#‘you play basketball for 9 years & then suddenly when you go to write a fic you literally don’t know anything about basketball’
a game of approximation
luka dončić/miro heiskanen :: 2k :: part of There’s Only One You
It's a trick shot, really. An illusion to create space. That’s what falling in love with Miro feels like: a fadeaway, graceful exit, a swan dive backwards into nothing but a swoosh, the sound of Luka’s text sending and then him turning and running back the other way.
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dumbepiphany · 4 years
26 Klance Fanfiction Recommendations
There is a heck of a lot of good Klance fanfiction out there. And while some may be easy to find because of how popular they are, there are many others that are buried in the depths of ao3 that I feel like more people should be reading!!
A lot of these are quite popular fics that you probably would have heard of already, but I hope there’s something in here that’s new, and that you’ll enjoy reading!
All are recommended for Teen And Up Audiences, so please be mindful!
1. Hearts Don’t Break Around Here
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
Words: 135,555 | Chapters: 13/13 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: This is my absolute favourite Klance fic. Childhood friends to lovers- what more could one ask for?
2. Squad Up
By astralscrivener on AO3
Description: In which the team is in high school, and Lance makes a group chat (ft. college graduates Shiro, Matt, and Allura). (A generic bandwagon chatfic because why are these so fun to write????)
Words: 327,144 | Chapters: 140/140 | Warnings: none
My note: The chatfic format is super fun to read. A lot of fluff!!
3. A Midsummer Night’s Meme
By astralscrivener on AO3
Description: Same group chat, new shenanigans. Or, the team's final summer before Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Shay begin college, as Pidge navigates the waters of young love, Keith and Shiro deal with family issues, Lance has a trip to Cuba, and more. Sequel to Squad Up.
Words: 79,457 | Chapters: 27/27 | Warnings: none
My note: If you read Squad Up, you must read the sequel! The storyline is really cool and the boys are Soft:)
4. Ignorance is Bliss
By YouAreInAComaWakeUp (Nikanaiko) on AO3
Description: As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew? Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he's the less-evil one, too, so that's always a plus.
Words: 172,675 | Chapters: 30/30 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Oh God this fic. C’mon, it’s Ghost Keith and Human Lance... and they bond... need I say more?
5.   Shut Up and Dance With Me
By wittyy_name on AO3
Description: Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith. Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo.With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.
Words: 249,827 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: none
My note: One of the first fics I read. Super sweet and fluffy, great storyline, complete with art by wolfpainters! Tbh any dance AU fic is a good fic
6. Chivalry is Dead
By Sheksper on AO3
Description: Prince Lance was an adventurer. That was all there was to it. So, when he's suddenly assigned a new knight to follow him around, all Lance can think is that his freedom is being taken away, and it's all because of the red-clad, mullet boy named Keith, who is honestly just trying not to lose his job on the first day.
Words: 61,071 | Chapters: 17/17 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Prince Lance and Knight Keith is a concept to die for and it’s written so so well in this story!!
7. Nothing’s Quite As Sweet
By dimpleforyourthoughts on AO3
Description: Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.
Words: 50,369 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
*You need to have an account to be able to see this fic!*
My note: A traditional must-read cafe/cat shelter fic! It’s got coffee and cats... the Softness levels are through the roof
8. The Fallen and the Wandering
By creeshtar on AO3
Description: Keith was born into a world of ice and darkness, with no sun to rise or stars to shine. In spite of humanity’s best efforts, the world is meeting a slow, but certain doom, which can only be stopped if the sun is found and replaced in the sky. Keith, meanwhile, is content to collect stars and eventually replace them in the sky, alongside a new partner that he can’t seem to help but gravitate towards--until a mysterious person with inhuman power goes on a warpath to find the sun for herself. Keith and his partner are unwittingly thrown into the race to find the sun first, only for Keith to discover, to his dismay, that it may be closer than he could’ve ever wanted.
Words: 106,108 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: The writing and the AU concept is gorgeous and intriguing, props to the author for the world-building and the gratuitous fluff and angst!!
9. Love Interest
By iwriteshipsnotsailthem on AO3
Description: Lance is getting his big American debut on a new T.V series called Voltron. He's excited and nervous about how amazingly talented and famous his cast members are. But most importantly Lance is anticipating meeting his character -Leandro's- love interest in the show. Who happens to played by the be mega famous, mega hot Keith Kogane. But due to a misunderstanding during their first encounter, Lance now thinks Keith is the biggest jerk alive. Keith now has to try and fix it, for the sake of the show, and also for the sake of their on screen romance, which may start venture off screen as well.
