#“alien” in loose terms
ARGONUS INFO: a guide on the other flora and fauna
(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
[also, this was at a time i used to claim that plants were 4X bigger. i decided later on to make it 3.5X bigger like the rest of the lifeforms because it was way easier. nowadays, the "3.5X scale" is just a rough guide to how large the fauna is.]
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unlike the previous two guides with the elkinets and the aeronoids, this one is a little shorter and more simple.
    planet argonus is a copy-planet, also known as a copycat planet or a parallel planet. these planets copy another planet's features, often right down to lifeforms and geography. however, each copy planet's lifeform tend to have some kind of weird evolutionary quirk going on. the most common of cases is generally manipulating what's already there, such as size, shape and color. and argonus tends to be the prime example of that. not only are the lifeform's bigger in their dimensions (i.e. 3.5x taller/longer), but vertebrates are also got more going on than size.     of course, it's not that they're only just copies of our plants and animals (both extant and extinct). there are a plethora of lifeforms unique to argonus. most of the time these lifeforms aren't too distantly related nor too highly derived from other existing ones on our planet. at the most distantly related, they'll belong to the same taxonomical superorder as their relatives, though it is more common to have them share the same genus or family.
PLANTS & FUNGUS     lets start simple enough; the plants are 3.5x the size of our own. despite the planet and flora being bigger, the amount of oxygen is still comparable to that of earth's (as well a gravity and such).
INVERTABRATES     invertebrates, like bugs, crustaceans and mollusks, are 3.5x bigger than earth's, much like all other animals her on argonus. the invertebrates, apart from their size, don't really have much going for them. they, like the plants, are just regulars-looking invertebrate that are bigger.
VERTABRATES     this is where argonus get's its notoriety as a copy-planet. like the invertebrates, they're also 3.5x bigger, however that's not all that's going on. they also have the following:
-four eyes: their main pair and a second, smaller pair below them. both upper and lower eye sockets are connected to each other. although the pairs can move independently from each other, usually only one pair will move while the other doesn't or follows directly in suit (ie lower pair looks right, upper pair stares strait or also looks right). their sight is only slight better because of the extra eyes.
-four earholes: they share both the same hole and the same eardrum. similar with the eyes, it's only slightly better, if not completely the same as their earth's counterpart
-extra limbs: specifically, they have an extra set of forelimbs. some argonain vertebrates will have a slightly longer spine to accommodated the extra limbs they have. humans, when first encountering the argonian fauna, initially though the extra limbs made them faster than their earth counterpart when in reality it actually because their bigger size allows them to do so. when walking, their forelimbs move in sync so as not not have it a tripping hazard.
extra other stuff: if an animal has any horns, canines, tusks, etc.., then often the argonian version will have double that. some argonian animals will also keep certain ancestral traits (ie whales with vestigial hind limb or modern horses with three-toed hooves like mesohipus). sometimes, one group will share certain traits with eachother (ex. all perissodactyls have a long-ish tail, including short-tailed/tailless taxons)
those are just the really basics of it when talking about the vertebrates as a whole. however, each class has its own unique look to them when looking at what vertebrates on argonus have.
mammals     the mammals are often used as a good example of showing those extra ears. while their four eyes may not be as free-moving, the ears are. if a mammal on earth has independently-moving ears, then there's a good chance their argonian version has all four doing the same. this gives them a slightly better range of hearing, being able to pick up sounds from different direction.
reptiles     all reptiles have a single line of noticeable spikes going down their back. these spikes can appear however they want, but are usual thin and pointy. these spikes are also present in non-mammalian synapsids and most archosaurs as well (the only archosaurs that don't have spikes are birds and pterosaurs). turtles also have spikes on their head and neck, but not on their shells.
birds     an interesting thing about the birds is that their first pair of forelimbs are arm while the second pair are wings. all birds still have a singular finger on their wings, which can be used for sparing or climbing. their arm's usages tend to vary from species to species. one of the more common usages is to simply hold onto items, such as food or nesting material. there arms can also serve similar function as their hind limbs, such as swimming or holding onto branches. in some taxons, the birds are quadrupedal, using their arms as a literal second pair of legs. quadrupedal birds dont gallop, but rather pace when they run. some of the major ones include ratites, gamefowl, waterfowl, flamingos, bustards, and cariamiformes. however, smaller taxon can also be quadrupedal.
amphibians     all amphibians have a tail, however small and mostly useless it is. even frogs and toads have them, though they're not very useful once fully grown. apart from that, there's not a whole lot going on with them apart from what you'd expect with the rest of the argonian vertebrates.
fish     if a fish on earth has pectoral and pelvic fins, the argonian version will have double the amount. some fish species, especially sharks, skates and sawfish will have an extra dorsal fin. 
    with the big ones out of the way here are some other tidbits about the argonus fauna:
-rarely, argonus will have an earth animal absent from it's planet. this is very rarely, and usually it's only a singular species or subspecies. however, the only taxon bigger than a single species that are missing are the apes (humans, chimps, gibbons, ect). there's definitely other primates, like lemurs and both old world and new world monkeys, but no apes.
-like alot of copy-planet fauna, the animals here have what's known as the "argonus genes", a copy-planet gene that not only gives the lifeforms their unique look but also keeps it relatively consistent. this gene can be combined with any lifeform with earth-origins to create an argonian version of it (called a sub-argonian). removal of the argonus gene will make the lifeforms evolve into any weird/crazy forms, going outside of what made the argonian fauna consistent with what they're copying. many scifi media take inspiration from this, with the common reason for the removed genes being along the lines of radiation.
anyways, yeah this should be my final post about argonus for today on tumblr...
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blluespirit · 4 months
I sort of like the thought that Zuko and Aang take the Sun Warriors' warning not to tell anyone about the dragons a little more seriously… and they keep it between them. Of course, they trust Sokka, Toph and Katara. Of course they know they wouldn’t tell anyone, but now three people (including Iroh) know the truth about Ran and Shaw. And that’s three too many when you’re trying to keep a secret.
(and there are other people at the temple as well - like Haru, Teo and The Duke - who, while trustworthy, aren’t as close to them as the others, and when it comes to secrets with as much consequence as this one, you can’t afford to take any chances.)
Furthermore, the culture within the Fire Nation since Sozin’s rein has been warped. The culture is not to respect the dragons as the original firebenders, it’s to conquer and kill them. It’s the ultimate proof of your strength as a firebender. All it takes is one mistake before rumour spreads, and people go looking for the ultimate hunt. It’s not something Zuko or Aang can risk.
Whether Katara, Toph and Sokka (and Suki) ever find out the truth is up to you. But post-war, after Zuko returns from a strange, poorly explained trip with a dragon, and eventually develops the ability to use rainbow fire, either the others have some questions about Aang’s knowing look, or they are finally let in on a monumental secret.
#it’s a kids show so i think for that reason it was played for laughs about keeping the dragons a secret is not necessarily a bad choice...#the show does that sometimes where it says something off hand and then leaves me lying face down contemplating ✨the consequences✨ of that#but there are some… implications there about being too loose lipped with the truth in leading up to the end of and immediately post#war fire nation. just because zuko understands the spiritual significance of a dragon it does not mean the rest of his people will. actuall#its more likely that they'd reject zuko's opinion considering that he's basically coming into power and then telling everyone that#they've been lied to their whole lives. the fire nation is drowning in propaganda. for a lot of people this opinion of dragons and#firebending's true nature being violence and destruction is all they know. fire is LIFE but to most people that's an alien concept#and in terms of keeping secrets - it’s not even a matter of trust it’s a matter of too many people knowing#you might not even realised you’ve revealed some incredible information to someone who has the means to spread it or pursue it#so… i think zuko would be hyper aware of this. since he grew up hearing stories about the 'glory' of dragon hunting#and since iroh has also made a concerted effort to keep this information hidden i think it makes sense he’d be very hesitant to let it#get out to the public#aang would agree i think esp if zuko explained the importance of hiding them even from loved ones#ALSO random but it also makes me wonder what the fire nation said about roku in wake of the war#he had a dragon but he didn’t kill it. he didn’t ’conquer’ it#sozin would have had to work his ASS off to reframe history as him being the more… loyal(?) patriotic (?) of the two#did he frame it as roku didn’t have the courage to kill a dragon??? that he lacked the strength of a true firebender?#the avatar works hard but sozin's propaganda machine works harder 🧍‍♀️#zuko#aang#avatar the last airbender#zuko & aang#jack talks#sun warriors#book 3#what is it with me having a whole separate post in the tags 👁️👄👁️
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spinosauridae · 2 years
Tbh aquatic birds is one of my favorite speculative biology memes.
Endless badassery to the serrated beaks, massive size, and wings being used as flippers. Like, it was an inevitability in my Merithosterrus project, seeing as how i am putting highly derived relatives of maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs into various niches in vastly different exoplanets. But i will never get enough of wondering about the aquatic adaptations dinosaurs could have evolved, given the time and lack of other marine reptiles.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 3 months
Happy Little Accident
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Pairing: So'lek/Avatar!Fem!Reader
Summary Here
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, (alien) pregnancy trope, only mentioned smut but strongly detailed, mentioned p in v (wrap it you skxawngs), one-night stand, swearing, hinted unwanted pregnancy, mention of labor, at least one use of Y/n, proofread by me, time jumps, etc.
Word Count: 6k+
Request By: @inolaphoenix
Taglist: @taronyuhunter @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @mooniequeen @avatar-lover
The moment Priya gave you the blood work on your avatar, you knew you were in deep shit with Alma.
Obviously, humans make mistakes all the time. These things happen. But you didn't have much of an excuse because you were in your avatar form when it happened, and normally, you hate it when people blame alcohol for their mistakes. In your mind, that's not an excuse. You would be a hypocrite if you did the same when Alma finds out your avatar is pregnant.
It was undeniably strange to be pregnant in one body and... empty in the other. After Priya gave you your results, you stayed out of the link bay for a week, too weirded out by the idea. That whole time you remained in your human body, you tried your best to figure out what to do and who to tell.
