#[🦋] jujutsu kaisen
rinhaler · 2 months
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I Should Just Walk Away !
His knuckles are split, what are you meant to do? Not tend his wounds? Someone’s gotta do it! It doesn’t mean you’re going to fuck him again. No way.
✧˖*°࿐: 18+ only, no minors.    ✧. ┊ underground fighter!ryomen sukuna x f!reader
Genre: porn with a plot (and a sprinkle of angst?) Notes: I'm gonna make a masterlist and stuff bc I love this au but I'm lazy pls bear with me! ♡ Warnings: 18+, fem!reader, blood ♡, wound care, daddy!kink, size difference ♡, age gap, degradation, fingering, tit sucking ♡, slight edging?, dacryphilia, m+f masturbation, car sex ♡, vaginal sex, creampie ♡, pet names (princess, sweetheart, baby, kid), mutual pining ♡, angst??, calls ur pussy she/her ♡, (lmk if i missed any!!) Words: 8k
Even after proclamations of love for each other, the rest of the ride home is silent and uncomfortable. In hindsight, it might not have been the best decision to divulge the truth of your tryst with Sukuna to your little brother.
You could try to reassure him. But what would be the point? You’re only a few years older than him, yet somehow, you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a teenager. When you were Megumi’s age, though, you had parents.
They were alive.
Sure, you were somewhat rebellious but you behaved for the most part. You studied, worked hard, steered clear of ‘bad’ boys. And, as Sukuna so elegantly put it, you’re a ‘snooty doctor’. You’re thankful for that, because without that salary you’d never be able to afford subsidising your brother.
You had your parents.
But you’re all Megumi has.
It’s a little unsettling how quiet he’s actually being. You were bickering not too long ago, you’re taken aback that he seems to have no desire to continue. A fleeting thought that he might be trying to punish you enters your mind.
Your head snaps a few times to look at him, though he doesn’t do the same. There’s a little grimace on his face as he looks at you from the corner of his eyes.
It’s disgust.
“Are we okay?” you wonder, and the way it leaves your lips in a warble must be pathetic for your brother to hear. He scoffs immediately after, still outright refusing to say another word. You make sure to keep an eye on the road, though your gaze can’t help but wander towards your sibling when you get a chance. “I’m just going to make sure he’s patched up properly, okay? He’s not staying the night.”
“As if that matters.” he rolls his eyes.
It should matter. You don’t know what he means, and you don’t dare ask him to elaborate. There’s no reason for you to be scared of a seventeen-year-old. You aren’t. You’re more afraid of disappointing him.
“Megumi…” you take a breath. “It’s late. I think we should talk properly tomorrow.”
He takes a breath not too dissimilar to yours, you aren’t sure if it’s inherited or if it’s a habit he’s picked up from you. Is he mocking you? He doesn’t say much more, shrugging his shoulders is an answer all on its own. And still, it makes your heart twist as anxiety pierces through it like a stake.
“Really?!” you bark out unintentionally. Maybe he’s more mature than you’ve given him credit for, because agreeing to talk properly is the last thing you expected. Your eyebrows knot briefly, and you look at him again when you reach a red light. “Are you fucking with me? You’re not serious, are you? You’re gonna sneak out in the morning and I won’t see you until—”
“I said fine. Didn’t I?” he grunts. “At least be quiet when you fuck him if you insist on lecturing me in the morning.”
“I’m not doing it again, I told you.” you assure him. “It was a stupid mistake and I regret it but I just wanna make sure his hand is okay. And then I’ll tell him to leave. I promise.”
“Should prob’ly tell him that, ‘cause he won’t stick around once he realises.” you both find yourselves looking in the rearview mirror at the man following behind you at a distance before quickly averting your eyes. “Don’t make promises you’re not gonna keep. You sound like my dad.”
“Ouch, babe. Noted.” you laugh a little despite being genuinely offended.
The rest of the journey is completed with your brain on auto-pilot. You aren’t even sure how you made it home without crashing once you realise you’ve parked perfectly in the driveway.
Megumi snatches your purse and ducks out of the car, making a beeline for the front door. You watch him as you allow your head to gently thud against the headrest behind you; he’s frantically looking for the house keys so he can shield himself from any possible sighting of you and his boss together.
He drops your purse on the ground with little care once he finds what he’s looking for, and you’re startled when you hear a knuckle lightly rap against your window.
“Nice place, princess.” he speaks, though it’s slightly muffled by the closed window.
“Stop calling me—”
“Oi. Pick up the purse.” Sukuna warns your little brother before he can hide indoors.
He looks over his shoulder at you both before slowly crouching down to pick it up. He grips it tight before finally disappearing.
Sukuna gives you room to breathe before offering a hand to help you out. Like you’ve never gotten out of your car before. Instead of taking it, you stare. You stare at his obscenely large hand and can’t help but remember his fingers had been inside of you mere moments ago.
You smile, as politely as you can, before hurriedly chasing after your brother.
He saunters after you with a lazy smirk playing on his features. You only see it when you remember you’d forgotten to lock your car. The sound of his Mercedes locking is a deafening reminder.
You enter your home; he hadn’t even bothered to turn a single light on as he charged straight towards the kitchen. You’d expected him to have locked himself in his bedroom by now. But instead, his silhouette is illuminated by the light emanating from the open fridge.
He grunts when you switch on the living room light, looking at you like a raccoon caught going through the trash as he chomps down on the cereal you’d bought on the way home from work.
“Can you get the first aid kit from the cupboard?” you ask him as you take off your coat and throw it down over the back of the couch. “You shouldn’t be eating so late, y’know.”
“I’m starving. I didn’t eat today, ‘m a growing boy, y’know.” he counters. He moves to look through each and every cupboard. He looks at you and shrugs before continuing to eat.
Your eyes are both directed to the sound of a gently closing door. You half smile at Sukuna as he enters before you look at your brother again in contemplation.
“Oh I moved it to the bathroom ‘cause we never use it.” you sigh as you make your way there. “You can finish eating in your room if you want.”
“Tryna get me out the way?” he rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry, I don’t wanna stick around here anyway.” he side eyes Sukuna as he walks with his bowl towards his room.
You don’t see the amused grin he offers your little brother while you retrieve the first aid kit.
If you had, you’re sure you would have sent him home too.
“Sorry,” you groan, setting the kit down on the coffee table. You stand with your hands on your hips as you stare at him. It’s dawning on you, now, regardless of how exhausted you are. You’ve let a man you barely know into your home. A man older and stronger than you’d ever hope to be. You’ve welcomed a criminal into the space that is meant to be the safest for your little brother.
“I’m not gonna kill ya, sweetheart.” he cuts through your thoughts as if he can read your mind. It makes your heart race, though your face remains stoic as you try and disguise your evident worry. “Last thing I wanna do is scare you, though. I’ll go if you’re—”
“No, it’s fine.” you interject. “I’m tired, though. I’m gonna get changed because I wanna go straight to sleep after this, okay? You’re not staying.”
“Shame, I had fun.” he grins, circling the couch before sinking into it. His body is angled towards you while his eye looks you up and down with purpose. “Get comfy, I’ll be right here waiting for you, darlin’.”
Even someone as headstrong as you can’t deny how giddy he makes you. You walk backwards, unable to take your eyes off him before you eventually find your bedroom. Everything he says is so intentional, it’s almost vindictive. Like he knows just what to say to have you weak at the knees for him.
But this isn’t you.
You’ve never been the type to fall for a man’s alleged charm quite so easily. But you also didn’t think you were the type of person to fuck a stranger. He isn’t exactly a stranger, though.
He’s Megumi’s boss.
“Stop calling him that.” you whisper to yourself as you try and break yourself out of your spiralling train of thought.
You dress yourself in the most unflattering pyjamas you can find, wearing them with the full expectation of turning Sukuna off of you. He can’t possibly still be angling to fuck again when he sees you in mismatched pyjamas, complete with aged holes and stains from that one spaghetti night you and Megumi attempted.
There’s a feeble attempt made at wiping your makeup off, although you barely try. Your smile is almost blinding as you look at what a mess you are. The panda eyes from your smeared eyeliner and mascara enhance your sunken eyebags. Your eyeshadow glitters across the bridge of your nose and into your hairline beside your temples. Your pretty lipstick that you’d lined so perfectly is half removed while the other half is smudged down your chin.
You emerge from your bedroom with a confidence you only ever experience when you’re at home in your comfiest clothes. Despite your appearance, and even despite your company, you’re so content.
His eyes squint as he looks at your face, and even still, he’s smiling. He chuckles softly as you get closer to him, sitting beside him as you open the first aid kit.
“You look way prettier like this, princess.” he tells you, folding his arms across his chest as he continues to stare.
“Ah! Really? You think I look prettier?” you ask sarcastically.
“No, you look awful.” he laughs. “Is this all for my benefit? I still want to fuck you, admirable attempt though.”
You shake your head and roll your eyes as he laughs a little more, and you force yourself to frown when you realise his laughter is contagious. Everything he does is so effortless; you can’t remember the last time you genuinely smiled so hard it hurt your cheeks.
His eye fixates on you as you begin to look through your little first aid kit and pick a few things to use on his knuckles.
“I’m sure you could have done this yourself,” you start as you pick up a packet of antiseptic wipes and begin to clear the blood surrounding his knuckles. “Could have gone to a walk-in place if you were really worried.”
“Of course I could. Been doing this for years, did you really believe I don’t have my own first aid kit?” he asks. “I wanted you to do it.” he confesses, though he’s no longer smiling. You don’t stop wiping away the combination of wet and crusted over blood on his hand, though you can’t help but stare back at him.
Is he trying to scare you?
“You’re unbelievable.” you tell him, quietly.
