#[ william just being a puppet real
the-acid-pear · 2 years
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Some headcanons <33
Edit: i want to formally apologize for calling Pablito cis, i was wrong.
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shadowedmagic · 2 years
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Assorted information about Maxwell/William’s SCP verse because brainrot momence fr!!!
The Codex Umbra is the primary SCP object, with Maxwell being considered a result of it and the Constant being a dimensional anomaly tied to it. It was initially classified as Euclid, although there are arguments made for a Keter designation.
William is the Codex's “host”, despite having been alive for decades without aging, it was only later on that he became conscious of this fact and alarmed.
He’s able to use the Codex for “magic tricks” involving shadow puppets, however -- primarily depending on how sleep deprived he is -- he’s able to use the Codex to do more significant tricks, such as levitation, teleportation and manipulation.
William falling asleep is considered to be the trigger event for more “dangerous” anomalous activities, such as kidnappings and various sightings across the world of an entity that resembles William  ( or rather, Maxwell )  as a solid black silhouette, as though a walking shadow.
It is unsure of other anomalous activities that had been reported -- such as shadow hands and shadow monsters -- are as a result of the Codex, or part of a larger problem.
Attempting to damage the Codex leads to little success, only serving to cause William to panic to point of breakdown. Opening it shows blank pages to anyone besides William. When William explains the book’s contents to others, he grows increasingly frantic. Recordings of his explanations become corrupted, and the people who listen finds themselves unable to understand and are later plagued by nightmares and minor hallucinations  ( similar to DST low sanity ).
William turned himself into the SCP Foundation at some point in hopes of better understanding his condition and what happened to his old assistant, Charlie. Differing from canon, William wasn't dragged into the Constant during the final show and only Charlie was.
When asked, he's unable to remember how exactly he came to know about the Foundation, mumbling something about a dream involving a black throne and eternal darkness.
“Maxwell” is the self-given name of the entity that occasionally takes over William. Though William believes Maxwell to merely be a stage name, “Maxwell” considers himself independent. He occasionally refers to himself as “Their King”, refusing to elaborate on this “Them”. Although further research has to be conducted to confirm whether or not Maxwell is a part of “Their” species, or merely a spokesperson born from William like a parasite.
In containment, Maxwell occasionally shows himself for questioning, but chooses to be purposefully vague or cryptic in his answers. While he doesn’t attempt to escape or harm researchers, he makes it clear that he could escape at anytime, if he so pleased. There is uncertainty behind the truth of his words. When asked why he chooses to remain in containment, Maxwell never gives a clear answer. Some leading theories involve the “Charlie” figure that brought William to the foundation in the first place.
Similar to SCP-035, he often knows more information about the person he’s holding a conversation with than was given, and may use it for flattery or psychological torture. Although, he only tends to “act out” when denied something he asked for -- such as cigars. Occasionally, William will mention something he shouldn’t know as well, such as asking someone if they were alright after a certain event whose existence he had no direct access to.
Though he remains in containment, “kidnappings” or other shadow/Codex related anomalies continue to occur on the outside. When questioned, William seems ignorant, but always forgets about it by the next time he's asked no matter how soon after.
However, occasionally when asked about some victims of the SCP, William vaguely mentions having known them in some fashion, despite no records existing of the two having met at the same time, or the meeting even being possible.
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scribbles-ink · 7 months
im just thinking what if mike schmidt is the son of the movie's equivalent of henry emily. i had this thought on the way home from the movie at like. 10 pm so at the time it was incoherrent, but im going to expand on it here.
point 1- garrett played a similar role to charlie emily, in that despite being watched over they were both killed by william afton.
p2- in the flashbacks, its very obvious that the entire family is in a place away from society. they're literally in a forest. it wouldn't make sense for william of all people to be there if he wasn't close to the family.
p3- the books and the game mirror eachother, so there is a chance that schmidt could be another fake name, one william recognized because, again, he was a family friend.
p4-what happens when your kid goes missing? idk probaly witness protection or an urge to seperate yourself from the incident, both reasons for the name change.
p5-(kinds joke reason) abby rhymes with charlie and looks similar to her (brown hair, brown eyes)
p6-i argue that abby also took on the role of the puppet/charlie at the end of the movie. she didn't necessarily give them life, not like what was done in the game, she shoeed them how they died. she reminded the children of the life they had before, and of who really took it. by doing that, in a way, she gave them that life back. she gave them their real personality back, one not influenced by william. she cut them from his influence, she gave them the gift (the picture) and it gave them life (their memories)
p7- in the movie, mike says his father 'couldnt deal with it' and left after his mother died. yk what that sounds similar to? book henry emily killing himself in despair. maybe mike's dad is alive maybe he's dead, we dont know. but it is similar enough, an act of completely removing himself from the equation.
