#[ into the lupinverse ]
t8oo · 5 months
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this happens in the columbo world and not the magic lupin world where physics dont matter and lupin probably breaks all the bones in his twiggy body to slide out the prison window bars 😢 (original by @/hausofdecline on twitter)
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badlydrawnarsenelupin · 8 months
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you know what. *hanfus your arsène lupins*
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ququoquaw · 5 months
its vry hard reminding myself that the french lupin show is not related to lupin the third and that arsene lupin was created in like the 1800s
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thetooncrew · 11 months
things i have learned are so far canon in the lupinverse as of part 2: - the Rio jesus statue is alive - Nessie is real
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vanillamochi1401 · 5 months
ok y’all know the spiderverse and all but lupinverse
every adaptation of arsène lupin living together but there’s no miguel and we have no idea who has to lead everyone
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traitimdoithay · 1 year
i think it would be insanely funny if venice of the dead was considered lost media in the lupinverse. imagine people being like “guys i heard there’s an version of venice of the dead where they didn’t apply sfx to the male actor” and then it becomes this ongoing search for the original version and just when people are super close to finding it suddenly it goes missing. maybe lupin was responsible. who knows
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therealraewest · 3 years
Yamamoto, making The Woman Called Fujiko Mine: I'm gonna give these iconic characters layers and nuance and lean into the contradiction of their character archetypes and why they do the things they do, what attracted them to the lives of killers and thieves. Also fuck cops, Zenigata's a dick now.
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Look what finally got delivered the moment I started watching more of Netflix Lupin!
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scarfedgun · 2 years
Where is lupinverse or goemonverse for my jigenverse to hang out with 😤
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shy-marker-pliers · 2 years
heist generator
we all know the lupgang steals some weird shit. having trouble thinking of a plot point for a fic? wanna waste a few seconds? wanna fuck around just 'cause? i present to you...
the lupinverse heist target generator!
what's the gang going after this time? let's find out...
in their newest adventure, the gang goes on a quest to find a(n) (description) (item) from (location/time period)!
the description of your artifact is determined by your birth month...
jan- giant
feb- solid diamond
mar- ancient
apr- gemstone studded
may- ultra powerful
jun- radioactive
jul- trillion dollar
aug- legendary
sep- forbidden
oct- cursed
nov- magical
dec- alien
the artifact in question depends on your best friend's (or pet's) birth month...
jan- coffin
feb- jetpack
mar- rocket launcher
apr- spaceship
may- animal statue
jun- immortal bird
jul- lost city
aug- hidden tomb
sept- crown
oct- suit of armor
nov- printing press
dec- ceremonial dagger
and where it's from depends on your parent's/sibling's birth month (or you can just pick one at random)
jan- a sunken pirate ship
feb- the red sea
mar- a secret government facility
apr- jupiter
jun- 20000 feet underground
jul- the 12th century
aug- 500 years in the futute
sep- an alternate universe
oct- a mysterious cave that no one has ever come out of
nov- hell.
dec- king henry VIII's grave site
lmk what you got in the tags!!!
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himbobeefcakephd · 3 years
Jigen drinking a whole bowl of whiskey idea got me thinkin about headcanons of what kind of drunks they'd all be...
I think Lupin would get drunk sorta quick and he acts really outrightly drunk, like a big loud fun drunk, but he's got more of his mind about him than he lets on, even when he's sloshed. he's mastered the art of the drunken heist, which mainly relies on the concept of "they can't tell what I'm doing if I can't tell what I'm doing" and a lot of dumb luck.
Jigen is stoic and doesn't seem drunk at all until he gets up to go pee and falls into a wall, and the gang is all "oof who was watching him??" turns out nobody! they all just took it for granted that he'd be fine, and now he's on the floor and they can't wake him up. but it takes a lot of drink to get him to that, and up til then, he can be surprisingly flirty in a understated way. makes him a little more forward with Lupin maybe, and Lupin wouldn't mind it at all. assertive Jigen is hot. any drunker = hot mess.
Zenigata's a lightweight for sure. his being tall doesn't mean shit, he gets all red faced and giggly embarrassingly fast. it's super cute, I think Lupin would be a little obsessed seeing him like that. so easy to tease, and very reactive. the downfall is that if he gets more drunk than the giggles, he goes way over emotional, and gets kinda whiny/weepy. somebody cuddle him and also cut him off.
Fujiko can drink her body weight and not let on. she is a professional. think like... that video of the girl in the bar who competes chugging beer with some guy who passed out and she just went back to dancing? idk if you'd know the vid I'm talking about, but that vibe 100% is Fujiko. she's also a master of getting her date to drink way more than she does without them noticing, so bonus.
Goemon actually has good tolerance, which results in him awkwardly babysitting all these drunken men while Fujiko laughs at him and calls him a sucker. he hates it. nobody better be sick, he will not handle it. though if he gets drunk, I think Goemon is quiet, but clingy like a koala. he just sticks to you. just sits next to Jigen and starts to lean on him heavier and heavier. Lupin will halfway carry him everywhere as he wanders around. Goemon and Zenigata drunk at the same time would be hilarious. drunk Goemon doesn't happen often.