You should tell So'lek... right? After all, he played his part in this as well. A part of you felt guilty. He rarely smiles let alone 'lets loose', and the one time he decided to indulge in a few drinks and celebrate against the Sky People, you both end up outside of HQ toward the edge of the forest, fucking like rabbits in a frenzied heat which now led to this. 
Not like you regret that night, despite everything. You've had one-night stands in the past (how else are humans going to pass the time on a moon that wants to kill them?) but that night with So'lek was easily the best. It wasn't hateful, but it was definitely rough and desperate. It felt like you were both so into it, not sure where one of you starts and the other ends, unable to keep each other's hands off of your bodies. You felt as though he was mapping every inch of your skin, but no matter how much he tasted you, it was never enough for him.
But by morning, he was gone, and you felt stupid to believe a drunken night would change anything. He was So'lek after all, the lone Na'vi, driven to avenge his butchered clan. He hated humans and had very little empathy for avatars, always saying the word 'dreamwalker' with distaste.  He treats you much like how he treats Alma or Priya. With indifference. You should've known a few drinks and a good fucking wouldn't change a lifetime of hate. Neither would a baby.
The word alone made you hold your breath, out of fear or excitement, you weren't sure. You never thought you'd be a mother, especially on Pandora where the odds weren't exactly in your favor. Up until this point, you had only referred to your situation as a 'pregnancy' and hadn't even used 'child' or 'baby'. Until now, as you finally came to terms with the uncertainty that lay ahead in your future. 
One thing was certain: You couldn't tell So'lek.
If he didn't care for humans or humans that look like Na'vi, you knew it wasn't possible for him to care for a hybrid of the two. You've experienced firsthand what the Na'vi think of you and Alma's avatars... and you've seen firsthand what the Na'vi think of children from said avatars. You didn't want that for your child, even if it meant shielding them from their father.
You knew you needed to plan, but first, you needed some trusted help. Priya gave you your blood work results, but thankfully, she didn't read them because if she did, all of Resistance HQ would know about your pregnancy before you could even wrap your head around the idea of it.
Alma would likely lecture you on contraceptives like you were a child despite the fact you were closer to her age compared to the Sarentu students she taught, so for the time being, you would keep her in the dark. The Sarentu, however...
You have grown fond of the young group of Na'vi since they first joined the Resistance. Alma used to tell you stories about the children she taught back at TAP. Fun stories, embarrassing stories, all of which made you smile or laugh. When you first met the Sarentu after they were rescued, you immediately welcomed them with open arms into the Resistance, and they have grown quite attached to you... well, other than Nor. He looked at you the same way he looked at Alma, the same way So'lek looked at all dreamwalkers.
You decide to confide in Ri'nela and Teylan about your pregnancy and make them promise not to tell Nor, knowing he'd likely tell So'lek. Both were excited for you and willing to help in any way they could. The three of you come up with a system to prepare for the day your avatar would begin to show your pregnancy, but until then, you must plan for your new arrival.
The regret and disgust he felt after fucking a dreamwalker has kept him away from HQ more than usual-- and that's saying something.
It wasn't as though So'lek was disgusted by you, but mostly himself. He thought he was better than that, stronger than primal desires that come out during a moment of weakness and the influence of alcohol. He should've known that his life of solitude would eventually get the better of him because not even his hand would be able to quench that need to have a warm, wet pussy wrapped tightly around his cock. He saw a chance to have that again, if only for a moment, and the alcohol helped him gladly take that leap. Your own hand was enough to rile him up when you held onto the back of his neck for dear life as he had you pinned against a tree. Maybe you hadn't realized it in the moment of primal desire, but your fingers were absently tracing the base of his kuru and the memory of your touch was enough to make him light-headed.
It wasn't healthy for him to be living out in the wild alone if this is how he reacts to one simple touch, so desperate for that connection with anyone... including a dreamwalker. He was disgusted, but again, mostly with himself, feeling as though he took advantage of you and the moment, ready to do anything to have your tight pussy hugging him and keeping him warm and needy.
He always considered intimacy to be an activity only meant for two individuals who were either mates or people who had a deep connection with one another. He didn't have either of those things with you. At least... that's what he kept telling himself after that fateful night, the night he slipped away once your exhaustion took over and you couldn't keep your eyes open a second longer. He had been internally punishing himself every day since then.
You come from a species that murdered his entire clan. That thought alone made him feel guilt and shame in his gut for ravaging you, his usual need for revenge pushed back in his mind and replaced with the need to fuck your pretty pussy. The fact that you managed to distract him from his lifelong goal if only for a moment, angered him. The fact that a sky demon had this effect on him had him reeling down his tunnel of shame.
Then again, he knew you were not solely responsible for the death of his clan. He had to continuously remind himself that you were his ally and not someone like Mercer or Harding. You had an avatar like Alma, but in So'lek's opinion, you have done far more good than Cortez has. You actively prove yourself, time and time again. When the Sarentu returned, you immediately went out of your way to make sure the younger Na'vi felt comfortable and welcomed in their new home. So'lek had watched you during these moments, wondering if you had originally been there when his clan was butchered, would you have treated him the same? You're always kind and patient, especially against his scrutiny. He doesn't know why you thought he deserved your kindness, but maybe that's why he thought he could be vulnerable toward you.
If he deserved it back then, he definitely didn't deserve it now after immediately leaving you high and dry that fateful night like you were just a cum dump. You weren't, and even he thought you deserved better, dreamwalker or not. Despite how he felt what you did or didn't deserve, So'lek had been avoiding you like the plague. Little did he know you were doing the same.
Even when he did see you, which was rarer than ever, it was only when Alma forced the pair of you in close proximity, and you were always in your human body, never in your avatar. If your eyes ever met, you always ducked your head when he glanced at you or hid your face behind a breathing mask. So'lek could only imagine how you felt after that one night. He imagined you were as equally ashamed, judging by the fact you rarely looked him in the eyes, and also because you don't ever use your avatar body around him. He wasn't blind. He knows that was likely the reason. So'lek imagined that you probably didn't feel comfortable being a dreamwalker around him anymore, even more so than before when he used to verbally mention his distaste for them.
You're definitely showing.
Teylan had given you his old TAP shirt to wear (the logo covered with a badge Priya made for him stitched over it) but even then you felt like everyone was staring at your middle. Maybe it was just your paranoid pregnancy brain, but you were pretty sure you weren't imagining the way Alex's eyes drifted down to your stomach when you stood your avatar to full height before he quickly glanced away. After that, you wore your bulletproof vest over your middle.
It also didn't help that you've started to 'nest', which essentially just came down to you and Ri'nela practicing your newly earned weaving techniques to try and fashion a bunch of Na'vi child-sized items. Whatever she learns from the Aranahe, she brings back for the both of you to practice and learn the new skill, and while at first, it seemed hopeless, eventually you fashioned a cute, tiny loincloth that actually made you tear up at the sight of it in your large hands.
You know you'll eventually have to tell the rest of the Resistance, but you, Ri'nela, and Teylan have made plans that last at least until the end of your second trimester. Maybe if you slowly introduce everyone to the idea of a Na'vi baby being around, maybe the blow wouldn't be so hard when you eventually share the news. Or, and this may be the paranoia part of your brain, maybe you could just move your avatar far away from here, either to live alone or live with whatever tribe would accept you until the baby is born. 
Either way, you're running out of time. 
"Are you with child?"
Ri'nela looks up from her datapad, her confusion met with a stern, possibly overprotective So'lek as he stares the young Sarentu female down with a questioning gaze. Ri'nela's blood froze when she suspected why exactly he might be asking her, but she played it off to the best of her ability, "What? No?"
"Then what is this?" Her heart plummets when So'lek raises a small item in his hand. It was tinier than even his palm, a little beaded top meant for a Na'vi baby. So'lek's tone remained accusatory, interrogating one of the young adult Sarentu he feels responsible for, "I saw you weaving it earlier."
Her lie rolls easily off her tongue, "It is just practice. I make smaller versions of things that I want for myself. Once I get the technique down right, I'll make a bigger one that will fit me."
So'lek's eyes narrow further with suspicion, "Are you sure?"
"There's a scent on this one."
Again, Ri'nela's blood grows cold, but she uses nearly every muscle in her face to keep her expression neutral. Whatever expression she projects, So'lek doesn't read anything off of it as he continues, "It is faint but I recognize it. It is the scent of a pregnant Na'vi."
"It is not mine."
"Then whose..."
Ri'nela's tail is the thing that betrays her, flicking irritably from side to side behind her. It is also the thing that attracts Teylan to her side, the male Sarentu bounding over to Ri'nela and So'lek without care or notice of the tension between them. So'lek's eyes dance between the two younger Na'vi, still suspecting the small item in his hand. If it didn't belong to Ri'nela, then it must belong to another female Na'vi, but barely any come around the Resistance HQ and he highly doubted any of them would leave their future child's clothes behind. However, even if there weren't any female Na'vi around, there were still female dreamwalkers.
Alma was definitely not pregnant. So'lek had just seen her that morning and her scent was still the same as it had always been. As for the other female avatar, So'lek doesn't dare try to think about the last time he saw you-- 
... Ri'nela watches as realization dawns on So'lek's face, a brief moment of horror before it's quickly replaced with stern determination.
"Where is Y/n?"
"She's out." Ri'nela quickly answers.
However, she should've said something more when she noticed Teylan's ears and tail perk up with interest out of the corner of her eye, just as he spoke up, "Yes. She said she was going to the Kinglor Forest to collect samples!"
"Teylan," she hissed quietly, immediately regretting it when Teylan flinched and stared at her with almost comical wide eyes. She sighed and immediately apologized under her breath, her hand soothing his shoulder whilst she hesitantly stared up at So'lek.
His eyes continue to narrow down at her as if he was lecturing a child. He could easily tell that Ri'nela was trying to hide your whereabouts from him, and now he needed to see for himself as to why... though he was starting to piece the puzzle together in his head.
"She should not be traveling alone. I will go find her."
Before Ri'nela could even protest, So'lek whips around and leaves the base.
If you thought your first trimester was rough, you clearly weren't prepared for your second.
