#:: muns voice
Got the Moon brainrot so I uhhhhhh did a thing.
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pink-onyx-au · 3 months
Do you have a voice claim for Onyx?
I do. And honestly someone offered up Ryan Reynolds to me a while back for the masculine-leaning voice and frankly I’m here for it tbh 🧦
If you prefer your Onyx feminine-leaning, they have a lower, husky voice. Yet to find a good female voice claim that fits though.
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yandereworlds · 1 year
Dear mods, do you have any voice headcanons for Dae-Hyun and Lukas?
This ask is so old, but FINALLY, I can answer it. In case any of you have been curious what my character's sound like, here's a video I put together for each of their voice claims! I do think Demetrius's voice would be a bit deeper, but this is good enough for now. Hope you guys enjoy!
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//So, guess who doesn’t know how to commit to quitting?//
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syst3merr0r · 1 year
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quuerbee · 9 months
Hey guys don't think too hard about how Chung Mun had to watch Chung Myung, who he had basically raised his whole life, slowly start to lose himself in the war. How he had to watch Chung Myung become a weapon for others to use, how he cannonically watched as Chung Myung not treat his wounds, rushing into battle to the point where if not for Tang Bo, he would've died before that final battle. And ESPECIALLY don't think about how he died thinking that he not only failed Chung Jin and Mount Hua, but that he had lost the love of the boy he spent his entire life raising
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taviokapudding · 2 years
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After the Sumeru leaks I was like
Nah, Ima drop this game
But now the Genshin Impact devs really got me invested in whatever lore is happening here because they even have a similar voice in the EN & like it would explain w h y Baizhu is so focused on keeping Qiqi around if it turns out this is all just one long con
But also, could they be siblings? Cousins? Twins? Father & son? Immortals? Ying & Yang?
Holy shit, they really just changed the whole story so far with the release of all the Fauti Harbingers
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misteria247 · 1 year
Kid Lupin III: Sounds like a normal kid, high pitched voice that's cute and boyish. All in all very sweet and a little mischievous.
Kid Jigen Daisuke: Yare yare daze 2.0, eats bullets and badass manly stuff for breakfast, literally came out of the womb having already gone through puberty. The deepest voice a kid's ever had.
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johnnyutah · 2 months
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jinxcdd · 10 days
the writer is not the character. the character is not the voice actor.
this apparently needs to be spelt out to people.
you can still like something even if someone in the background is problematic. it's being able to separate fiction from reality.
look at jk rowling and how she got cancelled for one comment. harry potter is still loved by many. michael jackson - how many of you still listen to his music when the allegations came out? James Gunn - how many of you still watch the guardians of the galaxy movies and think their great?
What i'm getting at is the product is not the person behind it. you can enjoy something without endorsing the bad parts.
someone saying they like the voice of a character is not them admitting they like the voice actor - they just enjoy the voice. as someone who is audio sensitive there are some podcasts that i just cant listen to because i dont like the voice behind it - doesnt mean i dont like the person or the show... it's pained me before because i really enjoyed the show but i couldn't stand the voice. it works the other way.
liking harry potter doesnt mean you have to like jk rowling or endorse the comments she made. just appreciate the art and move on.
this is the internet.
this is a place to relax and escape.
a show is just a show.
a character is just a character.
if you dont like that character that's fine no one's going to hunt you down for it.
so don't start harassing people for a character that they do like!
Just skip past that blog - unfollow - block - or just dont follow in the first place. no one is forcing you to have anything to do with them.
you dont have to make everyone aware of the behind the scenes. let people enjoy a FICTIONAL character.
we all read fiction. we all read books/fanfics that have massive redflags on it. god knows the amount of trigger warnings in the books i have read but do we all enjoy a morally grey character that have the biggest red flags ? yes. would we go near them in real life? fuck no.
We know the difference.
grow up and let cancel culture die the death it's meant to. we can all wear our socks how we like. get over yourselves and MOVE THE FUCK ON. it's boring now and im sure im not the only one that is done with this PATHETIC behaviour.
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askmatthias · 4 months
Since Louis remembers everything does that mean he most likely remembers all his deaths too?..
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( cw self-harm, s*icide attempts implied, blood )
"But not the perspective you might be imagining."
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"... And, eventually, destroying 'me' wasn't enough."
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"He's what you might call... Delicate. So you and I will be keeping this between us. Okay?"
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imkirayourgodd · 22 days
That wicked need at midnight to rewatch Death Note and become the God of the New World…
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sasstras-gaze · 2 months
Go ahead and choke me, maybe i’ll like it. -🥛
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redxriiot · 2 months
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Single-handedly being dragged back into bnha fandom by Hot Goth Mama™ in the new movie trailer (ignore Normal Joker)
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taviokapudding · 9 months
Congrats to Brian David Gilbert for always being that cunty theater white man in a suit
Go nerdy twunk go!
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//Does your muse also own one of these? Just doing a little test.//
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