#[[ic; saus time]]
saus-of-goblands · 7 months
@pearlthebard: morning! how're you doing out here?
Pearl, hello, hi! I'm doing well, and my pup's doing great. Things have been going great! I really need to visit the Slobber Spot at some point, I'm sure the dogs there are beautiful and so very happy. Toby's been having fun here in the cave! And yes, I know, I've remembered to let Toby see the sun plenty of times. He's been such a lovely dog, an absolute sweetheart, I'm sure you can say hello soon.
But you're here to help with the arena, right? I mean, I know Lizzie probably wants to paint something on the walls and Gem will probably pretty up bits and pieces before having their go... But that's decoration, it's still pretty and functional for now. It's lovely to see you! It's been forever, Pearl, forever.
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txttletale · 10 months
I'm not a dnd player or even a ttrpg player, so sorry if this is a dumb question, but in one of your latest dnd complaints (love these posts btw) you mentioned the d20 pass/fail system as a negative. Could you maybe explain why? The concept reminds me a lot of how disco elysium's skill check system works, which I enjoyed a lot, and I think I'm just not knowledgeable enough to see any meaningful difference here?
Thank you for your time :]
the key difference is that disco elysium consistently 'fails forward' -- when you fail a check in disco elysium hdb often does or saus something ridiculous and you get to experience some of the best dialogue of the game (ice-cop-hat-fuck-show, i want to have fuck with you, mr. evrart is helping me find my gun, limbic system karaoke, going to the island with cuno). the plot or scenario develops--the failure changes the situation in some way, or leads to a new interaction that spotlights a side of a character you wouldn't have seen otherwise.
and while this could happen in your dnd game if you houseruled it in, as the rules stand, the default outcome on a failure is 'nothing happens'. and this doesn't have to be the case! powered by the apocalypse / forged in the dark games have for a long time now made 'failing forward' (as in, failure always results in Something Happening, the plot moving forward, even if that thing is bad) a core part of their resolution systems. that's the main reason why binary 'you do the thing' or 'you don't do the thing' systems are kind of lame.
i mean, i think anyone who's played dnd can attest that casting a save-or-suck spell and having the enemy save or use a legendary resistance, or swinging for your one attack for a turn and missing, fucking sucks and is disappointing and boring. and these mechanics are in the game because of dnd's origin as an adaptation of wargames -- but in wargames you're usually rolling tons of dice because you're making 'saves' or 'to hit' rolls for dozens of individual units, so the chances of nothing happening are extremely slim.
so ultimately the difference is that failed rolls in dnd can (and most often do) result in boring anticlimax. also, because disco elysium uses 2d6, the roll distribution is a bell curve, which means you can be more sure you're going to be able to do something you're good at, while dnd is wildly swingy.
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my pirates death predictions tier list as of 4 dec 2023 lore (6 days until the end)
explanations under the cut
survival predictions
p!shelby survives purely on the basis of having skipped town offscreen. it would kinda be funny to me. if not that, she's a 50/50.
p!acho's chances are either dying in the kishi quest (for personal lore reasons) or in conjunction with p!scott (for familial lore reasons). with the current theory discussed on the powcreations discord (if both p!acho and p!apo survive the last lore stream, they end up on kishi island which they might have passed on their way to the ice wall), i personally doubt p!apo is gonna die.
i feel that to give p!apo a satisfactory ending, he's gonna have to have at least one more lore stream to tie up the loose ends. ESPECIALLY the alphie-related backstory and to have a satisfactory conclusion to the character arc. if p!acho dies in the kishi quest, p!apo is gonna survive.
i want p!el to have a happy resolution to her identity crisis. p!jojo is just there for vibes but at this point, "kill the cutie" could be in order for her.
either/or predictions
most of the 50/50 people aren't very active on the server and i jokingly call them cannon fodder bc of this; the rest are based purely on how much character lore they have (not much). p!water is there mainly because of the whole jeffery ordeal and i dunno if she's gonna live as a widow or join her hubby-that-could-have-been in the afterlife.
p!will and p!shep have upcoming lore tomorrow/day after (time zones are weird). p!shep is PROBABLY gonna survive it, given he's said on discord he'll livestream the finale, but i don't know if he'll make it PAST the finale.
p!graecie's chances of survival depend on the isles because her arc kinda ties into the nightingale faction leader thing. if the isles go down in the finale, she'll go down with them. if the isles make it out of the finale still standing, p!graecie MIGHT survive to grow as a leader in the in-universe future, but she might also die. if she dies, either p!acho or p!apo is gonna be left in charge, partially bc it would be funny but also partially for arc reasons.
p!owen skipped town back on nov 18 and i have no way of knowing if he's gonna live or die and i ain't gonna guesstimate that.
death predictions
with cc!scott dropping ominous lore hints in his most recent livestream (dec 3), P!SCOTT IS ALMOST DEFINITELY GOING TO DIE. probably to the cult, his parents (derog), or his own mental health issues, since those seem to be the biggest ongoing storylines for his character.
i've always envisioned p!michela to be on the chopping block ever since p!aimsey went missing due to entwined lore. but it's hard to say she's 99% gonna die when she has barely logged on in a long while, so yeah.
the only reason i put p!kuervo in 80% is because as a (fellow) totalitarian autocracy survivor, i want to hold out hope. but realistically speaking, with the stunt he pulled with the letter to the armada, he's more likely than not to end up executed. ESPECIALLY with the ending of his most recent livestream (dec 2). and also nov 18 ending.
i haven't watched p!kyle's most recent lore (nov 17) so this is based purely on vibes (legacy, what is a legacy) from what i know about that lore stream.
p!saus because evil sword lore. p!ros just has the "kill the cutie" vibes. also hunter (powcreations discord) predicts p!ros is gonna die in the process of trying to stop p!saus from turning full evil and i honestly think that tracks, esp since mufasa is out of the equation now (as of oct 30).
p!martyn is a weird case of "dying in the pirates universe and returning to the datastream". so he technically will die but also doesn't. i think it's the villain arc spurring me into this decision.
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sm0lcatfish · 1 year
i made my own empires swap au bc i thought it would be fun and it was!! it’s more based on the concept behind undertale storyshift
Sheriff Joey - A once lost individual who was taken in by a sheriff and trained to be the successor. He still keeps to himself, finding secrecy to be the best way to take down illegal activity. He can’t help but to get lonely, especially after demoting Shrub as deputy and giving the position to a cat instead.
Goblin Shrub - The last goblin and self promoted leader as there is none to compete in height, she hid into the caves when a strange glowing corruption took over her people and remained down there for years until eventually being found by Sheriff Joey, who she worked to impress and befriend before being rejected by him and being left to cure her people alone.
Great Witch Scott - A once beloved prince of a grand magical empire, of which created an ancient glowing corruption by sheer accident, being brought to this area to scout in secret so it could take over the entire area including the empires within it. However, he didn’t enjoy the idea of being spent to spy on the people he’s grown so close to, and instead chose to help them with his ice magic as best he could. The royal council declared that if he reared his head in their direction, he’d be executed with no hesitation.
