shivanshublog · 3 years
Bakr Id 2021 | Blogs Envoshop
Bakr Id 2021 | Blogs Envoshop
In this article, you will know about Bakr Id 2021. Bakr Eid is also known as Eid-Al-Adha. Bakr Id is one of the most celebrated festivals in the Islam religion. On this occasion, gravel increases in the markets. Muslim society celebrates this festival by buying different kinds of things. Family giving Eid Mubarak But more than all these, the day of Bakr Eid is celebrated as the day of…
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shivanshublog · 3 years
How to build your self esteem
Before knowing how to build your self esteem first, we should know actually what is your self esteem. The actual meaning of self esteem is what you think about yourself. Means what your opinion about yourself. It doesn’t mean what other people feels about you.
Everyone have to face bad time in their life at once. Self esteem can’t be measure by your failure or your success. But it can be measure by your confidence for yourself. Sometime when people face long-term failure they become stressed and depressed which is not good at all and a symptom of low self esteem. The negative point is that you can be the target of low self esteem at any age. But the positive point is that you can improve your self esteem or confidence at any age. So here are some steps or ways to build your self esteem at any age.Start yoga from nowLow self esteem start from when you feel stress and anxiety. Depression is also the major reason for low self esteem and YOGA is best cure of stress, anxiety and depression. When you perform yoga like meditation and Dhyana asanas you feels very relax and happy. The benefits of yoga are uncountable but the best cure of the stress and depression to improve your self esteem is yoga. Take small challenges Sometime you are not ready or prepared for the big task and challenge that you are facing. So first you have to focus and practice for little and easy task that you can achieve them easily. And once you achieve them it will boost your confidence and prepare you from inside of your soul to tackle the big one. Ex- Just like an international sportsperson is not doing well nowadays, so he will take rest from international matches and try some of low level. and when he conqueror the low level he bounce back and amaze everyone again in international matches. Don’t blame yourself every time Failure is a natural thing it doesn’t mean you are not capable. Mostly people blame himself and get stressed and depressed for not achieving their goals in life that is not good for anybody. It’s not your fault but you have to be stable from inside and be consistence with your practices to achieve goal. So you should avoid blaming yourself every time and start believing in yourself.
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shivanshublog · 3 years
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shivanshublog · 3 years
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yoga posture
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shivanshublog · 3 years
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Are you practicing yoga in this pandemic ?
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shivanshublog · 3 years
Stress and anxiety affecting over 40 million people of age 18 and older. Anxiety and stress highly recommend treatment according to NIMH.
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shivanshublog · 3 years
Reduce stress and anxiety  visit my site-chaloye.in now
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shivanshublog · 3 years
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Remove stress and change your life
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shivanshublog · 3 years
How to reduce stress
Source of content-https://www.chaloye.in/how-to-reduce-stress-level/ my official site.
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Stress is a condition of body, when human unable to complete task and challenge or face difficulty to do them. Then the human feels stress and anxiety. Also humans feel failure in life this is most common reason for stress and anxiety Now the question is “How to reduce stress level”. According to WHO stress and anxiety is the most common problem and brain illness in US.
Stress and anxiety affecting over 40 million people of age 18 and older. Anxiety and stress highly recommend treatment according to NIMH. But only 40% of people take proper treatment of this mental illness.
Yeah! it’s sad but the real fact. So here are some simple and scientific ways to reduce stress and enjoy your life forever.
Do exercise to reduce stress
Doing exercise makes you physically and mentally strong. Whenever you exercise yourself then the body release such kind of hormones which are very helpful in reducing mental stress and increasing brain stability. By doing regular exercise make you feel good and you will react positively.
Yes, Exercise deflect you from negative thoughts and force you to face challenges with full confidence and positive attitude.
Take healthy food and drinks to reduce stress
Our society try alcohol and smoking to reduce stress. These things works positively at start point But at the end you will get addict of these drinks. These type of harmful drinks and smoking sticks makes you physically and mentally worse. In some cases alcohol is the reason for early death of adults.
