#“but your husband isn't even here” but Sanji just smiles because of course his husband isn't here. No one can tie down the demon of the east
cthulhuschild · 6 months
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ZoSan Week: 40 years old
When you are in desperate need of more 40 y/o ZoSan and you realise you have the power of art.
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straykidsnerd255 · 5 months
Please may I have a One piece scenario of when you (Sanji's wife) and Sanji visited your sister who had very noisy children of her own but thankfully your children (your sons, Ame age 13 *Ame thankfully isn't a handful anymore* and Yuki age 11) were well behaved *your children were in the kitchen with you* but it was awkward for everyone hearing the whining next door as your sister apologised for that and you wished that you came at a better time honestly considering how messy it was..and everyone were so quiet due to a lot of things and Ame didn't want to come and endure the noisy background of his little cousins in the first place but he had no choice whatsoever and you certainly weren't leaving him alone without a babysitter and Ame didn't want to upset you ( mom.) And Yuki teased Ame and said something along the lines of him being sulky *he wasn't actually sulky* because Ame couldn't cook today and Ame elbowed him in the ribs because he wasn't in the mood..Sanji put a stop to it before Yuki actually punched his brother in the face because obviously Ame told Yuki that he wasn't in the mood but Yuki did not listen.
https://youtu.be/I8Ug6zcSwoc?si=BpNVHFtH_9zRV4C3 (to help you with the background noise of very "I'm so bored" children)
Here you go! I hope you enjoy it!! I apologize if this one is short, my brain is not mentally here
You felt your eye twitch when your sister finally opened the door. You understood why it took so long, but….your sister should be able to control her children much better. “Y/n! Sanji! I am so glad you are here! Ame, Yuki welcome! The others are just downstairs. You two can go ahead and go down there! Yuki, whose smile widened, ran into the house and downstairs. You took a deep breath before smiling at your sister. 
“Thank you for letting us come over on short notice.” You said, gently pushing Yuki into the house as you and Sanji made your way into the house. Your sister’s house was small and a bit cramped but it still had enough space for people to move around. You took off your jacket and hung it on the coat rack that stood to the right of the door. Sanji followed your lead before heading into the kitchen on instinct. 
Your sister watched your husband move swiftly into the kitchen and wanted to protest but you placed a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. He loves to cook. He’s a master when it comes to cooking. Trust me.” You said, gently moving past your sister to try and make your way into the kitchen as well. Ame stuck to you like glue, however. He wasn’t a fan of all the noise that surrounded his aunt’s house and would rather stay by your side. 
“Ame, why are you not going to play with your cousins?” You asked, standing at the sink. You turned the water on and washed your hands in the warm water before turning the water off and drying your hands. Sanji handed you a cutting board, cutting knife, and some vegetables to cut up. Ame shrugged his shoulders before moving even closer to your side. Yuki suddenly burst into the kitchen with some of the cousins running behind him. “Yuki, what did I tell you about running around?” You scolded your younger son who looked down and apologized. 
Ame watched his brother before moving even closer to your side. Sure Ame stood a little taller than you thanks to Sanji’s genes but that didn’t stop him from trying to keep his distance from the noise and mess. Yuki noticed and grinned looking up at his brother. “Are you sulking because you couldn’t stay home alone?” He asked, a smirk on his face. Ame glared at his younger brother but chose not to answer. He did want to anger you if he snapped back at Yuki. 
However, Yuki just kept going. He continued through small snips out at Ame to the point Ame got annoyed and smacked Yuki. Yuki, of course, continued and it got to the point Sanji turned around and grabbed Ame’s hand and stopped him from slapping Yuki across the face. “Ame, don’t smack your brother. Yuki, quit picking on your brother or you will be grounded for the next three days.” Sanji said, glaring at both his sons.
The rest of the day went just like that. 
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swirlymarimo · 2 years
The baratie some years after Luffy becomes king of the Pirates
Bounty Hunter: I'm looking for a man under the name Vinsmoke. I've heard a rumor that he's been seen at this restaurant. Have you seen him?
Zoro: Vinsmoke? I don't know a man by that name.
Bounty Hunter: you sure about that?
Zoro: I know about everyone who visits this restaurant and I don't know anything about a man named Vinsmoke.
Bounty Hunter: I hear he's on the staff here, you working for them too swordsman?
Zoro: I don't work for them.
Bounty Hunter: I'll just have to find him myself then, you gonna get in my way?
Zoro: What's there to be in the way of? I already told you the man you're looking for isn't here.
Bounty Hunter: why are you protecting him Roronoa? He paying you for protection?
Zoro: Protecting him? I'm afraid he doesn't need that from me.
Bounty hunter: so he is here?
Sanji: *entering the dining room* I hear there's a rough looking guy disrupting some of my customers. That you?
Bounty Hunter: I knew it was true. You're the from the Vinsmoke family, the one that was part of that pirate crew.
Sanji: Vinsmoke? I'm not associated with them anymore. Whatever you think you'll get from them, you're sorely mistaken.
Bounty Hunter: you get banished from the family or are you just lying to me?
Sanji: I got married. I'm not one of them.
Bounty Hunter: even if you married some unlucky woman, your name would still be Vinsmoke.
Sanji: You misunderstand. I took my husband's name. I'm now Mr. Roronoa Sanji. Isn't that right Marimo?
Zoro: It still sounds so good to hear you say it. What are we gonna do about him?
Sanji: give him the chance to leave quietly or I'll remove him from my dining room myself.
Bounty Hunter: leave? I'm getting paid to head hunt you. I can't leave now.
Sanji: by who?
Bounty Hunter: afraid I can't say.
Zoro: Curly, let me get rid of him for you, he's pissing me off.
Sanji: I want an answer, if you can make him talk he's all yours darling.
Zoro: *evil smirk* Here that? You should have left when you had the chance.
Bounty Hunter: Judge! The head of the family was gonna pay big if I delivered him
Zoro: I thought that bastard was dead.
Bounty Hunter: I promise I'm telling the truth!
Zoro: how about you deliver a message from me instead and I'll let you go.
Bounty Hunter: Deal!
Zoro: *sheaths enma* You tell that scum that if he ever tries to pull something like this again, I'll make sure he's completely dead this time before I walk away.
Bounty Hunter: I'll tell him every word, now let me go!
Zoro: *releases his hold*
Sanji: Very scary Mr. World's greatest swordsman.
Zoro: I meant it. If anyone tries to hurt you I'll cut their head off.
Sanji: something like that shouldn't sound sweet to me and yet
Zoro: *warm smile* you like it.
Sanji: I like you.
Zoro: I should hope so, you said yes afterall, *kissing Sanjis wedding ring*
Sanji: of course I did, you said it yourself, Roronoa Sanji just sounded too good to pass up.
Zoro: it suits you much better
Sanji: I'm sorry this keeps happening Marimo
Zoro: I'll defend our name as much as I need too, no one else can have you.
Sanji: because I'm yours?
Zoro: forever *wiggles ring*
Sanji: *kisses him*
Kitchen staff: *crying from the romantic display*
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