p8-book henry has a sister named jen, yk what name that sounds like? jane. who was mike and abby's aunt, and we dont know which parent she was related to.
p9-'but wouldn't mike know about the pizzaria if william was a family friend?' honestly, probably. but theres also a high chance that he wouldnt. if the family lived in nebraska, (which im pretty sure they did) they wouldn't have a need to go to utah, not even for a friend's restaurant. sure, he might know that his dad's friend had a restaurant, but not that it had animatronics or anything. the family probaly moved to utah after garrett's disappearance and after freddy's closed down.
p10-'wouldn't mike know vanessa? theyre similar in age' if they didnt live in the same state, probaly not. william in the movie was a, suprise suprise, shitty father, even foregoing the stabbing of his kid. i doubt hed care enough to take her with him on like. a short out of state trip.
p11(edit)- in the books aunt jane was killed by evil charlie to get to charlie, yk what that sounds like? the animatronics killing aunt jen to get to charlie
p12(edit)-the words at the end of the movie say 'come find me' and the music playong at the end is the puppets song so i think garrett is the puppet which is. again. an emily thing
p13(edit)- mikes dad looks like a mechanic shown in the training videos [cough henry emily cough]
if i think of anything else ill add it but anywys this is why i think the schmidts in the movie are the emilys equivalent. also check out the notes on this post because theres a lot of replies n reblogs that support my theory
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Honestly it lowkey annoys me whenever people say that Michael has 'very little personality' outside of hunting down his father.
N like- on the surface, that seems true, but like. If you look deeper, that's... not really true?? Because there's a LOT that actually speaks to his character, but you have to be willing to catch onto the connections his character has
Like, for example, Michael has a very straightforward way of speaking. He's dry and sarcastic ("They thought I was you... [laugh]"), has a foreshortened sense of the future (the drawing of a gravestone in the security logbook), not to mention the dialogue of foxybro in fnaf 4. He doesn't beat around the bush, but he's bitter and dry and sarcastic. Even as an old man, his anger and cynicism towards Freddy's shows in his drawings, but he has a sense of humor (the exotic butters and casual bongos referenced in the logbook, not to mention the silly drawings), plus he's sentimental (as said before, exotic butters and casual bongos). Not to mention he's stubborn as shit, given he keeps coming back to Freddy's, even after 30 whole years.
A lot of people also really like to write Michael off as being stupid, for... some reason. The games really say otherwise; the fact that he tampers with the animatronics regularly, figured out what his father did and what happened to Elizabeth in less than a week, freed the dead kids, helped make FFPS and ran a business, likely Also made the fnaf 3 location too, knew what was gonna happen to him in SL (pretty clear given the fact you can ignore Baby's directions on the last night), can manage several animatronics at once throughout an entire night...
Michael is very clearly Really Fucking Smart. Smart enough that I'm willing to bet that was one of the reasons why William sent him to the SL bunker. Michael is FAR from an idiot, and the FNAF movie even proves this further! He's SCARILY smart!
There's a lot more too; him using a red foxy mask speaks a lot to his character too. Red is often used to denote everything from passion to anger (yknow, 'seeing red' being a term for when you're blind with rage), and he wears it the entire time he bullies CC. It's not just a literal mask, it's figurative too; Michael puts up a mask of anger, he pretends to be this scary bully. The cruelty isn't real, Michael is just the scapegoat and he's acting out (very very common).
Also, Michael is 100% who you play as in fnaf 4 based on the movement, and who rubs away in Midnight Motorist. CC is the type of kid to freeze up, curl up into a ball and cry when he's scared, as seen several times in fnaf 4. It wouldn't make sense for him to suddenly turn around and start running around, or fighting back. It's very Michael to run around, constantly looking around, or to break out and run away.
Another note on Michael's character is that he's associated with Foxy. The Funtimes are clearly modeled after the Aftons (Ballora and Baby are, why wouldn't the rest match CC (Freddy) and Michael (Foxy)?), and using that we can gleam some parts of Michael from FT Foxy (since William clearly was trying to mock and make fun of him with the angsty teen voice). FT Foxy is a performer; he's dramatic, he's vicious, attacking even when he 'shouldn't', and wants his stage solely to himself.
This fits Michael; Michael put on an act of viciousness and cruelty, always attacking when you least expected it. So it makes sense that Michael, too, is a performer, and FFPS hammers this in using the business bear. Again, the mask represents Michael acting, pretending, and it wouldn't be the first time an Afton would pretend (William, Elizabeth, and to an extent, CC). The rest of the Aftons are also theatrical and dramatic, so again, this tracks. He's also represented as one of those hand puppets in the ffps alleyway poster, something used to ACT.
