed you against the door.
“God you look so good wearing my name on your back.”
You tangle your fingers in his damp hair. Pulling him closer. “Showing everyone who I’m with.”
That snapped the tension. Arber ducked his head and kissed you roughly. He hand slid up your back and cupped the back of your hand from hitting it on the car.
“Let’s take this to yours shall we?”
Arber grinned as he opened the passenger side door for you, “you’re in for a long night baby.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens @cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22
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stellarsturns · 2 months
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Twisted Hate
part 1
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pairing: dom!chris x reader, enemies to lovers.
summary; you and you’re enemy chris, are forced to go on a vacation. Yet, you both don’t hate each other as much as you think.
warnings: Swearing, Angst.
Was originally going to make this a one-shot but, i’ll make it a series if it does well!!
authors note: Hi y’all first fic thats decent imo! I hope you love. Its based on Twisted Hate by Ana Huang. (Not FULLY, just inspired ig)
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Nick comes rushing into your room, you look up immediately. “Yes Nick?” You ask curiously.
“Omg, y/n! We are going on vacation and we have an extra ticket would you like to go?” He asks excitedly.
I smile, “Yeah, sure!” I state. Nick grins, “Omg, Okay!! Thank god. Start packing, we leave tomorrow!” Nick then leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
I had finished packing when Nick walks back in, “Alright, so meet us at the airport tomorrow at 6am, okay?” He states, I smile, “Yeah! I finished packing by the way.” I say.
Nick grins “Alright, i’ll leave you get sleep! Night y/n!” He states leaving the room. Once the door shuts, it turns to complete darkness.
I arrive at the airport right on time, I expected that Matt and Nick didn’t want Chris to come, but I am greeted by the tall brunette, which once he notices I’m here, he has a disgusted expression on his face.
Nick speaks against the silence, “Let’s go check in guys. Cmon!” He waves. We all follow Nick like baby ducklings following the Mama Duck.
Once we check in and start to board the plane, Nick and Matt have seats together, which means I am sitting next to Chris.. Which we all know isn’t gonna go well.
I sit down in the window seat, then a familiar and annoying voice peeps up, “Can you move? I wanted to sit there.” The brunette boy states. I glare at him, “Why should I have to move?” It was now Chris’s turn to glare at me.
“Because I asked you to move.” He snarls. I roll my eyes, standing up so Chris can claim the window seat, forcing me to have the aisle seat.
The plane ride to Malibu was quiet between the two of us. Not one person muttered a sentence.
Nick and Matt were talking to me though which made the flight less boring for me, while Chris was just starring out the window with his foot up his ass.
When we landed in Malibu, we all took an uber to the hotel we will be staying at. We get the room-cards and we all head up to room “509”
Once we arrive at the room, Nick swipes the room-card and the door opens. The hotel was nicely decorated, the bathroom was very nice and comfortable. Then, we moved to the “beds” where it all went wrong.
“Why the fuck is there only one bed?” Chris states, anger passing through his voice. I glare at the bed in pure disbelief. I am praying I won’t have to share with-
Matt interrupted my thoughts, “Seems like Chris and Y/N will have to share a bed.” He says. Chris looks at Matt in disbelief, “Is this a joke? Are you trying to get us to be friends again or something?” Chris States.
Matt looks at Chris, “No, me and nick are just across the hall. Holler if you need us. Have fun!” He states laughing as they walk away.
I place my suitcase on the bed, Chris sitting in the armchair scrolling through his phone. I begin unpacking my clothes and putting them in the drawers before Chris interrupts the silence, “Don’t take up the drawer space.” He says no emotion showing at all.
I look at him and roll my eyes. “Asshole” I think to myself. I didn’t pack much clothes anyways.
Once I finished unpacking, I grabbed my suitcase and put it out of the way so none of us trip. He totally ignores me until the phone starts ringing.
** Beep Beep **
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Situations 7
Jenna Ortega x reader
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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After your first date, another and another and another followed. They were always fun and your friends haven’t seen you this happy in a while, you seemed carefree, less stressed and for the first time since your heart was broken there was a sparkle in your eyes. Jenna did all of that for you, someone who liked you for you and made you feel like you were one again.
At the moment Jenna had an event in England, and as she wanted her friends, especially Emma and Gwendoline so you traveled with her. After one hell of an argument she let you pay your ticket yourself, it was nice that she wanted to but you weren’t ready to take presents like this from her yet.
“So, are you coming to the event?” She asked when you settled into the hotel room, you booked two as to not make people suspicious. You weren’t sure if Jenna wanted the rest of the world to really know about you two. “Of course, I wouldn’t wanna miss seeing you up there for the world” you answered with a smile while she blushed. “Then you should probably get ready, oh and afterwards we are meeting at Emma’s for a small party” she pecked your lips before leaving to greet her makeup staff.
You went into your own room to get dressed and made up. Deciding on some dress up pants and a tight black shirt with white sneakers and quickly making your hair, you listened to some music before going back to the actresses room. The ‘come in’ that followed your knock was your sign to enter but you quickly stopped in the doorway just starring at the girl. Everyone in the room could see the concern in her eyes until you mumbled a ‘wow’ still starring.
After hearing her crew giggle you finally moved from your place walking towards her. “You look beautiful darling” your voice was a whisper as you didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. “Thank you” she whispered and leaned up to kiss your cheek. “So, we are going to be picked up in around 10 minutes and then we are going backstage-“ you interrupted the girl carefully. “No, I’ll be going by bus and we’ll meet afterwards. I’ll be in the crowd as your biggest fan alright? This is your prime time honey” you hugged her quickly before departing again “now, go and have fun. I’ll be there to meet everyone later”
You waited until she was gone for about a minute before grabbing your jacket and walking to the bus. You got yourself a seat at the front where you could see her. As the group walked on the stage her eyes immediately found yours and a smile spread on her face, everybody else’s eyes followed hers. They grinned as Jenna gave you a small wave before sitting down and greeting everyone in the crowd.
The whole event was great, it was amazing seeing Jenna so passionate about her work and you couldn’t help but constantly take videos her. Every time she looked over she couldn’t help but smile.
Afterwards you were waiting in front of the V.I.P entrance for Jenna to pick you up. “Sooo, who was your favorite?” A voice behind you said causing you to turn around, behind you stood Georgie Farmer. You weren’t sure if he was joking or if he didn’t know about you and the leading actress. “Mhm, to be honest I think miss Ortega had quiet the charm” you grinned causing him to sigh. “Georgie, wrong girl you got there” Jenna laughed as she walked up to you, standing in front of you and backing up slightly until she was pressed against you. You wrapped your arm around her waist and placed a kiss against her temple. “Just wanted to see what she would do” the boy grinned as all of you made your way towards the exit.
All of you made your way towards Emma’s apartment, she was filming there at the moment which was why she rented one. You were seated on a couch next to Jenna with a cup, filled with some kind of alcohol inside, in your hand.
“Y/n, let’s get to know you. I think some truth or dare kinda stuff would be great” Joy said and the rest of the crew nodded in agreement. “Well, then ask away I guess” your hands suddenly sweaty. “Truth or dare y/n” hunter giggled, the alcohol clearly already showing, “truth” you looked over at Jenna who giggled. There was a moment of whispering as they thought about what to ask you. You used the time to lean over to the brunette, “I think the last time I played truth or dare I was in middle school” both of you were laughing when they finally decided.
“Alright, First Love?” Emma asked you causing you to sigh, “11th grade” you answered thinking that that was enough but the shaking of heads and the thuds that followed were a clear no. “Her name was Anna, I was 16 and I drove by her nearly everyday, in addition to that we had a lot of classes together. I don’t even know when I really fell for her or why but I just did, I liked her for over 1 1/2 years. I did everything for her, drove her around, send her my homework, carried her bag but she was in love with someone else and we never had something” there was a moment of silence before the next question was asked for another person.
You weren’t really paying attention until you felt something on your thigh. Jenna’s hand rested on top of it, her thumb slightly stroking over the fabric of your pants. A quick smile was shot her way to reassure her that you were fine before it was your turn again, “truth or Dare?” Jenna asked with a grin that caused you to smile too. “Truth” you were kinda scared to pick dare, not knowing what they’d make you do. “Celebrity crush?” You shot a glance towards Jenna which made the other person add a quick “before Jenna, you know” a disappointed sigh left your lips followed by silence as you thought about it. “Dua lipa I believe, she has a great voice and is fairly pretty” you answered truthfully, nearly everybody in the room nodding in agreement.
There were more questions like first kiss and some stupid dares like chugging lemon juice. Everybody was really drunk by now so it was no surprise that this was gonna be the last round. “Now you gotta choose dare” hunter slurred with a giggle, “you gotta kiss the prettiest girl in the room” joy grinned. You didn’t even look around, immediately kissing Jenna who sat next to you with a big smile.
After that you decided to call a cab and go to the hotel, it was late, you were drunk and your flight back was rather early in the morning. You led the actress to her room and made sure that she was changed and alright before going to you room to snatch some pills against headaches, hangover has never been a problem for you but you weren’t sure about Jenna, so you wanted to make sure.
The moment you entered her room your phone started ringing and you couldn’t help but giggle when you saw it was her. “What can I do for you love?” You asked, your voice slurring a bit. “I thought you were gonna sleep here?” It was hard to make out the words but the moment she saw you she hung up and flung herself at you. “You back” she mumbled into your hoodie clad chest, “yes I am, now let’s go to bed alright?” She nodded sleepily. The moment her back touched the bed she was out like a light, you, after you set an alarm for tomorrow, followed closely behind.
The next morning you woke up to the sound of your alarm and a pained groaned next to you, followed by a ‘turn that shit off’ causing you to laugh. “Here, take these. We have to get ready soon” you said as you gave her a pill and the water you laid out the night before, “thank you” she took the pills before putting a hand on your chest to push you back down. Any protest from you was shushed when she laid on top of you, “5 more minutes”.
15 minutes later both of you got ready and said your goodbyes as you parted on your way to the airport. “I’ll see you back in L.A. alright? We can get something to eat and watch a movie or something” she said as you stood inside the hotel, “alright darling, text me if you need anything okay?” You gave her a quick kiss and hugged her before going to your Uber.
A lot of hours later you were finally home, you made sure that Jenna found her bodyguard before departing and she texted you when she arrived home. After a long shower and putting away your cloths, you got a call from the small brunette, “can I come over now? I gotta tell you something” her voice was vibrating with excitement, which immediately made you smile. “You can come over whenever you want love” you said your goodbyes and hung up. You were rather sure that she hadn’t eaten yet and you were too late at the airport so she also didn’t have breakfast, so you decided to cook some food while you waited for her.
Around 25 minutes later there was a knock on your door. “Hey babe” Jenna said as she entered with the spare key, “uhhh, are you cooking?” She walked towards the stove to look into the pot. You stood behind her to stir the sauce, “so what were you gonna tell me?” You asked as she went to sit on top of the counter, “oh yeah, I nearly forgot. I got a mail, I’m invited to the met gala and you should see my dress. It’s soooo pretty” she beamed as she told you and you could feel your heart beat so unbelievably fast at the look on her face. “Jen, that’s awesome. Im so proud of you” you stood in front of her while she wrapped her legs around your waist to pull you closer, “but I still need a plus one and I thought, maybe, if you, you know want to, you could come with me. I know that that’s an important decision because it means that people would know about us like for real and then you’d have to deal with a lot” she was cute when she was rambling like this, you thought about letting her keep doing it but then decided against it. “If you really want me to, I’d love to come with you”
After a little celebration she finally unwrapped her legs so you could finish cooking. “Ohhh, and Enrique said he’d take care of your outfit” she told you, giving you a passionate kiss before taking the plate from your hands and sitting down.
Welp, seems like you were going to the met gala
So I kinda like this one actually:) Do you wanna see Y/n at the met gala?
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xe-company · 2 years
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BIRTH NAME: Sun Alurra
NATIONALITY: Korean-American
BIRTH PLACE: Brooklyn, New York
BIRTHDAY: November 22nd, 1998
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
HEIGHT: 158 cm (5’2″)
WEIGHT: 49 kg (108 lbs)
INSTAGRAM: @ soonah_or_later
TWITTER: @ ahlurra.sunnie
SUB UNIT: Hip Hop Unit / Vocal Unit
POSITION: Sub Vocalist, Face of the Group, Sub Rapper
FACE + VOICE CLAIMS: Jamie [Soloist]
Her parents almost named her Evelia; but now they use it as a nickname (VLIVE). 
She joined SEVENTEEN during late 2018/early 2019
Respective Emoji: 🐍 [SNAKE] / 🐿 [CHIPMUNK]
Her chipmunk emoji is fan designated since she often takes selcas with her cheeks puffed out; she chose snake as her emoji based on her charming appearance. 
She shares the same birthday as Woozi, he hates loves it. 
She has dual citizenship in Korea and America. 
She is a member of the collab group M.O.L.A. with Nathan (Producer), Vernon of SEVENTEEN, Kino of PENTAGON, and Woodz (Seungyoun) of UNIQ.
Hate having to do aegyo
Microphone color: Chrome Dark Red / Chrome Slate Grey
She was formerly apart of XECOMPANY’s predebut group PLAYGIRLS/PL4YG1RL5.
She can fluently speak Korean and English; prefers to speak in English as it’s easier since she doesn’t have to translate anything.
When she was young she learned Thai boxing and Taekwondo (WEEKLY IDOL).
When she was seven her parents got divorced as her father took her with him to live in Korea
She love body modifications; has multiple piercings and tattoos.
Former JYP trainee [2014 - 2016]. 
She debuted as a soloist in 2020. 
She has a sweet tooth.
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rd0265667 · 8 months
Danielle x Reader: Lightning can('t) strike twice
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Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon@justme-idle
"Thank you, please take a seat. The fan-meet will commence shortly" The staff member said, handing you back your ticket. You nodded, moving to the middle of the hall, taking a seat as the tune of Super Shy began blasting through the speakers. The fans around you began clapping to the beat, growing excited and rowdy as the music signified the beginning of the event. You tried to remain serious, wanting to stay focused on your purpose here, but you had to admit you enjoyed the music, tapping your feet to the beat of the music as your lips curled upwards, reminiscing on watching the music video, if not for the music then for a certain someone.
Then, the 5 girls who were the reason for this huge event emerged from the backstage, waving as fans waved and cheered, some with signs of the idols plastered on, others with bags in hands of gifts intended for the idols. Amongst the 5 idols, one of them had a vibrant smile, more vibrant than the other 4 as she waved to the cheering fans, though for a moment, her smile cracked. She cursed her wandering eye, wishing she hadn't seen what she had. Thankfully, her media training kicked in. She regained her composure almost as quickly as she had lost it, plastering a smile on her face.  The event kicked off, lines of excited fans moving along the queue, having a short moment to chat with their idols, giving gifts and expressing admiration for them. Each fan interaction warmed their hearts, happy to interact with the people they performed for. 
However, growing unrest was brewing in one of them.  "Dani, are you okay?" The girl beside her whispered, lightly grabbing her hand and giving her a reassuring a smile. "Yeh Minji-unnie, I am." Danielle tried lying, rather unconvincingly, as Minji's eyebrow arched, obviously unconvinced. Back with you, your worry grew as you noticed an accusatory finger pointed toward you, another girl scowling at you, but hiding it as soon as she could, most likely fearing the repercussions of any aggressive acts. Only the firm grasp of one hand stopped the tremble of the other, your eyes darting around the hall, trying your best to not look at them, for fear of your nerves bubbling up and exploding in your chest.