Your belly finally beginning to grow past your shirts and barely hidden in your loosened vests, you have begun to journey out of HQ on your own to not raise suspicion. During these times away, you've indulged yourself in hiding under your clothes less and today was no different, setting your vest and shirt down on a nearby rock while you wad into the shallow water of the river you found, wearing only your avatar-size bra and safari shorts. You bend down into the water to take a few vial-sized samples to bring back to the lab for Alex, but you've lately had to bend your body differently than normal with your rounded stomach now starting to get in the way of your usual activities. You straighten back up with a loud sigh, stretching your back and absently rubbing your belly before taking your hand away again to stopper the vial.
Had you been born and raised as Na'vi, you would've noticed you were being watched immediately, a thought that came to So'lek's mind as he discovered you on the river bank. He remained hidden for the time being, quietly observing as you cheerfully hum to yourself to pass the time during your research. His yellow eyes widen at the sight of you, visibly glowing while your changed scent wafts in his nose, answering all his previous questions. Now the sudden disappearance of your avatar from his presence finally made sense to him, eyes lowering down your body until they landed on your newest, most prominent feature.
You finally notice something wrong with your surroundings, your ears picking up something you didn't initially hear, and a different scent suddenly fills your nose. Looking around you happen to look over in his direction as you gasp out of terror, dropping your vials into the river, hands coming up to hold your heart before you realize who it was and you force your heartbeat to relax. For a moment, you're calm, before you finally remember why you feel so exposed as his eyes zeroed in on your belly, "Oh, shit, So'lek--"
"How long have you known?" He demands outright, stepping out into the open, just along the riverbank. 
You pause, ears folding back against your skull as alarms go off in your head, unable to recall all the lies and excuses you had practically rehearsed in the mirror for weeks on end. You find yourself muttering the truth, "... I found out three weeks after... you know, after you and I--"
"That was MONTHS ago," he unexpectedly snarled, narrowed eyes flicking up to yours, "And when exactly were you going to tell me about this?"
The hostility toward you brings out your defensive side as your eyes squint at him, "I didn't think you'd want to know."
"In what world would I not want to know about something like this? Why would you keep something as serious as this from me?"
"Last I checked, you wanted nothing to do with me," you snarled back, recalling the morning she woke up and he wasn't there, "What else was I supposed to think?"
"You could have at least told me I was going to be a father from the beginning!"
"And how do you think I feel?!" You screeched, clenching your hands into tight fists as you gritted your teeth, "I'll have to give birth in a body I wasn't even born in! I'll have to raise a child that's technically not even the same species as me! And let's not forget that my baby daddy hates the very sight of me!"
He wasn't familiar with the human term 'baby daddy' but by the tone of your voice, it wasn't meant to be a good term. While you made very good points, his head was now less angry and more reeling over the fact that you were pregnant with his child. The shock was finally settling in and while a part of him says he should be... pleased, the other part of him felt estranged by the whole ordeal. Growing up, he had always been taught the joy of becoming a parent, but after losing the majority of his clan, he felt as though that future was already dead and gone. But now you stood before him, and so much conflict was welling up inside him. You weren't his mate, and one could argue you weren't even the same species as him, but one night of mistakes led to a child that So'lek wasn't sure would be welcomed in this world of Eywa.
While he sounded less angry when he next spoke, it didn't hide the disappointment in his voice, "That does not explain why you chose to keep a child of mine a secret from me--"
"--Because I knew this is exactly how you'd react!" You snap, "What would you do in my situation?"
He remained quiet because he wasn't foolish enough to try and lie to you. He honestly wouldn't know what to do if he was in your place. His silence was all the answer you needed, as you slowly started to relax your posture and give into an emotion that looked a lot like defeat, 
"Listen, I get that you don't like me. I'm fairly certain you actually hate me, which is why I kept this from you. I didn't want my child growing up thinking their father hated their mother."
The words make his ears twitch but he otherwise didn't say a word, allowing you to continue. Your voice comes out distasteful, a tone that comes out every time you speak of your home planet, "Believe it or not, that's very common back home and I didn't want that for any child of mine... human OR Na'vi.
"And... and I know you've never met Jake Sully or his family, but I have. Before he left the Resistance to me and Alma, I got to know his kids. One of his sons and his adopted daughter were born with avatar traits. Brows, fingers... Lo'ak and Kiri were on my mind when I found out I was pregnant. I've seen firsthand how they're treated by other Na'vi. I've seen how Lo'ak treats himself, and... and I didn't want that for my child, especially if they end up looking like me. I didn't want them to grow up believing they were some sort of monster or demon."
Your look of defeat turns sour while pointedly glaring over at So'lek, "And YOUR presence wouldn't help that."
The silence is deafening, or more specifically his silence. You notice how the river and the forest around you felt alive with noise and beauty, yet So'lek stood among all of it like a ghost, silent as the grave. The only indication that he was still alive was the tail behind him, twitching to indicate he was contemplating.
Confliction was still at war in his head. This was still a child you were talking about. His child, and yet you felt the need to hide it from him. And yet, instead of anger, he felt guilt and shame because he knew you had every right to do so. It was his fault. He had made his distaste for your kind known, and many times it was even said to your face. You had every reason to believe he would care very little for a child made by both him and you. So'lek was ashamed of himself because you felt the need to shield your child from him, a child that wasn't even born yet. You made valid points that not even he could argue with. This child may be born with Na'vi in its veins, but vrrtep blood would also be added to the mix. So'lek would be lying to himself and his child if he went around hating all humans and avatars and yet loved a baby made by both him and a dreamwalker regardless. 
The fact that he still wanted to love the child regardless came to mind, and he honestly surprised himself with this revelation. Perhaps that was why he was so angry before. Because you were hiding a child he could love. Despite everything, this was still So'lek's child and a deep and secret part of himself was glad that out of everyone he had ever known, you were the child's mother. If Eywa had to pick anyone to carry his child, So'lek was relieved she picked you because despite you're differences, he trusts you more than any human alive.
It was selfish of him to think after everything he's said and done, but a deep part of him wanted this child to be born looking like you, or, technically your avatar. He would be lying if he said he wasn't curious, and he looks at your eyebrows and extra fingers now with curiosity, not hatred. Because that's what it really comes down to. You think that So'lek would hate a child who has human traits, but that is far from the case. So'lek didn't care about what the Sky People and dreamwalkers looked like. He never has and never will.
He doesn't judge what people look like on the outside, but he judges them for whatever is held within. How could he hate an innocent child who would clearly grow up only knowing the best parts of both their father and mother? You were clearly a kindhearted tawtute. There is nothing but good inside you, and that was the only thing So'lek had cared about in others. It was easy for him to hate all Sky People because up until the Resistance, he thought all Sky People were terrible and cruel, the sole reason his clan was gone.
And now... his clan could be restored again. Probably not to the state it was before, but it was a hopeful and bright future for So'lek and his child. He thought he would die alone and with everything his clan had taught him, but now... he could pass on that knowledge and teach his child everything he knows. However, one quick look at your expression and he could tell that you would need a whole lot of convincing. 
"You are right."
Your brows furrow with confusion, "Say that again?"
"Had you told me sooner, I likely would not have reacted well."
Your tone drops into sarcasm, "Oh, and this was you reacting well?"
"Worse," he corrected himself with a small roll of his eyes, "I would have reacted worse than I did now."
He sighs heavily, "I do not think I can pretend and be comfortable about... everything that has happened between us, but I want to try."
"To try what?"
"To try whatever it is you want to do," the small look of confusion on your face only makes me further elaborate, "You have a choice, 'eylanay. And whatever choice you make, whether I agree with it or not... I will try and respect it."
You're still trying to wrap your head around the fact that So'lek has yet to pull you into a full-blown screaming match, so your reactions were admittedly slow, "What choice are you talking about exactly?"
"Whether or not you will allow me to be a part of the child's life."
He watches your eyes widen in shock, "You... want to be?"
"Yes, I do," the Na'vi male nods firmly and confidently, "I understand why you would be hesitant, but I promise that if you give me the chance, I will be a part of this child's life every step of the way. You see... to me, it does not matter what flows through one's veins. I have never, not once, judged your appearance because that is not what matters to me."
You pause and think back to all the time you've known So'lek, and he was right. He never talked badly about what humans looked like. He never even outright talks about you or Alma's appearance as avatars. The only thing he outright disapproved of was you trying to pretend to be something you're clearly not.
When you don't argue with his statement, So'lek continues, "Any child born from us will never be judged for their appearance or who they were born from, I swear it. The only thing that matters is their heart and soul, and I know, with you as their mother, this child will have a good and kind heart and soul, and will never know the deep hatred and greed of the people you were born to."
His words honestly drove you to stunned silence, unsure how to respond. You were speechless, opening and closing your mouth to form a reply, but you were too surprised to speak. You had so many questions, other things that the two of you would have to worry about down the road, like what does this mean for the two of you and if you were going to need some form of co-parenting dynamic. You decide not to bring this up right away, as you've been thrown for a loop once already today.
Slowly, you finally just decide to nod and see how this goes, awkwardly answering, "Okay."
His gaze was cautious, but even from where you stood, you could've sworn you saw a flash of hope in his eyes, his tail betraying him as it swayed behind him, "Is it?"
"Yeah," you start to grow nervous under his careful eye, looking around so you can find something to do, "Yeah, um... Let-- Let me just retrieve my vials and then we can head back to HQ to talk more."
You go to bend down to find the stoppered vials you had dropped into the shallow water of the river, but you don't get very far before So'lek steps into the river as well and crouches down before you, his hands already underneath the surface and leisurely searching for the vials in question. You stand back up to your full height and just watch, curious despite the warmth you feel growing up your neck.
The water makes the sound of a surfaced splash as So'lek's hands rise out of the water with the vials in hand, standing up to his own full height, which easily towered over your avatar's. You hadn't realized how close he had been until he was handing the vials to you, and immediately you look away and clear your throat.
"Thank you. So... how did you find out?"
He briefly frowned before comprehending what you were trying to ask and reached into his pouch. He lifts his hand and you recognize the beaded top Ri'nela promised to finish for you when you no longer had the time to do so.