Listen anon, I like these. I'm sticking these on my lupinverse headcanon vision board too (*´ω`*)
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i think some people won’t like this episode and i will kindly remind them of the canon vampires ghosts wizards dragons space aliens time travelers and more of the lupinverse. if they want to confirm the presence of angels and the christian god thats valid and im glad fujiko got to tell him to buzz off
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detectivehole · 3 years
Who is going to draw fanart of the whole gang?
Detective Hole
Sherlock Hole
Wonka Lazarus
Surazal the Wizard
OG Lazarus
Tall Lazarus
Lupinverse Lazarus
hey buddy wanna run that last one by me again?
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aerialsquid · 4 years
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So we do know that there’s other Weird Thieves out there in Lupinverse (Rat Clan, the set we see in “Prison of the Past”, the Bloody Angels, etc.), and Lupin would likely regard them as similar. He’d probably stay out of Gotham for the most part, too much competition for both goods and news coverage, but a couple of things might drive him there.
1. He just gets fucking lost on the way to New York
2. There’s a specific item he’s tracking that winds up there.
3. Fujiko Goddamn Mine.
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stealinghero · 4 years
My case: Lupin had crossovers with detective Conan. In DC a teenager gets deaged till he appears to be a grade schooler again, the same happens to an adult woman at one point. Therefore, this deeaging serum exists in the Lupinverse. Therefore, it’s not to wild to ask you to write a hcs where the the main fours and Zenigatas SO gets deaged and how they would react to that. (Would rather have this be temporary for a fun and wacky stint as opposed to a real problem with repercussions)
I just re-watched the two movies! O__O they’re two of my favorites and the reason I bought some Conan manga yesterday even if I’m not a big fan anymore
- isn’t there when it happens, regrets it, but was chased by Zenigata
- holy shit. In the first minute he doesn’t know if he should laugh, cry or just stay silent when his s/o stands before him, then he opts for a loud laughter
- will be totally in papa-mode with his s/o, and they hate him for that. “I’m just smaller, not a child!”
- loves to shop for the new body of his s/o, will just buy wacky things like a colourful t-shirt with a penguin on it that says “I can poop alone”
- will get hit for that and learns that sometimes he’s weaker than a 7-year old
- will use every damn chance to use his height and will hide the cookie jar on a shelf (will get hit again for that)
- offers to go to the playground with his s/o (and again a beating)
- plays it cool in front of his s/o but is looking for a way to turn them back to normal whenever his s/o is sleeping or out of the house (only with accompaniment)
- is there when it happens, is worried and than pretty angry
- will laugh about his s/o without shame
- “No, you can’t have my Scotch, you are too small for it”
- hated being called Papa by Conan, but will allow his s/o to call him that
- will NOT allow to be called “Daddy”, it sounds too strange from his s/o
- free piggyback-rides for his s/o
- tries to find “adult” kids clothes, but if he fails he doesn’t mind if his s/o just wears adult clothes 5 sizes too big (he finds it hilarious)
- begs Lupin to find a cure and will try to get information in any way he can
- one time joked about carrying his s/o in a baby carrier, almost lost his beard that night to a very vengeful s/o
- is there, kills the person responsible when they haven’t the antidote with them and don’t know where to find it. No one touches his s/o and survives.
- it’s very strange to see him with his s/o, because he still acts “normal”
- gets into trouble a few times because there’s a strange man in the park drinking sake with a kid and calling the kid his “lover”
- gets arrested 3 times before he learns
- smiles when he sees his s/o in a kid sized yukata or kimono
- is pretty chill about it, but if his s/o is worried or annoyed too much by the situation he will try to change it and doesn’t shy away to use any means possible
- after his s/o grows back, he notices that he misses a kid sized s/o
- this incident could be the start of him wanting a kid of his own with his s/o
- isn’t there when it happens, would have begged to have one ampoule of the serum for herself
- uses her s/o to study the effects of the serum, taking blood samples, taking measures, etc.
- if her s/o is pissed about that she will promise to let it be, but will continue the studies in secret
- She wants the recipe for that serum!
- loves shopping and will buy a lot of new clothes even if the effects wear out after a certain time
- hates being spoken to as the mother of her s/o by elderly people
- has as least one “friend” that can surely help her get the antidote
- will even buy the antidote or trade it for one of Lupin’s targets
- is there when is happens and still needs a DNA test to really believe that this kid in front of him is his s/o
- has a canon daughter (and adopted Oscar) and knows what kids need, totally forgetting that this “kid” is his s/o (“Eat your vegetables to grow strong!”)
- feels a bit strange running around with his small s/o and will urge them to stay inside while he investigates this serum
- will use every possible option and will redeem a lot of old favors in his search for an antidote
- his s/o reminds him of his younger days with his own kid/s and makes him feel guilty to have lost contact with his daughter
- brings his s/o to work and let them sit on his desk as he works through any related cases
- will act as the proud father in front of strangers
- misses to kiss his s/o whenever he feels like it, also misses PDA a lot
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cynthiaandsamus · 4 years
I mean why even bother killing Lupin at this point? He’s stuck in the past with no way back if you don’t fuck with the time machine
(Though with how time works in the Lupinverse this could all be like two weeks ago considering we don’t know how far the Parts actually are apart from each other since Lupin doesn’t age)
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