And again, with Foxy, we can gleam that Michael likely is also a sort of 'leader' figure, since Foxy has been depicted as not just a pirate captain, but also as a Ringleader. This also tracks, not just bc the Aftons have a circus theme, but Michael is the eldest of his siblings, and thus the de facto 'leader'. He's the first to act, to put things into motion when everything 'ends'. Foxy is also, well, a fox, which are depicted as cunning and intelligent, which only lends credence to Michael being intelligent.
It's also implied that Michael... doesn't really care about people who Aren't his family?? Whether that's by blood or not, he doesn't care abt others who isn't his family. This is implied by the fact that he only cared about freeing Elizabeth, showing absolutely No care about the Funtimes despite them clearly being sentient. Not to mention the lawsuits he regularly gets in FFPS, or the state Fazbears Frights is in in fnaf 3. And, judging by Henry's final speech, he and Michael just. Don't seem to talk At All. At the very least they definitely don't communicate since Henry assumed Michael wanted to die (which is left Very Ambiguous).
Honestly this doesn't even BEGIN to get into everything that the Glitchtrap Michael theory says about his character that also hammer in all of these traits Even Further.
And like. Michael is SOOO much like William when you put all of this into perspective. Like, they are SIMILAR similar, but differ in ways that are important. Michael is a performer, an actor, he doesn't care about anyone outside of his family, he's stubborn as fuck, he's smart as hell, he's sarcastic and dry, etc.
He has SO. MUCH. CHARACTER. You just have to dig a little- this is ALL gleamed from the games and Security Logbook. There's more if you believe he's Glitchtrap- which he very likely is.
Just... it's nuts. He's such an intriguing character, he's not perfect and he's morally gray, yet people love to dumb him down to "hehe sad uwu arsonist zombie boy who's also Stupid"
Please just let Michael be a problematic old man (he was born in the 60s ffs, he's almost in his 60s by the time ffps rolls around).
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Fnaf Movie thoughts!
I wanted to ramble some of thoughts and theories I had about the Fnaf Movie.
Cause the brainrot is real and won't leave my brain.
(wow just read back that sentence. Excuse any grammar errors or dumb shit, I'm still very sick)
Below the cut will feature heavy spoilers, so unless you want to be spoiled of the major twists this movie has, I would recommend wait to read this.
I unfortunately couldn't see the movie in my theatres, cause I got horribly sick and wasn't able to get the full theatre experience.
I was able to watch on Peacock, with all my fnaf plushies with a super sinus clogged headache, so that's the mindset I had. lol
Anyway.. Movie time
I absolutely LOVED Mike and Abby. First off.
I didn't even mind a lot of time of the movie was spent AWAY from Freddy's. Because so much is just about learning about Mike and his family and connection to Abby.
Sure, we could have spent the WHOLE movie at Freddy's. But that is not what this movie is about. And it's clearly trying to tell a bigger mystery and this felt a very introduction friendly entry point to anyone confused about the fnaf lore.
I love how completely obsessed Mike is with Dream theory. To the point he's taking heavy duty sleeping pills on his job that he clearly doesn't need and just is doing it so he can relive his dreams/fabricated memories.
The intro credits with the 8-bit style graphics of the minigames in fnaf2-4??? Like bro? I cried. That was so iconic and they fill in the backstory for the purple guy, who actually appears as his sprite??? Like... Man iconic.
Also... Dude... Mike Schmitt in the movie is like... what the Fans wanted Mike in the games to be for YEARS. Like... Mike in the games is nothing. He's a silent face. We know so little about him, and everything else is purely speculative. Even the whole "he was foxy bro and has regret over his brother" ...That's all theory and not confirmed. As far as we know, Crying child and his brother might not even be Afton kids.
But this Mike is EXACTLY the motivations we wanted Mike to have? If that makes sense? He laments his brother was taken at a young age and expresses regret and motivation to want to get him back. he has the motivations that the fandom built for him for years and ran with it, and I LOVE THAT.
FNAF Movie actually gives good reasons why Mike comes back every night, as said in Living Tombstone's iconic song "why do you want to stay?" Cause of his regrets with his brother and his obsession with dream theory and doesn't realize the animatronics are a threat until like... night four.
I SCREAMED when I recognized Matpat's voice, and then I saw his face. Reconized him for his voice WAY before I saw his face. I didn't think he'd have a speaking or face cameo and get to say his iconic "it's just a theory" line and about food too??? King shit.
Letting the animatronics have moments where they can just be cute and friendly as well as creepy and bloodthirsty is so great! I want to give them all pets.
THE CHILD ACTORS ARE ALL SO GOOD! To the point you don't even notice! It's often hard to get children to play a convincing performance, but these children acted really well! They must have a real talented director who knew how to get the best of their child actors. You don't even realize that the child actors are great, cause they're so good it's unnoticeable. AMAZING
I MEAN, I SCREAMED WHEN SHE SAID "William Afton My father"
I was screaming about this in my group chat.