He looks at the item with you, "I thought it was Ri'nela's."
A surprised snort of disbelief escapes you, the nerves now bleeding into amusement, "Ri'nela?? Seriously?"
His ears twitch irritably, but it doesn't intimidate you. Not this time. "Yes."
You smirk, "Believe me, big guy. If Ri'nela was pregnant, I would've killed the one responsible ages ago."
Unexpectedly, your chest floods with warmth as So'lek makes a deep, reverberating sound and it takes you a moment to realize it was a laugh. The laugh was short yet sweet, and when So'lek recovered, there was still a small but clearly visible smile. 
He takes a brief moment to think before he holds out a hand, making it clear about his intent, "May I?" 
You look at his hand then look back up at him, nodding before moving your arms to your sides so that So'lek has full reign of your belly, but he doesn't take advantage of it. If anything, he almost looks hesitant, internally stunned that you gave him permission. He slowly places his hand over your pregnant stomach, and you are quickly reminded of how large his hands are. 
Neither of you say a word, just standing in the shallow part of the river, the water up to your ankles as you both stare down at So'lek's hand, placed gently over your round belly. You know So'lek must have felt something because his tail curled to alertness behind him, and his mouth slowly formed a brief, fond smile, which undoubtedly made your heart squeeze.
As you watch him technically interact with your unborn child for the first time, you start to feel incredibly grateful for how your situation turned out. You haven't known Eywa and her beauty for very long, so you're not sure if she deliberately picked So'lek for this to happen with you, but all the same, you were glad it was him out of everyone you know. You didn't know the sentiment was mutual.
"Thank you."
One look at So'lek and you knew that twins weren't common among Na'vi. He had to have someone explain to him the amount of babies human females can bear, and his expression of horror honestly made you laugh more than anything, despite how exhausted and overwhelmed you were. While you didn't give birth in your human body, your avatar still contained remnants of human DNA, and back on Earth, your family had a history of twins, so in conclusion, you shouldn't have been all that surprised. Still, you didn't think that would transfer over to your false Na'vi body.
You didn't blame So'lek for being horrified. You were just as equally scared. You thought the two of you might be able to handle keeping one child safe during a war, but two? As you and So'lek looked at each other, you didn't have to say a word to know what the other was thinking. After all, it came with the territory of being mates. You tend to always know what is going on in each other's head. 
You never thought So'lek might actually care for you more than just as the mother to his child, but over the last months throughout your pregnancy, he made it perfectly clear that he wouldn't have shown interest the night you two ended up fucking against a tree if he didn't already care for you. His feelings were complicated, yes, but due to a lifetime of death and revenge, no one could really blame him. He was honest with you one night when you finally asked him where you two stood in all of this and what it would mean to raise a child together.
He was honest when he said he wasn't going to mention it because he thought you regretted it. And in a way, he did regret your one-night stand, but for a completely different reason. He admitted that he thought you deserved someone better, someone, who didn't initially spit in your face when you both met because he thought you might be just like all the other Sky People. Pregnancy aside, he confessed how much he had grown to care for you, but he knew it all initially started way before you two had your night of fun during that one fateful celebration. He knew he cared for you even before that, he just couldn't admit it to himself before he got drunk and had his way with you.
Once boundaries were made and feelings were shared, So'lek brought you to a special place, the Tree of Souls. The two of you, no longer influenced by alcohol or conflicted emotions, bonded and mated before Eywa. You blamed your pregnancy for how emotionally intimate it felt for you, all your hormones going through the roof, and it only spurred So'lek on since he could feel it all through tsaheylu. Unlike your one-night stand, this was slow and passionate, and it likely would've gone all night long...
That is, until your water broke. But hey, things happen.
Despite all the confusion, doubt, and fear fighting in your mind about the war and how you'll have to protect your children, you took one look down at your twin sons and all those thoughts went away. You never thought you'd be a boy mom, let alone a boy mom to twins.
Once So'lek's initial shock wears off, he's immediately tending to you and your sons. Sons. He still can't wrap his head around it. This was far more than he thought he deserved, beyond his wildest dreams.
Weeks go by, and now all of Resistance HQ has grown accustomed to your new family dynamic, and many of your friends were over the moon about your boys. To play it safe, you didn't break your link with your avatar until the body fully recovered from labor and the babies no longer needed to be nursed, but you kept yourself entertained with your new family, unable to stop smiling at the sight of your husband and sons. 
To give your new family some privacy, Ri'nela and Teylan took a private room in HQ and formed what they called a "nest corner", which came down to essentially just a bunch of pillows, blankets, soft, warm little lights hanging from the ceiling, and even two hammocks. The two snonivi in question apparently were woven by Nor, but you're not entirely sure, a little put off by the fact that he actually wanted to help.
As So'lek stood up from your little nest of blankets and pillows, one of your sons safely sleeping in his strong arms, you had the sudden urge to tug on your mate's tail.
So'lek whips around and points at you with a finger and a knowing glare, "Behave."
"Or what?" You grinned, your tail flirtaciously swaying behind you and you watched the way So'lek clearly noticed it.
He huffs lightly, shaking his head at your antics, playfully warning you, "Easy, yawntutsyìp."
You bite your lip to refrain from smiling uncontrollably, briefly looking down to check on your other son, also sleeping but in your lap as you sit cross-legged before you speak once more, a playful tone still etched in your voice, "You know... Anufi says that I have about one more week before she thinks I'm fully recovered from labor. So... I'm just saying... pretty sure I'll be going back to my usual mischief again soon."
He shakes his head once more, but he can't exactly hide the way his tail perks up with interest, "Your mischief is what got us two sons in the first place."
"Excuse me?" You scoffed, faking how appalled you felt while placing a hand over your heart as you glared up at him, "You came onto me, big guy!"
"Wrong. If I recall, I came inside you."
Your jaw drops, the room filled with silence other than the tiny, cute noises your sons made as they dreamed. You stared up at So'lek in shock, trying to replay his words in your head that left you baffled and speechless, rapidly blinking your eyes like it would somehow wake you from this dream. Did he actually just say that?
His grin is light and playful, making him look years younger, almost an entirely different man, "No one will ever believe you."
A/n: Swoon. That's all I gotta say.
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ddejavvu · 10 months
(ty other anon for reminding me of venom 😈😈)
this is so unholy of me but i cant stop thinking of bodyguard!eddie/venom w a drunk party animal reader who snuck out and is caught, xarried home by eddie/venom back to her house 😫😫 hggg may i kindly pretty pls with a cherry on top have even the smallest drop of smut wit him
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
this post is 18+, minors dni.
You wouldn't have ducked outside for fresh air had you known what was waiting for you in the alleyway beside the bar. It's stuffy inside, so you make your way out the heavy back door, but the second it shuts something slimy wraps around your ankle and yanks, and the brick wall you're facing offers you no purchase as you scrape and claw at its surface.
"I have found her!" A deep, mighty voice roars, and you're flipped upside down, dangling in mid-air by your ankle. Venom's terrifying visage greets you, all razor sharp, dripping teeth and cloudy white eyes.
"You have been," Venom muses, sticking his tongue out to smear it along the expanse of your cheek, "Drinking."
You squeal in disgust at the feeling of the alien's tongue on your skin, but there's nothing you can do as you dangle upside down over the side of the roof.
"And smoking," Venom adds, at the slight aroma of smoke in the air.
"I wasn't smoking," You defend meekly, "Bars just smell like that."
"I do not care what you did inside." Venom growls, "I care that you are not still in your bedroom. Eddie told you to stay there."
"I wanted to have fun," You huff, and your legs split for just a brief second, but it's enough to knock the fabric of your skirt loose from between them. You'd managed to pinch the cloth between your knees when you'd been caught so that it didn't expose you to the cold night air, but apparently your muscles aren't strong enough to hold you still for long enough, and the garment falls around your waist, up towards your face.
"Aah! Venom," You push aimlessly at the skirt, only succeeding in swinging yourself slightly in his grip, "Put me down!"
But the symbiote's eyes have narrowed, and the ooze holding your ankle in place slowly spreads up your thighs. The black slime forces your legs apart, and Venom inhales sharply, long, dripping tongue coming back out to wrap around your upper thigh. He licks at your skin and saliva drips down up your leg, towards your waist where you're still suspended upside down.
Your bird-like screeches at how publicly exposed you are do nothing to deter the symbiote from tasting you, and when he gets a hint of the cum that's managed to soak through your panties and stain the creases of your thighs he roars, jerking you to the side and slamming you down against the roof of the building.
You expect to be winded, or even injured as your back hits the concrete but Venom's ooze blankets your fall, keeping you stuck firm and spread out for him on the roof.
"Whose cum is this?" Venom growls, eyes narrow and cloudy as he stares accusatorily at you. When you don't answer he lets out another frustrated snarl, jamming his tongue directly into your cunt.
He must have used a tendril of his ooze to tug aside your panties, because you have absolutely no time to prepare before his long, slimy tongue is stuffed entirely into your cunt. It feels deeper than anything you've ever had before, and you practically howl at how intrusive the muscle is as it swipes aggressively through your insides.
"This is not Eddie's," Venom growls, and you're filled with visions of hooking up with the man and his symbiote only the night prior after a tense night of his guard. You hadn't expected anything long-term from the fuck, really you'd just assumed they were doing it because you had to be stuck together, but apparently Venom had other ideas.
"And it is not mine." He speaks, plunging his tongue back into your abused hole. He scoops the cum out of your cunt and gathers it in his maw before spitting it back over you, painting your face with an obscene mixture of his sticky saliva and your last hookup's release.
"You are dirty," He decides, yanking your skirt back down to cover your gaping cunt. The ooze separating you from the concrete roof below disappears, but Venom's hold on you only tightens as he gathers you in his arms.
"We are going back to your apartment," Venom informs you, voice especially gravelly, "And we are going to punish you for sneaking out. Eddie is not happy, and neither am I. You will not leave again. We are trying to protect you."
"But Venom-"
"No arguments," Venom extends a tendril of slime to cover your mouth, and the stuff sticks to your lips, prying its way between them to form fingers as he gags you, "I hope you are ready, pet. We are going to teach you a lesson you will never forget."
