sknyuz · 5 months
ATTENTION TBZ WRITERS 😓 ive been away from tumblr for a WHILE and im desperately looking for this tbz fic i read w a kingdom/medieval theme centered around chess and i think juyeon(?) was the mc x reader AAAAAA HELP Me!!! (i think there's a storyline where jacob(?) was inlove with a valkyrie(?) as well) aaaaa
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sknyuz · 2 years
Baaktiel 👩‍💻
Find your REAL Angel name
• First two letters of your last name • First vowel of your first name • Third letter of your middle name (or parent’s first name if you don’t have a middle name • Last consonant of your last name • Add IEL or EL to the end!
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sknyuz · 3 years
i can't find the haknyeon fic i was reading 🧘🏽‍♀ it had religious themes WHERE IS IT IT WAS A DYSTOPIAN AU
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sknyuz · 3 years
Pearlescent |3| - YOUNGHOON
And we’re at the end :) hope you enjoyed the ride! Please reblog if you did <3
(Inspired by this post from @writing-prompt-s​ :D)
Pairing: Younghoon x gender neutral!reader
Genre: fluff, angst, mermaid!au
Triggers: mentions of death
Word Count: 6.5k
A half-mer human meets a cursed merman thrown from the sea.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
TBZ Masterlist
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Younghoon has been tiptoeing around you for the past week, and you hate it. You hate it with every fiber of your being, the feeling only surpassed by the pure loathing you feel for the king who ruined your life.
It isn’t even like you can be upset with him. You were the one who lashed out without explanation. You were the one who let your anger control you. You were the one who took your pain out on a boy who just wanted to go home.
Keep reading
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sknyuz · 3 years
family restaurant cook!reader with childhood friend haknyeon who absolutely LOVES their cooking
class is over I don’t have to worry about stats until thursday so HERE WE GO
your and hak’s parents are old friends who live in a small town together and even though it’s small it’s v comfortable and sweet and literally there were only two ways you + hak could have turned out: best friends or enemies and luckily enough for your parents it was the first and so yeah! your parents run a little family restaurant so you’ve basically been cooking n shit since you were a kid and hak’s dad or smth has a nearby farm while his mom works in the town and it’s rlly cute bc the farm is a little far away from the town so after school hak will come to the restaurant with you and your parents will feed the two of you some snacks or whatever and you’ll do your homework and then later hak’s mom will come over and drive hak home  :) and yeah both of your parents get a headache from all your yelling but like it’s worse than having their kids be absolute enemies so who’s complaining
so this like continues as you two grow older, even though you + hak start attending after school activities instead of going right to the restaurant after school you both always meet up outside the school gates or one of you will go to the restaurant before the other and wait around there because?? it’s tradition?? like sometimes maybe your other friends will be like oh do you want to come over and do something and unless it’s planned out in advance you’re like sorry no i’m going to the restaurant with hak and vice versa and literally everyone is CONVINCED you two are in love but both of you are absolutely oblivious and?? so what if you have little fights in the back of the kitchen (not food fights bc your parents would beat your ass for wasting food) but like. hak will throw an onion at you and then you throw a potato back and he’ll threaten to bring his pig over and decimate the place and you point out he’d have no food then and then he’s like ur right ur right and you both cackle and everyone in the restaurant (customers + parents) are like. how are you not DATING yet
it doesn’t even cross your mind to date until people start pairing off in high school and suddenly everyone’s got a partner or whatever and it feels weird but like?? you and hak just make a deal to stay single together and if you make it to thirty without getting married you two will just marry each other or whatever (hak pressures you into this just bc he wants your cooking and you point that out but he’s just like. well you’re not wrong but also you get my sunny personality and beautiful disposition so are you complaining? and no you’re not so you agree) and when hak tells his friends this they’re just like. DUDE YOU’RE SO IN LOVE ASK THEM OUT and hak is like we’re just friends!! just friends now i gotta go help y/n at the restaurant (aka eat all the food while you try to cook) and they’re just like GOD HELP YOUR OBLIVIOUS ASSES
