#//once again giving you the worst intro ever
icedfae · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted!! GRIFFIN AVERESCU on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 25 year old looks like ROSS BUTLER, but i don’t really see it. while  the NFL FOOTBALL PLAYER  is known for being CHARISMATIC my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be COCKY i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song LEMONS by BRYCE, CAVETOWN
there’s a billion people on this planet that you could bother
Name: Griffin Averescu Age: Twenty-Five DOB: February 9th Gender: Cismale Sexuality: Heterosexual Occupation: NFL Football Player - Los Angeles Rams Runningback
but for some reason you chose me
Born into the lap of luxury, Griffin had rarely wanted for anything. The second youngest of five, his younger sister rounding out the family, he had always gotten away with whatever he wanted. The pressure placed on each child to reach perfection, to live up to the family name with any means necessary. Detached parenting filling the home while their mother tried to keep up pretenses of perfection.
Griff had always been their father’s golden child. The one who viewed him as a god amongst men, wanted to be like him no matter what it took. Early morning pee wee games turned into conditioning practices throughout high school and eventually being scouted by OSU for their football team. The moment he turned 18 he was shipped off to Ohio without any remorse, just a reminder not to let down the family name.
His first year going into the draft and coming out a No. 1 pick for the Los Angeles Rams.
It was during this time that his family life was rocked by the outburst of betrayal by their mother, leaving his father for the man she had been having an affair with for years. While he wanted to celebrate his success in securing a career, Griffin found himself flying back home to deal with the issues created by Janine Averescu.
Once it seemed as though Janine had disappeared into the sunset with her lover, Griffin had decided not to let his family’s name hold him back any longer. The more he fought to be better for himself, the more that he seemed to gain a bit more of his father’s respect along the way. A name made for himself and not just because of nepotism but in his own right.
a better description of their family drama can be found here
i wish you could give you the attention you ordered
things to note
Griffin has a tendency to be a bit of an airhead, a bit cocky and overall thinks he’s a god. The god complex is real in this one.
Total bro, will be loyal to you until the day he dies.
Due to his family’s past mistakes, Griffin does have a hard time trusting people and while he’s friendly and easily makes friends, he rarely opens up to anyone about his personal life.
He can be a bit dense at times, needing people to spell things out to him
His younger sister, Devon, is the cause of most of his headaches in life. Each time would run away as a child sent him into a panic hidden behind well timed quips about ‘oh no she’s returned to them’. He loves her though, would do anything for her, even if he thinks she needs to lay off the caffeine at times.
Easily distractable and whenever he’s in a relationship he gets bored easily.
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
Fast Cars on the Island - Oscar Piastri x LoveIslandContestant! Reader Part 1
Plot: Your an engineer for Mclaren and you were asked as a PR stunt to go onto Love Island. You would keep your job of course but Mclaren wanted some more media traction.
A/N: I know they would never do this, and that's why its fiction!
Credit to brawn-gp for the GIF
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You'd basically been an intern during your placement year at McLaren as an engineering university student. They then kept you on as an employee to work with them while you completed your final year of university.
That was in 2023, it was now 2025 and you were 23 years old and had worked for McLaren for the last few years.
In recent years PR for the teams was all getting the same. They made the funny and treading tiktoks, they did the 0.5 pics, and they made the memes which never got old. But all the teams were looking for something new... something refreshing. So when the team came forward with the idea for someone to go on Love Island, Zac Brown hated the idea.
He thought it was ridiculous.
It was ridiculous.
But after some thought of how Lando and Oscar, the stellar boys of his team... young and energetic brought like likeability and youth too McLaren that everyone loved. He then realized that this would give someone in McLaren a larger platform to open up too and show the ins and outs of McLaren and it would gain way more viewers from a different group of people.
So once the car for 2025 had been created he went through a long list of all the potential candidates he'd ask to apply. Maybe he could even see if he could sway ITV in anyway.
Obviously he looked at the social media girls and then any of the mechanics that they could let loose for the potential of 10 weeks. But the one that struck him the most was you. Y/N Y/L/N.
You were the perfect candidate, you were an engineer and travelled with McLaren from race to race working on the car's performance and helping the strategists when it came to optimizing car performance with driver ability.
So that's why you were currently sat in the ITV studio doing your little interview for your introduction.
You were a little gutted they told you they wanted you in on this project as you had a massive crush on driver number 81 Oscar Piastri and you knew both him and Lando would be watching you.
The Love Island Intro:
"My love life is non-apparent I think I've had a closer relationship with my car than a man!" you joked halfway through the interview when they'd asked you about your love-life.
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I'm 23 years old from London! I work for a Formula 1 Team, McLaren Racing as an Engineer" you smile looking at the camera shuffling on your seat a little bit adjusting you dress.
"The lights a really bright in this studio I think my makeup's running!" you say as a makeup technician comes out fixing your under eye a little.
"I think my last relationship was my first year of University and it lasted for about a year" you answer with a thoughtful look up.
"I think he got fed up with me! At that point i was very career focused and I still am." you answer the prompted 'and why was that' question asked to you.
"I'm not fussy when it comes to looks, but I tend to go for sporty guys that are taller than me and treat me well! My dad always told me, find yourself a man that will treat you how they treat their Vintage Pontaic and I've lived by that ever since!" you admit with a little laugh.
"Where I work in such a fast paced and big industry I'm very much a socialite and people person so i can imagine I'll make friends quickly in the villa" you answer again the question they asked you.
Walking into the Villa:
You step into the Villa, you of course were wearing a Papaya Bikini with a matching coverup in the form of a cardigan but sheer.
You walk through thanking the driver before walking into the villa looking around in awe.
Maybe it wasn't the worst thing spending your entire summer here. The only thing was you were gutted you wouldn't be updated on how your team was doing at any point! This year the villa was in Greece, it had been completely reformed with the pool being more like the one from season 1 where it had the beach sort of style to it.
You round the corner seeing two gorgeous girls sipping on champagne.
"Oh, look its another girl!!! OMG HEY!!!!" the first girl shouts beckoning you over.
"Hey!" you exclaim walking over as quickly as you could in the heels you were wearing.
The first girl pulls you into a hug kissing either one of your cheeks while gripping both your arms, she was pretty tall as well around 5'11, whereas you were around 5'7 in the heels you were sporting.
The next girl hands you a drink before kissing your cheek.
"So girl! What's your name, how old are you?" the first girl asks.
"Y/N! And I'm 23! What's your names?" you ask politely before taking a sip of your champagne.
"I'm Millie, and this is Auriela!" she smiles pointing to the other girl.
Seconds later another female enters the Villa with a shrilly sort of shriek, looking around at the place.
"Omggggggg! Heyy girls whats going on!" she says in a strong Scottish Accent.
Your then introduced to Zavi before you all get chatting about what you like in boys.
Oscar and Lando's Reaction:
"Damn, who knew she looked like that under team gear!" Lando compliments shamelessly checking her out as they slow-mowed her walk out on screen before showing her intro video.
"Yeah, she's pretty" Oscar says quietly while respectfully looking her over.
Oscar had a crush on you from when he was a reserve driver for Alpine and he saw you on work experience in McLaren from the end of the 2022 season and before he joined all the way through till the September of 2023. You then were in the MTC a lot between Uni, so he saw you a lot during the winter break before you were off for your finals.
You rejoined McLaren in May of 2024 for the Monaco GP where you cam with revolutionary upgrades for Zac Brown to oversee.
And you'd been with them ever since, always in Oscar's mind as the pretty engineer who not only made his cars race fast but made his heart race just as fast too.
He watched as she said she liked sporty guys, maybe he had a chance if she didn't fall in love while in there.
"That other girls pretty fit! Mille is that her name?" Lando comments but it goes straight over Oscar's head where he's so honed in on you.
Meeting the Boys:
The presenter had you all stood in the pool, and she explained how she was about to bring the boys out one by one.
"Okay first boy. Please come out and introduce yourself!"
"Hey ladies, all looking beautiful today, my name is Jai I'm 25 and I'm a training Surgeon!" he smiles holding both hands together as he looks at all of you.
"Okay ladies, step forward if you like the look of Jai!" she says and both Millie and Zavi step forward. You don't step forward as you can imagine he's pretty busy as a doctor and your schedules would clash too much.
"Oh woah, you've got too girls that have stepped forward for you Jai, what are your first thought, we feeling good?" she asks and he nods.
"Yeah, I mean they are both gorgeous ladies!"
"Okay lets find out more. Zavi, why did you step forward?" the presenter asks and she smiles.
"We're both doctors, so i think we'd make a pretty good match, we'd have lots to talk about. Yeah and your very handsome!" she says shyly and the presenter nods.
"Awesome and Y/N you didn't step forward, just keeping you options open?" she asks and you shake your head.
"You of course are very attractive and seem like a really funny and kind guy, but I travel a lot for work and I think with you being a doctor our schedules would result in a major clash unfortunately!" you explain, with a guilty look.
He nods in understanding before he goes and stands next to Zavi in her white bathing suit.
"Our first couple, Jai and Zavi!" she says and you all clap as Jai walks next to her placing a quick kiss on her cheek.
"Okay, our second boy everyone say hello to Chris!" she introduces and another man comes walking through the double glass doors.
"Hey, I'm Chris I'm 22 and I'm a Celebrity Hairdresser" he smiles waving shyly before tucking his arms behind his back.
"Okay girls you know what to do!"
This time only Auriela steps forward. You stay in your position along with Millie.
"Okay, so Auriela has stepped forward for you Chris! Aurelia why did you step forward!" she asks and Auriela laughs.
"Holy hell have you seen him? Hi I'm Aurelia" she smiles playfully at him, he looks down a small blush on his cheeks.
"Millie, you didn't step forward this time. Any reason?" she asks.
"Little disheartened after Jai, but I'm sure my times coming. Just not with Chris, sorry my ex is a hairdresser!" she laughs off her reasoning before he ends up choosing Aurelia.
"Our second couple Chris and Aurelia!"
"Okay, Boy 3 please make yourself known!" she exclaims and another very handsome man comes strolling out. He immediately sends a wink your guys' way and pulls the presenter in to kiss her cheek in a friendly manner.
"Hi, my names Daniel, I'm 25 and I'm a footballer" he smiles crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"Okay, ladies please step forward if you like the look of Daniel" the presenter smiles. You, Millie and Aurelia all step forward.
"Sorry" Aureila says turning round to look at Chris.
"Woah, that's the most we've had step forward! And this is in fact that first time we've had Y/N step forward" the presenter says and he looks between you and Millie trying to determine who it was.
"The one in Orange!" she exclaims and he looks at you, small smirk on his face.
"Hello beautiful" he compliments and you smile at him.
Eventually after she asks Millie who pleads her case heavily, he goes with her. You step back a little sadly and he looks over to you in apology but you just nod with a smile understanding his choice.
"Okay our next couple Millie and Daniel!" she says and you all clap happily.
"Okay boy number 4 please step out and make yourself known" the presenter asks again.
"Hiya, all looking really beautiful ladies. I'm Aaron I'm 26 and I'm a freelance photographer" he introduces before making a little side joke.
You, and Zavi step forward.
"So you've got Y/N who only stepped forward for one other boy stepping forward for you in Orange and isn't currently coupled up. Then you've got Zavi's who currently with Jai" she explains and he nods.
"But of course you can choose any girl even if she's not coupled up! Y/N why did you step forward?" she asks looking at you.
"You are very handsome obviously, has that sky book guy vibe about him. But I think your photography career would go wild if you came travelling with me for my job!" you smile looking at him.
She asks Zavi why she changed her mind from Jai giving a generic answer about keeping her options open before she questions Millie and why she didn't step forward.
"Aaron, please go stand next to the girl you'd like to couple up with" the presenter says and he walks standing next to you. He places a kiss on your cheek.
"You look stunning by the way" he smiles looking down at you making you blush and elbow him to shut up. So you could see what the presenter was about to say.
"Now, all of you are happily coupled up, we have Y/N and Aaron, we have Millie and Daniel, Aureila and Chris and Zavi and Jai. However, please say hello to our final male contestant Charlie" she says and a blonde guy walks out full of confidence.
"£10 that he's out by week 2" you whisper to Aaron making him snicker a little before covering it up with a cough.
"Hi ladies, I'm Charlie I'm 28 and I'm a Physician" he smiles.
"Okay, so obviously all these ladies are currently coupled up, however you are able to choose any of them and break the couple they are currently in!" the presenter exclaims.
"Oooooof the whole lot!" he says flicking his hand looking over all of you.
"I'm going to make it easier for you and ask if the girls like the look of you for them to step forward. Please do so ladies on the count of three" she says and counts to 3.
When no-one steps forward he awkwardly shuffles.
"Come on ladies lets not be shy" he laughs, until the presenter deems no-one to step forward.
"Okay, I'll go with her in the Orange Bikini" he says pointing at you. You look away from Aaron in shock.
"Okay, Aaron please come stand here with me and Charlie please go stand next to Y/N" she says and you keep your eyes on Aaron as he walks away. He gives a nod to you and you nod back.
An understanding.
"Okay, these are our current couples, no more couplings will happen today!" she exclaims before she explains that you have time to explore the villa and get to know each other.
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Oscar and Lando Reaction:
"Okay, no I understand that, good for her" Lando says shoving some plain popcorn into his mouth as he watched Y/N not step forward for Jai.
"I bet Y/N would step forward for me" Lando says as she rejects the second guy to come out Chris.
"Do you recon she'd step out for me?" Oscar asks looking over to his friend.
"Yeah mate. Your a catch. I even heard her say to Emma, the girl in marketing once that her fav accent is aussie!" Lando admits eyes glued to the screen as she steps forward for Daniel.
"She does!" Oscar exclaims looking at Lando making his pause the TV.
"Yeah, mate. Now lets watch coz this may be the future Mr Y/N in the paddock!" Lando says gesturing to the TV.
"Nah, that's foul. How you out there rejecting my girl Y/N Y/LN!" Lando screams at the TV in horror that Daniel had just gone with Millie.
They watch as the next guy walks out and Lando and Oscar raise eyebrows. It was a brown haired, brown eyed guy that did the beluga smile as he came out.