Grand Architect Gem - An amnesiac who’s only true memory is the importance and safety of amethyst crystals, alongside mysterious signs that warn her of night. Later found out that she was once from a world where the moon tore through the earth, and she forced herself to forget due to the trauma, and left herself with no direction but a desire to feel a sense of family again.
God Fwhip - A lone, fanged god who tries to recreate what he once thought was a perfect world, creating pools of red and stone spires from the ground. If anyone dares to question him, he hopes they won’t miss their blood.
Protector Jimmy - Living in the ocean with his people, he was attacked by an evil tyrant of a salmon who chased the cod off and rejected him from his home. The cod have evolved to have the ability to move on land and took refuge in a seaside village, Jimmy promising to protect them all, and choosing to ignore the visions of red murderous magic.
Princess Pearl - Someone who works as a tailor and shows herself to her kingdom as a princess at day, she is under the cover of night spars with both her allies and enemies. After her loyalty was questioned by finding herself working with those revealed to be enemies, she’s forced herself to work harder both as a leader and a protector.
Chromia Pix - After leaving his home at a time of destruction, he traveled across the world and investigated skeletons and the like, always protecting their spirits and helping them live on as a ghost with his multicolored candles. These efforts, however, came to him losing his eye, of which he doesn’t regret.
Mayor Katherine - Living in fear of what others would think of her, Katherine lives in secrecy pretending to be a human while in reality she is a cat. She wants her animal-based society to remain in peace, and tries to keep positive allyship with all of the empires, trying to ignore the stress weighing in on her.
Pirate Saus - A proud captain whose ship and crew were overtaken by his enemy, a rivalry only started by their petty thievery to each other, and he found himself washed up on the shore. He’s made an attempt to build himself back up and even has begun learning magic from other empires in an attempt to prove himself, unaware about how this magic could overtake him.
Archeologist Lizzie - With no memories left, Lizzie found herself drawn to history to look for answers, feeling closer to herself with every artifact and structure she uncovers.
Prince Joel - A man who believes in nothing but your own self worth, and the sun. He doesn’t think anything could be wrong as long as the sun still rotates around, and despite his desire to stay under his rays, he can’t help but be drawn to the underground with it’s bright, unnatural fire.
felt silly and goofy, what do u think
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wilsweb-asientour · 10 months
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Tag 41. 13.08.2023
Jukjeon. Heute standen wir früh auf, um an einem Gottesdienst in Bundang teilzunehmen. Die Fahrt von Myeongdong über den Han-Fluss in den Süden lief reibungslos, sodass wir Zeit für einen Halt im Starbucks hatten, wo wir mit Kaffein auftankten. Die Kirche (할렐루야교회) war beeindruckend, pompös auf einem Berg errichtet mit einer Tiefparkgarage mit 3 Etagen, Live-streaming der Predigt und eigener Küche, die Teller rauspumpten wie eine Krankenhausmensa. Zudem waren wir die einzigen Ausländer weit und breit. Bewunderung pur.
Nach einer verlängerten Mittagspause fuhren wir in ein Volksdorf (한국민속촌) i.d.N.v. Bungnam. Zwar heute eine Touristenattraktion, früher spielte sich jedoch im Volksdorf ein ganz anderes Leben ab. Wir staunten über ein Amphitheater, ein hölzernes Adelhaus und ein eigenes Dorf-Gefängnis. Wir aßen Haemuljeon (koreanischer Reibekuchen mit Meeresfrüchten), Gamja-jeon (koreanischer Kartoffelpuffer) und tranken Reiswein, der genießbar war. Im Nachgang schauten wir uns einen lebhaften Tanzauftritt an und liefen in verschiedenste Höfe rein, um an Dorfaktivitäten teilzunehmen. Da der Typhoon inzwischen China und Taiwan ärgerte hatten wir wieder schwüles Wetter. Kurzum, wir schwitzten wie Sau.
Im Anschluss fuhren wir nach Jukjeon (죽전), wo wir Shaved Ice (geraspeltes Eis) bestellten, einmal mit Mango (애플망고치즈빙수) und einmal mit roten Bohnen (인절미팥빙수). In umgekehrter Reihenfolge ging’s dann zum Abendessen, wieder Korean BBQ (Gegrilltes), dieses Mal jedoch auf Jeju-Art. Für alle Geografieliebhaber, Jeju Insel ist eine Urlauberinsel südlich vom koreanischen Festland und westlich von Fukuoka. Wir probierten drei Schweinefleischvarianten: koreanischen Speck (ca. 5cm dick), Schweinehaut und eine Tofu-Schweinefleisch Suppe. Die erste Variante gefiel Webster am besten mit Gojujang. Wir liefen dann durch Jukjeon, eine junges und lebhaftes Studentenviertel mit vielen Cafés und Klamottenläden. Auf der Rückfahrt nach Seoul hielten wir am Han-Fluss Ufer, um uns Gangnam und Seoul von einer anderen Perspektive anzuschauen.
Morgen ist ein voller Tag angesagt, wir freuen uns und lassen euch natürlich wieder teilhaben. Gute Nacht!
Day 41. August 13, 2023
Jukjeon. Today we got up early to attend a church service in Bundang. The journey from Myeongdong over the Han River to the south went smoothly, so we had time for a stop at Starbucks to top up on caffeine. The church (할렐루야교회) was impressive, grandly built on a mountain with a three-story underground parking garage, live-streaming of the sermon, and its own kitchen that pumped out dishes like a hospital cafeteria. Furthermore, we were the only foreigners far and wide.
After an extended lunch break, we drove to a folk village (한국민속촌) in the vicinity of Bungnam. While now a tourist attraction, the folk village used to be a completely different world in the past. We marveled at an amphitheater, a wooden nobleman's house, and a village prison. We enjoyed Haemuljeon (Korean seafood pancake), Gamja-jeon (Korean potato pancake), and drank rice wine that was enjoyable. Afterwards, we watched a lively dance performance and participated in village activities in various courtyards. As the typhoon was bothering China and Taiwan by now, we had humid weather again. In short, we sweated like crazy.
Next, we headed to Jukjeon (죽전), where we ordered Shaved Ice, once with Mango (애플망고치즈빙수) and once with red beans (인절미팥빙수). We then went for dinner, again Korean BBQ, but this time Jeju style. For all geography enthusiasts, Jeju Island is a vacation island south of the Korean mainland and west of Fukuoka. We tried three pork variations: Korean bacon (about 5cm thick), pork skin, and a tofu-pork soup. Webster liked the first variation the best with Gojujang. We then walked through Jukjeon, a young and vibrant student neighborhood with many cafes and thrift stores. On the way back to Seoul, we stopped by the Han River bank to see Gangnam and Seoul from a different perspective.
Tomorrow promises to be a busy day, and we're looking forward to it. We’ll of course keep you posted. Good night!