but honestly dating and love is inevitable at some undetermined point like. you’re cooking and hak is stealing meat from the pan and you’re yelling at him that it’s unsanitary + he’s going to burn himself if he touches the stove and he’s just grinning and eating more and he says some shit like ‘your food is the best though i can’t stop’ and yeah idek but in that moment you’re like. oh my GOD i’m in love with this stupid piece of shit motherfucker who’s only around for my food and likes to let his pig loose whenever i visit the farm what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK and hak has come to a similar realization when he calms down and lets you cook and just watches you doing your thing with the most concentrated expression and he’s like HECK MY FRIENDS WERE RIGHT I’M IN LOVE
hak is sleeping over at your house for the night bc reasons idk maybe his mom and dad are going out of town for an anniversary or smth equally cheesy (both you and hak fake vomit even though they’ve done this every year) and yeah hak is definitely old enough to stay on the farm alone but he’s like! i can reach school easier from the restaurant pls let me stay over PLEASE and we all know it’s not bc of school or anything it’s bc you two don’t want to mess up your ~traditions~ and your parents are anything but oblivious (even though you two are) so they’re like okay cool please get together and date while you’re at it and it’s like midnight and you + hak are in the restaurant doing homework and hak is complaining about work and begging you to cook and you’re like it’s MIDNIGHT we shouldn’t eat at MIDNIGHT and he’s like??? why the fuck not???? and you’re just like jfc if you want food so much what will you do for it
you fall off the chair and your books just drop to the floor and hak’s like. oh my god i really just said that and he’s in half a mind to just RUN OUT THE DOOR AND BACK TO HIS FARM but you’re like. are u telling the truth and he just kinda nods and you’re like WELL I’M GONNA COLLECT MY FUCKING KISS BEFORE I COOK JUST SO I MAKE SURE YOU’RE NOT LYING TO ME
weird way to get together but that night you wake your parents up with the noise in the kitchen bc you and hak alternate between begging for more kisses and fucking stuff up on the stove and you’re both like. oh heck sorry and your parents just look at each other like. what idiots did we raise at least they’re together now and holy shit it’s just really fucking cute bc hak is the definition of a gentleman when he isn’t being a little shit so it’s all hand holding and flowers n shit meanwhile you cook and feed him in the back of the restaurant (which doesn’t stop him from still trying to steal food but you’ve gotten p good at defending the stove from his grabby hands) and everyone wants to throw up bc you’re such a stupidly cute couple (like?? childhood best friends to lovers that EVERYONE has seen coming??? how is that NOT stupidly cute) and yeah it’s just great
hak burns himself on the stove trying to steal food and you almost just leave him to nurse the burn on his own but he starts fake-crying loud enough for the customers (who are all regulars and have literally watched you two grow up together, they’re your biggest shippers) to hear so you bandage up his stupid finger and feed him when he insists he can’t do it himself bc he’s ~injured~
the old couple who runs the candy shop down the street gives you two couple discounts every time you go in bc “you remind us so much of ourselves” and it’s cringe but sweet and you/hak love them
you promised to get married at age thirty if you were still single but voila you’re definitely not single so you get married before then and half the town shows up and everyone’s screaming about how they all saw it coming and the wedding’s a mess and you feed hak but he also feeds you and then you kiss and you can taste cake on his lips
and that’s how it goes
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sknyuz · 3 years
chocolate cliché | j.h.n
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synopsis: ah, valentine's day—wait. why is ju haknyeon eating the chocolates you were gonna give eric sohn?!
pairing: ju haknyeon x reader ft. eric (he's kinda just there)
genre: friends to lovers, highschool, fluff, just really cheesy and very cliché, a feel good messy impromptu drabble for valentine's!
word count: 737
written for @lsangyeons valentine's collab <3
“haknyeon... you...” you stutter exasperatedly at your bestfriend after finding out he ate the chocolates you were supposed to give to the boy you had harbored a crush on after one of their games—the captain of the baseball team, eric sohn. “what?” he chirps, voice muffled and eyebrows raised in feigned confusion. “that was for eric—” you rub your palms into your eyes, groaning and wishing you were hallucinating and that ju haknyeon was, in fact, not devouring the heart-shaped chocolates.
but when you open your eyes, he was still there, chewing loudly. “it's not like he needs any more....” he mutters after swallowing, bottom lip jutted out as he nodded his head towards eric's table, even students from different classes were entering your classroom to add to the pile of gifts on eric sohn's table. you bite your lip in thought, realizing that haknyeon was right. your gift would just be an insignificant addition to the pile.
