#{ oh but it's absolutely okies worry not--- }
oct0bra1ns · 25 days
Oki oki I know you're probably like busy and stuff but I just thought of a good one (well I like to think I did). Obv take as much time as you need to get to this, don't you dare rush or overwork yourself
But basically, (possibly illegal?) racer yandere with a reader who's absolutely terrified of driving and generally hates most vehicles. Especially the loud ones, like he'd usually use
Also yay, you're alive! Also yay, I'm alive too
i'm so close to dropping my entire format bro, it takes so much time and half my motivation disappears the moment i'm reminded i have to do all that shit LOL and YAY YOUR ALIVE, MY BELOVED ANON!! I'm so sorry if this seems rushed UGEFWBJC'
reblogs and comments are appreciated
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♡ Yandere racer who had an entire career in front of him, big dreams to make it to the big leagues only for it to have it all crumble in a matter of seconds because of one stupid scandal. It took everything from him and no longer was he the person who people greeted and brought random things to sign, he was abandoned, the crowd that gathered to greet him no longer cared about him.
♡ Just when Marcus thought all hope was lost, he met you, a cashier at a new coffee shop he decided to try out. Everytime he went there you greeted him with a phony smile, giving him the customer greeting as though he was like any other person and not a disgraced racer.
♡ His obsession only grew when consistent pestering, asking if you knew him or how famous he was ended with you slamming his cup on the counter, giving him a curt smile , told him that you did not care for such matters.
♡ He decides he wants to know everything about you, from your likes to your dislikes, where you live, how you travel from place to place, when you clock in, when you clock out. All this information to make a 'chance' meeting happen.
♡ Marcus knows your running late waiting for the bus, he takes it as an opportunity to pick your up in his sleek sports car, claming how he was heading the same direction and how he felt bad leaving you when he had enough time to drop you off.
♡ He who tries to show off with his speed, only to see how unfortable you look when he glanced at you through the corner of his eyes. He's aware of the way you clutch the seatbelt, how your eyes keep flickering to his speedometer, how you seem to flinch every time his engine roars.
♡ He wastes no time in offering you a deal, he'll drive you to work everyday so that you don't end up late and you can treat him to a coffee on the house every now and then and if you can't give it to him on the house, he'll pay for it, no worries. If you decline, he'll find more and more ways to make you late, running the risk of getting you fired, finding ways to keep making you late. If you use the fact that his sports car makes you uncomfortable with it's speed and noise, no worries, he has plenty of other luxury cars for you.
♡ Sometimes you wonder how he makes all the money for all these cars seeing as how he was basically forced to step down from his work but oh well, as long as you could get to work on time, what did you care?
♡ Usually Marcus would let you go back on your own, as he didn't want to seem too clingy with you but when he gets a text from you at midnight, asking if he can drop you home, he's got tough choices to make.
♡ He'd never give up the opportunity to pick you up but if he didn't make it to his race, his sponsor would have his head on a plate. Alas he has no choice but to take you with him to the race.
♡ He spends the entire car ride apologising to you, about how he didn't want to leave you but how his sponsor was insistent on him attending. Hell, he'll even beg for your forgiveness as long as you don't as him to let you off anywhere.
♡ Marcus makes it a point to feed on your fear on cars when you reach the venue, make you stay close to him all the time, making sure you stick close to him all the time, holding your hand, draping his coat over you so nobody has the audacity to talk to you.
♡ He takes every chance to get you to stick closer to him, taking up seats in the front, closer to the venue, even the attendants are surprised when they see someone whos always in the back, not only bring someone along with him but also take seats in the front.
♡ If you don't want to spend time with him after this, no worries, when your employer finds out just where you've been and be running back to him.
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tmntxthings · 1 year
I. Had a thought for rise! Donnie w/ a friend whose got object empathy. This is just some thought sharing but like
Y/N: He's all alone... abandoned... what if his family is worried for him?
Donnie: ... Y/N that is a broken toaster
Y/N: And someone just left him on the side of the road, what if he's lonely??
Donnie: Inanimate objects don't have emotions Y/N
Y/N: Maybe he's an inanimate object to you, but he's just a little guy for me!
Donnie: ...
Donnie: Fine, lets take it to the lair, I'll fix it
Y/N: 🥺
Donnie: ... and well put it next to the other toaster so they don't feel lonely
In short he does not get it™️ but he's trying his best
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this was so cute and I love thought sharing <3333 can i just run wild with this one? a drabble solely for you my dearest anon? yes?? no objections??? OKI XD
part two
You held back a sob, though a distressed sort of noise filtered through your lips and Donnie was quickly realizing you had stopped a couple feet back. “Dearest??” He called to see your eyes glued to the side, his gaze followed to an alleyway.
With you unmoving and unresponsive he was swiftly by your side once more. Worry seeping into his mind. “What’s wrong?” He questioned, looking at you while giving a scan to the… empty alleyway? His brows came down in confusion as he continued to look back and forth, from you to the empty space. Well it wasn’t entirely void. But there wasn’t any person, nor some villain committing heinous acts.
All Donatello could see, was a few scattered trash cans, along with.. well trash! He brought down his goggles wondering if that would help. No mystic energy. No invisible boogeyman. No heat signatures. Absolutely nothing! Pushing up his goggles his stare came back to you, wondering if maybe you were in a state of shock or perhaps a daydream when you suddenly spoke,
“He’s sitting there all alone!” You whimpered. “He??” Donatello parroted back in a bit of mild shock. He was 100% certain that no one was there, so he didn’t turn his head to look back at the dead end. He just waited for you to continue. “Mhm, he’s just a little guy, poor thing, broken and bruised,” and Donnie watched as you held back tears.
“I’m not following.” And yet as you lifted your hand to point a finger, his head reluctantly turned to see.. a toaster. He blinked. Surely there was something behind the kitchen suppliance. Nope, just trash. “Dee! He was tossed out, left for dead!! We can’t just leave him!” Donnie stood frozen on the sidewalk as you approached the toaster. Going as far to crouch down and give it a gentle pat.
“Dearest.. that’s a toaster.” He felt the need to explain. But you tossed him a ‘duh’ look and then continued to console the battered hunk of metal. “What happened to you buddy?” You were now asking it questions. Donatello held in a big sigh. This had to be some sort of a joke. Where you were about to laugh and yet… the punchline never came. And the toaster never did reply to your question as most would assume.
“Can we keep him?” Suddenly the thing was in your arms, and you were shooting the purple turtle big puppy dog eyes. “Oh Galileo!” Donnie slumped, waving a hand in defeat and you cheered as you carried the toaster all the way back to the lair. Well, Donnie ended up holding it for you. “I guess I can patch it-“
“…patch him up.” Donnie had corrected himself rather reluctantly. But it earned him a chaste kiss to his cheek which lifted his spirits at an embarrassingly fast pace. Like… he’d fix up any old appliance you found if it meant he’d receive such affections. “And once you get all fixed up the lair shall have two mighty toasters!!” You raised a fist triumphantly before descending into the manhole.
Donnie watched as you climbed down, chuckling to himself. He was holding a broken toaster, planning on refurbishing it, (definitively gonna get some upgrades) and now following after you like a love-sick buffoon. But alas, he was your love-sick fool. He listened intently as you told the toaster he wouldn’t be lonely any longer. That he’d have a cool toasty buddy. And that they would live side by side happily.
Now this purple turtle might not understand what was going on. But damn it, he was buckled in and ready for the ride. If you wanted to help a broken toaster… so would he! Truly he was your fool. And because he was yours, he didn’t really mind.
