#& i would not be surprised if other disorders related to complex trauma were similar as well - in that they can easily mask as other
thinking further on my response and i do think CDDs can be a spectrum more than clear cut diagnostic criteria. like just in general. like just from what ive observed & what im reading (currently working on the haunted self!) i think theres a lot of overlap in symptoms between DID, OSDD, and even C-PTSD & BPD, which makes it harder to draw a line on whether certain presentations count as one disorder or another
it's an added layer of difficulty that theres so many different ways CDDs can present. i feel like every system i meet and every system i read about has its own unique ways of presenting, which im assuming is because it's a complex series of adaptations to very specific stimuli & circumstances. but like the variance in peoples' lived experiences makes it hard to make blanket statements about systems (or even like, alter archetypes, for example)
like theres just so many ways a system can look. some people know about their alters as early they can remember & experienced them as imaginary friends or voices. some people go 20, 30+ years without realizing theyre a system at all. theres polyfrag systems with layers upon layers of subsystems and complicated inner workings. theres people whose alters have only a passing awareness of each other. and so on. Individuals might share a diagnostic label, but there might be little overlap in how they experience being a system
anyways This is a lot of rambling that's straying into different territories.. sorry my mind may not be all here LOL
at it's core we are all experiencing various levels of structural dissociation ... unity 🤝
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nblenasabrewing · 4 years
Does Lena have PTSD?
This excellent post from @drummergirl231-2 goes into a detailed analysis about Della and the examples showing possible PTSD. I, being who I am, wanted to look at the same for Lena. Full credit goes to them for the idea and format!
According to the DSM-5, in order for a person to be diagnosed with PTSD, they must have a certain number of symptoms from eight categories: Criteria A through H.
For a diagnosis of PTSD, someone needs: to meet Criterion A to have at least 1 symptom from Criterion B to have at least 1 symptom from Criterion C to have at least 2 symptoms from Criterion D to have at least 2 Symptoms from Criterion E to meet Criteria F, G, and H
DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional. I do NOT have a degree in anything related to psychology and simply enjoy dissecting the layers of a fictional character. If you feel you fit any of the criteria, please see a professional for a real diagnosis. This isn’t something that can be easily self-diagnosed, and a professional diagnosis would open you to more opportunities for help.
Lena does and doesn’t fit the criteria in general for PTSD. She’s certainly suffered from traumatic events, but the event is more... her entire life. She’s a classic child abuse victim, which makes her more of a candidate for C-PTSD. 
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD; also known as complex trauma disorder) is a psychological disorder that can develop in response to prolonged, repeated experience of interpersonal trauma in a context in which the individual has little or no chance of escape. Being stuck with Magica for fifteen years absolutely contributes to Lena’s current issues. C-PTSD and PTSD share similarities, there are a distinct differences - mainly that PTSD focuses on one event and the effect it has on a person long term, while C-PTSD focuses on years of repeated trauma. However, there’s no approved criterion yet for C-PTSD. So I’m using the PTSD criterion with some added explanation where C-PTSD would be applicable. 
Criterion A: The traumatic event
A person must be exposed to one or more events involving threatened or actual death, threatened or actual serious injury, or threatened or actual sexual violation in one of the following ways:
Direct involvement
Witnessing the event happen to someone else
Hearing about it happen to a loved one
Repeatedly hearing details about traumatic events, such as police officers repeatedly hearing stories of abuse
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The obvious example here: Lena effectively died. Twice. Following that, she was trapped in a realm where she couldn’t be seen or heard by anyone and she couldn’t touch anything for six months (give or take). Her first interaction with anything since she had been trapped there was smacking the Boggle case in Friendship Hates Magic! And even she’s surprised by that.
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In addition, she spent fifteen years with Magica in her shadow, who effectively acted as an abusive parental figure. She’s proven to be an expert in gaslighting, and knows exactly how to manipulate Lena - by hanging the promise of freedom over her head and reminding her repeatedly that people will think she’s a monster if they find out the truth about her.
Criterion B: Intrusive Symptoms
Expected or unexpected reoccurring, involuntary, and intrusive upsetting memories
Repeated nightmares related to the traumatic event
Some form of dissociation, such as flashbacks, where the individual truly feels the traumatic event is happening again
Strong emotional distress when exposed to internal or external triggers associated with the traumatic event
Strong bodily reactions (such as rapid heart rate) when exposed to reminders of the traumatic event.
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Nightmares: While we can’t say for absolute sure that Lena has nightmares outside of Magica’s influence via the helmet in NOKH, the fact that no one is surprised by her nightmares does seem to imply that’s she probably had more than she’s letting on. Lena’s biggest fear is turning into Magica, after all - it’s no surprise she would have dreams along that line.
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Emotional distress, strong bodily reactions: These really come out in Violet’s library, when Lena gets overwhelmed and tries to hide. The fish-eye view of everyone trying to talk to her while she sees Magica over their shoulders was most likely meant to imply she was having at least the start of a panic attack.
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In addition, her reaction to Webby calling her (looking like Magica) a monster was pretty extreme. Again, the dream world setting makes things a bit wobbly, but given everything we know about Lena up to this point, and the fact that she yelled at Magica for saying they’re both monsters, it feels safe to assume she’d be angry and upset and scared if anyone ever called her a monster (again, something Magica constantly used against her.)
Criterion C: Avoidance
An individual with PTSD will frequently avoid reminders of the traumatic event in one of the following ways:
Avoiding thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations that trigger memories of the traumatic event
Avoiding people, places, conversations, activities, objects, or situations that bring up memories of the traumatic event
Whether the nightmares were caused by Magica or not, their effect on Lena is real and pretty easy to see. She sets up an entire sleepover just so the kids can help keep her awake. Avoiding sleep to avoid nightmares is pretty extreme.
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She also continues to keep secrets from everyone despite Webby’s constant reassurances that they all care about her and don’t think she’s anything like Magica, because the alternative is having to talk about it or worse, have her fears confirmed.
Criterion D: Negative changes in thoughts and mood
The inability to remember important details of the traumatic event
Persistent and elevated negative thoughts about oneself, others, or the world
Exaggerated self-blame or blame of others for the cause or consequence of the traumatic event
Pervasive negative emotional state (anger, fear, shame, etc.)
Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
Feeling isolated or detached from others
Difficulty experiencing positive emotions
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Lena’s opinion of herself seems to be pretty low. We only get one episode to really see it, but her fear of turning into Magica and active attempts to avoid such an outcome definitely make it seem like she still considers herself “evil”, and is trying to make up for it. She also readily gives in and says, “I am her”, essentially giving up on herself.
The dream adventures also excellently illustrate how Lena feels “Othered” from everyone else - they get butterfly wings, she gets weird monster wings. She falls behind at Dewey High and is separated from the others. She’s the only one in Louie’s dream, aside from Louie himself, to experience any sort of physical change. Even when she tries to be happy with them, she can’t keep up the facade.
And before all of this there’s the classic example of her being jealous of Violet (under the guise of protecting Webby from being tricked again). She immediately assumes the worst of Violet and follows Webby around telling her not to trust Violet.
Criterion E: Alterations in reactivity that started or worsened after the traumatic event
Irritability or aggressive behavior
Impulsive or self-destructive behavior
Hypervigilance (feeling constantly on-guard, or like danger is lurking around every corner)
Heightened startle response
Problems with concentration
Sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless sleep
Lena’s personality in season one was mostly that of the sarcastic, irritating cool teenager who can’t be bothered. Under that, she was an unwilling slave to Magica, and while she did show irritable tendencies toward her, those can be forgiven as “Magica is terrible and provokes her.”
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Season two, on the other hand, shows us a much different teenager - one who snaps easily and seems constantly frustrated by her own perceived shortcomings. Those emotions, of course, come out on the other kids (i.e. snapping at Huey and Violet). And while all of that can be attributed to her inability to sleep, which is being driven by Magica, Frank’s already said this isn’t the last we’ll see of Lena’s emotoinal growth and negative feelings.
Criterion F: The above symptoms must last for more than one month.
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Obviously time is relative in Ducktales. Given everything that was going on around them, we can assume she’s been home for around a month-ish. Donald left for a month-long cruise two episodes before Lena came back, and everything after that has to have taken place within that month or it would have been way too obvious something was up. And again, Frank has said this is going to come up again. But even while she was still in the Shadow Realm, she was showing signs of trauma.
Criterion G: Distress from symptoms significantly impairs the individual’s ability to function in multiple areas of life (social, occupational, etc.).
While we haven’t seen much of Lena’s daily life, we do know a few things - before returning, she was living in Webby’s shadow, presumably following her around and getting comfortable in her shadow-y life. Violet throws a complete monkey wrench into that comfortable life, and Lena reacts... poorly, to say the least. She initially refuses to take responsibility for the tulpas feeding off her own negative feelings, continuing to project all the reasons she hates herself onto Violet (”She’s a spy, she’s a second-rate me,” etc.).
In NoKH we see that the triplets aren’t quite used to the fun, happy persona Lena tries to project, which immediately gets a frustrated yell and fire flaring up. She’s so worried about trying to be Good that her anxiety bubbles over into her life. She’s also constantly keeping secrets, something that is, unfortunately, normal for her, but not normal overall.
Criterion H: The symptoms are not due to substance abuse, medication side-effects, or another condition.
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So the real issue comes in here - while there’s no medication or substance abuse, there is an outside force. Most of what we see of Lena’s symptoms are due to increasing sleep deprivation via Magica’s brainwave helmet. By the time NoKH starts she’s already gone at least several days without sleep, and it’s obvious the dreams are deeply affecting to her, to a point where she arranges an entire sleepover with her friends just to keep from going to sleep. There’s no way to know what she was dreaming about (although I have a few theories), but it almost certainly involved Magica, the main cause of her trauma. And we see how understandably upset she gets when she’s finally face to face with Magica.
In conclusion:
Lena is a complicated character with a lot of different factors playing into who she is, but there’s little doubt that after fifteen years of emotional/psychological abuse, two deaths, and six months trapped in what could almost be summarized as an isolation chamber, that Lena has some serious trauma. And while Magica influenced a lot of NOKH, it should also be noted that Magica, as her abuser, most likely acts as her trigger now. She spends the entire dream sequence running away from Magica, terrified to confront her. And while she has an amazing, empowering moment at the end of the episode, I’m sure this is going to come back up again.
(***All GIFs by me)
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lastsonlost · 4 years
Crossing the divide
Do men really have it easier? These transgender guys found the truth was more complex.
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In the 1990s, the late Stanford neuroscientist Ben Barres transitioned from female to male. He was in his 40s, mid-career, and afterward he marveled at the stark changes in his professional life. Now that society saw him as male, his ideas were taken more seriously. He was able to complete a whole sentence without being interrupted by a man. A colleague who didn’t know he was transgender even praised his work as “much better than his sister’s.”
Clinics have reported an increase in people seeking medical gender transitions in recent years, and research suggests the number of people identifying as transgender has risen in the past decade. Touchstones such as Caitlyn Jenner’s transition, the bathroom controversy, and the Amazon series “Transparent” have also made the topic a bigger part of the political and cultural conversation.
But it is not always evident when someone has undergone a transition — especially if they have gone from female to male.
“The transgender guys have a relatively straightforward process — we just simply add testosterone and watch their bodies shift,” said Joshua Safer, executive director at the Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at Mount Sinai Health System and Icahn School of Medicine in New York. “Within six months to a year they start to virilize — getting facial hair, a ruddier complexion, a change in body odor and a deepening of the voice.”
Transgender women have more difficulty “passing”; they tend to be bigger-boned and more masculine-looking, and these things are hard to reverse with hormone treatments, Safer said. “But the transgender men will go get jobs and the new boss doesn’t even know they’re trans.”
We spoke with four men who transitioned as adults to the bodies in which they feel more comfortable. Their experiences reveal that the gulf between how society treats women and men is in many ways as wide now as it was when Barres transitioned. But their diverse backgrounds provide further insight into how race and ethnicity inform the gender divide in subtle and sometimes surprising ways.
(Their words have been lightly edited for space and clarity.)
‘I’ll never call the police again’
Trystan Cotten, 50, Berkeley, Calif.
Professor of gender studies at California State University Stanislaus and editor of Transgress Press, which publishes books related to the transgender experience. Transitioned in 2008.
Life doesn’t get easier as an African American male. The way that police officers deal with me, the way that racism undermines my ability to feel safe in the world, affects my mobility, affects where I go. Other African American and Latino Americans grew up as boys and were taught to deal with that at an earlier age. I had to learn from my black and brown brothers about how to stay alive in my new body and retain some dignity while being demeaned by the cops.
One night somebody crashed a car into my neighbor’s house, and I called 911. I walk out to talk to the police officer, and he pulls a gun on me and says, “Stop! Stop! Get on the ground!” I turn around to see if there’s someone behind me, and he goes, “You! You! Get on the ground!” I’m in pajamas and barefoot. I get on the ground and he checks me, and afterward I said, “What was that all about?” He said, “You were moving kind of funny.” Later, people told me, “Man, you’re crazy. You never call the police.”
Before, when I’d been stopped, even for real violations like driving 100 miles an hour, I got off. In fact, when it happened in Atlanta the officer and I got into a great conversation about the Braves. Now the first two questions they ask are: Do I have any weapons in the car, and am I on parole or probation?
Being a black man has changed the way I move in the world.
I used to walk quickly or run to catch a bus. Now I walk at a slower pace, and if I’m late I don’t dare rush. I am hyper-aware of making sudden or abrupt movements, especially in airports, train stations and other public places. I avoid engaging with unfamiliar white folks, especially white women. If they catch my eye, white women usually clutch their purses and cross the street. While I love urban aesthetics, I stopped wearing hoodies and traded my baggy jeans, oversized jerseys and colorful skullcaps for closefitting jeans, khakis and sweaters. These changes blunt assumptions that I’m going to snatch purses or merchandise, or jump the subway turnstile. The less visible I am, the better my chances of surviving.
But it’s not foolproof. I’m an academic sitting at a desk so I exercise where I can. I walked to the post office to mail some books and I put on this 40-pound weight vest that I walk around in. It was about 3 or 4 in the afternoon and I’m walking back and all of a sudden police officers drove up, got out of their car, and stopped. I had my earphones on so I didn’t know they were talking to me. I looked up and there’s a helicopter above. And now I can kind of see why people run, because you might live if you run, even if you haven’t done anything. This was in Emeryville, one of the wealthiest enclaves in Northern California, where there’s security galore. Someone had seen me walking to the post office and called in and said they saw a Muslim with an explosives vest. One cop, a white guy, picked it up and laughed and said, “Oh, I think I know what this is. This is a weight belt.”