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lbbyrose7 · 2 years
A Dedication to July
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Photo credit to: SAU (@by.sau on instagram)
Summer.  A time that we all longed for throughout the bitter winter, yet when it arrived, it was always too hot to endure. We’d dream of leisurely engrossing ourselves in novels, the cicadas performing their soothing song. The melodies reminiscent of the youthful, carefree summers, long extinct. The summers full of mothers slathering sunblock on their squeamish children, dungarees aplenty and frozen delights shared between irrelevant friends who were now of little significance except for the few intellective regards on days such as these. Back when we would play with just about anybody, declaring them to be our dearest friend. We’d tread into their foreign homes as they begged their grandma’s for ice-cream money for the two of us, possessing the kindness to pay for a stranger to marvel at the size of the extravagant mountain of ice cream, adorned with sprinkles and sherbet.
At a certain age, summers evaded the watchful, worrisome eyes of parents to ride bicycles through the town. Helmets tossed aside once we’d ventured out of the front driveway. Floral prints lay crumpled up on the grass beside the lake, sandals strewn about. The sunlight would dance on the surface of the viridescent water, beautifully blinding. The electrifying sensation of plunging into the icy depths, discomposing the calm rippling of the lake. A time when discomfort was thrilling and not something to avoid at all cost. When summer was yearned for, September through May, and not a sweltering burden. Back-pocket paperbacks, as one made their way to the meadow to meander and indulge in the ability to fritter away time. The sun dappling through the leaves of a wych elm, snacking on foraged blackberries as they took refuge under its verdure. The perpetual chirping of crickets, a nostalgic melody, harmonizing with the hum of bumblebees. A fluttering monarch made radiant against the sunlight, inspecting each corolla, landing upon the open page of the novel to rest before recommencing pollination. Dozing off momentarily, the sun lulling, the shade of the tree cool respite. Too balmy to be  voguish and thus resorting to an outfit comprised of ill-assorted shorts and shirt, further insulted by clumsy sandals.
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influencermagazineuk · 16 hours
What to Watch on Netflix in June 2024: From Bridgerton to Sweet Tooth
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As June 2024 approaches, Netflix is set to offer an exciting lineup of new and returning titles for its subscribers in the United States. From highly anticipated Netflix Originals to classic movies and new seasons of beloved series, there's something for everyone to look forward to. Keep this page bookmarked, as it will be continuously updated with the latest additions. Image: Netflix Here's a comprehensive look at what's coming to Netflix in June 2024: Coming to Netflix June 2024 (Date TBD) - 100 Days to Indy (Season 2): The racing series returns, diving deeper into the high-speed world of IndyCar. - The Loot and the Lost Kingdoms (2024): A Nollywood documentary exploring the stolen treasures of the Benin Empire. - The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse (Season 1: Part 2): New episodes of the popular anime series. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 1st, 2024 - 1917 (2019): Sam Mendes’s Oscar-winning World War I drama about two soldiers on a crucial mission. - 30 for 30: Once Brothers: A compelling sports documentary. - A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014): A comedy Western starring Seth MacFarlane. - Ali (2001): Will Smith stars as the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali. - Baby Boy (2001): Tyrese Gibson leads this drama about a young man facing life's challenges. - Black Clover (Season 3): The latest season of the hit anime series. - Cold Copy (2024): A gripping film starring Bel Powley and Jacob Tremblay about a journalist and her mentee. - Detective Pikachu (2019): The live-action Pokémon adventure featuring Justice Smith and Ryan Reynolds. - Divergent Movie Collection: All three films in the series - Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant. - Dune (1984): David Lynch’s classic sci-fi adaptation. - Flushed Away (2006): A charming animated film from Aardman Studios. - Heartland (Season 16): New episodes of the heartwarming Canadian drama. - Home (2015): An animated movie from DreamWorks. - Janky Promoters (2009): Comedy starring Ice Cube and Mike Epps. - Kicking & Screaming (2005): A family comedy with Will Ferrell. - Land of the Lost (2006): An adventure comedy starring Will Ferrell. - Lumberjack The Monster (2023): A thriller about a lawyer seeking revenge. - National Security (2003): An action comedy with Martin Lawrence and Steve Zahn. - On the Basis of Sex (2018): The inspiring story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. - Pilecki’s Report (2023): A WWII drama about Captain Witold Pilecki. - S.W.A.T. (2003): Action-packed thriller. - Simon (2023): A drama about a young man fleeing oppression in Venezuela. - Strawberry Shortcake’s Summer Vacation (2024): Animated fun for kids. - Tangerine (2015): A drama about two trans sex workers in LA. - The Breakfast Club (1985): The iconic John Hughes film. - The Conjuring Movie Collection: All three films in the horror series. - The Devil’s Own (1997): A thriller with Brad Pitt and Harrison Ford. - The Lego Movie (2014): The beloved animated comedy. - Two Can Play At That Game (2001): A romantic comedy with Vivica A. Fox and Morris Chestnut. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 3rd - 30 for 30: Lance (Season 1) - 30 for 30: The Good, The Bad, The Hungry - 30 for 30: The Life and Trials of Oscar Pistorius (Season 1) - 300: Rise of an Empire (2014): The epic action sequel. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 4th - Anti Hero (2024): A Japanese legal drama. - Ride on Time (New Episodes) - The Price of Nonna’s Inheritance (2024) Netflix Original: An Italian comedy. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 5th - How To Rob A Bank (2024) Netflix Original: A documentary about a master bank robber. - My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman (Season 5) Netflix Original: Featuring Miley Cyrus and Charles Barkley. - Under Paris (2024) Netflix Original: A French horror thriller. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 6th - Baki Hanma VS Kengan Ashura (2024) Netflix Original: An epic anime crossover. - Basma (2024) Netflix Original: A Saudi drama. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 7th - Hierarchy (Season 1) Netflix Original: A new Korean drama series. - Hit Man (2024) Netflix Original: Richard Linklater’s romantic comedy starring Glenn Powell and Adria Arjona. - Perfect Match (Season 2) Netflix Original: Reality series. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 8th - Wonder (2017): A heartwarming drama starring Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 11th - Keith Robinson: Different Strokes (2024) Netflix Original: Stand-up comedy special. - Tour De France: Unchained (Season 2) Netflix Original: Sports docu-series. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 12th - King of Collectibles: The Golden Touch (Season 2) Netflix Original - Mysteries of the Terracotta Warriors (2024) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 13th - Bridgerton (Season 3 – Part 2) Netflix Original - Doctor Climax (Season 1) Netflix Original - LEGO Friends (Season 2): Animated series for kids. - Remembering Gene Wilder (2024): A documentary about the beloved actor. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 14th - Abang Adik (2023): A Malaysian neo-noir drama. - Forged in Fire (Season 14) - Joko Anwar’s Nightmares and Daydreams (Season 1) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 15th - Cold Case Files (Season 3) - Miss Night and Day (Season 1) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 16th - Welcome to Marwen (2018): A drama starring Steve Carell. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 17th - 30 for 30: June 17th, 1984 - Carol (2015): An LGBT drama directed by Todd Haynes. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 18th - Agents of Mystery (Season 1) Netflix Original - Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) - Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution (2024) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 19th - Black Barbie: A Documentary (2024) Netflix Original - Dexter (Seasons 1-8): The complete crime series starring Michael C. Hall. - Inheritance (2024) Netflix Original - Kleks Academy (2024) Netflix Original - The Lego Batman Movie (2017): Animated adventure. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 20th - AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (Season 1) Netflix Original - The Accidental Twins (2024) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 21st - Aftersun (2021) - Gangs of Galicia (Season 1) Netflix Original - The Victim’s Game (Season 2) Netflix Original - Trigger Warning (2024) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 22nd - Rising Impact (Season 1) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 24th - Little Angel (Volume 5): Kids animated series. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 25th - Kaulitz & Kaulitz (Season 1) Netflix Original - The Flash (2023): DC superhero movie. What’s Coming to Netflix on June 26th - Worst Roommate Ever (Season 2) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 27th - Drawing Closer (2024) Netflix Original - Supacell (Season 1) Netflix Original - That 90s Show (Part 2) Netflix Original - Unicorn Academy (Chapter 2) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 28th - A Family Affair (2024) Netflix Original - Hoarders (Season 14) - Kota Factory (Season 3) Netflix Original - Oloture: The Journey (Season 1) Netflix Original - **Owning Manhattan (Season 1) Netflix Original** - The Mole (Season 2) Netflix Original - The Whirlwind (Season 1) Netflix Original - Savage Beauty (Season 2) Netflix Original What’s Coming to Netflix on June 30th - Alone (Season 10) - NCIS (Seasons 16-17) - The Smurfs (Season 2) There's a wide range of content to look forward to on Netflix this June, from new seasons of hit series like "Bridgerton" and "Sweet Tooth" to classic films and exciting new releases. What are you most excited to watch? Let us know in the comments below. Read the full article
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saus-of-goblands · 10 months
@pearlthebard: alright, i got gem's dog sent over, i think that's the last of 'em, right? how many pups left? also i found scott upstairs so he's here too
Oh, hey! Pearl, Scott, hi, welcome in. How have you been? Is your situation working out after the explosion?
(Still not sure how that made you become a lot closer...)
There's still two puppies remaining, cute little things, and Tito and Tallulah have been having a lovely stay. I think that's the last one handed off to the people who asked for one, yep.
Can I get you two anything? Food, drink, a nice chat?
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The Warehouse
We were thinking of having breakfast with my dad, but he had business to attend to, so we went to venture ourselves, under my dad's recommendation on where to eat. Since my dad in law wanted to have his car washed at the same time, we ate somewhere nearby, which we dubbed The Warehouse
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Location: Around the Beverly Hills area, far behind the edge where the car wash is
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Setting: Standard outdoorsy-type of a food court that you often see in market places
Atmosphere: 6/10 (pretty fiesty in patronage, though not as much because maybe it's past the morning breakfast peak hour)
Design: 6.5/10 (average outdoorsy design, more or less, but nothing too impressive)
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Drinks: Coffee-O (my dad in law), Tea-C both ice and warm (my hubby and mom in law respectively) and iced Milo (mine)
Presentation: 5/10 (standard serving of usually ordered drink)
Taste: Not sure about others, but mine tastes more or less standard, so I rate mine 5/10
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Food: Char sau sau rou kolo mee (my hubby), Penang fried kuay teow (me and my mom in law sharing with my dad in law) and a set of dim sum-s
Presentation: 7/10 overall (nothing too fancy, but does give off the tasty feeling of it)
Taste: Not sure how my hubby's noodles taste like, but mine I'd give it a 7.5/10 because it is only here that you can actually have real Penang fried kuay teow with clams, unlike the ones sold in Brunei that didn't come with clams. The dim sum I would give it only 5/10 because some tasted good and some did not, sadly. But the good side is that they come at a pretty cheap price if you convert it to Brunei dollars
A good place to eat. Technically I've been here before only once, but still it is a good place to hang out and have your meals there, if you're thinking of going thrifty
Overall rating:
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
314 of 2023
Acronyms [True or False]
Created by joybucket
You often type "lol." 😂 You often type "idk." You often type "idr." You've typed "ily." 😘 You've never typed "ily," because you think it looks stupid. You have or have had ADD or ADHD. You think you may have ADD or ADHD, but you're not sure. You've been tested for ADD/ADHD at a doctor's office. You've taken prescription medication for ADD or ADHD. 💊 You have OCD. You think you may have OCD, but you're not sure. You've typed "ikr." You've done the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and uploaded a video of you doing it to social media. 🧊 You know someone who has had ALS. You've been certified in CPR. You remember learning how to do CPR on a plastic dummy in health class. You've actually had to give CPR to someone in an emergency situation. You've typed "aka." You've typed "iso." You often type "smh." 🤦‍♀️ You have the health condition POTS. You've wondered if you had POTS. You've worked as an RA when you were in college. You've applied to be an RA when you were in college, but you didn't get the position. You've been roommates with an RA when you were in college. You've been friends with an RA when you were in college. When you were in college, you were friends with your RD. You've worked as an RD at a college. You think working as an RD in a college dorm sounds like it would be a fun job. When you were in college, the Dining Commons was called the DC. When you were in college, the place where you ate was called something other than "the DC." You've never been to college or eaten at a college DC. You've never been to college, and you don't know what an RA or an RD is. You have something you're waiting for, and you wish it would get here ASAP. You own a NASA t-shirt. You've typed "ttyl." 👋 You like the song "Sk8r Boi" by Avril Lavigne. 🎸 You've dated a sk8r boi. 🛹 You've attended a college called SAU. You've attended a college called MSU. You've attended a college called FSU. You enjoy watching DIY Room Decor videos on YouTube. You've done a craft project that you first saw in a DIY Room Decor video on YouTube. You've made your own DIY Room Decor video for YouTube. You want to make your own DIY Room Decor video for YouTube. You've completed a lot of DIY projects over the years. You've burnt yourself with a glue gun while trying to do a DIY project. You're wanted by the FBI. 🕵️‍♀️ You've considered working for the FBI. 🕵️‍♀️ You've referred to your significant other as your "SO." You've driven an SUV. 🚙 You currently drive an SUV. 🚙 You've driven a car, but you've never driven an SUV. You've never driven any kind of car or SUV. You have a PhD. You've seen a UFO. 🛸 You want to see a UFO. 🛸 You know someone who claims to have seen a UFO. 🛸 You can remember a time when you were hooked up to an IV at the hospital. 🏥 You've recently been hooked up to an IV at the hospital. You've received IVF treatments to try and get pregnant. You've written P.S. at the end of a letter. 📝 You've used the acronym "GOAT." 