#/ at the same time and accidently noshed on his head
packleads · 1 year
when danzo was temporary hokage, kaori really took a moment to think if it was possible to accidentally chomp his head off
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dadilovefishing · 11 months
The Start of the Beginning… Again
Miguel O’hara x Filipina Reader
Chapter 1
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“Okay am I crazy or does it feel like every time Miguel and Y/n are in the same room the tension fee-”
“Feels thick?” Peter cuts Miles off with a mouthful of his burger then taking in another bite even though his mouth was still full. Gwen, Hobie and Miles look at him in disgust as Peter stuffs his face with food as if he hadn’t eaten in years.
“You might wanna slow down on the nosh there mate, it ain’t gon’ run off anywhere” Miles was again cut off by Hobie this time, clearly having enough of Peters disgusting eating behaviour. Peter takes a swig out of his soda and gulps everything down, he takes a fry and points it at Hobie.
“You try controlling yourself when you get to eat your favourite food that you haven’t had for years!” Peter retorts looking at Hobie then shoving a fry into his mouth.
“Don’t got a favourite” Hobie says coolly, Peter rolls his eyes at the anarchist then switches his attention back to Miles.
“And to answer your question kid, it’s a long story. Way before any of you kids came along. I think at that time it was just me, Miguel, Jess, Lego Peter, Ben and a bunch of others that I don’t really remember nor do I remember how spider cat got recruited before me… anyways yeah it’s a long story kid.” Peter says as he takes another bite of his burger. He notices that Miles was looking at him as if telling him to go on with the story. He groans.
“Okay now that Miles brought it up, yeah why does it always feel weird when both of them are in the same room? like it feels stuffy all of a sudden?” Gwen asks, taking a sip from her milkshake. Peter sighs and pulls out his wallet pulling out a couple more bills ready to buy himself some more burgers.
“Okay guys get comfortable, this is going to be a really long story and I mean really long. So let’s starts from the beginning.”
Year 2099
“Okay let’s start from the beginning, my name is y/f/n and for last 6 years I’ve been the one and only spyder-woman, I worked as a geneticist in Alchemax Manila, got bit by a spider that I had been working on that I was planning to bring back home to the province and to give my little bro as a gift since he and his friends love to have spider fights after school. Thought the bite did nothing since the spider wasn’t showing any signs that it was taking in any new modifications that I was making, but I was so, so wrong. Next thing I knew I can stick on walls, got super strong, was faster than usual, my flexibility got way better than before-especially since I would stay holed up in my studies for days without stretching-and got spider senses. My best friend Gwen-who used to work to work at alchemax with me-found out about my powers when she saw me stuck upside down on the ceiling of our shared apartment. I was so glad she didn’t try to get me exorcised right away and thought my new abilities were super cool. She helped me with everything! Designing my suit, creating my web slinger and weapon. Reported to me to help catch the bad guys, preventing a couple of motorcycle accidents dealing with villains of the week.
I failed to save her when she got caught in the crossfire trying to help me stop our boss from doing any more harm when she turned herself into a manananggal. Worst thing was when her boyfriend John Peter, a.k.a J.P. Who was chief of police and was also my childhood friend mistaken me as her killer when he caught me with her dead in my arms decided he wouldn’t rest till Spyder Woman was behind bars or dead.
Okay let’s speed up this story. In drunken rage, he broke into her studies found a regenerative project she was working on injected himself with an unknown serum-only god knows why-he turned into a humanoid lizard and started terrorizing the city and eating people, had to kill him because there was no cure. Got promoted to work as one of the heads of the genetics department at Alchemax’s newest location in Nueva York after JP destroyed the one in Manila. Sending my family money here and there to support them and my brother’s education. Made a new friend named MJ who’s also my new room mate since she got recruited to work at Alchemax. Adopted a cat and named him Oscar. MJ found out I was Spyder-Woman when she was on laundry duty. Found and Lost my first love. So now the only ones I have left in my inner circle are MJ and my cat Oscar…
sometimes I wish I didn’t get bit by that stupid spider, but with great powers come with great responsibility.”