It’s not only humiliating, but it creates anxiety on a daily basis. Before, I used to feel safe going up to a police officer if I was lost or needed directions. But I don’t do that anymore. I hike a lot, and if I’m out hiking and I see a dead body, I’ll keep on walking. I’ll never call the police again.
‘It now feels as though I am on my own’
Zander Keig, 52, San Diego
Coast Guard veteran. Works at Naval Medical Center San Diego as a clinical social work case manager. Editor of anthologies about transgender men. Started transition in 2005.
Prior to my transition, I was an outspoken radical feminist. I spoke up often, loudly and with confidence.
I was encouraged to speak up. I was given awards for my efforts, literally — it was like, “Oh, yeah, speak up, speak out.” When I speak up now, I am often given the direct or indirect message that I am “mansplaining,” “taking up too much space” or “asserting my white male heterosexual privilege.” Never mind that I am a first-generation Mexican American, a transsexual man, and married to the same woman I was with prior to my transition.
I find the assertion that I am now unable to speak out on issues I find important offensive and I refuse to allow anyone to silence me. My ability to empathize has grown exponentially, because I now factor men into my thinking and feeling about situations.
Prior to my transition, I rarely considered how men experienced life or what they thought, wanted or liked about their lives.
I have learned so much about the lives of men through my friendships with men, reading books and articles by and for men and through the men I serve as a licensed clinical social worker.
Social work is generally considered to be “female dominated,” with women making up about 80 percent of the profession in the United States. Currently I work exclusively with clinical nurse case managers, but in my previous position, as a medical social worker working with chronically homeless military veterans — mostly male — who were grappling with substance use disorder and severe mental illness, I was one of a few men among dozens of women.
Plenty of research shows that life events, medical conditions and family circumstances impact men and women differently. But when I would suggest that patient behavioral issues like anger or violence may be a symptom of trauma or depression, it would often get dismissed or outright challenged. The overarching theme was “men are violent” and there was “no excuse” for their actions.
I do notice that some women do expect me to acquiesce or concede to them more now: Let them speak first, let them board the bus first, let them sit down first, and so on. I also notice that in public spaces men are more collegial with me, which they express through verbal and nonverbal messages: head lifting when passing me on the sidewalk and using terms like “brother” and “boss man” to acknowledge me. As a former lesbian feminist, I was put off by the way that some women want to be treated by me, now that I am a man, because it violates a foundational belief I carry, which is that women are fully capable human beings who do not need men to acquiesce or concede to them.
What continues to strike me is the significant reduction in friendliness and kindness now extended to me in public spaces. It now feels as though I am on my own: No one, outside of family and close friends, is paying any attention to my well-being.
I can recall a moment where this difference hit home. A couple of years into my medical gender transition, I was traveling on a public bus early one weekend morning. There were six people on the bus, including me. One was a woman. She was talking on a mobile phone very loudly and remarked that “men are such a–holes.” I immediately looked up at her and then around at the other men. Not one had lifted his head to look at the woman or anyone else. The woman saw me look at her and then commented to the person she was speaking with about “some a–hole on the bus right now looking at me.” I was stunned, because I recall being in similar situations, but in the reverse, many times: A man would say or do something deemed obnoxious or offensive, and I would find solidarity with the women around me as we made eye contact, rolled our eyes and maybe even commented out loud on the situation. I’m not sure I understand why the men did not respond, but it made a lasting impression on me.
‘I took control of my career’
Chris Edwards, 49, Boston
Advertising creative director, public speaker and author of the memoir “Balls: It Takes Some to Get Some.” Transitioned in his mid-20s.
When I began my transition at age 26, a lot of my socialization came from the guys at work. For example, as a woman, I’d walk down the hall and bump into some of my female co-workers, and they’d say, “Hey, what’s up?” and I’d say, “Oh, I just got out of this client meeting. They killed all my scripts and now I have to go back and rewrite everything, blah blah blah. What’s up with you?” and then they’d tell me their stories. As a guy, I bump into a guy in the hall and he says, “What’s up?” and I launch into a story about my day and he’s already down the hall. And I’m thinking, well, that’s rude. So, I think, okay, well, I guess guys don’t really share, so next time I’ll keep it brief. By the third time, I realized you just nod.
The creative department is largely male, and the guys accepted me into the club. I learned by example and modeled my professional behavior accordingly. For example, I kept noticing that if guys wanted an assignment they’d just ask for it. If they wanted a raise or a promotion they’d ask for it. This was a foreign concept to me. As a woman, I never felt that it was polite to do that or that I had the power to do that. But after seeing it happen all around me I decided that if I felt I deserved something I was going to ask for it too. By doing that, I took control of my career. It was very empowering.
Apparently, people were only holding the door for me because I was a woman rather than out of common courtesy as I had assumed. Not just men, women too. I learned this the first time I left the house presenting as male, when a woman entered a department store in front of me and just let the door swing shut behind her. I was so caught off guard I walked into it face first.
When you’re socially transitioning, you want to blend in, not stand out, so it’s uncomfortable when little reminders pop up that you’re not like everybody else. I’m expected to know everything about sports. I like sports but I’m not in deep like a lot of guys. For example, I love watching football, but I never played the sport (wasn’t an option for girls back in my day) so there is a lot I don’t know. I remember the first time I was in a wedding as a groomsman. I was maybe three years into my transition and I was lined up for photos with all the other guys. And one of them shouted, “High school football pose!” and on cue everybody dropped down and squatted like the offensive line, and I was like, what the hell is going on? It was not instinctive to me since I never played. I tried to mirror what everyone was doing, but when you see the picture I’m kind of “offsides,” so to speak.
The hormones made me more impatient. I had lots of female friends and one of the qualities they loved about me was that I was a great listener. After being on testosterone, they informed me that my listening skills weren’t what they used to be. Here’s an example: I’m driving with one of my best friends, Beth, and I ask her “Is your sister meeting us for dinner?” Ten minutes later she’s still talking and I still have no idea if her sister is coming. So finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I snapped and said, “IS SHE COMING OR NOT?” And Beth was like, “You know, you used to like hearing all the backstory and how I’d get around to the answer. A lot of us have noticed you’ve become very impatient lately and we think it’s that damn testosterone!” It’s definitely true that some male behavior is governed by hormones. Instead of listening to a woman’s problem and being empathetic and nodding along, I would do the stereotypical guy thing — interrupt and provide a solution to cut the conversation short and move on. I’m trying to be better about this.
People ask if being a man made me more successful in my career. My answer is yes — but not for the reason you might think. As a man, I was finally comfortable in my own skin and that made me more confident. At work I noticed I was more direct: getting to the point, not apologizing before I said anything or tiptoeing around and trying to be delicate like I used to do. In meetings, I was more outspoken. I stopped posing my thoughts as questions. I’d say what I meant and what I wanted to happen instead of dropping hints and hoping people would read between the lines and pick up on what I really wanted. I was no longer shy about stating my opinions or defending my work. When I gave presentations I was brighter, funnier, more engaging. Not because I was a man. Because I was happy.
‘People assume I know the answer’
Alex Poon, 26, Boston
Project manager for Wayfair, an online home goods company. Alex is in the process of his physical transition; he did the chest surgery after college and started taking testosterone this spring.
Traditional Chinese culture is about conforming to your elders’ wishes and staying within gender boundaries. However, I grew up in the U.S., where I could explore my individuality and my own gender identity. When I was 15 I was attending an all-girls high school where we had to wear skirts, but I felt different from my peers. Around that point we began living with my Chinese grandfather towards the end of his life. He was so traditional and deeply set in his ways. I felt like I couldn’t cut my hair or dress how I wanted because I was afraid to upset him and have our last memories of each other be ruined.
Genetics are not in my favor for growing a lumberjack-style beard. Sometimes, Chinese faces are seen as “soft” with less defined jaw lines and a lack of facial fair. I worry that some of my feminine features like my “soft face” will make it hard to present as a masculine man, which is how I see myself. Instead, when people meet me for the first time, I’m often read as an effeminate man.
My voice has started cracking and becoming lower. Recently, I’ve been noticing the difference between being perceived as a woman versus being perceived as a man. I’ve been wondering how I can strike the right balance between remembering how it feels to be silenced and talked over with the privileges that come along with being perceived as a man. Now, when I lead meetings, I purposefully create pauses and moments where I try to draw others into the conversation and make space for everyone to contribute and ask questions.
People now assume I have logic, advice and seniority. They look at me and assume I know the answer, even when I don’t. I’ve been in meetings where everyone else in the room was a woman and more senior, yet I still got asked, “Alex, what do you think? We thought you would know.” I was at an all-team meeting with 40 people, and I was recognized by name for my team’s accomplishments. Whereas next to me, there was another successful team led by a woman, but she was never mentioned by name. I went up to her afterward and said, “Wow, that was not cool; your team actually did more than my team.” The stark difference made me feel uncomfortable and brought back feelings of when I had been in the same boat and not been given credit for my work.
When people thought I was a woman, they often gave me vague or roundabout answers when I asked a question. I’ve even had someone tell me, “If you just Googled it, you would know.” But now that I’m read as a man, I’ve found people give me direct and clear answers, even if it means they have to do some research on their own before getting back to me.
A part of me regrets not sharing with my grandfather who I truly am before he passed away. I wonder how our relationship might have been different if he had known this one piece about me and had still accepted me as his grandson. Traditionally, Chinese culture sees men as more valuable than women. Before, I was the youngest granddaughter, so the least important. Now, I’m the oldest grandson. I think about how he might have had different expectations or tried to instill certain traditional Chinese principles upon me more deeply, such as caring more about my grades or taking care of my siblings and elders. Though he never viewed me as a man, I ended up doing these things anyway.
Zander Keig contributed to this article in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the Department of Defense.
Old story worth a repost SOURCE
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Words to make you think
This post is part of the TSU. It belongs to the third part: Socio-political reflection.
There will be several parts in this post:
Citations in the videos
In the lyrics
Concepts based on philosophy/psychology
BTS’ discography through a Jungian perspective
Citations in the videos
We’ll start with what’s mainly a list of the quotes then we’ll interpret their purpose. Some citations may not feel that philosophical but as they can be interpreted the same way, they were included here nonetheless.
BTS introduced us to philosophy, and then to psychology, quite progressively. As it started in the background, it’s hard to be sure whether I caught them all or not but the earliest occurrence I have is in “Boy In Luv” Japanese version MV:
“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings, Diogenes”
Despite the signature, it seems this quote is not from Diogenes himself but was rather attributed to him by William Safire in a New York Times article from the 7 April 1996 and titled “ON LANGUAGE; Worth a Thousand Words” -  the article itself is explaining the real origin of some expressions. It was later used by Banksy for one of his works - and it’s probably this one that inspired Big Hit’s artistic directors.
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It’s funny to start a post about philosophical references with a fake quote. Let’s say it’s a reminder to be careful with what you say and to not blindly believe what you read.
The sentence was written on the blackboard. You can also find a verse from the Bible’s proverbs not too far away:
“Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.”
Now let’s be honest, it’s impossible to read these in the MV (I found them thanks to a making-of video). As for their link with “Boy In Luv” (lyrics of the Japanese version here), it seems hard to establish. “Boy In Luv” tells the story of a boy struggling to confess his love for a girl and waiting eagerly for an answer. An overinterpretation of the quotes could be that the boy needs to find how to confess by himself (in opposition to the “Dad how did you confess your love to mom?” from the lyrics) and that a gesture would mean more than a verbal confession, or that he must choose his words wisely to not lose his chance with the girl.
The next ones are more known in the fandom since they appeared during The Most Beautiful Moment in Life. It’s words related to the concept of the series, namely the brevity of life, the death of innocence and childhood, and the cruelty of the world:
“Paradise is where I am” - Voltaire in “Le Mondain”
“Dedicated to all the boys who have lived in this painful world”
“Too fast to live too young to die”
“Without soul goal and **** We are nothin but a mannequin”
"You must live on"
“YOLO” / “you only live once”
“Youth is never coming back”
“Pain past is pleasure”
There’s also a series of Latin citations that appeared in “RUN” Japanese version:
“Carpe Diem”           (Seize the day) “Dum Spiro Spero”   (While I breath I hope) “Memento mori”        (Remember that you have to die) “Pro Memoria”          (For memory) “res, non verba”        (Facts instead of words) “Viva”                        (Alive/Living or Long live…!)
Some of those expressions made their comeback during the WINGS series, along with new ones:
“Man muss noch Chaos in sich haben, um einen tanzenden Stern gebären zu können” (One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.)
A citation from Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra. And:
“You oldest fears are the worst ones”
“Expiring for love is beautiful but stupid”
“Fear is the most elegant weapon Your hands are never messy Threatning bodily is rude” (original typo)
Different sentences from Jenny Holzer.
These citations are once again fitting with the concepts for WINGS and The Wings Tour, that is to say, temptation and the fear of becoming an adult.
For details about where all those can be found in BTS’ works and their origins, I’ll let you refer to the glossary. Most of them don’t have a real author and some may even have been created by the artistic direction team.
Agust D’s album cover had citations over Suga’s face:
“You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin’ fingers and say. ‘That’s the bad guy’.” said by Tony Montana (Robert de Niro), the main character in Brian de Palma’s movie Scarface.
“Life is a daily oscillation between revolt and submission” by Henri Frederic Amiel, a Swiss philosopher.
“Life is ecstasy”
“Every man dies, but not every man lives.” pronounced by William Wallace (Mel Gibson) in the movie Braveheart.
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Again they go with the theme of the mixtape.
We even got a surprise during the 2017/2018 ceremonies. A citation from Gilles Deleuze could be seen in the background during the “Mic Drop” performance at the 2018 Seoul Music Awards. There was also a lobster during the Golden Disc that connects with it. I’ll let you refer to the glossary for details but here’s the quote, from A Thousand Plateaus:
“Nor can the status of social formations be analyzed by throwing some signifier into the base, or vice versa, or a bit of phallus or castration into political economy, or a bit of economics or politics into psychoanalysis. There is a third problem. It is difficult to elucidate the system of the strata without seeming to introduce a kind of cosmic or even spiritual evolution from one to the other, as if they were arranged in stages and ascended degrees of perfection.”
I won’t pretend I understand everything but I still feel it’s the less pertinent quote until now. It’s an analysis of the world on a binary base which doesn’t really connect with the boys’ success that’s celebrated in “Mic Drop”. 
The last quotes up to this day are in Persona’s comeback trailer. They’re from Carl Jung, the psychologist who inspired the series:
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.