I was screaming for a thousand years.
AND IT makes sense why the cops never found the bodies. Vanessa is a cop! She's covering for her father!
I absolutely LOVE what a girl failure Vanessa is too!
Like she shows up, HEAVILY flirts with Mike (like she was laying it on so thick my demisexual ass was picking up on her vibe) and just shows up to give him exposition on the FNAF lore. fheogheahf. Like. It's great.
(no doubt she was flirting heavily with Mike at the start due to manipulation from her father, I do believe it grows to genuine fondness later)
I've heard people complain about her flipflop nature... BUT THAT's the POINT!
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(a literal arcade game in security breach.)
She let Abby play with the animatronics, knowing it was dangerous. Her original plan was to kill Mike, but she changes her plans when she sees he has a kid. (who she thought was his daughter at first) It was only after Abby got injured by Accident, she realized that what a danger she posed by brining them here at all. She only threatened to shoot Mike because she hoped that such an extreme threat would get him to quit. She even tells him about how many security guards quit. But it doesn't.
She even said she tried to warn in her own way. She's terrified of her father. And we get deep foreshadowing about that throughout the movie.
I really hope that in some sequels we will get to see Vanny at some point. Maybe even Springtrap and Vanny working together in the same movie??? CAN YOU IMAGINE THIS?!?!? I WOULD GO FERAL
Anyway, Vanessa is such a girl failure and my girl blorbo. I support her and her woman's wrongs
The minor look of regret after Will stabs his daughter... peak cinema.
The springlock scene... The quiet of the stabs, giving such a realistic collapse... the "I always come back" ...Embracing the monster he knows he is. He is the mask. He isn't hiding behind the mask, like he is being Steve. he is the mask now. Just... Chefs kiss.
The animatronics dragging springtrap away mirrors the ending of Silver Eyes so well, and I'm glad, because that was the best part of the Silver eyes. <3
Garret is 100% going to be the Puppet in the Movie Series. He was the one taken in the car, the spelling out in the minigame sounds at the very end says: "COME FIND HIM" And after Living Tombstone ends, the credits music fades into Grandfather's clock music box... Puppet's song..... Garret will be the Puppet in this universe and I so look forward to that.
I enjoyed the movie. I'm glad that they left the overarching mystery of Garret open to be explored in the sequel.
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sepublic · 1 year
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ALL RIGHT SO THE ORIGINAL ANIMATED TEST GOT LEAKED?! This is an animated test btw, a proof-of-concept of what TOH could look like, according to the person who posted this; The actual pilot still eludes us!
What we get and hear are more or less what we've already glimpsed and could guess at, just expanded a bit more; Luz wants to learn magic, Eda is skeptical, that sort of thing. What's interesting is that Luz claims King told HER he once knew magic, but based on how the final story went, this was probably one of his made-up delusions. He also has a lot more repressed, built-up anger from being coddled and patronized, which would've been interesting to see...
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I wonder if that trait ended up transferring over to Proto Willow; Or rather, Paulina! I heard someone suggest the spelling is Polina since it's Slavic and TOH is based on Slavic myth, but for now, let's keep it simple. Paulina would def start off the same way as our Willow; Not doing well in magic, and messing up (this time on Luz herself, hilariously), but I presume the idea for her to shift to plant magic as her true calling was still there. Not only do we see this in earlier concept art, but a later bit with one of Paulina's plants harassing Luz. And she still has the issue of glowing green magic that she can't quite control...
We get Prince William, who shows up when Luz mentions the most 'powerful wizards', more on him later. It's generally speculated and agreed that William is a prototypical version of Hunter, so I find it neat that Paulina's name changed to Willow, as William became Hunter...
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There's a glimpse of the Owl House's original design, as seen in the first proof-of-concept poster released back when the show was announced in 2018, with Eda's shop built into the front of the building! The tower doesn't have a roof, and the giant eye window blinks, which was carried over to the first episode's ending. We have some Spencer Wan concept animations he released a while back, but fully colored and animated... A Luz Doppelgänger seems to have always been an idea, so I guess the creepy puppet is Proto Vee?
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THIS! We have what I suspect to be a prototype version of Emperor Belos, possibly when he was advisor to Emperor Pupa? I'm not sure, but the context, the blue eyes in darkness, the mask... Their location in what seems to be a cathedral, plus the resemblance to this concept art for Belos?
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This is Proto-Belos. Him taking Eda away in what resembles a cathedral seems to indicate that his Christian extremist-leanings were a thing as early as this animated pitch, and what's more...
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In the stained-glass window behind Luz, we see a portrait of Sir William, complete with that wavy-styled sword that resembles the knife Philip killed Caleb with! This raises so many questions... Is the Sir William we see here the real deal? Was he deposed and put into a slumber by Belos, the way Pupa would've been? And William is the true ruler of the isles?