“It’s hard to do it with one hand, sweetheart. And you’re a professional, I’d have to be an idiot to do it myself.”
You look away, only to pour rubbing alcohol onto a clean wipe. He can’t help but be transfixed as he watches you, admiring how your dainty little hands are so delicate with the equipment. How your face appears so irritated as you perform tedious tasks such as this, but you do it regardless, and he thinks it’s sweet.
“You should be on my payroll,” he finally smiles again. “My private doctor.”
“No.” you shut him down.
“I forgot how stuck up you are. I thought you’d at least be fununtil tomorrow.”
“Be grateful I’m doing this at all.” you reply with ease. All enjoyment and giddiness over his company seems to be a distant memory as you recall the type of man he actually is. You’re grouchy and exhausted, and he’s testing your patience. “I don’t like you and I don’t like what you do. And I hate that you’re involving Megumi.”
“Lighten. Up.” he warns you.
You press the wipe quickly into his cuts, and you can’t help but smile as he winces from the abrupt stinging pain. You laugh harder as he tries to downplay it. His expression becomes unreadable as he tries to appear detached. You can see it in his visible eye, though. It’s watering.
He can’t help but break at the sound of your laughter, however, as you continue to snicker whilst rummaging through for a roll of gauze to wrap around his knuckles.
“I usually don’t crack when I do that myself. You wanted it to hurt.” he smirks, shaking his head.
“Guilty.” you continue to giggle as you face him again.
He doesn’t say another word as he watches you wrap a thick enough layer of bandages around his bloody knuckles. The somewhat shallow lacerations seem to cause slight discomfort despite being taken care of. You watch him, purposefully, as he flexes his fingers a few times to test how it feels.
You aren’t sure if he knows you’re staring, but his guard seems down. It could be an act to disarm you, but you aren’t convinced he’s a good enough actor to pull it off. The genuine curiosity and intrigue on his face due to your handiwork makes you feel off. Is he judging your ability to provide proper care?
It’s not like you wanted to.
But you both know that’s a lie.
He grins when he finally notices you staring at him. And that makes you relax. You were right, he was genuinely lost in thought despite being in your presence.
“You should go now,” you say quietly. You angle your body to rest your arm over the back of the couch, your balled fist supporting your head as you begin to yawn. “I’m tired.”
“Sure.” he nods, moving to stand before relaxing into the soft seating. “I need your number.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yeah, ya need to give it to me sweetheart,” he smirks, mirroring your body language. “Need it so I can tell you when I wanna see you again.”
You scoff, shaking your head defiantly at his bold claim. The thought of him clicking his fingers for you to come running like a loyal lap dog is almost enough to make you gag. You’d slap him if it wasn’t so late, you’re too tired and you don’t want to cause a fuss for Megumi or your neighbours.
“You’re never gonna see me again,” you smile, biting your lip as you look him up and down. “And you’re not seeing Megumi, either. He’s done with your little fight club. And I’m done with you, period.”
“Aren’t you meant to be smart? Concerning that a doctor could be so naïve.” he squints slightly as he regards you, looking you up and down as you had him. You’re so sure of yourself, he can’t help but wonder if you’ve forgotten about your current appearance. “I’ll be seein’ you both again. Megumi isn’t quitting. And I like you, and I’m not the type of man to give up things I like.”
“Tough shit,” you laugh lightly. “You’re gonna have to find another poor woman to pester. I’ve got enough going on without dealing with a loser like you.”
“A loser? Really?” he chortles. “You were moaning on my dick and calling me daddy earlier. Now I’m a loser?”
“Shut up.”
He leans in close to you, noses almost touching and his smile widens further as he sees how glittery your face is from your poor makeup removal. “Are you only going to be nice to me when I fuck that brat out of you?”
You turn your head away, your heart racing as your body betrays you. The want and desire bubbles in the pit of your stomach. But you can’t. You know you can’t; because you promised.
He isn’t special.
Sukuna is not special.
“You’re not fucking anything out of me.” you tell him, peering out of the corner of your eye to see him look a little surprised at your declaration. He thought you were playing hard to get. You aren’t playing. “It was a one-time thing.”
“Really?” he asks, barely missing a beat as he responds. “I don’t understand you. I thought—”
“Of course you don’t understand me. You’ve known me for a few hours. Just because we’ve fucked doesn’t mean you know me.” you remind him. And he nods, he agrees with you. He’d be a fool not to, and the man is no fool. “It was just a heat of the moment mistake. I mean it. I don’t want to see you again and I’m not letting Megumi fight anymore.”
“Why?” you scoff. “He’s a child. It’s dangerous. I don’t want him—”
“No, sweetheart. I’m not stupid, I know why you don’t want him to fight anymore. Do I look like a moron to you?” he asks, voice gruff and harsh as he interrupts without a care. His temper is visible and rising as he begins to run out of patience for your attitude with him. “Why don’t you want to see me?”
“Because you’re shady and I don’t want to upset my brother. He’s already upset, I don’t want to make it worse.”
“That’s not a reason.”
“Excuse m—”
“That’s a reason why Megumi doesn’t want you to see me. Yeah I’m a little shady, but you like me. I know you do. Otherwise you wouldn’t have let me come over here, see where and how you live, and tend my wounds like a good girl.” he sneers.
“Fine. I don’t like you and I don’t want to have a platonic relationship with a criminal. Let alone a romantic one. What happened earlier was a mistake.”
“… You’re lying.” he says, and it’s curt. You cross your arms over your chest and shake your head with an amused laugh as you digest his denial. How he can sit there and act so full of himself when you’re being perfectly clear is beyond you. It’s jarring.
You jolt as you feel thick fingers lightly grip your jaw. Your wandering gaze is now brought to him. Your eyes forced to fixate on the placid expression plastered across chiselled features.
“I see you, princess. You don’t wanna see me because you want to get mixed up with a criminal, and you’re scared of that. I see you.”
You stare at him, licking your lips not so discreetly as he continues to cradle your jaw. His lips curl at the sight of the little pink muscle slipping between your lips to wet them. You’re angry. Furious at yourself for letting him touch you, hold you, like this. And you hate yourself, right now. Maybe even more than you hate him, too.
Because he’s right.
Your lack of action gives him cause to stare down at your shimmering lips, it’s a warning. A silent announcement for what he’s about to do. He doesn’t let go, but his head tilts. He leans in closer to you, daring to give you what you both know you want.
And again, he’s thwarted.
You turn away, unable to look at him right after this time.
“… You should go, now.” you tell him.
He sighs, but pulls away. You almost mewl as his thumb softly swipes across your chin. And when he withdraws it, you feel your body fill with loneliness. Your skin feels colder.
And it hurts, because he’s on the right track. You’re pushing him away because of Megumi. But deep down, as much as you crave him right now, you know it’s the right thing to do. You jolt a little as he abruptly stands up from the couch, the breeze from his movement makes you freeze.
He sees it.
“Go to bed, you’ll warm up.” he says bluntly before making his way towards the front door. He stops as he grabs the handle, holding up his bloodied knuckles. “Thank you, for the first aid.”
“It’s… it’s fine. No problem. Goodnight, S-Sukuna.” you say, cursing yourself for the audible whine in your words despite your attempted conviction. You watch him as he grabs the handle before turning to face you again.
“Come with me.” he tells you, curling the tip of his index finger. “I need to give you something, don’t argue. For once.” he demands.
You’re compelled to follow, in spite of his demeaning way of summoning you. You truly don’t want him to leave, you don’t want him to go, so any extra time you can spend with him, you’ll take.
He walks ahead of you, leaving you shivering in the doorway as you try and preserve any warmth you can. He opens the door to his car and turns around, a little bewildered that you aren’t right behind him. It makes you giggle to see him look around in search of you before he finally spots you still at the front door.
“Come here.”
You close the door and rush to his side, quickly looking back to make sure Megumi isn’t looking for you. He rests his arm atop the roof of his Mercedes, before holding out a small piece of paper between his fingers to you.
It’s a business card.
“What kind of thug needs a business card?” you ask before you even think about what you’re saying. He scoffs, squinting at you.
“You’ve only fucked me once, you don’t know me.” he smirks. And at that, you can’t help but laugh. “What you said… makes it seem like we’ll learn more about each other if we keep fucking.”
“I don’t want to know you, Sukuna.” you sigh, reluctant to keep up the charade. Reluctant to keep pretending he doesn’t excite you. To keep pretending the few hours you’ve spent with him haven’t been the liveliest your life has been in years. Maybe ever, really. “I can’t be selfish, you don’t get it.”
“You’d be surprised.” he says, abruptly. “Why did you follow me out here if you don’t want to know me?”
“Because you asked me to, you said you wanted to give me something…”
“You could have said no. Do you always do what people tell you? You wanted to. I wanted you to. And now you’re here, you have my number. If you want to be selfish… you know where I am.”
“I don’t—” you sigh, shivering aggressively before you push his card back into his chest. “I don’t need this.”
He grabs your wrist hellbent on sending you away with this one little piece of the puzzle of his life. A way to talk to him again if you change your mind. He’s giving you access, he wants you to take it, desperately.
He crouches down, levelling his head with your own so his one, uncovered eye is levelled with yours. He can’t help but smile, it’s almost maniacal, as he watches your resolve falter under his glare.
“You’re too stubborn for your own good, kid.” he grins. “And you’re not all that smart, for a doctor.”
Your face burns with heat. And you can’t tell if it’s rage or lust. Do you want to kiss him or kill him? You don’t know, you don’t know. His smile grows wider as he realises what he’s done to you. Your faces are so close to each other and this time you can’t will yourself to turn away. You can’t submit, not after this.
“I’m smarter than you.” is all you can think to say. It feels pathetic and phoned in. And he reads it, too, by the ever-growing look of amusement on his face.