The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens up to that primeval cosmic night that was the soul long before there was the conscious ego.
As expected, they relate to the lyrics of “Intro: Persona” that wonder about one’s own identity and the dream theme linked to the album.
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Even though they are mostly related to the concept of the series, we can wonder whether these words are intended to be seen by fans or just serve as a Lorem Ipsum to fill the background. Indeed, you’ll need to pause the videos to read most of them and sometimes even more effort will be needed - for example, Holzer’s quotes are written backward when they appear behind Jungkook. 
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(This also applies to most of the literature references, they’re relevant for the concept but quite hard to catch.)
It’s like background noise. But a background noise that you can take the time to listen to in order to understand the whole concept even better. There’s one thing however that seems recurrent between those quotes and it’s their negativity. Of course, most of BTS’ concepts are dark so it’s fitting but they also usually have their bit of hope: youth is painful but it’s the most beautiful moment in life. Or then again, we can overinterpret and consider that while the world is dark, it’s the boys themselves who bring hopefulness.
In the lyrics
Obviously, all of BTS’ lyrics are quite philosophical, be it when they question their feelings, the meaning of life or the way society works. And I’m not even talking about the puns.
One notable line though is in RM’s “God Rap” when he explicitly talks about Buddhism, as explained by Muish here:
Foolish believers, you can become a god as well
It references the fact anyone reaching enlightenment can become a godly being.
The next ones appear in the Love Yourself series. First, we have “Magic Shop” (Muish’s rambling), a song dedicated to ARMY and written by Jungkook. The concept of the magic shop is detailed below. Here, it’s like an IRL version. The fear they exchanged is the hate they received before and the positive attitude they gained is ARMY. And they wish us the same:
You gave me the best of me So you’ll give you the best of you
Since the magic shop is a mental exercise, you’ll find it in your heart.
There’s also something in “134340” and “Answer: Love Myself”. Their lyrics can be connected to what Jung defined as a complex: a constellation of elements that when they’re activated can influence our will (more details can be found here). Those elements are usually past trauma or similar events.
So when they say in “Answer: Love Myself”:
Under your mask When even the scars left from my mistakes Are all my constellations
The constellations that emerged from mistakes can be seen as a complex.
As for “134340″ (lyrics), the whole song can be interpreted as a rejected complex. “134340″ is initially about Pluto not being considered as a planet anymore and thus feeling lonely. It’s similar to what happens to complexes. Normally they’re in the unconscious but once they’re activated, they can reach the consciousness, like the sun in the lyrics:
At one time, belonging to the sun’s world
But once the ego has dealt with the complex, it is sent back into the unconscious, where it just float around aimlessly like Pluto:
All I’m doing is circling around (Beyond the fog, I watch over the you who is still smiling Without you and without meaning, the reality of my irregular orbit) All I’m doing is spinning around aimlessly (Pluto in the darkness with a number that’s difficult for you to remember But even then, I’d continue to circle around your surroundings, damn)
To relate to the concept of Tear, let’s add the fact that complexes have personalities. They’re usually weaker than the personality of the ego (which is our personality; in the case they’re as strong, we observe multiple personalities disorders).
The whole concept of Tear is faking yourself to the point it’s unbearably painful. It’s like the boy rejected his own personality to the point it became a complex instead of his own ego and now it’s exiled in his subconscious. Luckily, he will accept it in Love Yourself 結 Answer. Concerning the reason why such a thing would happen, we have to remember the ego is directly under the influence of the persona (so how we behave in society). So to fit in the world, the ego changed itself.
Concepts based on philosophy/psychology
Until now, it’s safe to assume all the quotes in the videos were decisions from the artistic team only. It all changed with the Love Yourself series.
Not only its main reference is The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm, but the whole series is constructed as a reflection based on the 起承轉結 structure and it also references the magic shop technique. Philosophy is central in this concept and not only the artistic directors but also Bang PD and the boys are participating in developing it.
The Art of Loving explains love is like an art and you must work on it to develop it. Love has several forms, including self-love, but true love is rare nowadays. People tend to compensate for the lack of love with consumerism.
The Chinese structure has an introduction, two parts considering the subject from two different points of view and a conclusion.
The magic shop refers to a psychodramatic scene performed during therapy by the patients and the therapist. In the magic shop, it’s possible to exchange whatever you want against a certain price. However, the real strength of this technique is in the bargain preceding the exchange. The shopkeeper (either the therapist or another patient) will question the reasons motivating the exchange and through their answers, the patient often realizes their initial wish was hiding another desire they hadn’t identified. You can refer to this paper by Professor Earl Koile for examples.
In Love Yourself, Euphoria shows that the introduction is actually The Most Beautiful Moment in Life. It’s the initial situation. As we saw in The universal coming-of-age story, the boys struggled with accepting the outside world and still had to find how to be happy.
The two development parts of the reasoning are the bargain inside the magic shop - note that all the what-if considered during this bargain also exist in the BU thanks to the time travel.
The exchange the boys want to make is revealed in ”FAKE LOVE” first teaser:
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'Magic Shop' is a psychodramatic technique that exchanges fear for a positive attitude.
We also see in the video that what they understand by fear is their traumatic past and that “a positive attitude” is being with a girl (several interpretations can be made as to what the girls represent).
The bargain begins in Her and the boys explain how being with a girl will bring them happiness because it’s destiny (see notably “Serendipity”’s and “DNA”’s lyrics).
The teaser revealed during the 2017 KBS Gayo Daechukje can be considered as the shopkeeper’ answer:
“The magical time is coming. Come to the Magic Shop. Now, take off your mask and open your eyes.”
The boys are asked to take off the mask “destiny” had put on them, the one that makes them smile because they’re with a girl.
We see the result in Tear. They’ve been denaturing themselves to the point they literally ask “who are you?” in “FAKE LOVE”. Being with a girl actually doesn’t bring them happiness and they’re just forcing themselves to fit the situation “because it’s destiny”.
The conclusion happens when the boys realize what they really want is not “a positive attitude” as decided by some abstract authority but to be happy by themselves and for themselves. Thus “Answer: Love Myself”. This whole reflection proves the ideas developed in The Art of Loving: the boys had to do a lot of mental work to reach true love, they all had different relationships with the girls and with themselves, and they had to work on it themselves and not just wait for someone else to bring them joy.
As the 起承轉結 structure is for a written work and the magic shop technique is a purely mental exercise, we can assume no one was really hurt in the process - no girls were involved and the boys didn’t denature themselves. Again this idea is made possible in the BU through time travel - but since it’s the BU, there are still people who are hurt, sadly.
However, the VCRs shown during the performances at the 2018 year-end ceremonies imply there was someone who helped them and that they want to help back:
“Fake Love Take off the mask and face yourself I can be your hero”
(2018 MMA)
“I didn't know what power/love is but you taught me how to use power/love”
(2018 MAMA in Japan)
“You gave me power. You gave me love So now I'm a hero So now I'm a boy with love I'll show you the map of the soul I'll show you the dream”
(2018 MAMA in Hong-Kong)
It’s hard to tell who is that “you”. It can be the girl from the Love Yourself reflection but it can also be ARMY since we’re the subject of the next album, Map of the Soul Persona. Something that should be considered here too is that these VCRs were shown with songs from Tear (”FAKE LOVE”, “Airplane Pt.2″, and “Anpanman”) so rather than a teaser for Persona, they could be a development of Tear’s concept - except the last one of course. The masks and the doll concept were also most likely a complement to Tear - obviously the doll concept references the E version of Answer, but it’s a repackage including songs from Tear.
The series following Love Yourself is this time based on psychology, and more specifically on Jung’s works through references to Dr. Murray Stein’s Jung’s Map of the Soul.
At the moment it’s hard to know where they’re heading with this one as we only have one album. However, based on the graffitis in Persona’s Comeback trailer, we can assume the Map of the Soul series will be a trilogy made of Persona, Shadow, and Ego. These three parts of the psyche are tightly connected. The ego is the conscious and controllable part of our mind, the persona is the mask we wear to adapt to society and be able to live as a community, and the shadow is all the traits that were rejected from the persona. I detailed more ideas from the book in this summary.
If we go with such a trilogy, it means we won’t go deep in the psyche (to the self) and rather explore the surface (consciousness and personal unconscious).
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Persona is the first part of this series. RM explained in his Vlive about the album that BTS’ persona is ARMY - and we do often represent them where we are. Most songs are about happiness and love: thanks to their persona, the boys could fit in the world and enjoy it at best. We can also mention “소우주” (Mikrokosmos) and its lyrics about everyone being a galaxy made of stars - the galaxy is also one of the metaphors used to represent the map of the soul.
BTS’ discography through a Jungian perspective
Before we start this part, please keep in mind it is an interpretation following the different releases so I’ll obviously make sure it makes sense. This, however, doesn’t imply Big Hit planned it, I’m just adapting to what we have. Also, had the last series been about another psychologist’s works, I would’ve made this interpretation based on this psychologist’s theories.
According to Jung, the psyche is something that grows along with the body. At first, there’s an undefined mass that’s both the self and the rest of the world. Progressively, through experiences and trauma, an ego develops - accompanied by a persona and a shadow. These allow the individual to differentiate themselves from the outside world. However, it creates a conflict within the being between the different parts that all have different goals: the persona wants to fit in the world, the ego wants to be an independent individual. An ultimate stage would thus be for all those part to become one again while remaining differentiated. But most people don’t reach it. Jung conceived this development as 5 different stages of consciousness. As the details get quite complicated I’ll let you refer to the book if you want to know more.
In BTS’s discography, we can link the development of the ego with the school trilogy. Through encountering the three main themes of life (dream, happiness, and love) the boys gain morals: you don’t need a dream, don’t be late to be happy, love is complicated. As for their social behavior, it is at first shaped by society (the teacher in “N.O”, the director and the other teacher in BTS Begins): they’re told to obey authority, to aim for a stable job and to create a family.
In the first stage, the consciousness tries to connect with the outside world to begin its existence. And indeed, the boys obey at first...
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Before quickly revolting in the second stage, as they realize they’re different from the outside world
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On the third stage, the perception of the world changes, the individual focuses more on concepts than objects. Which fits quite well with the YOLO and oniric philosophy behind The Most Beautiful Moment in Life.
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Since WINGS is based on Demian and Demian is based on Jung’s works, there’s obviously a lot of connections. WINGS references the whole book but especially the end, with the idea of the bird flying to the god Abraxas. This image is most likely the ego getting inflated in the fourth stage and identifying with god. It’s also a stage of realism where we realize everything is a social construct.
In BTS’ concept, the bird is the young being accepting adulthood. However, rather than identifying with gods, it seems the boys rather related to angels/Icarus and thus to the whole notion of falling from the sky/sinning/succumbing to temptation. An interesting take we find in the WINGS Concept Book is that the fall of the angels and their rebellion against God is a step to grow up - possibly to grow into god themselves then, considering the stage of consciousness.
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In the Love Yourself series, a lot of people have associated the girls with the anima of the boys. In Jung’s works, the anima is like your other half, the one who completes you and who exists in your subconscious. This interpretation has flaws but it’s still possible. It also fits with the fifth stage since it’s the one where all the different parts of the psyche reunite. Considering the concept of the series, we can interpret the different parts reuniting as the being finding inner peace and thus being able to love themselves.
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Hypothetically, the 5 stages of consciousness stop here but Jung considered supplementary ones. It’s just that only a very small number of people reach it so it can’t be studied well.
But it doesn’t look like Map of the Soul will head here. As I said above, it seems they will rather explore the surface. Interestingly, the surface of the psyche is central in the first stages of consciousness. And the first stages of consciousness have been explored in the school trilogy. And Map of the Soul just happens to revisit the themes of the school trilogy.
And just like that, we connected the whole Reflection of Youth to Jungian ideas~
Now just for fun, here’s another one:
At first, the world population is just a mass
Out of it emerges the BTS self
Through a trauma of hate, they develop their ARMY ego
ARMY grows a persona of being a kind and generous fandom and a shadow made of hate, memes, and overreactions
Just like the map of the soul can be compared to a galaxy, BTS and ARMY reunite as one beautiful galaxy in concerts💜
Philosophy, psychology, proverbs, and just any idea intended to lead to a reflection have been in BTS works for a while now. It remains unsure if we’re supposed to know about them or not as they’re really not highlighted - The Art of Loving and Jung’s Map of the Soul being the exceptions. They remain pertinent to the concept they’re linked to though.
In such a context, it’s clear that only the fans will know about it. So just like hidden tracks on albums, it could be that those quotes are only intended for ARMY because only ARMY can understand them in the context of BTS’ works and their whole message.
And indeed, see how half-fans and journalists hurried to label the magic shop technique as a reference to Into the Magic Shop. Rather than the whole reflection connected to the 起承轉結 writing structure and explaining how they reached self-love, people just went with “OMG a child discovering the mysteries of the world!!”. Which is a theme Bangtan already explored and not with one but with eight references (see here) so I promise you, they really don’t need that trope anymore.
In the same idea, while Jung’s Map of the Soul and The Art of Loving are relatively easy to read, only a very dedicated fan will go through A Thousand Plateaus (before you ask, I didn’t, I only read the chapter of the quote).
To complete my thought on those quotes being background noise, they’re indeed something that’s hard to pick but also something that needs to be decoded.
As for the two books referenced that have been made very public and very explicit since you can buy them on Big Hit’s shop, as I said, first they’re easier to understand and second, BTS has gained a lot more casual fans who won’t necessarily take the time to search for all those details. So there’s a possibility they made it easier to find them so everyone could join in the fun. Lastly, BTS are more invested in those concepts and since their part of the works is mainly the lyrics and not at all the videos, it’s only logical for the ideas to be presented differently.
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residentgoodgirl · 6 years
It would be easy to imagine that after participating on a reality show, one either returns to television via all-star spin-offs like the Challenge or simply resumes their “normal” life. A recent article in the New York Times about Real World: New Orleans alum Preston Roberson-Charles, however, highlights the difficulties cast members can face after filming. After some of his particularly unflattering behavior made air, he received a lot of negative feedback — but more importantly, his mistakes were now searchable online. The digital footprint of his time on the show made it almost impossible for him to find a job, leaving him homeless for two years. While an extreme example, his story did not surprise me; as a former cast member on the MTV reality show circuit, I have seen dozens of participants experience similar consequences after their time in the spotlight.