Words: 195,400 | Chapters: 50/50 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: If you love Klance and you love Leakira, then get ready for... Klance as actors portraying Leakira!!
10. (Unofficially) VLD- Season 9
By hoelko on AO3
Description: The Universe has been saved. The war is over. Voltron is no longer needed. But that's the thing about the Universe. It's always getting bigger.
Words: 225,777 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: none
My note: This fic was everything the fandom deserved but never got. Hoelko is our God. Worship this fic.
11. ‘Til We Meet the Dawn
By angstinspace on AO3
Description: Keith is a mage and Lance is a knight, and they've been best friends since childhood. For years, Keith has known that Lance carries a dark secret: that if he doesn't kiss his true love before he turns twenty, he'll die. Now only three days remain before Lance's twentieth birthday, and Keith and Lance are sent on a dangerous quest to rescue Romelle––who Lance believes will be the one to break his curse. But what he doesn't know is that Keith is already hopelessly in love with him.
Words: 75,242 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Magic! Fantasy! Knights! Curses! True love! Angst! Fluff! All that good jazz rolled into one glorious fic!!
12. Follow My Lead
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all. aka a Friends w/ Benefits AU that nobody asked for where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don't expect it to matter until it totally does.
Words: 117,792 | Chapters: 14/14 | Warnings: NSFW
My note: Everyone needs a little bit of no-strings-attached-turns-into-catching-feelings in their life! Just be careful with the nsfw!
13. Something Just Like This
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Keith reluctantly becomes the counselor for the Red Cabin at Camp Voltron, a summer camp in the middle of buttfuck nowhere that his older brother Shiro has worked at for years. Already unhappy with the current position that he is in, Keith prepares himself for a boring, sweaty, miserable summer; and his frustration only grows when he meets the counselor for the Blue Cabin- an insufferable asshole with a horrible sense of humor, a devilish smirk, an inexplicable animosity towards the Red Cabin, and a smile that literally looks like the sun. Needless to say Keith is really, really unprepared for the next three months.
Words: 58,800 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: NSFW
My note: A Very Soft Fic. A truly Soft Soft Fic. It has little kids in it,, it’s adorable and fluffy,, makes you squeal into your pillow,, please read!
14. The Marks We Make
By wittyy_name on AO3
Description: Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he'll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don't say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It's not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can't bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he's resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by. Keith Kogane dreads the day he'll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He's just an art student who's struggling to find his place in the world. There's so much he hasn't been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can't do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
Words: 255,302 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: none
My note: The soulmate AU that everyone needed. Complete with art by wolfpainters!
15. Lucky in Rivalry
By iwriteshipsnotsailthem on AO3
Description: After moving back to his hometown after ten years, Keith is being shoved back into the life of an unexpected individual who was his so called 'rival' from music school. How is Keith supposed to explain to Lance that he hasn't sung for a crowd in all those years after his disappearance? Lance is the town's favourite gig at Voltron Cafe. He's lively and has the voice that makes girls go weak. He's also one half of the cutest couple in school. Him and Lotor are what everyone wants in a relationship, but behind closed doors it's a bit of a different story. How much more can Lance take before he cracks?
Words: 134,484 | Chapters: 45/45 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: True love, music and singing, high school drama, this fic has the whole lot! Give it a go, you won’t regret!!
16. Drummer Boy
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Lance is 100%, without a doubt, straight. He has the perfect girlfriend and has never wanted anything more. But suddenly his world is being turned upside down by the boy playing the drums at his local bar--a boy who happens to be very good looking, very gay, and very very interested in Lance. aka: Good-Boy Lance has a crisis when he meets Keith because he's so damn attractive, and Keith is a little ho that is way too promiscuous and open about his sexuality. The become friends. Confusion and sexual tension ensue.
Words: 50,188 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con
My note: This one is a great read, but it’s a pretty sexy fic. Read the warnings and stay safe, avoid it if it isn’t your cup of tea!
17. On Thin Ice
By anonimina on AO3
Description: This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater. Or: the not-so-simple story of two people trying to navigate the complexities of living in an ever changing world and face the traumas they've buried far away from the sunlight.
Words: 205,795 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: none
My note: Figure skating and hockey playing! This fic is emotional and fluffy and very very adorable! Just a warning- it’s unfinished, so the last chapter is basically a summary and dot points of what the planned ending was!