A rapid tap on the shoulder brought you back to attention, a rather impatient teen beside you urging you to close the gap in the queue. You smiled apologetically, before turning to walk up the queue, noting how close you were to finally getting up on the stage. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down. This was most likely your only chance to make things right, and you had to make it up to her.
You made your way past the first three members, Hanni, Haerin and Hyein. Unaware of who you were, or what you had done, the three members talked to you, asking you about you and your bias. They were excited when they heard you were a doctor, then were in faux disappointment when they heard your bias was Danielle. It was nice talking to the three of them, it helped calm your nerves for what laid ahead of you.
Next was Minji, who greeted you with a sweet smile. You could see the anger in her eyes however, and sense the malice in her tone, though she kept up a sweet facade for the media. "How dare you show up here." Minji said, her smile never fading, and it terrified you. "I want to make things right." You curtly replied, seeing Minji's face turn somewhat judgemental, as if trying to determine your true purpose. "You can't mend what's been broken, especially after you stomped on it. If you really think you deserve her after all that you've put her through, you're a bigger idiot then I first thought you were." Minji's facade dropped for a moment, as if to hammer her point home. She wasn't wrong, and you knew it, but you owed her a try. "I'm an idiot then." You said with a resolute tone, Minji reeling a little in surprise, as if thunderstruck by your words She moved to reply, but she stopped herself, pursing her lips, then nodding, tilting her head towards the last member of the group.
Moving down the line, you stood in front of the person who was once your world.  "Hey Dani." You lightly whispered, terrified to how Danielle would react. Danielle looked up with a mask of uncertainty, though it quickly melted away as she gave you a smile, the smile you had seen when you first fell in love with her. "Dani, I'm s-" You tried to talk, but Danielle quickly cut you off "How've you been?" Danielle asked, taking an album from under the table, preparing to sign it. You looked at her with apprehension, before a small smile flashed on your face. "I've been fine, there's been some problematic patients at the ER but I'm doing fine. How are you? Have you been eating well?" You asked, concern laced in your tone. Danielle stopped her signing, looking at you in shock, causing you to curse yourself. Her face conveyed a sense of forlorn nostalgia, and slight hurt. "I have. Thanks for asking." Danielle replied, before waving you off, causing you to finally notice the queue moving on, the security guard beckoning you to continue. Crestfallen at not being able to do what you came to do, you slowly walked down the stage, before finally noticing a note from Danielle, telling you to stay and meet her after the fanmeet. You felt yourself fill with ecstasy, feeling a pep in your step as you headed to where Danielle had told you to wait.
An hour or so passed, then you saw two figures emerge from the hallway. By now, Minji's facade was all but gone, shooting you a piercing glare as she wrapped a protective arm around Danielle "I'm going to be fine, Minji-unnie, go wait with the girls, I'll be there in a little bit." Danielle whispered to Minji, but she stood unwaveringly, as if not hearing Danielle. Only when Danielle lightly shook her, causing Minji to turn to her. Danielle gave her a small nod, as Minji acknowledged, slowly leaving the room, but never taking her eyes off you.
As Minji left the room, an air of tension and awkwardness filled the room, and it suffocated both you and Danielle. The two of you stood in the room, exchanging glances, almost afraid to make the first move. Eventually though, Danielle had the first word. "Why have you come here?" Danielle asked, her warm tone contrasting the seemingly sharp question. "You." You answered in a straightforward manner, Danielle nodding as if she anticipated that answer. "I mean, what do you hope to accomplish by coming here today?" Danielle's eyes narrowed, a look you had never seen before. "I'm still in love with you Danielle." You blurted out, unable to think of anything else to say, Danielle letting out a slight chuckle. "I find that hard to believe, given how we ended."Danielle commented, running her hand through her hair, turning away from you. "I know I've made mistakes in the past, and I want to make up for them, if you're willing." You said, tone laced with desperation. "Why should I give you a second chance, after all you did? You left me for your career. I was willing to leave everything for you. " Danielle began to clench her fist, anger evident, but still controlled. "Because I was an idiot, Dani. I was an idiot for thinking that any stupid job or career was worth losing you for." You pleaded, voice beginning to crack as the prospect of losing Danielle permanently this time seemed to be a forgone conclusion. "I'm sorry, but no." Turning to face you, Danielle looked at you dead in the eye, a resolute tone, with seeming finality in her voice, but there was a softness to it too, and you had no clue what to make of it. "Dani, please, remember what we said all those years ago? No matter what the other did, we'd always love each other, right? Please." Your last word came out more of a whimper than a coherent word, feeling your world crashing down around you. "I still love you. I've always loved you." Danielle whispered "Even if I do eventually forgive you for what you did, I can never forget what happened. I'm sorry, but I can't be in love with you." Danielle turned away, leaving you in the room, but not before you felt your heart break at her last words "You and me, whatever we are, We hurt too much."
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hookingminor · 2 years
isn’t it strange? - nico hischier
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a/n: this took so long to finish and once again not sure if I even like it but I will perhaps make a bonus epilogue to post later if I get inspired <3 if some things seem vague (re: family dynamics and details like siblings and parents) it’s because I wanted to make it as ambiguous and universal as possible, though this does center around a relatively close-knit family on the reader's side
word count: 12.7k (good god y’all)
warnings (18+): smut (unprotected), minor alcohol mentions, wedding antics, close family dynamics
teaser / part one
Things were awkward to say the least when you arrived at the large house your family had rented for the week.
It was awkward when Nico picked you up to take you to the airport, your favorite coffee and breakfast sandwich in hand when he greeted you at the door. As always, he turned up earlier than expected, leaving you to invite him in while you scrambled to collect the rest of your things.
The drive had eased some of the tension since you had nearly half an hour to chat on the ride over. A portion of the time was spent catching up on the last month though you both kept details vague, but most of the conversation centered on your family and the itinerary for the week ahead of you since you wanted Nico to be prepared.
Nico had met your immediate family many times before over the course of your relationship since he chose to spend holidays during the season with you and your family because he couldn’t make trips back to Switzerland with hockey going on all the time, but this was the first time he would be meeting your whole family: all the nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles, grandparents and cousins, everyone extended. It was a week sure to be filled with intrusive questions about your relationship and future together.
By the time you had your bags checked, Nico surprised you with upgraded first class seats from the coach ones you had purchased all those months ago.
“I asked you on this trip as a favor,” you quipped when he flashed the tickets before you with an amused smile that you did not return. “You shouldn’t be spending any money on this. Or me.”
“Who said this was for you?” He smirked. “I’m used to a life of luxury on private team planes. I don’t want to spend the next four hours with a kid kicking the back of my seat and you hogging the armrest.”
The tone of his voice let you know he was joking, but you half believed the excuse.
“Plus, you’re going to have to deal with your family for the next five days. I think you deserve to have at least a few hours of comfort before all this goes down,” he added after a moment.
“You’re too kind for your own good, Nico, you know that?” You replied with an agitated huff, taking the ticket with your name from his hands. Who were you to refuse a first class ticket you knew was nonrefundable?
“You did say that was one of my most lovable qualities.”
“And sometimes most infuriating,” you grumbled. “I’m paying you back for this later.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure.” Both of you knew full well Nico would never accept a repayment.
The flight got delayed an hour due to air traffic, and you hated to admit you were extra thankful for the first class seats as you sat and waited for the runways to clear when suddenly Nico grabbed your right headphone to pop it into his own ear.
“What are you listening to?” He asked when the podcast started back up.
You waited a few moments and allowed the audio to play where the hosts where in the middle of describing a gruesome murder. “True crime,” you stated when they finished their story.
Nico never had the stomach for all the horror and gore you were fascinated with, though he tried valiantly to get into the same interests as you. More times than not it led to terrifying nightmares or unwanted paranoia or tenuous nausea.
“I always hated these,” Nico said, but he made no move to remove the headphone while the story continued on.
“That’s because you scare easily and get nightmares,” you chuckled. After the third time Nico woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after watching a horror movie with you, you declared him unfit to watch any more (something Nico was eternally grateful for.) He would do anything for you, and if that meant sitting through awful movies and documentaries that scarred him, he would do it, but he was glad he didn’t have to.
“Nightmares were never so bad when I woke up next to you.” Nico let his eyes fall shut after the plane settled into a cruising altitude.
“Speak for yourself.” The corner of your mouth tugged into a smile. “You were always sweaty and clung to me like a koala.”
Nico’s own lips quirked up at the mention of his clingy bedroom tendencies but said nothing more, and within a few short minutes he was fast asleep, which was another quality you envied him for: his ability to pass out whenever and wherever.
You were grateful it was well into the evening by the time you made it to the rental home. The hour-long taxi ride gave you some time to unwind from the plane ride and figure out some last minute logistics before launching yourselves into a busy week. And it helped that you weren’t bombarded at the dinner you expected to be at but sadly had to miss.
Your parents greeted you at the front door, tackling you both in hugs before your father went to handle the luggage while your mother squished Nico’s cheeks and made comments about how he needed to eat more.
Nico wooed her with that dazzling smile of his that had her heart melting every time, complimenting her on her new hairstyle and giving her a big hug. Your dad clapped him on the shoulder in one of those fatherly squeezes, commending him on the past Devils season. Before you brought Nico home, your father never dared to follow New Jersey Devils hockey like any respected person would, but Nico easily converted not only your dad, but your entire family into Devils fans.
They traded some commentary on the playoffs currently going on as you entered the home before your mom showed you to the room you’d be staying in and updated you with the arrival times of your siblings the next day.
The conversation didn’t last long considering it was almost ten in the evening and they wanted to give you time to settle in. Plus, it was past their bedtimes as middle-aged adults and they were more interested in getting some sleep themselves than catching up with you right now.
“Are you sure you’re okay with being here?” You asked after your parents left, lounging on the bed while you waited for Nico to finish up in the bathroom.
“Of course I am,” he replied, flicking off the light switch before slipping under the covers. “I like your family. They always make me feel welcome.”
“That’s because everyone’s in love with you,” you chuckled. “You’re, like, every parent’s wet dream.”
Nico laughed, having heard you say some iteration of that same phrase multiple times over the years you dated. It was insane how much your parents loved Nico. Every time you brought him home, he stole the show. Your little cousins flocked to him like moths to a flame, and all the guys loved being able to discuss sports with a professional athlete even if your family wasn’t a hockey one. He had a stomach the size of an elephant and could eat his weight in food that your aunties made, and he was an even better complimenter and flirt. Your older brother adored him and your younger sister fawned over him. Hell, even the grocer at the local supermarket asked you periodically how Nico was doing when you came home to visit.
There wasn’t a single person he couldn’t win over. Both in your family and in life. He was just that perfect.
“Besides, having your mom’s cooking at least once this weekend will be worth all of this,” he added after a moment.
“You say that when you’re so clearly the favorite here.” You slid under the covers and pulled them up to your chest.
“What can I say? Moms love me.”
Everyone loves you, you thought.
“Goodnight, Nico,” was what you said instead, rolling onto your side and away from Nico. You hoped that if you didn’t have to look at him, your mind could forget that he was right next to you, but it was a fruitless attempt. Not when his body was denting the mattress just a few inches away and you could practically feel his heat radiating across the distance.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he replied while settling himself deeper into the sheets.
The situation gave you flashbacks of the end of your relationship when you were still sharing a bed but acted like you were strangers. A pit settled in your stomach at the memories of Nico coming home late and crawling into bed without so much as a goodnight kiss and where you pretended to be asleep so you didn’t have to ask him about his day.
You pushed the thoughts aside and burrowed yourself deeper into the bed. If anything, maybe you could come out of this weekend as friends. You could only hope for the best.
“What’s for breakfast?” You asked, entering the kitchen where your mom and dad were already bustling around cooking.
Nico followed in behind you while you peered over your mom’s shoulder at the stove where she was flipping chocolate chip pancakes. Your lips turned down in a frown, but you didn’t say anything.
Turning around, you spotted freshly cut strawberries in a bowl on the counter, and another glance in a different direction showed turkey bacon slices resting on a plate. All of the dishes were Nico’s favorites.
“Is there anything for me here?” You scoffed teasingly when you saw your dad poaching eggs in a pot just how Nico liked.
“You’re not the guest here,” your mother replied with an eye roll. “We have to be good hosts.”
“Right. It’s not like Nico’s stayed with us multiple times and knows what to expect.”
“Oh hush, you know you’ll eat it anyway,” your mom said.
“Would’ve preferred waffles,” you mutter under your breath, which earned you a light hit with the nearby dish towel.
“This is all wonderful. Thank you so much. You guys didn’t have to go to all this work,” Nico stepped behind you, pulling you back into his body before you started arguing with your mom.
“And that’s why he’s my favorite,” your mom gushed with an affectionate pat to Nico’s cheek. “Help yourself.”
You rolled your eyes at your mom’s blatant favoritism, but Nico only smiled down at you and wiggled his eyebrows in amusement. He knew your parents loved him, arguably more than they loved you, and he was by far the favorite significant other between you and your siblings.
Your mom smacked your hand when you tried to plate your food first, reprimanding you to let Nico go first, who stood grinning and on the verge of laughter at your put-out face as you waited for him to finish.
“Now you’re just being an ass,” you said, snatching some bacon from Nico’s plate because he thought it would be funny to take them all.
“Careful,” Nico whispered as he leaned in closer, “or I’ll tell your mom you’re being mean to me.”
It was too early in the morning for your stomach to be filled with butterflies at Nico’s close proximity, so you teasingly shoved him to the side to put some space between your bodies. You were only given a short reprieve before Nico joined you at the table and pressed his thighs flush against yours underneath the table.
You tried not to think about his thigh against yours or the jokes and stories he shared with your father or the way he helped himself to all the extra leftovers your mom insisted on giving him because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. And you especially tried not to think about how your heart rate sped up when Nico reached up to wipe a smudge of jam at the corner of your mouth.
Yeah, it was going to be a long day and an even longer week.
When you first agreed on Nico accompanying you back home, you both decided that the less time you spent lying to your family, the better. It was hard to avoid spending any time with them due to the fact that it was a family wedding, so when the opportunity came up to run some last minute wedding errands, you jumped to volunteer yours and Nico’s time.
While you loved your family, the day had been full of a lot of interacting, and tomorrow would be even more taxing when the rest of your extended family arrived. And then your brother and sister stopped by to catch up with everyone, and you were faced with another onslaught of questions about when you and Nico were finally going to settle down.
“If you’re waiting for permission, you know you already have it,” your brother had joked, clapping Nico on the shoulder with a laugh.
It didn’t help that Nico was absolutely incredible with your brother’s kids, tossing them in the air and letting them hang from his back like he was a human jungle gym. His ever-lasting energy devoted to playing with your niece and nephews only had your sister-in-law nudging you with her elbow and commenting on just how good Nico was with kids.
“He’ll be a great dad in a few years, huh?” She smirked. Laura loved Nico because she thought he was good for you and also because every time you brought him around, she always got a few hours of peace while he entertained them. “You don’t even know how excited they were in the car that they got to hang out with Uncle Nico today.”
You laughed at her comment though it lacked genuine feeling. You weren’t sure you even wanted kids in the future, but the remarks about how everyone loved Nico only stung more when you knew you didn’t have him anymore and that he wasn’t yours.
You practically had to drag him out of the house after a hectic lunch when your father asked if anyone wanted to check in on the vendors in town to make sure everything was still in order. Your family was great at asking too many questions and insinuating that they were waiting for Nico and you to get engaged yourselves, and the atmosphere was starting to become stifling.
“You okay?” Nico asked the second you stepped out the front door to take a deep breath.
A hand raised to cup your cheek before you could reply, and Nico met your eyes with a worried look.