“I don’t doubt that.” he nods. “What’s got you all hot ‘n bothered, hm? ‘Cause I called you a dumb li’l doctor? Or ‘cause daddy, called you kid?”
You feel your face sear further. So much so you can even detect each and every drop of sweat beading at your hairline. You’d forgotten it was freezing outside, instead trying to find a way to subtly cool yourself.
“You d-didn’t even call me dumb. I’m not.” you say, stuttering over yourself like a true idiot as you try and gain some semblance of composure through this agonising conversation.
He closes the already small distance between you, placing his hand on the small of your back and pulling you towards him. Your eyes flutter closed under his as he examines you. His head tilting and turning, forcing himself in your line of view.
“I am learning more about you. Should we fuck about it, sweetheart?”
“What are you—”
“Do I remind you of your old man, hah? I bet that’s it… was daddy never proud of you?” he chuckles darkly, carding his fingers through your hair as he stares down at you. “S’that why you like me, darlin?”
“Shut up.” you respond, voice meek and pathetic as you wrestle with your will and want. His fingers lace through your hair, delicately holding the crown of your head before you find yourself being pulled closer still. His lips ghost yours, and he’s a tease. He’s such a fucking tease.
“Got a thing for older guys who talk to you like shit… I see it. Get too much respect at your little doctor job all day. Do you like being talked down to, hm? No wonder you like a thug like me.”
“You don’t know what you’re— You d-don’t even know.”
“Yeah? I don’t?” he asks, his tone melodious and teasing. His head tilts back, the feel of his lips intensely teasing yours soon broken as he does. But you look up to him, eyes full of anguish and sorrow like a kicked puppy who doesn’t know what it wants. You hate him and the reason is clear.
You don’t hate him at all.
You just hate that he’s right.
“I think I’m right. I think you’ve got daddy issues, and you like it when I call you kid.” you turn away as he speaks. But almost as quickly as you do, he’s forcing you to look at him again. His ruby eye flaring, an expression all of its own. A warning, a look of command. A look of lust. “Am I right, baby? Is your little cunt soaked ‘cause I call you kid?”
“… I have to go.” you say, quietly.
“Sure.” he smirks.
A sense of déjà vu overwhelms you as you recognise in his smile that you’ve done this dance before. You can’t move and you can’t speak. There is no desire in you to leave him now and return to your home, your bed, like you should.
All you can do is stare. Your eyes fixated on the man who has just read you like a book. His amused expression doesn’t falter. He’s patient, surprisingly. You wouldn’t have painted him as a man with patience. But looking at him now, you know he’d be willing to wait all night if he had to. He’d wait for the sun to rise just to prove a point.
But he doesn’t need to.
You lunge forward, your hand cupping his face as you break the boiling tension between you and seal your acceptance with a scalding kiss.
He won.
He told you before, he doesn’t lose.
Your lips suctioning and pecking at his would make you embarrassed if you weren’t so desperate. He welcomes it, too, meeting yours with just as much urgency. He wraps his arms around your back as you slip your tongue between his lips, allowing them to tangle and swirl in a passionate encounter.
He chuckles into it as you curse. Curse him, curse his name. You can’t believe he’s reduced you to this, again. Your heart heaves in your chest, and you break away just to instruct him.
“Open the fucking back door.”
He laughs again, keeping hold of you as he guides you in a way he can carry on kissing you and still do as he’s told. He ducks in first, pulling you in with him right after. You grind your hips against his heavy bulge as he closes the door after you. He looks up to admire you, to adore you.
“You smeared your makeup like a fucking idiot so I wouldn’t fuck you,” he laughs. “And look at you, humping my cock like a desperate little pet.”
“Shiiiit, I forgot I’m a mess.” you sigh, though you don’t really care. You wrap your arms around his neck, keening as his heavy palms grip your thighs press you flush against his body. “This is the last time. I m-mean it.”
“Whatever you say, princess.” he says, smugly.
You dismiss it, too enamoured by the feeling of his bulge alone as you continue to grind down hard and purposefully onto him. He’s relaxed, allowing you to take the lead and go at your own pace.
It’s embarrassing, really, you’re not as experienced as he seems to be. He’s older. And you hate to admit it, wiser. When it comes to encounters such as this, anyway. You’re smart and well read, sure, but casual hook ups are foreign to you.
You’ll keep that to yourself for as long as you can, you can’t think of anything worse than giving Sukuna that little tidbit of information about you. That he is only the third guy you’ve fucked.
He hit the nail on the head back at the club, but you can’t let him know that.
“Let me feel.” he mutters. His hand holds your hip to keep you in place. Another snakes down into your sleep shorts, his mouth falls open with an amused chuckle as he touches you. “Still full’a me, baby. Bet I’ll slide right in.”
His fingers play with your pussy without any real goal. And still, it makes you delirious. He smears the evidence of your previous tryst around your folds, and he watches with conviction as his fingers circle your clit.
He withdraws them, briefly, to move your shorts into the crease of your thigh. You watch him, and he doesn’t take his eye off you, either. Your lower lip droops as you admire him. Truthfully, you’ve never been in the presence of someone so domineering as him. He is the true definition of a red-blooded male.
Sukuna is huge. In the literal sense, he is unnaturally tall. His build is enormous, his hand is larger than your face. But his aura alone is enough to fill an entire room with an ambience that he sees fit. He could instil fear into the minds of men just because he wills it.
Unfortunately for you, you are not immune to his will.
“You’re so pent up darlin’, you must work hard. Y’need to relax… no wonder you can’t keep your hands off me.” he says. It could be read as demeaning. You think it should be. And yet, you don’t detect any malice from him. He makes a show of spitting on his fingers, keeping eye contact with you as the ‘ptuh’ sound leaves his lips. It makes you shudder.
Though when he touches you with such purpose, so lewdly, a whine you never knew you could make leaves your lungs. He looks up at you like you hung every star in the sky as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. The ‘shlick’ suctioning sounds of your already tainted walls couldn’t possibly be any louder.
He sees how embarrassed you are, but he doesn’t care. Your nose crinkles and your eyes close softly. He curls his fingers and his palm flattens against your clit. And you cry out for him, lurching forward as you wrap your arms around his head rather than his neck. He’s surprised to see your hips rock against his touches, riding his fingers like it’s the only contact you’ve ever known.
His free hand reaches up to tug down your vest. His tongue is flat and wide as he sticks it out to lick your bare tits. He isn’t rough, he isn’t aggressive, he isn’t rushing. He sensually swirls his tongue over your nipples, breathing heavily on occasion before he kisses them. You whimper when he sporadically skims his teeth across them. There’s no bite. No effort. He just wants to hear you cry for him like that. It’s like his teeth are barely there, just enough that you know they are.
“Do you touch yourself?” he mumbles against your skin. You can’t bear to look at him after hearing that. You pretend you didn’t, moaning louder as a diversion. It’s fruitless, and apparently you aren’t a good actress. He yanks your hair and forces you to look at him. His fingers stop, and your body writhes from the loss. “Don’t do that again. Answer me.”
“S-Sukuna…” you fuss. The feeling of your building pleasure being torn away from you is making you stupid. It’s pathetic. And yet, in spite of how humiliating it is, you’re still rolling your hips in a bid to get the feeling back. His expression falters to one you can’t read. You think it’s annoyance, but it’s so detached and expressionless. You yelp as he withdraws his fingers completely, with no time to feel the loss when he grabs your face with his slick-coated hand.
“I want to know if you make your pretty pussy cum after a hard day at work.” he says calmly, a low rumble in his chest as the words roll plainly from his tongue. Your eye contact falters as you notice him pulling at his sweatpants in search of his aching length. “And I want you to show me how you touch her. So go on, answer my question.”
“I… I—” you stumble. You watch him intensely as he frees his throbbing cock. He wraps his fist around himself and lazily strokes. He still glares at your features. While you’re utterly captivated by his cock.
It looks so angry. Too pretty and perfect to be real, you think. But somehow, it is. You think he’d be better suited as a porn star than a criminal with an asset like that. He spends an extra second squeezing his length just below the tip when he strokes himself, it’s like he’s ringing all of the pre out that he can. It dribbles out of his slit, coating his tip the more he summons. It’s beguiling.
You suppose you hadn’t really had a chance to admire him back at the club. It was so heated and hasty. Now, it’s purposeful. You look at his face again when you realise this is what he wants. He wanted you to look at how he touches himself and how gorgeous his cock is. He wants you to see how big he is and how much he aches and throbs when he needs to be buried in a sweet little cunt.
He wants the memory of this to stain your mind.
“I d-don’t.” you confess. “Not much… I’m always tired. Busy.”
“Mhmm… I can tell.” he nods, his voice is somewhat sympathetic. “Come here, princess. Sit on it.”
His hand grips into your hip while he lines himself up with your entrance. You don’t fight him, you don’t hesitate. You let him push you down, you eagerly suck him in. Your eyes roll back as you feel him swell through your walls. Even after taking him earlier, you’d forgotten how monstrous he feels inside. And this time, somehow, he feels bigger.
“Fu-uck,” you gasp as his tip immediately nudges at your sweet spot. You hold his shoulders and hope he’ll assist you. The thought of disappointing him makes you anxious. The idea of him knowing how inexperienced you really are makes you sick.
He throws his head back as your hole swallows him greedily. He looks at you through a heavy-lidded stare, and relief fills you as his hands grab the fat of your ass. You moan pathetically as he spreads them. But his ultimate goal is to bounce you on his cock. You feel weightless in his hands as he helps you. Each steep drop down onto his length makes your throat tight.
He's there.
You feel him there.
“Play with yourself, go on. Rub her f’me.” he says lethargically.