🐐 You've driven across the country in an RV. You've recently RSVP'd to an event. You often get junk mail from the AARP. You've been to an AA meeting. 🍾 You frequently take OTC medication. 💊 You've taken an OTC medication within the last 24 hours. 💊 You're happy with your current PCP. 🩺 You're thinking of switching to a new PCP. You've recently switched to a new PCP. You've had the same PCP your whole life. You've had to wait for hours before being seen at the ER. You've been miraculously healed of something while sitting in the ER waiting room. Where you live, the ER is called A&E. You were a fan of the BSB when you were younger. 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺 You've been to an NBA game. 🏀 You've been to an NFL game. 🏈 You watch ESPN. You've taken a test that said you had a high IQ. You've taken a test that said you had a normal IQ. You've taken a test that said you had a low IQ. You've recently seen a UPS truck drive by. You grew up watching PBS Kids. AT&T is your Internet service provider. You remember learning about WWII in school. 🏫 You've recently eaten a BLT. 🥪 You've recently eaten a PB & J sandwich. You listened to Aly & AJ when you were younger. You've owned an Aly & AJ CD. 💿 You've met someone named PJ. You've met someone named BJ. You've met someone named AJ. You like to drink OJ with breakfast. 🍊 You often stay in your pjs all day. You are currently in your pjs. You've gone out in public in your pjs. You have a TV in your living room. You have a TV in your bedroom. You have the TV turned on right now. You own a VCR. You own a collection of CDs. 💿 You own a collection of DVDs. 📀 You've made a mix CD. 💿 You've tested positive for HIV/AIDS. You've tested positive for COVID19. 🦠 You have IBS. You think you may have IBS, but you're not sure. Sometimes you have IBS symptoms, but they're caused by another disorder. You live in the USA. 🇺🇸 You live in the UK. 🇬🇧 You have a USB cord hooked up to your computer right now. You've been to a PTA meeting. You can think of at least one song you like by ABBA. You've experienced PMS. You hate PMS. You have PMDD. You love spending time with your BFF. You don't currently have a BFF. You consider your SO your BFF. You have a BF. You have a GF. You own an NIV Bible. 📖 You own a KJV or NKJV Bible. 📖 You own another version of the Bible besides NIV, KJV, or NKJV. 📖 You frequently watch MTV. You remember when everyone was preparing for the Y2K. You had a flashlight ready before we entered into the Y2K. 🔦 You thought this survey was awesome AF (or just A-OK 👌) and think I should make another.
0 notes
saunasaratovru · 1 year
Best Bathing Establishments in Saratov
There are many bathing establishments in Saratov offering a variety of different types of facilities. Whether you want to relax, get a massage or take a sauna, there will be something for you! Looking more visit мировые бани саратов.
The city offers a wide selection of hotel and serviced apartment options for travelers of all preferences and budgets. Guests can find a range of accommodation from cost-effective capsule hotels to high-end 5-star luxury hotels with shopping.
Saratov saunas with a swimming pool
A sauna is a great way to unwind and relax. It also helps to prevent the spread of diseases. In the best saunas, you can find a variety of treatments and massages to help you feel better.
Traditionally, in the Russian sauna you can expect dry air (humidity less than 5%) and hot air (temperatures reaching 220 F). The combination of this dry and warm air has been used for centuries to promote health and recovery from physical activities.
There are many benefits to a good sauna, including improved skin condition and increased circulation. In addition to traditional saunas, you can also try a variety of other bathing establishments.
The best saunas in Saratov have the most modern equipment, as well as innovative features and techniques to improve your health. For instance, they may have a sauna that can be cooled by pouring water over it.
They might also have a steam room, which is similar in technology to the sauna, but not as popular in the West.
To get the best experience out of a sauna, it is important to read the instruction manual carefully and know how to use the facilities. For example, don’t attempt to sit on the bottom of a sauna, but rather, opt for the topmost row of benches or the highest floor of the sauna.
Russian bath in Saratov
A banya (Russian bath) is a place where people come to relax and wash their bodies. It has been popular since pre-Christian times and is still one of the most popular traditions in Russia.
The most common type of Russian bath houses is a banya with a steam sauna and a pool. These places are usually located near the river and can be found in most major Russian cities.
Most Russian banyas have a steam room, a sauna and a rest area where you can have a drink, take a shower or talk to other guests. The whole process lasts a couple of hours.
To get into the sauna, you should first change in a changing room. After that, you go into a steam room (parilka) with hot stones and splash water on them.
After a few rounds in the sauna, you go out to the rest area and drink kvass or tea with sugar. After a while, you go back into the steam room and repeat the process.
Some Russian baths also have private rooms. These rooms can be used by couples or friends and cost between 4,000 and 8,000 rubles. They include a 3-hour ticket to the private room, a sauna, birch massages and towels.
catalog of saunas and baths in Saratov
Our catalog includes a large selection of saunas and baths including Finnish, Turkish and Russian types. We also have far infrared sauna rooms, traditional indoor and outdoor saunas, steam bath generators, material liner kits, accessories, and much more.
The hottest contemporary Finnish saunas are able to maintain air temperatures as high as 100 degC (212 degF). The humidity of these saunas is kept low, to allow boiling air to be enjoyed without burning the throat or skin.
In many countries sauna going has become a recent trend, although some traditions have survived over generations. In Russia, for example, the banya, (also known as a public sauna) is a very popular type of bathing establishment and reflects the social side of Russian culture in general.
A Russian banya is a large building with a number of different sauna areas and other facilities, such as cold pools or ice swimming. There is also a relaxation area with marble bed-like structures where people rest between rounds of sauna or at the end of their banya session.
Some saunas have a sauna stove with a sealed stone compartment and chimney, which eliminates the smoke odour, eye irritation and dirt that is typical of the smoke sauna. In addition, they have a temperature controller that adjusts the steam temperature depending on the duration of the sauna session.
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leak-off · 1 year
BSD -- a flashback content
Place where I spent my last three months of 2021 and 2022 before deciding to comeback home, for the past almost 3 years I spent time at jakarta (I always say jakarta rather than BSD if people asking me where my workplace is)
Not a supercool and mindblowing city but it has been amazing connecting with new, current, and old friends in this windy town. Firstly arrived, Im suprised beacuse the road was super clean and theres no traffic at all, tapi karena ada tol baru yang bisa langsung ke puncak kl gasalah, jadi jalan utama serpong biasanya macet karena banyak truk gede dan ada traffic light didepan indo point yang make it worse i guess.
I feel "Progress" is the energy that I received from the town. Still figuring out my career, faith, and friendship too.
Who knows that in this city I met my super tech team (well its quite familiar company but i guess you didnt care anyway so), and you will never get your life perfectly i guess, pasti ada aja hal yang harus di tolerate dan tinggal gimana kita bisa workin with tapi aku super happy karena emang sampe sekarang pun masi sering bgt hang out bareng
I met again with kathira (my ex-techlead in my last ex company), knowing them moving to BSD after they married and we decide to meetup is kinda something that Im always happy for it. I love them so much.