“Yeah, sorry,” you sighed. “I just didn’t think I’d feel this bad about lying to everyone. I’m sorry you have to deal with all their dumb comments.”
“I’m okay, I promise.” Nico engulfed your face with both hands now and scanned your eyes for reassurance. “Why don’t we take our time in town? We can say something went wrong so we needed extra time to handle it and we can get dinner or something after so you can have some time to breathe.”
Nico honestly didn’t mind the inquisition from your family. Over the years, he’d become used to their fun-loving and sometimes invasive nature, but he knew they meant it all with love. They cared about both of you deeply, and it was endearing to hear that they still did. It warmed his heart and filled his body with such an intense longing that, for brief moments, Nico would forget you were actually broken up.
Those moments were usually when he caught you laughing with your sister at something and you’d glance over at him for a split second before turning away. Or when your niece would quietly whisper to him to ask if he could braid her hair, to which Laura would reprimand her for bothering Nico but he gladly entertained her anyway. Or when your mother took him to the side to ask about when they’d be flying back for Thanksgiving, and Nico’s initial reaction was to give her an answer instead of deflecting.
He especially felt it now with his hands warming your face as he watched your brows draw together in anxiousness, and Nico knew he needed to get you away from the house as quickly as possible.
“Yeah, okay, let’s do that please.” Your shoulders release some tension on your next breath to calm yourself down.
The drive into town settled your nerves the further you got from the home, and you were feeling more at ease when you rolled up to the flower shop your cousin enlisted for the wedding.
The florist was a lovely elderly woman who gushed over Nico immediately.
“The girls in your family have some real luck with gorgeous men, huh?” She blushed when Nico shook her hand, instantly feeling the charm of a handsome young man.
She ushered you to the back where she had started assembling the table pieces, blue iris and white hyacinth bundles scattered across her workspace. “My daughter will be in tomorrow to help me finish the rest, and we will be there early Saturday morning to drop them off and help set up if you need it.”
“They’re gorgeous,” you complimented, taking one complete bundle in your hands to inspect it. “Really, they’re incredible.”
“Oh, thank you, sweetheart,” the woman smiled, evidently proud of her own work.
She showed you around the rest of her shop after you were sufficiently confident that the flowers were taken care of, delving into the history of the store that she opened thirty years ago with her husband.
A phone call from the dress store had you excusing yourself and stepping outside while Nico finished up inside, and you thanked the lady again for her help.
Nico joined you on the sidewalk after a few minutes, the bell above the door alerting you of his presence as he bid farewell to the florist with a bright smile. A singular red tulip stem was between his fingers, and he held it out for you to take like it was a precious present.
“Ruth thought red seemed like your color,” Nico said. “I agreed.”
“Ruth knows me well.” You took the flower from Nico and brought it to your nose to sniff it.
Nico cleared his throat. “So what’s next on the list?”
“The tailor said the dress would be another hour before we can pick it up, so we should probably check on the cake and catering.”
You ran all over town with Nico, popping from shop to shop and checking on all the orders on your list.
The caterer ran through the list with you three times when you arrived, double and triple checking the vegetarian and special diet options and numbers while simultaneously having you try a few samplers to make sure everything was how it should be: a task that Nico was all too willing to participate in.
The cake decorator had barely begun baking the cake by the time you got there, so there wasn’t much to check in with, though she also had no concerns at the time and even sent you home with a complimentary slice for making the trip out there.
“Last thing on the list is picking up the dress. Emily said she had her final fitting earlier this week, so it should all be good to go.”
It was still early in the day by the time your cousin’s dress was tucked safely in the backseat of the car, and Nico could feel your hesitation behind the wheel when you realized it was time to head back.
“Hey, are you hungry? I’m starving,” Nico said. “We should get something to eat before we go home.”
“My mom is probably making dinner as we speak,” you chuckled, not opposed to the idea of skipping out on family time.
“She’s got the grandkids and your siblings. We’ll just say it was my idea and that we wanted some alone time. You know she’ll never get mad at me.” His lips pulled into a smirk. It was true. Nico walked on water in your mother’s eyes.
“Well, when you put it like that…” A smile slowly spread across your face. “Should we play a round of restaurant roulette?”
“You know me so well,” Nico laughed, already pulling up the list of nearby restaurants into his google search.
Restaurant roulette was something you often played when you were dating and couldn’t decide on a place to eat. It was your own way of discovering new restaurants and also how you made decisions when you were both too stubborn to agree.
Back in New Jersey, you had a list of all local restaurants and would randomly shuffle them and draw a number to decide which one you’d be going to, but in a town you weren’t familiar with, a random google search would have to do.
Nico didn’t show you the phone, viewing the list of places on his own and counting the total number of restaurants before asking you to pick a number.
“One through eleven, which will it be?” He asked.
“Four,” you answered.
Nico smiled wickedly before punching in the address.
The surprised restaurant turned out to be a Western country bar like one straight out of the movies. It was an odd choice of restaurant to be in a town that was most certainly not a small country town, but like every restaurant roulette choice, you embraced it with open arms.
You embraced the grizzly men sitting at the bar drinking glasses of dark liquor and the old, bearded bar owner serving the drinks. You even embraced the sticky booth table with the flickering light above.
The waitress was definitely a high schooler who would rather be doing anything than serving the two of you on a Thursday evening, but you figured she had no choice but to be there if you were going by the way she called the bar owner ‘grandpa’.
The menu, which was surprisingly long given the small establishment, had everything from fried appetizers to salads to steak. “There’s no way they can be doing all of this right,” you commented as you perused. It was nearly two full pages just of food and another full page of drink options.
“What do you think are the safest options?” Nico asked.
“Not the grilled salmon… or any fish option for that matter,” you replied.
When the teenager came back, you stuck to a simple burger while Nico chose a chicken sandwich, hoping that the bar at least had good classic bar food and handed the menus back.
Nico took your mind off your family while you waited for your meals, delving into updates on his family and his plans to go back home in the next couple of weeks.
“Is everyone doing okay? Your mom and dad? Siblings?” You asked.
It dawned on you then that you hadn’t spent much, if any, of your time together this week asking Nico about his life and his family. You’d been so worried and focused on your own issues that you neglected to check in with him.
Whereas Nico had met your family multiple times, you only had the privilege of meeting his when you traveled to Switzerland with him in the summer, and even then it was difficult for everyone to be together with his siblings both involved in sports. There was the rare event of his parents spending a week in New Jersey just last year, and that was the last time you’d heard news about them now that you thought about it.
“Everyone is good,” he answered. “They ask about you sometimes.”
Nico’s family liked you just fine from what you could tell and from what he would tell you. They weren’t given as many opportunities to hover and ask questions like your family did with Nico, but they were always welcoming when you visited. You had a good enough relationship where you would talk to his sister and mother separately on your own every now and then, though that had slowly fizzled out along with yours and Nico’s relationship.
For the most part, though, they only had Nico’s word to go off of when they developed their opinions on you, and Nico never had anything bad to say about you. Even when you were fighting or didn’t see eye to eye, Nico would never bad mouth you behind your back.
The waitress arrived with your dishes in record speed—a perk in ordering in a place that rarely seemed busy—and you were pleasantly surprised by the quality of them.
“I take back every bad thing I said about this place. I would definitely get this burger again,” you announced, polishing off the crisp fries on the side.
“I think this might be the best chicken I’ve ever had in my life.” Nico all but moaned around his sandwich, sending zings through your body at the melodious sound.
“How long are you going to be back home for?” You coughed awkwardly, trying your best to ignore the heat flooding your body by turning the conversation to something mundane.
“Till practice starts up again, hopefully,” he replies, dousing his own fries in an abundance of ketchup. “I already postponed going back because of this new trainer I’m seeing, so I want to stay there as long as possible.”
“You make me feel like a bad daughter because I’m here wishing this weekend was over so I can get back to Jersey,” you chuckled.
“Yeah, but your parents are coming to visit you in a couple months anyway.” His remembrance of your parents annual NJ trip just to see you stirred something inside you. “I get tired of my family when I’m home too. I think everyone does. Too much of a good thing sometimes, you know?”
Boy, did you. There was always a pang of guilt every time you thought about how you didn’t want to be around your family that made you feel like a disgrace or unworthy, so it was nice to hear you weren’t the only one who felt that way.
“Thanks for saying I’m not a bad person,” you said after a moment. “Even though this entire week has been based on lies.”
“But you’re lying because you care about them, so the pros outweigh the cons here.” You weren’t quite sure if you believed that, but Nico always said everything with conviction that you couldn’t help but mooch off his confidence.
“Yeah, maybe.” Perhaps the pros did outweigh the cons in this case, not to mention the lying saved you from unnecessary pity and coddling which was fun for no one, but that small bit of guilt still lingered in your chest despite all your attempts to settle it.
With a terrible turn of events, you woke up the next morning with a painful migraine. The few rays of light coming in through the blinds had you turning your face into the pillow and squeezing your eyes shut.
It was a rare occasion that you were overcome with debilitating migraines like this, but when they happened you knew you wouldn’t be moving for the next few hours at the very least. At most, you’d be out the entire day if you didn’t follow the very specific ritual and medications that you finally figured out to cure the headache.
The only bad part about following your migraine ritual is that it was hard to get yourself up to get the things you needed when your head was in splitting pain.
Curling the pillow around your head to block out the sounds of clanging pots in the kitchen, presumably your mother making breakfast, you let out a muffled moan at the overstimulation.
The moan had Nico stirring awake beside you.
Your migraines weren’t so rare an occurrence that Nico couldn’t immediately pick up on what was going on, but it had been months since your last migraine as far as Nico could remember.
“Oh no,” Nico said quietly, rubbing a hand across your back. “Is it your head?”
You let out another pained moan as an affirmation.
Your body was curled into a fetal position and burrowed under the sheets with the pillow wrapped around your head, and Nico kept his hand running softly over the fabric of your shirt in gentle circles for a few moments while he woke himself up and threw himself into mom mode.
“Wait here a minute, I’ll get you a towel for your eyes.”
The sound of curtains rattling against the rod let you know Nico was trying his best to close them despite the fact they wouldn’t completely block out the light. Then he shuffled off to the bathroom to find a washcloth to soak in ice cold water before coming back to you.
“Roll over, honey,” Nico instructed quietly, making sure to keep his voice as low as possible so as to not irritate your migraine further.
With your eyes still pinched shut, you rolled onto your back, and Nico placed the cold towel over your eyes.
“You don’t have any of your pills or stuff here, do you?” He asked, stroking your leg through the blankets.
“No,” you croaked out. “I need my ginger ale.”
“I’ll make a run to the store and get your things, okay? Think you can hang out for an hour?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“I guess not.”
“Then drive fast, please.”
Your mother didn’t blink twice when Nico asked if he could borrow a car to drive to the nearest pharmacy to gather your migraine medication and items you needed. She was mildly worried about your condition since you planned on having family over for a barbecue in the afternoon, but she also knew the best way to cure your migraines was to get you the ingredients you needed.
“Would you mind making her a cup of coffee while I’m gone? Be sure to give it to her with a glass of water too, and she’ll ask for cream and sugar but don’t give her any because she needs black coffee for it to actually help her.” The instructions fell from Nico’s mouth in a hurry, and he shocked himself when he realized that he still knew this small tidbit of you. Knowing you was like riding a bike, Nico thought. He didn’t think he’d be able to forget you if he tried.
Your mom’s eyes sparkled with adoration at Nico’s order. “Should I make her any food?” She was half asking because she did want to help you if she could, but the other half of her just wanted to see what Nico would reply.
He didn’t disappoint. “Not now, no. She always takes some buttered toast with her pills and ginger ale, but I have to go and get that stuff first. I don’t need to get any bread, do I?”
Your mother shook her head, and suddenly Nico felt sheepish. Which he shouldn’t have since your family still believed you were dating, but in all the family events you took him to, he didn’t think he’d ever shown so much affection for you then than he did just now.
“You better get going,” your mother said, smiling at the blush slowly creeping across Nico’s cheeks.
The trip into town and back took forty-five minutes since Nico sped as much as he could without raising suspicion and enlisted the help of a teenage clerk to show him where everything was so he didn’t waste any time looking.
He had everything you needed: cold pack for your head, pills for the migraine, eye mask to block out the light, ginger ale for whatever magical purpose it worked on you when you were sick, and the few obscure snacks you absolutely needed to eat when the headaches hit. Some of your rituals were weird and Nico didn’t think they really helped in any medical sense, but he also knew that if you skipped even one step you’d be out for the entire day.
You hadn’t moved an inch since Nico left, and he found you in the same position with your cold towel no longer cold. The coffee cup was nearly empty on the nightstand, which was the best Nico could usually get out of you since you detested plain black coffee.
“You didn’t drink any water,” Nico noticed and tutted his disapproval while he unloaded the rations from the grocery bag.
You grunted your own disapproval as Nico divided up the proper amount of pills for you to take. He placed the pills in one hand and the glass of water in the other hand, and you took them gingerly, moving as little as possible to swallow them.
“Toast time,” you whimpered.
“I’ll go make it in a minute,” Nico said. He eased the towel from your face and patted your skin dry before sliding the eye mask over your head and then the cold pack on your forehead.
Things started to look up after you blindly ate your toast that you washed down with a glass of ginger ale when Nico gently maneuvered your body until your head was in his lap so he could massage your throbbing temples.
“You don’t have to stay here. You should go help my parents get ready for the barbecue later,” you said. “I’ll probably end up taking a nap soon anyway.” As good as the massage felt, it wasn’t Nico’s responsibility to care for you anymore, and you already felt bad enough for everything he’s done for you this trip.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind,” Nico replied, sending a flurry of butterflies through your stomach.
“Yes, I feel bad enough already. Please go do something more fun than this,” you groaned and attempted to push him off the bed, though with your depleted strength it was a gentle nudge at best.
Nico didn’t put up much of a fight after that, knowing you well enough to understand that you meant what you said and also needed to be alone to recover. It only took a few minutes after that for you to fall back into a dreamless sleep, hoping that when you woke up that this migraine from hell would be gone.
Even after years of bringing Nico around, it still baffled you how well he fit into your family. It baffled you in general just how well-liked he was by everyone.
After sleeping off the migraine and chugging another glass of water with pills, you managed to peel yourself from bed to join your family out back. You kept on a pair of dark sunglasses as an extra precaution, and even with the shades shielding your face, you still managed to lock eyes with Nico the minute you stepped outside to greet your mother.
In a motherly fashion, she patted your cheeks in her hands and checked for any sign of distress on your face before declaring you were well enough to fetch more fruit from the kitchen. Across the yard stood Nico, who was currently playing goalie for your tiny cousins’ soccer game, and he flashed you a bright smile at the eye roll intended for your mother.
After grabbing another bowl of strawberries for the patio table, you strode across the grass to check in with your ‘boyfriend.’
“Auntie!” Your niece crashed into your legs before you got within ten feet of Nico.
“Hey, bug.” You scooped her up in your arms and continued on your path.
“Are you going to play with us?” She asked hopefully, batting those long lashes she got from her mother.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to embarrass Nico by scoring too many goals on him,” you replied, causing her to erupt in a fit of giggles.
“I’ve already scored five on him!” She held up all five fingers right in front of your face.
“She’s on the way to the Women’s National Team, I’m telling you,” Nico confirmed from the goalpost. “You sure you don’t wanna take a shot?” He asked. Then he dove dramatically to the side on a shot by another cousin of yours, easily letting the ball through his side.
There was a cocky smirk on his face, put there to intentionally rile you up as he added an extra eyebrow wiggle. And if it weren’t for the cheers and screams of six kids under the age of ten yelling for you to do it, you would’ve passed. But you were nothing if not competitive and easily swayed.