"She's so stepping forward for him!" Lando says pointing at Aaron.
"I'm already putting my money on them as winners" he comments again. And she does in fact step forward. He of course chooses her, no seconds thoughts needed. They watch as he compliments her and kisses her cheek.
"Dude, she defo had school girl crushes on us!" Lando admits seeing the similar attributes and mannerisms the mail had to the McLaren driver duo.
They wait until they see Charlie walking in.
“Nah man, he keeps eyeing her up! He’s gonna take her away from Aaron!” Lando explains, but Oscar is just unhappy that she’s coupled up with anyone in general.
He should have admitted to her ages ago that he was madly in love with her.
They then watched on as the girls all parted ways walking into the bedroom and makeup area where all their clothes were in the wardrobes with their names on!
The boys all sat around the campfire talking to each other. Not fully getting to know each other wanting to save that for dinner later on.
But Oscar didn’t know how much longer he could watch this if you were going to be flirting with people the whole time.
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Happy Saturday lovely fandom. We’ve reached the seminal episode of their secret dating period. This ep doesn’t need much of an intro. Just lots of goodies and an ending that still makes me blush... I fit everything I could gif wise ha Let’s get started.
5x12 Death Notice
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We start off with Lucy and Tamara and I’m so glad we do. This scene is perfection. Tamara is testing the waters with her. Saying she was surprised Lucy was here....I have a feeling Lucy been out a ton since she started dating Tim. Love this. Tamara giving her crap saying she stayed up till 1am and she wasn’t here. Lucy trying to brush it off saying they must missed each other that’s all. That trivia ran late for her. Tamara can’t do it anymore. Calling her pseudo mom’s bluff. Straight up telling her she saw Tim drop her off. HA I wonder what she saw? Must’ve seen her kiss him good night.
Which makes me all giddy inside. Lucy gets so excited and drops her bag. Exclaiming 'Thank god.' Telling her she’s so sick of cover stories. Tamara asking why they’re being so secretive? Lucy explaining they’re figuring things out. I love Tamara being a facilitator for them. Saying she can do whatever they need for alone time. Lucy tells her they’re not sleeping together. It’s the way the music stops in this scene that kills me after she says this. Tamara is then the fandom and says ‘Why not?’ Lucy tells her they’re taking it slow. They want to do this right.
Tamara follow ups are perfect. Asking her if she’s not sure how she feels? Lucy saying she knows exactly how she feels. ‘The most amazing relationship she’s been in since ever. ’my heart. Tamara’s questions her again and says ‘ So....You’re waiting why?’ Haha Tamara is out here trying to get Lucy laid LOL I love it sfm. I think Lucy knew once they started they wouldn’t stop. Kinda like the Pringles slogan. ‘Once you pop you can’t stop.’ Heh Once they started she knew they wouldn’t be stopping...
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Lucy finds Tim immediately at work after her convo with Tamara. Gah these two could not be more obvious in their stupid happy smiles. Sure no one has seen Tim smile like he does with her. What happens when you're properly loved. I love the way Lucy gravitates towards him when she finds him. How he instantly gets as close to her as possible. Nary an inch between them. Smooth you two. They are radiating sunshine and happiness and they haven’t even slept together yet. That’s how well it’s going for them and I’m dying with glee.
I could write an entire essay on how much I love the secret handholding/touching portion of this scene. It was a must to get a really good gif of this. Lucy’s finger touching him as they walk. Because she can’t help herself. Has to be in constant contact with him. Moth to flame. Tim returning the favor with tapping his fingers on her thigh. The most telling smile on his face as he does this. Such small gesture between them is sending into a squee spiral haha
Tim feeling cheeky as he taps on her thigh. Not only taps it but does it TWICE. He did it twice everyone. It was double tap. One wasn't enough for him. *squee* The man loves her thighs and we love him for it. Saw a post said ‘When you’re at work and wanna hold hands. But you’re at work.’ Ha These sneaky little touches sent me into a damn tizzy. We're two minutes into this episode and they're already killing me. Lucy tells him 'Tonight is the night.' Clearly her talk with Tamara bearing some good fruit for Tim LOL She is ready to go after that convo.
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Tim tries to contain his excitement when she tells him it’s go time. Asking her his place or hers? Jealous dog or nosy roommate? ha. This brings up Tamara and her knowing about them. Tim isn’t mad so much as shocked she told her. Lucy having the best reply. ‘She has eyes.’ LMFAO So does everyone else in their world….The world worst kept secret these two my god. I mean it's not like you guys are all that subtle my love. Lucy cheers him up saying she’ll be at a friends tonight though….Tim perking right back up. Looking at the smile on that man above. He is very excited about tonight being the night.
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Grey interrupts the heart eye nation they have going on. They jump a little ha Forgetting they're at friggin work. They were being all happy and cute as Grey walks up. The man knew already but seeing them like this? All flirty, smiley and happy. It was all the confirmation he needed. He asks them to ride together today. Aaron is going to be with Harper. This time not a peep out of them unlike in 5x08. Another telling sign tbh… Lucy mentions this is going to be awkward.
Tim being Tim saying it’s fine. They’ve done this hundreds of times together. It’s not big deal. Lucy tells him yes but never as a couple though. Tim once again not seeing the problem she so obviously sees. Saying on the streets they won’t be. Ok babe… You weren’t great about hiding your feelings when you weren't together. But sure not that you’re together that wouldn't be amplified at all... I love Lucy opening the door for him. Then teasing him in the most flirtatious way. Asking if he won’t be thinking about tonight at all?
A night I’m sure he’s thought about a million times since they got together. (If not a little bit before too) Being flirty right back saying ‘Not at all..’ idk what I love more Lucy checking out his fine ass Or Tim saying thank you to her opening the door. Ok well obviously it’s Lucy blatantly checking him out. Shooting back ‘ Me neither.’ Ha sure... Not that I blame her. I mean my god look at him. Tight jeans a a henley? You check him out Lucy. Mmm. Although I do love him saying 'Thank you' for her opening the door it's adorable LOL It’s a close second. Heh
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We join them getting their shop ready for the day. Lucy saying she could fein food poisoning. Tim seems offended by this idea. Saying she would do that just to get out riding with him? Lucy says yeah with no regrets. Ha Wanting to avoid the weirdness of them having to ride together Tim telling her she’s overthinking this. Then says the most hysterical lie of all.
‘We leave our personal life at the door. Just like always.’ Uh when has that ever happened Timothy? Some of your most intimate and bonding moments have happened in your shop and on patrol but ok. I love Lucy calling herself his Girlfriend. be still my heart. Just out in the open like that. Tim isn't contesting this fact one bit either.
Never be over how ready she is with Tim for everything. Her commitment issues flew out the window when they got together. Makes my heart so happy it might implode. Couldn’t stand the idea with Chris after months. Few weeks with Tim and she’s all about labeling herself as his Girlfriend. Eeeeee. Tim simply says ‘Yeah.’ To her statement though. Trying not to seem phased. Oh my boy.
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The absolute sass in this scene from her is glorious. Trying so hard to prove her point and Tim isn’t listening to her. Lucy does the cutest little dance with her duty belt. Seeing if he’ll notice the mistake she purposely made. He doesn’t…Sharp hard ass Tim Has left the building. Super in love puppy Tim has taken the wheel. Tim is floored she did this on purpose.
Telling her she doesn’t do Tim Tests. He does them. Lucy is on her game today and doesn’t let that hold her back. Saying it’s not a Tim Test. It’s a 'Lucy Lesson' hehe. I adore her touching his arm and saying he’s taking it easy on her. I mean he is….He just doesn’t want to see it. Doesn’t want to admit something has shifted between them. Lucy points out their dynamic has changed and they’re not even on the street yet.
I love her being so damn cheeky with him. Tim is getting antsy af tells her to just get in the car. Done with this convo now. Lucy with her sassy fully sharpened says ‘It’s a shop.’ Taking us all the back to the Pilot. Where that Tim would be appalled at this one LMFAO. The look he gives her I’m dying. Remember when one look used to send her into a tailspin? Now she owns this man in front of her. LOL Tim is so done with her antics and yet impressed with her sass at same time. No words left just points for her to get in car. heh
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I love them coming back from getting coffee together. Mini date on the job. Lucy is all about the touching today. I'm here for it. Touching his arm to get him to stop. Lucy asks if he’s noticed? Tim says of course he noticed. She’s carrying her coffee in her gun hand. Forgetting all about the time he destroyed her in 2x19 over the same thing. Oh my Timothy so blinded by love my dear.
Telling her these ‘Lucy Lessons’ are pointless. Oh but they’re not and you’ll find out the hard way later… Lucy is shocked he doesn’t see how he’s treating her differently. Tim trying to pass it off as her not being a rookie anymore. She can do whatever she wants now. Mmmhmmm… Then the biggest lie of all comes out his beautiful mouth. Saying he would give Aaron the same leeway. This isn't about them.
Lying liar. It’s so cute though he’s just so in love with her and refuses to see reason about this. Just happy to get to spend a work day with his girl. Also this has been the case for years now. It’s just massively amplified cause he’s in love with her now. Lucy never has nor will she ever be just another cop to him. I adore Lucy’s ‘Mm…’ Knowing he’s full of actual crap here. Hehe
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Tim and Lucy are citing our their arrest together. The guy looks through his bag and says his earrings are missing. Asking if Lucy took them? We watch Tim get defensive and looks like he wants to deck the guy. Lucy tells him she didn’t take them. Tim steps in and says they’ll call him when they find them. Basically being like back off my girl right now.
Lucy playing Tim like an absolute fiddle in this moment. Saying she didn’t take them. Tim knowing this and telling her as such. Saying these things happen. Tim ‘Rules matter’ Bradford saying 'These things happen.' Lucy not letting him give her a pass. Saying they don't happen to her. Then bringing it back to them. Telling him she’s been so focused on them and tonight. Wondering did she screw up? Tim looking as lost for words as I’ve ever seen him.
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Tim is frantically checking their shop for the earrings. The man is in an absolute panic about this. Lucy is watching him as he desperately searches for these bloody earrings. Lucy tells them they’ve checked everywhere at this point. Tim refusing to give up on finding them. Lucy saying he needs to report this now. Tim won’t do it. Telling her they’re not there yet… Lucy asks how long he has?
He explains it’s up to his discretion on these things. If they find them no need for paperwork. Lucy reminds him if they don’t he will have to report her to IA. He looks gutted at the thought of that. Won’t even entertain the thought. Instead says they can see if janitorial swept them up. Oh Timothy a man of principles and contradictions for those he loves. 2x01 Tim would floored by his actions. Trying to leave info out of a report for her. Which I just love tbh.
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Lucy comes home looks exhausted and slightly defeated. Tamara is in a panic and says she is almost out of there. Lucy tells her not to worry they canceled their date…Saying today revealed all the issues with dating your boss. Tamara asks if they’re gonna break up? Lucy is SO firm In her reply. Telling her 'No they’ll figure it out.' instantly. Tamara can’t help herself and asks how? Lucy isn't too sure yet. All she is sure of is they're not breaking up. That's a non starter.
Tim shows up at their door. Tamara answers and tells Lucy her 'Boyfriend is here.' hehe Tim’s face is hilarious. He's so cute hands in his pockets as he waits to be let in. Tamara smugly telling him she figured it out. Wanting Tim to be a little proud of her. He is and tells her 'He has no doubt.' when she says she would be a good detective. Lucy appears and says she thought they canceled? That is the face of a man who didn’t think they did. LOL So sassy when he says ‘Uh we didn’t.’ ha
I love the hug she greets him with. My damn heart. He fully expected to be spending time with his girl tonight. Sex or not. When they pull away Tamara is just awkwardly standing there smiling at them. Kinda like us as the fandom when we watch them have scenes haha I think she wants to hear the tea between them. Then quickly realizes they want some alone time and ducks off to her room. Oh Tamara I love you. I think she's just really excited for Lucy. Knowing this one is the real deal.
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Tim tries to come up with a new excuse why they couldn’t find the earrings. Saying maybe they thought it was for a female officer. That they put them in the locker room. Lucy shoots that down instantly. Saying she already checked. That he HAS to report this now. Tim looks so damn defeated when he agrees with her. Knowing she isn’t wrong. Lucy noting that if it had been Aaron he would’ve done it already. Tim sighs deeply replying he knows. But it’s not Aaron. 'It’s YOU.' Gah getting me right in the feels Timothy. Two words meaning so very much.
Tim has it so bad for her he was completely blind to favoring her. To treating her differently. She’s the exception always has been always will be. But more so now. I love how transparent he is in this moment. Telling her exactly what’s happened. Because he gets to now. He doesn’t have to hide the fact that he cares about her anymore. Makes my heart happy. Lucy follows it up with ‘You can’t be objective when it comes to me right?’ Tim just sadly shakes his head no. I love her ‘Mm-hmm.’ Like there we go my love. You're getting it.
Then she brings it home saying 'Thus endeth the Lucy lesson.' The student has become the master ha I remember being absolutely floored by her. In awe really. What a brilliant way to bring her point home. Tim too is floored by this. Lucy is feeling pretty damn proud of herself. I love her putting her chin on her fist. Staring at him with heart eyes. So confident. Tim telling her it was impressive but evil. Lucy says she knows but he wasn’t facing the problem. Tim looking defeated again saying 'Well now he is. So what do they do?'
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This next scene just shows why Lucy is his person. They say the only have two options. Break up or one of them leaves Mid-Wilshire. I love how Lucy doesn’t even contemplate a breakup. That's not on table. Just says it should be her. Tim fighting her on it saying no she she loves it here. Lucy REFUSES to let him take a demotion for her. Tim tries to fight her but she won’t let him. Flat out won’t have it. Of course she did her research on this for them.
Checking see if there another version of his job in the division. I just love them having this conversation together. So opposite of what he had with Ashley. Lucy is including him in her future. Even if that means she has to leave. If that's what they need then that’s what going to happen. Especially if she gets to keep their relationship. Gah I love this scene so much.
What a huge upgrade for Tim. To have someone willing to sacrifice for him. Not something he’s ever had or been used to. She was willing to take a leap elsewhere just for him. He’s finally in a relationship with someone who is gonna fight for him and them as a couple. Put him first. Which he also has never had. I love it so much. It's making me emotional. My damn heart. This episode it’s a friggin dream to watch.