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callme-dickmaster · 1 year
Sweetheart - (eddie munson x reader)
Ch. Ten - Funniest People Alive
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summary: the continued story of a pizza and smoke leading to opening up and a sleepover cw: 18+ (minors dni) this is obnoxiously long, unfortunate use of y/n, language, fluff, angsty bits, insecure feelings surrounding food, smoking weed, feelings of inadequacy, talk of absent parents, dead parents, there was only one bed trope -i think that's all- author's note: last one before i go to sleep okie? love you <3
<<Part 9 --- Part 11>>
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Eddie drummed his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the Iron Maiden song playing quietly in the background under Y/n’s voice. Y/n bounced her leg as she spoke, the pizza box shaking on her lap. Eddie bit his lip nervously as they neared the trailer park. He wasn’t sure how to break it to her that he didn’t live in a nice house like Steve or Robin, and he really didn’t want her thinking he was trailer trash. He knew deep down she would never think that, but fake confidence can only take you so far. Combine that with years of bullying that he tried to ignore, and you get the most securely insecure boy ever.
Eddie took a breath before parking the van in the grass plot in front of his trailer. Y/n hopped out of the van, nearly toppling over on the gravel in her platforms. She grabbed the pizza and her bag from the back before following him up to the trailer.
“Welcome to my, uh, humble abode…” Eddie said with a nervous chuckle.
Y/n looked around with a smile. Eddie hadn’t seen her face yet, so he started rambling.
“I know it’s not a lot, but-,”
“I like it,” Y/n cut in. Eddie raised an eyebrow, tossing some McDonald’s wrappers and some cigarette butts in the garbage. “You like it?” he asked.
Y/n nodded, turning to grin at him, “I love it, actually. You live with your uncle, right?” she asked. Eddie nodded, taking the pizza box, and setting it on the small table in front of the couch.
“Cool! All my family is in California,” she said, rolling her eyes and sitting beside him. Eddie snickered and took a slice before jogging into his room and coming back out with a baggy and papers.
“I can roll first if you want?” Y/n offered, reaching up for the papers. Eddie pulled his hand away and gawked at her. “Of course not! You are a guest! I’ll roll and you can eat,” he said dramatically. Y/n ran her hands on her thighs anxiously.
Did she hate that every time they’ve hung out so far she’s been eating? Yes. Absolutely. Was she the tiniest bit worried that he would make a comment on how much she ate? Yes. Absolutely. Did she also know that he’s the sweetest boy in the world and he wouldn’t say anything like that maliciously? Yes. Absolutely.
Her conflicting thoughts distracted her long enough for Eddie to get the blunt rolled and lit up. “Y/n,” he coughed. Y/n flinched, thoughts leaving her head as she took the joint from him.
“You good?” he asked as she blew the thick white smoke into the air. Y/n smiled and nodded, passing the weed back to him. Eddie was two slices and half a joint in when he brought it up. “Oh! Hey, I wanted to ask you… what’s the real reason you don’t play D&D?” he asked, making her cough on the smoke. “What?” Y/n coughed, waving her hand in her face.
Eddie shrugged, “I dunno… you just looked nervous, and I could tell you were just saying that to get us off your case,” he said. Y/n took a drink from the water bottle Eddie grabbed her from the fridge. “Uh- well… it’s silly honestly. It’s not that big of a deal, but it’s embarrassing to admit,” she chuckled nervously.
Eddie gave her a deadpanned look, “Y/n, come on. You can tell me anything alright? You know that!” he said, poking her shoulder.
Y/n smiled and sighed, taking another hit before she spoke. “Well, I’ve tried to play before, but I guess I didn’t have a good teacher or something. I guess I’m a little too stupid to play. I always thought so. It just didn’t make sense to me, so I just figured I wasn’t smart enough. I’m kinda used to not being smart enough, I mean…” she shrugged.
Eddie shook his head, “You are not stupid. I know you’re not stupid! You don’t have to be, like, Einstein level genius and make straight fuckin’ A’s all year long to be smart. I think you’re the smartest girl I know! And you don’t have to be smart to play D&D. You just haven’t found the right teacher,” he winked. Y/n smiled and shrugged, playing with her fingers.
Eddie frowned and put a hand on her knee, “You ok?” he asked. Y/n nodded, “Yeah, sorry…”
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows, “For what?” he laughed. Y/n shrugged again, “I dunno. I get all sad and self-depreciating when I’m high sometimes. You know… sad piss baby with no daddy and all that.”
Any of her friends in California never really understood. They all had nice houses, big families, two loving parents who wouldn’t dream of leaving their little sweet babies alone. She couldn’t hold it against any of them because they didn’t make her dad run off with some chick he didn’t know, and it wasn’t their fault they had a good family. Picket fences and all that shit never appealed to her in the first place. What was the point? Same shit every day, same time, same routine… so lame.
Eddie pouted and nodded, “I get that. I mean, I get all stupid when I’m high. All in my head and stuff… Like, I’m either a total idiot, or I’m a philosopher,” he said. Y/n laughed and nodded, dragging on the blunt again. Eddie watched her biting his lip as she blew out smoke.
“Like, I don’t know what happened with your dad… but you’re great either way, okay?” Eddie said.
Y/n pursed her lips and nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure he left because his kids are so great, huh?” she snorted. Eddie coughed on his inhale, not expecting the snarky response. Y/n laughed, stealing the blunt from him in his moment of surprise.
“Shit! You can’t do that! Ha!” Eddie coughed, laughing as he punched his chest. Y/n smiled slyly, taking her hit, and blowing three O’s before handing him the joint. Eddie put his finger through the smallest one, smiling to himself as it disappeared. “I don’t wanna, like, overstep or make you uncomfortable, especially because you didn’t ask me… But what happened with your dad? Did he just leave you guys?” Eddie asked.
Y/n snickered, blowing out smoke and giving Eddie the last bit of their joint before rolling up another one. Eddie snuffed it out in the ashtray, leaning back on his elbows while he watched her roll up.
“Well, my dad was fine for a while, I guess. Uh, I don’t know exactly why he left, but I do know he’s a huge dick. Max doesn’t think so yet, but that’s just because she hasn’t lost hope,” Y/n scoffed, “He’ll miss a few more birthdays and anniversaries… She’ll get a few more return-to-sender letters before she gets it. That’s how it worked out for me, at least.”
Eddie screwed his mouth to the side, pulling at a string on his jeans. He could get behind that. His dad was never there either. And his mom didn’t get a choice. He wished he could relate to the way she didn't seem to care. Eddie never talked about his parents. No one was stupid enough to make “your mom” jokes towards him, but no one was dumb enough to ask why either.
“But, no, basically we were all okay as far as I can remember. At least until Max was around six? Maybe seven? He just stopped coming home from work. And the next thing we know we’re getting divorce papers and a postcard in the mail from dad and his new family. Some chick, I don’t know her name… I never tried to see him after that…” Y/n sighed, lighting a new blunt. Eddie listened quietly, leaning forward to grab the weed from her. “So, I probably haven’t seen him in, uh… seven or eight years? I don’t know, I’m bad at math… but hey! One less asshole to let me down right?” she laughed humorlessly.
Eddie shook his head, rage filling his body. How could anyone choose to leave Y/n and Max like that? Especially their dad! Both girls were amazing in his eyes. In the few minutes he’d met Max he knew she was a good kid. Probably just like her sister. Why the fuck anyone would leave them for some random bitch, he could never understand.
“That fucking sucks Y/n. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to leave you,” Eddie huffed, inhaling after. The edges of Y/n’s lips quirked up, “Really?” she mumbled. Eddie nodded frantically. “Yeah! You’re fucking amazing! I mean, you’re funny, you have great taste in music, you’re smart, you’re pretty… p-pretty cool! Like, I can’t understand why a dick like that thought he had the right to leave you. Just- that makes me mad,” he shook his head, blowing smoke.