You set your niece back on the ground and one of the kids kicked the ball over to you. You’d played these silly backyard games with your family in the past and with Nico, and you knew enough about how he played hockey to know he preferred his left side over his right.
By no means were you a soccer superstar, especially compared to Nico who played two-touch with the team before every game, so you banked on him acting predictably.
“I’m not going easy on you,” he said as you dribbled the ball in front of the goal.
“When have you ever?” You quipped with a smirk of your own.
He bent his knees and got into position, which was a funny image considering the goal wasn’t all that big to begin with. You kicked the ball between your feet a few times to get a feel for it before you took off towards him.
His eyes zeroed in on the ball, intently tracking its movements as you went in on the right side. Your foot reared back to kick before you passed it to the left, a move Nico expected and followed easily. At the last second, right when he committed for the dive as your leg swung back, you spun around and kicked the ball back to the right.
With Nico on the ground, you let out a victorious laugh, taking your sweet time in squaring yourself up to take the shot into the open goal.
Choruses of cheers sounded behind you, both the kids and adults from the patio chiming in as you raised your arms in celebration. Nico laughed from his position on the grass, sitting on his ass with arms resting on bent knees.
“You thought I’d go for your weak side, huh?” You asked, strolling over to his hunched figure.
“Nice shot,” he said, rubbing his hands off of dirt.
You extended a hand towards Nico to pull him up, but you underestimated Nico’s pettiness and sore loser attitude because the next thing you knew you were on the grass too and half rolled under Nico’s body.
“Sore loser,” you laughed underneath him.
Nico’s smile was almost as bright as the sun shining above him, illuminating him in a golden halo that had your breath catching in your throat. “You’re a sore winner,” he remarked, poking your side.
The sweet moment only lasted a second longer before your nephew was jumping on both of you, inserting himself in the middle and effectively starting a dogpile of tiny children. One by one they tackled you until Nico was completely blocked from your view, replaced by cherub cheeks and sweat.
“Okay, okay, I think that’s enough for now,” Nico’s voice sounded from above you somewhere, and you got a brief peek of your cousin hanging from his back like a monkey.
Gently, he moved the kids to the side and off of you all while balancing the kid clinging to his shoulders until he could extend a hand to you.
Your cousin jumped off when Nico bent down to help you up, steadying you with both hands while you pushed to your feet. Fingers picked at pieces of grass and leaves sticking out your hair, and you brushed off the dirt dusting Nico’s shirt.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked, removing a smudge from your cheek with his thumb.
Summer always looked good on Nico. The sun did wonders to tan Nico’s skin and always made his brown hair look lighter, and when the light caught his eyes they resembled melted honey.
You cleared your throat and stepped out of his hold. “Much better. Thanks again for everything this morning,” you said. “I’m going to get some water.”
It had been so long since you had Nico’s hands on you, or his attention for that matter, and you momentarily forgot how intoxicating it was to be near him: to have his scent surrounding you, to have his arms around you, to have his eyes on you and looking at you like that. It messed with your head.
“You and Nico are so adorable,” an aunt commented while you helped yourself to a glass of water.
“Thanks,” you replied with a tight smile.
“And he’s so good with kids,” another aunt chimed in.
Nico had started a game of keep away with the kids, acting as the monkey in the middle that they were trying to keep the ball from. “Yeah, he is,” you said, your tone genuine.
More comments about Nico’s suitability came into the conversation, but you pushed them out. It was getting easier with the passing days to ignore them and all their comments because even if you weren’t together anymore, they were all true. Nico was a good person and he did treat you well before everything fell apart. He was good with kids and caring and compassionate. Hell, he’d agreed to this weekend knowing the stress it would put on him, but he did it because he was inherently good.
But damn was it going to suck breaking the news to them in a few months.
Emily held the latter still while you stood on the highest rung, hooking the string lights along the wooden beams across the ceiling and looping them intricately per your cousin’s instructions.
“You can do this yourself, you know,” you huffed after her third ‘no, not like that’ order.
“I’m the bride. What I say goes, remember?” She smiled sweetly below you. “Besides, you’ll be the one calling the shots soon enough when it’s your turn. You can get your revenge then.”
The ladder step slips out from underneath your right foot, and you go stumbling downwards. Emily gasps below you while you scramble to find purchase on the metal rungs, clinging your arms around the side and catching yourself on the third step.
“Oh god. Are you okay?” Emily asked, coming to steady you with her hands after you stopped moving.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you grunted. There was probably going to be a bruise on your thigh after this ordeal.
“What’s wrong? Did I say something?” Emily questioned. She paused for a moment then gasped. “Oh my god. Did Nico bring up marriage or something?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “No. Not exactly.”
Confusion settled over her face. “What does that mean?”
“Nothing,” you said quickly and pulled yourself up slowly. “Do you wanna hand me the other end of the string lights?”
“What’s going on, Y/N?” Emily held the lights firmly. “Is something wrong with you and Nico?”
You hesitated, biting your lip in contemplation while she waited for a response.
“You know you can talk to me, right?”
And maybe it was the soft tone of her voice or the concerned look in her eyes, or maybe it was the combination of an exhausting week of lies and deceit taking its toll on you, but you broke at her words.
“Nico and I broke up,” you replied, slowly climbing back down until you were on solid ground.
“Broke up when? When did you guys get back together?” She asked.
“Broke up almost two months ago,” you answered. “We didn’t get back together.”
It took Emily a minute to process your words, her mouth opening to respond before shutting again. Her eyebrows drew further together and she crossed her arms. “What do you mean you didn’t get back together? What’s he doing here then?”
“I asked him to come back with me as a favor,” you said sheepishly, averting her gaze.
“Oh, honey,” she cooed softly. Grabbing your hands, she led you over to one of the dinner tables set up for the wedding and sat you down. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Everyone loves him,” you scoffed. “I already told everyone he was coming, and it’s not like I can fake a hockey emergency in the middle of the summer. I didn’t want to take any attention away from you with everyone pitying me.”
“Why’d you break up? Did he do something stupid?” Her eyes turned sharp. “Do I need to kill him for you? What did he do?”
“Nothing,” you said. Her eyes narrowed in challenge. “Promise.”
“If it was nothing then why’d you break up?”
“Honestly? I don’t know,” you sighed. “It was like we fell apart, I guess. I don’t know. We just stopped caring about each other’s lives. He stopped calling when he was away from home, and I stopped waiting up for him at night. We stopped going on dates and making time for us. It was like the spark died and we didn’t know what we were doing together anymore.”
“And he still came back? It doesn’t sound like he stopped caring about you if he did that.”
“He’s a good guy. You know him.”
“I do know Nico, and I know he’s a terrible liar. I haven’t seen him upset or uncomfortable once this week being with you. I wouldn’t have even been able to tell you two weren’t still in love.”
“Well, he loves you guys.”
“He loves us because we’re your family,” she pointed out. “What about you? Do you still care about him?”
“Of course I do.” There was no hesitation in your answer. “It’s just—”
“Weird.” You both said at the same time.
“You know, when David and I took a break, I thought we would never get back together. I was twenty and thought I had my whole life ahead of me. And looking back, the space was good for us. I don’t think we would still be together now if we hadn’t taken that year apart and figured some stuff out about ourselves,” she confessed. “You’re young, and sometimes you need time apart from someone to discover what you truly want.”
“This week with Nico has been so confusing,” you admitted. “It’s like he’s the perfect boyfriend from when we first started dating. He took care of me the other day when I got a migraine and helps my mom cook dinner and remembers small things about me. He even went to town with me to run all your dumb wedding errands and didn’t complain. The way he’s been acting this week makes me question why we even broke up in the first place.”
She hummed quietly beside you.
“What’s that look for?” You asked.
“What look?” She smirked.
“Just say what you’re thinking, Em.” You rolled your eyes. “I know you’re dying to give advice.”
“It’s not my place to tell you what to do,” Emily started cautiously, “but I do think he still cares about you.”
“But do you think Nico’s it for me?” You played with the hem of your shirt, pulling at a loose thread.
She shrugged. “Who’s to say? I’d like to think so because I love him, but I also love him for you. I’ve never seen you light up like you do when you’re around him, and he’s always looking at you like you’re the North Star; always somehow knowing exactly where you’re at in a crowded room and always gravitating towards you whether or not he realizes it. Even now he still looks at you like that,” she remarked. “If you guys find your way back to each other, it was meant to be. And if you don’t, he’s not the end of your world. Either way you’re going to be okay. I’m sorry you felt like you had to lie to everyone this week.”
It was your turn to shrug. “It hasn’t been the worst, I guess. Definitely better than dodging everyone’s ‘so what happened?’ questions. Knowing dad, he’d probably lie and say he never liked Nico to make me feel better even though I’m sure he would date Nico himself if he could.”
Emily laughed at that, nodding along to agree with your statement. “If it gets too much, feel free to dip out tomorrow whenever you want. I know everyone can be a lot sometimes.”
You squeezed her hand in acknowledgement. “Thanks, Em. We’ll be fine though. Just two more days, right?”
Later that evening everyone had gathered in the barn reserved for the reception, the one you helped set up earlier that day with your family. Save for the tablecloths and centerpieces, everything was in place and ready for the big day tomorrow.
The rehearsal dinner consisted of just your close family for tonight and gave both David and Emily’s side time to mingle and get to know each other before the eventual ceremony while also thanking everyone for their help in planning and setting up for the wedding.
Once the best man and maid of honor speeches were done and everyone had eaten and the rehearsal dinner was finished, more drinks started flowing and a few more impromptu speeches were given. They were nothing scripted or long, mostly just family members extending their congratulations to the happy couple, but you still weren’t prepared by the time the microphone made its way to you.
Nico patted your thigh encouragingly as you stood up.
“Emily was my best friend growing up. She snuck me desserts from the kitchen when I was a kid and taught me how to tie my shoes. She even took me shopping for my first thong when I was in high school and was too scared to ask my mother.” Everyone chuckled while your mom shook her head at you. “She was always someone I looked up to and aspired to be: a successful career woman and a loving partner.”
“I’ve known David since the first time I caught them kissing in the driveway when he dropped her off at Thanksgiving, and Emily gave me five dollars to promise not to mention anything to the family. I was thirteen,” you said. “And throughout the years, I got to watch them grow as individuals and as a couple, and I couldn’t imagine a better man for my cousin. Even when they broke up in college, Emily always told me she’d marry him, and she was right.”
“I’ve been so blessed to grow up with incredible role models and literal couple goals, and everything I could hope to have in a relationship one day is what they have. So congratulations guys, I love you both.”
You felt unexpectedly uncomfortable when your speech concluded, heat rising to every surface of your body as you collapsed back into your seat. Nico’s hand immediately reached out for yours, squeezing reassuringly as the next person took the mic from you. You were scared to meet Nico’s eyes, opting to take a large drink of your champagne before casting him a sidelong glance.
His eyes were soft and full of emotion, a tight smile on his lips as he squeezed your hand again. You okay? His face asked silently, concern etched across his features.
Not in the slightest, you thought, but you managed to send him a tight nod anyway.
“Nice season this year, by the way, Nico,” your aunt gushed after the final speech ended.
You knew it was only a matter of time before someone brought up hockey as it was a popular topic around your professional athlete boyfriend. As far as you knew growing up, your family didn’t even like hockey and two years later they were experts in all things Devils. Well, all things Devils past 2015. Your parents had even called Nico when he was promoted to captain to tell him congratulations.
“You guys are definitely heading in the right direction,” your uncle chimed in.
“Thanks.” Nico nodded his appreciation. “We still have a long way to go, but we just take it one day at a time.”
“Heartbreaking way to end the season, though. Sorry about that,” your aunt sympathized with a frown.
She was referring to all his injuries, which had remedied themselves just in time for the end of the season to roll around, but sadly it wasn’t enough for them to get into a playoff position.
“Not as heartbreaking as Y/N’s year though,” your mom said, causing you to straighten your  spine in defense.
“Damned West Coasters,” your dad huffed. “If they didn’t want my baby, they don’t deserve her.”
Nico sent you a sideways glance, a question in his eyes that he didn’t voice because if there was anything Nico learned in the last few years, it was how to read your social cues. So he played along with the family until he could corner you later.
“Yeah, it was a shame.” He took your hand comfortingly, giving it a reassuring squeeze before bringing it to his own lap.
Thankfully, the conversation didn’t linger on you much longer before your uncle was launching into a different story about something completely unrelated like the annoying neighbor he had that didn’t know how to properly trim hedges or understand property lines.
Nico’s gaze shot back to you briefly, one that you met with a sheepish expression and you understood what he was saying immediately.
We’re not done discussing this.
“You should’ve told me.” Nico’s soft voice jolted you back to reality, disturbing the silent night you were taking comfort in.
You escaped the party as quickly as you could to take a breather outside, finding solace in the empty patio porch out back while the party continued on inside.
“What difference would it have made?” You chuckled humorlessly.
A glance over your shoulder revealed Nico standing in the side exit, the door shut behind him and secluding you from the party. His hands were in his pockets as he leaned casually against the wood, tie undone around his neck and hair disheveled.
“It wouldn’t have changed anything either way.” You mindlessly drummed your fingertips on the railing.
The back porch overlooked nothing but vast, empty land, but the real sight you were here for were the stars. In the city, the stars were so hard to see sometimes, but out here in the country they lit up the sky like a million tiny fireflies.
“Maybe not,” he shrugged, pushing off the side to walk over to you. “That doesn’t mean you should’ve gone through it alone.”
He came to a stop next to you at the rail, mimicking your stance identically. “I didn’t even know you wanted to do all that, and I’m not even sure I fully know now what it is you wanted. You never mentioned it to me.”
It was your turn to shrug now. “I didn’t know either,” you said quietly. By the end of your relationship, it wasn’t like you and Nico talked much about what was going on in your personal lives. “Besides, I didn’t think I’d get into the program, and I didn’t. It was some respected company in California that would’ve taken up six months of my time. There was no point in getting anyone’s hopes up. I only told my mom because she always bothers me for information and telling her about the partnership seemed safer than talking about our failing relationship.”
“When did you find out?”
“Why didn’t you tell me? Even when we had all our shit going on I still cared,” he questioned.
“I didn’t want to bother you,” you admitted. “I knew you had your own shit going on with the team and injuries, and I didn’t want to add to your stress. It’s not like we were close at the end. It didn’t seem fair to dump my shit on you too.”
You fiddled with a piece of some chipped paint. “And I was embarrassed,” you added. “I put in all that hard work in my application for nothing. They didn’t want me. I was disappointed in myself.”
“Oh, honey,” Nico said. With one movement he took your fidgeting hand within yours.
You still refused to meet his eyes, ashamed of the tears that began welling there. It had been three months since the rejection email came in, and you thought you were over it. You really did.
Nico shifted your body to face his, bracketing you in between him and the railing. One hand tilted your chin up to meet his gaze while the other held your waist comfortingly. Those butter soft eyes of his only made the tears threaten to spill over. This is exactly why you didn’t tell him. You couldn’t handle the pity.
“And now you feel sorry for me.” You let your head fall forward to his chest in defeat.
“I feel sorry you went through that all alone.” He stroked your neck gently. “Had you told me, I would’ve said you’re not a disappointment and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed. From what I heard it was highly prestigious and selective. To be in the final round is an achievement itself. And there’s always next year, right? Other programs? You’re not a disappointment.”
They were words you needed to hear but hated to admit it. It’s one thing when your parents told you ‘oh, well you did your best sweetheart’ because they were obligated to support you, but it was another thing entirely when the love of your life was comforting you.