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They return to the station and Tim tells her good job today. Just handing out compliments. I adore it. She has more than earned it. Lucy reciprocates. I love her pulling the lint off his uniform. Such a wifey move honestly. It truly is such an intimate thing to do. There’s that great line from New girl from Cece. ‘Picking lint of a man’s sleeve is the most intimate gesture.’ It’s perfection. Lucy legitimately can’t keep her hands off him in this episode.
I love how Tim looks down where she’s touched him. *heart clutch* It’s the little things that get me so much. Tim makes a joke they’re not partners on the job. Her sweet little shove and his in love smile. These two gonna be the death of me in the best way. It's killing her that they won’t be seeing each other every day. They're breaking up their professional relationship for their personal one to thrive. Tim agrees and doesn't like the idea either. Says that’s even if their shifts sync up.
Lucy seems so damn saddened by this idea. She didn’t even think of that…Saying 'By doing the right thing they’re gonna see less of each other?' Tim replying probably yeah… I adore Lucy’s little whine ‘No…’ She sighs and says she will put her transfer paperwork in tomorrow. Even despite that she's still willing to do this. Tim looks devastated by how sad she is. Won’t even let her takes the kit bags. The sweet smile she gives him. Knowing exactly what this gesture means. (Wish could've fit this part in.) How far we’ve come everyone how far we’ve come.
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Tim comes to see Grey. Says he needs to talk to him bout something he’s been hiding from him. Tim lets Grey know he and Lucy have been dating for a few weeks. Wade sighs and says he suspected as much. I mean we all knew the man knew. He wasn’t going to say anything until Tim was ready to. I love that. Tim letting him know they needed time to figure out their feelings. Grey assuming it’s serious then since they're having this convo. I love the zero hesitation from Tim in reply to this.
That man couldn’t be more all in if he tried. Telling Wade with serious conviction 'It is.' This woman is it for him. His endgame and he will do whatever it takes to be with her. One of my fav Chenford scenes without Lucy even being present. It’s just shows how serious Tim is about her. About them. I’m getting emotional writing this up. He so deserves a partner like her. He saw the sacrifices she was going to make for him. For them. Never had that in his life in a relationship.
So instead of letting her take the bullet for him. He dives in front of her and takes it himself. Knowing she would’ve done it for him. But he would rather be the one to take the hit for her. Gah it’s so romantic. Asking for a position at the station he doesn’t care what. She is so worth any position in his mind. Grey telling him it’s not great. Tim doesn’t care as long as it keeps him with her. He will take it. Doesn't matter what it is.
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We switch to Lucy making a romantic dinner for Tim. Love this btw. Lucy is talking about which division she wants to move to. Tim tells her it’s not necessary. That he talked to Grey and she’s looking at the new 'Court Liaison Sergeant.' Lucy stops dead in her tracks stumbling on her words. Almost stunned into silence. Replying 'That’s a desk job…' Tim is beaming. 'Yeah out of your chain of command.' He is so proud of himself for this solution. So happy and willing to take a desk job for her.
Man is so in love with her. This decision is so significant on so many levels. Lucy even though immensely grateful for this solution pushes against it. Telling him he will bored out of his mind. Tim is on it though. Saying doesn’t matter to him. His objective was to stay close to her. He achieved that. Not only that but for her not to sacrifice her career for him in the process. A desk job is nothing compared to getting to be with her at work.
Gah so damn romantic. Look at our boy. Tim explaining they’ll get to see each other every day this way. Also she won’t have to travel to some far away station. Be treated like a rookie. Have to do midnight shifts because of it. He couldn't stand that fate for her. He loved her for wanting to do it for him. That was the key factor here. That she was willing to do that for him. She put him first. Meant everything.
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Lucy is in awe of this man right now. That OTP line of 'Some things matter more.' Resonates so much in this season. This is also hitting on another from 5x08. Letting Lucy know without a doubt she is worth the effort for him. This man who wouldn’t leave patrol for anyone, wouldn’t uproot for Rachel to NY or walk away from being a cop for Ashley. Lucy once again being the exception. For her he would do all those things listed above and more. Hell he just did.
He walked away from patrol. Something he’s said for years he would never leave. Loved it too much. Then he fell in love with Lucy Chen and all that changed for him. His perspective shifted and she became far more important than anything else in his world. Because she became his world. This is so beautifully romantic I can’t stand it. Lucy wants to fight him some more but Tim cuts her off. Telling her it’s a done deal. There is no use in arguing about it. He’s so sure of his decision. So happy to take this bullet for them. it’s so sexy if you ask me.
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It’s then the tone shifts. Lucy goes from argumentative to turned on let’s be honest. This man just sacrificed a career he absolutely loves just to stay near her. So they could see each other every day at work. She is very seductive as she leans in for a kiss. Silkily replying 'But we're so good at arguing.' I.e. foreplay for them really. Revving both their engines in this moment.
Gah I love the way she places her hand on his shoulders. Just plants one right on him. She is done talking. Done arguing. Just wants to be with him. I’ll forever love him chasing her lips for a second taste when they kiss. He does that a lot and I really love it. Always wanting more. Chasing the high that is her lips never having enough. Needing that second kiss. The way he raises himself up to full height and gets that second kiss. Replying 'I know.' *phew lord.*
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That lovely height difference coming into play above. Tim being much smoother in his lines for this moment than he was in 5x10 with ‘naked time.’ Saying he is hoping they’re good at certain other things as well. Being seductive in his own right. Trying to be sly about sexy times. There was no doubt in ANYONES mind these two were gonna be glorious at it. Not one. I adore her hands moving down his chest as he talks. He is just revving her up in this moment. She can't take her eyes off him.
The way he is looking at her my god. He’s wanted this forever. They both have. But hot damn this man has man has been patient. Lucy following it up with a super smooth line of her own. Asking him if he wants to find out right now? I remember thinking is this real life? It’s the way they’re swaying and Tim’s huge ear to ear smile. Oh my lord. His smile is going to be the actual death of me. Happiness looks really good on you Tim. He is the epitome of love and happiness in this moment. That man is deliriously in love and it’s all over this beautiful face.
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Lucy isn’t pulling any punches with her massive heart eyes either. Her eyes zeroing in on his glorious lips. Looking just as happy and in love as Tim. Almost a fiery look to her heart eyes in that first gif. Like she is so very ready to have her way with this man. Eager to break this slow down of their's right now. Gah then the hotness really ensues after this.
I feel like I need ice water and a spicy fic involving this moment after I watch this ahha (I highly recommend this one btw.) Lucy is unbuttoning his shirt as he leans in for a sensual kiss. Needing a head start on getting that man shirtless. It’s the forehead touch and the way that kiss heats up quickly. Also looks at the smiles on these two as he leans into kiss her breathless. *internal screaming* How gently his hand is coming up to cup her face and jaw.
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His hands don't make the full journey due to Lucy's eagerness with his shirt. Ripping it off in record time. Never seen a shirt ripped off so quickly. She wasn’t messing around at this point. Her little moan as she rids him of hit. Oh my lord. Tim understood the assignment and came prepped with that shirt. Those snap buttons coming in clutch at this moment. Lucy is so ready to have this man. Years of UST coming to an end in this moment. It’s glorious. Never be over her urgency to get him out of that shirt as soon as she possibly could. I do not blame her. Lucy looking down at her handiwork when he breaks their kiss for a moment to look at him and all his glory.
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I welcome shirtless Tim back to our screens. Hello biceps and deliciously toned chest. We missed you. Let's not forget the jawline we could cut glass on. Phew Lord. Also look at how effortlessly he rids himself of his sleeves. Not breaking eye contact whatsoever as he pulls himself free. *fans self* Forever love Lucy checking him out as he sheds himself of his shirt. Finally getting to and not having to hide how attracted she is to this man. Lucy is so very ready to have this beautiful man in her bed. Not hiding checking him out in the least.
Her fingers are just hanging out in front of his jeans with a tight grip. Keeping this man as close to her as possible. Fingers dancing on his insane abs that she can now enjoy and touch. Once Tim is rid of the shirt he is on her like white on rice. Lord have mercy. Encasing her face in his hands and basically devouring her with his lips. hot damn. Lucy is so giddy as he has his way with her. Look at her smile. More than willing to be at his mercy.
I love that he’s so gentle In cradling her jaw but so fiery in his kisses. I had been waiting years for this moment. Actual years ha Rookie day one girl here. Her checking him out and smiling into this hot kiss is one of the best parts. It’s almost like she can’t believe this is finally happening. She too is deliriously happy. Her hands are also encasing him once he rejoins their kiss. Gah it’s the way she has one behind his head drawing him to her. The other running up and down his beautiful back.
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Tim is literally kissing the life out of her and Lucy is here for it. She is putty in his hands. Just having his way with her in this sexy make out. It’s the swaying, the touching and how he can’t keeps his hands off her face. Getting as close to her as he can in this moment. Lucy’s hands roaming up and down his back. Eventually landing on his hips. Finding purchase there. Her mission to also not let him get far from her.
Good god this scene is sexy and I love it so damn much. I still can’t believe we got it. Over a year later and this scene still has me in shambles when I watch it. That we got this heavy make out session with him shirtless. Lucy running her hands all over him like she can't get enough. She is very thirsty and he is a giant glass of ice cold water. Getting to see all the scars and such on his back was a nice bonus I have to say. Mmm. Yum.
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I adore her giggling as he starts to move them towards her bedroom. She is on cloud 9 and straight up euphoric right now. The high of endorphins she’s feeling in this moment are spilling out. Coming out in excited giggles as Tim takes over. Literally pushing her against a door frame to have his way with her more. lord. Pushes her up against that wall and continues to kiss her passionately. It’s the sexy thud as their collective body weight hits the wall. His hand bracing their impact somewhat. My god.
He is so determined in his movements in this moment. What’s that song 'Wild horses couldn’t drag me away?' Nothing was keeping Tim from her in this moment. Such certainty in how he moves them towards the door frame. Lucy is holding on for dear life to his hips as moves them toward the wall. I’ll never be over his hand cushioning her head. He’s so lost in this moment but makes sure she doesn’t get hurt.
Even in this moment where they’re both lost in this passionate make out he’s her protector. Something so damn soft and adorable about this gesture. Lucy is in no frame of mind to care about her head in this moment. Lost in his lips and touch. Straight smiling to death as Tim Bradford has his way with her. Hands caught up in her hair as he kisses her as if his life depends on it. Definition of passionate embrace. Legit fireworks for them both as they continues this spicy make out.
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They take a beat once they’ve reached the door frame. Making out some more against it. Tim has her firmly pressed against it. We can see he has an intense hold on her face as he continues to kiss her breathless. Lucy clinging to him like he’s a damn life raft. Moving one her hands up to the back of his head. While the other stays planted on his hip. Tim deciding it's time to move to her bed and walks them back not breaking their kiss at all. Who needs air right? Sweet lord.
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It’s the cute giggles as he basically slams the door with her back. We see her curls pressed up again the door. My god. They’re about to find out how really good they are at this. Amazing her bed survives this honestly LOL I can’t count the number of times rewatched this scene including watching this time around.
Good lord that scene is most romantic and yet the sexiest scene ever at the same time. The entire episode is one beautiful thank you to the fans for waiting. Every moment building on the last till we get to this final moment. A moment where we’re all a puddle of shippy goo haha Oh my lord that was fun to write although nerve wracking considering the enormity of it. Such a damn good ep I cannot. I need some ice water any one else?
Side notes-non Chenford
Oscar always hilarious. Love when he comes on.
That’s it really hahah my brain gets taken over by Chenford in this one.
Forever thanks to those who read, like, moment and reblog these reviews. Makes all the effort so very worth it. I shall see you all in 5x13
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tenthcrowley · 8 months
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Show: Doctor Who.
Character: Tenth Doctor.
Reader: GN reader / gender not specified.
Summary: You're so convinced this is a dream, it has to be. It's surely your brain imagining all this. While The Doctors still tries to explain and fix things.
The Prologue . Chapter one. | Chapter two | Chapter Three.
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Chapter two
The Doctor stays silent. A bit confused to be honest but also intrigued. How would they know about his existence if he's from another universe? He literally cannot exist in another universe, but he has fans. Why? How did this happen?
"I have fans?" He slowly smiles with pride. "Woah, I mean, I know I save the world like, almost every day, but I never knew they could do this! Well, LINDA existed once" Now he's thinking out loud while he walks through your apartment like it's his.
"What?" You follow him around, watching as he enters the little kitchen and grabs a cup to look at it and leave it in the same place.
"You're a fan" His smile becomes wider. "Do you want me to autograph something?" He says in a bit of a mocking tone, but still being real.
"What? No! Well, maybe. But that's not the case" You frown. "Of course you have fans! You're David Tennant! You're The Doctor! Come on, one of the biggest shows in the UK" You roll your eyes. You're annoyed by yourself! It's funny tho, great impression of him.
He laughs. "I can't believe I have my own website" He says with a smile. Didn't last too long that he became serious again, almost a worried look on his face -totally a worried look on his face-. "What do you mean by 'show'?" He walks up to you. "Who's David Tennant?"
You just look at him, very confused. "Oh, come on man. How can I annoy myself so much?" You sigh, walking out if the kitchen to the living. He's walking just behind you.
"Show me the website"
"What for?" You sit on the couch, tired.
"Just show me!"
"Fine! Give me my laptop, it's on the table"
He quickly grabs it and gives it to you. It took you a couple of minutes to turn it on and enter the website.
"See?" You point the different things on it. "Show. Original version and modern continuation. And here you have the different doctors" He reads '10° Doctor David Tennant'.
"That's the man you mentioned" He uses the mouse to click on it. "Season 2? 3? 4? What's this?" He whispers to himself, selecting 'Season 2', opening his eyes wide when he sees his own face. "T-that's me"
You nod. "Of course! It's in Spanish so I don't think you'll understand."
"Oh, don't worry, the TARDIS translates everything"
"...Right" You click the first chapter of season 2 and skip the intro to directly to the episode and see David's face.