Earth 1610
Everyone just looked at Peter in shock as he stares down at his half eaten burger with a solemn look, he puts his burger down and takes a sip from his drink while looking out at the window.
“Wow, um she went through a lot. I mean having to kill a friend with your own hands?” Gwen spoke up-knowing what it felt like to be the reason for your friends death, but it was still an insane concept since it wasn’t an indirect action like hers and the others-breaking the silence as Miles and Hobie didn’t know what to say and just stares at Peter.
“Yeah well that’s just part of the job description kid, losing a couple of people here and there. Thing is, the whole revenge-misunderstanding situation happened to her twice.” Peter said and let out a dry chuckle trying to lighten the mood a bit. Everyone just stares at him, not knowing how to respond with his poorly timed joke. Peter clears his throat and look back at the three teenagers awkwardly.
“Anyways yeah, she also was originally never supposed to be recruited to be part of spider society.” Peter says as he picks up his last burger of the day and takes a bite from it.
“What?” The three teenagers questions Peter in unison. Peter chews his food and nods.
“So how did Miguel even let her in when she wasn’t supposed to be part of it?” Miles asks looking at Peter in bewilderment knowing that Miguel wouldn’t just let anyone in, speaking from experience.
“Yeah, yeah I’m getting to that part.” Peter replies with food still in his mouth.
“Why is Miguel sending me off on this stupid mission? Like dude? I put in a request for vacation just for one day? Out of all days to put me on a mission! It’s not like he’s doing anything except brooding in his lair…Ugh whatever! just in and out, in and out.” Peter mumbles to himself taking in a deep breath as he searched for the anomaly that landed on Earth-6301
“Hey Peter?” Lyla pops up on Peter’s watch painting her nails a hot pink. “The Green Goblin is down that way if you’re done mumbling to yourself.” She points down the road where there is loud commotion.
“Yeah that checks out, thanks Lyla.” Peter sighs as she disappears. He swings his way to where the green goblin is. He slows down and lands on the ground prepping himself to deal with the green goblin only to find a spider person climbing up the wall carrying the passed out anomaly, civilians of the city cheering and taking pictures.
“We love you Spyder-Woman!”
“Thanks for saving us!!” Spyder woman looks back down at the crowd of civilians and salutes to them then throws the the glitching goblin onto the roof and climbs on top of the roof, disappearing from the civilians view.
“Huh a Spider-woman, of course. At least my job is done, just need to get up there, convince her to give me the goblin and take the goblin back to HQ.” Peter shoots a web at the apartment to take him up to where spyder-woman is took the anomaly. He lands on top of the roof and slowly makes his way to Earth-6301’s spider person, he takes caution and hides behind the shed as he hears her interrogating the goblin.
“I’m going to ask you one last time. Who are you? Cuz last time I checked the green goblin is locked up.” The spider person asks as she crouches in front of the glitching goblin, holding her yantok with a blade protruding out of it up to his neck.
“I’m the green goblin! And where the fuck is spider man?” The green goblin spits out as he tries to wriggle his way out of his confinement but glitches as he tries.
“Like I said there is no spider man only spyder woman.” She emphasizes the woman in her name “with a ‘Y’” she adds. “And before you ask the ‘Y’ in ‘spyder’ is just for the added flare.” She continues as she stares down at the wriggling goblin. She sighs then looks away from the goblin.
“Why are you glitching?” She asks as she brings her attention back to goblin and holds her yantok closer to his neck now slightly grazing against his skin. The goblin still trying to get out of his webbed confinement even though it hasn’t been working for the past few minutes, it’s almost embarrassing that he’s still trying at this point. He glitches again then groans.
“Does it look like I know you dumb bitch?” The goblin hissed. “All I know is that I was close to killing Peter but I got sucked into a black hole and was shot back out. Now bring me spider man you tramp!” He yells at her, she sighs and looks down to the ground.
“You know what I’ll deal with you later if you don’t want to cooperate with me right now.” She says then stabs him in the shoulder with the blade and presses a button which electrocutes him. The goblin passes out from getting shocked. She stands up and retracts up the short blade back into the yantok.