And your face feels like fire. The foreplay was gasoline and his command is a match. And yet, out of fear of him withholding pleasure from you again, you comply. Your hand slithers between your thighs and you do all you can to pretend you’re elsewhere.
You try and pretend you’re in your room, in your bed. What usually gets you going is a mildly heated scene from a movie or TV show. The sexual tension of an almost kiss makes your face flush, though a lot less than it is now. And you think it’s unbearable to witness sexual tension and not see any resolve, so you scamper to find a video online to suit your needs. Something quick and short as you reach into your nightstand to find your favourite toy.
The thought of being caught by your brother makes you sick so you have to be fast with it. The website you ordered it from assured the toy would be whisper quiet. And you can only hope it’s true. You don’t touch yourself, not without aid. And even then, it’s sparse. You haven’t rubbed your clit with your own fingers in years.
Years of being riled up and having a useless boyfriend who didn’t know what he was doing lead you to finishing yourself off each and every time. And you knew, the moment you got a job and your own income, you’d buy yourself a vibrator.
It’s hard to pretend Sukuna isn’t here, though. It’s hard to pretend you’re in your room with Netflix playing quietly enough in the background it can still cover the sound of soft core moaning from your phone while you vibrate yourself to completion.
Because his cock fills your each and every thought. Every sense you possess is dominated by him. The feel of him stretching you out beyond your limit and repeatedly hitting your sweet spot. The sound of the sticky tacking of his length as he slams you up and down on his pulsing member.
Your vision alternates between his gorgeous gaze and the point where your bodies connect again and again. Your pussy gushes slick and the evidence of your prior combined coupling stains your inner thighs and his crotch.
The scent of your sex fills the car and the heat of your sweaty bodies exacerbates it. Your skin is damp, as is his. And it’s overwhelming. He groans into a chuckle as you moan louder and louder for him. If anyone happens to be awake at this ungodly hour, they’ll no doubt hear you. If anyone looks out of the window, they’ll see how the car rocks back and forth. It turns you on further. The tang of sweat and arousal filling the car. It makes you lightheaded.
“I can— fuck— c-can taste you, daddy…” you whine. He urges you to fall forward so he can kiss you. It forces you to take over, moving your hips on your own as you try and maintain your building pleasure. “You’re too big… can feel you in my throat, Sukuna… tastes so good.”
“Dirty fuckin’ girl.” he smirks, kissing you again. “You’re fuckin’ filthy. Not the good girl you pretend to be, hah?”
You nod, agreeing. He’s right, after all. You’re talking in a way you didn’t know you had in you. He takes over again, holding your rear so he can take full control of your body. He guides you repeatedly until your eyes cross from the pleasure. Your walls tighten, and your throat feels hoarse as you cry out for him.
“Squeezin’ me so fuckin’ tight, kid. Don’t be shy. Cum for daddy.” he encourages you.
You cry, at that. Falling forwards to envelop him in your arms as you come undone. He coos, sweetly, kissing your cheeks and licking away your tears. The feeling isn’t lost on you, the feeling of disgust. You’ve never felt happiness or value like you did just now. Realising how right he was about your issues and using them to subdue you.
Your pussy gushes and he moans further, chest roaring as he finally lets his sight drop to see what a pretty mess you’ve made of yourself.
Made of him.
Made for him.
He pushes his thumb into your clit and rubs quickly, further extending your pleasure through it all. You could just about cum again when you feel him shoot another load into you, his warmth filling your womb for the second time today. It makes you feel special. It makes you feel loved.
The very idea of it has you pushing yourself away from him desperately. But he holds you close. His moans are boisterous and uncaring. It’s loud enough to wake the whole neighbourhood, you think. And at the very least, you’re sure Megumi will hear if he doesn’t have his headphones on.
His arms wrap tightly around your waist to keep you in place, his feet planted firmly on the floor of the car as he fucks himself into you. He’s sure to empty every last drop into your cunt, his balls slap against your ass as he ploughs into you furiously.
And when he stops, you freeze. You feel cold. You feel filthy.
He doesn’t discard you or try to kick you out. The opposite, really. He’s still holding you close, lightly peppering your chilled skin with kisses. Eventually stopping to rest his head on your chest. He feels you try to move away, but he only holds you tighter.
So you stop trying to leave. And instead, you run your fingers through his hair. He hums contently, at that. And you feel your heart pound harder, a little smile works its way onto your face.
Maybe he’s not so bad.
That thought alone makes you stop. He looks up at you, his stare soft and gentle as he wonders what made you halt your actions so abruptly. Before he can ask what’s wrong, you move to leave.
“I have to go, I really have to go now.” you say bluntly. He huffs, watching as you scramble to put your clothes back in place, clambering off him in a hurry. He doesn’t say anything in response. He watches as you scramble to open the door. Tears of panic begin to fall as you struggle to open it, you frantically pull and push as you try to get away. He leans over, and with little effort, he opens the door for you.
“Goodbye.” he says, simply.
“G-Goodbye.” you respond, ducking out and briskly walking to your front door.
You take a deep breath when you get there, preparing for the possibility that Megumi is about to greet you and bite your head off. Sukuna doesn’t move. He stays in the back seat and watches you with a sombre expression. With no inclination of what happened to change your mood, he can only assume he stepped out of line.
He doesn’t want to leave just yet. At least not until he knows you’re safely inside.
As you grab the handle of the door and push, your heart sinks.
“No, no, no… d-don’t do this to me now.” you sob, hysterically fiddling and pushing the door. You stupidly think that you just need to try harder and it will open. But no such thing comes to pass. You’ve locked yourself out.
Sukuna sits upright when he realises, watching as you slowly turn to look at him. His hand folds, gesturing for you to come closer. And with no other option, you do. Your phone is inside as well as your car keys. You can’t text Megumi to tell him what you’ve done. And even if you could, he’d only come outside to see that you’ve let him down. Again.
“Silly girl.” he says, looking at you with a weak smile when you finally approach. You duck down to look at him, not willing to get inside with him. “Do you want to come to my place? I’ll bring you back in the morning.” he suggests.
“I’m not fucking—”
“You can stay in a different room.” he answers your obvious assumption with a reasonable response. And still…
“N-No. I don’t want to go to your house.”
“Then I guess we’re sleeping in the car. Come on.” he sighs. He waits until you get in, begrudgingly, and then gets out himself. You watch him as he circles to the trunk of his car, looking ahead at your home as you wait for him to return. And he does, with a large, fur blanket.
“Why do you have this?” you wonder.
“I don’t remember. You better not be complaining, sweetheart. You’re lucky I didn’t fuck off right after I came like I usually do. Especially after that little performance.”
“Performance?!” you yell. You position yourself as far away from him as you can in the confined space, sitting as closely to the door as you can. “You just don’t get it! At all.”
“You’ve made that clear, princess. Don’t worry. I’ll steer clear when you get back inside tomorrow. I’m too old to be playing stupid games with little girls who don’t know what they want.”
You huff, covering your legs with the blanket before folding your arms.
“I told you it was a mistake.” you correct him. “I told you I didn’t want to see you or do that again.”
“Shut up.” he shakes his head. “Just go to sleep and we’ll never have to see each other again. Because that’s what you want, yes?”
You pause before speaking. Images of his delicate expression in your arms haunt you. You’d overreacted because of your own cowardice. Because of a promise you evidently had no intention of keeping. It wasn’t a performance. It was just… fear.
“Yes.” you tell him. Your response is bold and scathing.
He doesn’t react, he merely shrugs, adjusting the blanket over his own legs, too. His arms cross over his chest, and his head rests against the window. You can’t see beyond his eye covering, but you assume his visible eye is closed.
You do the same, hoping you fall asleep sooner rather than later.
You’re wrong, though.
His eye is open wide, looking upwards to the light polluted sky. There are a few stars visible, three. He stares at them, thinking about the events of the evening. He hadn’t expected to end up fucking once tonight let alone twice. But when you walked into his club and tried to give him a piece of your mind, he knew.
He knew he’d have to have you.
And he hadn’t expected to be so lucky so have you again, like this. But he can’t put his finger on why things went so sour. It could be one thing or a number of things. He has ideas. He thinks your less complicated than you seem to think you are. You’re keeping him at arm’s length, and that, he understands.
He’s a stranger, but he doesn’t have to be.
He doesn’t want to be.
But what can he do?
He’ll just stare at the stars until he drifts off to sleep.
Maybe things will be different in the morning.
© 2024 rinhaler
chapter one | m.list | chapter three
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mrsackermannx · 1 year
the jjk men and your curly hair ೃ࿐
note: curly haired reader/and or poc reader, headcanons/vignettes of some of the jjk men and your curly hair, for my curly people hehe <3
gojo who loves your curly hair because he says it makes you look like a disney princess. gojo who loves to play with your hair, he finds himself doing it without even thinking. coiling your curls into thick clumped ringlets as he twirls them around his fingers. he smiles as he hums, “think our kids will have your hair too? i hope they do.”
geto who loves to braid and style it for you, who learns how to cornrow and french braid in a week. who has you sat between his legs so he can part your hair and braid the prettiest and most perfect styles into it. his chest goes all warm when he sees you all ready for the day with braids in your hair he did. as he kisses your forehead he tells you “you’re the most perfect thing” he’s ever seen <3
nanami who takes time lovingly shampooing and conditioning it in the shower, letting your body fall against his as he conducts his tender worship. blow-drying it afterwards and growing rosy cheeked at the way your curls bounce as you saunter around the house in your robe. he pulls you close, with his eyes darkened, “let’s go to bed, shall we?”
choso who loves the scent of your hair products and loves it best when it’s out or in a claw clip/messy bun. choso whose eyes can’t leave your nape, as curls fall loosely out from your clip and kiss it. and as those sweet curls fall a little in your face, and your hair is held in a pretty bunch in that clip he bought you. he comes up from behind and wraps his arms around your waist, pressing needy kisses along your jaw, “darling, you’re so so pretty.”
toji who thinks your hair is super sexy, his cheeks even get a little pink when you’re straddling him and it tickles his skin. his confession to you goes a little like, him scowling at you a little and finding himself tongue tied for the first time in his life, “it’s that pretty face of yours, the curly hair! that mouth of yours that fuckin…” he sighs, “those lips.”