Y/n shrugged, a tight smile on her face, “Eh, you can’t always get what you want, right?” she asked. Eddie scoffed, passing her the blunt.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better… my mom’s dead,” he said way too casually.
Y/n froze and stared at him wide-eyed. Dead mom? That trumps deadbeat dad any day. No wonder. Y/n had come to discover a long time ago that kids with dead parents were the funniest people alive. Making jokes about their parents or not, they were always funny. They didn’t have the parental guidance they needed and that ultimately created some of the most unhinged behavior Y/n had ever seen.
It made a lot of sense now.
“Your mom’s dead? Like, buried six feet… spread her ashes at Disneyland shit? Dead for real?” Y/n asked.
Eddie nodded slowly, a small smile on his face. “Yep. Dead and gone. She’s been dead for nine years. I miss her a lot, but it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Cancer and all that…” he sighed, smoke flowing slowly from his nose.
Y/n curled her lips in, looking at the blank TV instead of him. She didn’t mean to laugh, but she could never take anything seriously. “Sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I’m sorry,” she struggled. Eddie chuckled and shrugged, “You can laugh, it’s okay!” he snickered.
“I’m so sorry, I’m not trying to laugh at you. I swear, Eds,” she giggled.
Eddie smiled, taking another hit. He really didn’t mind. It did hurt to think about his mom, and he really wasn’t expecting her to laugh, but he hated the pity that usually came from admitting you have a dead mom. The looks people gave him want to throw up. He didn’t think it was funny his mom was dead, but he’s joked about it, and he thinks he’s come to terms with it for the most part.
“I’m sorry. That’s not funny. Ugh, I suck. I’m sorry for laughing,” Y/n apologized again. Eddie grinned, placing a hand on her knee.
“It’s okay! Trust me, I’m not mad. I would rather you laugh than give me the same fucking pity look everyone else gives me. It's so stupid. Like, I don’t want you to feel sad for me. I’m just telling you what it is, you know?” he asked, huffing as he laid back on the couch.
Y/n nodded, grabbing the blunt and finishing it off. She snuffed out the new blunt and tilted her head. “Do you mind if I ask about her?” she asked.
Eddie smiled to himself just thinking about her. “She was great. Best mom I could’ve asked for, man… I miss her, like, a lot but who wouldn’t? She was really perfect. She never treated me like I was different. She knew it though, for sure. And every time I came home all sad because the cool kids didn’t like me, or they thought I was fuckin’ weird, she always made sure I knew she loved me, and it was okay to be different. And she’d pick me up, and she’d give me a hug, and tell me it’ll all be fine because we had each other. Then she took me to Pizza Hut, and we got two cheese personals because I refused to eat pepperoni if she didn’t eat any. I miss that…” he said, smiling sadly and picking at his nails.
Y/n smiled softly, listening to him talk so fondly about his mom.
“She sounds really amazing, Ed,” Y/n said before getting up and moving so he could lay his head in her lap.
“Max always does this when she wants to talk, so…” she trailed off. Eddie smiled up at her, closing his eyes as he got comfortable on her thighs.
Eddie shut his eyes, feeling like he was physically dragging his brain out of the gutter, and curled up on the couch with her.
Y/n wiggled around a little, getting comfy herself and set a hand on his chest. Eddie smiled at the touch, a tiny twinge in his chest once he remembered it was totally platonic.
“So, h-how did she, you know… die?” Y/n spoke up. Eddie shrugged, “She got cervical cancer and I guess couldn’t afford to get it fixed. I feel like she knew it was coming, but she couldn’t do anything about it. I mean, my dad was in jail again, and she had a ten-year-old to take care of, so… not a lot of time or money for doctor’s appointments. I was the one who found her…” he trailed off.
Y/n hummed, running a hand through his hair that was fanned out over his head. “That’s sad. And I’m not gonna give you the pity spiel because that’s lame and for people who don’t want to put effort into trying to understand. But that sucks… really,” she said, looking down at him. Eddie stared at her in awe. Everyone gave him the ‘I’m so sorry’ ‘I’m sorry that happened to you’ ‘I’m here if you wanna talk’ bullshit.
Y/n didn’t want to. Because she knew how it felt to be pitied for something she knew wasn’t her fault. She didn’t need to be told it wasn’t because she knew. And neither did Eddie. And he didn’t need to be told she was there if he needed her, she expected him to already know it.
Y/n moved his head off her legs and got up to mess around with the TV. Eddie whined at the loss of contact but took to shoving his face into a pillow instead. Y/n snickered, finally deciding on a channel when Gremlins popped up and she claimed her spot under his head one more time.
Eddie grunted, tilting his head into her leg. “I don’t know what that means, sweets,” Y/n said, still focused on the movie.
Eddie sighed and grabbed her hand before dropping it onto his head. Y/n laughed and nodded, mumbling an ‘okay!’ and running her fingers through his hair again. Eddie shut his eyes and hummed, nudging her leg with his nose in appreciation. He really needed to get some girls. Even the smallest bit of affection from a girl he thought was pretty was making him lose his mind. She could literally stab him fifty times and he would say thank you. He shouldn’t be this into her already. It had been three days for fuck’s sake!
There was just something that kept her in his mind constantly and made him want to impress her. Want her to like him. He needed her to like him. It sounded desperate; he knew that. But to be honest, he was. Eddie could barely understand it himself, but he just knew that he needed her to like him. At least as a friend. Even an acquaintance would do, but he just really wanted this girl to like him. This girl who he was currently falling asleep on because of her hand carding through his hair. Eddie groaned, sliding his hand down his face before checking the time.
“Shit… it’s late,” he sighed, sitting up. Y/n looked at his watch and sighed, “Yeah…” she smacked her thighs and smiled at him before getting up and stretching.
“Well, I’ll probably just see you at school. Thanks for hanging out with me, Eddie. I like you, you’re fun,” Y/n said, missing the way his face lit up pink after she said that.
“W-well, I’m not, like, kicking you out… if you wanna stay…” Eddie trailed off. Y/n shrugged, glancing out the window at the black sky. “I mean, if you don’t think your uncle will care…” she spoke.
Eddie scoffed, waving his hand, “Please! He’d probably be overjoyed if I had a girl in my room! The only girl that’s been here is some chick from the bar my band plays at. And that’s kinda gross,” he shuddered.
Y/n giggled and agreed to stay, taking her boots off and shuffling back to the couch. She dug in her bag and went into the bathroom to take her makeup off and relax for the night. She came out with her hair still in a ponytail and flopped back down next to Eddie. He jumped up, spluttering something about getting her clothes, and running into his room. Y/n snorted, watching a random Coke commercial while he did whatever Eddie things he needed to do. He came back in the room, a t-shirt and shorts in hand and offered her the clothes and his bed for the night.
Y/n thanked him and quickly changed, smiling at the organized mess he called a room. Eddie was sitting in a pair of flannel pajama pants and the same shirt when she came out and sat next to him again, tossing her legs over his.
“So, you’re telling me you had a girl. An adult woman in your room, and you didn’t do anything with her?” Y/n laughed. Eddie cringed, stopped his fingers running lightly on her shin and looked at her. “I mean, I think it’s gross now…” he said slowly. Y/n snorted, tossing her head back.
“I knew there was no way you were a virgin! I knew it! I knew it!” she giggled.
Eddie hid his face in his hands at her teasing. In his defense! They only got together because Eddie was tired of being a virgin and no one else would fuck him.