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Would William have been Belos' brother, his Caleb, hence the round human ears? Why does he look so young, was he de-aged, or is he a clone, a Grimwalker that was abandoned for not being sufficient, and/or discovered in an 'incubation' stage when Luz slapped him awake? I presume this concept of Hunter, who is actually referred to by this name, came later down the line;
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Overall, very fascinating stuff! A better glimpse into the development of Willow, Belos, and Hunter(?) as well as an older idea for King's personality, and of course a better look at the original Owl House design shown in 2018! Brief yet wonderful and to the point, we've seen most of the stuff from this pitch as silent clips or images, but I'm glad to have it as part of a cohesive narrative this time! May we one day find the actual pilot itself...!
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ar1g · 3 months
Ok so completely crack pot silver eyes trilogy theory/headcannon: (haven't read through all the books so I might be wrong about some stuff)
The fact that henry was able to build the illusion discs for the different Charlies simply he may have known about them before hand. Theres also the fact that Henry apparently didn't seem to care at all about samuel.
In both fazbear frights, there are multiple stories about robots/things impersonating or transforming into real people, a lot of them being children. Fazgoo, Lonely Feeddy and Sea Bonnies come to mind.
This, combined with the fact that the person who reveals that sammy is still alive is baby/Elizabeth who, at least in the games, is a pathological liar, leaves me to believe that she is lying about sammy and that he isn't alive with his mom.
Because he was a robot.
Henry built a robot to watch charlie while he was working, used an illusion disc to make it look like charlie and pretended it was her brother. His wife knew about this but... I dont know, dealt with it.
Charlie dies, wife leaves him, and he disassembles Sammy since it no longer serves a purpose. Then when the ella ragdoll comes to life, he puts it in the old sammy body and programs it to think its charlie now. Which is why he was able to throw the thing together so quickly after accidentally creating his haunted doll daughter.
Basically Henry was always just as much a robot making freak as William, which is why Willy had a wierd obsession with him
I never EVER even considered thag possibility and I love it. That would be an awesome parallel to the games how Henry made the puppet to watch Charlie when he was too busy with work
I’m stealing your headcanon btw….
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cryptidsm00cher · 7 months
okay so, i know everyone is talking about it already but I'm just gonna do a quick list of my theories n beliefs bc i want to keep em all together and also why not so here we go!!
mike and garret's father is henry emily! hes the same man working on the animatronics on the training tape, and it makes sense that william would kidnap him and that garrett would be so unphased and willing to get into a vehicle with him.
garrett will be the puppet. im loving the theory that instead of michael being an afton like he is in the games, he's an emily. garrett in this instance would be charlie's replacement in the movies. his story follows the same timeline that charlies does: locked away from their protector (mike/the puppet), taken in by someone they know (william) and then killed by him. the puppet music plays at the end of the film, and right after that, letters spell out "come find me." this is garrett, who has possessed the marionette and is speaking to mike!
the nevada dream isn't real. dreams can be foggy, memories can be worse. mike tells vanessa and his coworker that theres a dream theory, where he can go back into his memories and look for details. but what if hes so focused on trying to get to the details of the car and the man that he's forgetting the big ones? what if he never actually went to nevada? it might seem silly and farfetched but there was a lot of emphasis on the soda spilling, the ketchup spraying, etc. i kept thinking it would go back to the pizzaria. so what if michael blocked out the pizzaria entirely? what if he saw garrett be taken by william? in the games, william comes out of his car, kills charlie, and leaves. what if in the movie universe he instead took garrett and left with him in his car? what if that part of the memory is true, but in a. desperate attempt to block the memory of freddy's he forgot it entirely? he seems unfamiliar when talking to vanessa, who is shocked he's never heard of it, since it was so popular. what if the reason she was shocked was because she knew he had been here before?
vanessa and mike knew each other as kids. vanessa is very vague about her childhood and about her knowing garrett, but she does reveal that she not only met him, but was at the pizzaria often (hence the photo and all her seemingly good memories, like being excited about the band playing). if mike is an emily, it would make sense that he was at the pizzaria with garrett and his parents, and that vanessa had known him. which leads to the question of: did she see when william killed garrett? did she help him? she's smiling in the picture with her father and his plane. did she have no idea until it was too late?
henry emily will come back. mike says that his mom died and his father couldn't handle it, so he left. im not sure how they're going to fit so much into three movies, but my hope is that the trilogy they've planned will end with Pizzaria Simulator. and if this is the case, henry emily would have to be present for it to happen.
abby will possess baby. i really dont have much on this i just think it would be super sick if it followed what would have been her fate if she was an afton, and if she's elizabeths movie counterpart it would make sense for her to have the same ending.
i have a lot more theories and hopes, im actually working out a mini timeline for what i think will happen in the movies bc i think it would be super cool but!! for now thats all i got thats super major to me. im so glad fnaf has had this resurgence in theories im having the time of my life i love thinking about this kind of stuff
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wormsincoats · 7 months
Is (FNAF Movie) Mike Schmidt Henry's son?