“hey, cheer up.” the boy beside you speaks, resting his head on the palm of his hand, elbow on his desk. “do you want me to get you some chocolate croissants from our favorite bakery after school? my valentine's treat.” you snort but take notice of how his face softens from his earlier teasing smirk, unable to stop the smile from creeping onto your lips at his statement. “alright... do you not have plans today?” haknyeon lets out a hearty laugh at this, snorting. “well, i do...” you furrow your brows, “then why would you—”
“with you.” he finishes, casting a wary glance in your direction, a few strands of his hair falling over his boyish features. “well, i mean, as a date, y'know? valentine's things.” you huff, playing with the pencil in your hand. “can't we do that?” you stop twirling the pencil between your fingers.
“do what?”
“valentine... stuff.”
“...” you catch a glance at haknyeon, then one at eric sohn in your peripheral, who had just sat on his seat, gawking at his valentine's gifts—even sharing some with his baseball mates, it would definitely have been quite annoying to buy a person something just for someone else will end up eating. and you find yourself furrowing your brows as you notice that you were looking at eric now, unlike before when you couldn't even look his direction for too long or else you'd blush for fear of being caught staring. he's, well, just a boy, after all.
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“i ate them because i was jealous.” haknyeon admits, making you choke on the croissant you were chewing on—his eyes widening as you violently hit your chest with your fist. his hands scramble to offer you your glass of water. once you've calmed down, you look everywhere but at him, suddenly finding the ceiling fans of the bakery interesting.
“jealous?” you repeat, finally meeting his gaze, he seems to have shrunk in his seat as he gave you a little nod, eyes big and filled with sincerity. haknyeon did speak his mind often, he wasn't the type to beat around the bush. “it's just... if it wasn't obvious enough—i like you, y/n.” he admits, shrugging sheepishly, taking a big bite of his croissant. you find yourself starting to smile at him fondly, you never really saw haknyeon in this light before. he had always been your rather handsome, very endearing friend. he always managed to effortlessly bring a smile to your face though. but that was all he was, a friend—until today, when realization finally hits you right on valentine's day. ju haknyeon would be so easy to fall for, like, let's see... like your favorite pillow! familiar, comfy, and very VERY huggable.
and maybe, your feelings for eric sohn were like the chocolate haknyeon ate earlier this afternoon—gone and out of your system. instead it was replaced with this pretty flower haknyeon had planted just today. it's growing, and he's watering it with his little smile as you replied to his confession with an “i... think i like you too, hak.” and you noticed how quickly the flower grew when he practically jumped in his seat, cheeks full of the delicious pastry. but enough with the similes! let's wrap this up, it's getting way too cheesy in here!
maybe falling for your bestfriend on valentine's day is... cliché, but we're all suckers for a light and cheesy friends to lovers, aren't we? the kind that makes you feel all warm and cozy inside.
again, i am taking requests for both the boyz and stray kids! feel free to shoot me an ask!
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sknyuz · 3 years
q and sunwoo as hikaru and kaoru is everything i want in life
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sknyuz · 3 years
OK OK HEAR ME OUT.... tagging the only person i know @zedwards knows stuff abt mixing I HAVE A VISION.
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sknyuz · 3 years
tldr; program crashed, cant open save file, i dont have $500, here’s the cover art to make up for it in the meantime
so... ran into a bit of a problem. i technically finished the mashup, but the volume mixing is really poor and the software crahsed before i could work on correcting it.
it saved everything before the crash, but that doesn’t really help me because its only a free trial and it won’t let me open save files unless i buy the whole thing (it’s like $500 and i don’t exactly have that kinda money lying around)
that being said, i wanted to have something to share with you today. so i’ll show you what the “album cover” is gonna be.
