silecho · 2 months
Jude: *falls from ceiling*
all of Elfhame: clap her in chains!
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silecho · 2 months
Mr. Gaiman, is there any advice you would give to a fellow human being? (asking for a friend)
Be kind.
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silecho · 2 months
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silecho · 2 months
cardan after the wife he exiled indeed stays in exile
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silecho · 2 months
Jude in tqon:
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silecho · 3 years
Her hair and her voice are the end of me.
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[ 210116 ] yuqi – hwaa
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silecho · 3 years
You can’t tell me that, in CACW, when Zemo says, “Tell me, Bucky.” It doesn’t sound like, “Tell me, Becky.”
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sebastian stan lockscreens ⊱┊ reblog or like if you save ♡
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silecho · 3 years
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And it comes in my birthday month. Magnifique.
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silecho · 3 years
I am so done.
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These people you’re with now, would you leave any of them behind? Ever?
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silecho · 3 years
There’s the occasional eagle flyer over my house every 2 months or so. So beautiful.
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Winter is an excellent time to watch for America’s national symbol, soaring over head or perched majestically in the trees. Photographer Jake Ryan explains spotting this one on a quiet snowy day, “I was watching this eagle fish all day on Lake Coeur d’Alene in northern Idaho. It would swoop down and grab the Kokanee salmon and fly back up into the tree to eat. It landed on the perfect branch and after dropping the fish carcass, he was eyeing down his next catch.” How about you? Are you seeing our national bird out and about?  From November through February migrating bald eagles visit the Lake Coeur d’ Alene area to feed on the spawning salmon. The Bureau of Land Management runs a yearly count and documents their impressive numbers. How about you? Have you spotted any bald eagles recently? Photo courtesy of Jake Ryan (@Jakeryan.photography)
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silecho · 3 years
Oh Donnie jr.....
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silecho · 3 years
Why did I just now find out that Tumblr has dark mode? This is the best thing that’s happened to me in days 😅😅😅
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silecho · 3 years
EDITED. I’ve read the comments and reblogs and re-evaluated the manner in which I wrote parts of this post. Apologies to anyone who was offended; was not my intention in the least. I have edited the post below, and stand by the newly worded version.
What I don’t ever understand, is why authors in fanfiction completely disregard the actual character when writing about the character. For example, Lucy Carlyle from Lockwood and Co. I’ve read COUNTLESS fics that portray her as “tiny,” “light,” “skinny.” Stroud makes it a point to show that she’s not skinny as a stick. She’s curvier and heavier. Why to you have to wave your generic wand of cliche over her? Stop it.
Lucy’s body type is very rarely depicted in book, tv shows, movies, ect., at least from what I have read. In fanfictions, even less so. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve read mention of a heavier girl in a fic. I feel that it removes a key piece of the character’s... characterization. Furthermore, J. Stroud essentially made a whole CROWD of people (including myself, a midsized person, who is heavier around the hips and thighs like Lucy) very happy and appreciated.
I have absolutely nothing against thinner and lighter people. All I’m saying is that the representation they have is more than plenty. And the physical description of a character, especially when the character differs from the norm that is usually portrayed in media and entertainment, takes away so much from the character and the readers.
Also, all those nightmare fanfics. Not the ones reflective of the scene in the books. And not the ones that are elegantly crafted to reflect something that Stroud’s characters might actually experience. I’m referring to those that are most often found on the underwritten, under-edited, and under-thought side of Wattpad. The side of Wattpad that has 34 fanfics describing the same scene in different words.
Of course, I do acknowledge that characters are interpreted by different people in different ways. However, certain aspects of the character shouldn’t be pulled away. For example, Lucy’s hesitance to share. The entire constant enigma surrounding Lockwood. George’s adorable love of the “why?” of it all and the science (and how he knows both Lucy and Lockwood better than they know themselves).
I personally can’t see Lucy or Lockwood crying to each other in the middle of the night about a bad dream (which in most fics that I’ve ended up reading, is a dream about one losing the other; perhaps I need to dig deeper, but that is all I’ve found on that trope). Discussing? Sure. Sitting together? Sure. Once their relationship progresses, being more vulnerable? Absolutely. But I can never imagine them the way that these pieces do.
To each their own.
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silecho · 3 years
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silecho · 3 years
EDITED. I’ve read the comments and reblogs and re-evaluated the manner in which I wrote parts of this post. Apologies to anyone who was offended; was not my intention in the least. I have edited the post below, and stand by the newly worded version.
What I don’t ever understand, is why authors in fanfiction completely disregard the actual character when writing about the character. For example, Lucy Carlyle from Lockwood and Co. I’ve read COUNTLESS fics that portray her as “tiny,” “light,” “skinny.” Stroud makes it a point to show that she’s not skinny as a stick. She’s curvier and heavier. Why to you have to wave your generic wand of cliche over her? Stop it.
Lucy’s body type is very rarely depicted in book, tv shows, movies, ect., at least from what I have read. In fanfictions, even less so. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve read mention of a heavier girl in a fic. I feel that it removes a key piece of the character’s... characterization. Furthermore, J. Stroud essentially made a whole CROWD of people (including myself, a midsized person, who is heavier around the hips and thighs like Lucy) very happy and appreciated.
I have absolutely nothing against thinner and lighter people. All I’m saying is that the representation they have is more than plenty. And the physical description of a character, especially when the character differs from the norm that is usually portrayed in media and entertainment, takes away so much from the character and the readers.
Also, all those nightmare fanfics. Not the ones reflective of the scene in the books. And not the ones that are elegantly crafted to reflect something that Stroud’s characters might actually experience. I’m referring to those that are most often found on the underwritten, under-edited, and under-thought side of Wattpad. The side of Wattpad that has 34 fanfics describing the same scene in different words.
Of course, I do acknowledge that characters are interpreted by different people in different ways. However, certain aspects of the character shouldn’t be pulled away. For example, Lucy’s hesitance to share. The entire constant enigma surrounding Lockwood. George’s adorable love of the “why?” of it all and the science (and how he knows both Lucy and Lockwood better than they know themselves).
I personally can’t see Lucy or Lockwood crying to each other in the middle of the night about a bad dream (which in most fics that I’ve ended up reading, is a dream about one losing the other; perhaps I need to dig deeper, but that is all I’ve found on that trope). Discussing? Sure. Sitting together? Sure. Once their relationship progresses, being more vulnerable? Absolutely. But I can never imagine them the way that these pieces do.
To each their own.
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silecho · 4 years
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silecho · 4 years
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