“Thanks,” you croaked, lifting your head slowly. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“I’m sorry I was a shitty boyfriend and that you felt like you couldn’t tell me,” he apologized.
“I’m sorry I was a shitty girlfriend,” you said. “I should’ve put in more effort to fix us.”
“Hey, we were both to blame.” His thumb ran over your cheek in soothing circles. “I miss you though, you know?”
“Yeah,” you sighed wistfully, knowing the feeling well. “I do know.”
“We weren’t so bad together though, were we?”
“No, but we weren’t great either, Nico,” you chuckled. “Remember all the late nights and unread texts and missed dates?”
“I try to remember all the vacations and post-game celebrations and midday movie marathons.” He smiled weakly.
“It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t all clouds and thunderstorms either.” His index finger tilted your chin up just the slightest. “Would it be bad of me to say I wanted to kiss you right now? You looked really pretty tonight, and I don’t know if I told you that.”
“Yes.” It came out breathy and didn’t help your case in trying to dissuade him, but you made no indication to move away from him either way.
The telling smirk on his face said he knew what you were thinking. You wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss you. So you did.
Damn the consequences that would come from kissing your ex that was pretending to still be your boyfriend, he looked too good in his dress pants and baby blue button up with the top two buttons undone, giving you the slightest peek of his chain underneath. You grabbed the back of his neck with your hand and crushed your lips to his.
It was full of passion and urgency, both of you making up for the two months apart and overcome with the emotions the wedding atmosphere brought out.
Nico deepened the kiss with a slide of his tongue into your mouth, claiming you with the force of a man possessed by need. Hands dropped to squeeze your ass. “It’s probably even worse if I suggested we get out of here, huh?”
“Terrible idea,” you confirmed, taking a moment to catch your breath before going in for another kiss. “Let’s go now before someone comes looking for us.”
The short drive back to the rental house was a blur with Nico speeding along the back roads to get home as quickly as possible just in case any of your family members decided to check out of the party early.
You shuffled to your shared room in the dark, bumping into the wall nearly three times on the way there, and locked the door with a click behind you. Walking Nico backwards, you knocked him onto the bed and clambered on top of him in a frenzy while working your fingers on the rest of his buttons.
His hand guided your mouth back to his as you worked on his shirt, shoving it down his arms after untucking it from his pants and throwing it to the side carelessly. The hem of your dress rode up your thighs as you straddled Nico’s lap, shamelessly grinding yourself along the bulge of his pants to pull a pained groan from him.
“We should probably talk about this,” Nico managed to grit out, eyes casting upwards towards the ceiling in agony.
“We can talk later,” you said, tugging the rest of your dress up over your hips to give you unrestricted access to rub your barely covered pussy against him. “I need you so bad.”
Nico was hard as granite under you, and you watched him visibly gulp as he considered his options. The more logical part of his brain knew you should discuss sleeping together before doing it and the repercussions it would have on your relationship, but the reckless part of his brain couldn’t get over how beautiful you looked above him and how good you felt on him.
Future Nico could deal with the fallout. Present Nico needed to be inside you before he combusted.
You raised an eyebrow in question, waiting for his go-ahead.
“Fuck, okay. We’ll talk later.” Your hands immediately went to his belt buckle and zipper. “You’re still on birth control, right?”
You nodded your response, taking his cock out of his pants and giving it a couple tentative squeezes. Nico gripped your hips tightly as he released a loud moan, and you gave him another leisurely pump before rising above him, shoving your panties to the side, and lining him up with your entrance.
Nico guided you onto his length until he was seated to the hilt and your thighs made contact with his. You palmed his shoulders as pleasure rang through your body.
Fingertips dug into your ass when you tried to move. “Give me a second.” His voice was raspy and breathless. “It’s been a couple months, and fuck, you’re tight.”
You tried not to think about him not having sex in a couple of months and the implication that he probably hadn’t fucked anyone since you, but your walls reflexively clenched around him at his words.
Instead, you busied yourself with another kiss, tangling your fingers in his soft locks and taking his slack mouth in yours.
You waited for Nico to shift beneath you to let you know he was ready before rolling your hips forward and off his cock just to sink back down when you rocked back. Synchronous moans left both of you at the drag of Nico’s cock along your walls, and his hands found their home on your hips to help move you the way he wanted.
It’d been so long for you, since you and Nico broke up, that every slide of his cock into you had you spiraling towards that edge in record time; especially when one hand grasped your tit and worked your nipple between two fingers and the other hand fell to stroke your clit in determined circles.
“You close?” He asked, lips brushing against your ear when you leaned down for another kiss.
You gave him a tight nod, eyes falling shut while you focused on the exquisite feeling of him filling you up. Picking up your pace, you bounced harder atop him to bring yourself closer to the edge. A few more thrusts had you cresting that hill, an unrestrained whine mixed with a moan leaving you as you came on Nico’s cock, your walls fluttering and pulsating around him while the thumb on your clit strummed you perfectly.
After your grip on his chest loosened, Nico was flipping you onto your back in a smooth movement, and he hitched a leg over his hip while he pounded you this way. His breath was heavy in your ear as he chased his high, taking only a few more thrusts before he halted and then came inside you.
His moans always sounded so pretty when he came, and mixed with the way he lightly bit your shoulder as he finished, it sparked a second, smaller orgasm to wash over you.
Once Nico came back down, he captured your lips in another kiss; this one softer and slower than your previous ones. Then he slid out of your dripping cunt and rolled to the side in a boneless heap.
You both laid in silence, catching your breaths while you each waited for the other to say something first—to burst the euphoric sex bubble and have reality set back in, but it never came. Wordlessly, you got up from bed and used the bathroom to dress for bed. Nico followed in your steps when you climbed back under the covers and came back shirtless and in a pair of clean boxers before tucking himself in beside you.
Neither of you said a thing as Nico folded himself around your back, nestling himself nice and cozy against you and wrapping an arm around your middle to pull you in deep.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he whispered with a kiss on your shoulder.
“Goodnight, Nico,” you repeated back, making yourself comfortable in his hold.
‘We’ll talk tomorrow’ was the unsaid conclusion you both came to that neither of you minded. But for tonight, you’d enjoy what you had.
Emily stole your breath walking down the aisle, the long white train of her wedding dress catching the red rose petals as she drew closer to the altar. You all raised out of your seats when the music started playing, standing with Nico in a row near the front with your brother and his family on your other side.
The weather was perfect for an outdoor July wedding, the clouds providing just enough cover to keep the heat from becoming sweltering. A long white carpet extended through the aisle that led to a beautiful floral altar overlooking a large expanse of fields.
Nico stood on the edge of the row, giving him a view of everything: the bride, the altar, David tearing up underneath it, but the most important view for Nico was you.
Your skin glowed in the afternoon rays, which also illuminated the pale yellow dress you wore, transforming you into sunlight itself. He couldn’t help but let his eyes flicker back to you despite his efforts to watch Emily walk down the aisle, but nothing compared to how pretty you looked beside him.
He was even more grateful when you were finally seated and you took his hand in yours, resting them both on your thigh. Your intertwined fingers rested comfortably throughout the ceremony, and at one point you even allowed your head to fall on Nico’s shoulder as your eyes filled with tears at their sentimental vows.
Nico produced a tissue he had tucked away for this specific purpose, handing it to you and watching adoringly as you blotted your eyes carefully. Maybe he even took a risk and kissed your temple softly when you were too busy cheering at their walk back down the aisle.
There were a lot of questions unanswered and more problems that needed to be resolved after last night’s slip-up, but Nico was just thankful you didn’t run screaming from him when you woke up in his arms this morning. In fact, you indulged him in a few minutes of conscious cuddling before pulling away to get ready for the day.
And maybe he was seeing things, but Nico swore your stare lingered on him for longer than normal over breakfast pancakes and that you nudged his foot with yours under the table, but he could’ve also been delirious and shamelessly hopeful.
Even at the reception, you sat closer to him at the table than you did the night before, occasionally letting your elbows knock together or letting your thighs brush momentarily. You didn’t shy away from his grasp like you normally did when you mingled with other guests, seamlessly introducing him as your boyfriend to strangers and leaning in closer to his touch. And when Nico pulled you onto the dancefloor, you twirled happily in his arms for three whole songs, whatever awkwardness that had been surrounding you all week was gone for those ten glorious minutes.
“Stop staring at my cake.” Nico laughed. “Just go get another piece.”
After burning off all the calories from dinner, you settled back down for dessert and easily tore through your own slice of cake. And Nico knew you had your sights set on his slice now.
“You took the largest piece. I’m not hungry enough for a whole slice. I just want one more bite.” You batted your eyelashes at him. “Please.”
Nico rolled his eyes but scooped up a chunk of cake on his fork and held it in front of your face. You gladly opened your mouth to take the bite. He watched with heated eyes as you licked the remaining frosting off your lips, and without overthinking his next move, he leaned forward and captured your lips in a kiss.
It was chaste and sweet and only lasted a second before Nico pulled back, the sweet taste of icing now coating his mouth.
“Nico…” Your voice was strained, your eyes downcast.
“Let’s take a walk,” he said, standing up abruptly.
The night was winding down already, a couple people had already left the reception and those who remained were well on the way to getting drunk. You looked around hesitantly.
“Come on.” Nico held his hand out for you to take. “No one will mind us leading a little early. Besides, we have some stuff to talk about.”
“I guess we do, don’t we?” You took his hand and let him lead you away.
Nico gave you the opportunity to say goodbye to Emily and David, but you skipped on telling the rest of your family lest they try to convince you to stay.
The July air had chilled significantly since the afternoon, but it was a welcome cool compared to the stifling air in the barn.
Nico’s hand still held yours as he steered you towards the backyard area, leading you down a cobblestone trail that continued into a thick copse of trees.
“I don’t think this is the way back to the house,” you commented as you traveled further into the woods, the trail illuminated by the occasional lamppost stuck in the ground.
“I figured this would be easier than trying to talk it out at the house with your parents and family there. And I found this cool spot when I was helping your dad set up yesterday.”
The destination came into view just a few short minutes later, a small wooden gazebo in a garden clearing, completely vacant and adorned in hanging lanterns. In the middle rested a large bench.
You both sat on the old bench, close enough to still hold hands but not nearly as close as you were back at the reception. The chirping of cicadas engulfed you from all sides while you sat in silence, internally debating how to address the situation.
“So I was—”
“We should—”
You nodded for Nico to go first.
“Last night was incredible,” he started, glancing down to your intertwined fingers. “For me, at least. This whole week with you has been great, really. Your family, the wedding, you, everything. I wanted to know if it was as good for you as it was for me.”
“Yeah. It was,” you admitted with a sigh. “It has me all different kinds of confused if I’m being honest.”
Nico’s chin tilted down in agreement. “Yeah. I know.”
Another silence filled the air between you.
“I think this week made me realize how much I missed you. How much I missed us,” you said. “And not us at the end where we didn’t even want to be around each other but us before everything went to shit.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever missed anyone as much as I’ve missed you these past months,” he confessed. “What do we do? What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know. We can’t go on like it is now, and we certainly can’t go back to how it was. I don’t know what other option is left.”
“Then we’ll start over.”
“Nico…” you scoffed. “We already know everything about each other. We can’t just start over.”
“Who says we can’t? You said it yourself we can’t exist like this and we can’t go back. The only other option is to start over. It’ll be our version of a do-over,” he said.
“And how would that even work?”
He shrugged. “We start from square one. Start with the dates and weekly phone calls and go on from there. I’ll give it some time before I ask you to be my girlfriend and then you’ll start spending the night. Slowly you’ll infiltrate my apartment like you did the first time by leaving some extra clothes around and bringing your own throw blankets.” He grinned as he reminisced. “We’ll do it all over and do it right this time. We’ll talk when shit gets hard and not let other obligations monopolize all our time.”
Nico lifted his arm to sling it around your shoulder, all the while keeping your hands connected. You leaned into his embrace and rested your head on his shoulder.
“What happens if I want to apply to another program that takes me away from New Jersey?”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, but now that I know that’s something you want, we can work out a plan. God knows I have enough money to fly you back whenever you want, and we’ll always have the summer. It’ll be a temporary problem that’ll require a temporary solution. Past that? Who knows, but we can figure it out.”
“You sound pretty confident for a guy who ignored my text messages for days on end just a few months ago,” you chuckled.
He laughed at your joke and pressed a kiss to your temple. “I’ve done a lot of growing up,” he teased. “But it’s like you said with David and Emily. They needed their time apart, but you always knew they were meant for each other. I think you’re meant for me and maybe that was supposed to be our time apart.”
“How philosophical and romantic of you,” you remarked with a smirk.
“It’s the wedding vibes,” he replied. “And don’t act like you weren’t crying earlier at the vows.”
“Only if you admit they made you tear up as well.” You had seen the slight sheen of tears in his eyes after the ceremony.
Nico elected to ignore your comment. “So what do you say?”
“To starting over?” He hummed in acknowledgement. “You really think we can do it?”
“I don’t know, to be honest, but I think we have a much better chance than last time. And we’ll never know until we try, and I really want to try with you.”
You gave it a moment to ruminate. There was no doubt it wouldn’t be easy, especially since you knew that you did want to leave New Jersey at some point, but somehow even that fact didn’t bring you down. Maybe knowing everything you knew from last time would set you on a better path this time around. And there was no way to know unless you tried.
“Okay,” you said softly. “Let’s give it another try.”
“Really? You want to?”
“Yeah. I do. I want this with you.”
You looked up at him then, gazes connecting and a mutual compromise was reached. One more try.
“Should we get back to the party?” You asked, after a considerable pause of longing stares.
“Not yet,” Nico answered, and then he leaned forward to peck you sweetly. “I wanna spend a little more time here with you. We can count this as our first date.”
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greynatomy · 2 years
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Emily Sonnett x Fem!Reader
I decided to split this into multiple parts because I didn’t want it to be too long. Hope you enjoy! Feedback is appreciated :)
“Come on Sonny.” Kelly whined. “You need to get laid. It’ll help with your grumpiness.”
“Kelly, I don’t need to get laid!” Sonny exclaimed, walking into the meal room.
“Who needs to get laid?”
“Sonny does!” Screamed Kelly, jumping up and down around Emily.
Hums and nods of agreements are heard throughout the whole room.
“Fuck you guys!” Sonnett yelled, throwing up the middle finger while grabbing some food.
“Nah! Someone need to fuck you— OW!” Kelly rubs the back of her head.
Oh, are they in for a treat.
Getting ready, you decided to take a shower with your daughter because you’d been running around the backyard and she’s been playing with your dog, Gus, in the dirt.
“What do you wanna wear bubs?” You ask your four year old daughter, Isabella. 
“Be like Mommy and wear Mama jersey?”
“We can do that.” You grab some black joggers, your guys’ Sonnett jersey, and a blue beanie for the both of you. “Let’s take a picture for Mama bubs.” You both stand in front of the mirror taking a picture, Isabella being silly, she puts up peace signs and sticks her tongue out.
Me: Ready to watch you play.
Superstar: You guys look so cute. Can’t wait to see you both. I gotta go. I love you!
Me: Good luck out there! I love you more!
Superstar: Not possible.
You had just arrived at the stadium where the USWNT game was being played. Giving your ticket to be scanned, you make your way to your seats, front row, behind the U.S. bench, carrying your daughter on your waist.
“You ready to see Mama play bubs?” You say, putting some ear muffs over her ears.
“YEAH!” Isabella screams as loud as she could.
The game was about to start, the person they were here for was sitting on the bench. Emily sees both you and Bella, giving a subtle wink.