“Hay Susmaryosep, Like I said there is no spider man. How many times do I have to repeat myself?” She shakes her head mumbling to herself then turns around to where Peter was hiding.
“Now, to deal with you.” She says out loud, Peter felt goosebumps when he heard her talking about him. Not having enough time to comprehend her standing right in front of him ready to attack. She swings her yantok at him and Peter dodges her attack.
“Woah there, can we take this nice and slow please? We just met and I’m here to help.” Peter says as he tries his best to dodge all her attacks trying to come up with an offence but she wasn’t giving him an opening. “Look if you let me explain we can settle this then I can take the him back to where he belongs and leave you and your world alone.” Peter bargains still trying his best to dodge all of her attacks.
“I’ll have to make sure that you’re not a threat first.” She says coldly and got him to finally have an opening for her to swing an attack at him.
“Wha-” Peter was cut off as he got hit on the back of his head by her yantok causing him to lose consciousness and drop to the floor, his vision fading to black.
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breathless-darkness · 4 years
Reverse Verse plotted with @frozcnlight​
This wasn’t suppose to end like this. How could things simply have ended like this? It was as if the entire world had stopped and crashed upon the brunette. Odasaku’s last words were on replay I’m his head.
“Be on the side that saves people. If both sides are the same, become a good man. Save the weak, and protect the orphans. Neither good nor evil means much to you, I know... but that'd make you at least a little bit better... Of course I know. I know better than anyone. Because... I am your friend."
Still his bandage was no longer covering his right eye. It wasn’t like he really needed it anymore. The damage had been done so long ago, all that remained was a small scar upon the very side upon his eye. He could see, he had simply kept it on there as long as he had because it had become a safety net for him. He knew that Odasaku would have never pulled the bandage off had he not been dying, or perhaps it was because he was on his way out that he had. He was trying to tell him to see the world which was right in front of him. Though that day he hadn’t just lost one friend, he had lost both of them. 
Ango his only other friend well, he ended up being a spy for the Government. Who would have known? He should have known. Though what good was it in the end? What could he have done? He should have been able to save Odasaku, and yet here he was truly alone. Except he wasn’t alone, he had Miran. No, he was pretty sure she hated his guts. The mask could never fully come down around his partner. It was his fault she was in this hell with him. Though was there any other route that could be taken for him? The mafia was what he had. Odasaku had even said it, good nor evil meant much to him. Except he was just as much trapped within these walls as Miran was. 
Sheep had been his home before that dumb accident, before Mori had latched onto him and turned his way of life upside down. He had been the one whom Mori had betray them all. To gather the few hostages, he was the real rat. No wonder why Miran hated him. He forced another glass down , letting the amber liquid slid down his throat and warm him up. 
“That is enough.”
“No. No! Ya can’t cut off me. I perfect fine am” he spoke his words slurring. He had been in the Bar Lupin alone for hours now. He had lost track of time really and he kept ordering shot after shot. He was drinking his sorrows away. Dazai had a high tolerance for alcohol and the fact that he had got himself shit faced drunk meant he had drank a lot. The bartender simply pointed him out, asking him if he needed him to call anyone. “I no one have. So should whyyy I... I place go nosh.” 
He staggered out of the bar , the steps being a rather tasking thing for him in his current condition. His tie was crooked, his hair was a mess and he didn’t bother to truly wash the blood from his shirt. He had come right here after he had to turn over the body of his friend. It was done, but it wouldn’t bring the other back to him. It wouldn’t make the betrayal any less hurtful either. It was Ango’s fault in the end. That was it! His staggering brought him to his partner’s place. He hammered against the door. “Oi! Oi! Opeeesn Yup. Mizrakk ipem yu” he kept pounding on the door. He would keep doing such until she let him in. 
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liloelsagranger · 6 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend @lalalastilldreaming <3 From a true Rocketshipper to the most talented artist.