18. Life After Death
By taylortot on AO3
Description: Fear clambers into his mouth and tastes bitter on his tongue. “Who are you?” It takes him a moment to register the sound of his own voice. She stares at him. Blinks. “Lance, please, this isn’t time for one of your jokes--” He furrows his eyebrows and struggles to sit up, to stop leaning into the cradle of her arms. “I’m not--I’m not...joking.” * After sacrificing himself to save Allura, Lance wakes up in a strange new world where the only thing he knows is a deep connection to a boy he doesn't remember.
Words: 90,074 | Chapters: 13/14 | Warnings: none
My note: The Feels. The Feels are strong with this one. Memory loss always hits super hard, be prepared for angst (but also comfort and fluff!)
19. Homesick at Space Camp
By Kobot on AO3
Description: Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
Words: 74,280 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Fake marriage AU! FA K E M a R Ri A G E AU!!! Need I say more?
20. I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor
By xShieru on AO3
Description: "So like in 'Step Up'?" Allura shrugs. "Now that you put it like that - yes. I guess it's just like in 'Step Up'." The smile that she sends Shiro's way - followed by a shy wave, eugh - is sickening to say the least, and Lance still doesn't believe in dance camps. Lance McClain's dancing career begins and ends with Keith. Keith just wants to find out what Lance's deal is.
Words: 43,295 | Chapters: 7/7 | Warnings: none
My note: A steamy, fluffy dancing AU fic! I read this ages ago so I can’t really remember what happened but it was GOOD!!
21. Watercast
By fishwrites on AO3
Description: Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit! (AU where Avians (winged folk), Galra, humans and merfolk cohabit earth. Shiro and Keith are avian soldiers, Lance is the youngest son of a Queen, Hunk is also a merman and Pidge is still looking for her family. They get caught up in a war.)
Words: 205,901 | Chapters: 15/16 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Avian Keith and Merman Lance is the forbidden love story that everyone needs in their life tbh. It’s been on hiatus for a while so idk about the final chapter, but it’s definitely worth a read!
22. Call Me, Beep Me
By orphan_account on AO3
Description: Where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there.
Words: 85,591 | Chapters: 10/10 | Warnings: none
My note: Arguably the most popular Klance fanfic (after Dirty Laundry of course)! You’ve probably heard of it, but if not, do read!! Wrong number fics are a godsend
23. Calling Me to Come Back
By aknightley on AO3
Description: Keith is a witch who owns a shop where he breaks curses on both magical items and people under spells. Love spells, family curses passed down generations, cursed heirlooms lurking the attic -- he can handle them all. But one day a boy named Lance walks into his shop, and his curse is darker and more difficult to break than anything Keith has ever seen before: the curse is draining his magic, and without his magic, Lance will die.
Words: 50,464 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Will Witch Keith break Lance’s curse, or will Lance die!?!?!? And will they fall in love along the way???!?! Read on to find out:D
24. Say My Name (And Every Colour Illuminates)
By parchmints on AO3
Description: Lance never thought he had a soulmate, but when he finds himself dreaming about a boy on Varadero Beach and in a southwestern desert, he learns they have an incredibly rare soul link–-one that allows them to form an unusually strong bond before they meet, but also exposes their greatest vulnerabilities to each other.
Words: 27,833 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Really well-written, relatively short but so so sweet! Another soulmate AU (honestly one of my favourite AUs) except this time it’s dreamscape:)
25. Video Killed the Radio Star
By europa_report on AO3
Description: In which Keith is the guy who suddenly finds himself a single-parent to his two nieces, and Lance is the charming radio host who might be his only voice of reason in this mess.
Words: 69,468 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: none
My note: This is so cute, I almost cried. Any fic with kl interacting with little children is an instant KO for my heart:’)
26. Smile for the Stars
By maIikcutie on AO3
Description: Though he's been dealt many bad cards, Lance isn't sure he can handle this one: winding up stranded, a million lightyears away from home, with only Keith to keep him company. The universe is cruel.
Words: 72,921 | Chapters: 9/9 | Warnings: major character death
My note: Please don’t read unless you are prepared for a MAJOR character death! If you’re up for it, prepare a box of tissues, and good luck, my friend!
And that’s all for my list! Hope you found something to your liking, happy reading folks!
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dear-space-cadet · 4 years
10 Questions Tag
thanks @musicofglassandwords for the tag!
1. Do you conciously take inspiration from authors or books you love, or from your genres? Or do you actively try to avoid it?