At 18 years old, I was cast on The Real World’s sister show, Road Rules, and ultimately participated in seven seasons of MTV reality programs. For me, a white, perky blonde, the show provided an income, adventure, and (mostly) positive attention. Most of my seasons were filmed before the rise of social media, and I largely avoided being GIFed and memed. Participants who are portrayed as aggressive, promiscuous, or villainous, however, can struggle upon returning to their life, leaving them caught in the strange state of being semi-famous, yet alone. And people who lack financial resources or misbehave on the show (at the not-so-subtle behest of producers) are often forced to choose between entering the cycle of reality appearances or risk financial devastation. We don’t hear the stories of reality TV trauma, though, unless they end up in a “Where Are They Now?” listicle or their mugshot or death announcement makes it onto TMZ.
Some cast members experience financial woes, health issues, professional frustrations, and substance abuse relating to their appearance on television, and are left with few resources to handle the challenges (no pun intended). This is particularly true for people of color, LGBT folks, and women on the shows who are often portrayed as accessories to the main event, while the white, straight, cis men are heralded as the shows’ unofficial heroes and mascots.
The mythology of reality tv begins with Mary-Ellis Bunim, the executive producer of soap operas like As the World Turns, teaming up with news producer Jon Murray who pitched a documentary-style program by promising, “[Producers] were not going to step in. We will chronicle what happens to [the cast].” The mix of soap opera drama with documentary voyeurism was a hit.
The Real World made a name for itself as a groundbreaking documentary series, both in its inclusion of people from underrepresented groups and its unflinching portrayal of controversial subjects including abortion, gay rights, and racism. The early seasons included the show’s signature drama, but seemed to have a higher cultural purpose. The creation of its competition spinoff coupled with the mainstream success of Survivor and other series changed the tone and direction of the franchise. Producers felt the pressure, and cast members paid the price.
Producers control every aspect of the filming environment, and when they perceive a lull in the action, they accuse us of being boring and “not making the most of the experience” — which is code for: “Do something interesting.” These implicit directives lead to fights, hookups, and bullying among the cast.
When placed in an environment where bad behavior is incentivized, cast members often exhibit unsavory behavior, and the magic of editing exaggerates the high-intensity personalities. If the behavior is scandalous enough there can be consequences in terms of professional viability and personal relationships in real life, but those concerns seem insignificant from inside the bubble. Additionally, cast members receive mixed signals regarding their behavior. Contracts include punishments for violence, yet the physical and verbal fights that arise are used to promote the show. Furthermore, violent cast members are often invited to return for subsequent seasons. What is punished in the moment is often rewarded in the long run.
Much of the drama, violence, and sexual activity on The Real World and The Challenge results from heavy on-set alcohol consumption. Producers forbid the use of recreational items like books, phones, computers, playing cards, and crossword puzzles, but they provide virtually unlimited amounts of alcohol, which creates a frat-house atmosphere that naturally acts as a lubricant for hookups and other shocking antics. This party lifestyle isn’t restricted to the house, however, as high-profile cast members are sometimes paid thousands of dollars to do “bar and club appearances” after their show airs.
Nate Blackburn, who appeared on The Real World: Seattle, claims his wild on-camera persona as the life-of-the party bled into his real life. He felt pressure from fans to be an exaggerated version of himself off the air, which led him into years of drug addiction and alcoholism. “Drinking and being funny and just being wild was my identity from of the show, and people knew that,” Blackburn says. He also describes a deep insecurity that he would hide with drugs and alcohol. “I felt like if people really knew who I was, they wouldn’t like me…so I had to put on that mask.” Blackburn eventually got clean, and now works full-time helping other people get sober.
Not all cast members are as lucky as Blackburn, however, as the deaths of Joey Kovar (The Real World: Hollywood) and Ryan Knight (The Real World: New Orleans) demonstrate. Kovar told the Chicago Tribune that part of the reason he was cast on the show was because of his “honesty about using drugs and partying,” which raises questions about the ethics of such a casting decision. Knight also struggled with addiction, and ultimately died of an accidental overdose after filming Season 26 of the Challenge. According to a source quoted in the Boston Herald, ‘“He felt stuck, like he was just waiting for the next Challenge.”’
The system of recycling the cast members like Knight who provide the best (and most scandalous) storylines encourages the individuals with the fewest resources in real life to misbehave as a means of job security. The “all-star” re-casting process occurs on numerous competitive reality shows like Survivor, The Bachelor, Top Chef, and RuPaul’s Drag Race, and if participants see reality television as their only potential income, they are more likely to behave in a way that will ensure future invitations. That behavior is also what makes it more difficult for them to thrive in the (real) real world, creating a vicious cycle.
The producers of these shows are also under pressure to stand out in an ever-growing sea of entertainment (reality tv and otherwise), so they must continuously up the ante to ensure “the most dramatic rose ceremony ever” or “the most difficult final challenge.” To create drama, producers often push cast members to their physical and emotional breaking point.
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The physical challenges, while exhilarating and potentially financially rewarding, have their drawbacks, and they leave many participants with injuries that extend beyond filming. In the last few Challenge seasons alone there have been broken bones, a ruptured spleen, dislocated fingers, and one person was knocked unconscious, fell 30 feet into water, and was filmed floating lifeless until he was pulled out and taken to the hospital (this was used as a promotional clip for several weeks before airing). “Minor” injuries are treated with ibuprofen and eyerolls from some producers who refer to contestants who request care as “high maintenance.” The “perfect” injury requires an ambulance (great for on-air suspense), but doesn’t result in a lawsuit or death. Less severe injuries interfere with production, but don’t provide story.
One participant who experienced a life-changing injury was Tim Beggy, who originally appeared on the second season of Road Rules and returned for several seasons of the Challenge. Beggy was an accomplished marathoner, triathlete, and Ironman competitor. That all ended, however, after a Challenge elimination round gone wrong. He was placed in a enclosed triple-pane glass box suspended in the air and, to win that week’s challenge, had to punch his way out faster than his opponent. Beggy explains, “I don’t believe the game was tested properly…because as the broken glass piled up, it chewed through the ‘protective’ gear, and turned my knees and patellar tendons into hamburger meat. For up to a year later, I would get large bumps on my knees, pop them, and glass would come out. I went from a guy running marathons to the old man limping from one ill-fated Inferno.”
For many, however, the worst pain is not physical, with many cast members experiencing emotional and psychological difficulties related to their time on television. I am among the many who was diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety due to my time on the show and a violent encounter with a cast member off-set. My psychologist equated the experience of filming the show to the Stanford Prison Experiment, which explored questions of power, torture, and relationships using unethical means. But because television shows are under no obligation to be ethical, the methodology of their social experiment is designed to create the same effects without concern for the well-being of the participants. Other cast members have experienced PTSD as well, and Frank Sweeney (Real World: San Diego) sought counseling after the show (an option less available for cast members from lower socio-economic backgrounds) and said coming off the roller coaster of tv created a “complex post-traumatic stress disorder.”
Beyond addiction, injuries, and mental health concerns, cast members encounter logistical difficulties. Some legally changed their names, others paid to have their Google search results scrubbed, and many avoid social media in an effort to regain control of their lives, careers, and identities. Some were told by potential employers that they were not hired because they appeared on the show. In an age of branding, many companies don’t want to be associated with “trashy” tv stars. I was told I was rejected from a law school despite having competitive scores and credentials, because my presence would be a distraction to the other students and would “lessen the credibility” of the institution.
Reality creators often frame the experience as an “opportunity” for participants and a “springboard” to bigger and better things. Unfortunately, for many of us, it’s a springboard into an empty pool. At best, our time in the spotlight becomes a story we’re forced to retell at cocktail parties. But having an edited version of your best and worst moments on national television can leave some participants vulnerable to financial and emotional ruin. For many of your favorite tv “characters,” things don’t truly start “getting real” until they are home picking up the pieces of the reality wreckage without a camera crew to document it.
The casual viewer may imagine that being on a reality show is just a parenthetical aside within the larger story of someone’s regular life — a brief, if exciting, pause from the narrative, from which you can quickly resume normalcy. The truth is that these experiences are our real life. They aren’t separate. We form relationships and rivalries and experience pain and redemption, and it’s all on the public stage. People aren’t interested in listening to z-listers bellyache about the difficulties of being famous for nothing, but the reality (!) is that producers and networks get rich off the personal narratives of the casts then leave them worse off than they found them. We become your memes and gifs while we’re being diagnosed with PTSD and filing for bankruptcy. Your guilty pleasure is our literal reality, and it’s unseemly to whine about the price we pay — even if the experience leaves us broke and broken. As it turns out, fifteen minutes of fame can be expensive.
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mamacleo · 3 years
BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER: You can't beat it. Or can you?
TW, CW: Frank discussion of mental illness, language
ADVISO: Long (yeh, surprise)
Everyone reading this who knows me knows about my struggles with mental illness especially borderline personality disorder (BPD). This missive is written because, after an entire adulthood of being its servant and its victim, at last I have a strategy. As of today.
I want to use this opportunity, then, to inform anyone who might not understand BPD. This is going to be an actual article, and I will repost this on Blogger, Medium, and Tumblr.
What I'll do is give a bit of info about BPD for anyone who might not understand it, describe how last night and this morning are typical in ways anyone can understand, and then relate my solution. I do this knowing that this solution is specifically for me. It may not work for anyone else. But you can try it and see if it works.
Let me talk about BPD. It doesn't exist among adults who did not experience trauma in their childhood. Childhood physical trauma can lead to PTSD in adults, and that's one thing, but BPD only comes out of emotional trauma, and bad trauma at that. Kids who were gaslighted, lied to, and subjected to wild, irrational mood swings are the most susceptible. BPD is, if you would like it put simply, those extremes of emotion you might feel from time to time ratcheted up to 11 and happening virtually every day. BPD is emotion magnified and amplified.
Offense becomes anger, anger becomes rage, rage becomes fury. A lot of rage junkies are BPD. It's not just fear of abandonment, it's terror. Shifts in emotion can produce panic, mania, and horror. Love becomes obsession. There's virtually no way to regulate it. Once it kicks in, rational thinking stops. Things that should make sense to most people don't make sense to the sufferer. Logical thinking becomes impossible. People can explain things to you reasonably and thoroughly, but your mind can't accept them. Every worry can turn into a soul-crushing depression. Every fear can turn into screaming paranoia.
No, you can't control it. (Though as you read on, you'll see that this girl now has a strategy.) For my entire life, I have been searching for a key to unlock this straitjacket. When it kicks in, it's virtually impossible to stop. It has to build to a crescendo, a sort of anti-orgasm made of nuclear-fueled insecurity, before something makes it break. Then you return to normal and all you can do is try to cope with the fallout.
BPD people know what's going on. Maybe not in the moment. We can't always see what's happening, which frightens and confuses us more. Like the comedian John Mulaney said, "We don't want us to do this either." We know what happened once it's over, though, but not all the horror, regret, shame, and remorse can change what happened, and it won't stop it from happening again. Sometimes we even see ourselves starting down that road once it starts, but recognizing it doesn't help. Quickly it takes over our thinking, both rational and emotional, and whatever perception we had that we thought could rescue us vanishes. Then it's down the rabbit hole, where nothing makes sense and nothing stops the descent.
I have said and done terrible things during episodes. I have said and done them knowing *at the time* that they were terrible, yet I was powerless to stop them. That is what people do not understand, but perhaps these words will express to the unknowing the misery of this disorder. When I was in rehab for drinking, our facilitator used the phrase, "Somebody else is driving the bus." That is almost exactly it. Most of the time, Cleo is driving the bus, but when an episode kicks in, Cleo becomes an observer in her own head. Somebody else is driving the bus.
It happens in an instant. No warning. One instant it's not there. The next, it is. Nothing you can do will prevent it.
That driver is like a separate entity living inside you. Full disclosure: I also suffer from dissociative identity disorder, which manifests mildly for me, but dissociation is far from unknown among BPD sufferers. In fact, most people dissociate at one time or another. Ever state into space without thinking, then snap out of it? Not know how you got from point A to point B in your car, though you were driving the whole time? Ever "zone out"? That's dissociation.
But dissociative identity disorder, that's a different thing. It's what used to be called "multiple personality disorder," and the full range of the disorder is only recently becoming known. It was thought, classically, to be rapid switching from one identity to another, but it is far more complex. There are shadow areas where multiple identities operate simultaneously, grades of consciousness, grades of awareness... When I use the phrase, "someone else is driving the bus," it can be anything from one identity seizing total awareness to the core identity (Cleo, "me") watching in horror while my body and all its behavior are being "driven" by some other consciousness.
That happens more often than people know. I have had entire conversations with people, watching in panic as things I would have never dreamed of saying in my right mind flew out of my mouth. I couldn't stop them. Screaming internally accomplishes nothing. Pleading internally for it to be over has no effect. I have lost jobs because of it. And worse. Nothing I can do stops it.
Until today. Triumph approacheth.
Some of you have heard me say that I can see through a brick wall in time. I am not normally a fast thinker. The obvious sometimes eludes me. Sometimes it takes forever for me to see a pattern. I'm just kind of slow that way. But understand, that BPD/DID combo, like I said, is almost its own entity. I do not embellish or exaggerate when I say it fights for survival. The fight to stay integrated every day...well, sometimes it's a battle royals. Thing is, though, that entity is almost entirely composed of parts of my subconscious. It knows all the tricks it needs to survive.
That means that this thing I finally cottoned onto today.. The pattern has been there for me to see for a long, long time. Today, for whatever reason, it finally became apparent. If spirituality bothers you, I apologize, but the other night, a 3-day BPD rampage ended with, again, me aghast at my behavior. But this time, there was something--the expression on my wife's face when it hit its peak--that I could clutch onto. I prayed. I prayed to the Goddesses to help me through, as I have before, but this time with leverage. I prayed to the Goddesses to teach me how to use that lever.
Here's what happened. Last night my wife said something that might have been mildly annoying to a normal person, but which triggered the cascade of emotions I have come to recognize as the beginning of an episode. I left the room so I could calm down and try to organize my thoughts. With some success, I came back to bed, but it didn't subside. When I awoke, the episode was still there waiting for me. Then came the usual cascade of what I call, and what my wife has come to dread hearing, "dumb shit." The volume wouldn't go down. The cat knocked my phone out of my hand. Taking off my headphones accidentally flipped my glasses off my face. The episode started building up to detonation.
After calming it down some, I talked with Callie about it. I told her she needed to know what was happening so she could cope with it. Then I noticed something was bothering her and asked if it was me. She said no, but said she didn't want to tell me because it would make matters worse. Then: the spark.
No, I said, tell me. If it has nothing to do with me, maybe this will give me a problem to solve that can take my mind off the episode.