I also met Nadia, who knows that she is based on BSD when on a off field mode, so we spent our time to do a lot of food hunter things. Isinya ya cumak makan makan makan makan sama nostalgia aja kalo ketemu nadia tuh.
I also met my kinda basecamp-mates that till now we still keep in touch though 4 of us was already on different company.
I started learning how to drive a car at ICE BSD (iyeee tempat yg biasanya buat konser konser gede tuuuu)
I found a hidden gem place at aeon kalau mau bengong tapi lagi gapengen di kamar basecamp
I spent quite a lot of time on lunchclub in this city
U pada yg belom nyobain bakso laras ada masalah apa si idup?
Visiting pasar lama tangerang which too crowded and i just cantt if i go alone, but quite worth it to try their cemals cemils
A lot of cafe hoppings things, BSD serpong - gading serpong tuh banyak abis gila cafe mulai dari kopitagram, nako, etc yg gaada habisnya
Kuliner Malem Pasar 8 nya Alsut yang mayan lahya banyak option makanan nya
Ke Warpat Puncak berangkat dari bsd jam 11 dan balik lagi nyampe rumah jam 5 pagi while jam 9 nya harus ngantorr
Baru nyadar kalo ke bandung pake travel itu jauh lebih worth it kalau kamu berangkat dari BSD
Banyak hal viral yang ku baru nyadar ternyata tempatnya ialah yang selalu tiap hari dilewatin kalo pas ngantor
Tau Mixue pertama kali tapi ga ke triggered karena udah bucin cone nya mekdi
nyobain chikuro yang ternyata overrated (yg kucobain waktu itu saus nya berasa pait dan ntah knp jadi ga mood makan lagi)
Dbreeze adalah tempat pelarian pindah bengong lain kalau mau outdoor
Punya cita cita beli rumah di nava park meski gatau kapan terealisasikan
For me windows shopping terbaik ialah di either Ranch Market nya dbreeze atau Lululu nya Qbig heheh
Sushi hunter aeon gausa ditanyakan lagi, pernah 30rebu dapet 4 ayam potong gede bgt
Luv bgt sama corndog nya oppa corndog
Ngerasain puasa di BSD hehe luv banyak masjid yang nyediain ifthar, someday w pengen bgt jadi donatur tetapnya, terus amazed karena sedekahnya udah bisa pake QR
Dini si manusia paling cashless, yap i rarely using cash karena di BSD apapuuuuun bisa pake QR soooooow hepiiii
I enjoyed being in KRL for the first time i guess (soalnya dulu pas di jkt kadang males desekan jadi pake TJ aja)
Ngerasain Idul Adha dan dikasi daging banyak pisan yang bingung mau dimasak apa
Gaperna ngerasa kebanjiran kecuali pas ujan deres bgt pas mau otw allobank didepan pombensin serpong arah rawa buntu
IKEA jujurly makanannya bagi w aga overrated, tapi yah selera sih ya haha
Nyobain payakumbuah nya armuh yg baru opening, teh talua sama dendeng nya enak, selain itu semua rasanya ya enak-enak aja sama kaya yg lain, kalo disuruh milih dengan harga yang sama bakal milih karya minang atau jelas bgt pagi sore no debattt
Kuliner pasmod kalo siang atopun malem tuh to the rescue bgt sih
Bakmi Bangka tenda hejo first things first
Rumah pojokan di sesama komplek punya 4 minicooper dan 2 Pajero yg sukses bikin kita nebak kira-kira apa pekerjaan mereka ato e enggak enggak maksudnya mereka punya kerjaan dan karyawan berapa ya dan tanpa sadar jadi sering sholawatin kalo lewat rumah itu haha
Seblak Gaul is overrated indeed, but seblak kweny is such a hidden gems
Deket bgt sama warung tuman tapi gaperna jadi kesana padahal cuman sejengkal dari basecamp
BSD is my comfort place and kinda coolest place (cause i got a lot of working things related in this place)
Yet It has been the warmest place of my life so far.
Not too crowded like jakarta, yet still tremendeously modern like another big city
I hope you grow and learn as much as I did over these few months. XOXO
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souberau · 2 years
Top 8 favorite snack, dessert and street food in Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh
Dong Suong Sau Quy Nhon
If you mention the culinary paradise in Quy Nhon city, but you miss Dong Suong Sau Quy Nhon, it is a big omission. Visitors coming to Dong Suong Sau Quy Nhon are always overwhelmed by the really diverse menu, which is a combination of countless quality desserts served at the restaurant. Young people in Quy Nhon often say that "Spending the whole youth to pursue the dish of this place, the menu changes from time to time, can't eat all of it."
Jumy Avocado Cream Quy Nhon
Another famous dessert address in Quy Nhon is Jumy Avocado Cream Quy Nhon . The shop is located right on Nguyen Hue street with a prime location, very easy to find for local diners, even tourists coming to this city. The space of Jumy Avocado Ice Cream is spacious and airy, giving diners a feeling of closeness and familiarity.
The dish that makes the brand name for Jumy Avocado Ice Cream is delicious avocado cream cups. This is the blend between the fat from the plump avocados, the flavor of vanilla ice cream, Chocola, strawberry, .. fragrant and sweet coconut flavor.
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phantaifreelancer · 2 years
Grammar 18/06/2022
I hope it doesn't rain.
        A. Of course not.
        B. Will it be wet?
        C. So do I.
2. How long are you here for?
        A.. Since last week.
        B. Ten days ago.
        C. Till tomorrow
3. Have you guys had enough to eat?
        That's all right.
        Is there any more rice?
        It's not the right time.
4. Would you like some ice in your drink or not?
        I hope so.
        Yes, I shall.
       I don't mind.
Trong tiếng Anh cổ, shall thường được dùng với chủ ngữ các ngôi thứ hai và thứ ba trong các lời hứa, đe dọa, nhưng ngày nay ít được dùng.
5. I hope I haven't ...... you any trouble by changing the arrangements.
6. When you come to my house, ...... your camera with you.
7. Paul arrived at the shop ....... as the manager was closing for the day.
8. We say: prefer . . . to . . .
We say: would rather . . . than . . .
I prefer walking to driving.
S+ would prefer + to do something: thích làm cái gì hơn
Would you like to go fishing with us this Sunday? – No, I would prefer to go camping with my family.
VD: Cậu có muốn đi câu cá với chúng tớ chủ nhật này không? Không, tớ thích đi cắm trại với gia đình hơn.
I’d rather walk than drive.
We’d better take an umbrella.
9. Is there ...... of food for everyone?
10...Mind.... the step when you go in.
Mind (Choosing) V  
11. ...... stay the night if it's too difficult to get home.