“Yeah… we were just bored,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Y/n snickered, picking her nails before yawning. “Tired?” Eddie chuckled. Y/n nodded slowly, rubbing her eyes like a kid. Eddie almost melted right there on the couch.
He just thought she was so cute! Beautiful, really… but they were just friends. Probably wouldn’t ever be anything more.
“Well, here, let me set you up. I’ll probably just sleep out here on the floor or something because Wayne’s gonna need the pull out,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. Y/n tilted her head, shrugging, “You can just sleep with me, like…” she giggled.
Eddie inhaled sharply, choking on his own spit. He coughed, “What?!” he wheezed.
Y/n laughed, patting his back, “I just meant you can sleep in your room with me. I don’t care. We’re not, like, fucking or anything who cares?” Eddie flushed, looking like a fish as he struggled to find words. Y/n smirked, crossing her arms, and leaning back on the armrest.
He looked goofy as hell. He knew he did. Eddie felt like a fucking middle schooler. Losing his shit over a hot girl suggesting they sleep in the same bed.
“U-uh… well, I don’t really care! I just didn’t want you to be uncomfortable, you know?” Eddie laughed nervously. Y/n shrugged again. “I don’t care either. If you’re not comfortable, then do what you want. I just figured it would be better than sleeping on the floor,” she said.
Eddie glanced at the hallway, the light from the lamp in his room shining on the walls. He squinted, looking deep in thought over something so small. Y/n finally just rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm, pulling him up and leading him to his room. Eddie watched her fluff up the pillows and fix the blankets before turning to him with her hands on her hips, “Do you wanna sleep in here? Or would you rather sleep somewhere else? I’m comfortable either way,” she asked. Eddie simply responded by sitting down quickly on the edge of his bed, mumbling a ‘I wanna sleep with you’ while he avoided eye contact.
Y/n smiled and nodded, walking out to grab her bag and their things from the couch so Wayne could just come home and sleep. She put the remaining pizza slices in the fridge and disposed of their trash and ashes before turning off the TV. She came back to see Eddie plucking at the guitar hung up on the wall.
“That’s pretty,” she spoke up, surprising him.
Eddie smiled, still staring at the guitar. “Yeah, she is. I love this guitar more than life itself,” he said with full seriousness.
Y/n giggled and climbed into bed, her back to the wall. “You want wall or open?” she asked. “Uh, open is cool. Keep you from falling off my twin XL,” Eddie snickered. Y/n laughed, pat the space next to her and laid down, watching him turn off the lights and crawl into bed beside her. He turned to face her, leaning his head on his arm, and looking at her.
“You know, you look so different without makeup on. Like, whole different person,” Eddie spoke up, smiling brightly at her. Y/n smiled shyly, scratching her wrist. “Yeah, sorry. I’m not trying to, like, mislead you or anything…” she said quietly. Eddie shook his head, unable to wipe the smile off his face. “I just meant I think it’s cool. Like, you look good either way, but you just look so different. It’s a good different though,” he said.
Y/n blushed, hiding her face in the pillow. “Thank you,” she mumbled. Eddie laughed, ruffling her hair.
“Get some sleep, okay?” he said.
Y/n giggled, shoving his hand off her head and snuggling into the blankets. “Night Eddie. Have good dreams,” Y/n said, dosing off. Eddie smiled, “Goodnight Y/n. Have good dreams.”
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taglist: @sisgotdemons @tlclick73 @deafeningmoontragedy @marjoriea13 @playfuloutcast @twosluttychains @leetaeilsnecktattoo @lil-quinnie @razzles-bottom-lip @originalstar1 @yessargeantbarnes @bebe0701 @shotgunhallelujah @uselessastheginlasagnaa @mynameismothra @niragis-right-hand-rabbit @shecagobaby @moviefreak1205 @munsonmunster @chonkzombie @sadbitchfangirl @screaming-blue-bagel @urdad-hot @kjaxm @xxaestheticboyxx @ok-boke @coffeeaddictednymph @ohmeg
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Imagine,, having a very bad panic attack and it's the first time Legacy witnessed it
Childe knows what to do, how to handle it, to a degree, but this might be new to FL. An abyssmal creature witnessing his loved one panic and have a heart time breathing so suddenly?? He's seen fear, but this was different.
Me? Thinking of this fluffy creechur when I had an attack? Oh absolutely thats what happened <3 I hope you're doing okie btw!! (I sent a handful(?)of crumbs from time to time and thank you for feeding us <3 idk if anon symbols are open but it they are,, may I be 🩹 anon? :D)
aaaa i'm giving you a gentle hug, i hope you feel better dear anon!!!!
ok, Foul Legacy is VERY in-tune with your emotions- if you're happy, he's happy, if you're sad, he's sad! so when he walks in on you in the midst of a panic attack he also freaks out just a little- Foul Legacy's super tempted to rush up and find out what's wrong but Childe's presence in the back of his mind tells him not to, it might make you feel even more panicked. so instead he approaches you slowly, kneeling beside you and letting out worried, questioning whines. when you don't respond he reaches out a hand and you quickly latch onto it, wheezing and breathing erratically
Foul Legacy quietly holds your hand, trying to keep you grounded to earth, and when your breathing refuses to even out he goes a step further and brushes his claws gently against your face, cupping your cheek and swiping his thumb over the skin. you still for a moment, then melt into his touch, holding his hand with your own as he lets out tiny whimpers and coos. your breathing begins to return to normal, the pressure on your lungs slowly fading and your vision clearing, and you finally see Foul Legacy almost in tears. now you're absolutely exhausted and just want to be close to the Abyss monster you love, so you unashamedly crawl into his lap and curl up, resting your head on his soft lilac fluff. you hear him let out a surprised yelp, his talons hovering just above your shoulders until you tug and nuzzle your cheek into his palm, and he carefully drapes his arms over you. he doesn't mind if you fall asleep for however long, or don't and just want to snuggle and talk a bit, but he's here and he's purring, a small, delicate buzz in your ear, Childe silent and relieved in his mind
Foul Legacy's not going anywhere, and his claws gently trail up your back as you yawn and cuddle further into his fluff
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a-library-of-old · 1 year
Could you write some headcanons about Jack Horner finding the reader hurt and he finds out it was one of his bakers? Thank you so much XD
Ooo okie, now I have done a hc set of reader being hurt and Jack finding out sooo- this one's gonna be a lil shorter but the other one should help fill in any gaps I accidentally leave^^"
The short of this is that the employee gets fired, and if they really fucked up? Killed but hay what can you do?
The long of it though? Well it starts the same as the before said hcs of him comforting you and asking what happened
Upon finding out its one of his own bakers however? Oh talk about seeing red! He'll make sure you feel safe and okay and tells you as calmly and kindly as he can that he'll be back in just a minute but has to take care of something
He is shaking and face is red but for him? Pretty calm
Now the moment he walked outside his office into the main factory floor? Oh the nearby employees could just *tell* he was angrier then even normal standards
If you happen to spot him during this time (or hear him because what's volume control??? A poor person item probably- Jack) you'll be met with him absolutely gutting this employee
I'm talking verbally backed into a wall, Jack's finger almost touching them in accusation, and all to close to an actual oven
By the end of it all well....no need to worry about them hurting you again
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steamanband · 1 year
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Okiieeee okie some information about my oh sea Kat!!
They're genderfluid pan, they/she/he
She is a train conductor! An abhorrent perfectionist and absolute stress head, he is constantly worried about being on time. Due to their job giving them very unsociable hours, despite being pretty extroverted and out-going, he doesn't have a whole lot of friends! </3 she is constantly filling the lonely hole left by her recent divorce by adopting every stray cat that wanders into the station, she currently has ten cats.