Honestly, yeah, I do. Considering my ventures into sports journalism, I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from Jon Bois and the SB Nation gang, most prominently the Tim Tebow CFL Chronicles. It has that exact level of surrealist realism that I aim for in my writing and that and 17776 kind of been the holy grail of inspiration for my recent writing. I kind of feel like I’m plagiarizing because Jon Bois is the only writer in the game doing surrealist sports writing, but hey, he’s a football guy and I’m a basketball guy, and he’s never written about a mascot that is out to kill the players it represents, and I don’t think he’s ever written Ersan Ilyasova as a monster hunter, either. But still. Holy grail of inspiration.
2. Do you write fanfiction, do roleplaying, or other kinds of fan activity? How do these things influence the way you create original work? Do you feel they’ve given you valuable “tools” in your “creative toolbox?”
Yes, I write fanfiction. And I’m proud of it. I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was eleven years old writing a Warrior Cats spin-off series. Nothing has helped me in the writing world more than writing fanfiction, because the world building and development is done, so you can just screw around and do basically whatever you want with it. Most of my fanfictions end up being somewhere in the realm of surrealism, realistic sci-fi/fantasy, or just straight up, old fashioned realistic fiction with some wacky variable pulled in, like, they’re all suddenly in art school *cough* itao. Fanfiction is so much fun to write, too, and it helps you learn things like plot structure, character arcs/development, and how to write an original story, especially while working in the world of something already established.
Even for nonfiction writing, fanfiction helps you figure out things like sentence structure and narrative while playing around in a completely inconsequential world. I think fanfiction might be the most valuable tool you can have as any kind of writer.
3. Do you use WorldAnvil (or something like it) for worldbuilding purposes, or do you prefer to use your own methods/systems for worldbuilding?
Nah. Most of my worldbuilding is adapted from the real world when I worldbuild anyway, because even when I delve into sci-fi/fantasy I like to keep it mostly realistic to the standards set on earth.
4. How do you choose your characters’ appearences? Do you use generators, choose face claims, make sketches, or something else?
I usually just look around on Pinterest for someone who vaguely matches the depiction I already have in my head. My characterizations can change on a whim, though, like if I see a tiktok of someone with a character’s very specific energy sometimes I can change their appearance just based on that.
5. What are your favorite tropes to read about or watch? Are they the same as the tropes you yourself most like to use in your writing?
I love whump and hurt/comfort. Even if I don’t mean to, my stories ALWAYS incorporate aspects of whump and hurt/comfort. There’s basically no escape. I love reading it, and I love writing it so I can read it later, and it’s such a habit to write it that it always just ends up being a plot point. I always have sort of a designated whumpee as well and they’re always the exact same archetype of character: that caring but silly romantic-comic relief character. Whether it’s Constantine in Forever and Ever, Amen or Andy in Sleep It Off, it’s always the exact same archetype. I’d like to switch it up but it’s always about liking what I’m writing, and I’m just not tired of this yet. Yes, most of my fics are this way as well and you can definitely pick out the archetype, but considering the vast majority of my fics are real person fanfiction, I’m not going to name names or anything.
6. Do you have a network of writer friends offline, such as a school club, writing workshop partners, etc.?
No, sadly. I have a couple writer friends and an English teacher I’m close with and I harass people for feedback but that’s really it. I’m hoping to find a community in college, though.
7. When looking for inspiration for a story, are you more likely to be drawn to visual or auditory elements? (Ex: would you browse through picture prompts, listen to music, seek out a written prompt, or something else?)
Music, always. Forever and Ever, Amen was inspired by a daydream I had while listening to Franz Ferdinand’s “Outsiders” one day on my way to school in my junior year of high school. You can listen to Caldwell and Constantine’s playlist here, if you want, because it was such an integral part of their story design.
8. Are the names of your characters and the places in your world important to you? How do you choose them?
My characters’ names usually just sort of pop up. When I was first making characters I always used sites like NameBerry to perfectly calculate a name: Polaris and Juneau and their whole little squad are total examples of this. When I introduced the Sideline Warriors, their names were all sort of randomly picked from wherever. Jacy just sort of came to me, Veridis and Voyager were Daft Punk songs, I’m an Aries, so screw it, there’s Aries. Most of the characters from Sleep It Off were either adapted in some way from real life, Kira being a slight misspelling of her inspiration’s name, Axel being named after the emo kid living in my head, Chuck being sort of a hint at my old crush, or they were adapted from songs, like Khalil (Khalil Gibran - STRFKR), Valencia (O, Valencia! - The Decemberists), and Andy (San Andreas - CVLTRALIGHT). Their names are always important, though, and I try not to reuse names as best as I can.
9. Do you utilize any personality types or tests to determine your characters’ personality, like Meyers-Briggs, enegrams, character archetypes, the four temperaments, alignment charts, the elements, Hogwarts houses, or even various types of astrology (Western Zodiac, Celtic tree, Chinese zodiac, etc.?)