No regrets – a rocketshippy oneshot
On Jessie’s birthday, everything had to be perfect. James had spent the whole morning baking a triple chocolate layer cake, her favourite dish. He was covered in flour and raw dough, but that didn’t prevent him from organising an unforgettable party for his best friend. He made sure that Jessie was out, so he could decorate their wretched night camp without ruffle or excitement. Meowth and Wobbuffet were busy festooning the walls with colourful garlands. They had promised James to second him and his plan. The last few preparations had to be made. Jessie preferred fruit punch over champagne and tartar over cocktail sauce. Her partner had thought it out in the minutest detail. James had to admit that he was all of a jitter. His hands trembled while spacing rose petals evenly along the forest path. Chains of lights were hanging from the trees. He checked the switch one last time, just to make sure that his surprise wouldn’t end in a total disaster. James had not been able to splurge on frills and furbelows, since they were always living on the breadline, but he ardently desired that Jessie would blithely enjoy her birthday. After a couple of setbacks and losses, she had been devastated and deeply saddened. A small encouragment would certainly take her mind off things. Running around the log cabin, he was taking a final scrutinising look at the decorations and delicacies. One of Jessie’s greatest wishes was to gorge on an opulent meal. The table was abundantly set with an assortment of tasty cookies, tortillas and savory snacks, rare fruits and dip vegetables. The cake flaunted in the middle of the table. James had surpassed himself. He had applied pale pink glaze and arranged sugarflowers on the multilevel gateau. Jessie was not long in coming. Tired from an exhaustive shopping tour, she sunk onto her chair beside a crackling fire. „Welcome back, Jess,“ James took off her coat. Her gaze fell onto the richly laid table. Jessie’s eyes widened in surprise. James noticed her empty stomach’s growls. He handed her some cutlery and she tucked in immediately. James and the Pokémon observed their team-mate having a good nosh-up. She smacked and slurped regardless of her hungry friends. After some time, Jessie took a deep breath, devouring a last bite. „I’m full as a tick,“ she sighed deeply, reaching for another celery stalk. „Well done, James. That was so delish. Quite right for a future queen,“ she made a gesture as if she were adjusting her crown. James breathed a sigh of relief. The first hurdle had been cleared. Meanwhile, night had fallen. The log cabin was filled with laughter and singing. Jessie had completely forgotten about her long-running chapter of accidents and was boisterously dancing with Wobbuffet. James was rhythmically tapping his feet and clapping his sweaty hands. He swallowed hard. It was time to grasp the nettle. „Jessie“, he tapped his best friend on the shoulder. „Do you want to cut in?“ she smiled all over her face, probably feeling slightly tipsy after finishing the fruit punch. He shook his head. „No,“ he took her by the hand. „Come, join me outside. I need to show you something,“ his voice was shaky and threatened to break soon. „Where are we going?“ she asked. James made no reply. They walked along the forest path until they reached an old willow. Jessie noticed the rose petals underneath her feet. A smile flickered across her face, her heart started beating faster. The old willow was illuminated in the most beautiful shiny colours. Pink, orange and yellow. She marvelled at the glittering flowers. The whole time, she didn’t let go of James’ hand. „James, what is going on?“ she wanted to know. He began to shyly scratch his neck. „Jessie,“ he harrumphed, „I do have something for you. I wrote you a poem,“ James gave a constrained smile. He fished a notepad out of his trousers. Jessie cocked an eyebrow, uncertain about what her friend was up to. She matched him glare for glare. James’ hands trembled as he unfolded his scrap of paper. „Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m not the master of rhymes, that is true, but deep down in my heart I’d do everything for you. You’ve been my friend for so long, our missions and adventures going on. I’ve never met a person like you, you saved my life, taught me something new. You protect and support me every single day, this is how I’d like to thank you, this is my way, Jessie, I wish you a happy birthday. I admire your talent and your cast-iron will, stronger than Don Quixote fighting against a windmill. Your unique performances are the most fantastic shows I’ve ever seen, to me, you already are the worthy Kalos Queen. You’re beautiful inside and out, you’re a fabulous person without any doubt“, he paused for a moment. „Meowth, that’s right“, the cat-Pokémon piped up. James and Jessie flashed their eyes at him. „Shut up!“ both snarled in unison. Jessie looked at James. A smile curled her lips. „Continue,“ she breathed.