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bellysoupset · 2 months
hiii! okie so i know that a lil while ago you were asking for more specific tropes for wen as sickie bc we couldn’t do stomach flu again, and idk if you already got different requests or if you thought of something, but i have a few ideas! (feel free to ignore if they all suck <3)
so i was thinking that a good one could be something related to her being overworked kinda as a form of coping with the whole vin thing? i mean we’re not too sure what her pov is so far in terms of how the distance is going, so if it’s affecting her quite a bit then this could be a good idea? so basically i was thinking maybe her working too much bc she doesn’t wanna be alone or think too much, but then one day she starts feeling absolutely terrible on the way home so maybe she detours to jon’s? BUT then he isn’t there (maybe she forgot he was working?) but leo IS, and after initially kinda dismissing her or wanting her to go home, he’s like “oh shit you’re not okay” and gets worried and takes care of her🤭 (the actual sickness could be simply related to being overworked, but i was thinking it could also be a bad migraine (bonus points if she gets emotional) or maybe just a nice mix of dehydration and sleep deprivation or something like that lol? OR something psychosomatic maybe?? idk these are just some things i thought of hehe)
so sorry if these are too specific or if they all suck!!! feel free to ignore me but goodness i’d love to read something like any of these teehee <3
(also feel free to use any of these ideas for different characters too if you’d prefer that!!)
honey darling babe, answered this here <3
tsym for the request!!
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mxliv-oftheendless · 11 months
Blue and Broken-Hearted: Chapter 1 (Chirisu)
Since Ao3 is down until further notice, I’m going to be reposting my Alice in Borderland fics on here! This one is another Chirisu story, inspired by an episode of Hart to Hart called “Blue and Broken-Harted”, aka my favorite episode of the whole series. As of right now, the episode isn’t available anywhere, but when it comes up on YouTube, I will totally link it here for you guys to watch! For now, enjoy Chapter One!
It began for the two lovebirds with a phone call. 
Well, not immediately. Let’s back up a bit to a couple hours before that. 
“And in other news, police are still on the lookout for Yaba Oki, a reputed loan shark for organized crime. Yaba-san was last seen one week ago leaving an apartment building, captured on the security camera of the convenience store across the street. Police ask anyone who may have seen Yaba-san since then to call the nearest police station—”
Usagi sighed and set down the plate she was cleaning to go turn down the volume of the television. “Hope I don’t run into him today,” she muttered to herself. As she set down the remote, she caught the smell of something burning, and hurried back into the kitchen to see the eggs on the stove starting to burn. “Arisu!” she yelled. “The eggs are burning!”
Arisu came running in from the hallway, where he’d quickly gone to use the bathroom while cooking breakfast. “Oh no!” He quickly turned off the stove and brought the frying pan over to another burner. “Aw man,” he lamented, poking at the burned eggs with the spatula. 
“That’s what you get for not paying attention,” Usagi scolded as she went back over to the sink. 
Arisu sighed and glanced over at the trash can, where he knew two other attempts at eggs were. “Do you think I can salvage these?” he asked Usagi. 
“Maybe,” Usagi said thoughtfully as she went to put the dried plate away. “You could make toast and add some fruit. Eggs on toast is always good.”
“I guess so…” He eyed the offending eggs like it was their fault they’d gotten themselves burned. “I wanted them to be perfect,” he pouted. 
“Arisu, you know Chishiya will love them even if they’re a little burned,” Usagi stated. “He’ll be so happy you made breakfast for him that he won’t even care.” She grinned only half-teasingly at him. “He may even give you a full smile this time.”
That made Arisu brighten. “You think?”
“Of course! You’ve been married five years now and it’s your anniversary. He’ll be absolutely lovesick with you all day.”
Arisu giggled happily and looked down at the eggs with a more forgiving look. “Yeah, you know, I think I can salvage these.”
“That’s the spirit.” Usagi went to put on her jacket and grabbed her purse. “I have to go. Kuina said I could stay over tonight, so I won’t be home until tomorrow.”
Arisu bounced in place at the idea of him and Chishiya having the whole house to themselves, with no roommate there to make things awkward while they enjoyed their anniversary. “Okay. Tell Kuina I said hi.”
“I will. And,” she went to hug Arisu with a big smile, “tell Chishiya, happy anniversary, you two.”
Arisu returned the hug. “Thanks, Usagi. Now you should get going, you’ll be late.”
Once Usagi had left, Arisu went to work making the toast and getting strawberries and blueberries from the fridge to put with the eggs and toast. He put it all on two plates, one for him and one for Chishiya, set them carefully on a tray, grabbed some silverware, and left the kitchen with the tray of breakfast. He went up the stairs and balanced the tray on one hand so he could quietly open the door to his bedroom, then crept inside. 
Chishiya was still asleep in bed, where he’d conked out after the double shift he’d pulled at the hospital the previous day. He’d insisted it would be worth it, because then he would have the whole day off to spend with Arisu for their anniversary. But Arisu still couldn’t help worrying about him a little bit; even if Chishiya told him he didn’t have to, he still fretted about his husband’s long shifts taking a toll on him. 
But he didn’t have to worry about that right now. Right now, he was going to wake up his husband so they could enjoy their anniversary together. 
With a smile, Arisu set the tray carefully down on his nightstand and slipped back into bed. He wrapped his arms around Chishiya and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Shuntaro,” he whispered, kissing him again. “Shuuuun…” Chishiya grumbled softly and he chuckled, peppering his face with soft kisses. “Wake up. I have a surprise for you.”
After a second, Chishiya cracked his eyes open, and he looked blearily up at him. Arisu smiled lovingly. “Good morning,”
“Morning,” Chishiya grumbled. He rubbed his eyes with a yawn, then turned back to Arisu with a soft smile. “Happy anniversary.”
Arisu kissed his nose. “Happy anniversary.” He gave Chishiya another kiss, making the man hum before returning it. They kissed long and sweetly before he broke away again. “I made breakfast.”
“Yeah.” Arisu straightened up to go get the tray, but  a pair of strong arms locked around his waist to pull him back down. He laughed. “Come on, let me up.”
Chishiya smirked lazily at him. “Nah. I'm pretty comfortable like this.”
“‘Shiya,” Arisu laughed. “Come on, let’s have breakfast.”
Chishiya just kept smirking at him. “I’d rather have you.”
He brought a hand up to bring Arisu’s head down for another kiss. Arisu chuckled into his mouth and returned it, moaning softly when Chishiya’s tongue slipped into his mouth. Maybe they could have breakfast later… 
A block away from the house, in the truck they’d rented for this, Matsushita Enji made a noise of disgust at the noises of pleasure coming through his headphones. He turned off the speakers and ripped the headphones off his head. “Do we really have to listen to all of this?” he asked the man sitting next to him. “I’m not in the mood to listen to them having sex all day.” 
“Then don’t listen to them having sex,” Nitobe Hinata replied easily as he lit a cigarette. “What we need to do doesn’t involve listening to that.”
“Thank fuck for that,” Enji grumbled. 
“You know what to do when they’re done?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll make the phone call.”
“Good. Step One of my plan has officially begun,” Nitobe said, looking off into the distance with a grin around his cigarette. 
Enji frowned. “You still haven’t told me why we’re doing all of this,” he said to him. “It seems like overkill just so you can get the money you owe Yaba-san. It’s already been a week since you convinced him to give you more time. We only have a month, and we’ve spent a week just listening and trying to call Chishiya Shuntaro.” Which hadn’t succeeded, due to his long shifts at the hospital. In spite of himself, Enji was starting to grow slightly concerned about the treatment of people in the medical profession. 
