squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
this would be hilarious if it wasn’t:
1. unironically believed by some players.
2. almost justified by how dumb some people are.
3. literally unreadable because “theoretical physics” should be “theoretical magikinetics” instead.
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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Captain Kiriona Aki of the Sith Inquisition.
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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Catherine Violenne, Augur of Kormir.
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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Act with magic, act within reason, act without mercy.
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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Major Vasilla Alo
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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Volantian Yaomo arcanist.
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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SIS Special Agent Serama Lirus
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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Executor Csa’lir’idi
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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The apprentices, Lord Adaliss and Darth Zavy.
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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The Witch of Dromund Fels, Darth Malaji Vaal. 
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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more art.
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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mini starships! not 100% sure if they’re the right scale for Intercept Orbit, and they definitely don’t have the right bases, but I like them!
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
begeren colony is being merged with the harbinger and bastion servers in november.
it’s being merged with harbinger.
i’m really not that interested in being harassed by teenage pvpers and sociopathic raiders again, so I guess i’m done with swtor. it’s not like there was any rp left to stay for anyway lol. bye bioware!
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
Comprehensive list of shit-tier RP advice.
The following is a list of paraphrased “advice” that I hear every time I or someone else asks how to find roleplay in an MMO. If you’ve ever said one of these to someone seriously seeking help, you should feel like shit.
1. “Oh it’s easy to find RP.” Okay? How does telling me that it’s easy help? And you’re not going to explain how/why it’s easy? That’s fine I guess...
Seriously, that’s like saying “Oh yeah, killing an elder god is simple!” then walking away with no further explanation. And there’s never any further explanation! People just go in circles giving no evidence that it’s easy other than the fact that they found some. I get it, you're able to find roleplay regularly and are obviously superior to everyone else because of it.
2. “You just have to visit [big roleplay-oriented website], once you’re there everything will be great!” Um, what am I supposed to do exactly? Any post on a big website will just get buried or ignored unless it’s some generic tavern/cantina crap with no substance. And anyone on there who can think of good plots is gonna be too busy to care about new people. 
That advice is especially bad for people with anxiety. You think I can just go on a site with dozens or hundreds of people and not get a panic attack that shuts me down for the rest of the day? The worst is when I tell people that and they just repeat the same crap as if saying it a second time will address all my issues.
3. “Just message some random person and ask if they want to do RP!” I would say that I don’t even need to explain this one, but if it’s common enough to get on this list then maybe I should.
You know those things called social norms? And common sense? Yeah, this breaks both of those. If I just message some random person, how do I know that our characters are even remotely compatible? How do I know if they’re in a similar time zone or not? I can’t just try to find that stuff out beforehand because it’s stalker-y, plus randomly messaging someone is both awkward and usually backfires.
3.5. “Just be patient, someone will randomly talk to you eventually!” Ha ha, fuck you that’s not funny.
4. “Go to a tavern!” Yeah, because roleplaying is about sitting around in a bar drinking and doing the same shit that makes people sad/bored in real life. And I do love seeing idiotic characters with no basis in the game’s lore interact with eachother through means which would get them immediately kicked out in-universe. I guess common sense is too hard to ask for.
5. “You just have to think of a story and get some other people involved!” If you think it’s that easy to just think up a decent plot then you should go sell a novel or something because everyone I know finds it impossible. Even with perfectly matching characters that they’re extremely knowledgeable about. Even if they’re a part of the same organization and have identical goals. Even if they’re biologically related to eachother.
6. “Have you tried looking for groups/guilds?” I’m gonna ignore the fact that this is horrendously vague and answer yes. I’m pretty sure literally everyone has tried that to find roleplay, it’s like asking “Have you tried getting out of bed?” to someone who’s out shopping. In fact, i’ve tried dozens of times across dozens of sites/locations with every strategy I can think of and guess what? It hasn’t worked a single time. And I am far from the only one with that experience.
If you’ve heard any other horrible advice then let me know, I love hearing that crap. Bonus points if the person saying it was always highly popular and has zero experience with any sort of difficulties. Extra bonus points if they’re an important community member.
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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attempts at art for an RPG setting i’m working on. I am not good at drawing people.
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
i want a vertical scrolling shooter where you fly on aurene and shoot lasers at things
it can be called tyria 2000
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squigglyv-blog ¡ 7 years
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