We learn that instead of Mike being William Afton's son, Vanessa is his daughter, but that leaves many holes in regards to what exactly Mike and Abby's role is within the (planned) trilogy of movies. But, with the knowledge that there ARE, in fact, two more movies planned, following the events of FNAF 2 and 3 respectively, we can start to fill in the gaps with the original fnaf lore, in the way that makes sense with the movie canon, as well as the story's need to fit into a 1hr30 timeslot.
Here's why I think Mike and Abby are actually Henry's kids:
In the movie, "Garrett," Mike's brother, is kidnapped by William Afton. We are told that he dies, but never how, when, or where he ended up, and we are never told why. Clearly, as relevant to the plot as this kid was, we would have gotten something, but we didn't. So, we look to the source material, as messy as it is. Where have we seen something like this before?
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Charlotte, Henry's daughter, is approached by William in a car, and she is killed outside of the pizzeria. Since the movie's scene takes place in the Nebraska woods, away from the pizzeria location, it would make sense for William to have to instead kidnap her with that car and take her away, but the resolution stands, while also fitting within the timeline of the movie.
It answers the 'why' that remains unanswered in regards to William's reasoning behind the kidnapping. This is answered by the book lore, lore which Scott himself deemed 'canon' (and came after when he actually figured out what he was doing with the lore, much like the movie), and it suggests that William was jealous of Henry's perfect family, the family which Mike described in the movie as the very same perfect picturesque type, that has dinner together every night and says grace. It also explains why William would be in the middle of the Nebraska woods in the first place, because why else would he be there other than to go camping with his business buddy and their families?
The next movie is supposed to reflect FNAF 2, where all of this would be revealed with the Puppet/Marionette's presence, where Charlotte's soul canonically resides, and where Garrett's may end up in the context of the movie.
It would give further explanation to William's reaction to Mike's last name, other than "oh that's the last name of the kid I kidnapped, ignoring how I know the kid's name in the first place"
Mike's parents' deaths are never actually explained in detail; He mentions that his mother died as a result of his brother disappearing, and that his father "just couldn't handle it," which could easily fit within Henry's known storyline in the real lore.
It would be the perfect opportunity to loop Henry into the story, who was left nearly wholly untouched in the movie (minus one background shot of (supposedly) him working on the animatronics, and the guy playing him happens to look a lot like Mike's father did).
This definitely could be a reach, but it makes sense within the context of the movie, and it makes sense from a writing perspective, especially considering how important Henry is as a character, and how Mike and Abby fit into the overall story. Big props to @painlessnostalgia for pointing this out because it pretty much filled all of the biggest plot holes for me
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officesuppliez · 2 months
mixed media fnaf series starring the mci kids, every episode is in a different style, such as; episode 4 could be alike that of a Warner bros cartoon, while episode 3 could be stop motion. each episode would make hints towards one of their deaths, lining up once episode 6 rolled around, which would show Charlie/the puppet’s perspective of the events. no, it wouldn’t be a jarring change to real life views of the murders,
It would be shown nearly entirely through puppetry, with William being framed as just Some Guy stabbing a bunch of puppets, outlining that his actions were illogical; though, his scenes would be brief.
there’s so little told about really any characters beyond the aftons (and sometimes the emilys), I think the idea would be fun and give the characters some personality.
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bxnnie-bxwl · 7 months
so vanny having the crazy plans that she has.. wanting to be like William afton because of glitchtrap telling her things she should do to become like him.. since there’s no really a suit.. next best thing is to have an animatronic as her personal puppet.. murder machine if you will.. glitchtrap taking over bonnie which was perfect to vanny.. pampering him in a purple bow to look just like spring bonnie.. but because of glitchtrap being directly influencing him he’s still sentient.. so doesn’t want to be vannys puppet and starts going against her., so vanny decided to get rid of him using the other animatronics ((: and seals him off.,
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sapphire-drawings · 7 months
Hey Sapphire! In your adult Webber/ Wendy au, could you please describe and talk about Wendy’s statues. Because, not all the survivors know her, and that is like the way they see her beyond the radio’s voice. And, I imagine, she portrays herself different from how Maxwell portrays herself, because she isn’t seeking fame and its greatness. Also, your Au is great, and I pretend to write about it, so, do you have any problems if I post it?
Quick-ish reply cuz you got me thinking and the truth is... I've no idea what's Wendy's role in the Au
But first
Anyone's free to write, to draw or whatever they please with this Au. I'm not the owner of the originals, this is just something I came up with for funsies and obsession
Just don't put things in my mouth for "what's canon and what's not" and tag me so I can see it!! ^^
Although if I like someone's idea I'll ask to make it canon lmao
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Now get ready for some random nonsense.