“OH MY GOD! Look at that baby!” Rose yelled excitedly, smacking Sonnett’s arm repeatedly.
“Ow—ow—OW! Stop hitting me!”
“But the baby is so cute!”
“You know who else is cute?” Kelly asks, joining the conversation. “The person holding the baby.”
Emily glares at Kelley. “Don’t say that.”
“Why? You want her all to yourself?” Emily stays silent. “Oh my god! You do want her all to yourself!”
“Shut Up! No I don’t! And she’s probably not even single.”
“But if she was… you would totally hit that— OW!”
“Mommy, Mommy! Mama goin’ in! Mama gonna play!” Bella yells excitedly, but drops her mini flag over the railing and onto the ground. “Mommy, I drop.”
“Oh, no bubs. That’s okay. Maybe you can get another one.” You say, holding onto her so she doesn’t fall over the railing like her flag. 
“I think you dropped something.” You hear someone say. You look down, over the railing to see Pinoe holding the mini flag.
“Yeah, sorry. She got way too excited.”
“We all get a little excited when Sonnettt goes in.”
“Yeah, we do.”
“Why don’t you guys come down after the game to meet Sonnettt?”
“What do you think bubs? Should we go down there after?” You feel her nod against your side, getting shy when she sees new people talking to her. “Alright, we’ll see you down there.
The final whistle blows. The crowd cheers loudly for the 3-0 win for the U.S.
“YEAH! Mommy, Mama won! Mama won!”
“She did!” You said with the same enthusiasm as Isabella.
A couple minutes later, a security guard comes to get you and escort you on the field. You carry Isabella on your hip so she doesn’t get lost in the crowd.
After greeting a couple fans, Emily starts walking towards the tunnel with Kelley, Rose, and Mal.
“MAMA!” They all hear.
Emily looks towards the voice and sees Isabella running towards her. She crouches down to her height and Bella crashes into her, making them both fall back.
“Hi, Bubs.” Emily gets up with Bella in her arms.
“WHAT?!” Multiple voices ask.
“Wait wait wait. That baby just called Sonny Mommy.”
“I not baby!” Bella told Kelley sternly.
“But you’re mine and Mommy’s baby.”
Feeling arms wrap around the both of making Sonnettt relax in them.
“You did so amazing superstar.” You whisper in her ear, kissing it lightly.
“Nooo, my Mama.” Bella wined, pushing her Mommy away.
“But she was mine first.” You said, jutting your bottom lip out.
“You guys can share.” Your wife said, kissing your lips and Bella’s forehead.
People clearing their throat interrupts you little family moment. You and Emily turn around to see the whole team standing. Some staring in shock, others in confusion.
“I think you got some explaining to do Sonny.”
“Alright, fine. Can we wait until later? Little miss here needs to take a nap soon. Everyone can just meet in my room.”
“How about everyone freshens up and we all meet at our place in like… 4 hours? We can have a late lunch, early dinner. I can cook.” You suggest.
“Oh, you don’t have to. We can all bring some things.” Alex says.
“No, no. I insist.”
“It’s settled then, Bye everyone!” Emily said, walking away with a sleepy Bella in her arms.
“See y’all soon.”
Dropping both your wife and daughter at home, you go to the grocery store to buy some ingredients for the dinner.
Couple hours later, all the food is cooked and laid out around the kitchen, buffet style. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
“I’ll get it.” You wife shouts from the living room.
“Hey, guys. Welcome to my home. Come in. Come in. Let’s go to the kitchen. Babe they’re here!”
“Hey, guys. Welcome. Before we start getting to know each other, let me just tell you what I made so that’s out of the way.” You walk further in the kitchen with them following not far behind. “Okay so for starters, I just made a basic caesar salad. For the main, I made some seafood paella and roast chicken. And mac and cheese. Simple.” Walking to the other side of the island, “Over here, I made another caesar salad, but it’s vegan. Uh, this is some bolognese with high-protein mushroom and lentils mixed in with some hand cut pasta. And some butternut squash curry. All vegan. And dessert, we have peanut butter cookie bars and a chocolate cake with light mousse frosting. Again, all vegan.” You turn towards Alex. “Emily mentioned you were vegan and I wanted to make sure you had options that isn’t basically just leaves.”
“You made all this? From scratch?”
“Yeah, so, dig in everyone!”
Once everyone is settled in the backyard, Ashlyn asked the important question, “How’d you guys get together?”
“It’s a really funny story actually…”
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lemoncrushh · 18 days
Wild Horses - Four
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Summary: Amber Crosby didn’t end up with the life she’d expected, but that didn’t keep her from following her dream. A young, up and coming country recording artist, she and her band set out to do just that. Trying to leave her past behind, it wasn’t until meeting Harry Styles that she realized just how her life could take a turn and alter her future forever.
A/N: Please note all portions in italics are meant to be flashbacks :).
Chapter Four Word Count: 4.8k
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“If you’re gonna go for something, better make it everything…” - Cam; Want It All
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Amber was only half surprised to find Carter was already backstage when she arrived the next morning. She’d awoken to a short text from him, an apology to which she hadn’t replied. After showering and dressing, tying her hair back into a ponytail, she’d received a second text, only this one put a smile on her face.
Good morning! Harry had texted. Today’s the day! Enjoy breakfast backstage before your final rehearsal. It’s the most important meal of the day.
She could already smell the bacon and maple syrup before she rounded the corner, spotting Carter filling up his plate.
“Morning,” he greeted groggily, skipping the fruit tray for the pile of bacon.
Amber merely blinked, grabbing her own plate and plopping scrambled eggs on top. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with him yet. Carter sensed the uneasiness, and with a sigh took a seat at the nearby table.
“Damn, Styles knows how to do it!” a voice cheered behind Amber.
She turned to see Brendan entering the room, followed by Johnny. She smiled at her bandmates, grabbing several slices of cantaloupe and kiwi from the fruit tray and adding them to her plate.
“Morning, guys,” she said before setting her plate on the table, the opposite end from Carter.
Johnny and Brendan both gave mumbled greetings as Amber made her way to the coffee display, filling a mug and choosing from a variety of creamers. Taking her seat, she could feel Carter’s eyes on her.
“So you’re just gonna ignore me now?” she heard him ask as she took a bite of eggs.
When she didn’t reply, and instead took her time chewing and swallowing, then lifting a slice of kiwi to her lips, Carter huffed.
“Real mature,” he muttered.
“Excuse me?” she finally said, lifting her gaze.
“Oh, so you do know how to talk,” Carter scoffed.
“Yeah…” Amber said with a smirk, popping the kiwi into her mouth. “Real mature.”
She didn’t miss the eye roll from Carter before her other bandmates joined the table. They delved into a conversation about Harry and the show that evening. Amber listened, giving a nod or a small comment when asked a question. Soon enough, the entire table was smiling, excited about the tour kick-off. Though she could still feel the tension in the air between herself and Carter, she chose to ignore it. She knew there would be no point in addressing what had happened the night before. He’d been drunk. He’d said he was sorry in the text. They had a show to do. She was willing to bury the hatchet, at least for the time being, for the sake of the band.
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Rehearsals went well, and despite her slight disappointment that Harry hadn’t shown his face, Amber felt like they were ready. Jeffrey had arranged for cars to take them to and from the venue, so they didn’t always have to take the van or ride together, and today the gesture had proven particularly useful. As the driver made his way back to the hotel, Amber could already detect a large line snaking around the venue, and even another around the hotel. Jeff had been right about the mob of fans. They’d somehow gotten wind of where Harry was staying, and Amber wondered if any of them even had tickets to the show, or if they were just camping out hoping to score one or merely spot him with their own eyes.
A little weary, Amber opened her hotel room door, prepared to take a nap. She gasped, however, when she was met with a colorful bouquet of flowers on the dresser, two cards displayed in front of it. Lifting the first card, she inspected the front which was adorned with a big gold star that said SHINE underneath.
Best of luck tonight! She read from the inside. You’ll shine brightly! Love, Jeff.
With a smile, Amber moved to the second card, flowers on the front that mimicked the ones in the vase. It had no words, but when she opened it, she couldn’t stop her lips from spreading wider.
May the stars align tonight. Make yourself proud.
Your biggest fan and your friend,
H x
Already feeling her eyes well up with tears, Amber pressed the card to her chest and let out a deep breath. Then replacing the card on the dresser, she pulled down the covers and crawled into bed, out like a light.
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“Dallas Marker?!” shouted Faith, astonished. “You made out with Dallas Marker?”
“Why is that so hard to believe?” Amber asked.
“Well...he’s a Senior, Amber! And like super popular!”
Faith threw her head back laughing, then sat next to Amber on her bed.
“Alright, fine. Spill it.”
“Spill what?”
“The details! What was it like? Did he finger fuck you? Did you come?”
“Jesus, Faith, gross!” Amber pushed her friend away with her arm.
“It’s not gross. It’s amazing. And by your reaction I take it you didn’t.”
“No, it wasn’t like that,” Amber said quietly. “We just kissed.”
“Hmm. Not even some touching under the clothes?”
Amber bit her lip. “Maybe a little.”
Faith chuckled. “Aw sweet Ambs, just you wait.”
“You know what?” Amber rose from the bed. “Never mind. Forget I told you. I’m going home.”
“Wait, what? I wanna hear about it.”
“Not when you talk to me in that condescending tone.”
“What condescending tone?” Faith called as Amber opened the bedroom door and walked out into the hallway. “Wait up!”
“You’re only seventeen, Faith,” Amber stopped and turned around. “You haven’t even had real sex yet. Stop acting like you’re the queen know-it-all, and I’m some tiny little idiot pawn.”
With that, Amber opened the trailer door and ran down the steps, leaving Faith standing with her mouth ready to catch flies.
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Amber could already hear the overwhelming chatter from the audience as she made her way down the hall toward the stage. Her nerves were back, or perhaps they’d never really gone away. She figured they’d been hiding, sitting back and waiting to flood her insides full-force at this moment.
The rest of the band were still in their dressing room. She’d already met with them, giving them - and herself - a pep talk which had only ended with getting emotional, so she’d decided to go for a walk down the hall. Stopping near a water fountain, she leaned against the wall, taking several deep breaths. Suddenly she felt someone touch her arm.
“There you are,” said a low, calming voice.
Turning sharply, Amber was met with green eyes. Almost instantly, she felt the tension in her shoulders loosen, though it was replaced with a flutter in her stomach.
“I was just chatting with the lads, but they said you’d already gone.”
A smile crept up on her features, and Amber looked at the ground.
“Needed some air,” she explained. “But there doesn’t seem to be much out here either.”
Biting his lip, Harry’s eyes followed hers as they shifted and darted all around him. When she finally met his gaze again, he gave a concerned look.
“You okay, love?” he asked.
Amber grimaced, holding her belly. “I don’t know.”
“C’mere,” Harry offered. “I’ll walk with you.”
Turning toward the way she’d been headed, Amber felt Harry’s hand on her back as they continued down the hall. Though his touch was probably doing the opposite of relieving her nerves, she thought it rude to move away or tell him so. She listened to the noise grow from the venue and began counting backwards in her head from ten. Just as she reached two, Harry stopped and released her. She wouldn’t have admitted it, even to herself, but she felt a sudden chill down her back from the absence of his hand.
“In here,” he gestured, pushing open a nearby door.
Catching his eyes once again, she stepped into the cozy room, decorated in warm colors. When she heard the door shut behind her, she turned to take in the entire view.
“This is your dressing room?” she asked with a squeak. Feeling dumb, she cleared her throat.
“Yeah,” he replied nonchalantly. “Have a seat.”
Rounding the coffee table at his suggestion, Amber sat on the dark brown leather sofa, inhaling deeply.
“It smells amazing in here!” she exclaimed, closing her eyes and taking another breath.
She heard Harry chuckle before she felt the sofa shift next to her.
“Probably that candle.”
Amber opened her eyes to see him pointing at a candle on the table. Leaning forward, she took one more big whiff.
“Mmm, yeah, that smells so good. You bring your own candles?”
With a smirk, Harry shrugged. “Anything that feels like home.”
Amber’s eyes widened. “Your house smells like this?”
A giggle slipped from Harry’s lips and he sat back. “Sometimes.”
“Boy have I been doing life wrong,” Amber muttered, her gaze wandering around the room. “What other secrets have you got?”
Harry shrugged again. “Dunno. That’s pretty much it. Staying calm and meditating, making the road feel like home.”
“And treating people with kindness,” Amber added.
“Exactly,” Harry agreed, a sparkle in his eyes.
With a blush to her cheeks, Amber rubbed her palms across her knees.
“I should probably try all of those things too,” she commented. “And teach them to the guys. Especially the candle thing. Then maybe I’d actually wanna spend more than a minute in their dressing room. It smells like sweat and dirty feet.”
Harry threw his head back laughing, and Amber suddenly felt weak in the knees. She couldn’t help but join him though, and she realized it felt great to laugh.
“Would you like a drink?” asked Harry.
“Oh, um…” she licked her lips. “Sure.”
“Just a little one,” Harry winked, rising from the couch. “It helps calm the nerves.”
Amber snorted. “You get nervous?”
“Me? Never.”
Catching the sarcasm in his tone, Amber giggled. She watched him as he poured a liquid that matched her name from a crystal decanter into two glasses. Yep, he even had his own freaking decanter for crying out loud. Amber rolled her eyes. Of course he did. Returning to the sofa, Harry handed her a glass.
“I’d make another toast, but we probably covered everything already,” he said with a grin.
“I think so,” Amber blushed again. Damn it, she needed to get a hold of herself.
“Eh,” Harry shrugged, lifting his glass. “To new beginnings and first times and all that…”
“Pfffftt,” Amber sounded, nearly spilling her drink. “First times?”
“Shit, that came out wrong. I meant first nights...or...opening...no…”
Amber couldn’t stop laughing then, her eyes beginning to water. Unable to stop the tears, she wiped her cheek with the back of her hand.
“You sure you haven’t already had one of these?” she mocked. “Or a few?”
Harry held up his hand, a wide smile making his dimples show. “Swear to God.”
Leaning back in a fit of giggles, Amber took a second to catch her breath.
“You’re hilarious,” she finally managed to say. Then she tapped her glass against his. “Thanks for making he laugh. I feel so much better.”
With a chuckle, and a slight blush of his own, Harry lifted his glass to his lips. “You’re welcome. Glad I could help.”
A knock sounded on the door then and Harry cleared his throat. “Come in.”
When the door opened, Jeff walked in, smiling when he saw Amber.
“Ah, I was looking for you,” he said.
“Yep, just wanted to check on you, see how you’re feeling. Wish you luck.”
Amber looked at Harry and grinned. “I’m fine.”
“Good, because you’re on in ten,” Jeff added.
“Oh, shit!” Amber shouted. Rising from the couch, she swallowed the last sip from her glass and set it on the table. “Thanks again, Harry.”
“No problem.”
“Oh, also,” she continued. “Thank you both for the flowers and cards. That was really nice.”
“You’re welcome,” both men said in unison.
When she reached the door, she heard Harry call her name. Turning, she saw that he’d stood up, running a hand through his hair.
“You look beautiful, by the way,” he said.
Warmth instantly poured through her veins as she gave her brightest smile.
“Thanks, Harry,” she beamed. “See you later.”
Stepping out into the hall, Amber made her way back to her band. Though her nerves were still sitting at bay, she could tell she was going to be fine. She knew it.
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The crowd cheered as the lights went out, the music instantly filling the arena as Amber and her band took the stage and began to play. Harry watched from the side, hidden behind the equipment. He wanted to watch the set, making sure he was giving his support, even if Amber was unaware.