“We’ll get the money,” Nitobe replied nonchalantly. He took his cigarette out and tried to blow out a ring of smoke, that ended up coming out haphazard and misshapen. “Damn. Can never make smoke rings.”
“How are we getting the money?” Enji pressed. 
Nitobe gestured to the listening equipment with his cigarette. “Those two lovebirds are going to get us the money.”
Enji glanced at his listening equipment in confusion. “You said that last week. Why don’t we just ask them for the money, then?”
“No, because the thing is…” Nitobe leaned in close with a conspiratorial grin. “They’re going to be how we get the money. They just don’t realize it.”
Arisu sighed contentedly as Chishiya pulled out of him and fell into bed beside him. Their hands tangled together under the blanket as he dazedly leaned over to give him a kiss, but only managing to mouth at his cheek. Chishiya chuckled and turned his head, kissing him properly. “Alright?” he asked. 
“Oh yeah,” Arisu managed with a smile. He flopped his head back, panting for breath as he gazed up at the ceiling. “That was great,” he breathed. “You’re great.”
Chishiya chuckled and squeezed his hand. “You’re pretty great, too.”
Arisu turned his head again to smile lovingly at him. “I’m so lucky.” He lifted Chishiya’s hand to kiss the back. “I love you.”
A soft smile crept over Chishiya’s face. “I love you too.” He sighed and slowly forced himself to sit up. “I’m gonna go clean up. I’ll clean you up too.”
“Or we could shower,” Arisu said with a coy grin. 
Chishiya chuckled and mirrored the coy look. “But you went through all the trouble of making breakfast for us. It’ll get cold.”
“Pah!” Arisu scoffed with a laugh. “Fine then. We’ll do it later, then.”
“After we eat.” Chishiya secretly planned on eating the fruit off of Arisu anyway. 
He slowly got up out of bed and went into the bathroom to clean himself up. He wet a washcloth, and just as he was about to use it, Arisu called, “Shuntaro! Your phone’s ringing.”
“Could you get it?” Chishiya called back. 
“Sure.” There was a pause as Arisu answered the call. “Hello? Who’s calling? Um… no, Shuntaro can’t come to the phone right now. This is Shuntaro’s husband. I can take a message—hello?” 
Chishiya poked his head out of the bathroom in time to see Arisu set his phone back on the nightstand with a look of confusion. “Who was it?”
“Some guy named Oki Ippei,” Arisu replied. “He asked if he could talk to you, then just hung up.”
Chishiya furrowed his brow. “Strange.”
Arisu nodded. “Yeah. Do you know anyone named Oki Ippei?”
“Hmm… I don’t know.”
“Huh. Must’ve been a prank caller.”
“Maybe.” Chishiya went back into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He brushed thoughtfully, wondering why the name sounded familiar. Did he know an Oki Ippei? From high school, or university?
Then he thought of something as he left the bathroom to slide back into bed. “I did know an Oki Ippei in university,” he commented as he wrapped an arm around Arisu’s waist. 
Arisu leaned over to grab the breakfast tray. “Oh?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I remember now. We were in the same pre-med track. He was in the friend group my mother insisted I join to be sociable.”
“I thought you weren’t sociable at all in university,” Arisu laughed. 
Chishiya chuckled and pressed a chaste kiss to his neck before taking the plate held out to him. “As un-sociable as Bilbo Baggins. But Ippei was always friendly to me. He asked me out once. I said no.”
Arisu eyed him. “Gently, I hope,”
“As gently as I could,” Chishiya reassured. “I told him I wasn’t looking for a relationship, and he understood. We stayed friends for a while, then he transferred to another university. To be closer to his parents, I think. I haven’t seen him in years.”
“Hm. Maybe he wanted to reconnect with you. He said he’s been trying to call you.”
“I’ll think about it later.” Chishiya leaned in to give Arisu a long, slow kiss, and broke off with a grin. “I’m celebrating my anniversary today with my beautiful husband.”
Arisu grinned widely. “Oh wow, really? I’m celebrating my anniversary with my beautiful husband today too.”
“What a coincidence.” Chishiya kissed him again. “Your beautiful husband was just thinking about how he wanted to eat this fruit off your body.”
Arisu’s eyes widened slightly and his cheeks flushed pink. “C-Can he eat his eggs first? I tried really hard on them…”
Chishiya kissed his warm cheek with a chuckle. “Of course. They look great.” 
And if Chishiya happened to eat a little quicker than he usually did so he could get to eating the fruit off Arisu… well, that’s really none of anyone’s business. 
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liverpool-enjoyer · 11 months
Okay finally read your fic! And going by chapter I wrote down my thoughts so that I wouldn’t send you another incoherent voice note
Okay chapter 1 done and oh my gosh I kept laughing and giggling and looking away the whole time cause I was like getting so pumped with all the character appearances. I was having the time of my life really. I loved it all. Also making Ney a year younger than Leo and Luis? Gold. I know it’s like probably obvious or wtv but I just assumed they’d be all in the same grade together so putting them in different grades felt so big brained to me. I’m so excited to read chapter 2!!
‘he could continue to fish while neglecting the welfare of his villagers’ youcore. Also Leo playing animal crossing makes perfect sense to me.
‘but they stopped paying attention when they realized it was just Sergio threatening someone again’ HELP JSKMANKS
‘I know gingers can vote now!’ MAX WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING PLS SHARE😭😭😭
Aaaaaaw virg and ali leaning on each other in class that’s adorable
Uncle grandpa reference?
‘football and murder’ ah yes. The two essentials
No but what *does* UEFA stand for?🤨
“Why does he want us to mark his worms?” This is the best sentence to ever sentence in the history of sentence.
Kinda laughing at the fact that pedri and gavi are freshman. Like Gavi already looks like a baby now he’s an actual baby fr. Adorable
HELP!? Young and hip plsss he’s 17😭😭😭
“Because you’re not. There is absolutely no way they’re not gonna know about this. You’re fucked.” And the best friend of the year award goes to….not this guy that’s for sure
Oh btw max this whole fic reminds me of deadly class but PG and a comedy and footballcentric
oh WHAT A WAY to wake up bro. rolling around my bed squealing kicking my feet rn. whether its an ask or a voice note, i will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS appreciate hearing Your Thoughts. always
i am SO SO SO glad you enjoyed!!! n the fact that you wrote down your thoughts to send this lovely lovely ask?? literally screeching crying throwing up bro.
kay now for specifics. yeah ney ended up being a year younger than the other two cause i hava Super Complicated Mathematic Algorithm to calculate whos in what grade ;))
i am smoking NOTHING i have never done a drug ever this is all My Brain :D
yeah its an uncle grandpa reference lmaoooo
what does uefa st- DONT WORRY ABT IT
okie i cant respond to every single comment cause this would be way too long but know that i read n appreciate to death EVERY SINGLE ONE OF EM!!! thank you beyond words meb i loved reading this sm <3
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beansthough · 1 year
Okie okie 1. Just got say this again, I ADORED THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH LIKE AHHHHHHH IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!
2. Burning question: are any of Tommys family still alive? Even if they never make into the story, are they alive?
3. Are we near the conclusion or are there more dangers yet to face?
4. How was Jack feeling when he suddenly started protecting Tommy? Probably thought he was nuts lol but I’d like your take. And Nicki! What was her thoughts when her friend went missing?