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sorry i don’t have anything cooler to show you today :(
gasp :(( thats tough! its alright though! the preview was amazing and im really amazed at what you can do! LITERALLY MADE EVERY DEORBIT I KNOW LISTEN TO IT HELP... this cover art? SO SMART. ur so cool :000 thanks for updating me i appreciate it alot and i hope you can find a way to continue doing what u do! im not the best w audio mixing and such im more of a video and photo editing kind of person! hmm for funsies maybe i can show u this random thing i made when my friends and i were messing around with collab ideas between idols ^O^ mmmh x hylt i literally dont have an app for audio mixing so i had to make do with the video editing (cracked, apk, whatever u wanna call it) app i have, i have 0 clue where i can find transition sounds. but i have seen some on youtube! couldve been nice for this one. anyways im getting out of track lmao AAAA GOODLUCK!!
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sknyuz · 3 years
is that haknyeon in bloom bloom?? it looks like sunwoo???? 😭
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the boyz ☆ comebacks
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sknyuz · 3 years
salty x oh yes i am? you got it >:)
omggg THE INTROS HAVE THE SAME LINES I HOPE U DO SOMETHING GOOD W THAT it both starts with “who am i?”
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sknyuz · 3 years
besties pls request fics from me i BEG of you
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sknyuz · 3 years
i'm joining this one! ❤ my first collab! let's help it push through!!!
Listen Up Deobi writers and readers!!
yesterday i made this post about a smol collab i thought of
if you are interested to join, feel free to shoot me a message
there is no word limit, no limit to how many writers wish to write for a specific member
example : writer a and writer b want to write for member x
i only request that all members are covered
so is there someone, a mutual or friend you want to dedicate a fic/drabble etc for? don’t be shy to reach out! 😊 the person you want to write for can be your secret, i don’t have to know
please spread the word to reach more writers as i am only a small blog
deadline : february 14, 2021
this post will stay up until February 3rd
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sknyuz · 3 years
[9:00PM] eric had told you he would stay up late with you, and that he can stay out later now. by late, he meant past 10, since he was an ‘adult’. you shake your head in adoration, brushing his soft, messy hair away from his face. the rise and fall of his chest the only other movement present in the dimly lit room.
‘what a baby.’ you thought. remembering that he had practice tomorrow, you set an alarm for 5 in the morning, just in time to make breakfast and pack a special lunch for him. “night baby,” you mumble sleepily, kissing the top of his head, unaware of the soft smirk forming on the boy’s lips from below you, as you, in turn, fall sound asleep.
i'm taking requests by the way! just send in an ask whenever. i write for tbz and skz!
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sknyuz · 3 years
[7:43AM] your closest friend sunwoo confesses to you by the bright red lockers before class, his fiery red hair matching the lockers and the rosy blush across his features—creeping up to the tips of his ears. you subconciously drop your books, lips slightly parted, ruffled by the boy’s confession. the boy drops his soccer equipment and helps you pick your books up. he mumbles a flustered “sorry...” everytime his hand brushes against yours ’accidentally’.
he awkwardly stands after you had all your books back in your arms, scratching the back of his neck as he avoided your gaze. a sudden wave of confidence washes over you as you intertwine your pinky with his, “took you long enough, sunshine.” you tease in reply to his recent confession, tip toeing to plant a timid kiss on the soccer player’s blush-stained cheeks, causing his whole face to flush, definitely painting him similar to the lockers around you. you and sunwoo walk to your first class, pinkies locked loosely together—the biggest, dumbest smiles on both your faces.
send in an ask because i'm taking requests! i write for the boyz and skz!
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sknyuz · 3 years
✨🍃 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome ✨🍃 thought I’d come drop by and say hello ^^
WORLD STOP. 😟 huhu ur literally my fave tbz writer on here tysm! ❤
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sknyuz · 3 years
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hugs from haknyeon !
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