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electraslight · 3 months
fave bevin headcanons ??? ik u probably have answered this and dgaf but I love them and love hearing ur ideas and opinions they're always so great ☹️❤️‍🔥( im a lurker so I apologize for the lack of interaction !!!!! )
hiii taking a break in my no tumblr run to prosteleytize abt bevin, here are some loose headcannons
-kevin had a running joke going for a bit where he would not let ben out of the car until he gave him a kiss on the cheek aka Kiss Tax especially when people who weren't ben gwen and kevin were also in the car. he thinks the way ben gets mad about it is very funny, but it kind of backfires on him because ben stops getting mad and just does it and now every time he drives ben somewhere he gets a kiss. hes considering making the ride tax something more embarassing, like kissing with tongue.
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-kevin sleeps with such a wide berth that he will somehow be on top of someone during any nap, even if the person is sitting feet away. the only one who's ok with being snored and drooled on is ben, because he is constantly cold and appreciates a bro snuggle
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-ben and kevin do that scoobly do shit when theyre scared (a la jumping into each others arms n high pitched screaming)
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-u may at this point be like 'hey these aren't bevin headcannons this is just them doing mildly gay best friend stuff' and to this i raise u this: i feel like, if ben and kevin were to ever aknowlege their feelings for each other, they wouldn't be the type of ppl to 'date'. theyre kind of beyond dating at this point, arent they? their relationship isnt really defined by human terms, as theyre both distanced from a lot of human social norms (kind of teetering on the brink of human and alien) and also theyve been through so much shit it would be weird to suddenly go through the human rituals of 'hold hands and go to resturants and introduce him to the parents blah blah blah'. they're more than that, and the way they go about being in love is kind of the same way they're friends, still joined at the hip and ragging on each other, still getting into fights and willing to kill and die for each other. its like being best friends and being 30 year married people at once. theyre sure theres some alien word for it, but they dont really care. ben is kevins and kevin is bens, and thats how they roll. and they make out with tongue. duh.
(clarifying for ppl w no reading comprehension: they are in gay homo love but they dont put labels like 'boyfriend' or 'dating' on it bc once youve held another boys hand and made the choice to destroy your body to save him twice + your lover learned what it meant to be a hero from u and you are a symbol of hope for him and he is for u you cant really just be like 'heres my bae' now can you. relationship anarchy win.)
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afewproblems · 1 year
I want Steve to find out about the simultaneous games that happened at the beginning of season 4.
That Eddie insisted that the hellfire session went on as scheduled, despite the fact that Lucas wouldn't be able to make it.
Lucas, one of Steve's kids, who Steve had defended from being beaten up, putting himself in the line of fire from that racist asshole Billy Hargrove.
Lucas, who had been pushed aside and alienated from his longtime friends just because he also liked sports and wanted to try and remain afloat in the ocean of high school.
Lucas, who loved his friends and and enjoyed different things, because spoiler alert you can in fact be a jock and like Dungeons and Beasts or whatever the hell it was called. Steve enjoyed Star Wars and could dunk, proof right there.
But all it took was one word from Eddie, and Dustin and Mike not only didn't go to Lucas's game, but they couldn't even be happy for him about the championship AND their final session of their long-term campaign went on as scheduled despite the absence of the oldest Sinclair.
Sure Jason Carver turned out to be a crazy asshole but Steve knew exactly how it felt to be caught between worlds and the biggest difference was that Lucas had always been a good person.
Unlike him.
One nice thing about his King Steve days was that he knew how to push, and he could turn it on for a day, just to knock some sense into a certain curly haired metal head.
"Hang back a sec man," Steve says almost casually as they exit Eddie's van after pulling into the movie theater. The kids tumble out of the open doors and race towards the building, pushing each other in their hurry to get in line for the second running of Highlander.
"What's up Stevie?" Eddie says, his dimpled grin comes out in full force as he looks Steve up and down, leaning back again the front of the vehicle grill. His arms cross loosely over his Black Sabath shirt and the various rings and chains sparkle in the high afternoon sun. He looks great today.
Focus Steve.
He clears his throat and sighs, trying to get into the heads pace from earlier when he initially found out what happened from Dustin. He had been absolutely furious.
But the flame of righteous fury had dissipated, leaving behind a cold feeling of disappointment in Eddie. It hung heavy and immovable in his chest, he needed to talk to him.
"Hey uh, I heard about the championship game man, Lucas's game".
Eddie tilts his head slightly, his brown doe eyes scanning Steve's face with confusion.
"What the basketball game back in March? That was like six months ago man? What about it?"
"Did you ever apologize to Lucas?" Steve asks, he keeps his face neutral, not wanting to influence the answer as Eddie scoffs. Not a great sign.
"For what Harrington?" And that stings a little, he'd been Stevie for the last two months or so, sometimes a Honey or Sweetheart thrown into the mix and Steve felt that they were barreling their way towards something new.
Steve swallows, he can't let this go, not even for Eddie.
"It was a shit thing to do man, to not let Lucas play and to not let Dustin and Mike go to support him--"
"Those kids know that the campaign comes first, that's the first tenant of Hellfire and they know that going in!" Eddie snarls, he steps forward towards Steve who holds his ground with narrowed eyes.
"I thought you were above that sort of thing Munson, judging people for the things they like? Assuming things about a person and writing them off".
Eddie stops, his face paling slightly, his angry expression flickers once but remains in place as he crosses his arms again.
"Those games can't be rescheduled man," Steve continues with a shake of his head, "it's not even the school that decides the schedule for the season, it's the districts and the coaches, and who fucking cares if he was on the bench for most of the season? Because he played! And none of you were there".
Steve sighs and runs a tired hand over his face, "Not even his friends who he has known since pre-school. And with Will gone and Max dealing with all that shift from Starcourt and Vecna it was just the three of them, and you took that from him man".
Eddie stares at him, he says nothing, he doesn't even look like he's breathing right now and Steve feels like shit.
"I'm just saying, if you do that again, to any of them, to my kids," Steve says matter of factly, "then we'll have a problem".
"That supposed to be a threat, King Steve?" Eddie sneers at him, but his shoulders are dropping, and there is no true heat behind the words.
Steve shakes his head as Mike pops out of the double doors of the entrance and yells at the pair of them to, shit or get off the pot because what hell is taking them so long?
"No Eddie, it's not a threat because I'm hoping that you'll do the right thing. Because I know you love those kids and you're not an asshole".
He turns on his heel and heads towards the doors, leaving Eddie with the empty van. His heart thumps wildly in his chest, and the cold feeling in his chest spreads and spreads as he goes over the conversation again and again.
It stings a little to know that he's ruined whatever he had with Eddie but he couldn't let this go, friends don't lie after all.
He grabs their tickets, still buying one for Eddie --just in case, though the other man has not entered the building.
Steve tamps down the tight feeling of disappointment that grows the longer Eddie remains outside. If Eddie takes off, leaving them there, Steve can cover, he'll get Nancy to pick them up or maybe Jonathan --they're on better footing these days. He'll say Eddie had some kind of emergency come up, that Wayne needed him for something.
Yeah, friends didn't lie, but how could he break the kids' hearts like this?
They thankfully don't seem to pick up on this as they chatter about Sean Connery and what flavor of soda to get.
"Oh there you are dude! We thought you got kidnapped!" Dustin suddenly crows beside Steve, he turns to see Eddie behind him, a strange expression on his face.
Oh thank God.
"Nah, just had a quick smoke before the movie man, uh actually I wanted to borrow Lucas for a sec if that's cool?"
The kids look from Eddie to Steve, as though to check if he knows what's going on, Eddie hasn't been this shifty since March when Chrissy's death hit the news.
Steve nudges Lucas by the shoulder, leaning slightly down to say, "I'll grab your snacks, go on".
Lucas gives him a confused look over his shoulder before following Eddie outside the entrance  the doors swing closed just as Dustin whirls on Steve.
"What the hell was that!" He demands with crossed arms and a scowl on his face, his blue eyes scanning Steve's own for something, some information about what is going on outside.
"Yeah, you guys are being weird," Mike snarks from over his shoulder, he's standing with Will and El who watch the interaction with curious eyes, "first you take forever to come in and now this?"
And so much for the kids not picking up on it.
"You guys are pretty nosy," Steve hums, deflecting with a small smile as he ruffles Dustin's curls and steps forward with the rest of the line.
Dustin glares with narrowed eyes and huffs, "Fine, I'll just ask Lucas about it".
Steve snorts, he isn't sure if the kids have even talked about it. They've all been friends long enough now that this one event wouldn't be enough to hurt this kind of friendship. But it's certainly been on Dustin's mind since he was the one to bring it up to Steve that morning.
"Good idea," Steve says with a smile as he steps up the the counter, he looks at the kids before smiling at the clerk, "okay what's everyone having, let her know".
The lights have dimmed and the pre-show has started by the time Eddie and Lucas make their way over to the seats Steve and the kids have saved. Steve hands Lucas his popcorn and soda, sprite and orange crush mixed, as he makes his way over to the empty seat beside Dustin. There is a wide smile on his face, and it startles Steve slightly as he realizes he hasn't seen Lucas with one around Eddie in months.
His heart hurts at the thought.
Eddie drops down beside Steve, blowing out a long slow sigh as he does.
He scrubs a pair of ringed hands over his face roughly before finally relaxing into the shitty theater seat and reaching over to snag a handful of popcorn from Steve's bag, spilling kernels all over the place. 
Steve rolls his eyes and tips the bag closer to Eddie who immediately grabs a second handful.
Eddie is facing the screen, but his eyes are trained on the seat in front of him, the projection illuminates his face in whites, yellows, greens, and blues as the movie begins and Steve can't look away.
He eventually tips his face towards Steve, "You were right," Eddie murmurs before finally taking in the screen as he looks away again. Even though he's sitting nearly boneless and slumped in the seat, his shoulders are tense, upset. 
"I'm glad," Steve whispers, and he is.
The icy feeling of disappointment that held his chest in a tight vice grip all morning finally loosens as he leans into the armrest and feels the warmth of Eddie's shoulder soak into his own.