He’d caught the disapproving glare from Jeffrey earlier, though his voice had remained silent. Harry knew Jeff hadn’t liked the compliment he’d given Amber. Or perhaps it wasn’t the compliment itself, but the way he’d said it, or the look on his face as he’d smiled at her. But he didn’t care. He hadn’t said anything inappropriate, only truth. She looked positively stunning. But if he had just told her that when he’d first thought it, when he saw her in the hallway, he would have escaped the piercing eyes from his manager.
Harry felt a shoulder bump his during Amber’s third song, though he needn’t turn his head. He heard Jeffrey’s low chuckle as Harry started singing along.
“You know the words already?” Jeff commented, only partly a question.
“I watched her rehearse this one a few times,” replied Harry. “She was worried about the key, so they changed it. I reckon she made the right choice, don’t you?”
Harry wasn’t really asking for his opinion, so he wasn’t surprised when Jeffrey merely nodded. His eyes still on Amber, he smiled when the song ended and she turned around to face her drummer, counting off the next song. He was glad to see the expression on her face, a mix of relief and elation.
The next song was one of his favorites, and he joined the crowd as they began to clap to the beat, though some insisted on clapping on the one and the three, a little pet peeve of his. He soon found himself swaying from side to side, his hands clapping above his head. When the song ended, however, Jeffrey poked him in the ribs.
“You should probably finish getting ready,” he told him. “Her set’s almost done.”
“I have time,” Harry remarked with narrowed eyes.
He caught the silent argument on Jeff’s face before he turned back to finish watching Amber and the band. Harry wasn’t exactly sure why his friend was acting this way, though he had somewhat of an idea. But now was not the time nor place to discuss it. He made a mental note to chat with Jeffrey alone later. Though he was indeed his manager, he was his friend first and foremost, and usually cool as a cucumber. Any decisions made were a joint effort with minimal disagreements. Lately, however, Harry had gotten the feeling that Jeffrey wasn’t always a hundred percent on his side. That’s not to say they’d had a massive row, but ever since…
The opening chords of Amber’s final song rang through the arena, bringing Harry back to the present. It was another number that he’d watched her rehearse several times, and possibly his personal favorite. Though the lyrics and melody were both rather simple, Harry enjoyed the tone in her voice as she held out some of the notes, her phrasing and cry at the end of others. He stood waiting as she reached the line he knew she’d practiced several times, different ways, and when she executed it perfectly, a wide smile spread across his face. He looked over at Jeffrey then who raised his brows and grinned with a nod.
As the crowd cheered the loudest they had so far, Amber gave a bow and blew a kiss out into the audience.
“Thank you so much,” she said into the microphone. “Have a great night. I love you.”
Then with one more kiss, Amber turned and made her way backstage in a brisk jog. Harry was surprised when she strutted straight up to him, stopped and let out a deep breath as though she’d been holding it for a while.
“How’d I do?” she asked both him and Jeffrey.
“Wonderful!” exclaimed Jeff.
“Are you kidding?” Harry beamed before he wrapped his arms around her, lifted her up and twirled her. As she squealed, he murmured into her ear. “You were spectacular, darling.”
Harry felt her giggle in his arms as he set her back down. She looked up at him, the most beautiful smile on her pretty face.
“You really thought it was good? I was so afraid I’d fuck up that last line in-”
Harry started to shake his head when Amber’s drummer came around the corner and cheered.
“There she is! My girl!”
Harry quirked a brow as Carter lifted her up from behind and twirled her around in the same fashion he had. This time, however, he couldn’t help but notice she didn’t giggle like she had with him.
“Oh shit!” she yelled, her eyes wide, her arms out as though she was hoping to be rescued.
“That was fucking amazing, Amber!” Carter exclaimed, letting her go. “Let’s go celebrate!”
“Hell yeah, man, that tequila bottle’s calling my name!” Brendan agreed before Amber could protest. “That felt great, I’m so fired up now.”
“Oh, okay,” she breathed, straightening her dress. “I’ll meet you guys.”
After her bandmates were out of earshot, she turned back to Harry and Jeffrey.
“Thank y’all...” she said softly, “for watching.”
“Oh it’s-” Harry began, but Amber stopped him.
“You’re gonna get so sick of hearing this from me. But you didn’t have to stand here. It was really nice of you. I saw you out of the corner of my eye when I turned to grab my guitar and...well, it just felt nice. Like I had my own cheering section. And as...corny as it sounds...I think it helped me sing better. So thanks.”
Harry’s eyes glistened as he tried to think of the words to say, but Jeff beat him to it.
“It was our pleasure, Amber,” he said. “We’re rooting for you, but honestly, you’ve got the talent and the pipes. We’re just here for the little push as they say.”
“Well, I appreciate it,” she grinned. Then with a small glance at Harry, she lifted her hand to his arm and gave it a squeeze. “Be back later to watch you.”
As Amber practically danced down the hall, Harry raised his brows at his manager.
“Don’t even say it, H,” Jeffrey rolled his eyes.
“Say what?”
“I told you so.”
“Well, I did,” Harry chuckled as he started to walk towards his dressing room.
“I had no real reservations about her, Harry,” Jeff argued. “Or her talent. I’m happy to manage her. I agree with everything you said, and I told you I trusted your judgment.”
“But you don’t trust me.”
Harry heard Jeffrey sigh when he reached his door and pushed it open.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” he said. “Or you with her, or whatever other idea you think I have. I just think right now...under the circumstances...and considering your recent history...that you should be a little more…”
“Careful?” Harry finished.
Harry narrowed his eyes before pulling his t-shirt over his head. “That’s a rather shitty remark, considering she’s an artist on your roster now.”
“That’s not what I mean,” Jeff grumbled, taking a seat on the couch.
“Then what do you mean?”
“I mean...I’m only suggesting it might be a good idea to...practice abstinence for a while.”
Harry laughed as he grabbed the newly pressed shirt he’d planned to wear from the rack against the wall.
“You’ve got to be joking,” he shook his head.
“No, I’m not.”
“I’m not shagging her, mate.”
“Not yet. But you are attracted to her. And there’s no mistaking the way she looks at you.”
Harry shrugged. “So?”
“She’s young and vulnerable, Harry.”
“You don’t think I can keep my hands off her? Is that what you’re saying? Or are you starting to believe the garbage that you spent months trying to erase?”
“I’m just saying…” Jeffrey ran his palm down his face. “I’m saying you probably shouldn’t make any moves until the other mess is completely resolved.”
“You mean the Iris mess,” Harry frowned, grabbing his clean trousers. “You can say her name, mate. She’s still a real person, even if you don’t think so.”
Jeff sighed. “We’ve been through this, H.”
“Yeah, but we don’t much discuss it now, do we? It’s like it’s still there...it exists...but it’s swept under the rug.”
“And I’d like to keep it there until it’s gone away completely,” remarked Jeffrey.
Harry set his jaw as he unbuttoned his jeans. “In the meantime, I’m supposed to live like a monk. On tour, no less.”
“Christ, Harry, why do you keep twisting my words?”
“I’m not. I can read between the lines.”
Leaning back on the sofa, Jeffrey took a deep breath. “You know what? Let’s drop it for now. You’ve got a show to do.”
“Fine,” Harry muttered, peeling off his jeans as his manager rose from the couch and left the room.
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Amber was starting to feel a buzz as Brendan passed around the third round of shots. She eyed the clock on the wall, knowing Harry would be taking the stage any minute, and she didn’t want to miss his show.
“Here ya go,” said Carter, handing her the shot glass.
His other hand had been on her thigh since the first shot, and she hadn’t bothered to move it. The band was in good spirits, and she didn’t want to do anything to disturb that, including something that could shift Carter’s mood in the slightest.
“No thanks,” Amber shook her head. “I think I’m good for now.”
“Nah, babe, we gotta finish the bottle!” he argued.
Just then, a large booming sound erupted and nearly shook the walls. Amber’s eyes widened as she realized it was the sound of the crowd. Harry was on stage, and she was missing it.
“I guess Styles is on now,” Brendan laughed before chugging down his tequila.
Amber rose from her seat, Carter’s hand finally slipping from her leg.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I wanna go watch.”
“Aw c’mon, we’re not done celebrating. Have another shot.” He tugged at the hem of her dress, his other hand still holding the small glass.
“Fine,” she sighed, taking the glass and shooting back the gold liquor. Then handing the empty glass back to him, she grimaced. “Have fun, guys.”
Amber heard Carter calling after her, but she ignored him as she pulled open the door and walked out into the hallway, the cheers and screams nearly deafening.
Already feeling the effects of the tequila, Amber stepped carefully in her heeled boots, grabbing the wall for support once or twice. She knew she shouldn’t have had that third shot. It was always the third that put her over the edge. After that, she had been known to lose all inhibitions, sometimes finishing half the bottle herself.
Her stomach churned as she recalled several occasions where that had happened. Sometimes she’d been alone, no one to tell her otherwise. But other times she’d been with Carter, his heavy eyes glassy from his own consumption. He’d always wanted her, and most of those times he was either really convincing, or she was just too tired or too wasted to put up a fight. They’d ended up fucking on her motel bed, drunker than Cooter Brown, and waking up with a horrible hangover, worse than the time before.
Amber shook her head and blinked, stopping at the water fountain to take several sips before making her way to the stage. Taking the same spot Harry had been standing to watch her show, she caught him finishing his first song. Then grabbing his guitar, he slung it over his shoulder and stepped up to the mic.
“Hello. I’m Harry,” he said. “I’m from England.”
Amber couldn’t help but giggle.
“I have one job tonight, and that is to entertain you.”
Crossing her arms, Amber braced herself to be entertained, as though Harry was some sort of magician, and he was about to pull out his bag of tricks. She smiled as she watched him start the chords to his next song, and the crowd went wild once again. She wasn’t a fool. She knew she was in the presence of something great. She could feel the energy and electricity he ignited, even from where she stood.
As she clapped when the song ended, she felt something brush her arm. She turned to see Jeff, a tall beer in his hand.
“Having fun so far?” he asked.
“The most,” she beamed. “Do you always watch from back here?”
“Sometimes I go out there,” Jeff pointed to the audience. “Care to join me?”
Considering his offer, Amber bit her lip.
“Maybe some other night,” she replied. “I think I’d like to just stay back here for now.”
“Suit yourself,” Jeff grinned. “Can I get you a drink? Beer or anything?”
Amber made a face, crinkling her nose. “Maybe just some water?”
“You got it,” he chuckled before turning away.
Amber felt herself step in time to the beat of Harry’s next song, and was soon singing along when Jeff returned with her water. With a pat on her back, he announced he was going to watch the rest of the show from the audience and left her alone once again.
It wasn’t until close to the end of the show, when Harry was revving up the crowd with a new rendition of a One Direction classic that Amber felt another presence behind her. Still singing along, she turned around and saw Carter standing with his arms crossed, much like he had been the night before when she found him in the hallway next to her room. Not bothering to stop her singing, she grinned and held out her hand, urging him to step closer to her. Carter glared at her, hesitant for a moment before joining her side, though he declined her gesture, his arms still across his chest. Dropping her hand, Amber looked back at Harry.
“He’s great, isn’t he?” she asked when the song ended.
Carter shrugged. “Sure, he’s pretty good.”
“Where are Bren and Johnny?”
“They ran into Jeff a little while ago and went out there with him,” Carter jutted his jaw out toward the crowd.
“You didn’t wanna go?” Amber asked, tucking her hair behind her ear but still watching Harry. “I’m sure there’s free beer.”
“Nope.” Carter exaggerated the P at the end like a pop.
Amber sighed. “You know, you could be a little more grateful.”
“What for?”
“For Mr. Azoff,” she looked up at him. “He’s your manager now too, you know. And for Harry. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.”
Carter snorted. When Amber gave him a look, he rolled his eyes and shrugged.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Part of Amber wanted to argue, but she was not in the mood, and she most definitely was not going to cause a scene right there during Harry’s concert. She heard a roar from the crowd and knew she’d missed something Harry had said, but she caught the huge smile on his face as he untangled the microphone cord from around the stand. Crossing her own arms again, she took a small enough step away from Carter to get some space. Just as Harry introduced the next song, Amber heard Carter scoff, and out of the corner of her eye, saw him turn and walk away.
She was disappointed in him, to say the least. If there was one thing they had in common - other than their love for a drink - it was their shared love for music. She’d hoped that watching the act they were supporting while in his element would make Carter loosen up, maybe even help him get over her a little. They could go back to the way things were when the band originally formed, before they’d ever slept together, when they’d spent late nights singing along to old George and Reba albums, throwing in an occasional classic rock or two. Perhaps she was fooling herself, she thought. Maybe you can never really go back.
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tagging: @freedomfireflies, @daphnesutton
If you’d like to be added to the taglist, please let me know.
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mychemicalbarrett · 28 days
hey saw you write for fall out boy and was wondering if you could do a fluffy patrick x fem!reader, maybe you go and surprise him while hes on tour at one of the shows and he just gets all excited since he wasnt expecting to see you for a while yet🫠
Mhm!! Sorry for how flipping late I am.
Surprise, Surprise || Patrick Stump x Fem!Reader
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(Y/n) hasn't seen Patrick all tour, and she gets tickets to see the band with her best friend without Patrick knowing.
TW// None, I think. Kinda shitty wattpad-ish writing.
(Y/n) paced around her room. She was on the phone with her best friend. "Are you ready yet?" Her best friend asked. "Almost. Stop hurrying me." (Y/n) rolled her eyes, putting the phone on speaker mode and searching her jewelry box for the locket Patrick had bought for her. "I wouldn't be hurrying you if we didn't have to be there in a few hours." (Y/n) sighed as she found the locket and put it on. "Look, be here in thirty minutes and I'll meet you outside, okay?" She said. "Sure. You excited?" Asked her best friend. "Mhmm. Nervous, too." She said, grabbing the phone and walking downstairs. "Why are you nervous?" "What if he doesn't want me there?" (Y/n) asked, grabbing her bag and sticking the stuff she wanted to bring in it. She heard a sigh from the phone, "Why on earth would he not want you to be there?" "Well, I don't know. I'm sure he wants his home life and work life separated." "(Y/n), this has nothing to do with that. I'm going to grab my shit, be there soon." "Okay, see you." (Y/n) hung up the phone and put it into her bag. Thirty minutes and a two hour car drive later, (Y/n) and her best friend arrived at the concert venue. "You go get our seats, I'm gonna...go try to find Patrick, if I can?" She explained as they finished up going through security. "Oh, good luck with that." Her best friend chuckled, and left to go find their seats. (Y/n) walked off to find the backstage area. As she found it, she was greeted by a security guard. "Uh, hi. I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n), I'm Patrick's girlfriend." She attempted to explain. "Oh yeah, and I'm Joe's dog." Scoffed the security guard. (Y/n) sighed, "No, I really am. I swear. I can show you a photo of us?" She searched her bag for her phone. "Look, lady, do you have a backstage pass?" The guard asked. "Well, no-" "Then go take a seat." Just as (Y/n) was about to give up, Pete opened the door. "Uh, Max- Oh! Hi, (Y/n)!! I wasn't expecting you!!" He smiled, stepping out and greeting the girl. The security guard side eyed Pete, "Wait, you actually know her?" He crossed his arms. Pete nodded and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, dragging her backstage. "Obviously, she's Patrick's girlfriend." He explained, as (Y/n) turned back and smirked. As they walked backstage, (Y/n) saw the rest of the guys. "Hey, (Y/n)!" Joe greeted her, with a smile. She nodded back to him. "Hey, Joe!" Pete walked her over to Patrick, who was standing facing the other way. (Y/n) tapped his shoulder. Patrick turned around and gasped, "(Y/n)! You're here!!" He smiled and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much!!" "I missed you too, Trick!!" She giggled, hugging him back. He let go and grabbed her hand. "I'm so glad you came." He sighed happily. "Me too, Trick-y." Andy walked over to them. "Oh, hi, (Y/n)! We have five minutes before we gotta get on stage, guys." "Well, I'll get out of your hair, then." (Y/n) nodded and hugged Patrick one more time. "I'll see you after the show, okay?" Patrick said, before quickly kissing her. "Of course." (Y/n) said, starting to walk away. "I love you, (Y/n)." Patrick said, under his breath. "Oh, huh?" (Y/n) asked, turning around. "Oh, nothing. I'll tell you later." Patrick blushed. "Enjoy the show." "I will, Trick." She smiled and walked out of the backstage area to watch the show.