So avoid these type of substance and start taking balance and healthy diet. Healthy diet is the most important factor to reduce stress and anxiety of everyone. healthy food and fruits prepare you to fight against stress and mental illness.
Stop using tobaccos and alcohols
As I mentioned first people start taking alcohols and tobacco type bad things by the advice of their friends and other peoples. But these kind of substance push yourself in more depression and stress. So avoiding these harmful substances is also a most important point to reduce stress for a happy life.
Listen relaxation music
By the listing of relax and good music you got positive vibes which helps you to relax yourself and create positive and great environment. You will feel wow! if you listen peace and relax music. Relax music create happy environment which is really good to change your mood stressed to blessed.
Try relaxation techniques
Relaxation make you feel good as I mentioned above. So, there are many technique you can try to relax yourself and create positive vibes. You can read books related to your favorite topics ,listen music or you can do meditation and deep berating also for mind relaxation.
And there are many other effective techniques available in google and other platforms. These techniques works 100% to reduce stress from your body.
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shivanshublog · 3 years
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shivanshublog · 3 years
Best inventions of all time-final part
Technology is an integral part of the human experience. Since the earliest days of our species, we have developed tools to tame the physical world.
Any attempt to count the major technological inventions is certainly questionable, but here are some key advances that should likely be on such a list (in chronological order):
list of best inventions of all time 
1. FIRE - It can be argued that fire was discovered rather than invented. Sure, early humans watched fire incidents, but it wasn't until they figured out how to control and produce it on their own that people were really able to take advantage of all that this new tool had to offer. The first use of fire dates back two million years, while a popular way of using this technology dates back around 125,000 years. The fire gave us warmth, protection and led to a variety of other inventions and key skills like cooking. The ability to cook has helped us maintain the nutrients needed to support our expanding brain and has given us a clear advantage over other primates.
2. WHEEL - The wheel was created by the Mesopotamians around 3500 BC. Invented for the manufacture of ceramics. About 300 years later, the wheel was put on a chariot and the rest is history. Wheels are ubiquitous in our daily life and make our transportation and trade easier. 3. NAIL - The first known use of this very simple but very useful metal clasp dates back to ancient Egypt around 3400 BC. If you like screws more, they've been around since the ancient Greeks (1st or 2nd century BC).
4. OPTICAL LENSES - From glasses to microscopes to telescopes, optical lenses have vastly expanded the possibilities of our vision. They have a long history, first developed by the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians, with key theories about light and vision given by the ancient Greeks. Optical lenses were also instrumental in developing media technologies for photography, film, and television.
5. COMPASS - This navigational device was an important force in human exploration. The first compasses were made between 300 and 200 BC. Made from Freestone in China. 6. PAPER - Paper was used around 100 BC. Invented in China and was essential for us to write and share our ideas.
7. PISTOLS - Invented in China in the 9th century, this chemical explosive was an important factor in military technology (and, more broadly, the wars that changed the course of human history).
8. PRESSURE PRESS - This device was invented in 1439 by the German Johannes Gutenberg and in many ways laid the foundation for our modern age. This enabled the ink to be mechanically transferred to the paper in a mobile type. This revolutionized the spread of knowledge and religion, as earlier books were usually written by hand (often by monks). . ELECTRICITY - The use of electricity is a process that a number of brilliant minds have contributed to for thousands of years. They come from ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, when Thales of Miletus carried out the first research on this phenomenon. The 18th century American Renaissance man Benjamin Franklin is generally credited with a significant improvement in our understanding of electricity, if not its discovery. It is hard to overestimate how important electricity has become to humankind as it controls the majority of our devices and shapes the way we live. The invention of the light bulb, while a separate contribution attributed to Thomas Edison in 1879, is certainly a major expansion in the ability to use electricity. It has fundamentally changed the way we live, work, and how our cities look and function.