The Doctor gulps. "But I-I lived that! What's this?" He says confused.
You sigh, just watching the chapter for like... the fifth time. "I don't know if this is the best or worst dream I've ever had" You look at him again. You had to admit he's very handsome. I mean, you wouldn't bother bother to just look at him. Pretty face.
"Stop saying this is a dream! It's not, believe me I would pretty much know if it was! Now, explain me what's going on right now!" You jump in you place a bit. The screaming took you by surprise. You see the worrying, despair and confusion on his face. It just hurts to see him like this, almost making you forget that this is a dream, I mean, you weren't a ecpathic* monster, you know he's having a bad time.
"Fine" You sigh and look at the laptop placed on your thighs. You pause the video just when David's face pops up and point at him. "That's David Tennant, an Scottish actor and this is the show 'Doctor Who' I told you about. It's about a Time Lord that has a ship, the TARDIS" You point at it. "and travels around the universe and time" You finally look at him. He's even more confused than he was before.
"But that's my life. I lived that. I remember living this" He points the screen of the laptop. "I do travel around with the TARDIS" And points at it. A few more seconds of silent, he doesn't understands how he got here and what's this place. You don't understand why he's acting like that, but still don't want to wake up. "Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no" He quickly stands up and walks to the TARDIS. It's still broken, he has to fix it.
You just stayed there in the couch. And still tired.
"What are you doing?" You ask loudly so he can here you inside the ship.
He walks out of it to look at you.
"I'm trying to leave this place" He pops back inside. Oh, no, of course you were going to follow him.
"See" He walks to you with a... thing, on his left hand. Probably a piece of the ship. And on the right he's holding a hammer. ", I don't how, I don't know why, but the TARDIS brought me here for some reason. This is not a dream, this is not your imagination or something. This is real, I'm real. I crashed into your universe where I seem to be fictional"
You are shocked. Completely shocked. You stay silent, looking directly at his eyes and viceversa. However the human brain is scared about new stuff that it's been drying for its whole existence. So, yeah, you don't believe it.
"Yeah sure!" You laugh out loud. Now the Doctor is annoyed and watching as you suffer a stomachache due to the laugh. "Oh god! This dream is making me so happy. I will so remember this when I wake up" You say in giggles.
"Oh, come on! This is real! My TARDIS is real!" He growls and just runs back to the center. "Why did you break? Huh!" He slams it with the hammer on his hand, but the TARDIS doesn't reacts.
You look at him and then around you.
This definitely couldn't be real. It just can't. You're dreaming. You have to be dreaming. The Doctor, the ship you're in right now, you've seen it all in the show, in a screen. You've seen the cast go around in the set. It's all fiction. It's all fake. How could this be real? It can't be, but somehow you have thus weird feeling on your chest that tells you this is just fine, this feels alright, even if your mind is telling you something completely different. Your gaze now lands on the alien-man screaming at the controls of his space ship, trying to fix whatever is wrong with it and go back home.
Maybe this was real. But how? It's so hard to believe something you've wished for so hard for so long became real.
"How can you be real? I mean. I-I've seen the cast. The exist. So does the books and all" You confusedly murmur, walking towards him.
He looks up at you, he was lying on the floor using his sonic screwdriver to look for errors on the cables it something. You didn't pay much attention to it as you wouldn't understand it.
"Look. There's many different universes. Everything can be or not different. In mine, I'm very real, believe me. In your in just a fictional character" He stops looking at you and keeps inspecting. "I need to get out if here and fix everything because of the Void. I certainly don't want to ruin a while different universe"
Wow. Okay. This may actually be real. You feel the excitement run through your veins and start shacking a bit.
How could this be real? Why? What happened? There's really many universes? The Doctor really exists in one of them? No, but the whole show you've been watching is real? How do the writers would know that? Do they know about this?
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*ecpathic: the contrary to empathic.
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lexicals · 6 months
System collapse notes made as I read:
(Spoilers, obvs, mostly out of context)
Amazing opening page as usual. This feels like coming home I'm so happy
Side note, "one of you" - like, is this being delivered to an actual audience, or does mb just like to pretend it is? I know it's just an in-universe excuse for the conceit but either option is so good
ART canon tax fraud?? ART canon embezzlement???
ART @ BE ship: "people die in car crashes all the time. I just thought that was interesting :)"
The note about iris having grown up alongside ART is so funny. And the note about her being ART's ratthi is so sweet from both sides of that comparison
I adore Three so much. The fucking baby deer comparison killed me this poor construct
I could be misremembering but it feels like secunit's narration has more colloquialisms than before, which is fun if I'm right
Love than mb and mensah have the exact same reaction to the extra settlement lmao. Handshake meme
"Fun stuff like space battles and rescuing people and space monsters and throwing asteroids at planets" this bot loves its cheesy tv so much I'm gonna cry
WHY DO YOU KEEP REDACTING THINGS SECUNIT PLS THIS IS STRESSFUL. I can't tell if this is it editing out trauma discussion or something else
Mb casually using ART as a dictionary lmao
Oh god is it hurting over 2.0 specifically. Oh man of course it is. God this poor bot I'm so 😭
Mb and ART working as a team so fluidly.... best friends......
Ratthi can tell secunit is busy thinking/working just by glancing at it.... FRIENDS.....
Mb and pin-lee bonding over watching scifi car crash videos. Incredible
I'm gonna cry pls mb stop beating yourself up for being traumatised. This is exactly what you were giving mensah shit about!!!!!
"It was always my job to get hurt" I Am Going To Fucking Cry
God I feel like this poor bot spent six books building up its confidence and it's all just been shattered after the thing with 2.0. Like it's so palpable in the narration that it thinks it's broken in some way and is forcing itself to carry on regardless but with no regard for its own survival, which has always been of pretty high priority for it even in ASR!! It's let itself get beaten up in the other books but it's never been reckless like this. Mb please stop punishing yourself.....
Ohh tarik and mb shared corpo trauma..... can we talk about that maybe
Ratthi correcting iris about the ex-secunit thing.... ouuououugghghh
"Under normal circumstances that would be kind of hilarious" mb honey as a reader. That IS hilarious
Mb "so is this guy your..... ex-security..... not that I'm feeling jealous or insecure rn....."
Mb once again having the worst time of its life but being offered a media archive by a friendly bot: oh fuck yes hello there
Ooooh pre-corpo media no less......
THE ART THERAPY-SPEAK..... "that’s for humans" "this affects the part of you that is human" I'm going to yell and yell and yell
"No, it doesn't read my mind, it just knows me really well" 🥺
I feel like MW has gotten more up to date on current gender/pronoun usage since the earlier books which is nice to see. We've had neopronouns before but having pronouns attached to feed/character intros is new and appreciated
Mb: "aw fuck am I being tall and intimidating again"
Local secunit physically repelled by power phrase "sexual discussion" like a fucking skyrim shout
And ratthi is so supportive. God I'm so. AAAAUGH
Just patch out the anxiety lmao. New mental illness fix dropped please restart your OS to apply
Telling your bestie to fuck off IS a kind of love language and I'm glad that ART appreciates it 😌
Mb literally in a life or death situ rn: I could just burn part of this person's brain out to save us..... that seems mean though :/
"I lack a sense of proportional response" LMAO ART. At least it's self-aware
"I didn't come here to make friends" says the secunit who literally cannot go anywhere without forming some kind of allyship with someone
The delayed-hack though, that's fun. Wonder whether this file is gonna slowly make its way from CR secunit to CR secunit as mb gradually becomes some kind of mythic figure, lmao
"Be safe" 🥺
ART: "Oooh you guys care about me ^^ lol"
Murderbot trauma acknowledgement 😌 You go working through your feelings mb you're doing so well ily
Summary thoughts: this was really good and I like that MW has taken the time to address the NE fallout before moving on to whatever is coming next, I'm mostly just excited for that whatever-comes-next now. I didn't expect this story to still be focused on the same planet, but it's cool that it was! And now we're moving on with more machine intelligences and rogue secunits in play!! And they mentioned the comfortunit from artificial condition so hopefully that'll come back into play soon as well! I feel like something is building up wrt construct rights in the setting and I'm very excited to see that, but in the meantime I loved getting this familiar romp through MB having a very bad day and working through its emotions while also trying not to die. And it was fun having the twist on the usual formula with things being so isolated and it having to handle everything while being off its game, it felt a lot more tense than some of the other entries just by virtue of the fact that MB's narration was so much less confident than usual, and it made it really nice to hear the fire come back to its voice once we hit that point in the story. 11/10 as usual I love this bot so goddamn much
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moonchildreads · 1 year
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small town
Chapter 1 - The Wild Boys
IN THIS CHAPTER: The world doesn't end during Spring break, a basketball ruins lunch, and Eddie threatens the freshmen [1.7k]
WARNINGS: very mild bullying, this is just an intro to the story so it's short and sweet, english is not my first language so i'm sorry if something sounds strange
masterlist - prev - next | playlist
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The wild boys are calling On their way back from the fire
Monday, March 31st - 1986
Spring break had come and gone in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana and, surprisingly enough, the world hadn’t ended. Yet, thought Dustin Henderson as he parked his bike outside Hawkins High School. He knew something had happened between Mike and El during his friend’s visit to California (and between Mike and Will too for that matter), but if their phone calls were to be trusted, everything had been smoothed out without the need for his intervention. For once, Dustin was glad he didn’t have to be the group’s self-appointed mediator; he already had enough with the guilt he felt for causing Suzie to lose her computer, he didn’t need extra problems on his shoulders. And he deserved a normal school year for once, goddamnit. Those hadn’t been common for any of them in a long time.
As he hurried to get to his classroom, he crossed paths with Lucas Sinclair and his Championship-winning friends proudly wearing their basketball team jackets over their regular clothes. If the newly popular boy had seen him walk by, he hadn’t given any indications as to it, not one look, not one wave. Dustin wasn’t entirely sure why anyone would enjoy hiding themselves behind a Tigers uniform but he sincerely hoped that once Jason, the captain of the team and current King of Hawkins High, graduated in mid June, Lucas would return to them from the dark side. For now though it seemed that he was perfectly content in his jock cult, and Dustin wasn’t about to give his new buddies a chance to throw him into a dumpster by walking into their huddle near the water fountains just to say hello to his (now former?) best friend.
The morning went by rather quickly for his tastes, and he could feel Mike’s anxious leg bounces next to him during Geography as lunch approached without any regard for their heart rates. Both teens had opened their lockers to find a folded black handmade card announcing the start of their next D&D adventure and they were painfully aware that a very uncomfortable conversation was about to unfold at the cafeteria. Their beloved Dungeon Master, for all his enthusiasm and kind-hearted nature, wasn’t very troubled by his social status as the school’s pariah and Mike’s suspicions that he hadn’t immediately considered Lucas a goner following recent events had been confirmed when he saw the subject in question throw his own black card into a bin at the start of their shared Chemistry class. His worst fear had also been confirmed when Lucas chose to sit at a different table than normal, forcing him to pair up with a rather dull girl with wild hair who was clearly not as interested in lab safety as she should have been. Her lab coat sleeve had caught on fire twice by the time the bell rang.
“I say we run,” Dustin proposed, clutching at his hard plastic food tray like it was a shield.
“Dustin. I am not having lunch in the bathroom again,” Mike countered, remembering their middle school days and having to hide from bullies.
“You know, it’s great that you mention that because I don’t think we are ever gonna be able to eat again after we tell Eddie Lucas is officially gone.”
“Come on, he’s not stupid, he knows how things work in Hawkins. I’m sure he was expecting him to leave anyway,” said Mike, completely unconvinced.
“Mike, this club is his baby and Lucas just spit in its face. In his baby’s face,” he said dramatically.
“We’ll be fine. We have Erica now. He’s not gonna care if we already have a replacement.”
“Great, we’re trading big Sinclair for little Sinclair. Fan-fucking-tastic.”
The curly haired boy trailed behind his taller friend on the way to their usual table where their fellow club members were already sitting, picking at their sad school provided lunches. Jeff said something to make Donny snort and choke on his can of Coke; a group of girls walking past them eyed him with disgust while Gareth cackled with glee.
“Hello, boys,” said Eddie, sitting at his usual spot: the head of the table. He looked up at them from behind his book. “Have a nice Spring break? Did you get enough smooches to last until summer, Wheeler?”
“It was alright,” Mike answered, wiping his palms on his jeans. He knew Eddie meant no harm, but his relationship would never be his favorite topic to talk about with the other guys of the Hellfire Club. He didn’t think anyone at the table except Dustin would understand him dating a literal human experiment with superpowers that had saved the world multiple times.
“You know, I’m starting to think your girlfriend isn’t real,” Jeff teased.
“Yeah, you never talk about her, we don’t even know her name. Are you sure you didn’t imagine her?” Gareth narrowed his eyes, a light smile never leaving his face.
“Her name is El- Jane. Her name is Jane,” he quickly corrected himself. “She’s totally real, Dustin knows her.”
“Yeah, Jane is… awesome! She’s great,” he nodded, backing his friend up. “Total babe.”
“Dude!” Mike slapped his shoulder.
“What? I think Suzie is a babe. You don’t think your own girlfriend is a babe?”
“O-of course I do, what are you talking abou-”
“Children, children,” Eddie lifted a hand to stop the fight unfolding in front of him. “If Wheeler says she is real, she is real, alright?” he turned to look at Gareth, Jeff and Donny sitting to his right with matching grins on their faces. “It’s not like any of you three are swimming in ladies, so y’know, don’t throw stones if you live in glass houses.”
There were a few seconds of uncomfortable silence where everyone refused to look at each other and Eddie went back to his book: a very battered paperback with a lost cover that was probably hiding somewhere under the mess that was its owner’s bed. He was holding it with one hand, his other hand occasionally bringing a forkful of high school cafeteria mac and cheese to his mouth. It was clear to both Mike and Dustin that he was heavily invested in what he was reading; if they didn’t know him any better, they would have never guessed that under all that unruly hair and leather there was an excellent storyteller and magnificent Dungeon Master. For all everyone knew, he was reading something for his English class but the Hellfire Club boys could tell by now that whenever Eddie had a book around, he was planning something terrible for their characters to go through during their weekly session.