Or don't read it and just enjoy the drawing, whatever please your eyes
The original idea was for her to be a magician just like canon Maxwell and Abigail would be her assistant. Carter Sisters' magic show or something
But my Au is weird and not planned at all
Abby is also Jack and Will's mother (weird, I'm aware) so, How is she the assistant/Next-Constant-Queen and mother mourning her "dead" sister and children?? (well, Jack is the only one dead for real)
...I'll be rambling from this point forward, sorry but not really
Abby HAS to die thanks to something Wendy did
What if... Wendy's show is the medium type? She "contacts" spirits and fortune telling stuff. She's a failure until the codex appears. By this point she lost contact with the family, (hence why William and Jack don't recognize her at first glance (A simple "she looks like mom but not quite")) focusing in what the canon says, fortune and glory seeking evolving into greed.
Then Abby goes after her??? For some reason???
They reunite and Wendy is too stubborn to go back and then They cause an accident that takes Abby's life but as far as she knows it was Wendy's fault??
And her last act before everything goes down to hell is an attempt to bring her back through the codex?????
Or something different I can't think of??????????
...Few on the only things I know is that I want Wendy to still be involved in spiritualism to decipher the Codex while baby William got into dark arts as an attempt to bring Jack back. "Why would you? that doesn't makes sense" you may think
1.- None of this makes sense so shut up. I can't think that far
2.- I want William to still being able to create shadow puppets cuz I have a comic idea where he spawns one by accident and Jack haunts it and "gains a body". Mr. Webber puts a painful stop to it to prevent any possible danger or corruption and blah blah blah-
Ssssoooooooooo yeah
Everything's a mess but I'm glad you guys are enjoying the ride
I'll update you if I ever come up with a "canon" timeline)? and what not (I won't get mad if you come up with ideas to help either.....)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
KP/William & Kate’s credibility and integrity are being questioned right now. They’re unreliable. Currently a laughingstock worldwide. There’s an editorial cartoon of William puppeting a cardboard cutout of Kate. People are saying the photo was a “jigsaw” and there’s actually no real photo. They need to work really hard to get their trustworthiness back. I’m surprised a lot of people here don’t seem to see this and are brushing this off as nothing. My guess is they’d have to go back to having those dreadful photocalls to be able to prove that they’re real. I hope they know how much they messed up because if they don’t fix it, things are gonna get worse for them.
KateGate is the only thing happening in the news right now. All the attention is amplified because there's nothing to distract us. And by us, I mean, literally US. The US. Most of the content and talk about Kate is being driven by the Americans.
There's no Barbenheimer entertainment juggernaut driving pop culture. There's no Titan submersible catastrophe. The shock of Ukraine and Gaza have worn off. The Biden v Trump showdown hasn't kicked in yet and even then, it's a redux of 2020 and we're still exhausted by that. March Madness hasn't started. Harry hasn't thrown a tantrum. There isn't a new COVID variant. North Korea hasn't fired any missiles. China hasn't launched any new spy balloons. Kate hasn't come back to work.
We have to wait and see what happens when there's real competing news. If KP remains in the news while there's other stuff happening, then there's a real problem. But that hasn't happened yet. We don't know what kind of legs this thing has.
"Wait and see" isn't a pro-KP argument. It's the way the media and pop culture works. Everyone tunnel-visions onto one thing - good or bad - until something else comes along. We're just in a holding pattern waiting for something else.
For me, it's no use getting upset or worried or anxious. We're still in the same media cycle. If, let's say, there's a sudden unexpected celebrity death like Kobe or the first week of March Madness is berserk (as it sometimes is) and KateGate is still the dominating news story, then I'll start worrying.
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dontlookheswatching · 2 months
Im bored and also working on a big post with some head canons about several characters with ref sheets, so im gonna make a birthday list real quick. I tried to keep a lot of this as canon as possible, but I have changed some ages and some birthdays aren't accurate because for some of these characters nothing would show up. Itll be going in order from January to December, 1st to the last day of the month.
-Rogue(Heather Sam Marshall) - January 7th. She's currently 24, and her zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Hoodie(Brian Hiatt Thomas) - February 5th. He's 24, and his zodiac is a Aquarius.
-Eyeless Jack(Jack Zin Nyras) - March 15th. He's 24, and his zodiac sign is a Pieces.
-Judge Angels(Dina Angela Clark) - April 2nd. She's 26, and her zodiac sign is a Aries.
-Alex Kralie - April 4th. He's 27, and his zodiac is a Aries.
-Sally Mae Williams - April 5th. She's physically and mentally 8. Her zodiac is a Aries.