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lovinglylibelle · 2 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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pairing: fushiguro megumi x reader
genre: fluff
description: Megumi has always been curious about love, having never experienced it himself. So what happens when he meets someone from his past that might just be the key to changing all that.
requests: open
a/n: this is has been on my mind for a while and i tried sooo many times to write this, but it somehow wasn't giving the vibe i wanted it to give. However, writing it this time was better and i like how it turned out, may have gotten carried away down there but eh (is it obvious that i am absolutely enamored by Megs?) If you like it, please press that cute little heart in the bottom right corner and that reblog button just next to it. If you want more such fics, you can also drop a follow and i promise not to disappoint. Have a happy day ahead, keep yourself hydrated and well fed. Thank you
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"Ya Itadori, do you think it will rain?" Kugisaki asked, shielding her eyes as she looked up at the sky. It was the beginning of Japan's rainy season and it seemed like Tokyo was about to welcome it too.
It was getting darker by the second as more and more clouds gathered, blocking out the rays of the sun and from the looks of it, the sky was ready to let down the first rain.
"It's definitely going to rain," Itadori replied. According to the duo, he had some sort of sensor in him that allowed him to predict the weather... keeping aside the fact that it was already visible.
Megumi sighed as he watched the two sorcerers, now trying to climb the lamp post in order to get a clearer view, wondering how he managed to get himself surrounded by them. Not that he minded it. He had gotten used to it.
The three were standing outside a movie theatre, waiting for the movie to screen. Kugisaki and Itadori had insisted upon watching the latest romance movie, the same old story about love.
Fushiguro Megumi didn't know a thing about love and it really wasn't a surprise. To him it was just a myth, a fool's errand that the world seemed to chase for reasons unbeknownst to him.
He didn't get it, truly, the concept of it foreign to him but he wasn't the one to blame for it. He didn't exactly have the chance to experience it: his parents abandoned him, his sister was in a magic coma, and his 'relatives' wanted to exploit him... the only thing close to love, affection, and warmth he had ever known, not that he would ever admit it to him or anyone, was the chaotic white haired man child known as Gojo Satoru, and the two idiots who seemed to have taken it upon themselves to be the bane of his existence. However, that was all platonic anyway.
Romantic love was something he had only read about in the various novels and mangas: that were neatly stacked in his dorm, or watched in movies like these, and yet they weren't enough to make him believe in the notion.
It felt fictional to him, a love that transcends all barriers, a love that makes one do irrational things, a love that is unconditional... the idea was too far fetched. Everybody wanted something in the world, he knew that, he experienced that on an everyday basis. And everybody was selfish when it came down to it, so something as selfless as love was odd for him, odder than the existence of curses and magic.
However, he did wonder what it felt like, to be in love and to feel that feeling that all these things portrayed. Will he ever feel that? it was a question that made him ponder sometimes. He wouldn't mind it if he did and wouldn't mind it if he didn't either.
This reverie of his might have been neverending if it wasn't for the loud shout that Kugisaki had let out. "Fushiguro, it's open!"
He nodded, making his way towards them but stopping short after feeling a strong and familiar cursed energy.
"Huh?" he questioned, his eyes narrowing as he scanned his surroundings. A nostalgic emotion making its way to his heart. What was it-
thud, he felt someone bump into him, making him stumble slightly before he caught himself.
Looking up, he noticed the culprit and was ready to give them a terrible look but as soon as his eyes met yours, his entire world seemed to have slowed down to a halt.
There you were turning around to face him as your hair cascaded around you, framing you delicately like the buds do the petals. Your eyes were wide with evident shock that was etched onto your face oh so sweetly. Your lips parting slightly as it finally began to rain... the first of its season.
The air around you seemed to shimmer and Megumi could have sworn that he had never seen anybody look as beautiful as you did in that moment.
"Oh my god, shit, i am so sorry." you said hurriedly, a shocked expression on your face. You kept a hand above your eyes to be able to see.
Megumi couldn't even breathe much less talk or comprehend whatever you were saying as he noticed the feeling from earlier creeping in again. He squinted at you, running a hand through his hair that was now soaked and sticking to his forehead.
As he took in your features, the feeling started to bloom into something more, recognition.
You had the same aura around you, as you did all those years ago, of comfort and safety that once was Megumi's only solace. Your clumsiness was intact too, barely taking a few steps before crashing into things as he recalled. Your hair was longer though and somehow it looked even more perfect than what he had remembered... And your eyes, oh your eyes, they were the dead give away.
They had that same glint in them, the same warmth and insatiable curiosity that always left him in awe. Even now they seemed to hold the entire universe in them and sparkle like a million stars resided in them.
"Y/n..?" he whispered, loud enough for you to hear over the rain and soft enough to not break the moment.
"What? How do you know my nam-" you replied, confused beyond your belief when a flicker of understanding crossed your mind and you lit up with the same feeling of recognition.
"Meg- Fushiguro? No way..." you chuckled incredelously, disbelief on your face.
"Hello to you too, Y/n" he said, a smile on his face. It was genuine, the smile, just like it used to be all those years ago when you two spent time together.
To Kugisaki and Itadori who were watching it all unfold from afar, it was truly a rare sight; to see the alleged sea urchin, make that face and that too in a serious way.
"It's been so long Fushiguro, you've not changed a bit." you said, tucking your hair behind your ear as you smiled back at him. The more Megumi observed you, the more aware he became of his surroundings. He felt his cheeks growing warm despite the cold rain that was falling relentlessly around him.
"well my teeth grew back," he joked, earning a soft laugh from you and a gasp of disbelief from the other two, who exchanged a look. At the sound of your laugh, Megumi felt his heartbeat pick up, he couldn't comprehend what was happening to him. It was the first time ever that he had felt all those things, was it the weather? was it the rain? was he getting sick? what was happening to him? was he okay?
"that they did... makes you less cute though." you commented, making him nod his head and his friends face-palm themselves.
If they had been standing closer to you, Kugisaki would have smacked the oblivious guy's head right in that instance but due to the distance she couldn't.
"So you are back?" Fushiguro asked as the two of you started walking, the rain almost forgotten now.
"Yeah, Gojo Sensei had insisted on it and well i did miss everything here, especially you." you said, a hopeful look in your eyes as they met his.
I missed you too, he had wanted to say but decided against it.
"So what brings you here?" he said instead, his hands in his pockets.
He was looking down on the street, various puddles forming due to the water. He stepped in one, watching it splash against his feet.
"Believe it or not, it's a mission. There is a cursed spirit right around the corner there, caused a few suicides over the week." you said pointing at the alley behind the theatre.
"Speaking of, i can feel it manifesting again." you added, stopping in your tracks.
"They already got you going huh? You should go and exorcise it, we can talk later." he said, stopping to face you. He didnt want to stop talking just yet but he knew that the exorcism was more important.
"Alright, see you back at the dorms?"
He nodded in reply,
"It really is nice to see you again Fushiguro, i'll see you later." you said, taking off towards the alley with your hands clasped behind your back.
Fushiguro watched you walk away and felt himself coming to his senses again, he could now feel every raindrop on himself that had seemingly disappeared when he was talking to you. He realised that he was soaked, his hair sticking to his face, his hands cold and clammy and yet he didn't mind it at all,
He was so lost in watching you walk away that he didn't realise when Kugisaki and Itadori had joined him.
"So... who was that?" she said, holding the umbrella that somehow magically appeared in her hand. Her eyes narrowing at Megumi.
"A friend,"
"Just, a friend?"
"Yeah, just a friend."
"Sureeee, you made us miss half the movie though."
"But it's just been ten minutes Kugisaki-" Itadori interrupted,
"Yeah yeah i know, i am exaggerating. Come on now and quit staring, you look like a creep for fuck's sake." she called out, making her way towards the entrance of the theatre.
"Shut up." Megumi replied, shaking his head but looking away too.
He was elated to see you again and was even looking forward to meeting you back at the school and introducing you to his new friends.
"For the record, I don't believe that she was just a friend." Kugisaki added as she sat on her seat inside the theatre. Megumi who was now dry, thanks to his shikigami, sat down next to her with a sigh.
He avoided her gaze as he replied, "I don't care."
He was glad that the cinema was dark enough to hide his face when he said that because despite everything, a small smile had found its way on his lips which he really did not want Kugisaki or Itadori to see or they wouldn't let him hear the end of it.
His eyes focused on the movie in front of him, a romance movie, about love and somewhere in his heart and beyond his consciousness, he knew that he had found the answer to most of the questions he had as he thought back to the encounter he just had with you.
He really was looking forward to seeing you again.
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kittyzu · 1 year
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you’re my little secret ..
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warnings — nsfw, stepcest, daddy kink, cheating, pet names + praise kink
a/n - reader is 21.. he’s just 10 years older in this
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“there’s daddy’s good girl” he grins, staring down at your naked body as you spread your legs wider for him. you don’t even remember how this all started.
you’ve always been attracted to your stepdad. he was attractive and still much younger than your mother and he had always found you attractive. you were so much lively and prettier than your mother and it was hard for the older man to feel bad about it.