"Thanks Steve," Eddie whispers, his warm breath ghosting over Steve's ear as leans closer, letting their hands brush in the darkness of the theater.
Steve closes his eyes, and lets himself bask in the warmth, even for just a moment.
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lua-magic · 6 months
Mars and your battles in life.
Mars is your agression and passion.
Mars is also cause for fights and arguments.
Remedy is at end of this blog
Mars in first house
You have lot of energy within you.
You have anxiety and anger issues.
You should be careful about your finances, as you might loose lot of money due to your own anxiety.
Mars here makes you accident prone and susceptible to injuries and give you gut related issues.
You might pick up fight with your father as well.
Mars in second house .
You have fights and agression within your family and family members.
Your relationship with your father is also complex and you often pick up fight with your colleagues and bosses
Mars in third house.
Though Mars is exalted here, you fight with your siblings and your neighbours.
You have great fighting spirit and fight with your eniemies.
You have frequent arguments and fights within your work place, and also with your friends and within your network.
Mars in fourth house.
Mars here give you lots of anxiety and agression when you spend more time at home .
Remedy of Mars fourth house is " GET OUT".
You often fight with your friends and also has disturbed sleep patterns and feel more anxious on bed or during sleep which might keep you awake.
Mars in fifth house.
Woman with this placement face problems during child birth and pregnancy.
You often loose your consciousness when you get angry.
You are easy to be angered and triggered.
You pick up fight easily with others without giving second thoughts.
That sometimes attract lots of problems towards you.
Though, Mars is exalted it gives problems in studies and education as well.
You could also experience sudden loss of money and financial issues.
Mars here, could give you gut issues and problems with your anal region like piles and haemorrhoids.
You should be careful about injuries and accidents as well.
You have disturbed sleep and can't sleep for more time, especially, sound sleep or sleep like baby, is alien term to you.
You are an energy house, got lot of energy and passion.
Mars in sixth house.
It is exalted here, you fight with your eniemies with lot of passion and agression and don't leave them till you destroy them.
This placement could also make you fight with your father or teacher, and also creates fight with your family and family members.
You too are blessed by lot of energy and passion.
Mars in seventh house.
This placement creates fight with your partner a lot.
You also fight with your colleagues and bosses.
You could pick fight with your family and with your siblings and neighbours also easily.
Mars in eighth House.
Mars is exalted here, but could give piles issues, accidents and cuts.
It could give blood and gut related problems as well.
You might face severe financial loss as well.
You might fight with your friends a lot, also with your siblings, neighbours, your mother and within your home as well.
You also suffer from anxiety and anger issues.
Mars in ninth house.
Give fight with your father, teachers alot
You have problem while sleeping.
You have anxiety and anger issues that could cause problems in your studies and education.
Mars in tenth house.
You would be victim of office politics and would have anger towards your bosses and your colleagues.
You have lot of energy personaly and is quite active person..
You look younger to your age as well.
You fight with your partner and you also don't leave your eniemies easily till you destroy them..
Mars in eleventh house.
You fight with your friends and within your social network easily.
You also fight alot with your family members and within your family.
You have fighting spirit and destroy your eniemies.
You have frequent fights and arguments with your partner as well.
Mars in twelfth House.
You have problems with sleeping and very often suffer from anxiety and panic at night which could create problems in sleeping.
You can have fight with your siblings and neighbours.
You also fight with your partner and loose money due to overspending or over shopping.
You could face problems related to your body and could be prone to skin problems, problem with digestion, gut.
This combination also makes you injury prone and accidents prone.
Best remedy of Mars is " Choose your battle wisely" .
Take our time for developing hobbies like gardening that could cure your anxiety problem.
Drink more water and spend more time in water or near water, increase water element in your body.
Anytime, you feel angry or get angry just drink water, and respond, don't react...
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redrum-alice · 1 month
A.B.A x Human Paracelsus fanfic ideaaaaaaaaa...
Summary: Human Paracelsus may be in a human body, but he can't help his thirst for blood. Just so happens that his wife accidentally cut her finger-- the smell of mercury doesn't stop him though :)
Warning: a bit NSFW-ish? Blood kink too-- Idk :P [Post Strive]
After a long search, A.B.A was finally able to find a body suited for Paracelsus. Just seeing him in his new form had her madly in love again now that he has arms to wrap around her...or so she thought.
While Paracelsus "appreciated" her gesture (albeit loosely), he can't help but to feel strange about this human form- so many sensations that are too overwhelming to comprehend. Flesh that he sought after in violence now plastered on this feeble yet lean body, something A.B.A wished for. After agreeing to make things better with his partner, he took his share of work and helped A.B.A live out her domestic fantasies, starting off with cooking meals after they found an abandoned cabin.
A.B.A isn't much of a cook in terms of what she serves. She understands and quickly learns about how it works, but using ingredients that are not suited for one another is what hinders her, often cleaned up by Paracelsus so she wouldn't get upset about her mishap.
One morning, he woke up to a delicious smell. Perhaps his wife finally grasped the fundamentals of basic cooking, but he wagered it'd be a risk if he went to try her concoction blindly. Having acquired a human sense of smell and taste, he needed to exercise them with better options rather than risking it with something foul.
Heading towards the kitchen, he saw the homunculous trying her best to whip up a a meal along with piles of dirty dishes on the sink that is wordlessly assigned to him. On the table were what humans call "scrambled eggs", but it seems that it had bits of shells left on them.
But besides the whole mess, he noticed that there's something in the young woman that he didn't quite notice before he acquired a human body.
Never had he viewed her as someone who has a venusian charm; her figure could be compared to those statues of women whose arms are cut off to expose their ample bosoms. He supposed that this is a human experience, one that is alien to him, for he had never got the concept of "attraction". His so-called wife, however, had showed him examples of what it is to be attracted to someone, which what got themselves into this situation.
"Dear, you're awake!" A.B.A turned around to her husband, snaping him from his daze. "I do hope your new form is not so much of a burden..."
"I'm fine, A.B.A." he lied, not wanting to upset her.
The homunculous only responded with gleeful demeanor and returned to her task. "I'm sure you're experiencing hunger for the first time...after days of walking to find shelter." She hummed sweetly. "I-I'm trying to make something to replenish you..."
Paracelsus stayed quiet and proceeded to sit on the chair. When they entered the cabin, all the furnitures were blanketed with dust, including the table they occupied. To his surprise, it was clean and it even had a vase of fresh flowers that she must've picked outside- it was a small silent countryside after all. He assumed that A.B.A did all this while he was sleeping. He'd be lying if he didn't admit he was impressed. She did always go above and beyond to provide for them.
All of a sudden, he heard a squeal.
"Eek!" She screamed, followed by a sound of metal clanking on a wooden board.
"A.B.A! Are you alright?" Paracelsus stood up and rushed to his partner. "What happened?"
"I-it's nothing, dear..." she reluctantly responded. "Y-you should prepare the plates..."
Not buying a word, he beckoned her to show what she was hiding in her arms. A.B.A eventually complied, not wishing to disappoint her husband in fear that he would get frustrated and walk out of the door, seeing that he can now freely go anywhere he wish with those limbs. She hesitantly gave her hand to him, hoping he wouldn't think of her any less for a simple mistake of cutting her finger by accident.
"I-I should have been more careful, dear. I'm not fit to be a good wife if I keep being reckless." She shuddered, an instinct that Paracelsus know all too well when she's stressed. The crimson red substance pooled from the slit on her pale finger down to her palm.
He shouldn't have looked directly at it.
Paracelsus knew that his cravings for blood won't be diluted even if he was in a human body. He is a demon after all. But it was a strange feeling that wasn't akin to hunger, but something else. Yes, it is true that A.B.A had a mixture of mercury in her blood, but its color was as fascinating as that of a human blood.
He excused himself and wasted no time in finding a first aid kit, but the girl halted him by grabbing his arm. Paranoia was something she could not get rid of, even if it jeopardizes her in dire situations.
"No wait! I can fix it!" She insisted as she tugged on his arm, carelessly rubbing her wounded hand and letting her blood smudge on his skin. He gulped, feeling how wet and warm it seemed.
"Please dear, I can handle it! Let me wrap it myself. I'm sorry to have made you worried." A.B.A tugged on her bandanges on her leg, neverminding if it exposes her further.
All of these happening in front of him was driving him insane: his wife's intoxicating blood, her sweet panicked face, and her leg that teased him as soon as those bandages were repurposed to aid her wound.
Before she could wrap it on her hand, Paracelsus grabbed her injured hand and inspected it. What comes next was something A.B.A herself found shocking.
He licked her wound and begun sucking on it.
The sensation was so overwhelming that she was certain she nearly forgot the ability to speak. A.B.A watched in astonishment until she felt her legs wobble; only then she regained her voice.
"D-dear...?" She found herself having difficulty expressing her thoughts. Paracelsus kept sucking on her blood, not minding how it burns his tongue. What a pathetic flesh, he thought.
As if his fighting spirit also got converted into a human equivalent, he soon finds himself grabbing A.B.A closer to him and eventually trailing his free hand dangerously close to her plump ass. The young female homunculous couldn't help but to admire what her generous and loving husband is doing to her, evident by how her breathing quickened.
Soon, he carried her and pinned her down on the table. Screw the eggs, he was hungry for something this new body was craving for- her flesh. His ravenous side earning the upper hand as he starts to kiss his bride harshly on her lips, making A.B.A fluster more than she usually does. Those kisses turned into full on lip-locking, pooling their mouths with each other's saliva. His kisses soon attacked her neck, ripping off the bandanges that was blocking him from giving his sweet wife the pleasure she deserves.
It was no doubt that even in human form, he was still susceptive to primal urges such as blood, but this time, it was mixed with carnal desire.
And it seems he wasn't the only one enjoying it. A.B.A was more than eager to reciprocate this affection. She was more than ready to finally do it with her husband after years of solitude.
Oh how sweet it was to finally consumate their marriage.