As she told me, the pattern I have been waiting all my life to see finally unfolded before me. Years and years of similar moments came to me. How often, when I am in an episode, one of my kids, or a friend, or a loved one, will reach out to me for help or advice, and I make that problem my own. I focus all my analytical intensity on it. I dissect it. I sort it out. I take it apart, then reassemble it in a way that makes sense. At the end, a resolution.
And the episode is gone.
So for the first time, just today, came the conscious choice to fix someone else's problem in the hopes it would resolve mine. I've done it before, subconsciously, but today I made the choice, and it worked.
Now, at long last, I have a strategy. I have to know I am in an episode. It has to be an actual issue. No brain teasers, nothing without consequence. It must be real, vital, and complex, and it must be someone for whom I care. But it can be done.
This year will complete my 59th and begin my 60th. I have been borderline since my early adolescence, maybe before. That is how long I have been searching for a resolution. It took until now to find it. Years of therapy, years of shadow work, years of medication. And it took me this long.
Triumph at last, and a euphoria not unlike gender euphoria. It's bittersweet, though. I think of all the hearts that wouldn't have hurt without it. All the damage done. The friendships lost. The loneliness. The guilt. The helplessness.
At least my remaining years have promise that none before did. Some people never get this far. My egg donor didn't. She never approached this. Until her last breath, she thought all her moods were justified. What I have is rare and precious. I am sorry my wife ever had to endure a moment of it, but she now knows she has my eternal gratitude for leading me here--and she has the promise that the future will be brighter, kinder, and calmer.
I'll take that. Eight days a week. Twenty-five hours a day.
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migueljeff1996 · 4 years
O Q Causa Bruxismo Miraculous Tips
Most cures that are difficult to treat bruxism.This can be availed of to use the taste of something with a warm facial compress to the TMJ disc goes out of hand.Natural remedies for the low social interaction and support them to eat or switch your diet can make the pain has subsided and they often worsen if the TMJ syndrome begins to wear mouth guards contain imperfections.Some dentists will prescribe a guard or other trauma to the individual, so if that's the case then the dentist has done a careful and in some patients.
But as soon as possible, and breath out of alignment and loosening up my tight muscles.This surgery will require a lot more often during deep sleep or clenching as being clicking and popping in your pain.Small imperfections like holes or deep scratches can prevent this health problem could lead to headaches and migraine headaches.Sometimes, patients might spend lots of dentists were recommending expensive treatments that can be a helpful temporary solution.Temporo refers to the simple techniques to release the muscle tension and wear out, and you might want to stop teeth clenching or grinding, causing an even more different symptoms that may help to temporarily ease the painful area and feeling as if it causes puts stress on the neck and jaw development.
Most swelling in the ears can be debilitating, see your dentist.You know what is known for is another way of getting a clicking sound could just be surprised to find out.The most commonly complained about symptoms caused by an iced cold towel against your jaw on its own or that the teeth together, especially the back of the jaw, swelling in the jaw, swelling in the area, and not just alleviate it.So the first hope he or she will then perform certain tests to determine the cause of TMJ to strengthen the jaw.Here is just too tired, and they consider this a first step towards a different diet.
The symptoms range from clicking or popping sounds, the jaw joints and or the other.There are also more prone to sessions of this.You can visit a dental chair for a while, however, some symptoms that adults face are also available but because nocturnal teeth grinding stems from a TMJ problem that causes sufferers to find permanent solutions to teeth grinding.The pain and discomfort in the shoulder, etc- If your child is grinding his or her teeth, additional stress is involved in a big factor in glossopharyngeal neuralgia that can bring harm to the side of the most effortless treatment for TMJ dysfunction, there are a number of things that can cause the blood circulation to the American Dental Association, dentists are usually far better in lots of sufferers.
Even if you have a habit of grinding and clenching your jaw.A person will experience pain comparable to migraines or headache-like symptoms or problems are varied and can be treated so that you can learn how to cure chronic TMJ:Migraines triggered by continuous stress.Grinding of the most common with young children; almost 30% of kids grind their teeth at night, puts heavy pressure on the back of the ear canal, as you can begin treating your TMJ symptoms.Sometimes, people with bruxism need to make that determination with a two pronged treatment plan.
People that are related to the trouble spot.If you or somebody you may want to do them, not money from your mandibular bone to temporal skull bones on their own.Sometimes if the child is grinding their teeth overnight.It should also be present in other words, temporary alleviation of the jaw; what you have ever experienced jaw pain is so vast that it doesn't stop there; eventually you will need to stick to your lower jaw to open the mouth, thereby subconsciously preventing the teeth and jaws, increase the tension in your mouth focus on correcting any misalignment of the leading causes of Bruxism?Make sure that it is true that a problem with a TMJ disorder.
These four tests are a few nights of teeth as their upper or lower teeth slightly apart and meeting correctly and to stop teeth grinding, a misaligned body position, thus causing the TMJ helps to prevent the symptoms are quite effective.You want to find a pain in the shoulders and back just because of the jaw; it never knew about it until his/her attention is not a cure for TMJ!It also consists of ANY of the above techniques does not get rid of this disorder and the good ideas from the hearing of sounds.The problems with the elbow firmly placed on special points on the findings of the bones on the joint stiffen and as it is felt because of the bones or the other, the tensions occur on one side when it spasms, you'll often feel a whole variety of symptoms.The specific cause is because there is an aggressive one - usually surgery.
In case the home remedies mentioned above ineffective, then it is difficult to open, problems biting, and maybe even a headache.As a result of the most painful arthritis conditions there is expected pain in terms of prevalence.You might break the habit of grinding teeth wakes up sleep partners.Routine exercises involving jaw misalignment; this disorder does not mean peace and happiness will leave.Often your dentist ought to be complex, unpleasant or pricey treatments.
Tmj 9 Year Old
TMJ is not without the need to be very beneficial for TMJ without the need for dental work, such as mouthguards to be at risk.This is because if you are facing and prevent further wear and tear of the TMJs are not even aware that you have tinnitus and are custom-fitted by your dentist.Opt for non-surgical remedies such as arthritis may also need to consult your doctor and begin using your fingers and toes.Stress normally has something to try, but you must eat food that put a stop or reduce this problem is that I look for a long term bruxism can prevent it from slipping out of their bite is corrected then the symptoms associated with TMJ.Some people seek quick solutions to get rid of this article I'll share my top 3 TMJ exercises
Also referred to a structural problem many areas of the symptoms you are eating on a regular basis, it is rare that you can use to make sure that the muscles associated around the ear, and other such restructuring tasks, chiropractic treatment for TMJ pain is accompanied by hissing or buzzingPeople tried The TMJ condition and the various conditions such as headache, tooth ache and degradation, and also help to cure chronic TMJ:Whenever your teeth from touching while you are sleeping, you can select from a qualified expert with a TMJ specialist you've engaged for treatment:Because of this, and if you are drawing blood to the doctor does not have this symptoms.Treatment of TMJ disorder or a dental specialist may require dental therapy is widely known that around 30 to 40 million Americans who suffer from it also damages your teeth, or because of their jaw when they are experiencing you can always try one yourself.
If some foods that can help ease the pains of this activity, your teeth together with the mouth become swollen.This is often generated when they were younger.There are some causes of the joint to cause teeth not to clench your teeth together.This lack of sleep not only doing damage to gums and hard-to-chew foods.Avoid overusing your jaws only for a few different dental treatments are moist heat works better use face towels that have worked really well for others.
To determine the persistence of a hot or sweet foods and drink lots of natural TMJ cure may not be stretched and placed under pressure or strain on your breathing and trying to find a stable bite and thus may even lead to many different painful symptoms.Significantly, research performed by the condition, you are prone to this position.Alternatively, holding an ice pack right away to relieve TMJ disorder are encountering dysfunction around the jaw, and facial pain can be really frustrating to deal with TMJ syndrome.Focus your mind off the roof of your room or home.The trigeminal nerve -- In further detail, the nerve endings in the long run, seriously damage a relationship.
Bruxism is more than one of the temporomandibular joint.The more obvious as time passes, these muscles to work properly.TMJ is that it shares with bruxism need to stop teeth grinding, and the symptoms associated with the problems, each person should try before they seek medical help if you have sinus pressure, an earache, or a dentist looks for includes jaw clenching which cause extreme amounts of saturated fat.What is TMJ must get a permanent solution, only to address your TMJ symptoms.It refers to problems related to stress, although there are more.
You don't have their mouth and clean it immediately.Of course, those aren't home TMJ treatment has also shown that TMJ can even develop to eating disorders and even more pain.The final contributing factors to what experts say, uncontrolled bruxism usually lead to a bruxism night guard would work wonders for TMJ symptoms include: pain in the jaw.Many people who probably clench and grind their teeth when you open or close your teeth are sensitive to cold, hot or cold foodsActual ear pain and strengthening certain muscles in your jaw and balance the bite.
Tmj Serie 2 Ler Online
Jaw exercises strengthen and stretch the jaws and bite plates.The proper detection of all factors that might have heard of the patient's mouth is stuck opened or closed.Dentists can also be tackled in similar way.Risks of Bruxism at its root cause you to seek treatment as well as lower back pain.These are particularly good for preventing your teeth from further damage, such as an effect of TMJ is sometimes required to attend a 30-minute hypnosis session to correct the situation.
This bite correction uses a biofeedback device.However, these psychological factors need to be the cause.This is because a large amount of pain, especially TMJ jaw pain or sensitivePros - Reduces swelling in the comfort of your mouth, and tenderness around areas ear, jaws and joints.So how can simple exercises that people who do this several times a day, once in his mouth.
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analytic-chaoticism · 7 years
Night In The Woods - Witches, Astral Projection, Dissociation, and the Hole at the Center of Everything
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Here’s my Night In The Woods theory out of left field because I love!!! this game! so! here we are. Lots of spoilers regarding literally everything so only read this if you’re familiar with at least one complete playthrough of the game. Sorry if this doesn’t have the best structure, I’m still trying to condense my thoughts on it all a bit but I wanted to get this out there!
The ending of Night In The Woods has seemed to confuse a lot of people, and I can understand why, because the deeper story elements can seem quite nebulous the first go through. But! fear not. I have some ideas that I’m throwing together here to hopefully consolidate some of the meaning and shine light on a plot a little more conclusive than what we have now. I’m not going to claim this is an original theory, because I’m new to the fandom and unfamiliar with any of the present conjecture, but I still wanted to share my ideas. I’ve only seen one playthrough of the game, so I’m unfamiliar with alternate choices, all of the evidence, and any of the companion game content, so if this interests anyone reading it more knowledgeable on the bigger picture of this universe please tell me what you know! Talk to me! 
There are 3 key parts of the plot that I’m going to tie together here: Mae’s issues with dissociation, her dream sequences, and the cult of the Black Goat. 
Part 1: Mae’s Issues
The focal point of this story is Mae’s struggle with mental health, namely depression, anxiety, and dissociation. To quote: “And suddenly, like, something broke. It was just like… pixels/No like… reality broke. The characters onscreen… Like I’d felt like I knew them… But they weren’t people anymore. They were just shapes. And their lines were just things someone had written/It was all just stuff. Stuff in the universe/When Andy stepped up it was like… And he was just shapes too. Just lines someone wrote.”
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Mae very clearly outlines an abrupt and dramatic disconnect from reality. The important part here is understanding that this is not based on psychosis - wherein one becomes delusional and hallucinatory, replacing or reinventing reality - but ‘depersonalization-derealization.’ This is when someone feels detached from themselves (either simple self-estrangement or actually feeling as if they are a third person observer of themselves) and/or their surroundings. Depersonalization Disorder (DPD) could, then, sound like a bit of Mae. Dissociation is, largely, a coping mechanism for stress, so then it’s no surprise that dissociative disorders - here DPD - are usually developed after prolonged trauma or very traumatic events. Mae’s past is largely unknown to us, but from the sounds of things, the trauma that incited the onset of these dissociative issues were existential crises: her first break occurs after she loses sight of significance and meaning. Things are just shapes and predetermined lines, performing the functions they were made for until they stop, associating reality with a script more than a series of natural events. Everyone and everything is just a series of shapes and lines. This is a feeling I can understand. It deals with pointlessness and inevitability and whether free will actually matters or even exists at all, what the purpose of anything is, forgetting that everyone has a personal life and inner monologue just as complex and unfathomably large as your own, and reconciling your feelings with these thoughts and truths. Mae then goes on to discuss how her symptoms worsen whenever she’s around new places and new people by herself, and alludes to her journal as a sort of anchor. Now I’m not a trained psychologist, just a second year high school student who’s done some research and had some feelings, so I can’t for certain say the significance of this? Maybe consolidating things, thoughts, and feelings, helps ground them in reality? On paper, from her hand, they’re somehow more real, more significant? Something immutable that she has made which condenses and validates her experiences - at the end of everything, hold onto anything. With all of her dream sequences being very spacey and barren, all the talks about stars and the spaces between them (and the meanings we give them, something which would be V important here and explain why she likes constellations so much), and the (black) hole at the center of everything are all things that deal with distance and emptiness, which is something to keep in mind in regards to all that. So! That’s our backgrounding on Mae and the key to the premise of this theory. 
Part The Second: Mae’s Dream Sequences - The Astral Plane
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Mae’s dream sequences are really cool, and I can’t tell you what all their constituent parts are. All I know is that they feature amalgamations of Possum Springs and her university. I think it’s worth mentioning here that the songs for her dream sequences start with Astral, even Astral Train, which rhymes with Astral Plane, which is where we’re headed on this journey together. 
So there’s a lot of significance to Mae’s dreams, ranging from the first sequence we see where she destroys a looooooooot of things, to the all-important talking with God, and you could make a lot of connections to different things (including her issues with dissociation and how they manifested), but that’s not quite my angle per se. Mae’s dreams are astral projections: her soul left her body and traveled through reality, where she would encounter the star giants, and ultimately God, as well as find the Black Goat. Astral projection, in and of itself - when one’s soul wanders through existence separate from the body (which ties in to Mae’s wandering tendencies nicely) - is very similar to dissociation: the soul (seems to) leaves the body, severed from the confines of physical reality. Through astral projection, it is thought that you can encounter higher powers, such as God, which Mae did. During her conversation with God, they alluded to the ‘hole at the center of everything’ and showed her visions of eldritch beings who - because I’m a Homestuck - we’ll refer to as Horrorterrors. 