“did you miss me daddy?” you ask, hiding your smirk behind the back of your hands as he climbs onto the bed. you try to hide to excitement but it had been a few weeks since you moved out and he had a busy work schedule.
“of course i did baby” he grins, kissing your cheek before trailing wet, open mouthed kisses lower until he reached your breasts. he mouthed around your nipple, enjoying the tiny gasps. he enjoyed messing with you like this.
“don’t tease” you whine, “i want you”
“yeah” he chuckles, “i know you do”
he sucks your nipple into his mouth, tugging and biting the way you liked as he slipped two fingers into your pussy. he wasn’t surprised that you were already so wet.
“always so eager” he whispers, switching to your other nipple, “that’s why you’re daddy favorite”
your whole body tingles as he thrusts his long, thick fingers in and out of you. no one, not even your boyfriend, made you feel as good as he did. he ruined everyone for you.
“feels good daddy” you moan, arching your back and pushing your nipple back into his mouth. you knew he could make you cum a few times before he actually fucked you and you were torn between letting him finger you a little longer or beg him to fill you with his cum.
“yeah?” he smirks, lining his cock up to your entrance, watching in amusement as your hole clenched around nothing. you truly were a greedy little thing. “then how about i make you feel even better hm?”
“yes please” you choke out, grabbing his shoulders as he pushes into you and bottoming out with no warning.
“good girl” he coos, “let daddy take care of you tonight”
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zweetpea · 6 months
TBRAHE Chapter 2 the aftermath
Warning: Foul language, infidelity, pg13
After yesterday you just wanted to curl into your bed and never get out. That was until a cold little snoot booped you on the nose. 
“Riko, hey buddy. Where’ve you been? I missed my favorite boy.” You pulled the small white dragon into your arms; his golden hair swishing as you sat up with him on your lap. “How could Satoru be so cruel when he’s the reason that you’re in my life.” Riko had been Satoru’s wedding present for you. He meant it as a joke, but it’s not everyday that you find a docile curse. So, you kept Riko to spite your husband, or at least that’s how it started. Over time you’d grown attached to him.
“(Y/n)! The king is asking for an audience with you this morning!” Addison called from outside the room. 
“I’m coming! Addie please come in and prepare an outfit for me!” You called out. Riko hopped onto your head. 
“I’m already on it.” She smiled as she entered the room and walked into your wardrobe. You headed to the bathroom. “Your highness, how was your sleep last night?” 
“It was adequate.” 
“I’ve noticed that Riko has decided to grace us with his presence.” She snarked at the lizard. He growled at her comment. 
“Okay that’s enough Riko.” You gently pulled him off of you and placed him on the ground beside the tub. 
“I love you your highness, but I can’t understand how you can so casually walk around with him. He’s a curse and he was a gift from your no good husband.” 
“You said yesterday that he wasn’t so bad.” 
“Well that was before I knew that he was cheating on you.” 
“So I shouldn’t forgive him?” 
“No! Were you seriously considering it?” 
“Yes! You’re always so kind and you’re always trying to be the bigger person and forgive everyone.” 
“Well that’s because nobody has ever cheated on me and humiliated me as badly as he did to you. I was honestly considering not giving you the kings message but I was afraid that he’d have my head.” 
“Addie, no one will ever take you away from me. Not even the king, I won’t allow it.” 
“Thank you (Y/n). Now back to the subject of Riko.” 
“He’s just so cute! Plus he has regenerative abilities and-” 
“-And you’ve trained him to heel those in the palace plus he regenerates energy for you. I get that. You’ve only explained it about a hundred or so times. I don’t get how you aren’t afraid of him though. He’s pocket sized right now but at any moment he could turn on you. Just please be careful, okay?” 
You smile and pat the sweet blondes head. “I will be.” 
“Cmon then. Let’s get you dressed for the day.” Addison pulled you out of the tub and started to dress you in an off the shoulder gold dress with long flowing sleeves, and white branches embroidered on the big poofy skirt. Addison braided your hair in twin braids and set a silver crown with yellow sapphires on your head. 
The two of you walked to the dining hall engaged in pleasant idle chat. Riko hanging from your neck. 
As you enter the dining hall you take the seat next to the edge seat to keep some distance between you and your husband, who’s sat himself at the head of the table. “Must she be here?” You growl at your husband as he feeds Marissa chocolate covered fruits such as raspberries and orange slices. You’ve never been a fan of either fruit. 
Satoru looked over at you annoyed and the wench looked at you and screamed. “EW! It’s so disgusting! And the snake thing on its neck is gross too!” 
“(Y/n), I’ve told you so many times that if you want that curse to stay then you need to keep it in a cage.” 
“You always want to keep everything in a cage don’t you.” You mumble. You look over them and realize that your husband wasn’t wearing anything over his eyes. Every time you saw him he wore some three piece blue suit and a black blindfold or other cloth over it. Marissa on the other hand was dressed in a short pastel yellowish cream colored dress  with a dark blue feather shawl and a gold necklace with blue apatite gemstone and a small tiara headband to match. 
“Guards, take that curse back to her chambers.” Satoru waves. 
“Hey! Wait! Don’t hurt him! Satoru!” 
“You should refer to him as your majesty.” 
“Ugh. How dare you to talk to me that way! I seriously wonder who you think you are sometimes.” You stand to tower over the harlot. 
“Oh, well that’s simple.” 
“Maymay. Not now.” Satoru grumbled. 
“I’m going to be the future queen! Ruru is going to divorce you and marry me!” 
You slam your hands on the table and lean over. “Ha! Jokes on you then. By the terms of “Ruru”’s and my marriage contract if one of us divorces the other they loose their right to the throne!” 
“WHAT?! Ruru!” 
“Yeah, back like two hundred years ago there was this queen who had an affair with a her personal knight, while the king had an affair a duchess. Since the two never had any other children these two were the only ones who had claim to the throne. She is a descendant of the queen and I’m a descendant of the king. Since she’s older than me her father went to the high council and made a case for her to ascend the throne. Because he was a popular noble half of the court sided with him. So my idiot of a father decided to get her and I married to stop the court from breaking apart.” 
“Part of the arrangement was that if either of us were to ask for a divorce the other would loose their rights to the throne.” You smirk at Marissa’s scowl. 
“But- but if that’s the case, how can I be queen? You promised me that I’d get to be queen!” 
“I said that I’d rather have you as my queen, I never promised you anything!” 
“Satoru! I hate you!” She ran out crying. 
“Baby! Wait!” 
“You know that she’s just using you, right?” 
“How would you know?!” 
“Satoru, you’ve barely touched me. The only time you’ve kissed me was to officiate our marriage, you were too busy getting drunk with Shoko and Suguru at our banquet to dance with me, and to top it off we haven’t even consummated our marriage. You don’t love me. You won’t touch me. If she loved you, she wouldn’t care about our marriage because I am no threat to her.” 
“Maybe if you weren’t being such a bitch to her she wouldn’t see you as a threat!” 
“YOU were the one who brought YOUR MISTRESS to OUR ANNIVERSARY!” 
“I fell in love! I wouldn’t have cared if you did the same. You just whine so much about everything in your life.” 
“I can’t believe that you won’t take accountability for what you’ve done! You’ve embarrassed me so badly, yet you try to turn me into the villain. Can you please just tell me what you wanted to do that I can leave?” 
“Marissa is going to be living here from today forward.” 
“You know what? I’m not even going to be mad at you, because you and that whore don’t deserve any space in my thoughts!” You glared at him and spun on your heels to leave. 
You headed straight to your room to get Riko, but as you neared the door you saw Addison kneeling on the floor having a water bucket turned over her by another maid. You ran over there, grabbed the other maid by her throat and shoved her against the wall. “Who the hell do you think you are!?” 
“Hey bitch! Get your dirty hands off my personal maid!” You turned around at the insult and of course it was Marissa. 
“You listen to me little cock sucker, if this smelly, trashy, pig touches Addie again I’m going to kill her. I can’t just let this slight go though.” With your other hand you grabbed her hands and used your ability to twist and break the stupid maids pointer fingers. 
An ear piercing scream erupted from her as you dropped her and cradled Addison’s swollen face. “You didn’t have to do that.” She says as you bring her into your room. 
“We need to get your eye treated, it’s already starting to bruise. I don’t want you getting a black eye, you’re too pretty to let  some ugly skank ruin that.” You took Riko out of his cage and began to heal Addison. “Do you hate me for that?” You asked her. 
“No! I just don’t want the king to retaliate against you because of me.” 
“Oh please, I left 8 fingers. She can still work while the others heal.
“I had no idea that gravity manipulation could do that.” 
“Yeah. I just have to channel heavier gravity into one part and then make another lighter and it twists around. What was her name anyway?” 
“It’s so pretentious. It’s pronounced like “raw-shell” but it’s spelled similar to Rachel.” 
“You’re kidding me!” 
“Nope. Rachelle, it’s so dumb. Why would anyone choose that name?” 
“They hate their child and she hates herself. Do you feel better now?” 
“Yes, thank you.” She embraced you softly.
You held her tightly. “I love you, Addie. You’re my best friend and you mean the world to me.” 
“I love you too, (Y/n). Just please don’t go around yelling, “Off with their heads!” every time I get hurt, okay?” 
“Okay. Since it’s you who’s asking.” You say in a teasing tone. 
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ebbaskitchen · 6 days
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Geto Suguru’s honey smile 🍯✨🍈
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lvlystars · 1 month
i love noritoshi kamo so much (the pretty one).
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 8 months
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‎‧₊🦋˚✧A Bouquet for you My dear✧˚🦋₊‧
- Pick 3 flowers - Pick a character to give these flowers too - Pick fluff or angst - Add a message
Characters I write for:
- Can be found here
Event Status: CLOSED
A/n: Some might have the same meaning, So if they do, then you can choose a better deeper meaning for them.