5. How much of the fire burned the forest? We know what the village is like but what’s the scale and how did it begin?
6. What state are the villagers in right now? So much information must be floating around from soldiers and the attack?
7. Are we gonna have a very special soft sbi moment in the next chapter? Healing and such?
8. And I know you probs won’t answer this one, but is it Tommy adoption time?
HOPE THIS SUFFICES!!! Loving this au to death!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
1. Thank u so much<3 I’m so happy you liked it<3
2. Nope!:) lol sorry that was to funny to not do. But on a more serious note no, XD is a ruthless villain, doing everything he can to get more and more power, even if that means killing his own kind and taking their unhatched eggs. He lives for the suffering of others.
3. I’d say this was the last major angst chapter, but they’re some more family troubles and some new characters ahead. But danger can come in many forms.
4. Jack maybe a coward, but he absolutely hates seeing someone suffering. Especially when that someone really reminds him of Niki. But yes he was definitely have a full on battle in his head, but he really didn’t want Tommy to be killed. He hadn’t harmed him after all.
Niki was definitely scared when she couldn’t find Jack, but she knew that all the guard was rounded up together. So she figured that Jack was just helping the guard, but she was still worried about him.
5. Forest fires are a natural part of the lifecycle of the forest. It clears dead brush and makes way for new life, but it can be very deadly for someone of a small size. Especially when it starts from a random lightning strike. It only burned about 2-3 miles but many of the large trees were damp enough from the rain to keep from burning. It was mostly the fields like the hunting grounds and dry plants and shrubs. The village is surrounded by a large thicket, but in the center it his exposed to the sky, so many of the homes and shops were also to wet to burn.
6. The villagers are afraid, but Techno instructed the guard to take care of them. The villagers trust that their leader will take care of them, as for the rest we’ll have to wait and see ;)
7. Perhaps yes
Phil might need some more time to come around though and Techno is still traumatized about attacking a child. But yes definitely some hurt/comfort because that’s what I live on.
8. Of course it’s Adoption time! That’s why I wrote the fic! Hehehehehe, it just might take a little more healing first.
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nordicbananas · 8 months
hiya shroom!! sorry for not answering asks (my immune system is being kicked in the ass which equals to bad responses to them sjshjdjd), so instead; i’m here to ask /u/ a few questions instead hjdjdjdkkd >:33
what two colors do u like that equals to ur fav color?
cardigans or hoodies (the rlly thick n soft ones)?
fav collage//edit u or someone else has made?
stickers or washi tape?
a song//artist that’s out of the genre u mostly listen to but is smth u rlly like? (ex. is if u listen to pop u like this one song//artist that produces & makes jazz music !!)
if given the chance to fully master one instrument, what would it be n why?
how do u see the people u love? ex. is how i see people thru colors n memories !! like how i see u as walking into my childhood town’s bakery before the sun comes up to buy bread n prepare breakfast w my grandma !! n i also see u aa a pale color of autumny orange !!! (is autumny even a real word HELP)
anndd lastly, what’s one movie you’s absolutely love to watch again for the first time?
i kinda lied bc there’s a bonus question but if u were also choose a craft to fully master as well, what would it be n why?
also dw !! i accidentally unfollow a lot if people random (either tumblr does it or i press the wrong button JDHKD) 😭😭 AND THANKYUU 🫶🫶🫶 i currently am in-love w it n am gatekeeping it for the rest of my life HAGAHSGJSGJS
kithes u n twirls away
hi hi my lovely kazu <33
no kazuzu D: I hope you feel better soon!!
I completely understand, take ur time lol
uhhh. like. red + blue equals purple? because purple is my favorite. but as in, like, two colors i also like but not as much as purple, that's teal and blue :)
wait I was so ready to answer this one wait- I wanna make a couple cardigans, and i don't really wear hoodies, i just wear my blue flannel and call it a hoodie because it's easier- so yeah. cardigans!
oo okay I'll reblog this with a picture/video once i get it <33
STICKERS 100%. bro I used to use washi tape but I got so mad at it because it kept on falling off and ugh it was so annoying. it's pretty and I was. 7? 8? so I'm willing to give it another chance. but yeah. stickers <333
ooh I like this question! that's probably The Crane Wives, which are folk. most of my liked songs are jpop, vocaloid, and loud sounds, with some lofi sprinkled in, so it's funny to hear them sometimes. seriously though, they are one of my favorite artists ever. I adore their music, and I've been listening to them for a couple years now. (THEY'RE TOURING RN BUT THE CLOSEST ONE IS 6 HOURS AWAY AND IT'S SOLD OUT UWEHH)
piano. i think it sounds so nice, and i love all of the songs i hear with it. however, ive tried it once or twice, and i couldn't go anywhere near as fast as i needed to. so. probably not in my future.
oh I really really like this question. so. i see my relationships as feelings. im really bad at remembering stuff sometimes, so i kinda agree with the colors. but mostly, it's a feeling. whenever i see something from you, the color i feel is a pale blue or lilac. for my friend twig, they're a bright, but not overbearing, green. my boyfriend is a light orange. and the felling i get when i see something from you, dear kazu, is a sort of flowery one. i feel thick and fluffy flowers, with little bees saying hello to each other, and the sun coming down and soaking into your bones. it's not hot, thankfully, but a pleasant warmth. the same one that you feel after a really nice hug, or while cuddled up next to someone you love. for twig, it's the feeling of loud music. listening to familiar sounds and not needing to worry if it's too loud. also, late night calls with friends. one time i was calling two friends and i couldn't use my mic, so i used a soundboard and typed things to them. those things are what twig reminds me of. my boyfriend feels like fog and coloring. but not traditional fog, a fantastical fog that wraps around you and keeps you safe. a fog full of whimsy that protects you from the outside world, while keeping you entertained. and for the coloring, it's just a colorful and wholesome activity. something you can do and then show someone, or give it to them and make them happy. i find great power in colors, and i love looking into their connotations. this was so so so much fun to answer, thank you for asking this kazu <3
oh oh, this is hard. i would say.. kiki's delivery service. i had so so so much fun with my friend (twig <3), and we ended up getting there an hour early lol. we didn't always pay attention, making fun of the male love interest, but it was so silly and fun. id love to experience that again.
probably. fashion designing or woodworking. i think making clothes is just so cool, but not "diy this! diy that!" no. I mean full on mannequins, sewing, fabric, buttons, lace, so much stuff to work with and make into incredible things. but sadly, I don't think id ever have time to learn in a way that would matter to me. and for woodworking, oh it'd be so cool if i could make stuff like that. make a table, a shelf, a stand, a spoon. wouldn't that be cool? you could show people and say, "I made this. I used this wood. here's something I'm really proud of" and it'd be so cool! I don't have a real interest in learning though, just knowing it lol.
mwah thank you for the kiss <3
may i be the one that spins you?
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evedreamsof · 18 days
do it soon // c. oftana
entry #49
eve and calvin go to the amusement park
“quick, give me a kiss.”
eve began to slap calvin's arm. she squealed in delight as her number one otp had their scene. “this is it! i will marry anyone who does that to me.”
“are you insinuating something?”
she laughed and then gave him her most innocent looking smile. “i’m not, don’t worry, my munchkin.” she kissed his cheek. “but some advice, do it when necessary, and do it soon.”
calvin rolled his eyes and brought eve closer to him. “alright, alright. let’s continue the movie then.”
eve snuggled close to him and laid her head on his chest. she absolutely loved inception and it was her first time watching it with him—actually, it was her first time watching it in a long time, and she was glad it was with calvin.
a few days later, the two were going on a date. they chose the amusement park as eve really wanted to ride the boats.
“did you bring any change of clothes?” he asked her.
“no,” she answered. “but i guess we can find a place to settle down first. dry out the clothes.”