At all costs
By all means
In all
On the whole
Đáp án B
By all means: Cứ tự nhiên đi
All in all: tóm lại
At all cost: bằng bất kỳ giá nào
On the whole = In general: nói chung
Câu này dịch như sau: Bạn cứ tự nhiên ở lại qua đêm nếu quá khó để về nhà
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yb-cringe · 2 years
so many c!witherfam thoughts… mostly bc they break that traditional idea that a family needs to have Roles of some sort? like no theres no fuckin Dad Friend its just four fucking insane bitches but they also care about each other and maybe also kill people and isnt that the ideal for anyone
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fireintheforest · 5 years
The new girl raised her head to the kitchen doors when they opened, and coming in was an Altmer with a deep frown carrying a dead antelope. Without even looking at the girl, the Altmer lifted the carcass and dropped it on the table, then looked around the room, now spotting her.
“You’re the new girl. What’s your name?” He asked, his voice so raspy.
“Fadonia.” She replied.
“Fadonia. Well, Fadonia, someone left this antelope in the door, probably for one of the entertainers. Cook it and preserve the excess.” He began to walk back out.
“Ah- wait! Doesn’t it belong to the-” she began, but the Altmer turned around, holding his hand up and glaring at her.
“If it was left in the Den’s door, it belongs to the Den. Next time, whatever idiotic lover they have can give their gifts to their families’ doorways. But this is Den property now.” He turned around and left, closing the door behind him. She scowled and took a knife, starting to cut the leg and muttering under her breath. She decided she didn’t like this guy, whoever he was. She headed to the head of the antelope, only to see that the horns had been removed. ‘Belongs to the Den’ her ass!
 With that affaire taken care of, Saufinril headed outside of the Den and straight to the other side of the graht-oak, past the jewelry stand and the houses, turning left to the shops and to where he knew Kartan lived. An old Bosmer was sitting at the steps, smoking from his bone pipe and taking the sun. His eyes were hard to spot, hidden amongst heavy wrinkles and thick, bushy eyebrows. He looked at Saufinril.
“You looking for someone?”
“Is Kartan here?”
“He left before sunrise with his brothers to hunt, came back with an antelope and took it to the other side of the graht-oak. Haven’t seen him since.”
“Serah, could you please tell him to meet one on the other side of the graht-oak after sunset?”
“The Den.”
The Bosmer’s eyebrows furrowed, but he gave a dry nod. Saufinril thanked the mer before returning to the Den. There was a lot to for tonight.
 When the night came and doors opened, Saufinril got outside of the Den and walked around, looking for Kartan. The line of people waiting outside increased as time passed, until finally Kartan showed up.
“Sorry I’m late, I had to help my brother with his traps.” He kissed Saufinril as a greeting, “You asked me to meet you here?”
“Yes. One, well one thought we could meet somewhere different for tonight. Change the scene, you know?” Saufinril said, grabbing Kartan’s hand, who intertwined their fingers, “One needs to talk to you.”
“Alright.” Kartan blinked slowly, “Where, then?”
“Here.” Saufinril motioned the Den. Kartan looked at the place, then at Saufinril with an arched eyebrow.
“The Den?”
“It’s impossible. How’re we going to get in?”
“We…walk in.”
“Just go in the most popular place here like we own it?” Kartan asked sarcastically
“Have some faith, you cynic mer.” Saufinril replied with a smile, walking towards the door. The orsimer guarding the door, instead of holding Saufinril back like Kartan expected, gave him a nod and opened the door, letting him and Kartan in. When Saufinril turned, he faced a surprised Bosmer.
“You- how did they-”
“One, well, do you remember when one told you one has family here?”
“They work here?”
“Ehh…kind of?” Saufinril shrugged, looking at where Rialas was doing acrobacies in the silk that hung from the roof. Kartan’s eyes widened.
“They own the Den?!”
“Your family owns the Den??” “Yes.”
“Your…” his eyes went to the Bosmer in the air, then to the Altmer at the bar (of course, his eyes lingered longer on Rialas, but Saufinril perfectly understood why. He had something that just ordered you to look, to approach, to be with him) and then at Saufinril.
“Your father…” he began
“No, he’s not one’s father- it’s a long story. Do you want something to drink?”
“Sure. Anything you’re having.” He pressed a kiss on Saufinril’s lips before disappearing on the crowd, probably looking for a place to sit. Saufinril turned to the other side, heading to the bar, when a body stuck itself to his right side.
 “My beloved!”
“Not now.”
“So quickly do you discard me?” the orsimer looked at Saufinril with tear-brimmed eyes and a theatrical hurt on his face as the Altmer attempted (unsuccessfully) to suppress a smile, “I thought we had something!”
“The only thing we have is a pending favor from you from that time one covered your little escapade.”
“Whatever does he have that I don’t? Woe is me, abandoned by the one love of my life!”
“Give one some space.” Saufinril elbowed Muraz away as they both moved to the bar. Lillandril said something to one of the employees before going to the back. A chance that Saufinril seized immediately, taking out two glasses and a bottle of rotmeth.
“If I can’t be with you,” Muraz insisted, resting his upper half of his body to the bar, “then tell me the name of my replacement, you fiend!”
“You villain!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“You loathsome traitor! After all I have given you, Saufinril. My soul, my money, my youth. All of it!”
“Don’t forget the headaches and nausea too.”
“And for what? I even gave you my first!”
“Your first what? Nobody remembers your cherry unpopped, it happened so long ago. And probably to several people at the same time.” Saufinril poured the rotmeth on the glass.
“How you insult me! I, who truly loves you!”
“You ‘love’ everyone, Muraz. That’s why you work here.”
“Right.” The orsimer finally pushed his black hair back, “that’s why I make more coin than you.”
“Hard to believe. One paid for one’s trip here oneself and one still has more back in Cyrodiil. Actually,” Saufinril put the bottle down, “that reminds one. Where’s one’s twenty-seven Septims, o golden whore?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Muraz combed his hair back, using the bottle’s reflection as a mirror.
“Come on, you best-seller. One lent you money back in Morning Star, where is it?”
“You break my heart and now you leave me Septim-less. You truly are a horrid monster. You’re a greedy wench.”
“And you’re a dishonorable one!” Saufinril poured the second glass, “Tell you what, since you’re so clearly distressed, tell Lillandril you took the rotmeth bottle for a customer.” Saufinril took both glasses and the bottle and smiled sweetly to Muraz, whose smile was lowering, “And we’ll call it even, hm?”
“No, hey wait-no! Are you crazy, that’ll go down from my coin!” Muraz protested, following Saufinril across the floor, both checking back now and then to see that the older Altmer hadn’t returned to the bar.
“You owe one! The escapade to the lake, remember? And your mother asking where you were? One had to run around like some headless chicken all night, covering your number while you were off with whatshername.”
“She,” Muraz hissed, “is not a problem anymore.”
“Thank Mara for that.”
“You haven’t believed in Mara for at least a hundred years, don’t get religious now. Saufinril,” Muraz shivered, “I can already feel the strong, gut-wrentching feeling of dread, of being observed, feel it tingling on the back of my head.”
“That’s probably just Rialas looking at us.”
“Oh. Anyways, one thing is to pay back some coin, I can’t lie to my employer!”
“Muraz, you don’t have to lie if one pays for the bottle. It’s just, avoiding details. It is going to a client of the Den, after all. Just not one you’ll bed.”