Er...to be continued on ao3? This is just a stupid fanfic idea 💀🔫
Tagging @l00nwizard and @weeko bc of your replies. Sorry if this one is not too wholesome, but its a ficlet ig 💀😭🔫
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cornercadet · 15 days
The Human Capacity for Language
Hello. Been a while hasn’t it?
Anywho, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but the way that (spoken) language just comes naturally to humans is wild.
I was going to do a whole ramble about how language could be unique to humans, but I don’t think that makes much sense. I mean, for a species to become advanced enough to leave their planet, they’d have to communicate with others from their species somehow. The aliens might consider the way that they communicate to be different than a human language, but humans would still classify any advanced form of communication like that as a language.
Which could be a very interesting relationship to develop with humans and this fictional alien species. Human linguists might study and compare this alien language to our own, but the aliens would consider the two concepts so different that they don’t understand why humans are putting them in the same category.
Moving on, I find it so interesting how spoken language is like a natural human thing, but written language isn’t (at least not to the degree that spoken language is. I’m not a linguist. Don’t quote me on this.) Written language implies that something needs to be preserved. Protected so that someone, somewhere, later on might understand it. Idk. Can you tell I like philosophy LMAO.
I think this ties into music as well. I believe I’ve heard that we have records of an ancient musical notation that has been lost to time, so we don’t actually know what it would’ve sounded like.
I HAVE DONE SOME GOOGLING. I think what I heard about was the Hurrian songs (very interesting, look it up if you’re interested.) Which are in a language that we only partially understand, so we’ll never fully know what it sounded like.
That’s fascinating to me. Some ancient person could’ve made a song that is almost identical to something that exists today and we’d never know because there’s no records of it.
I’ve lost my original topic. OOPS. Hah. I tricked you into listening to me ramble about songs.
I will tie it back to HASO though. Maybe the ability for human languages to evolve so quickly that we loose the ability to properly speak and read ancient languages is not normal, and very strange. Maybe linguistic studies (not sure if there’s a proper term for this) and other related sciences aren’t a thing in the societies of aliens because their languages have remained largely stagnant. Or the language evolved so slowly that they still have good records of what it used to sound like (or however they communicate if it’s not through sound.)
Will make another post about music sometime in the future because I think that’s an interesting topic as well.
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clownrecess · 1 year
I want to talk about the sudden influx of posts on the #nonspeaking and #nonverbal tags being posted by speaking people, as well as my general thoughts on speaking people using those tags.
I've seen more speaking people who temporarily loose speech posting on these tags in the past few days. This is extremely frustrating to me as these tags are intended as a space for nonspeaking people to post. We as a community are already so incredibly silenced and alienated from the rest of the disabled community, and now that is happening within our own hashtags too.
I understand that some people lose their speech temporarily due to various factors, such as stress, but this does not necessarily make them part of the nonspeaking community. It's important to acknowledge that being nonspeaking is a unique experience and cannot be compared to short term loss of oral speech. When primarily speaking people use the nonspeaking and nonverbal hashtags, it can make it hard to find content that's relevant to us. It can also lead to the erasure of our voices and experiences.
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hyperfixatedfandomer · 9 months
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora — what do we know about the plot and the lore?
Since many atwow fans, especially here on tumblr, seem to be unaware or not caught up on the new avatar game coming out in two months I thought I’d make this post and spill tea about all the juicy details!
First things first, let me respond to the biggest question you might have:
When is frontiers of Pandora happening, in terms of cannon time-line?
FoP is confirmed to be cannon to the movie franchise and plays out first during the events of the first movie, directly impacted by Jake’s battle in the hallelujah mountains and then continues playing out 15 years later, during the events of avatar the way of water.
What’s the story?
The character we play as is a young, unnamed Na’vi of either female or male sex (judging by promo images), depending on what you choose in the beginning of the game. Their fate is a tragic one, as MC, who lives in the west hemisphere of Pandora is kidnapped from their home by the RDA, together with many other children.
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The captives unwillingly become part of T.A.P, or “The Ambassador Program”, and for years go through constant brainwashing and cruel treatment, all to become perfect "ambassadors" of RDA and enforce its propaganda, most likely through force.
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They become soldiers, taught the weaponry and war tactics of humans, all under the rule of a frankly mentally unstable man named John Mercer.
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(Yes this is him yelling at an 8 year old)
John Mercer is the presumed overseer of the site, controlling the project and acts as the main villain of the game.
When battle of the Hallelujah Mountains occurs and the site looses contact with hell’s gate after it gets attacked by rogue avatars and scientists, the staff sounds the alarm and humans rush to evacuate from Pandora, afraid that Omatikaya will find the base and attack them next. In their rush, John Mercer commands his goons to get rid of the evidence of T.A.P program, namely killing all the Na’vi children they abducted years prior.
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They don’t get to do that however, as MC’s teacher, an avatar that has spent years teaching the children human subjects, shoots the guards dead in panic, leading her students to what presumably is an emergency bunker equipped with cryopods, and puts her students, including the MC to sleep so as they get to escape the wrath of John Mercer’s men and fly under their radar.
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And there they remained for the next 15 years, un disturbed in their slumber until an unknown factor triggered their pod and it opened, waking MC from their sleep and, for the first time in years, they walk free.
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But after an eternity in RDA’s clutches, the main character has forgotten all about their roots and customs. It is up to them now to reconnect with their home and become a true Na’vi once more, with the help of many characters we’ll meet along the way, young and old, from a number of new clans we had never seen before.
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(I’m mostly excited about this old lady, she seems chill af and I like her fit)
But the healing arc is only part of the story, as we know that the RDA canonically comes back 15 years after the battle in the mountains. This time, they’re stronger, meaner, and right back at their business, so it’s up to us, the player, to establish a resistance in the west and fight off the aliens who once more infested Eywa’s lands. John Mercer is, unsurprisingly, also back, though thankfully not as a recombinant.
Okay so what is the EXACT time the main story plays out?
The story plays out the year 2169 according to the timeline, which is about the same time the Omatikaya perform a train raid we see in the movie. The RDA has established their base (Bridgehead) in the east and is trying to expand its operations to the western frontier, which is where the MC comes in. As a "child of two worlds", the character can use both the classic Na’vi weaponry as well as human firearms and traps of all kinds. Ironically the RDA, through its cruelty, had created a formidable enemy that knows ins and outs of their thinking similarly to Jake Sully.
Hold up so, if FoP and Atwow happen parallel to each other, does it mean that we’ll get to meet the movie characters and interact with them?
I can’t say for sure. Geographically, the game and the movie play out in two different hemispheres, which greatly brings down the chance of meeting any of the characters we know face to face. However, it is more than likely that the game will expand on the movie lore and we’ll get to find out more about Jake’s operations, as well as the operations of RDA (including the recom program).
Here is the link to the overview trailer of the game that will cover the info I wrote above and some more.
I heavily recommend that you check out the game, as it looks extremely promising so far and I can’t be more hyped! If you got any more questions, feel free to drop them into my ask box!
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‼️Semi-Emergency Commissions‼️
Long story short, my college campus ran out of housing and despite my early application, I got screwed. Apartments were far more expensive than I was expecting, and while I did find one on the lower end, I’m still not as financially stable as I would like to be. I’m stressed as hell about being able to afford my last semester in college. I would really appreciate the help :( and you get art out of it!
I can do just about anything in terms of species. Humans, D&D races, anthro/furry, animal/feral, mechanical, monstrous, alien, cyborg alien beasts, you name it.
I can also draw pets, you, friends and family, fictional characters, whatever.
I can do mild to moderate gore, but I don't have experience with excessive gore, nor do I really like it. Same for body horror.
I will not draw NSFW art. Non-graphic nudity or romantic moments are cool though!
I reserve the right to turn down requests based on my availability, whether I believe them to be out of my skill range, etc, etc.
I can take payments through ko-fi, PayPal, or Venmo. All comms will be run by you a couple of times throughout the process to receive feedback and see what is and isn't working.
Full body digital pieces come with a simplistic background (ie. pattern, very simplified environment/effects, gradients, etc). Sometimes I get silly with it and might add some extra detail, but I won’t charge for extra detail that I added in the process just because I had an idea and was having fun with it.
I am best reached via my Discord, @/dyltgir, but you can also contact me via my TikTok, Tumblr, or DeviantArt DMs.
I can also do character design if you don't yet have refs and just loose ideas. :3
If there's anything you're interested in that doesn't appear here, feel free to reach out!
Traditional Sketch: $7
Traditional Lined: $9
Digital Lineart: $12
Digital Flat Color: $15
Digital Full Render: $20
Half Body
Traditional Sketch: $12
Traditional Lined: $15
Digital Lineart: $20
Digital Flat Color: $25
Digital Full Render: $30
Full Body
Traditional Sketch: $17
Traditional Lined: $20
Digital Lineart: $25
Digital Flat Color: $32
Digital Full Render: $50
Character Reference Sheet: $75
Chibi Front/Back Reference: $15
Sticky Note Doodle: $5
Character Poster (like Kass below): $60
Additional Character: +50%
I take payment through ko-fi, Venmo, or PayPal! DM me if you’re interested!
Examples can be found at this link!
To highlight recent work:
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callsign-relic · 9 months
Hi again! I saw your post explaining the first contact AU, it was very help<3
Speaking of my last ask, I would totally love it in that AU (now that I know more about it I may just look into it more)
One thing is that it's more willing, not straight up kidnapping. I'm fine with it not being like 100% by choice, but just not cleary against their will.
Im still down with either characters, they both are interesting to me.
Thanks for the help! And that's for taking my request :D
No problem, I’m happy to help <3
As for your request, I chose Shockwave over Soundwave as I had more of an idea for what to do with him in terms of a First Contact AU, so I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: SFW, GN!Human!Reader, First Contact AU
Blinding red light takes up the entirety of your vision.
It was as if you were staring directly into a traffic light. You could see the texturing of the alien glass, the typically minuscule ridges and bumps looking more like little hills you could run your hand over. You cringe at the imperfections in the glass— little cuts and cracks ranging from surface level, to so deep they warp the glass around it just a tad.
And though you had to squint to help your eyes adjust to the bright crimson light before you— most eerily of all, despite the red glass making the light bulb behind it blurred, you can see the brightest point of light at the center flick and twitch about.