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tickles-in-ficland · 2 years
Destination: Laughter
Summary: Reader meets her favorite actor while traveling. He finds out something about her that peaks his interest.
Warnings: Literally one curse word. All fluff otherwise.
Word Count: 3,202
Pairing: Chris Evans x Female!Reader & Ler!Chris Evans, Lee!Reader
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It was your first time going to Los Angeles. You were spending the summer with your aunt that lived out there. You were so excited because your aunt worked in production for different films and television shows. She was definitely the “cool aunt” in the family. You didn’t know what she was currently working on but it didn’t matter. You were just excited to spend the summer in a new city with your favorite aunt. 
While from a small town in Connecticut, you were flying out of Boston seeing as that was the only airport that had flights to California that week.
You hugged your mom tightly, a slight tear falling from your eyes. “I’m going to miss you mama.”
Your mother gave you a final squeeze and kissed your cheek. “I know baby. I’ll miss you too but you’re gonna have such a great summer with your aunt. I’m always only a phone call away okay? And if you’re really miserable, we’ll get you back home.”
You nodded with a small smile and gave your mom one last hug and kiss on the cheek before heading into the terminal. It was it’s usual busyness, travelers coming and going. People coming into town for business, others coming home to their families, and people excitedly ready for a vacation. Passing through security quicker than expected, you passed the time browsing the shops and getting something to eat while you waited to board. After what seemed like forever it was finally time. With an excited bounce in your step you grabbed your carry on, having already checked in your big bag and handed the airline employee your ticket. Stepping on to the plane and politely greeting the flight attendants you anxiously looked for your seat. You hated keeping people waiting while you awkwardly searched. Finally finding your seat you groaned when you realized it was a middle seat. The two seats on other side of you were open for the time being. Maybe you’d be lucky and have the row to yourself you hoped. Putting your airpods in and already being engrossed in your movie you didn’t hear or notice someone approaching your aisle. A light tap on your shoulder got your attention when you heard a gentleman speak.
“I’m sorry to bother you, I’m in the window seat.” said the deep voice.
You froze. You knew that voice. You knew that Boston accent. Your eyes flitted up to be greeted by the sheepish smile of no other than Chris Evans. Your breath caught in your throat. There was absolutely no way this was real. This had to be a dream.
Chris cleared his throat, snapping you out of your daze.
“Oh! I-I’m sorry.” you said standing up to allow him in.
Chris gave you a polite nod and smile. Once getting himself situated and sitting down you tried to take some deep breaths without him noticing. There was no way this was real. There was no way you were spending the next six hours on a flight next to Chris freaking Evans. You’d been a fan of him and Marvel for years. You didn’t want to appear like an overzealous fan so you stifled your excitement. No one else ended up sitting on the other side of you and you contemplated moving to the aisle seat to give the A lister space. You wanted to speak to him but didn’t know what to say or disturb him. He wasn’t working, he was by himself. He gets bombarded by fans all the time, he probably just wants peace and quiet.
Shortly after take off the two of you sat in silence as you each watched something on your phones. You turned your phone slightly hoping he wouldn’t catch on that you were watching one of his movies.
You felt a nudge on your shoulder and turned to glance at Chris. His piercing blue eyes staring back at you while a soft smile tugged at his lips. “I’m sorry I haven’t been very chatty. I’m usually a social seat mate. I love talking to people but you seemed pretty engrossed in what you were doing so I didn’t want to interrupt.”
You gave a tiny smile in return, trying to slow your heart rate. “N-No it’s okay. You’re not bohothering me.” you said as a nervous giggle escaped your lips. You hoped he hadn’t noticed. He did.
“You know…” he said turning to face you slightly. “Normally when I meet fans they’re a lot more vocal around me.” he said in a teasing tone.
Your eyes widened as you shook your head. “I-I’m not quite sure what you mean.” you said attempting to pretend you had no idea who he was. You weren’t doing a very good job.
Chris chuckled. “So that’s not Age of Ultron you’re watching?” He asked his eyes twinkling as he tapped your phone in his direction.
Your cheeks flushed pink as you covered your face in embarrassment. There was no use pretending at this point. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you. You deserve peace and quiet on a flight not fans gushing over you.”
“Well that’s very thoughtful of you. I appreciate the gesture but I really don’t mind talking. Before you noticed me standing next to you, I saw what you were watching and I could tell by your reaction you recognized me.” he said with a smirk.
You groaned and covered your face again. Chris chucked and pulled your arms down so your face as visible. “And when you didn’t immediately talk my ear off or demanded a photo and respected my space, I was pleasantly surprised.”
A smiled tugged at your lips as you held out your hand. “I’m Y/N. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Chris took his big hand in yours giving it a firm shake. “Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m Chris.”
This time a full laugh bubbled from your chest. “Yeah. I know. I am a big fan. You’re very talented.”
It was Chris’ turn to blush. “Well that’s very kind of you to say. Thank you.”
“I’ll let you back to what you were doing. But if you get bored on this long flight, I’m a great listener.” you said with a casual shrug.
“Good to know.” Chris said with a wink.
An hour passed by and the two of you sat in silence, each engrossed in your own activities. Occasionally glancing at one another and a friendly smile before putting attention back to your separate forms of entertainment.
You gently tapped Chris’ arm to get his attention. Taking his airpod out of his ear and looking in your direction you looked down, embarrassed to ask. “I-I’m sorry. I was wondering if we could take a photo together. I didn’t want to bother you but wanted to ask before we land and it’s hectic getting off the plane. I’m sorry I’ll leave you alone.” you said turning back to your phone before Chris’ warm hand touched yours.
“Hey it’s okay! I really don’t mind. Here give me your phone.” he said holding his hand out. Handing your phone to the super star he turned it on selfie mode. Unexpectedly he reached around to put his arm around your back to pull you in for the photo. His fingers accidentally digging in to the spot by your ribs, causing you to squeak in surprise.
“Oh I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?” he asked genuinely concerned.
You shook your head frantically, embarrassed at the fact that Chris Evans had accidentally tickled you.
“No no. Just surprised me.” you said trying to play it off.
Chris raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Placing his hand back on the spot for the photo he felt your breath hitch in your throat and smiled to himself. After taking some smiley selfies and a some goofy faces he handed you back your phone.
“Thank you Mr. Evans.” you said placing your phone back on the tray table.
“Please. Call me Chris.” he insisted.
“Thank you Mr. Ev-Chris.” you fumbled but gave him a smile.
“So what are you traveling to LA for?” he asked causally as he placed his airpods back in the case.
You were amazed that a huge celebrity like him was even the slightest bit interested in your life. But you obliged his question and told him your summer plans with your aunt. He seemed genuinely interested in hearing about what you wanted to do while in LA. He gave some suggestions about fun non touristy things to do and even wrote down some places he thought you should check out. You in turn asked him what he’d been doing in Boston and he shared he was visiting his family before filming his next movie which would take a couple months and he wanted to see his family before then.
“Well that sounds like a great visit. I’m excited to spend time with my aunt but I miss my mom already.”
Earning a sympathetic smile from Chris he nodded. “I understand. I miss my family a lot when I’m off shooting. It’ll get easier.”
You nodded in agreement and reached over to grab your charger from your bag only to have it slip out of your hands and fall to the floor.
“Shit.” you grumbled unbuckling your seatbelt to search for it.
“Need help?” Chris asked.
You shook your head. “No no. I got it.” You said straining your arm down to reach the cord but ended up knocking it further away.
Growling in frustration you started to stand up when Chris put his hand out. “I got it. I feel it at my feet hold on.” He said as he unbuckled his own seat to maneuver his way to grab it. Unknowingly using your leg to brace himself as he stood back up, he gave it a squeeze as he pushed himself back up into his seat.
A high pitched squeal escaped your lips as you covered your mouth. Chris’ lips curled into a mischievous smirk. “What was that? Are you okay?” he asked.
You gave him a smile, hoping he wouldn’t acknowledge the noise that came out of your mouth. “Totally fine. Totally.” you said shifting in your seat.
“Are you sure? You seem really jumpy all of a sudden.” he said handing you your charging cord before folding his arms and leaning against the window with a sly smirk.
“Nope. Totally fine. Just didn’t expect you to use my leg as leverage.”
Chris searched your face for a second before a deep chuckled rumbled through his chest. “Ah I see. You’re ticklish.”
You choked on your drink as you took a sip and looked over to a smiling Chris. He was throughly enjoying watching your squirm. He had just met you but he was genuinely enjoying your company.
“Am not.” you said firmly crossing your arms.
“Ah okay. So I didn’t accidentally tickle you when we took the photo? Or just now when I grabbed your knee?”
“Nope.” you said emphasizing the P.
Chris nodded. “Gotcha. So if I did this.” he said this time giving your knee a firm squeeze. “Doesn’t tickle?”
You barked out a laugh and held up your hands in defense. “Ohokay! Mahaybe a little bit. But I usually don’t expect my seat mate to tickle me on a flight. We just met!” Truthfully you didn’t mind being tickled but you certainly weren’t going to disclose that. Especially not to Chris Evans.
Chris laughed. “True. But we’ve been talking for several hours now. I like to think us friends. I’ve enjoyed your company.”
You blushed as your eyes glanced up to his. “Likewise. I didn’t expect my favorite actor to be so genuine. It’s…. refreshing.”
“Well Im glad to be so. I guess I am pretty awesome.” he said with a wink.
With a teasing smirk, knowing you were now egging him on, you rolled your eyes. “Spoke too soon. Ugh. Actors are such divas.”
Chris’ eyes widened at your cheeky comment. “Hey!” he said with a slight pout. “That’s not very nice.”
“I’m sorry you’re right. Actors aren’t divas. Just the Marvel ones.” you said with a teasing tone in your voice.
“Okay that’s it.” Chris said dropping his phone on the tray table before digging his fingers into your side, giggles pouring from your lips as you squirmed away from his fingers with nowhere to go.
“Ch-Chrhihis!” you hissed slapping at his hands.
“What?” he asked innocently but mischief danced in his eyes. “Oh!” he said as his fingers danced up and down your side as you turned your body trying, but not really trying to get away. “Does that tickle?” he smirked.
“YEHES!” you said your laughter increasing as his one hand rapidly squeezed your knee and the other scribbled into your side. “Ihit tihihihickles!” you squealed trying to cover your mouth to muffle your laughter so you didn’t disturb the other passengers. After another minute he let up, allowing you to sit up and collect yourself. You couldn’t believe what had just happened. You had been tickled by Chris Evans. On an airplane of all places.
“Thahat wahas mehehean!” you said running your hands through your hair trying to catch your breath from the sudden tickle attack.
Chris smiled bashfully and shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe. But it was adorable.” he said giving you a friendly nudge.
Your cheeks turned pink as the heat rose in your cheeks. “Not adorable.” you said shaking your head.
Chris grinned before giving you a few final pokes, earning a few quiet giggles from you. “Yes. You. Are.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled at him before returning to your movie. The rest of the flight was pretty uneventful. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, occasionally asking a question or two before going back to what you were doing.
Around 30 minutes or so before landing, you felt your eyes getting heavy. Resting your head back on the seat you shut your eyes and dozed off. Unknowingly your head began to slip and gently landed on Chris’ shoulder. Surprised by the sudden weight on him, he turned to see you asleep on him, your chest slowly falling and rising as you slept, your mouth open slightly and your eyelashes fluttering every few minutes. He couldn’t help but smile to himself. You really were adorable. He looked down at you with a smile, not wanting to disturb your peace. He looked at you again, trying to guess how old you were. You were definitely an adult but you were so petite you could easily pass for a teenager. He’d only known you for a few hours but it was very rare to find people, women especially who didn’t fawn over his every move. He appreciated how you treated him like a normal person but still shared that you were a fan of what he did. He went back to reading his book while you snoozed.
As the pilot came over the speaker to announce that the plane would be landing shortly your eyes fluttered open. Realizing the position you were in you immediately jolted up.
“I’m so sorry! I did not mean to fall asleep on you. You should’ve woken me. I’m really sorry.”
Chris shook his head. “Y/N It’s okay, really. I didn’t mind. You looked peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.”
You searched his face, your mind convincing you he was just being polite. “Are you sure? I feel bad.”
Closing his book he turned towards you with a smile. Giving you a quick poke causing you to squeak and jump back he insisted it was okay.
“Alright, if you say so mr. movie star.” you said with a playful shove.
Chris began to dig through his bag as he searched for a pen and paper. “Here.” he said handing you the paper and pen. “Write down your info. I’ll send it to my assistant and she’ll give you a call so you can come see the set. Get the full “Hollywood” experience. Bring your aunt too. “
You looked at him stunned. “Oh Chris I can’t ask you to do that. You’re probably so busy, we would just be in the way.” you said attempting to hand back the paper and pen only to have it pushed back to you.
“I insist.” he said gesturing for you to write down your info.
Reluctantly doing so, you handed him back the paper and pen which he stowed back in his bag. “I’ll send this to her and she’ll reach out to you soon.”
You simply gave him a smile as the plane made its landing and approached the gate. The two of you made small talk for a few minutes before exiting the plane.
“Well Y/N this is where we part. It was wonderful meeting you. Thank you for your company on what would’ve been a boring flight.”
He opened up his arms for a hug which you happily obliged. He wrapped his arms around you and giving you a gentle squeeze before giving you a quick poke to the side making you jump back with a ticklish grin on your face.
“HE-HEY!” you chastised playfully.
Chris laughed. “Sorry. Had to. I’ll see you soon new friend. Enjoy LA!” he said with a wave before turning on his heel to head to the car that was most likely waiting for him.
Trying to navigate LAX was a lot harder than it seemed. Eventually while on the phone with your aunt you found her waiting for you by the baggage claim. Running into her arms you held her tightly. You really had missed her since she moved to further her career.
“Hey kiddo!” she said giving you a tight squeeze.
You laughed pulling away from her. “Auntie! I’m not a kid anymore. Well not legally anyway.” you said with a smile.
Your aunt smiled as she brushed a strand of hair from your face. “You’ll always be a kid to me Y/N. Even if you are all grown up.” she said giving you a chaste kiss on the head. “How was your flight?” she asked as you made your way out of the airport.
“It was good. You’ll never believe who I met.” you said as you picked your bag back up, throwing it over your shoulder. You told your aunt the tale of sitting next to your favorite actor and showed her the pictures you took. You left out the part of him tickling you. She wouldn’t believe it anyway. She might think it was weird. Or weird that you enjoyed it.
“You ready for the best summer ever?” she asked linking your arm with hers.
Your mind wandered to Chris. You convinced yourself he was just being nice since you were a fan, but he wasn’t actually going to invite you to come visit him on the set of the movie he was working on. Even so, you glanced down at your phone at the selfie you had taken and then back up at your aunt.
“Born ready.”
If you only knew.
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