“we’ll also need to shower.” he looked around. “there’s a hotel over there, guess we can stay a few hours.”
eve’s heart began to beat fast. she was used to being alone with calvin, but in a hotel with him? that’s something very new to her.
“yeah, oki.”
they walked around the park, taking turns on each ride, calvin playing basketball and winning the biggest stuffed dog that was there, and of course, he gave it to eve.  eve tried her luck at archery, she had three tries and the third hit the bullseye. she only got a tiny prize, it was also a stuffed dog.
“i hope you take care of it,” she said, handing the toy to him.
when it was in his hands, he smiled. “with utmost care.”
finally, it was time to ride the rapid boats. eve and calvin put their stuffed toys in the “baggage counter” and fell in the queue.
when it was their turn, they excitedly got on their boat and let themselves feel the adrenaline rush. they saw the falls ahead and eve intertwined her fingers with calvin’s.
their boat rushed down and they screamed and laughed at the situation they were in. there were more falls and waves and they continued to savor the joy they were feeling.
when they were done, they stepped out of the boat and back to the baggage counter for their toys. luckily, they were not too wet but it was enough for them to need to shower.
“hotel?” calvin suggested.
all eve could do was nod.
they reached the lobby of the building and eve sat on a marble bench. calvin had instructed her to wait as he checked in. eve began to fidget at the thought of being alone with him in a hotel.
she saw calvin approach and she smiled, hoping he didn’t see how nervous she was.
he sat down with a sigh. “alright, shall we go?”
eve was just about to agree when she noticed people staring at them. “why’s everyone looking at us? or you? probably you.”
“hm?” calvin raised his eyebrows. “oh, nah. probably ‘cause we’re wet.”
“yeah, probably.” she nodded.
“quick, give me a kiss,” he said.
she found it odd but she did so anyway, she liked kissing him, she enjoyed it.
before they separated, his lips hovered over hers and he said softly, “i love you.”
“i love you, too,” she replied just as softly.
when they did separate, she looked around and said, “they’re still looking at us.”
“yeah, it was worth a shot. we should probably get out of here.” he stood up and grabbed her hand.
she nodded and followed him.
“gonna marry me now?”
then it hit her. “oh.” ‘i’m gonna give you children.’
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rirismommyspace · 1 year
ohhh secwet!!! 🫤 oki! me wach d wescuwers!!! s wiiw bih scawy cuz se wif baaa wady n n n gatows bu se ge wescuwed! n s aww good! n n bewnawd n n byanca s s niec n n dey hewp!!!
˚₊✩‧₊ oh don't worry sweetheart~ being silly absolutely isn't a bad thing! and oooh! It sounds super cool! Do you like watching it?
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the-fandom-abyss · 1 year
hehe I'll take Bob the builder! 😌 I'm like, on the verge of just revealing myself vs liking it as a secret so my answers are just walking that line 🤭
yess, I miss my dog and he misses me. I cannot wait to see him again next 🥰
I suppose there's not much time for them to fit anything much in 🤭
#no worries about replying late, just reply whenever you feel up for it :) ! #good to see you again though 🥰
Okie dokie Bob! Now I’m picturing you with Scoop, Muck and Dizzy 🤭 Oh and my most loved character Spud!!
Ooo when will that be? Are you counting down the days?
Exactly! The absolute injustice!
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Q&A: what are your favorite Lady Gaga songs? And don't worry Yessy even tho it is known staff doesn't really care about users, many people who were hacked can get their blogs back! But even if it's not the case (since often they're hacked to post spam and therefore get reported for spam and deleted BECAUSE TUMBLR STILL NEEDS TO ADD A 'report potential hack' BUTTON SINCE THEY LEAVE US ON OUR OWN) what you truly give us can never be hacked or deleted which is your incredible soul and kindness! ♡
AAHHHHH!!! MOTHER MONSTER! MY QUEEN!! MY ABSOLUTE NUMBER ONE FOREVER! ugh! You really got me with this Q sweetheart lol! I have sooo many where do I even BEGIN?! 🤩 Okie okie…
Monster, Judas, Applause, Alejandro, 911, Alice, Bloody Mary, Perfect Illusion, Angel Down, Joanne (Where Do You Think You're Going), Marry the Night, Edge of Glory, Bad Romance, Paparazzi, Just Dance, I Like It Rough, Born This Way, Rain on Me, Lovegame, Poker Face, You and I, Million Reasons, Always Remember Us This Way, Shallow, Stupid Love, Boys Boys Boys, Sinner's Prayer, Brown Eyes, Paper Gangsta, Speechless, Dance In The Dark, The Queen, Electric Chapel, Diamond Heart, Fun Tonight, Million Reasons, The Cure, Come to Mama...
I can literally go on and on because as you can damn well see I'm obsessed with her lol! AND OH MY GOODNESS YOU'RE SUCH AN ANGEL!! Your words truly gave me hope thank you so so much *big big hugs* I love you so damn much! 🥰🥰🖤✨ But seriously like I said before Staff needs to get their shit together and quit playing already! 🙃
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 36
Nightshifter/The Girl in the Fireplace
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: We're already investigating. It's not a matter of whether I'd survive I guess
For as skeazy as Dean can be, he's slow on picking up that that girl really wanted to hook up
Anyway, we're doing another shape shifter episode.
Omg dude, say mandroid again, istg.
"I like him. He says 'okie dokie'" shouldn't be that cute but it is. It's charming and endearing...right before he decides to be sleazy again.
Oh. Oh no. He's gonna think...omg. Thought the conspiracy nut was going to think that the Winchesters WERE "mandroids" not just working for one.
I'd be so annoyed if I were Sam, listening to that woman gush about Dean on and on. But I'm...dubious of this Dean. I think the shifter is Dean again...
Ok, and sometimes I'm wrong about who the shifter is. Well, at least it's not Dean..oh, oh god. Look, I didn't like the conspiracy guy but I don't think he deserved to die.
This must be a terrifying prospect: you're hunting a shape shifter while the fbi is also breathing down your neck outside....nope, now inside.
Okay. I knew I was first introduced to Renegade by Styx from AN episode of Supernatural, I didn't remember it being this one.
"Been On My Mind...": There were a couple girls crushing on Dean pretty hard, but...nothing.
"The Girl in the Fireplace"
Honestly, I'm more worried about the first five minutes of THIS episode.
Man, she must sound absolutely bat shit to be yelling into the fireplace for a doctor because her clock is broken.
IT'S SO REALISTIC?? Mickey...of course it's realistic, it's...the universe?
Very nice of the Doctor to admit he made up a very flourish-y new sci-fi word to avoid saying "magic door"
Fuck I hate jump scares. And jump scares featuring giant doll things?? No. Absolutely not.
OMG Mickey is so excited to be on this trip, it's cute.
Everyone's so delighted to be on this trip. And it truly is a fun one. oh...the Doctor's gonna crash through some big window on that horse later, if I recall correctly
"What's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little perspective" Ok fine...Moffatt can write some good lines
I love the trope of someone threatening captors with the very idea of the person who will come to save them only to have that person arrive on the scene in the most embarrassing way possible, this time it's drunk and singing I Could Have Danced All Night from My Fair Lady. What was it about the mid 00s that the best way to show that a dude had really let loose was to have his tie around his head instead of his neck? Like that was such a THING that I haven't seen since
Ok, not a window, it was a mirror.
Oh Rose looks so betrayed...and with Mickey teasing her about all the women the Doctor has traveled with or met in his travels...oh, it's just...poor thing
Side note: had no idea what I was getting in Supernatural tonight, so the fact that the cybermen are in the next Doctor Who episode is really....*chefs kiss*
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