Dustin was trying very hard to focus on his peas and ignore Mike elbowing his side violently when a basketball bounced right in the middle of their table, startling everyone and sending soda cans flying, liquid spilling everywhere. There was loud laughter as one of the Tigers retrieved the ball that was stuck to Gareth’s mac and cheese; Jason, the captain, high-fived whoever was standing next to him as if he had just witnessed the biggest prank of the year. When he turned around, Lucas, sitting at the jocks’ table, sent them a half-assed apologetic glance and went back to his new friends. Wordlessly, Eddie pushed his tray in front of Gareth, who stopped trying to dry the table with the few napkins he had and went back to eating from his new lunch with burning red ears. As the elder leaned forward to steal back his unopened cup of pudding from the tray, he noticed a pair of eyes following him from a nearby table.
He didn’t recognize who it was, but the girl was staring at their table with a furrowed brow, something resembling sadness crystal clear on her face. She turned around to look at the basketball team’s table, shook her head, adjusted her headphones and went back to the textbook in front of her like nothing had happened. It wasn’t often that someone looked at their table like they didn’t deserve the disrespect they got. Making up his mind, Eddie put his book down and crossed his fingers, his rings clinking against each other.
“I think it goes without saying that Lucas Sinclair is no longer welcome in The Hellfire Club,” he said, resolute. “Guess that means you two will have to find someone to replace him. I’ll give you until Friday.”
“But we already have Erica!” Mike said, flinching at the shoe that kicked his shin from under the table.
“While I like the kid and she has more nerve than any of you combined, my newest campaign requires seven players. I’m not gonna rework it because Big Time Sinclair can’t grow a backbone.”
“Eddie, man,” Dustin started, trying to flatter him. “Six players is already too much to handle. Let us make this easier for you. We don’t need a seventh, right, guys?” he looked at Gareth across the table searching for support.
“Uh,” the teen glanced at his friend and leader, words dying in his throat as Eddie tilted his head towards him, sharp eyed and tense.
“Can’t you just ask the redhead you’re always hanging around to join?”
“We’ve asked, she’s not interested,” Mike deflated visibly.
“She has a lot going on,” Dustin said quickly, protecting Max’s honor. “Her brother died last year, she’s still processing.”
“Hargrove, right?” Donny said. “Man, that guy was a piece of trash but at least he kept Jason busy and away from us for a while.”
“I’m sure you two will find someone suitable to replace your little friend if you wanna keep playing with us. And no more middle schoolers. We aren’t running a daycare here,” Eddie smiled in a way that told everyone the conversation was done. “Now if you’ll excuse me, little lambs, I have business transactions waiting to happen.”
With that, the long haired leader disappeared from the cafeteria carrying the metal lunchbox where he kept his, ahem, products in one hand, the book he had been reading still open and the untouched pudding cup in the other one. The other members of the club scattered as they finished their lunch and went back to their routines, leaving Mike and Dustin at the table, heads in their hands, forgotten mac and cheese now sticky and cold.
“We are so screwed,” Dustin said, and Mike couldn’t help but agree.
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wintermoonwritings · 1 year
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Hello guys!!!!! this is my first ever try on Ikemen Prince Au!!!! I hope you all enjoy it! and do comment where I can improve!!  
Intro: Clavis as a father! but with a twist! what if... Clavis’s son... TURNS OUT LIKE HIS UNCLE CHEVALIER!????
Nobody ever thought Clavis would be the one to have a wife, I mean, a prankster who tests the women he is interested in? No chance. But wait! Not only did he manage to find the love of his life without making her cry, he also managed to marry her and have a child together! However, what if I told you that the child was a genius born once in a million years? Hmmm... sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Yes, that's right! The 2nd Prince of Rhodolite, the Brutal Beast, Prince Chevalier! But how is that possible? Clavis' child is like his worst enemy? Let me tell you a story about how the child’s intelligence was found.
    For the purpose of this fiction I will call Clavis’s child Joules. So Joules had always been a very quiet child. Clavis noticed all this, but he never thought much about it; yes, of course the child’s eyes were demanding and judgmental, and he rarely cried, and whenever MC played with the child, he would raise his eyebrows as in to say, "Really, woman?’ but Clavis thought it was just a phase in his life and pushed it away.    
One day MC got sick and was bedridden, so Clavis was left alone with Joules, but due to some emergency in the border between Rhodolite and Obsidian, he had to leave his precious child with his worst enemy. He did this to annoy Chevalier, though. So our scene starts in Chev’s library, where he is sitting and reading a book while Joules is sitting on a soft rug with cushions so he can rest peacefully while Clavis is away. Instead of sleeping, Joules looked at Chevalier with interest. Even though Joules was only 9 months old, he could still communicate in a few words, so he kept on repeating ‘what?’ while pointing at the book in Chev’s hand.
Chev ignored the very existence of the child in front of him and continued to read his book. The baby wasn’t having it! He saw a chair next to him; he held it hard and pushed himself up on his legs; usually a normal child would take 11 to 12 months to learn to walk, but here is Joules standing on his feet, angry at the disrespect the man has shown him. He then makes a run for Chev and is about to fall, but managed to hold on to Chev’s knees and stabilize himself. He looks up at Chev, his eyes glaring, and in a soft yet harsh whisper points at the book and asks, ‘What?' This whole situation shocked Chevalier, who looked down at the boy wide-eyed. Did a 9-month-old just take his first steps towards him and demand an explanation? Even Clavis took 12 months to walk, and took even longer to speak. This could mean only one thing: THE CHILD IS CHEV JUNIOR! Chev notices the resilience and confidence, which are emotions that Chev often adorns himself with. He finally answers the child, ‘This is a book. Are you done now?' The little one forces his way onto Chevalier’s lap and tries to read the book; when he fails, he demands that Chev recite the story.
It was a tough day for Clavis, and the fact that he left his precious child in the hands of the brutal beast—what a horrible decision! He runs to the library, and what he sees shocks him! Chevalier!? The BEAST RECITING STORIES TO JOULES!?? And Joules is enjoying himself with a small smile on his face!? OH GOD! Clavis is going to faint! This can’t be NOT AGAIN!!!!!!
Chevalier gives a small smirk to Clavis, saying, "Unlike you, my foolish brother, this child is like me," and then Joules repeats, "Foolish? Dad foolish?" Chevalier nods at the child, and Joules turns towards his father, "My foolish father".  
That’s it; Clavis faints for good.
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Toxic positivity first thoughts:
Numb: she's still my baby <3
I hate everybody: might be a controversial one if you didn't like heartwork but I LOVED heartwork so I think the synth goes crazy. But I'm a whore for synth bass and a good groove so maybe I'm biased
Pinky swear: OH FUCK YES. They're on peak banger form this album. It's like a classic 00s upbeat pop punk song but with slipknot riffs thrown in for good measure
Headspace: ANOTHER BANGER OPEN HELLO! Hiiiiiiii jeph HIII he's going crazy today and I appreciate him. Otherwise a little generic for me but. Man does the bass save it he's going so hard. Feels a little like a heavier version of one of the heartwork b-sides. I'm counting the unhinged little giggle as a prison reference
Cherry: oh a little acoustic open... Hoping for a "to feel something" type build. The little pizzicato part is really getting me. HI AGAIN JEPH!!! AND THATS THE BUILD I WAS WAITING FOR HELLO!!!!!!!!!! A LITTLE DNB BREAK?????? OH MY GOD OH MY GOD HOLY FUCK. HOLY SHIT. OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO UNEXPECTED. OH FUCK THATS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I WAS ANTICIPATING. HOLY FUCK
Dopamine: What the fuck is this Tom Waits shit I'm in love!!!!! Once again jeph is carrying everyone here. I literally cannot describe how this feels it's just. So fucking good. There has yet to be a song that doesn't go insanely hard. I'm on another planet rn
Dancing with a brick wall: ANOTHER ONE!!! Man I love how much they're using strings they just work so incredibly well with them. I LOVE A FUCKING OFFBEAT DANCE BEAT!!! Yet again I have to say jeph is going hard. Top 10 builds to open a pit to
Top of the world: HOW DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS!!!!!!! Just as I love how much they use strings I love the synth too!!!!!!!!!!!! This whole album feels so fresh and new but still so distinctly them. AND OF COURSE THEYRE RESCUING A KIND OF SAMEY SONG WITH A KILLER BREAKDOWN! THEY NEVER FUCKING MISS!
House of sand: oh not a killer intro? Very mid 00s pop rock but I can live with that! A needed break from going insane.
Giving up: I'm sorry but why was this a single! Hearing the whole album there are so many songs that go SO much harder I'm SORRY!!! But this album definitely needed a nice kind of optimistic song and this does exactly what it needs to. This time I'm gonna talk about DAN going crazy because I love a good dnb type beat. A good ender!
Overall... Holy shit that goes crazy. Like I cannot express how blown away I am. They have never gone so hard. I am absolutely praying they break away from the setlist they've been playing for like the past 10 years and play most of the album live because WOW.
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
OOOOh what's lamen escape room about??? I'm gonna guess they do an escape room together??? Unless you're on some other level with that name? Either way I wanna hear some details!!
the lamen escape room fic is one that i started a SHAMEFULLY long time ago, for my friend's birthday, and then never finished cuz i'm actually the worst 😅😅😅
it is about Laurent doing an escape room, and Damen (and Nik) working at the place!! running the game, giving the spiel, being the one to give hints, etc. Auguste holds the record for the quickest solo escape times and Laurent is determined to beat his time at least once. Damen is very invested (and attracted).
“If anyone is going to break Auguste’s solo record,” Damen said, “it’ll be him.”
He pushed the button to start the intro video and watched as Laurent immediately sprang into action, scouring the room for the proper starting point. It took him twenty-one seconds to find the first puzzle and thirty-two seconds to solve it. Damen almost wanted to laugh at how easy he made it look.
“Well,” Nik said, feet up on the desk again and a bag of chips in hand, “he’s got three more chances. We’ve only got five rooms, and he’ll never do the same room twice. That would be cheating.”
Damen swiped one of Nik’s chips and kicked back in his own chair. “He’ll do it,” he maintained. “Don’t ever underestimate the drive to outshine one’s older brother. Trust me, it’s very motivating.”
Nik snorted around the chip in his mouth, always eager to laugh at Kastor’s misfortune. They had never exactly gotten along, but then, Damen and Kastor hadn’t gotten along in recent years either, so maybe that was to be expected. Not everybody was lucky enough to have an older brother as bright, talented, and easy-going as Auguste. Kastor wouldn’t have been able to get through one of these rooms on his own if someone paid him to, and he would not be a good sport about his failure either.
Speaking of bad sports, Laurent was cursing up a storm. In French, of course. Auguste often did the same. Not for the first time, Damen was grateful he could understand it all because he was getting an education in colorful insults today.
“Oh no,” Nik said mildly. “Wonderboy’s stuck.” He popped another chip in his mouth with a crunch.
“He’s overthinking again. It’s not as complicated as he wants it to be.”
Damen turned on his mic. He got all the way through, “You might want to—” before Laurent was whipping around to send another of his pointed glares at the ceiling. It would’ve been more effective if his hair, already messy from him running his fingers through it, hadn’t ended up in his face, but it was still pretty vicious. He didn’t even need to say anything to have Damen releasing the intercom button at once.
When he was certain that Damen had gotten the message, he turned back to his search. The cursing continued, though it seemed to be as much at his hair for getting in his way as it did at the next clue he kept overlooking. Three times he had walked right past it and he was only getting more worked up as the seconds ticked by.
Damen held out for two whole minutes, squirming under Nik’s expectant (and judgmental) eye. Finally: “Are you sure you wouldn’t like a hint?”
“Quiet, you cretin!”
Damen laughed, too startled to do anything else. His only saving grace was that his mic wasn’t still on; he suspected Laurent would actually storm the control room to eviscerate him if he heard even a single chuckle, such was his current level of agitation. Damen held up his hands in surrender. Laurent couldn’t see, obviously, but even if they’d been in the same room, he probably wouldn’t have noticed. He was already subsumed by his thoughts again and, yes, there was the missing piece! Another cabinet unlocked and off to the next puzzle he went.
“Oh, no,” Nik said with the air of a man on the gallows. “No. No, Damen, don’t make that face!”
Damen didn’t bother looking away from the screen. “What face?”
“The smitten face!”
He looked this time, and it was only when he tried to frown at his friend that he realized he’d been smiling. Hastily, he schooled his expression into something more neutral. “This is not a smitten face,” he insisted. “I’ve just…never been called a cretin before.”
“And that’s somehow alluring to you?”
There was no way for Damen to answer that question honestly without incriminating himself, so he kept his mouth shut. Besides, Laurent was just coming up on the last puzzle. It was very exciting and required his full attention as game master.
Nik’s chair creaked as he leaned it back as far as it would go, groaning. “There is something very wrong with you. Have I told you that before?”
“Only every day since we met.”
i'm so disappointed with myself for not finishing this one cuz it's honestly really fucking funny and i love everything about it, i just got stuck and stalled out as i am very prone to doing. this was a 2019 fic and that's the year that my writing juice wholesale abandoned me i really wanna finish it sometime but i always have the persistent feeling that anything i add on now isn't gonna live up to the standard set by the first half 😅 which is irrational, but alas
ask me about my WIPs!
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leftnotright · 9 months
"This will be a skill-building experience. You've had it too easy. You've had your Family name to back you, and your Right Hand at your every call. It's time you learn to carry yourself, to build from the ground up." Dino Cavallone, the Cavallone Don, fresh out of high school. Reborn, the deadliest hitman of the modern era, has a special kind of torture up his sleeve for his dear struggling student. Dino will have to see how well he handles alienation, isolation, and worst of all, class participation. “Now, go on, my useless student Dino. Let’s continue your education.” (Or: Reborn sends Dino to Australia. It goes better than he could have ever hoped.)
Parings: N/A Characters: Dino (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Vic Hunt (OC - Original Character), Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Romario (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!)Cavallone Famiglia, Enzo (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Original Characters Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, University, Pre-Canon, Financial Issues, Fluff And Angst
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Dino sighed as he packed away the last of his possessions. He was by no means a homemaker, nothing had been folded and his suit was still sweat-stained at the pits, but it was one less thing on his mind.