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Welcome to my flower shop! Today is our Grand Opening! To commemorate this big day, you can have 3 free flowers to send to someone! Here is our selection along with their meanings!
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1.) Anemone- Protection
2.) Anthurium- Hospitality
3.) Azalea- Fragile Passion
4.) Baby's Breath- Innocence
5.) Hibiscus- Rare beauty
6.) Hollyhock- Rebirth
7.) Zinnia- Remembrance
8.) Plumaria- New beginnings
9.) Primrose- Young love
10.) Pansy- You occupy my thoughts
11.) Nemophila- Healing
12.) Moonflower- Dreaming of love
13.) Lotus- Purity
14.) Marigold- Despair
15.) Larkspur- Strong love bond
16.) Peony- Bashfulness
17.) Cloven lip Toad flax- Notice my love
18.) Coreopsis- Always cheerful
19.) Crocus- Youthfulness
20.) Daffodil- Respect
21.) Buttercup- Charm
22.) Speedwell- Commitment
23.) Primrose- Optimism
24.) Ox-eye Daisy- Patience
25.) Mallow- Consumed by love
26.) Lily of the Valley- Good luck
27.) Delphinium- Levity
28.) Lilac- Wisdom
29.) Honeysuckle- True happiness
30.) Carnation (general)- Fascination
31.) Red- Deep romantic love 32.) White- Luck 33.) Pink- Gratitude 34.) Yellow- Rejection 35.) Purple- Impulsive 36.) Striped- Refusal
37.) Rose (general)- Admiration
38.) Red- True love 39.) Blue- Mystery 40.) Bud- Hope 41.) White- Loyalty 42.) Dried White Rose- Sorrow 43.) Black- Death 44.) Yellow- Friendship 45.) Pink- Comfort 46.) Dark Pink- Apperciation 47.) Light Pink- Grace 48.) Burgundy- Devotion 49.) Coral or Orange- Desire 50.) Lavender or Violet- Love at first sight
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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Would Ryomen Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen be an avatar of the Slaughter?
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sugutoad · 5 months
Ok, so my friend and I were bored in class and instead of paying attention like we should be doing, we did something else. Basically, my friend has never seen Jjk before (even tho I told her so many time 😔) so I showed her the guys and she rated them! This is exactly our conversation and how I became disappointed in her….
Me: Ok, let’s rate men! Jujutsu Kaisen men.
Friend: Do we have to?
Me: ?
Friend: Fine… 
Me: Ok! Let’s start with Gojo. What do you think of him
Friend: Umm… he looks scary. Is he the main character 
Me: *laught* What? 
Friend: it’s his eyes and hair! He kinda looks weird and scary. 5/10
Me: Girl? What’s wrong with you, be glad my sister isn’t here or she would have slaughtered you for dissing him
Friend: What? Not my fault you have a weird taste. He just looks ugly
Me: Ok ok… let’s actually start with the main character then
Friend: he better be fine or else I don’t know why you would watch the show
Me: This is Itadori, the main character 
Friend: he looks better than the first one for sure
Me: Hater!
Friend: hmm maybe a 6/10? His hair looks weird and what’s with his scar. He looks like he wants to be spiderman
Me: Oh. Weirdo. Fine, how about Megumi?
Friend: …
Me: What’s wrong, he looks cute
Friend: His hair. What’s wrong with it? 
Me: His hair is a sea urchin! He looks so cute with it
Friend: 7/10. Maybe if he didn’t have that hair, I would give him a 8/10 
Me: Fine…. How about Toji?
Friend: What the fuck? I would run away if I ever saw him
Me: …. I am - I don’t know what to say. Hater. Fine, how about Yuuta?
Friend: wait… he isn’t kinda cute
Me: I KNOW RIGHT? I love him to death 
Friend: 9/10. Those eyes bags look a bit weird but he is cute 
Me: Speaking of eyebags, what do you think of Choso?
Friend: Sorry but I’m not even going to comment on this… like I’m disgusted 
Me: But… It's Choso.. ugh, how about Nanami?
Friend: What’s with those glasses? And he is blond, you know I don’t like blond guys
Me: Why do you not like anyone?
Friend: Idk, they all look ugly 
Me: One last one. How about Toge?
Friend: Umm his hair is nice? Does he take that mask off?
Me: Wait, here this is him without a mask
Friend: What’s that mark on his face?
Me: It’s cursed speech
Friend: He is cursed!?
Me: No… *more laughter, I’m literally laughing through the whole thing fyi* It's like he can command anything he wants with his power. Like ‘Die’ and you would die
Friend: Damn! I want that power. Like go around and tell people to shut up.
Me: What would you rate him?
Friend: like 8/10 for his looks and 10/10 for his power 
Me: Ok, that’s it then. We are done!
Friend: Woo! I swear they all are so ugly. Better hope the girls are pretty tho
Me: Oh! One last one. How about this girl, Maki? 
Friend: She looks cute! I loved her glasses. 
Me: cutie fr
Friend: why does she look like the girl from Scooby Doo
Me: Huh? Don’t disrespect my girl like that
Teacher: Stop laughing and do you work
Friend: We are!
Me: I hate this school
And this is the end! Thanks for my Ted talk to those who read the whole thing 🤭 I’m so disappointed with my friend tho, horrible taste
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rinhaler · 21 days
✧˖*°࿐: 18+ only, no minors.  ✧. ┊  underground fighter!ryomen sukuna x f!reader
☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ SYNOPSIS: after finding out your little brother has been taking part in an underground fight club, you start to fall for the guy running the show.
⛧ GENRE : smut! ♡ ++ angst?
chapter one
you know you shouldn't be here, right? what would possess you to visit an underground fight club? one of the fighters is kinda cute though...
chapter two
His knuckles are split, what are you meant to do? Not tend his wounds? Someone’s gotta do it! It doesn’t mean you’re going to fuck him again. No way.
chapter three: TBA
shower sex with uf!sukuna
is it in yet?
© 2024 rinhaler
thank u to my beautiful wife aali for making this beautiful banner!!
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fourtyfourcatss · 6 months
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【Anna & Quasar - JJK】 @sugutoad
I’m pretty good at drawing chibi, so here you go!
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eman-e11 · 9 months
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kittyzu · 1 year
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daddy’s best girl
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warnings — nsfw, stepcest, daddy kink, cheating, name calling, pussy slapping, unprotected sex + squirting
a/n - reader is 19 and toji is in his 40’s. i know he’s a sick bastard and i support that cause.
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he doesn’t feel bad, not when your pussy hugs him like a glove, squeezing so hard that his eyes roll back. it feels too good and toji has never been someone to care or feel and anyway. he likes to think he’s doing your mother a favour by getting along with her one and only daughter so really, the old bitch should be thanking him.
your gummy walls feel so smooth and there’s nothing like a young, tight pussy that gets him going and yeah he has feelings for you but he’s not going to admit that out loud, he needs you to think he has all the control when you have him wrapped around your little finger.
“fuck y/n” he groans, “you really are a fucking whore, moaning for daddy like this”
he does love that you’re not shy to say what you want and take it. your moans are sweet to him and the louder you are, the harder his cock throbs. he watches are your tits bounce with each hard thrust and he’s so deep, he can see himself moving inside you.
“more daddy, more” you cry out and god you’re so fucking hot. he doesn’t know why he’s ever bothered with your mother when you’re all he’s ever wanted and needed. toji can at least admit to himself that he’s head over heels for you.
“yeah?” he grins, “daddy’s little slut wants more?”
he has no problem giving in, reaching between your thighs to rub your clit just the way you like. you’re so wet that with every thrust, his abs are drenched and the shlick shlick noise do nothing but spur him on.
he grips your throat, not to squeeze or choke you but to anchor himself. he can’t lose himself until you’re the one falling apart for him. his cum from the first round mixed with your own, causes a white ring to form around his cock and it looks so good. he licks his lips and fucks into you harder and faster.
“cum for me slut, show daddy what a good girl you are” toji smirks, “let me see you cum all over my cock again”
he slaps your cunt, right over your clit and you scream, squirting all over your thighs and his abs, messing the sheets further. he hopes your mother finds them in the laundry basket before the washing can be done.
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zweetpea · 6 months
Chapter 3 The past (the blue roses adorning his eyes)
(I gave Toji this ability because no one else has something like this, that I know of, and Toji has like a heavenly pact or something so I figured why not give this to him.) Cw: infidelity and swearing, and I think a bit of misogyny
It’s been a week since Marissa started staying in the palace. It’s been utter hell. You’ve had twice as much work to do since it seems the king is too tired. 
“If the king can’t keep it in his pants long enough to actually do his work then he shouldn’t be king.” Addison said as she brushed your hair. You’ve had to bring some of the paperwork back to your chamber to get it all done. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Addie I’m not mad at you. I just want to know what rumors are going around. If it affects his reputation it unintentionally affects mine.” 
“…well, I’ve heard from a few maids on my breaks that there’s been a lot of noise coming from the king’s chambers at night, recently.” 
You heave in disgust. “I think I’m going to be sick. I really regret asking. You know what, I’m going to go see Toji.” 
“What?! Why?! He’s dangerous!”
“Maybe so, but he’s the only one who has the power to see the past. I need to know where I went wrong in this relationship.” 
“Alright. Just please be careful.” 
“I will. Trust me.” You stood up from your desk and walked towards your room to change into some riding clothes. You put on a white shirt; navy blue shirt; corset, tights, gloves, and boots (all black). You grabbed a navy blue satchel bag and filled it with some money. 
You ran down to the stables, and felt your stomach drop when you saw your husband lift Marissa off of YOUR horse. You’ve been working your ass off to make sure the kingdom is prosperous and trying to keep your people from starving and here he was showing off to try and get laid. 