-Ben Drowned(Benjamin Scott Lawman) - April 23rd. He's 22, and his zodiac sign is a Taurus.
-Ticci Toby(Toby Erin Rogers) - April 28th. Hes 22, and his zodiac sign is a Taurus.
-Seedeater - May 27th. His zodiac sign is a Gemini. He is a creature that does not age, just exists.
-Jeff the Killer(Jeffery Alan Woods) - June 2nd. He's 23, and his zodiac sign is a Gemini.
-Lost Silver(Jae-Ing) - June 6th. Hes 21, and his zodiac sign is a Gemini.
-Skitles(OC) - June 24th. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Cancer
Kate the Chaser(Kate Miller Hayes) - June 25th. She's 25, and her zodiac sign is a Cancer.
-Nina the Killer(Nina Rose Hopkins) - July 24th. She's 20, and her zodiac sign is a Leo.
-The Puppeteer(Blake Simon Smith) - July 25th. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Leo.
-Candypop - August 1st. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Leo.
-Hobo Heart - August 3rd. He’s 23, and his zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Eyeless Lulu(Lulu Mary Millers) - August 6th. She’s 15, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Occisus(OC/Samantha Lin Locke) - August 11th. She’s 24, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Jane the Killer(Jane Eve Richardson) - September 1st. She’s 23, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-HeartFixer(OC/Jamie Noel Martinez) - September 3rd. She’s 25, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Bloody Painter(Helen James Otis) - October 1st. He’s 24, and his zodiac is a Libra.
-Suicide Sadie(Sadie Dawn Myers) - October 21st. She’s 20, and her zodiac sign is a Libra.
-Zero - October 25th. She’s 23, and her zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-NightOwl(My boyfriends OC/Lin Felix Gaspar) - October 29th. He’s 25, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
Nurse Ann(Michelle Ann Quesnberry) - October 31st. She’s 28, and her zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Clockwork(Natalie Gwen Oulette) - November 6th. She’s 23, and her zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Sonic.exe - November 7th. He’s 15, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Tails Doll - November 7th. He’s 15, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Jason the Toymaker - November 15th. He doesn’t have a age. His zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Lure(OC) - November 17th. Hes 21, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Dark Link(Shadow) - November 21st. Hes 21, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Jay Merrick - November 23rd. Hes 26, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Smile Dog - November 27th. He has no known age, as a hellhound. His zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
-X-Vrius(Cody Swann Diller) - December 9th. He’s 21, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Homicidal Liu(Liu Vicki Woods) - December 21st. He’s 24, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Laughing Jack - December 25th. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Lazarus(Lazarus Dae Swann) - December 25th. He’s 12, and only ages every two years due to being part Zalgoid. His zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Masky(Timothy Que Wright) - December 26th. He’s 25, and his zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Kagekao - December 29th. He’s 27, and his zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
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rongrii · 7 months
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Me when when bunny murderer
So I watched the movie, and it was great!!
I will share my thoughts on it but try to keep it simple, bc i can write a whole 2 pages ass text about it(real)
1) OKAY i will say at first i am not a very big fan of changing canon (like in books), but on the other hand it creates a new different universe to explore, which is great! + I didn’t fell atmosphere similar to fnaf games, horror and tension in movie was a bit different, and whole mood of the film gave different vibes
2) I like the idea of Afton familt being in there, but not as Aftons?? I mean Mike, Abby and Garrett. On the first scene where Garrett was kidnapped i was like “WAIT GARRETT. THATS ONE OF C.C. FANON NAMES HUUUUUH”, i really liked this detail
3) About William not having a big of a motive, I am a fan of a slightly different William character. Like not JUST insane sadistical maniac, but something leading to this side of him to go out. Not very disappointed tho, as i said, it’s a different universe and exploring of new sides of characters.
4) About animatronics: I LOVED Foxys little singing when hes near and ready to attack. That was awesome to hear. Overall, robots are well made and they move in a very cool way!
What i want from future sequels(my selfish wishes): To see some version of Henry and Charlie(or at least puppet, and i am sure she will be there bc of some of moments in film), Springtrap and how his design will change after dying in a suit. Will he have visible bones and meat? Like in game, those details are so cool as a part of visual design, and future dynamics and characters interactions :D
Thank you for reading this all large text, I hope you liked the movie, and have a good day!!
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duckdotcom · 11 months
evil dead is like. if you put ash williams in a saw trap he would get out of it by cutting his legs off (producing more blood than any human being contains), then fashion the remains of the trap into a new set of badass mechanical legs with jackhammers on them, hunt down his captor from the vents and walls diehard style, and then ultimately fail to kill jigsaw because he thinks it's actually just a possessed doll behind it all. the real human guy sneaks away while ash dismembers the puppet with a chainsaw made of an old crt television
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