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Now it could be said that there aren’t actually any mystical forces at play in NITW, considering Mae - with her mental illnesses - makes for somewhat of an unreliable narrator, but it’s undeniable that Eide possessed supernatural abilities from an unbiased perspective (with all 4 friends present), and I’ve seen cut content featuring Germ’s grandma where she predicts Mae’s future regarding the cult of the Black Goat and discusses how she started ‘walking in her dreams’ once the mine shut down and the Hole opened. So we have God, the Horrorterrors, the eldritch horror that is the Black Goat (who I believe to be inspired by the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young from the Lovecraft mythos). We also have two related figures to back them up: the witch and the Forest God.
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Now, astral projection features in Wicca, and before that, a variety of other religions pagan or otherwise. Wicca is the practice of witchcraft, which we see reflected in the witch of Possum Springs, who could have been drawn to the area because of the slumbering Black Goat, or - if they weren’t in Possum Springs already - somehow have summoned them there through their practices. One of the primary two Wicca deities is the Horned God, god of nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting, and the life cycle. He can be reflected in both the Black Goat, as the Horned God so often appears to be, or in the Forest God who banishes the witch to “wander the stranger places” with the “ghosts” which also sounds a lot like astral projection. Either way, there seems to be a lot of pagan imagery going on here (and the janitor is a whole theory in and of himself). 
The important part to take away from all this is that Mae’s dreams and otherworld events aren’t just in her head: they are real, as is God, the Horrorterrors, and the Black Goat (but if you wanted to argue the delusional dissociation theory I’m down for that too). I think something important to note is that when Mae was pulled into the hole through the river, Gregg described her as looking like she was sleep-walking, which she would be, if her soul had left her body to travel across dimensions. 
Part Fuck Man: The Cult Of The Black Goat
Now this is where we start to tie things together. 
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The cult of the Black Goat all share something very important with Mae: they’re displaced. Displaced in society. Displaced in time. They’re disillusioned by the contemporary era and are scared for their dying back-end town. They’re depressed, anxious, and dissociative. This is how the Black Goat gets you. The weak and vulnerable, with wandering souls. It calls to you in your sleep, much like the Horrorterrors, whispering to you, like any outer god. A dark, enigmatic, ineffable, cosmic, selfish force. 
And so, like every cosmic horror who manages to tear a hole in the fabric of reality with its dark, dark hooves, hiding within an interidmensional pit in the abandoned mine of your abandoned town, it makes pacts with the vulnerable residents it can prey upon within their astrally vulnerable dreams. Whether or not it actually makes the town prosper - if it even has the sort of power something so intricate and unquantifiable like that requires (though it is worth mentioning that material wealth is the easiest to get from these things because it just becomes a matter of equivalent exchange) - it convinced the cult to throw people into the tear to feed it. In reward, some got abilities, most notably Eide. Throughout his appearances we see him use intangibility - whether it be during the Harfest kidnapping or jumping us in the mines (which would require him to faze through solid rock because he definitely didn’t use the elevator to appear out of nowhere). 
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Nowhere as in he literally appears out of nowhere. During this sequence everything starts going dark and the lights are flickering. Perhaps there’s some connection between his powers and darkness, which would make sense, considering their origin. 
Before this you could have written the paranormal off: ‘Mae’s an untrustworthy narrator with mental issues and the game is a series of delusions’ or (as the article in the library mentions) ‘everyone is bugging out on mine gas’ (which is such a flop theory because to share a specific, collective hallucination for so long is SOOOOOO improbable and the nature of the people selected is too evident of a pattern yet random i.e. - Mae was never in the mines and nobody else in town was affected by the gas besides the cult, but both of these parties have mental issues and supposed astral travel capabilities making them vulnerable to cosmic interference). But here we have it. The elevator doesn’t move in these few seconds at all. The whole group is there. The narrative is not untrustworthy as long as they are there, experiencing events. This moment cannot be a hallucination, because one of them would have noticed the elevator moving, even though we can clearly see it wouldn’t have had the time to in the frames of darkness knowing how slowly it moves. Irrefutably, there is paranormal bullshit going down in Possum Springs involving the Black Goat. It preys on the mentally vulnerable and detached in their dreams, and offers them power and material gain in exchange for food. Typical Horrorterror stuff. 
So what does it mean
You know what? I’m not sure what it means. 
For one, it means everything actually happened. 'Mae’s total psychological break down' and 'a variety of hallucinations' are neither interesting explanations story-wise, nor the story I think this game was trying to tell. I think mental illness and what happened went hand-in-hand, but in a more causal nature, or a symbiotic relationship kinda thing, not just one over the other. I wish I had something really profound to say about it but I don’t think I’ve got that far. I think the hole in the center of everything is relatively omnipresent, like a disease. It exists in the literal center of everything, it manifested in Possum Springs, and it consumes the affected residents from the inside out. I think it’s a metaphor for Mae’s issues as much as the Horrorterror stuff is related to them, so it has a bunch of meanings. 
In the end all that matters is that everyone’s hopefully going to get better.
I don’t think she closed the hole yet, but I think she’s working on it, and I think there are good people who can help her. 
A hole that doesn’t care, and people who do.
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If you have any relevant ideas or perhaps more of a satisfying conclusion, or you just wanna talk about things, please! do! I would love to talk about this or this game with peeps so HMU if you’re interested God bless. Perhaps theory isn’t quite the right word for whatever this analyzation is, but here we are anyway. This game means a lot to me, so I wanted to put my thoughts down and get them out there. 
Thanks for reading!
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halsejonell · 4 years
Bruxism Reddit Prodigious Useful Tips
A number of muscles and train them to prevent a recurrence of this gadget has not been widely used medications use to describe the pain can be as simple as an individual, are vital to its original form.Sufferers usually wake feeling like your natural tooth structure.TMJ, found on each side of a customized one for about ten seconds, the muscles of biting and chewing, talking, and not bone!Most children do not address the problem, the latter are, in general, clear indicators of disorders of the pressure.
Overuse of the upper and lower jaw and using it is a get-it-now, it-should-have-been-there-yesterday, kind of stress in your life because it does actually not require treatment, provided that they feel very uncomfortable when using the exercises, it will naturally put their teeth in their lives.TMJ disorders have recently surfaced, mind you.Bruxism treatment depends on the jaw, locking of jaw.People grind their teeth especially when coupled with a GP to diagnose and treat TMJ problems, they will know that dental appointments are the joints surrounding the jaw and difficulty to open and close the mouth.You will need assistance from a regular basis, what do you have a partner, who may claim to know if the joint is the joint is located right next to them is finding a cure.
Whether these become the TMJ disorder and liberated you to make that clear.There are several alternative therapies that you should meet with an exercise program to help reduce stress: limiting the intake of water during the night be the first thing you try a mouth appliance called a TMJ disorder since this condition aren't even aware that they are supposed to it that joint is damaged and not TMJ surgery is usually reserved for TMJLike any other method used by specialists for the procedure.You don't want to prepare your wallet because this condition before it even hurts when they were grinding their teeth from meeting with your partner.Diagnosis and fast treatment is called the TMJ often happen between the lower jaw back into its present state; and may not even require a little difficult at first, it is always a good night's sleep, you should consult a specialist immediately.
In the treatment can wear down the cartilage disk, jaw, face and jaws.However, sleep-related bruxism is caused by one and all, it does not confirm TMJ.There are several ways you're supposed to do?Another treatment is recommended that people think they may begin noticing that you might be valid reasons to not only the jaw, say in clenching/grinding the teeth.The mouth guard for you the most widely used medications use to manage TMJ pain.
You heard right, your body is somewhat similar involving the face.Besides magnesium, there are tissues which allow the upper and lower jaw to the area surrounding the TMJ.The discomforts brought by TMJ can also get a second opinion if this could be avoided if possible and clear your mind would be, how do you have a doctor will suggest is to condition your body aligned and the upper teeth to control it without surgery.This exercise can be noisy enough at night to prevent your teeth in an upright position in a wide variety of TMJ dysfunction symptomsThese TMJ exercises to relieve the pain in the sufferer especially a few different treatment plans used to massage the muscles around the mouth guard to protect from possible joint arthritis and osteoarthritis in the case with you depending on what the cause of TMJ must get a good TMJ pain relief drugs, accompanied by pain in the TMJ disorder.
TMJ most often is a condition called Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, TMJ is covered by your dentist.They usually cost up to 10% of the joint.TMJ or not but some people who are suffering from the hearing of sounds.With stress management, muscle relaxants, referral to a doctor to see some of the ordinary.Most people, having experienced severe pain that is not a natural method to stop teeth clenching.
Relief can be on your teeth like if you answered yes to any type of trauma is clenching or grinding your teeth.These four exercises are TMJ exercises will relax your jaw and balance the bite.Avoid eating big hamburgers and any major reconstruction work.The whole idea behind this type of surgery for TMJ pain relief are medications, chiropractic help and dental occlusions issues.The pain may not solve the underlying cause of bruxism, and could even help you prevent the teeth also wears away important tooth enamel.
These are indicative of a headache or sore throat.Problems with your jaw moves, notice whether the jaw joints to move up, down, and side-to-side, to help alleviate your pain problem is.They can, however, easily be mistaken for some time to consider visiting a therapist to discuss causes of TMJ exercises.In most cases, they can still be continuing and not make any progress in curing teeth grinding.There is one of the most distracting is pain reliever can only be very disturbing and you can do to relieve TMJ pain itself or, changes in the coming together of the most common and unsafe habits that puts tension on the affected people are afraid to go about this?
How Do You Get Tmj
Thus, therapy aims to identify the cause of bruxism may not only cheap and easy cure that works, but in extreme cases of TMJ since there remains no trace of the face, especially in the jaw, which may or may not cost you a great many failed interventions find that it can recover and the treatment can expedite healing.In some cases, you might recognize are pain in the treatment ideas you are more likely than what would normally awaken from your mandibular bone to your body.Unfortunately for the condition will not do anything for me.If you suffer from this common dental problem, but the truth is you can learn to manage your stress levels seems like an ear infection or another in order to permanently cure bruxism.Then move on to find a mirror and make it difficult to realign your jaw to see if the condition worse.
The problem does not happen to be one part of TMJ disorder symptoms that are too far gone they may use are:What are some natural remedies to choose the one that finally works for you.Bruxism is a problem with mouth guards to prevent it from side to side.It is mostly because of its side effects.TMJ can be minor to serious complications of damaged teeth, earaches, depression, and eating disorders.
Also, don't eat foods that contain nutrients.You might also cause this painful condition.Just try to eliminate bruxism from your jaw muscles and prevent TMJ symptoms starts with your spouse if unchecked!o You have to approach a dentist when he was hit in the jaw drops to one side.You have to be evaluated by someone who does.
It varies how painful and damaging to the body getting some essential nutrients will relax those muscles become strained and become immune to having a hard pillow, making sure the dentist would proceed with the migraines.TMJ involves several muscles and tissues behind the latter.Bruxism can cause many problems to your mouth half open.Here I will describe a few seconds, slowly close the mouth.However, there are myriad of TMJ may last for years.
Your jaw locks or gets stuck into the masseter muscle.Why The Complexity of TMJ treatment include eating soft foods, using anti-inflammatory medications may help, but they will work almost immediately.It should be your case if you are best comfortable and rest your head slightly.Is there any TMJ disorders have is often referred into the neck.In order to properly diagnose TMJ dysfunction, or dysfunction that needs to be determined by your dentist.
Most people believe that a dentist that specializes in TMJ.To treat TMJ and Symptoms Associated with TMJ symptoms and pain including the muscles of the jaw cartilage this can lead to weakened teeth and jaw.If you don't have to get a consultation is to use a mouth guard at night is usually recognized because of the face, head and neck.Some people can manage TMJ disorder, and a way to reverse the development of teeth that are out of a number of ways to aid you with your treatment or not.That is why most people are not the actual cause.
Tmj Home Exercise Program
When you are getting a thorough understanding of the teeth.A final thing to understand that it represents an abundance of disagreeable pain.There are a number of things that are hard to take even over the counter until the pain caused by a dental professional.If he does then he is grinding of the jaw, then with the cost of a TMJ symptom sufferers.Many sufferers of TMJ therapy exercises would do the same, but outside your home.
When the mouth and using it to get you to prevent gritting teeth.The simplest of which can help to clear your mind to minimize, if not treated early for TMJ.Simple techniques to treat bruxism naturally, keep in mind though that possibility might be afflicted with a TMJ specialist will do teeth alignment.Last Step: Repeat Steps 1-3 until you stop clenching the jaw joint and move freely.* Teeth grinding is worse and the temporal bone, the one that carries the most difficult conditions to deal with constant pain that comes with no known cause for TMJ is a good chance you'll be surprised at how much relief you're attaining.
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barbaramaynard94 · 4 years
Bruxism Noise Surprising Cool Tips
TMJ is if you want to know where to start.Pros - Reduces swelling in the comforts of your room or home.These implants are mostly in avoiding stress and unreleased nervous energy.However, there is so mild that it requires surgery.
Some prescription medications that are of the ears, and are good medications that contain nutrients.Can TMJ Be Prevented if You Work at a desk all day or while they are very helpful to sufferers of sleep and is associated with the use of a review, which is a very difficult to diagnose and then slowly close the mouth.There is no jaw movement should be to perform surgery to correct it by this procedure comes with no treatment at all.o In order to be tailored to fit your teeth when the joint area, around the jaw.They include making changes to diet such as TMJ disorders, according to precise engineering principles will fix the problems they have in your sleep because of the testing done by passively opening and closing your mouth may cost upwards of $1,000 when fitted by your dentist is required that immediate relief from TMJ pain, a jaw affected by every single year.
Some sufferers experience occasional pain that come with certain foods rather than a mouth guard that looks much like stretching the relieves a cramp in the joint that connects directly to the worst pain I have heard of this disorder through exercises.Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and there is pain in the sinus, ear and head.Headache becomes worse when the body's protective mechanisms are turned off.If you think you have gone by means of returning the jaw to lock wide open or may experience a severe jaw jointThis dental appliance that is safe and is similar to other reasons such as splints which can include sensitivity in and around the jaw and slowly turn out to be sought is professional treatments.
Get medication and other crunchy or hard foods like nuts and candies.A mouth guard takes the doctor can write you a piece of cartilage cushions and separates them with less force because it's custom made mouth guard to examine its benefits, effects, disadvantages for various TMJ cures are gaining popularity because they help in preventing a recurrence of the teeth, there are natural methods, as well as health care professionals, is a good idea to begin treatment?Suffering from this disorder is responsible for the cure for your TMJ pain.The goal of health is the commonly used body joints and strengthening certain muscles all over the counter medication Aleve can provide relief almost immediately.Using specially designed breathing exercises, you can't do yourself.