„There is something I’d like to do, don’t know if it’s clever, but if I backed down, I’d regret it forever...“ James walked up to Jessie, wrapping his arms around her waist. She stood frozen, from both fear and excitement. They looked at each other in silence. He leaned in, tilting his head a little and brushed her lips. He kissed her, first innocently, like a tease. Then, his kisses got hungrier and more demanding. Jessie got lost in his tendresse, her secret wish eventually coming true. She twined her arms around his neck, pressing her lips on his. „Jessie,“ he whispered slowly, burying his face in her neck. Tears welled in his eyes. She had just returned the kiss, she felt the same. He had never been so relieved in his entire life. Their lips parted. Jessie felt a little numb and overwhelmed. She gave him a beatific smile. „Thank you,“ she spoke under breath. „This was by far the most memorable birthday I’ve ever had.“ THE END
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thebarsondaily · 7 years
Secret Santa Exchange Participants (2017)
Tumblr: khughes830 (x) Favorite Episode: Lessons Learned or December solstice Favorite Barson Moment: Liv and the Barba’s Favorite Barson Trope: Forst kiss in an office What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): I’m not picky Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: the more Barson material that is out there the happier I am.
Tumblr: the--beautiful--monster (x) Favorite Episode: Wednesdays Child Favorite Barson Moment: When Rafael got upset with Olivia in Undercover Mother, protective Barba. Favorite Barson Trope: I don’t really have one, but I love the fics I read when they’re a family. What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): (please note: this was left blank so I’m assuming this participant will take whatever you want to make)
Tumblr: roseinutopia  (x) Favourite Episode: Hard question. But in the end, Barson-wise I guess it’s Twenty-Five Acts. Favourite Barson Moment: *starts crying in distress* there are so many… every time she called him Rafael or Rafa so far. When Liv told him about Sheila Porter and he jumped into action assuring her that nobody could take Noah away and tries to build her up though he doesn’t know about parenting. All the nods in the courtroom… every time they told each other that they can do something. Favourite Barson Trope: I guess everyone likes when their OTP is being trapped somewhere together for laughs and pushing them together, right 🤗 only me? Okay. Also I love everything Barson family, including the whole Barba family 😊 and maybe the squad as family too. What is your desired present: Fanfic or drabble collection, please 😊 Anything else you’d like your secret santa to know: Hey there. I love fluff and humour, so I would be over the moon if it were something like this. Also if you write family - I love Jesse and Noah being cute. Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll do in the end!
Tumblr: r-o-s-e-h-i-p-s (x) Favorite Episode: SO MANY, but right now probably “Collateral Damages.” If we’re talking favorite Barson episodes specifically, either Favorite Barson Moment: I have a lot, but currently it’s that moment at the end of “Betrayal’s Climax” – a perp threatens Benson, and Barba is immediately furious and protective but still intimidated, so he directs his response to the perp’s lawyer (“you need to tell your client to shut his mouth”) – meanwhile Benson is cool as a cucumber and actually eggs the perp on a bit. I love when he forgets that she’s the more badass of the two and gets all puffed up on her behalf and meanwhile she’s like “I got this.” And how much he loves that she’s got this but is also infuriated when she puts herself in danger. This is turning into a whole long thing so I’ll stop now, you get the point. Favorite Barson Trope: Best friends to lovers!!!!!!! What is your desired present: Fic Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I love hurt/comfort and long to see Barba cry. Because I love him. This makes sense.
Tumblr: barsonaddict Favorite Episode: December Solstice Favorite Barson Moment: “Rafa” Favorite Barson Trope: Reveal of a long-running secret relationship What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I love having Noah and Lucia as part of the story, but it’s certainly not necessary.