He was once again working well into the night, but Dino was sure he was still running on Italian time. 
Enzo plodded about the house and generally made a nuisance of himself by getting underfoot, exacting his lettuce-less vengeance on Dino. He grumbled and croaked at Dino whenever he walked past, snapping at his heels now and then.
“Hey!” Dino yelped, dodging out of the way of another beaked snap. “You have your pellets!”
Enzo huffed and slowly crawled to Dino’s abandoned luggage. In Dino’s attempts to give Enzo his own space, he had lined his suitcase with a trash bag and had rummaged around in the brushlands that spotted the university and village, dumping armfuls of leaves and topsoil for substrate. It wasn’t the best, but it’d service until Dino could get his hands on some proper enclosure materials. 
Dino sat on the couch with a heave, pillows still strewn about from the tumble that morning. Compared to this morning, however, Dino felt he was doing a bit better.
He had managed to shower as soon as he got back from class, standing under the spray until the water ran cold. He had packed everything away and hidden everything illegal or suspicious. Yes, compared to this morning, Dino was doing a lot better. 
Dino even had an acquaintance, Vic. 
Romario would be so proud. 
Dino glanced at his phone and dialled that familiar phone number, listening to the tone. He got three rings before he was sent to voicemail. Dino hung up. 
Reborn had said it: ‘It’s time you learn to carry yourself’.
Dino was on his own here, for a time at least. 
Dino sighed and sank into the couch, closing his eyes against the red light cast through the room by a late-summer Australian sunset. Then in his hand, his phone buzzed with a pop-ping! Dino blinked at the unfamiliar tone and opened his phone.
EDST1000 Project Chat 
Jessica Cheng Hi guys! Do we want to just quickly choose what everyone’s going to work on for the project?
Jessica Cheng Like introductions and stuff?
Dino stared at the messages before sitting up quickly, paying attention as he reread the conversation so far. Oh God, he’d have to talk for five minutes! And he didn’t even really know anything about the topic! Social class; that could mean anything. 
Dino fumbled around for his computer and dragged it over to his side. He opened the unit’s assessments folder and started reading through it slowly, using a translation engine to define some of the more technical terms.
Vic Hunt I’m okay to talk later, someone else can have intro
Dino chewed his inner cheek restlessly. Introduction would be the easiest task, just some basic definitions, a few statistics here and there. Surface-level stuff, he could do that. It’d make him the first speaker of the group - but then he’d be out of the way and never need to open his mouth again!
Dino Cav I would like to do introduction
Dino sent the message and waited a few seconds. The chat sat in silence and he started to sweat that he was being too demanding, should he have been more casual oh God-
Dino Cav If that is okay
Another moment of waiting, then Vic started typing.
Vic Hunt Sure
Vic Hunt We’ve got Dino on intro. I can go last if we want
Jessica Cheng Oh thank god I can hide in the middle yes
Jessica then sent a laughing emoticon and Vic replied with a similar one. Dino quickly looked around for the emote menu and did the same.
Vic Hunt So our order is Dino, Jessica, Vic. Dino’s doing intro, and Jess and I have got to figure out our talking points.
Jessica Cheng And we have to make up some activities for the lesson. 
Dino watched the two girls bounce ideas back and forth, typing quickly and with more confidence than he could muster on a daily basis. He took his time reading, scrolling at a snail's pace as he pieced together abbreviations, colloquialisms and terms that he realised were just Australian.
Then, as if realising his lurking, the conversation was turned on him.
Jessica Cheng Do you have any activity ideas, Dino?
Dino nearly choked. 
Activity ideas for social class? Activities that would point out disparities in status and wealth? 
He could think of a few. Have two groups, one with more resources than the other, and make them try to negotiate for something. It was often used in his classes to show the importance of every kind of resource: intelligence, manpower, influence, moxy. It was also used to teach the students how to tip a deal in their favour even with scraps at their disposal.
Have two men walk into the classroom, wearing identical clothes. Watch how they move, how they talk, how they hold themselves. Identify the elite. Notice the fade of the clothes, how many stripes are on the watch, imperfections in the skin, posture and tone. Be able to identify the spy, the odd one out, the imposter.
Dino took a sharp breath when he noticed how long he had pondered. His phone was registering him as present, but he seemed to be nearly ignoring Jessica’s request to help in the project.
Dino Cav Sorry. I was thinking.
He sent quickly, and started typing up the more lucrative of the two thoughts.
Dino Cav We could have student groups try and achieve a result. One team has more resources than the other?
Vic Hunt That could work, it’d show how unevenly things like resources are distributed between classes. We could have three groups: ruling, middle and working class.
Jessica Cheng Oooh, that’s good! Okay, we’ll keep that kahoot idea as a back up though.
They had liked it. Dino heaved out a sigh of relief so large he nearly felt lightheaded. He never thought of himself as someone with social anxiety, but honestly these past few days Dino thought he just had Anxiety full-stop. 
The conversation tapered off and Dino quietly excused himself from the conversation. He scratched at his nape, already sweaty again despite the shower and weather-appropriate clothing. Dino was sure this room had air conditioning, he just needed to find the remote again after he had torn apart the room looking for spyware.
Just as Dino began to dig under the couch for where he suspected the remote to have fallen, his phone once again was set off with a pop-ping! He twisted his head around in alarm, arm crammed under the couch, and pawed around for the phone - 
He was stuck. Dino blinked and tried to jostle his arm that was wedged beneath the couch. It wouldn’t budge, and pinched at his sweaty skin whenever he moved.
His phone went off again with a pop-ping! And he craned his neck to see the source. 
Message: Vic Hunt (2)
Dino wheezed and pawed more frantically, scratching at the carpet to try and grasp even an atom of his phone case. He grabbed a fallen throw pillow and started slapping it against the ground, a blissful extra thirty centimetres of reach added to his efforts 
His phone wiggled its way across the carpet until Dino managed to snag the very edge of his phone. Dino opened his phone in a frenzy and slapped around until he pulled up Vic's messages.
Vic Hunt Hey Dino do you wanna meet up again sometime to work on the project?
Vic Hunt We could get lunch again
☁ ☁ ☁
Vic sat cross-legged on her dorm bed and glared over her knees at her phone. God, she hated texting new people. It was always so stressful and wrought. 
But her family had been scathingly blunt about her circumstances: in university, and practically friendless. 
Hunt Next Gen 
Vic I have friends, I have you guys!
Sam What? Ew? I’m your cousin.
Robbie I’m your brother, not your friend. 
Bec No.
Vic Your all cunts
Bec *You’re
Which was rude. And uncalled for. So what if she didn’t have many (any) friends!? She had good grades because of it!  
Sam proceeded to send her an ‘ILY’ meme as if that somehow softened the blow.  
Vic scratched her cheek irritably, feeling the stress rise the longer her phone sat in silence on her bed. Had she been pushy? Fuck, she hoped Dino didn’t think she was trying to flirt with him or something. Why would he think she was flirting with him? Unless he thought he was god’s gift to women who flaunted all the notches in his belt-
Her chest pinched and Vic felt her hands go hot, clenched in sweaty fists as her mind ran itself in circles, creating day-dreamed scenarios that fed a self-indulgent anger. 
She took a long breath through her nose and out her mouth. She clenched her fists, clenched her forearms, clenched her biceps, moving up her arms and down to her toes until she was limp on the bed. She breathed through it, going over and over until that burn in her chest faded off.
Vic was calm again. 
Vic stared at the far wall and let her mind drift again. Man, she wanted to shower. But, sharing a dorm house with four other people usually meant someone was hogging the bathroom for one reason or another -- and today someone had food poisoning. 
They weren’t naming names, but everyone knew it was Steph who liked to leave food out ‘for later’. 
Vic kind of felt bad for them; the air conditioning didn’t quite reach the bathroom. So the poor bastard was sweating for more than one reason in there. 
Her phone pinged and Vic took her time reaching over to grab it, rolling over onto her side as she did. 
Message: Dino Cav (1)
Vic hesitated and made some uncomfortable movements with her thumb over the screen rather than actually touch the notification. She chose to pull down to sneak a glance instead.
Dino Cav Sure! That sounds like a good idea when are you available? 
Then another one came.
Dino Cav Do you want to do tomorrow?
Vic stared at her screen as Message: Dino Cav (1) became (2), (3) and (4). Oh God, Dino was a rapid texter. With little else choice, Vic opened the app properly and started reading the lineup of bubbles.
Dino Cav We can try a food place in the university campus? 
Dino Cav I will try and make decisions this time. 
Dino Cav Or are you busy? It’s okay if you are busy, we can try another day.
Dino Cav I have classes until 2
Dino Cav What about you?
Dino Cav I have texted a lot
Dino Cav I will stop texting now
Vic snorted hard enough to hurt her throat. True to his word, no more messages came from Dino’s side, and his icon became idle like he was hiding from the shame of what he had done. 
Vic was okay with this. 
Vic Hunt Yeah we can do tomorrow. Class ends at 3 for me though, so you can pick a spot for us to meet up in the U-Bar or courtyard. 
Vic Hunt And lol that was a lot of texts 
Dino Cav I am sorry. I don’t mean to spam you.
Vic rolled onto her belly and felt a toothy grin start to spread across her face, feet kicking the mattress behind her. 
Vic Hunt It’s cool, no worries
Vic Hunt See you tomorrow after class then?
Dino Cav Yes! At the U-Bar.
Dino Cav I will text you the meeting point closer to the time.
Vic Hunt Sure, see you then.
Dino Cav Yes, bye!
Dino then sent a smiley face and waving emoticons before disappearing offline. 
Vic stared at her phone for a good, long moment, letting her thoughts sort themselves. Then Vic moved to call Robbie, who answered with a very polite ‘what the fuck do you want?’
“I want to adopt,” Vic said.
There was a long pause in the room, before Robbie asked, “I’m sorry, what?”
“I want to adopt Dino. He’s my son now.”
“Who the fuck is Dino?” 
“The guy I told you about,” Vic said evenly, gazing at the far wall, feeling very at peace with her choices. “I spoke to him some more. He’s so fucking awkward, you don’t understand. I’m going to adopt him.”
“You need to have good repute to adopt someone you know?”
“I’m of good repute!” Vic frowned.
Robbie wheezed like a deflating tire and the sound alone made Vic’s Cain Instinct flare up. 
“I am!” She insisted, and Robbie laughed more.
“Vicky, you bit the Minister of Education. On live television.”
Vic sucked her lips into a thin line before releasing them with a pop.
“And you’re a bitch.”
“Wha-!” Robbie hacked.
“I can’t believe you’re not supporting my decisions like this.”
“You need to be at least eighteen years older than the person you’re adopting!” Robbie insisted. “You can’t adopt Dinger or Donger or whatever his name is!”
“Says who?”
“Says me! The social worker! ”
“Well, you’re my brother, so that cancels it out. Like doctors can’t do surgery on their kids.”
“It doesn’t work that way-”
“Okay bye!” Vic waved and hung up before Robbie could talk anymore and ignored her phone as Hunt Next Gen proceeded to have a little riot in their corner of cyberspace. 
Vic got to her feet and gave a big stretch, pushing her hands up to the ceiling and going up on her toes. She released with a long huff and put her hands on her hips.
First day of university, done and dusted. 
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zevlors-tail · 2 years
Ranking the Obey Me Character's Songs
I got bored while I was in the car for 10 hours on the trip home so here's my ranking of Obey Me character's songs from best to worst (imo).
1. My Chance! (Leviathan) - Doesn't matter who you are, this song is a BOP. It fits PERFECTLY with his character and I would give anything to listen to this for the first time again.
2. Our Destiny (Solomon) - Solomon my beloved. <3 Maybe favoritism played a tiny part in this, but I also just really love his song in general. It's very soothing to listen to.
3. Question Love (Simeon) - Something I want to point out here is that everyone just assumed the devs did him dirty with autotune when in reality, it had more to do with Simeon's VA (who is an absolute sweetheart, btw) than the devs. Otaku FM Mini #4 has a lot of the details on that, but Simeon's VA did a wonderful job with it imo. <3
4. Read My Heart (Satan) - Do I really need to say anything else other than everything about this song is amazing!? The perfect ballad!
5. Pomade (Asmo) - I wasn't sure about the intro at first... but how could I ever doubt you, Asmo!? It's stunning just like the Avatar of Lust himself! He has such an angelic voice for a demon!
6. Crazy About You (Barbatos) - The only reason his song is at number six is because sometimes it's a little too repetitive for me but this song is another bop just like Levi's! Never a bad time while listening to it! I think it can (and likely will) go up in ranking in the future.
7. Arcadia (Lucifer) - At first I was like "Nah, not my thing," but the more I listened to it, the better it got. It somehow captures both the strict and soft side to Lucifer in a way? I actually really like it.
8. Dreamscape (Belphegor) - Very chill. Another sort of ballad like Satan's, but a bit more upbeat? I could probably fall asleep to this.
9. Are You Ready? (Mammon) - I like the whole vibe he's got going on and his rapping, but the music gets repetitive real fast. Overall it's just not my thing.
10. My Wish (Luke) - Also just not my thing in general. Don't get me wrong though, it's SUPER cute. I can vibe with it once in a while.
11. No. 1 (Diavolo) - Again, not my thing. But it is very Diavolo sounding. Seems to get a little better the more I listen to it.
12. Hungry Six-Pack (Beelzebub) - Eh... It is what it is. Beel's VA did a nice job with it but the music isn't my cup of tea and Beel is my least favorite character tbh. Not that I hate him or anything! ;w; He's just my least favorite.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 40
Got him again, clearly. Wow, he looks ESPECIALLY frustrated with this time's intro.
Sam's new skit being styled like THE WORST RADIO PRESENTATION EVER is absolutely priceless. Letting Sam loose on the sampling board was a trip, the others are dying of laughter. Marisha in particular is just paralytic ... I love it.
Ugly Christmas sweater! Matt: "That us delightfully ugly!" And A CHETNEY HAT!!! I WANT ONE!!!
Love them geeking on the action figures too. So adorable!