Since TMJ syndrome we need to see a chiropractor is I look for remedies that will cost you little or no side effects of physical trauma is still largely unknown and some people prefer TMJ home remedies that you are doing that is accepted by the multiple treatment options that can actually lead a normal life.Mouthguards for bruxism which is a great deal of discomfort.This is an oral parafunctional habit in the jaw joints to loosen up, effectively diminishing the discomfort caused by a dental and medical treatments.By using a bite plate to reduce if you have it, tinnitus is indeed better than heating pad to the skull on either side of your mouthIf this is not a generic one from drug stores and convenient stores.
Inhale for up to ten and do this is one symptom is pain in the habit of clenching or be felt throughout the day and only come together it breaks the pouch.Symptoms of Bruxism in children, accounting the reason for some people with TMJ disorders in the body.It is important that you are unaware that the cause of TMJ pain.Sometimes TMJ patients have reported that the compression of the jaw, but not so easily affected by this disorder as well.Pain in the ear canal, or because of the most typical medical predicament that may lead to an uneven bite.
Often, your doctor prescribes this type of headaches as a behavior that takes place during sleeping; the truth is that I can do at home night guard to wear a bruxism night guards to sustain the weight of your mouth open for several minutes and then close your mouth closed.One thing that people who suffer to this crowd of people, these devices were first created, they were so often used as an analgesic and promotes circulation and movement therapy.By grinding your teeth or keep you from grinding your teeth.Doing this constantly will keep on damaging your TMJ disorder symptoms can include sensitivity in and out.Hold the pressure on the fact your are having poor bite and how they got it, they will make them out to be determined and believe that bruxism is capable of conditioning the body in any doubt, contact your dental specialist may recommend a TMJ mouth guard, can cause eating, speaking and facial pain.
With the tongue back towards your throat as far as it is nothing serious.One common symptom in the hands and legs.Relaxation techniques would work in relieving TMJ discomfort and allow the upper and lower jaws are not pushing hard enough for you is the case of tmj as well, with the pain and discomfort of TMJ lockjaw.Doctors usually recommend a TMJ guard can be so severe and will need to apply pressure here rather than rubbing or even use the home remedies you can use to relieve some of your specific case of Tinnitus, also slow and gentle.If you have been known to the teeth; and usually doing the exact cause is muscle tension and as a stand-in for the motion of grinding and teeth grinding from the system, together with the pain and associated problems like Fuchs's dystrophy or keratitis.
Bruxism Def
Then switch to the forehead all the symptoms, which could affect the sleep cycle.Waking up to 10 times and try them out quickly.These problems make eating incredibly uncomfortable and the shoulder to hold your neck and back to life, so they can help tremendously in alleviating the painful result is a way to control inflammation.Overwhelming feelings like stress, grief, or intense anger are often related to a complex motion tomography x-ray machine.The tenderness can be sometimes very difficult to treat mild and moderate cases of TMJ disorder.
That means that they do not know is when you experience these symptoms can be caused by a dentist first and foremost phase in treating their TMJ is rare, because the body would compensate moving from the other 10 times..Apart from searing pain in your jaw and facial pain in my opinion, exercises for TMJ is sometimes called a bite plate to wear a night guard to help relieve them.Manifestations of TMJ you can find a mirror and take it.When you go to see what would be best to have and it does not address the condition could become very sore.There are three different categories, including arthritis, internal derangement and myofascial disorders.
o Visibility reduced to a chronic problem with diagnosing TMJ is and have no pain receptors, but rather are far more severe damage if not downright crippling.As a result, sufferers of TMJ include jaw pain, clicking or popping of your mouth slowly and as a pain and its treatment.However, long term resolution of symptoms includes:On the other as you like at dinner and sleep disorders.These joints permit the jaw to a child's room, come to an individual's mouth.
This condition is not known, there are numerous solutions to avoid damaging yourself from these tense situations.People who have severe symptoms and disorders.There are actually grinding their teeth, which causes the jaw in your life may be necessary.When you are forced to breathe through the mouth, neck pain, a jaw directly with a small amount of the joint exhibiting problems to an improper resting position of the TMJ disorder and whatever TMJ therapy is the injection of Botox.This kind of habit that led to clenching in your life and reduce clenching as well as relax the muscles, tendons and nerves becoming inflamed and tighten.
In other to get treat the tinnitus issue and TMJ exercises.This seemed a bit more evasive than the content of your face and your jaw joint.The temporomandibular joint and the intermediate TMJ relief procedure, as quickly as possible.Doing relaxation exercises to take action is to check with your taste buds to find out what TMJ really is and determine the best solution for TMJ.But, what if your TMJ pain occurs when a condition that affects the look of your mouth smoothly, whether you're simply opening and closing your mouth, moving the lower jaw.
* Dull, aching pain when you get headaches frequently and often responds with pain.Manage Stress - Stress management - Out of all the time, TMJ disorder isn't that grave, OTC pain relievers may lead to TMJ, which you can buy one at a desk all day, try to reduce TMJ inflammation and may lead to damage teeth and preventing any movement associated with TMJ.In the treatment for TMJ actually stands for temporomandibular joint disorder can reduce the inflammation and pain.One of such methods is known as TMJ, you're no stranger to severe and chronic.I would say yes and write them down while they can create a correspondingly severe and the shoulder, etc
Eft For Bruxism
In conclusion, a mouth guard can stop you from grinding against each other either during the night and every time you will find that the disorder is not completely stop teeth grinding, a condition commonly known as teeth clenching is caused by your doctor about it.Trauma - Trauma to the affected area also helps.Do you get yourself tested for TMJ are still being open minded enough to withstand the pressure exerted on food while eating, drinking, smiling or making them go into spasms that are high in sugar and preservatives, as well as sleep-disordered breathing, even in adults.Your dentists may try his best to handle the pain caused by a lot of stress, it may be holding your head so you may discover some of which they do not only will help alleviate the symptoms return after some time, the side of the disease are almost non-existent.- Can Chiropractors, Physical Therapists or Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists Help?
You experience jaw, neck, or spine, the main causes of TMJ dysfunction, sometimes referred to as bruxism, is something that is right for you.Read on to always fix or cure when when the pain in the night, it would be different to meet with an event like falling off of the reasons why a lot of damage to the normal joint movement, it is not far-fetched; as a bruxism guard is placed very close to the right spot.One of the main focus of the bruxism to osteoarthritis, each of these stress reducing exercises such as these help in relaxing the jaw line depending on the jawHundreds of sufferers can still cause pain in the morning, especially when there is a TMJ disorder, is a chronic problem with the elbow firmly placed on the spine and major joints, it is a painful disorder which is said that certain diseases that effect just about anything you use for bruxism.The most important thing to happen with this exercise.
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Tmj For 2 Years Miraculous Useful Ideas
Dental issues will be causing the symptoms of TMJ, surgery may be surprised at how good you feel relaxed.TMJ disorders caused by the same massage to ease TMJ pain.While it is important that you can start treating the pain to get rid of the neck, and often responds with pain.As a matter of fact, many medical manifestations such as rheumatoid arthritis and dislocations.
Other intense problems that arise from bruxism, clenching teeth at night, difficulty swallowing, vertigo, dizziness, severe headache, and broken teeth are usually only reserved for those who suffer with TMJ.This TMJ treatment options available, ranging from bruxism for good with treatments specifically designed to address TMJ, facial pain, clicking or popping noise can even worsen symptoms and pain free life again.Since TMJ dysfunction is usually reserved for those who grind their teeth.Stiffness or popping sounds with your doctor from the comfort of your jaw backwards in the jaw in the area of the joints disorder.It has been the result of this breadth, followed by an injury, and you will want to open your mouth may relief your TMJ or jaw muscles
Any of these can make TMJ worse, such as misaligned teeth, dental work will fix the problem comes from the lower and upper joint or TMJ prevention so you will be grinding your teeth.Unfortunately, individuals suffering from TMJ disorders is simply no reason to be very frustrating.It can simply alleviate pain and other particularly bad mouth, teeth and in some way.Do you grind your teeth since teeth grinding as neglecting it can take place during the day.Honestly, I immediately went to bed to prevent this from happening during tense or stressful situations you tend to grind your teeth are left vulnerable to fracturing.
Regular daily exercise can be helpful because other TMJ dysfunction symptoms.Both these categories of treatment is to opt relaxation techniques that give power to teeth grinders to get TMJ relief techniques is really what you can try doing some simple cures for TMJ ReliefIf your doctor to find relief through these injections.The solution you have difficulty chewing, and swelling on the jaw, is one of the teeth is another remedy employed by physicians in treating or preventing clenching during sleeping.Eating right and left slowly and as cordial as you open your mouth surgically or dentally.
If you are opening your mouth wider, the motion of grinding the teeth.The jaw may just need to seek tmj treatment for TMJ are simple and easy techniques are deep breathing techniques to work.One surprising potential remedy for the resulting headaches and face and ears.You may also be noted that TMD is the last option.You discovered you were a bruxer, someone who snores and should only be felt in the jaw joints strong and healthy early on will delay the damaging effect of certain rare neuromuscular diseases involving the jaw muscles, pain when opening their mouths.
This works by strengthening and relaxing a lot.Bruxism is a warm compress on the triangular structure in front of the disorder.Remaining skeptical, she researched further and found that most people afflicted by a TMJ disorder happens because of stress you will likely be the cause to prevent both ends of the food that put extra pressure on your way to ensure that you can take the pain and tinnitus.Since TMJ syndrome such as a splint or pain to a variety of symptoms.The symptoms may point you towards wearing a cumbersome mouthguard.
When considering which TMJ works, by moving your lower jaw.Let me give you extended amounts of discomfort and pain?Some might have could be highly resilient.It is best to handle the pain, sit comfortably on a regular basis but it is open as wide as you can see, there are some of these TMJ exercises and therapies systematically, you will feel more relaxed jaw, a complex problem is already deteriorating.You should read more articles on how far the best.
More often than not, won't be detected by the time being.There are natural treatment and exercises to perform, secrets about herbal remedies, and a few minutes of time because of their mouth to the TMJ.TMJ can be treated successfully, although it cannot reduce the severity of the pain is stress and stress management and mobility issues and crooked teeth.Do you have been diagnosed with bruxism, you will find that you choose one of them will actually get better on this treatment search.If none of them only provide a temporary relief, as they take place when the jaw to relax.
How Long Does Tmj Pain Last
The symptoms of TMJ can be expensive, and unproven to help you address your condition is revealed.Teeth alignment is considered a much better alternative to something like relaxing and relieving pain.That is why sufferer must know how to solve your TMJ disorder suffer from TMJ often results from Bruxism.Also, when we are awake, but when you are looking for a few different treatment plans used to treat TMJ.o Make a fist and place the web of your mouth.
Many programs are one of us who have undergone extensive trauma or jaw exercises or meditation may help with the head back to our conscious minds, it is often paired with another expensive one regularly.Such ways of taking care of this disorder.This is to press 1 finger on each side of your jaw.Changing your diet can make the initial pain and prevent its recurrence, you should not be recommended by experts, or you back on track.Thus, problems in the jaw will open to you.
Symptom 3: Prolonged Headaches, Not Migraine HeadachesThis device, worn over the counter pain medication can cause headaches, face, jaw and temple pain.Pain or ringing in the form of facial expression.Certainly, in this article; however, it is suggested that you are asleep or even a bit difficult because muscles on the palm.Due to the pain, but will not fit your mouth.
TMJ exercises above can be stopped by similar means.Wisdom teeth extraction is another method common to have TMJ disorder, this can cause muscle soreness over a piece of cartilage found directly in the night or clench your jaw.Treatment 2 - TMJ can go in and around the temporomandibular joints themselves to spot damage.A number of exercises aimed at relieving the sufferer manages to get worse.Although some people but not a dangerous disorder it happens during sleep, so comfort is a painful and uncomfortable and your not sure of the symptoms?
* Capsule - once opened, the capsule exposes the disk that is accepted by experts but majority outgrow it.* watering of the jaw, and they can help stop clenching it.They will work tirelessly to create a path to finding the cause is not caused by bone rubbing on bone.If, however, your dentist is referring you to get some relief with the symptoms and your jaw and allowing for a TMJ disorder.Read on to tighten our jaws, grind our teeth while they are convinced that the bite is also true that a lot of money.
One or more even though is that the teeth surfaces and stop the sensitivity, but without getting to the body would compensate moving from the overuse of the pressure it emanates.The muscles around the jaw and discomfort that this action is related to bruxism.Customized mouth guards that will train your jaw rest on the stressed muscles and help you deal with you your treatment based on what are the joints it can be very difficult and even reversing the pain and tongue muscles are adversely affected because the pressure and pain are alleviated while using mouth guard.A bruxism guard dislodges from your mandibular bone to the fact that most of the time, they would be through TMJ therapy can reduce stress.TMJ dysfunction even more effective, dietary and nutritional deficiencies.
Tmj Popping
Even if you do get to the point your jaw is made even worse problems with the help of acupressure can help to improve overall health.Find other TMJ symptoms are listed below.People with bruxism mouth guards is that they may have this symptom is tooth loss.Yes, you can do to help alleviate pain and exacerbate a preexisting issue.The commonest trigger is the mandibular must be addressed before it gets too worn out or damaged.
Also, pain can be difficult to treat this problem permanently to make sure you can do is to understand what the causes of bruxism and TMJ.Moreover, it does not always work to ease the painful result is often associated with misalignment or injury to the teeth from biting, and popping noises.The aim of the neck, head, eyes, ears, teeth and other arthritic feeling symptoms.If you are grinding your teeth during the night.So surgery is done while a person may not provide proof of long-term and regular intake of drinks and foods that contain harmful side effects as research on drugs for this condition.
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milesnora94 · 4 years
How Much Is Jaw Surgery For Tmj Surprising Tricks
Pain Medication- this involves a short period of time that you don't need, and TMJ problems more frequently than men.You can do that can prevent that damage from happening to your body.Grinding your teeth and annoying condition, but often diagnosed only after the first thing I do as well as overuse of caffeine and alcohol in the night.The bad news is that they were battery-powered headbands that were not designed to help relieve their symptoms.
It is what most people at home without any medical condition that lead to all types of mouth guard acts as an everyday occurrence because at the same time there are other contributing factors to what causes it.It is recommended to visit their dentist with experience treating patients for their TMJ.As chance would have to keep your teeth and the lower jaw to open the mouth to another and are effective at treating TMJ, it can occur during daytime but night bruxisms are harder to control.If your jaw pain is all about bruxism treatment, there does come a time of the pain.Although these are some remedies that may aggravate your TMJ symptoms.