I really don’t, but I definitely think about zodiac signs when choosing birthdays. Claudia is such a Taurus. Kira is a Virgo. Axel is an Aries. Andy’s a Capricorn because January 23rd came to me in a dream. Constantine is such a Leo, and Caldwell’s obviously a Pisces. You can kind of see this in each character’s personality so it’s always decided after their initial creation as a character. Make sense?
10. What is your favorite part of worldbuilding? (Ex: building cultures, mapmaking, history and timeline work, making conlangs, religion and mythology, plant and animal making, magic and technology systems…)
Most of my worldbuilding is meant to fit into the “real world,” so my favorite part of worldbuilding is probably odd quirks, like in Shitty Sixers Fanfiction, for example, Furkan Korkmaz freezing up whenever you make direct eye contact with him, or the fact that the team lives in Wells Fargo Center and lines up for Arby’s every morning, or the new NBA team called the Omaha Gophers featuring Jeremy Lin and Jimmer Fredette. It’s fun to give the story’s world its own little quirks and things specific to that universe, even if it’s fanfiction.
tagging @kindofwriter @klywrites @kiraawrites @fruzsiwrites @baconkat02 @h-faith-marr-writeblr @necros-writings @mercutioswriting ! use the same questions bc they’re lots of fun
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klance-fic-central · 7 years
My Top 10 Favorite Klance Fics
So, I promised this a week ago for hitting 200 followers, then thanksgiving hit and while I was at home I have gained almost 200 more followers. Welcome to all of you new beautiful people and I apologize for the delay on this and answering asks. I’m working on the asks that I have and I’m going to post them after I finish finals. So, if someone wants to ask for recommendations, do it now and I’ll answer them all in two weeks.
This list will be in reverse order so my favorite fic is on the bottom. All of these works are amazing and if you haven't seen one, I HIGHLY recommend you read them. A lot of them have been recommended on here before, but this list will contain works that are in progress because I love them so much. Well anyway, here’s my top 10 favorite klance fics. 
10) From Across the Platform | By: foxsmouler | Ongoing | 107,008 words | Mature 
On one seemingly normal day, on his commute to work, Keith notices a rather eccentric-looking guy across the way on the opposite platform, they make awkward eye-contact and suddenly everything in Keith's life changes. Keith doesn't like change.
A.K.A a story about how Keith reluctantly learns to have faith in mankind again.
This fic is almost entirely fluff and its the greatest when you just want something sweet instead of angst. Its a modern fic and is worth the read when you need a pick me up. A lot of the later chapters, I feel, can be read as one shots. So, if you find that you want to stop reading its easy to do. 
9) Dear Keith | By: Redjay27 | Completed | 71,995 words | Teen & Up Audiences
Keith receives a mysterious note in the mail. There's nothing written on the envelope but his name. When he reads it he learns of some guy named Lance who is writing to Keith to tell him the story of how he messed everything up. Lance is distraught after he is left all alone after his big screw up. To ease the pain, he writes a letter to a made up person...or so he thought. Keith was just a name he picked randomly but when mysterious drawings start appearing in his dorm room, depicting scenes that he's written about, he starts to think Keith might not be just a figment of his imagination.
I love this fic, but had one problem with it. I wasn't a big fan of the epilogue, like at all. If you read everything, but the epilogue its a fantastic piece, but because of the epilogue that's why it’s a little lower on this list. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, just didn't like that epilogue. 
8) Web of Sins | By: charlotteXOyates | Ongoing | 70,791 words | Explicit 
Stripper!Lance AU: Keith is a hardworking college student who is devoted to spending all of his time studying to become a pediatrician; so it sounds ridiculous to him when Shiro and Matt suggest he's working TOO hard. After a bit of peer pressuring, they finally convince Keith to check out a gay strip club called "The Web of Sins" in order to relieve his stress.
At first he goes just to make them happy, but upon meeting a seductive young man who just so happens to be the club's most popular stripper named Lance, he begins to get drawn into the Web. Only, Keith has no idea what sort of demons lie hidden in the twilight that is Lance's past...and he has no idea how closely they follow.
Your mistakes create a web of sins around you, and once you're too caught in it...you can never escape.
...not on your own, that is.
WARNING: This fic starts out relatively light-hearted and cute, but if you didn't look at the tags(you should ALWAYS look at the tags), let me warn you now that stuff will get significantly darker, eventually. I promise that none of the dark stuff is ever glorified; this is not a kinky story. This is a story of two boys trying to overcome the dark past, together.