You walk towards your horse grab a helmet and snatch the reins from Marissa. “Satoru, how many times do I have to ask you not to let your friends ride Pendragon? Just because she lets you stuff her like it’s thanksgiving doesn’t mean I’m going to make an exception. You have dozens of horses in the cavalry force. Why can’t you use any of them?” 
“Ruru can do whatever he wants as the king.” Marissa smirked. 
“News flash: Pendragon and I have grown up together. I trained him to be the award winning thoroughbred he is.” You glare and got up on your equine companion. “Satoru doesn’t have control over me or my assets and the next time either of you touch him I’m going to take legal action.” You trot out and down to the city. 
In one of the more rural neighborhoods there was a tavern called Hermes. It was a quaint place with a small apartment above. The neighborhood itself was quite adorable it was filled with people who disliked the drama of the urban areas and preferred to live peacefully lives. You came to a haunt outside the tavern and tried Pendragon to a post. Then you walked inside and sat on one of the stools. “Hello, may I see Toji Fushiguro?” You smiled at the bar tender. 
“Right this way.” You were lead to a back room. 
“Mr. Fushiguro. How are you? How’s your son?” 
“Don’t pretend like we’re friends. I left the royal courts because they wanted my power.” 
“I know. I’m sorry you left everything you knew behind.” 
“Why? I took Meg away from that hell, and remarried a nice widow, with an adorable daughter. Megumi’s finally opened up and has started to play with kids. Leaving was quite possibly the best thing I could’ve done for him.” 
“Well I’m glad to hear that.” You empty out your satchel. “Because I have a favor to ask.” 
“I don’t want your money.” 
“Then what can I repay you with?” 
“Abolish the Zenin act.” 
“You heard me. If you want me to do a reading for you you’ve got to abolish the Zenin act.” He slides a piece of paper towards you. It was a contract. 
It read. ‘I, her majesty, hereby vow to abolish the Zenin Act which states, non sorcerers may not join the military, hold political positions/any position of power, or marry a sorcerer or nobility.’
“I agree that the law is wrong but, you have four mouths to feed. Why would you choose this over money?” 
“Even if I denounced my family I’m still by birth a noble and thus my marriage isn’t exactly legal.” 
“Even more reason for you to take my money. I’ll sign if you agree to let me pay.” 
“Deal.” He said as you scribbled your name on the contract. He took it back and held your hands in his. 
“Ew, why are you hands sweaty?” 
“I haven’t held a man’s hand since my wedding, day give me a break. This is awkward and I you surprised me when you grabbed me okay?”
“Heh, so even the queen can be a bundle of nerves. Now, what do you want me to show you?” 
“Where did I go wrong with the king? Why did he start having an affair.” 
“WHAT?! That wimp is having an affair?” You tend to forget that Toji caused a scene and fought Satoru at your engagement party. You genuinely enjoyed watching Toji kick the snot out of a younger brattier Satoru. He left such a good impression with that display that you two stayed in contact after that night while he went into hiding. 
“Please just show me.” 
“Okay, close your eyes and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. It might not be exactly what you want to see.” 
“I know. Let’s do this.” You did as Toji said and your vision went black before a bright light pierced your skull. You were looking around at a party full of people dressed to the nine in silks and gold jewelry. 
“Is this, my engagement party?” You thought to yourself. You should be back in the body of your 21 year old self. 
“Introducing, the Prince of our great Kingdom, Satoru Gojo.” A man said as you looked over at the crowd. 
“This isn’t right. As the reigning heir he was introduced first.” You thought. 
“Introducing, his bride and our queen to be, (Y/n). Daughter of the Duke of RainFeather.” The announcer called as your body in the familiar Burgundy dress walked up to you as you held out a hand and your body took it. 
“She looks just like her father.” A voice not your own filled your head. “Bored and snotty.”
“Am I in Satoru’s Mind?” 
“The two plan to celebrate their engagement with a waltz.” The announcer informed as you lead yourself to the dance floor. 
“Strange, isn’t it?” You heard your voice, as the orchestra played. “We’ve only just met the day we were engaged.” 
“That’s how royal society is.” ‘Is she an idiot?’ You heard. 
“Why does that have to be the case?” 
“It’s our duty.” ‘What is wrong with her?’
“Oh really? Our duty is to breed with our cousins until our skin turns blue? We might be related, you know.” 
‘Why is she so crass?’ “Yeah by two people 200 years ago.” 
“Don’t you think that this marriage is disgusting? That society is disgusting? Normal humans are looked down upon and practically segregated because of the Zenins and you don’t seem to give a shit.” 
“Why should I? They’re just a bunch of pathetic weak monkeys.” 
“My best friend is human.” 
“You can suck my dick while they eat my ass for all I care.” ‘Stupid idiot whore.’ He smirked. 
“Did he always hate me this much?” You thought. 
At this point you stepped on his foot. “If you ever talk about her like that again, I’ll make sure the Gojo bloodline ends with you. I think that you’d make a great Eunuch.” You smirk. 
“Wow! Look at all these incest babies!” A voice from the crowd called. 
“Toji!” You thought with a smile. 
The scene before you speed forward as Gojo and Toji started to fight. 
“Hey! I was watching that!” 
“Didn’t you feel your foot get stomped on? You feel the pain of the person you are in the mind of.” Toji’s voice was in your thoughts as you sped through, a tunnel of light. 
“Isn’t this an invasion of privacy?” 
“Kinda. At least now you both stand on equal ground in terms of being bad spouses.” 
“I don’t know if I want to continue this.” Your voice cracked. 
“Guilt is a common side effect. Besides we’re not done. We’ve still got two places to go to.” As he said that everything faded into a new scene. One of your wedding. 
“She’s so infuriating!” Satoru’s voice came out whining. “All she ever talks about it “oh Addison is so cute. Addison did something remarkable. Addison is actually a really great person and so are all of the other monkeys.” 
Suguru laughed at his friends complaints. “If she loves the peasants so much she should marry her.” 
“Addison is what you’d call a monkey.” 
“You call them that too.” 
“Yeah, because of you!” 
“You’re both idiots.” Shoko grimaced. “Gojo I think that the only reason you hate Addison so much is because you are jealous and secretly in love with your new wife.” 
“What?! Shoko you’ve gone mad!” Satoru roared at her in anger. 
“Oh really? So then why’d you let her keep the curse? There’s better prank gifts that you could give her than something that could kill everyone.” 
“Yeah, like lingerie. That way you get something out of it too.” Suguru nudged his best friend. 
“She’d have to fuck my corpse because I’d rather die than touch her body.” 
“Really? I bet her curves are nice and smooth. She’s got a pretty nice ass.” Suguru teases. 
‘If he touches her, I’ll kill him.’ You heard Satoru think. “Whatever, I’m going down to the Red Sea Winery and Pub if you bozos need me.” 
He rode down to the pub and there he met a blond waitress. “Hey handsome what will it be?” It was Marissa. 
“How about a wet cavern?” He smirked at the pretty woman. 
“I think we can arrange that.” 
“Toji! I don’t want to see anymore of this!” 
“Blue balling him in his memories? That’s cold.” 
You went to the last scene and it was more recent. 
“Marissa. I have something to ask you.” 
“Yes your highness?” 
“You can call me by my name. Even a nickname if you want.” 
“You can ask me whatever you want Ruru.” 
“Well we’ve known each other for a year and a half. I was wondering, would you like to be my girlfriend? My proper girlfriend?” 
“I’d love to Ruru!” 
‘Is this what you meant all those times you said that Humans aren’t so terrible?’ Satoru’s mind flashed to thoughts of all your fights about the non sorcerers. ‘Thank you wife. You’ve shown me true happiness like I never thought you could.’
Out in the real world you started to cry. “Wow. This is quite ironic.” 
“I’m the reason he gave Marissa a chance? All of our fights led to them meeting and him falling for her?” 
“Seems so.” Toji scraped the coins off his desk and put them in his bag. 
“I have to go.” 
“He’s not worth your tears!” Toji called out to you as you ran from the room. You left the tavern and rode straight back to the castle. 
As you approached you saw a carriage leaving. It stopped as you two passed and the rider called out to you. You turned around and saw Suguru walking uphill towards you.” 
“What’s wrong?” He frowned concerned for you. 
“Nothing. I just have something in my eyes.” You wipe your tears away. 
“ I was coming to see if you wanted to have tea with me at my manor so that we could talk about some issues. You weren’t there so I decided to go home.” 
“We can go have tea now if you want.” You offer. 
“Sure. Just follow us okay?” You nodded as he got back in his carriage. You were worried about this meeting since him and your husband are friends but you honestly didn’t want to be at home right now. 
Besides, how bad could Suguru actually be? 
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greycaelum · 8 months
Thank you very much for all your beautiful stories about Gojo and his lover/wife! Reading the manga over and over again, I understand better and better what a huge burden Satoru has taken on. All this time, he tried his best to be the strongest in order to give hope and a sense of security to his students. The strongest! My soul and heart ache at the thought of his loneliness. How many feelings he had to go through alone. Thank you for your stories, they not only made me happy, but also helped me overcome the recent events in the manga. Heaven is my witness, Satoru deserves happiness, a loving family and a peaceful life. Infinitely deserves it!
Hi sweetheart~
I'm glad you feel that way, Kaleidoscope Series is always open to give you all comfort and a little bubble away from the pain of canon.
I guess, every man have to carry their own crosses, it's just that his cross seems too heavy for a normal man. Satoru will be fine.
Probably in the different context of 'fine' that we think but he did his duty and he's been hanging on for a long time~ it gets quite lonely on the top. At this point I just really want him to rest.
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