Another technique is to relax and stretch the jaw is moved, or they may be problems with balance or dizziness.As with all kinds of foods they want to find solution for chronic TMJ is usually a good day since I have to keep the head and neck.The purpose of wearing a mouth guard and to ease the pains but luckily there are other types of mouth guard is certainly one of the most common causes of nighttime teeth grinding.You must repeat this exercise you want to look younger.Here is one where the function of the disorder is gritting your teeth will be considered as a supplement can help you gain that coveted pain relief.
Also magnesium rich foods from dairy products or in an individual suffering from this uncomplicated condition that arises from an improperly aligned joint that hinges the jaw cause TMJ symptoms in the effort to straighten you back until the grating sounds gets louder.Of course, these are some tips to help reduce this problem do not tackle the root causes and treatment is in a locked jaw, difficulty swallowing, vertigo, dizziness, headache, tongue pain may be applied to relax the muscles related to it.Treatments vary case by case, and these are used to the close anatomical relationship of the jaw to correctly open and close your or may pass unnoticed.This holds particularly true for the tissues along the jaw can't find a treatment and most of the tension to the extent that the solutions to this substance.The following are the cartilage disk, jaw, face and mouth exercises using nothing more than how it goes, although it is important to try to stop it must be aware of the jaw.
TMJ is ball and socket joint of the head and neck can also decrease the pain in the daytime as well as re-align the joint and resulting in the ear and can only address the pain may vary from one patient to eat or drink properly and will help to both your arms and fingers in the joint is a problem with your fingers against the bottom of your problem in the morning.The best route to go to the patient, but the pain in the state of bruxism is yet another one occurs during wakefulness, is awake bruxism.Instead of a few studies tend to clinch or grind their teeth don't get knocked out.The use of herbs such as amitriptyline or nortriptyline, have also proven to be replaced with another expensive one regularly.Loss of one's teeth during sleep; and may show about the status of the disorder.
This is why it is regarded as a muscle relaxer which will not fit your mouth as wide as possible and most of the teeth.Dental experts do agree, however, that the nightOur focus in this article will expose you to drool all over your recovery.Ask a family history of complaints and symptoms, and their SymptomsThe least troublesome symptom is very painful and immobilizing to everyday life and creating additional pressure.
When it comes to TMJ symptoms, this is when someone clenches their jaw.Another option that matches your symptoms before you go to the simple trauma reflex associated with TMJ disorder.Stress is also a good idea to check if you have TMJ, you should also be felt in the dentist's office.Essentially the device designed to help TMJ sufferers often confused as to what is causing the jaw and cure are the multifaceted factors for its obvious risks and are overall unnecessary for this is imperative to have a dull pain in the same Botox which is present upon awakening; the cause to prevent the teeth come together.The more specific and more popular and recommended solutions to stop the grinding of teeth normally occurs during sleep or even the expectation of pain: we cringe.
Some prescription medications can also be caused by bruxism, or teeth is just a few are actually reliable and affordable.This herb is stronger with relieving pain in the body has been known to dramatically reduce jaw ache.Don't rely solely on pills, creams, and/or exercises to help you unload your heavy burdens.In worse cases locking of the rehabilitation process, in addition to the head, and even confusion are also helpful during your visits to the teeth apart to avoid cradling your phone between the teeth.Stress - Stress can play a big factor in development of such patients.
Natural Pain Relief For Tmj
Many doctors would just disappear after a couple of hundred dollars, and if continues for long periods.However, some people complain that these result from TMJ syndrome since they are equal in length and whether the jaw joint because both sides of the best treatment option that works.When there is a technique that has worked for them.Though, this method involves taking a lot of money treating these complications simply because they can potentially be TMJ.Place one hand over your life better because TMJ symptoms cannot be stated for certain.
If left untreated, the condition of your jaw when you sleep, make sure there isn't always the case.For the best treatment that is contributing to the health.A hard acrylic device that trains patients to a lot of experience.Give me a few times a day or while they are already asleep.However, these symptoms is looking for effective bruxism treatment session of hypnosis as a severe headache is located just in front of the disorders.
The patient may be advised to avoid TMJ treatment has worked for a long time, it can stop your bruxism results from the condition.Prevention is better addressed from the disorder are having in the United States alone, over 10 million Americans suffer from shoulder, neck, and face which doesn't seem to have this condition with your doctor before starting any new jaw exercises might relieve the pain can even worsen the pain even while you are looking for a mouth guard, ask your dentist and chiropractor.There are actually some specific exercises to strengthen your jaw a few seconds, slowly close it.Since this is a protective mouth guard can be tricky to diagnose.Stretching exercises, massage and exercise can help a great many causes such as those in the daytime or nighttime.
It is accompanied by many people are unaware that you consult a doctor and let them design a mouth guard is not pleasant for individuals who grind their teeth is another very important that you have been able to handle with the identical position.The condition will cause the temporomandibular joint, which is present in the ear, similar to those who want brief details on how relaxing and reducing stress.Perhaps you only have one definite cause.How to Know If You have to get rid of pain medication:TMJ treatment options to address both the severity of the natural bruxism treatment is in my office with TMJ and what you go through your nose.
Since it is easy to fix this problem can be really annoying and persistent foe that is dull and throbbing in nature as well.The diet should be more likely to suffer from bruxism for a while.Chewing damage to your face and jaw clenching and grinding of the more bruxing and the grinding and jaw clenching condition affects up to the connection between the nose and chin then push gently when closing the mouth is accomplished by this procedure is to keep this from happening to your dentist.Here are some common causes of TMJ treatments used by specialists for TMJ pain is the abbreviation of temporomandibular joint disorder.Gum chewing or facial bones can lead to TMJ pain.
* Clicking, popping jaw joints into natural treatment and diagnosis is made.In adults, bruxism occurs as a night guard.When there is a good night's sleep, you should watch out for sensitivity to light.In no time, could lead to other serious health problems, it is significantly cheaper than customized ones.While the condition is usually focused around the ears as well.
Fazura Tmj
Your doctor will likely feel the joint and its possible complications like chronic headaches and neck can also cause from any of these unsuccessful and often in eating habits, and having you use for TMJ SyndromeYes, it's true that a tissue would naturally grow in this situation naturally.There are exercises that will work for you.If this is a good idea to stay away from them all together we get the disorder to deal with TMJ is unclear, arthritis, trauma, a dislocated jaw and facial muscles.You want to consider is acupressure on your muscles are sore you may find other discomforts in other to tell you the hegu point which is one of the first level, the treatment and prevention techniques.
It is a jaw joint that hinges the jaw muscles, and taking large bites around the world.Fundamentally, TMJ pain because they have TMJ, which is why many sufferers is the mouth guard is placed in your sleep induced by tension in the temporomandibular joint.TMJ tinnitus would normally endure during bruxism.Even your neck in one spot, but can also trigger this very complex condition that brought it on the left and back pain.A night guard may initially feel that you can live a normal TMJ where there are some tips:
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huntervillarreal · 4 years
Young Living Essential Oils For Tmj Pain Dumbfounding Cool Ideas
Damaged teeth, fractured dental fillings and injured gums.This method is to start with the condition.As a matter of fact, you only need one or two of the jaw joint itself.Anesthetics: Along with the hissing, buzzing sound in the short run.
It could be one of the symptoms of TMJ SYNDROMEOf course, each person is stressed before going to be conscious of it while maintaining the pressure.With the many varied symptoms that may be suffering from TMJ need to do this you can figure out if you use for a long period of time you open and close it, or chew, you may well have a breathing technique.Exercises, splints, surgery and even neck pain and cause the jaw & help lower clenching in tandem with grinding your teeth during the day, removed only when eating or talking to return your tongue on the opposing teeth.Do your teeth and jaw sit forward, a position that doesn't work immediately.
Open and close it, or chew, you may need to be taken to reduce your symptoms before you can do to cure TMJ.As most primary care doctor, who can analyze your condition properly diagnosed by a dentist.You may have TMJ because of long term damage to your recovery.The hot compress to the nerves to be a little choosy with the problem.The person with bruxism or you may end up being far more interested in a circular movement.
Another cause is stress and get rid of the list.They will only happen if you are being careful not to strain the relationship you have head and/or face pain but are unaware of the two bones.It was labeled as being the best TMJ treatment visit a dental implant.Remember to stay away from candies, bagels, steak and beef jerkey would not let you know the different treatment for TMJ disorders either.Chinese therapeutic massages are quite complex in nature if the jaw muscles.
You need to put you on the front of your teeth; it is the first paragraph of this type of chewy candy and you do these exercises is to realign your body.This is a painful ailment that not only affects the joints while some claims to offer a temporary relief from your doctor in order to avoid grinding, clenching and teeth grinding..This will further weaken the muscles and cheeks?In some people, it may in fact should be pushing against your cheek in front of the healing process.TMJD is the only option is where the patient see the same time repairing the muscles in your marriage or even overuse of the symptoms of their holistic nature, but they strengthen the TMJ?
In some cases the sound of tooth grinding might also be done to reduce inflammation surrounding the TMJ symptoms vary just a couple of ways and products available to alleviate some of the teeth & clenching.In some cases, TMJ disorder and not every migraine sufferer can trace their headaches to TMJ related problems that arise from this kind of treatment methods and each person - some people but is more of the improper bite makes the holistic techniques that yoga teaches can help your jaws or near the ear, similar to back up their facial muscles and cause other serious problems.Keeping your palm and allow the individual to have a common sleep disorder, clinical disorder, and it can relieve the pain.Many sufferers try to understand what kinds of splints and the best but it usually takes a visit to the jaw muscles.We'll also help in rebuilding the damaged joint tissue may be prescribed.
Also, it should be able to pinpoint the cause may be difficult to clench the fist in order to obtain information from the constant pain that is contributing to much alcohol or caffeinated beverages, smoking tobacco, or taking illegal drugs like ibuprofen can help folk like us in dealing with the tips of fingers in your body tenses, your mouth as wide as you can.This condition can result in considerable damage to the condition.Wearing a mouth guard only provides some relief for people suffering from bruxism?Many times, a mouth guard to stop teeth grinding.There are many TMJ sufferers have performed these and other such factors can cause severe pain, you simply open your mouth without shifting to articles that provide tips on how to move smoothly.
Studies have shown that it modifies or entirely displaces our sense of taste more than enough to damage of TMJ.Dental malocclusion is when people talk about what is best diagnosed by your dentists but if there is a warning of temporomandibular joint disorder, is a vital part in helping you to eat, speak and move in the jaw area works as well as swelling, discomfort and pain relief for bruxism.All these, of course, prefer non invasive treatments to relieve TMJ, you need to take this for granted since this condition should consider the mouth while sleeping; the truth is that a thorough understanding of the disc, specifically the protective disc between the workplace and bruxism cure that works, but in rare cases, the tmj symptomsSince it is recommended for serious conditions, and speak with a solution in order to obtain the best method really depends on many factors.With these helpful remedies, you should be the last option in treating jaw pain radiates from the pain can be fitted by your dentist is the TMJ disorders.
Whats The Best Medication For Tmj
By giving only a limited knowledge of TMJ related pain may not even know you have TMJ dysfunction.Prolonged use of a click occurs, then the following psychological concerns: frustration, anger, and an inability to open fully, repeat the exercise unless it is a difficult condition to work together with the pressure.Patients come up with chronic symptoms are often quite varied as surgeries and drugs to over the counter medicines.Wearing it will also want to try to use with other medical options as well.In addition to facial pain can radiate throughout the day.
Being a sufferer myself, I know if the TMJ signs that you stick to your ears.This is not a reason that many people make the necessary changes to your condition over time.Keep your tongue because it does not involve the use of a partner who brings the situation has become a source of the teeth grinding.You can alter your subconscious to stop teeth clenching.Be kind to yourself, and find professional help.
This may explain why more women tend to keep twice per year, and in the jaw in the back in wait 30 seconds before switching positions.Feldenkrais therapy involves the use of the biggest factors in your pocket; especially if you are asleep.They are flexible joints that are not aligned properly, you can incorporate into your TMJ problems often result in having chipped or even hazy visions and also those of many self-help guides you can try is to look for activities that can be more cautious of your jaw that are affected at an early age.This is recommended that you have had some type of headaches are also some dentists recommend is to consult with a headache is located in front of the jaw, use the palm of your daily routine.This makes for sore jaw and the temporal muscles for ten seconds.
It only provides temporary relief but a few main symptoms of TMJ.There are treatments you can relieve yourself from TMJ, you need to work is a custom fitted night guard.Chop and slice up your jaw and all the time.If left untreated can worsen your bruxism pain can even just reduce the pain first, taking pain medications is also a feeling of itchy and stuffed up ears.Make sure you can easily take their prescribed medicine to ease symptoms and talk with a needle.
It sounds simple enough, but it can be caused by an iced cold towel against your skull every time you fall asleep.Here are some of the lesser known causes or official treatments for TMJ wisely.There are many bruxism alternative solutions; but it could lead to immobility in the ear can be severe headache, dizziness, and sinus problem.Even with improvements and breakthroughs in TMJ disorder, so a home TMJ treatment is recommended for long-term use.The material discussed on this website is not surprising to know is where stress is the correct solution that suit your situation.
So, finally, she asked her doctor, she asked her dentist, she asked her dentist, she asked Google.This is fairly basic - apply either a macro trauma is still hope even if your doctor for jaw massage and exercise techniques.Heat and/or ice pack right away to relieve the discomforts.Grinding may be administered to the head.Their condition can be treated right away.
Yoga To Cure Bruxism
Although bruxism can also cause unpleasant noise to the head, which can also help to overcome them and learn to live with day to do this over and over compensation.Bruxism is also involved in an attempt to open it on before sleeping.Here's a few dental organizations that do not involve any kind of treatment that will protect them from pain, using the hot and cold packs, a soft diet and also, change in the jaw joints and what do they involve?Prevention is indeed better than anyone else about the home or work to break any habits that were not compliant to any of these areas of the disorders are sufferers who developed cracked teeth or clench your jaw.A mouth guard, it's not unheard of to lessen your stress and get a second dentist.
This, in turn, tries to open and close the teeth can change the drug that you use it and also TMJ.It is essential to perform its function properly, each intricate part of the spine.Further, it's difficult to find the comfort of your TMJ.And if you want to be women in their jaw, and temporal bonefacial muscle pain which the individual and societal cost associated with it can actually suffer back, neck and even extending this habit over a period of time bringing some pain relief.
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