“Right, the Bosmer you brought.” And Muraz added with a sad voice, revamping the theatrics again, “My replacement.”
Saufinril gave Muraz a grin, turning to him as he arrived to the section of tables that had silk curtains on their sides, “You’re irreplaceable to one, Muraz. Will you? Please.” He tilted his head to the side, begging. The orsimer sighed.
“Fine. This evens us out from the favor and the coin.”
“No, just the favor!”
“Enjoy your evening!” Muraz blended with the crowd.
 Giving his eyes a roll, Saufinril used his back to push aside the silk and set the glasses and bottle in the table where Kartan was sitting at, who was looking at him with arched eyebrows. Saufinril sat next to him.
“Muraz. One knows him from, well he works here.”
“Right. So-” the Bosmer was interrupted when Muraz got on stage and announced that the following song was dedicated to those who had ‘recently lost their beloved’, with a pointed look at Saufinril.
“You’ve got to be kidding one.” Saufinril muttered. Kartan laughed, and leaned to Saufinril.
“Too bad for him. Finders keepers.” He whispered, resting his hand on Saufinril’s knee and then kissing his temple, “You told me you had to talk to me about something.”
“Yes. Actually, this place is perfect.”
“I figured. What is it?”
Saufinril cleared his throat, “So, this morning. The antelope. Kartan, what did you mean by it?”
Kartan moved his hand from Saufinril’s knee to his hand, “Listen, this year has been one of the most refreshing I’ve had. It’s made me realize so many things, it’s made me see that I take for granted so much of what surrounds me. I thought I was happy here, and I am. I thought I was content and stable with what I have here, and then I met you. And I realized, there’s so much more out there than what I thought was going to be the rest of my life. There’s so much to feel, there’s bigger plans, bigger things than us. And I want that.” He looked at Saufinril, “I love you. It just feels right to say. I’m confident that I know what I want, and I want you. I want us. I- Saufinril there’s a strong before and after you, and in this year it’s been evident. You’ve changed my world, you’re all I think of, I’m completely in love with you and I want to take this further.” He took now both of Saufinril’s hands, turning his body to face Saufinril, “I don’t want this to just be some casual fling, something we discard later. You don’t deserve that. You deserve something solid, official. And I’m ready for that, as long as it’s with you.”
Oh, shit.
“It feels right, Saufinril. It just feels right.”
“Kartan,” Saufinril said softly, looking at the Bosmer, “you don’t know anything about me. Before tonight you didn’t know I had ties with this place, there’s a lot you- and there’s things I don’t know of you. Who was the old Bosmer at your house?”
“My father. See? That’s what courting is about, we get to know each other, it’s-”
“No it’s not.” Saufinril gently removed one of his hands. Kartan looked at the escapist hand and then at the Altmer, “I don’t want to ruin this, and I think this is going too far, too fast. I appreciate you a lot, and I like you, I really do. But right now I think it’s best if we take it slow, if we get to know each other better first before we court in a more…serious way.” Saufinril said.
“I don’t. Simple as that. I’m ready to take this step, Saufinril. And I’m ready to take it with you. All I need is a yes, and we do this together.” Kartan squeezed Saufinril’s hand. “Look at me. Sometimes you have to take the leap, there’s nothing to be scared of. I just need a yes.”
Saufinril stayed quiet for a second, then turned to face Kartan’s eyes, the gray-yellow eyes he knew they shared, and shaked his head. “No, Kartan.” He said quietly.
Kartan stared at him, then sat back, looking at Saufinril with disbelief while releasing the Altmer’s hand. “No?”
“No. I’m, I’m not ready. I don’t want to get married yet.
“…So, is this it? Just like this?”
“It doesn’t have to be. We can just go back to what we had, let’s just give it some time.”
“Time is running, Saufinril. The time is now. I’m ready now.”
“I’m not.”
“Then there’s not much left to talk about.” His voice had never sounded so cold. It felt like a bucket of snow had been dumped on Saufinril’s head, down his neck, shoulders and chest.
“It doesn’t-” Saufinril cleared his throat, “It doesn’t have to be this radical.”
“It’s not radical.” The Bosmer passed a hand through his hair, “You don’t want this.”
“What’s so wrong with not wanting this?”
“Nothing. We want different things. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
 Kartan took Saufinril’s hand and gave it a squeeze as he kissed Saufinril, then stood up and walked to the crowd, then disappeared in it. Saufinril only knew he left the Den because he saw the door briefly open and close, at which point he rested his elbows on the table and his head on his hands.
“That…” Muraz’s voice came from the right of the silk curtain entrance, “was intense.”
“How long have you been standing there?” Saufinril blinked as fast as he could, looking away as Muraz came to sit where Kartan had.
“Just heard the last bit. You’re engaged?”
“No. Well, yes, briefly. It’s complicated. He sent one gifts this morning, to start courting but one can’t. Not now.” He kept looking to the side as he blinked and prayed that was enough.
“Hey,” Muraz’s voice caught his attention, as did the glass that was slid to him, “bottoms up. Might as well not let this go to waste. And don’t you dare cry. If that’s my eye pencil you better don’t waste it on him, that’s where your 27 Septims went.”
“You spent 27 fucking Septims on makeup?” Saufinril asked, involuntarily letting his voice crack as he grabbed the small glass while Muraz did the same.
“Ten. Don’t tell my mother.” They both took the drink at the same time, then Muraz refilled the glasses as he asked, “But he was just a fling, right? It didn’t matter, it was casual.”
“It did matter. We’ve had this for a year. And that’s why one wanted to go slow, to not ruin this. But here we are.”
“Right, but it wasn’t you the one that ruined it. Drink.” They took the glasses, drank, then put it on the table. Saufinril now was the one to fill the glasses again.
“One just rejected a one in a lifetime chance, Muraz. When is someone going to court one seriously again, huh? It took one all one’s life and relationships ranging from mediocre to wastes of time to get him and now he’s gone because one’s a coward that couldn’t say yes because one-”
“Right but I mean, from what you tell me and what I heard, he’s the one that rushed into it. And you said no and he wouldn’t take that. Kind of seems like he ruined it instead of you. And like he said, you both just want different things. Drink.”
They took the drink.
“Besides, this means we’re back together.” The orsimer added.
Saufinril snorted a laugh, “If you’ll take one back, yeah.”
“Mmmm see, one’s still despaired from heartbreak so you’ll have to win my affections back. Perhaps by forgiving that debt…”
“Half of it.”
“Even in heartbreak you’re soulless. Fine, I’ll take you back. Just because my love is pure and better than whatshisname’s.”
“Thanks, Muraz. One’s heartbreak is all mended now. So, why are you here? Came to charge one for the liquor? Try to reclaim one’s love? Bash him with a skillet?”
“Hm? Oh, Rialas says he knows of that little courting gift, he told me to get over to where he’s at.”
“The-” Saufinril closed his eyes with a frown and exhaled, then stood up and out, “Fuck, he’s so nosy!”
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