Tumblr: barbaxbenson  (x) Favorite Episode: October Surprise Favorite Barson Moment: "Disenchanted?“ from 18x21 Favorite Barson Trope: Deep talks at the bar What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): Anything would be great! But if it helps you with planning this out, I’ll take a fic :) Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: (optional) I picked kind of a fluffy favorite moment, but angst is also great! My other favorite Barson moments are when Rafael finds out about Tucker and when he tells her about Ashtonja.
Tumblr: raul-e-esparza  (x) Favorite Episode: October Surprise and December Solstice Favorite Barson Moment: the “squabbling with you” moment Favorite Barson Trope: When everyone knows they love eachother except them, or the contrary, when nobody knows and they hide it until someone finds out by accident. What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): I love fics, but anything would be nice for me. Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I havent seen the new season, and i dont know when i will be able to see it. So if I get a fic or soemthing like that, I would prefer if its set before that season.
Tumblr: Amagicalshipper  (x) Favorite Episode: Know It All Favorite Barson Moment: The final scene of Know It All Favorite Barson Trope: Barson Family What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic! Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I like happy ending ❤️
Tumblr: FearlessBenson (x) Favorite Episode: Any where they actually have a conversation with each other 😂 Favorite Barson Moment: Barba standing up for nosh & Liv, back with Johnny D & now. When she calls him Rafi Favorite Barson Trope: Established Barson, Daddy Barba & little Noah What is your desired present: FanFic 
Tumblr: motherbearof03 (x) Favorite Episode: that’s a question? They’re all wonderful. No seriously, I don’t know if I can think of one I don’t like. I am totally taken by these two characters. When I watch reruns, I don’t even pay attention to the plot anymore. I’m too busy watching their expressions, how close they stand to each other, the details in his clothes, the background items in their offices and homes. Well, her home because we’ve never seen his. Ooooooh, there’s an idea! Favorite Barson Moment: um, all of them, but honestly what is stuck in my head recently is when he asks if she’s involved with Tucker and then tells her “We’re done talking”. I feel like she just broke his heart and he wants to lose it on her and will if she doesn’t leave. Sorry, I can’t remember the episode name. Favorite Barson Trope: well I haven’t seen a bed sharing one, so… What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): surprise me! Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: (optional) oh hell idk. I’m totally new to tumblr and sometimes feel like I’m making as ass of myself because my daughters don’t get it (which totally think teenagers should!) my husband certainly doesn’t get it, and my friends IRL don’t get it, but thanks to you all I can do this and not have eyes rolled at me. Oh! You know what I might like to read? Cuz I’d feel a little weird writing myself in a fic, but it would be fun to read one where I met Olivia and we talked mom things. And about Barba of course! We are about the same age, my kids are just way older. (22, 15 and 14)
Tumblr: notesfrome (x) Favorite Episode: S18E15 Know It All Favorite Barson Moment: The first time Liv called Barba “Rafael” and the hand over heart at the end of Know It All Favorite Barson Trope: Friends becoming lovers :) What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic, but I’m happy with anything, really. Anything else you’d like your Secret Santa to know: I am not opposed to smut…hahaha
Tumblr: tribalvipe  (x) Favorite Episode: oh god…anything that makes him emotional or vulnerable Favorite Barson Moment: hand over the heart in Know it All and the nickname thing Favorite Barson Trope: friends to lovers? I’m honestly open to all tropes with this couple. What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fic if possible but I like all types of Barson goodies
Tumblr: scintillateworld (x) Favorite Episode: 18x15 Favorite Barson Moment: at the end of episode 18x15 where Olivia holds her hand over her heart and Barba looks back at her. Favorite Barson Trope: the looks they share in the courtroom. What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic
Tumblr: cool-veggiesword (x) Favorite Episode: “Legitimate Rape” Favorite Barson Moment: Barba confiding in Benson in “Know It All,” the hand on heart scene Favorite Barson Trope: calling each other by name <3 and Barba touching Liv’s shoulder, (non-canon: blushing Barba) What is your desired present (fanfic, drabble sets, graphics, icons, etc.): fanfic or drabble set
13/14  (x) = gift received
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