Examining you. Studying every little detail and feature about you under its intensely scrutinizing gaze.
So dead and devoid of feeling, yet so full of life and morbid curiosity, all at once.
“Earth exploration audio log: first solar cycle, thirteenth cycle,” a low voice drones on. From where the sound emerges, you aren’t sure, nor could you even understand it— but it completely fills the air around you, leaving no room for your own thoughts to wander.
“I have come across another of planet earth’s native species. Unlike most other of earth’s species, this kind is of enough size for a Cybertronian to handle decently dexterously.” As the scientist logs his findings, you find yourself shifted in his grasp— rather than leaving you dangled by the scruff of your shirt, the mech brings his free claws upwards and holds you loosely within them. “Yet, still no larger than the palm of the average servo.”
With a pointed thumb, Shockwave pulls open the collar of your shirt to examine your chest, and once he’s satisfied, he lifts up the bottom to study your stomach.
“The subject appears to be anatomically similar to a Cybertronian, at first glance.” Suddenly, the sharp digit digs beneath your shirt with ease, pressing into your stomach. You gasp at the sudden pressure— the cool steel of the tip of his thumb sending goosebumps through your comparatively warmer body. “However, there are some key differences.”
The thumb presses further into your stomach, and despite how you try to push the offending pressure away, you find yourself totally pinned into the palm of this metal titan. “Like most creatures on this planet, it is an organic. This is evidenced by its warm core body temperature and, more obviously, the squishy flesh that makes up its outer plating.”
He releases his thumb from against you, and you feel like you can breathe. You scoot backwards in his servo, daring to take a look off the edge of his hand— only to immediately turn your head back to face him.
You were several feet high in the air. If there was any chance of you getting out of here without falling to death, you’d have to climb the bot down somehow without him noticing. And, considering how keenly his attention was fixed on you, you didn’t think you had a decent chance of that happening anytime soon.
“Subject is of enough interest to warrant further study.” Suddenly, the platform of his hand beneath you quickly descends to the floor, tilting sideways and allowing you to slide off. You slowly pick yourself up, chancing a few steps backwards to see if he would allow you to leave, though your eyes remained fixed on him.
Shockwave seemed preoccupied with something else, however. Attached to his hip was a series of cylindrical glass tubes, and as he lifted the first one out of its holster, a mechanical click and hiss ringing out as it’s freed, you catch a glimpse of the contents of the cylinders previously beside it.
One of the containers contained an elk, pacing around curiously in its enclosure. Another contained an alligator, deathly still, as if it was still in the swamps of its homeland, awaiting a prey to never come.
And, before you could even process the massive shadow that fell over you, you realized in that very moment what would make up the contents of the third cylinder.
The glass slams down around you, and the vibrations it sends through the rocky mound you had been standing on shake every bone in your body. That familiar red light casts itself over you in the darkness, disorienting you, and the tube drags itself forwards. It tilts up, knocking you off your feet, leaving you sliding down the glass into the bottom of the tube.
Your head pounds from the quick succession of every motion. You lifted higher and higher until you’re face to face with that single blinding optic again— Shockwave tilting his servo to move the glass about, and in turn, examining your aching body from every angle. “I will take the subjects I have gathered thus far and bring them to Lord Megatron. If he approves of their study, I shall make further note of my findings.”
Just as quickly as you were lifted up, you’re brought down. The tube you’re held in gets brought back down to Shockwave’s hip, locking itself into its holster with that same mechanical click and hiss.
“If my pitch is rejected, I shall bring the subjects back to their habitat and find alternative earthen samples to study.” And with that, Shockwave takes a step forward— rocking you around in your enclosure. You have to spread your arms wide to press them on either side of the glance so you don’t fall, but each step feels like an earthquake. You rear back and forwards with every movement, despite how much you try and hold your balance.
All you had to do was find a rhythm. The mech’s strides were wide and slow, so you leaned back when he brought his pede forward, and leaned forward when his leg moved back.
Okay. This would be fine. All you had to do was wait it out. Once the big guy was distracted, you could climb out and make your escape. And even if you couldn’t escape, surely you wouldn’t be stuck with him for long— and surely it wouldn’t be too bad of an experience staying with him for the time you had to.
“End earth exploration audio log: first solar cycle, thirteenth cycle.”
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worldruins · 10 months
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Meet the Remnant, my "slugcat" oc. Because I have no sense of moderation, it has an entire campaign loosely mocked up in my head- I don't have the modding ability or time to make anything of it but I enjoy thinking about it! The two iterators on the sheet are the central npcs of the campaign.
Remnant is larger, more aquatic, and faster on all fours than a slugcat. It struggles to use the same tools, carries items in its mouth, and can eat batnip and bubble weed. And, though it doesn’t know it, it is one of the last four of its kind left.
More about the campaign below VVV
BONUS: Remnant obviously resembles a slugcat, and they are sort of a slugcat ancestor! The genomes of the pipe slugs slugcats evolved from had remnant DNA as well as the simple tool-worm base that ancients used for many creatures. The blueprints were present in the modified organisms, and over several generations and mutations began to express themselves once more. Anyway…
To start, the Remnant is living with their family in an idyllic natural landscape much like survivor and monk at the beginning of their campaigns. The incident kickstarting their journey would be them wandering off from their kin and- gameplay starts here- getting lured off by something interesting, before the wall closes quickly behind them and the player realizes they have been trapped. They find themselves in a crate lined with wet plant matter, which gets shaken and turned around for a bit before settling down. It continues with a gentler rattling and remnant is clearly being taken somewhere, but the game acts like you're in a den and, once you've eaten the food set out for you in there, you sleep.
You are woken when the train carrying you crashes. You are able to escape and wind up in a light drizzle. Numerous overseers, some purple and others seafoam green, follow you around. The artificial, dilapidated surroundings are alien to the remnant.
During the first cycle an overseer will direct you to the nearest den, but you don’t have a rain timer until the first time you hibernate. You’ve never experienced rain like this before, after all.
The fact is that the remnant and their family are primal fauna, from the old world before bioengineering and iterators. They have spent their whole lives in a carefully controlled environment, maintained at first by ancients and then the systems the ancients left behind. The mass ascension happened, and nobody really knew what to do with these creatures- depending on the species, animals in captivity were generally released to fend for themselves or set for years of being maintained by machines scheduled in advanced, automated to care for them.
Remnant is taken when the iterator Ink Stained Palms orders a specimen of one relatively hardy species to study and potentially have the rest delivered to their regions. Something goes wrong- their delivery is sabotaged by their semi-active former senior, Calls To Stony Skies. And out Remnant goes into an alien land, with each of the two rival iterators trying to lure or force it to go to them.
This generally takes the form of projections like Iggy uses to get the slugcats to Moon, though it’s two different kinds of overseer guiding you in opposite directions at the same time. There may also be introduced environmental hazards- some of the chases in Little Nightmares come to mind- to corral you toward wherever the iterator causing it wants you to go.
ISP was the one who was getting the remnant delivered to her facility. They’re a bioengineer interested in long-term ecosystem restoration. It’s come to believe there’s a natural ‘balance’ to the world that could, in time, let living things leave the cycle of their own accord if it was realigned properly.
CTSS is in a condition not unlike spearmaster moon, though his decline has been steadier and over a longer period of time. They’ve been replaced by another iterator as group senior, and derailed your journey in the hopes of using a rare animal as collateral to get ISP’s help. Watching the remnant’s struggle to survive, however, he ends up very attached to it and can’t bring himself to kill it as he originally planned to.
Though they might want to, CTSS can’t save the remnant from a more insidious fate. The air, the soil, the water itself is toxic to you, whose kind has lived countless generations shielded from the heavy metal byproducts of industry and the artificial metabolisms of those great boxes in the sky. Ascension is an option, but so is going to ISP, whose body itself possesses a complex with artificial environments much like the one you began in. It can’t protect the remnant fully, but it can offer them a longer life. There are multiple endings to the campaign, based on the order you visit the iterators in.
If you read all this thank you so much and feel free to send questions!! About my little guys.
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mintymarabell · 11 months
If you die your elder yautja will slowly go crazy without you.
When he found out you passed away he was kind of shell shocked.
He’ll just stare at your recovered body, his hand holding your much smaller one. He doesn’t wanna let go because he knows your hand will become colder again without his warm one clasping it.
He’s most likely to have your body preserved in an alien liquid tank, so he can always see you.
If he could he’d sleep with your decaying corpse. But he can’t bring himself to do it, rigamortis already settled and has made your body stiff.
His son will be so genuinely worried for him. His son will often make him stay in the med bay just so he can get rest without having to face your empty side of the bed.
He talks to your dead body. His palm on the tank in hopes yours would reach out to meet his through the thick glass.
Let’s say, for angst reasons. The tank your kept in is smashed and a bad blood takes the body or just plane out destroys it.
That will be your mates breaking point.
He will honesty just go hay wire crazy.
He’ll send everyone he knows to go get your body.
As he sits in front of the empty tank, he’ll laugh. One of those villainous loud booming laughs. Kind of a random thing but he just does it once he finally comes to terms that your gone and never coming back.
He’ll talk to the tank as if your still there.
He won’t eat properly and will start to not take care of his appearance. His claws growing long and sharp. A stark contrast to the short dull ones he had just for you.
His tendrils will become dirty with grime from not properly washing.
He will find himself in your closet sniffing desperately at your clothes trying to smell the scent he has because so addicted and accustomed to. If he does find a shirt that smells like you he will shove his face in it and talk to himself as if you were right there.
He’ll start to hallucinate from the lack of sleep he gets.
The hallucinations being of you walking around or touching his face telling him how nasty he is.
The hallucinations are 50 50 when it comes to if you spout distrustful thoughts over his appearance or just nice remarks on how strong or handsome he is.
He only knows their not real because of the lack of heat your head has as it cupped the hollow of his cheek.
He would probably be dead by time they even recover what’s left of your decayed body.
Alone in your once shared bed.
His eyes peacefully closed as he wore all his armor.
He will be loosely clutching the pillow your head used to lay on. When you were still with him.
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