So, this is an ongoing fic not a lot of people know about and its so flipping good. The first part just finished up, but this fic has so much potential and I just know that the author is gonna do an amazing job with this. It’s one of those really good smut with plot stories that are actually insanely good.
| By:
| Completed | 55,526 words | Explicit Keith has been at a loss for a while now. His job is terrible, his passion for photography has waned, and his pseudo brother has moved to some little town and keeps insisting he visit.
Fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff with a little tiny bit of angst. 
6) There’s Trust in These Wings | By: zeerogue | Ongoing | 134,258 words | Explicit 
For generations the Ice Masters of Altea and the Fire Masters of Ko-gane had been warring over the lands that divided them until a new enemy in the west rose to power. Uncertain of their chances fighting two wars at once, a treaty is made to end the battle between Masters and have them join as allies. And what better way to become allies than through marriage. Keith trusts Prince Shiro's choice in marrying the Altean heir, and if anything was to go wrong, he has sworn to protect the third Ko prince, but the Alteans seem to be more dangerous in diplomacy than they ever were on the battlefield. Luckily, Princess Allura has a protector of her own who might be the only ally Keith has in his new home. Even if he is insufferable.
This is such an amazing story. It’s ongoing, but its 100% worth reading as it’s released. 
5) A Cradle of Flesh and Bone | By: bffimagine | Completed | 70,773 words | Mature
He was born with a misshapen, malformed heart. They tried to fix it, but the complications left him with the kinds of scars that meant he wasn't expected to survive until his thirtieth birthday. He's still got dreams--one day, he would be a doctor--but someone has to give up their heart for him to make it. Sure, he was sick, but he wasn't down and he certainly wasn't out for the count.
At least, not yet.
Keith Kogane was the star of Altea University's medical school. He was destined to be the greatest surgeon of his generation, and probably for generations to come.
Well, until he dropped out, anyway.
All I can say is, keep tissues next to you as you read this, you’ll need them. 
4) Hearts Dont Break Around Here | By: klancekorner | Ongoing | 51,714 words | Mature
Keith chuckles softly at Lance’s faded face in the old photo. He was still a little chubby, couldn’t be more than eleven years old, but nevertheless had his arms slung over the shoulders of two pretty, giggling girls. The smug grin on his face is dazzling. Keith wonders how Lance, to this day, manages to make it look so believable.
Or, Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
LET ME TELL YOU, you have to read this. If there is one fic that I would tell you to seriously read, its this one or Lion’s Chain. That’s all I’m gonna say, go read it and you’ll see why it’s this high on this list. You will not be disappointed. 
3) Follow My Lead | By: klancekorner | Completed | 114,261 words | Mature
Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all.
aka a Friends w/ Benefits AU that nobody asked for where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don't expect it to matter until it totally does.
Keith POV and Lance POV
This fic, my lord, I have sinned. This is easily the greatest smut with plot fic out there and at this point I’m sure many of you have read this. Honestly, I almost put it in the number two spot, but I didn’t only because I read Let Me Catch My Breath first, that is literally the only reason. It’s a modern AU with rich boy Keith and aspiring Basketball player Lance. God the heartbreak is real. Klancekorner you are the goddess of fanfiction in my eyes, keep it up. <3
2) Let Me Catch My Breath | By: Smiles4Voltron | Completed | 228,919 Words | Mature
So, Lance has to fight five champions of an alien race to save Keith- wouldn't sound too hard if he wasn't blind from an injury at that very moment. Oh, and did he mention that if he doesn't defeat the five then Keith is given to them like some prize? Some delicious little prize that they will most likely do whatever they please with?
Left to fend for themselves, blinded and injured, two unlikely Paladins must work together to survive. Tensions get high with horrid creatures, a determined assassinator, and their growing attraction to the other. So, both a frustrating tension and sexual one, huh? Or could you consider those the same thing?
So, this was one of my first Klance stories. I joined the fandom in like February this year and this was one of the first fics I read. Obviously it holds a special place in my heart, but it’s a beautiful piece. Its a crash landing scenario on an alien planet gone wrong in my opinion and its great. 
1) Lion’s Chain | By: Luna_Vulpes | Ongoing | 241,680 words | Teen & Up Audiences
Keith is returning from deployment overseas, officially released from duty in the military. However, his first stop back in the states isn’t the place he expected to be - the funeral of his military partner Miguel McClain. There he meets Lance, the younger brother of the fallen soldier, along with the other grieving members of the McClain family. Unsure of the next steps in his life and unable to separate his military and civilian life, Keith looks to the one place he can even consider home - the family Miguel loved and left behind.