Sam us clearly getting too enamoured of that soundboard, by the way ...
Ah ... AAAAAAAAAH!!! That's right! Imogen's mum's alive! Okay! Here we go!
Yes! Talk to her again! Come on, girl! No time to waste! Yes, I know it's a lot but SERIOUSLY, this us a big deal! And Laudna's just being SO SWEET about it ...
She's being so evasive ... I mean loving and concerned but also really evasive ... one more chance at a message ... yes, force the point!
She "couldn't stay without knowing what she is" ... that is LOADED. She sends too ... yeah, I thought so, she's trying to keep Imogen safe by staying incognito. Yeah, she ain't budging on this, but then neither is Imogen. Wow, she really is her mother's daughter.
Come on Laudna, cheer our girl up! That's it! Yes! God this undead lady's just so lovable. :3
Stop sleeping in the supply closet you two!
So they go up on deck and walk STRAIGHT INTO the aftermath of that crazy Chetney scrap ... Imogen's reaction I'd priceless and totally understandable.
Boy is this a night for EXTREME REVELATIONS or what?
Oh yeah, Orym and Fearne still need healing too. Like all this heart to heart is goi g on and they're just stood there bleeding on the deck.
Fearne STILL likes the idea of becoming a werewolf faun, that's so wild ...
Orym continues to be the warm calm centre to this whole thing snd I love it.
Chetney's like FALLING DOWN exhausted on his feet ... oof ... they wake FCG and Ashton up znd Ashton's just ANNOYED he missed it all! XD FCG heals Chet and he wakes up SO HIGH ...
Ashton: "Raise your hand if you think you might turn on all of us." Fearne insists she wouldn't. NOBODY believes her. No, I don't either. She's like a TOTAL chaos gremlin, that's only gonna get MORE dangerous ...
Pate! Okay ... the now living Pate is giving FCG a massive existential crisis. XD "Am I just THAT but with a wheel?"
The group wonder who's gonna be next to glair up ... once again votes are cast for Fearne. No surprise there ...
Orym sends a message to Dorian through the Stone ... oh man ... come on Liam, don't do this to us right now.
Ashton and Orym have a heart to heart ... angry rock man trying to be sweet snd supportive is weird but also surprisingly effective. And it's kind of working too, Orym is OPENING UP to him! Oh man ... little man SEEMS LIKE he has it so together and yet ...
Ashton really just hopes he gets to punch a werewolf sometime. Yes, mate. We hope you will too.
And Orym hugs Ashton. :3
Matt's gonna have Robbie record a message back to Orym ... that's so cute, I can't wait ...
Next day ... Laura rolls 7 ... mild turbulence but otherwise all us well. Phew ...
Oooh ... beautiful scary country ...
Day 5 and Liam rolls the Ruidus dice to get them bad times ... but he rolls WELL. Smooth sailing.
Next day ... Bassuras again ... familiar ground ... Taliesin rolls a 3 ... Matt has him roll again ... 2. OOF!!! Bad wind! Not good!
Okay, they are now in A FLAT SPIN!!! But they get out of it ... once again still no MAJOR problems ...
Desk comes and Chetney wants somebody to TIE HIM UP!!! XD He gets some manacles ... here we go. Oh boy, this us getting all kinds of kinky all of a sudden ...
New day ... 3 ... okay ...
Dog sized bird creatures ... hmmm ... not good. A dozen or so ... Laura: "Sam doesn't know what a dozen is." Sam: "So that's like twenty?"
FCG attempts to communicate with them to ward them off znd they don't respond, instead attacking ... argh, 3 points of piercing damage! AND HE'S POISONED?!!! Shit!
Okay, COMBAT!!! Here comes OH MY GOD THAT IS ANOTHER AWESOME BATTLE MAP!!! Matt's craft powers have done him proud this time!
Roll initiative!
Top of the round and it's Orym! Yes, DASH MAN!!! DASH!!! Bait and Switch! Action Surge! Goading attack, and the creature fails to resist znd he DECAPITATES IT!!! Nice!
Fearne summons Mister and conjures her Flame Blade, then holds action. One of them moves into range and she ATTACKS ... ooop, rule check ... roll a D8 ... Ashley: "Oh, that's so terrible!" Still does dome damage, though ...
Oh shit ... Fearne is hit and POISONED!!! AAAAAH!!!
Orym takes a hit but gives as good as he gets ... and he manages to NOT get poisoned? Sweet!
Ashton swings and HITS!!! Holy fuck, he just PUNTED that fucker into oblivion! And ANOTHER HIT! He Gallaghers it's head!
Imogen uses a Sorcery point so she can Witchbolt TWO AT ONCE!!! But misses one ... bugger ... inflicts 21 points of damage on the other one, though!
Oh fuck ... turns out these things AREN'T attacking the ship, they're just RUNNING AWAY from something? Oh gods ...
Wait ... RONIN chose the monster? Really, Matt?
Chetney and Laudna are now SERIOUSLY messed up ALREADY!!! Oh gods ... and Imogen takes 9 points of slashing damage! Nooooo ...
Oh nice, FCG halves her damage ...
Laudna goes STRAIGHT into her Form of Dread! Crazy scary tree Form again, nice, she's totally adopting a holdover from Whitestone! Spiderclimb! AND Bane! Sweet!
Aha! Chetney unleashes the Scythe! Nice! Blood Curse of Bloated Agony? Holy fuck that sounds CRAZY ... and then he goes invisible! Nice, and no attack of opportunity cuz it can't see him!
FCG uses their sawblade on one of the creatures ... wait how does he get an advantage when his OPPONENT rolls a Nat 20? Hmmm ... clerics, man! Attack of opportunity ... MISS!!! Healing Word on Laudna for 13 points! Nice!
Whoa, do because she's within 100 feet of Pate due gets FULL HEALTH POINTS BACK?!!! Nice.
Okay, so he's no longer restrained ... but still messed up ...
Orym fucks ip another creature then makes a pushing attack so he PUNTS IT over the side ... doesn't kill it but it's MESSED UP.
Ah, so Fearne has magical resistance ... Nice, straight 20 means she shrugs off the effect! Goody ... THREE HITS on the Chimera! Okay, ANOTHER rule check ... Ashley's getting SO POWERFUL she doesn't know what she's capable of now! I love that ...
66 POINTS of fire damage! Sweet!
Mister gets to use his crazy little Percy pistol! Yay!
Now the Chimera's distracted the other beasties are BOOKING!!! That's helpful at least ...
Ashton slides in and rages as he tries to smash it in the leg ... 13 points of damage! And another 15! Nice one! Chimera is trashed but still kicking ...
Imogen ... whoa, super red glowy craziness? Whoa ... WHAT DID SHE JUST SUMMON?!!! SERIOUSLY, that thing is TERRIFYING!!!
Laura is doing some crazy scary stuff that we can't fathom while still wearing THAT HAT!!! It's so surreal ... 0.0
Chimera tries to attack the Shade (so THAT'S what it is) and fails ... but HITS on Imogen! Ooof ... but Laudna uses Silvery Babs and reduces the attack roll and it MISSES Imogen after all! Beautiful!
Laudna rolls a NAT 20 and FUCKS UP the goat head! Nice one! She dispatches Pate to deliver Shocking Grasp on it! Ooooooh! But rolls 12 ... miss! Bollocks ...
Chetney licks Turmoil's blade ... okay ... but now the blade's ON FIRE!!! Double hit! 23 points of damage? Ooof ... and TWELVE POINTS OF THUNDER DAMAGE!!! Holy shit ...
But Chetney's within range if the Shade, is he affected by its range effect? Oh thank the gods, he saves ...
More Spiritual Weapon badassery from FCG!
Stay Puft flaming hand escape! I love it!
Orym gets 14 points if slashing damage and one of the heads is just HANGING OFF right now! Sweet.
Fearnd gets a POING BLANK shot on the Chimera with the ballista ... 19 points of damage ... Matt: "How do you wanna do this?"
She KEBABS IT. Fearne: "Get off my airship."
Chetney tries to touch the Shade and takes 2 D6 of psychic damage! Oops ...
Imogen doesn't know how to get rid of the Shade ... so she just asks it to go away AND IT WORKS!!! Okay ... they're all concerned and I can't blame them. Although Ashton thinks it's cool, so ...
Ashton asks what it felt like to Chetney and he says it was like all the children jn the world were giving him their toy orders at the same time. "As if one mind could handle that all at once ..."
Another day down and they get a long rest do they're healed up again ... phew ...
Weird coloured jungle ahead ... oh, so THIS is the Gloomed Jungle? Okay ... creepy.
Matt: "And that's where we're gonna take a break!"
Laura was trying to draw it and it ended up just looking like a mouth with loads of pubes ... hmmm ...
Wait ... I don't think I've seen that Matt Mercer figurine before ... that's a new bit, I swear! Ashley: "Loot his corpse and take his vest!" XD
Back to the game ... and Matt is once again having to deal with their unruliness. "Look, I'm hollow inside."
Shit roll ... okay, this should be fun ...
Ooooh ... it's getting all dark and moody ... this is not a good sign, is it?
Chetney needs some new clothes, it seems ...
Lightning? Eep! Not good ... the rain's making the deck all slick, too. They lose half a day's travel because of this. Nuts.
So just ... "land in the jungle and howl?" That's it? Seriously? Oh, at dusk. Okay ...
Wow ... Chetney's getting SO EXCITED about this, it's kind of adorable but also a little disturbing at the same time. Hmmm ... Travis coming up with all this poetic stuff for how they all smell to Chetney. I love that.
This is a moody place, but also kind of beautiful. I might actually start liking this place.
Fearne just looks over Chetney's head and spots EXACT signs of civilisation ... or maybe not. Hmm ...
Oh, so they're landing at the ruins. Okay ...
Wait ... so this might not actually go how they want? I mean these guys are WEREWOLVES, people! Are you still set on this plan of action?
Whoa, so Chetney KILLED the werewolf that turned him ... crazy backstory goodness! XD
Hahaha ... Chetney clearly has NO IDEA how old he is. Did Travis just ROLL to see how old Chetney is? Ah ... apparently he is 700 YEARS OLD now ...
The return of Recognise The Alpha ...
I love how Fearne is just humouring Chetney on his building himself up, it's really quite cute.
Matt says the top of the tower FEELS STABLE ... oh, he's making THAT FACE again, what are you planning, Matthew?
FCG still has no sense of smell, of course ...
Ashton casts Pass Without A Trace and then they make a shit load of noise climbing down so it's kind of negated ...
Oh, so this is a FUNGAL jungle, then ... ba-dum-tish! XD
Chetney: "Okay, we're gonna light this candle." He tears off his skin at his Adam's apple and FCG casts Eagle's Splendour on him ... yeah, that is a MAGNIFICENT howl.
Okay, this is taking a little while, clearly ... AN HOUR?!!! Really? This is NOT looking good.
Fearne transforms into a wolf to help him. Fearne: "Okay ... I'm a wolf." Everybody cracks up. XD
They ALL howl ... and NOW they get a response. Okay, they're A LONG WAY off fight now. They're gonna wait, it seems.
Night falls but the shitty weather continues. Laudna says a fire. Orym sits with Wolf Fearne to keep an eye out ... and Imogen uses Mage Hand to keep the rain off them! :3
Oh, okay ... somebody's coming. Something, anyway ... hmm ... is it stalking Laudna? Oh dear ...
Laudna asks Pate to do an interpretative dance ... oh my gods Marisha is beatboxing and Matt is dancing like a lunatic. That's love, baybee! XD
Okay, now there's TWO of them ... fuck, this guy is BIG. Ooh ... okay, he's definitely got a big barbarian thing going on ... WERETIGER?!!! Holy fuck ...
Divasheela ... cool name. Wow, she's pretty awesome ... oh, now there's a PANTHER one too! And another werewolf. A WEREBOAR!!! AND A WEREBEAR!!! Fuck, this is so cool ...
Chetney does a Magic Mike and wolfs out! XD
Divasheela is ... less than impressed, it seems. Hmmm ... that said, they seem receptive enough.
Whoa ... did Chetney really just almost make them all attack the airship? Oops, I guess?
Okay, so they're going into the woods, then ...
Now Imogen is RIDING THE WEREBOAR. Okay ...
"The Zigzag Return?"
Awwwww ... Orym is riding Fearne. :3 and Laudna is riding the panther. Okay ... is he FLIRTING WITH HER?!!! Laudna turns herself into crazy creepy bark armour on him and he finds it scary but he's also into it. XD
Aaaaaaaand now they're lost. Or maybe not ...
Okay, normal forms! Here we go ... yeah, they seem like a nice, likeable bunch now, actually. Oh, so here we are. Barinak. It's pretty cool here, actually.
Yeah, from the look of it this is just PEOPLE. Like a regular community, really. I can see why they're so dead set on keeping it secret, then.
Ah, so Divasheela was originally Annaline. Okay.
Oh boy ... so Chetney's not the only one who's having problems with Ruidus of late. Hmmm ...
She recognises Chetney as another Blood Hunter. Cool. Oh, so this training is gonna take WEEKS?!!! Yeah, that's not gonna work ...
Okay ... so Chetney losing his cool is Zbigniew deal ... but NOT a deal breaker, at least. That's good, I guess. FCG suggests they leave him here for a few weeks ... ummm ... okay, is that an option right now?
Court of the Lambent Path? Okay ... sounds fancy ...
Oooh, statue symbolism ... hmm ... is this a major clue? Sayhaadon? Okay ...
Orym is currently just sizing everybody up - Know Your Enemy - as potential opponents, and some of them look pretty dangerous ...
Ah, so Sayhaadon is an aspect of the Wildmother. Cool. I wonder if FCG can do something with that, then.
Tiny Steve Brule gnome ... okay ... is this someone I should know about? ^^; What do you want? I'm not the most well informed person ever, guys ... oh, Tarad. Okay.
Ah ... yeah, so Imogen's like YUCK over this food, then. Backstory ...
Not three heads but three SNOUTS ... well that's just even weirder, then.
Ashton wants a drink. They offer him water ... oh, is he going to kick off about that? Oh, so they have wine? Yeah, all right. That'll do.