Using group therapy, meeting new people, and becoming closer with the McClain family, Keith tries to put his life back together and live past the tragedy of losing his best friend. In turn, he grows a bond with Lance and realizes that maybe Miguel was right along - the two seemed made for each other.
This is my favorite fic for many reasons. The writing is beautiful, but the best part about it is the journey. The emotions this fic will make you feel and just the journey this author takes these characters on is a fantastic one. This is one of those fics I see update and I drop everything I’m doing. It’s worth the wait for each new chapter and god I just love it so much. 
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rosecolored-gay · 6 years
All them questions bitch
1. Are you a side, back, or front sleeper?
- Side or stomach, mainly stomach.
2. When you hum random music what song is it?
- Probably the jeopardy theme song.
3. Explain your username
- I am a gay, and rose colored because of the Paramore song.
4: Explain my username
- Anon?
5: How did you fall into the tumblr hellpit?
- Lol, my friend Tuna from high school marching band.
6: What fan interest of yours would you least prefer to explain in your workplace?
-My hidden love for Degrassi, and other shows from when I was kid.
7: What fan interest or yours would you most enjoy explaining in your workplace?
- Definitely my love for Grey’s Anatomy
8: Last song you listened to?
- High Hopes - Panic! At the Disco
9: Weirdest thing on your dash today?
- Not weird, but saw a lot of porn
10: In a perfect world, what animal would you most like to adopt?
- A polar bear!
11: What animal would you most like someone else to adopt?
- This question doesn’t make sense to me
12: What’s something trivial you have strong opinions about?
- OOH man, if you want to get me fired up, I have a strong opinion on LGBTQ rights, gender inequality, a woman’s right to choose, and race inequality. I’m a sociologist, so.
13: What would your super-villain finishing move be?
- Spiderweb like Tom Holland did in Homecoming.
14: Explain your icon.
- It’s me, looking hella gay.
15: You meet your true love(s) today. Possibly again. Describe your ideal hilarious romcom meetcute. (can be aromantic)
- Ummm, I always love the idea of two people picking up each others coffee order by accident and then they go to switch it and the one person is like “why’d you order this like this?”, idk and it leads to conversation, lol. I have a wild imagination when it comes to writing.
16: Your comfort food, and why.
- I really really really love Matzo Brei made by my dad. 
17: What type of mad science will you Show Them All with? (ex: mad chemical engineer, mad library scientist, mad linguist). Which of your creations will probably turn on you?
- I have no clue
18: Favorite cheesy trope?
-The having to share the bed trope
19: Favorite trope nobody writes enough of?
- Fake dating
20: Rec me a book, comic, or anime, or other piece of media you wish there were more like.
- Mmm, I could always go for more LGBTQ fiction.
21: Wierdest tumblr drama you’ve been a part of or stumbled across.
- Uh well, someone was harassing me on anon for a while. 
22: You know those things from a million years ago your brain suddenly reminds you to feel embarrased/guilty/bad about in full technicolor? Tell me one of them.
- L O L, how about the time I decided not to listen to my mom, and I was swinging my body back and forth on my grandmother’s walker, and it was on concrete, it moved, and I fell on my ass and bruised my tailbone so bad I couldn’t sit for a week.
23: What is something you collect?
- Notebooks
24: Pens. Do you know where the one closest to you came from? Would you be distressed if someone took it?
- Its a pilot precise pen, it belongs to my mother and if I took it she’d murder me.
25: The last game you played is crossed with the zombie apocalypse and now going down outside your window. How boned are you?
- Like video game? Uh, Super Mario Bros.
26: What was the last thing that made you cry?
- Getting a job that I really wanted.
27: Most embarrassing/weird/personal body thing you’re willing to talk about.
- Umm, I have a lot of freckles just randomly placed all over me.
28: Your icon is now the voice of your inner therapist. How is this gonna go?
- So, I’m my own therapist?
29: Name a kink you only like hypothetically.
- I’m so vanilla
30: Name a kink you find bewildering.
- Anything with animals is just fucking weird
31: You have acquired: a mouse, a lizard, a rabbit, a spider, a domestic fox. Name them! Who gets to sleep on the bed?
- Mouse is definitely now named Mickey, the Lizard is Godzilla, Rabbit is Dash, Spider - No way in hell am I keeping a spider.., Fox is named Zeus
32: What was your favorite childhood toy? Do you still have it?
- It was a barney plush, and he’s in a box in my closet
33: Hit “shuffle” on your media player and tell me your favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
- “Did you take him to the pier in Santa Monica? Forget to bring a jacket, wrap up in him cause you wanted to? I'm just curious, is it serious?”
34: What fan media (of yours or someone else’s) would you most like to see art/fic for?
- These Strange Steps, it’s a Faberry fic on AO3. 
35: What do you ship that you think would be hard to explain convincingly to other people? Attempt an explanation.
- Uhhhh, I kinda shipped Arizona and April from Grey’s Anatomy.
36: What meme gets on your nerves?
- The salt bae one I guess
37: Showers or baths?
- Showers
38: Who was your biggest childhood nemesis and why?
- This kid Talia, she lied to a kid that liked me and told him I hated him and almost ruined our friendship.
39: First writing prompt that comes to your head.
- AU on fake dating
40: Least favorite color.
- Purple
41: What was the last thing you got really obsessed with?
- Cutthroat Kitchen
42: What’s the weirdest experience you’ve ever had on a mind-altering substance? (prescription, recreational, otc, or food)
- Uh, got high and drunk at the same time and just felt hella fucked up
43: Shuffle up a random song on your media player. Now tell me what ship/story goes with it.
- Wowwww, its How To Save A Life by the fray, it just means someone on Grey’s is prob gonna die.
44: What’s making you happiest recently? :)
- Rach
45: What’s scaring you these days? :(
- Writing 60000 papers, will my brain turn to mush
46: Post a funny video for me.
- Too much work
47: Did you ever have a dream/nightmare that stuck with you for years?
- YES, ok make fun of me all you want, but one night I had a nightmare that a hippo chased me up a palm tree, been scared of hippos since. Absolutely the most irrational fear ever
48: What’s a movie you thought you’d hate but you turned out to love?
- Honestly, I thought I’d hate marvel movies, but I love them now that I’ve given them a try
49: Tell me a really obscure fact you know.
- There’s a spot in the brain where if someone smoke cigarettes and you injure this part of the brain, they’ll immediately quit cold turkey
50: Hot or cold?
- I hate hot weather, love the cold
51: How did your parent(s) punish you as a kid? What do you think of that?
- Taking away my phone or something I wanted to do. It was good incentive not to misbehave anymore
52: What’s something you thought was true about yourself that your feelings have changed on over the years?
- That I wasn’t smart
53: Write a story in seven words.
- uhhh
54: What is your favorite curse word?
- fuck
55: Favorite food for every color of the rainbow.
- pink - cotton candy, green - broccoli, yellow - pineapple, red -strawberry, blue - acai berry
56: If you were a poltergeist where would you haunt and what would be your preferred style of prank?
- I’d haunt my enemies, scare the shit out of them
57: What is an art style, craft, or skill that you can’t do, but you really admire in others?
- anything art like
58: What is a skill you have that people probably don’t know about?
- I can write poetry well
59: Name a pet peeve you have, and something you do that is probably a pet peeve for others.
- PEOPLE THAT CHEW WITH THEIR MOUTH OPEN, uhh i click pens constantly. Sorry lmao
60: Dragons, dinosaurs, or aliens?
- dinosaurs
61: What was the last big fight you had with someone about?
- About what show to watch at dinner, with my mom.
62: Insult the asker of this question creatively.
- too lazy
63: In an ideal world, what would you like done with your body after you die?
- do that thing where i become a tree
64: Find me a weird stock photo and post it.
- no
65: What was your bedtime ritual as a kid? Did you have one?
- my dad used to come in my room and open my closet and check under my bed for monsters and yell at them to leave
66: What are the three traits you value the most in others?
- humor, loyalty, honesty
67: What are the three most interesting wild animals you’ve encountered in your life?
- manatees, elephants, trump supporters
68: What is a word you really enjoy saying?
- shitballs
69: Answer number 60 like it was a “fuck, marry, kill” rhetorical.
- dude no thats nasty
70: Describe something that happened to you today as if you were a narrator in a film noir, nature documentary, or 50s teaching video
- ummm no
71: Create five new nicknames for yourself as quickly as you can.
- hey you, asshole, gaymo, flaming homo, queerer than a deer
72: Shorts, pants, skirts, or other?
- basketball shorts, or jeans
73: What’s a song you hate and why?
- Anything by Meghan trainor or taylor swift
74: If you were a superhero, what would be your one weakness?
- id stop on my way to save people if i saw a cute puppy that id want to pet
75: Describe a weird encounter you had with a bug.
- I killed a spider yesterday that had hitched a ride in my car
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