So if someone completely loses it the Gorgynei are charged with making sure they don't become a danger to others. Yeah, kind of figured as much. And chains! Yeah. Also makes sense.
Chetney is really making out that he's more confident than he is. "Willpower is 10 out of 10!" Yeah ...
Divasheela asks if they're willing to take Chetney out if he becomes a threat ... oh boy, this doesn't bode well. Oh, so they're gonna stick around for him to do the training after all? 2 and half weeks ... oh yeah, that could work, actually.
Ashley rolls high for insight and gets whispers! Sam has a plug prepared for once! Much better!
Yeah, it's getting LATE. Find somewhere to sleep. They call for Tarad ... FCG, what the hell was THAT noise?
Treehouse guest houses? Sweet! Oooh, and furs! Cool.
Okay, I really don't know if I KNOW that particular quote actually ...
Bedtime, then. Tree cave Tweecave? Cue Matt pretending to have a speech impediment.
Matt: "And THAT'S where we're gonna call it a night."
So what IS Tarad's were form? Damn it, now I'm curious. Votes are being cast for weresquirrel, apparently ...
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comphetkoncass · 1 year
intro scene to the DCYJ fixit fic im writing. bc kon being angsty abt dying in that series doesnt make sense, but giving him 'the world moved on w/o you' trauma fits soooo much better. especially since his lines about "you want to go back to the real world? the one where i died? you think that world was so much better than this world where we get to be heroes in our glory days?" doesnt even make sense since the current 'real world' is, uh, the world where kon never even existed... cant die if you never existed, idk what to tell you
The statue of Superman at the Justice League is giving Kon whiplash, because he’s pretty sure he used to have one that looked almost identical. Same material, similar pose, similar size. But this one is Superman – in a way, it reminds him of the future that never was. The one where he eventually became Superman, himself, instead of the mantle getting passed onto Jon, because of course it would pass onto Jon – Kon didn’t exist in this timeline until this year. ...Plus, that Kon-El Superman  went evil, so. Maybe best to leave this all to Jon.
The Superman memorial statue stands next to several others. The Justice League assembles once more just to reflect the bright sunny day off their gold silhoettes – and it's a perfect atmosphere for a funeral, he thinks sarcastically.
But in the bright, overwhelming brightness, for a second, Kon truly sees the statue as his own memorial statue. Reality shifts again, then, and it’s back to being Superman. 
He still feels dazed. Dizzy. 
Cassie reaches for his hand, and it grounds him. Kon lets out a breath, and now it’s hard to imagine he ever saw himself in this stupid memorial. 
It’s funny. Remembering his own statue, Kon should really be more traumatized by dying. And he totally was, he won't deny it messed him up – but the thing is, trauma sort of has a recency bias. And losing his entire dimension, having the world re-written without him, knowing none of his friends remember him – that’s also right up there with dying. Top ten worst moments of his short existence, and the list is pretty damn competitive. And it happened within the last year, compared to not actually remembering how long ago he died anymore.
He remembers the day and time, but who knows when it would've been in this dimension, seeing as it never happened at all. Can't die if you never existed.
Besides... However bad dying was, even if he never really processed that one or told his friends about it – at least his friends had been there for him afterwards. And at least his friends had grieved him. It's selfish (and Kon feels bad, but not that bad; he's always been little selfish with his friends' affection) – but he misses knowing they grieved him. Because it was solid, concrete proof that they’d loved him, that they'd missed him. Missed him to the point of real, genuine mental health crises, sure, and there's a lot to unpack about the particular ways Tim and Cassie grieved – but there was no questioning that they cared. That he had mattered enough to care about. 
...In this world, he didn’t even exist. 
His friends remember grieving him, now that they’ve met him. The spark is there; the realities crashed together and now his friends just remember two timelines. But that doesn’t change that there’s a timeline where he was never there at all. 
Sometimes, he wonders. With the amount of grief he gave them, do they look more fondly on the one where they never had a Superboy to mourn?
Cassie squeezes his hand again, forcing his attention outward. He must not react enough, because she bumps her shoulder against his, leans up and mouths 'Are you okay?'
Even Bart and Tim are looking his way now. Way to make a JLA funeral about you, Kon, he thinks. He gives a quick thumbs up, and tries to stop zoning out. There are speeches, after all. He should probably be taking notes on the eulogies. Given how the hero community keeps dying, he'll probably have to start writing them soon. If he doesn't get his own first, he thinks. If he even gets one. He hasn't left much of an impression yet.
Selfish, he thinks. Got to stop being selfish. Roll with the punches. This is the real world now. Considering it was rewritten without you in it, you should probably just be thankful to exist at all.
The speech ends, and Kon joins his hands together to clap along with the rest of the world.
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castlephantom · 15 days
My brain doesn't leave me alone because I have OCs for Castlevania/Akumajou Dracula but I never shared with anyone before about them. In fact those OCs would sound more like 'How to create a back story for game characters by using OCs as plot point or something but not to create similar thing what that NFCV does'.
Why I think of this?
This makes me to write about characters and my original ones, but I always change direction of the story, lack of motivation, and to write a fight scene is too complicated for me.
Currently, I try to improve my writing skills, so maybe (unsure) I can share, only if people are intrested as well. And I said games because the show doesn't make me comfortable to write. The games give me a mysterious nature about the characters and beacuse of lack of backstory (on some characters) and all possible theories/ideas from the fandom, made me to think that I think I should try once.
Me looking at the show and see those OCs, including characters that are from the games and tuned intro OOCs, gives me a moment to swear at the TV. And seing the people create OCs for the fan stories, no problem as I have no problem creating my OCs for fan story for the games (prequel, sequel to the game and anything related, maybe I will look for Lords of Shadow, I try to understand the characters and the plot as well).
How about the characters to be original?
In order to create your own original character, you must to create them in your unique way. For an example, you want your OC to be an asian or black vampire (looking like vampires that we know), you can but you must to make research about believes in that respective region, to not make the same mistake as NFCV does. (Race swapping characters is the worst thing I ever seen, but for love of mother nature, create a character, not change thier skin color.)
Another problem is that don't change characters intro something that couldn't be memorable. If we look to Castlevania: Nocturne, Olrox and Drolta are not only race swapped characters, but also the show try to attracted people like 'Look how sexy they are' but that doesn't mean that they could be remember them. In games, Olrox is a member of Dracula's court, not an aztec, Drolta is a sorceress who serves Elizabeth Bartley, not that sexy vampire how is like a succubus.
If we have to look at how they handle Maria and all girls that are so-called #girlboss in both shows, that is the literally how to ruin a character from games intro something that isn't them. To be strong doesn't mean to be a #girlboss, if you want to make the game character strong but doesn't know how to fight, you can see that they are mentally strong, so take that element and make them important in that respective plot.
NFCV characters are bastards, so-called #girlboss, beautiful men intro crybabies, Dracula is tragic meow meow that didn't nothing wrong, Belmonts and Hector to be treated like shit, to accept toxic relationship like nothing happen (everyone remembers of that Lenore and N!Hector) and Alucard to be so-called sassy only to bully Belmonts!? No! That's is not what characters should be represented and I will always act like NFCV never existed.
Back to part with my writing ideas.
I enjoy writing Akumajou Dracula with my OCs. I don't want to be in Disney's fashion, but more I watch anime and read manga, I saw some elements to create my OCs as sourse of inspiration (side note: if you want an anime/manga that have well writen female protagonist, I can recomand The Apothecary Diaries.)
Like I said earlier, I will wrote for LoS, but I don't have OCs, but I really don't mind. I have respect for LoS recently and I'm take insterst. I will most likely to do oneshots with both timelines because makes me feel comfortable, with canon and with my OC. If you worte with your OC in timeline, that OC is again, yours. My OCs is mine to ad in story.
The conclusion
I'm more confortable to wrote characters form original and LoS timelines, but I need time to think about this. After all, everyone has their own ideas.
Side note: I know that I supposed to be about my writing in one post, but because I'm angry at the NFCV, I decide to bring the OC topic as well. Remember, that is just my opinion.
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Homestuck Daily Intro - Happy 4/13
So, I have a very very bad idea. You see, there's this web comic, called Homestuck. I never engaged with Homestuck when it was originally being made, I only read it years after the fact at the insistence of one of my exes. And, regrettably, I loved it. I tore through the entirety of Homestuck in an insomnia-fueled week long binge in February of 2020. It was, possibly, the 2nd worst way to consume Homestuck.
The worst possible way of consuming Homestuck, I think, is what I'm planning on doing for the next (7? 8? I can't do math) years: Homestuck Daily. Each day, I read whatever pages of Hhomestuck were published 15 years ago. I have scheduled out the first year of this project so I know when to stop reading each day. No matter how much I want to keep reading, I will follow along the comic as if I was a fan following along from the very beginning. What do I hope to gain from this? Absolutely nothing, I am doing this on a whim and there's a good chance I give up in a week. But, there's also a chance I keep up with it all the way to the very end. This project has the potential to be the longest-lasting aspect of my entire adult life. Which brings me to this blog. I want to document my own journey, and despite having never used it before, I am choosing tumblr to shout that documentation out into the void. Despite evidence to the contrary, I do live a somewhat busy life, so I can't promise updates every day, but I'll be aiming for once a week. Then again, I suspect nobody but me will ever read this. If I am wrong and somebody has chosen to read a random stranger read Homestuck as if it was being released live, I have one thing to say: Surely there's a better use of your time.
For some simple book keeping in this First Post, a few facts about how I will be beginning this terrible journey: I will be reading through the Unofficial Homestuck Collection. I will be using the TUHC Time Machine mod to keep myself honest and have to wait for new pages to unlock. Although they'll be anachronistic, I will also be using The Homestuck Commentaries Mod because I've never read them before.
Also, fun fact, apparently there's a mod that lets you play DOOM through the Homestuck Unofficial Collection.
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filthyrottenworm · 2 months
🪱hewwo uwu!!!! I’m Taaaaaazzy, Tazelein, contender for #1 worst person ever! I love being horrible and hated. Temporary intro post to make our blog less blank
Alter in a system and the biggest source of shame and self-loathing for the system, very toxic and terrible! I’m the evil one <3
Me n a few others will use this account, ssssooooo I’ll give you the run-down of who will probably be here! We use silly emojis to represent who’s talking elsewhere but I’m the only one writing this post. Made this account for us filthy nasty horrible rotten disgusting evil alters that the host likes to pretend don’t exist!
“🪱” me! Tazzy wazzy. Any pronouns work, the other alters refer to me as “he” for simplicity but I exist beyond pronouns. I’m the filthiest, rotten, worst thing ever! You cannot hurt me in any way that matters. Advocate for my right to wrong anyone
“🕸️” Webby-do-darling-sweetie-baby. Webbarachne or Webber is what they go by. “Websie” is a no-no nickname that gives them horrible flashbacks! They use any pronouns, with a preference for “it”. They are my offspring that was produced with Aranya! Also cannibalized us both, but, we’re back now <3. Websie likes bondage quite a bit and fantasizes about kidnapping people and tying them up in an attic to keep forever. Little babypie got us cancelled big time for abusing our ex
“♣️” Aranyarachne. My ex-wife! We were never actually married. She goes by she/it. Disgusting spider thing, big titty goth milf arachne spider centaur thing. She’s a dommy mommy who loves oviposition and laying her eggs in you until they hatch and cannibalize your body!
“🐜” Suzie. She’s a human girl that Aranya kept as a pet. Weak little thing. Pathetic wet thing. Doesn’t really understand pronouns, we just call her “she” for convenience
“🏛️” what name are they going by again? Oh right! Lambsilk. Cult enthusiast! Wants to start a new religion. Definitely not related to their fascination with cults! They’re definitely not interested in starting a cult. Idk their pronouns, simplyplural says they/them
“❣️” Redmageddon or red! Suuuuper obsessive. Wrote love letters with the body’s blood <3 (how cute!)… used to be some sort of weird begging to get our ex to torture us or something, now adores our only friend who stuck around after we got cancelled for being an abuser! It/its pronouns preferred, they/them accepted begrudgingly
“🎊” my niece! Puerejynx, goes by Jynx. Hates me. Wanted vengeance on someone for ruining her life, and then she unfortunately realized that she ruined her own life and doesn’t want vengeance anymore! Still loves horrible things. A spoiled rotten brat, thinks she deserves everything in the world, god complex, all the best things <3… pronouns fluctuate, she is always acceptable
“🫐” my nephew, Solynx. He/they. Cursed by his daddy (my cutesy baby brother) to be unable to use language to communicate, but he gets around it. Very boring and normal and vanilla and uninteresting. Once referred to as “the only sensible person in the system” which translates to “literally the most boring person in the system”
“🎆” the bitch with anger issues. Starbound. A lazer-shooting dragon. Also an angel, but who gives a shit? We call her she/her for simplicity
“🦤” Sethil, fey/fem/feir. A victim of absolutely horrible, atrocious abuse! Isn’t that cute? Probably won’t front, I’m just including fem because fey’d be disgusted to be on this list!
“🚀” Rocket, he/him. Hates everyone, thinks we’d be better off alone. Looks like Rocket from GOTG, only vaguely similar in identity, doesn’t consider his source to be “him”
“💋” Amour. Any pronouns, usually she/her, only refer to her with the utmost disrespect and fetishization. A whore.
“🦊” Ren Hana, he/him. Introject or whatchumacallit from BTD/TPOF. Considers his source to be “him”
“🍂” Lawrence, he/they. Introject or whatchumacallit from BTD. Idk what his relationship to source is and idc
“🩸” Yuri, she/her. Introject or whatchumacallit from DDLC. Considers her source similar to her and enjoys the story, but not actually her
There’s more of us but they don’t want to be associated with me in any capacity <3!!!! Which I don’t really care about and I’d love to humiliate them and doxx ourselves and get cancelled and then murdered, but unforch I’ll be kicked out of front if I try 💔
Anyway, all you need to know about us is that we were cancelled for abusing our ex! We absolutely did everything they said we did <3. It was super accidental though and we didn’t mean it 🥺
I don’t give a shit about human politics. You all deserve to be tortured forever without the mercy of death. I only support people’s wrongs, not their rights <3
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