10. STEAM ENGINE - invented between 1763 and 1775 by Scottish inventor James Watt (who drew on ideas from earlier attempts at a steam engine such as the Newcomen 1712), steam trains, ships, factories and the industrial revolution as a whole. 12. TELEPHONE - While he's not the only one working on this type of technology, Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell received the first patent for an electric telephone in 1876. This instrument has certainly revolutionized our communication skills.
13. VACCINATION - Although sometimes controversial, vaccination practice is responsible for eradicating disease and extending human lifespan. The first vaccine (against smallpox) was developed by Edward Jenner in 1796. A rabies vaccine was developed in 1885 by the French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur, who is credited with most of the vaccination of today's drug. Pasteur is also responsible for inventing the pasteurization food safety process that bears his name.
14. CARS - Cars have fundamentally changed the way we travel, the way our cities are designed, and brought the concept of the assembly line into the mainstream. They were invented in their modern form by a number of people at the end of the 19th century, with the German Karl Benz being particularly responsible for creating the first practical car in 1885. 15. AIRPLANE - Invented by the American Wright brothers in 1903, airplanes brought the world closer together and enabled us to travel great distances quickly. This technology expanded the mind through tremendous cultural exchanges - but it also increased the scope of the world wars that were soon to break out and the severity of any war that followed. 16. PENICILLIN - This drug was discovered by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming in 1928 and transformed medicine with its ability to cure infectious bacterial diseases. The era of antibiotics began.
17. MISSILE - While the invention of the first missile is attributed to the ancient Chinese, the modern missile is a 20th century contribution to humanity that is said to transform military capabilities and enable the exploration of human space.
18. NUCLEAR FISSION - This process of dividing atoms to release a large amount of energy has led to the creation of nuclear reactors and atomic bombs. It was the culmination of the work of a number of prominent scientists (mostly Nobel Prize winners) of the 20th century, but the specific discovery of nuclear fission is generally attributed to Germans Otto Hahn and Fritz Stassmann, who collaborated with Austrians Lise Meitner and Otto
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shivanshublog · 3 years
Best inventions of all time part-3
Man is a kind of genius. Although we have been on the planet for a relatively short time (the earth is 4.5 billion years old), today's Homo sapiens has dreamed and created amazing things, sometimes very far away. From the moment someone hit a boulder on the ground to make the first sharp tool, to the launch of the wheel and the development of Mars and Internet rovers, some key advances prove to be particularly revolutionary. Here are our top tips for the greatest inventions of all time, as well as the science behind the invention and how it came about. wheel Before the invention of the wheel in 3500 BC Apparently the wheel itself wasn't the hardest part of inventing the wheel. When it came time to attach a stationary platform to this rolling cylinder, things got complicated, according to David Anthony, professor of anthropology at Hartwick College
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one of the best invention of all time 
"The Big Bang was the concept of the wheel and the axle," Anthony told Live Science. "But it was also difficult." For example, the holes in the center of the wheels and at the ends of the fixed axles should be almost perfectly round and smooth, he said. The size of the shaft was a critical factor, as was its fit in the bore (not too tight, but not too loose either).
The hard work has paid off. Wheel carts made agriculture and trade easier by allowing goods to be transported to and from markets and reducing stress for people traveling long distances. Wheels are an essential part of our way of life today and can be found in everything from watches to vehicles to turbines. [Learn more about the invention of the wheel] Without nails, civilization would surely collapse. This key invention dates back over 2,000 years to Roman times and only became possible after humans developed the ability to cast and shape metal. Previously, wooden structures had to be built by interlocking geometrically adjacent planks, which was a much more difficult construction process.
The ancient sailors sailed through the stars, but this method did not work during the day or on cloudy nights, so it was not safe to travel far from land. The Chinese invented the first compass between the 9th and 11th centuries; It was made of lodestone, a naturally magnetized iron ore whose attractive properties they had studied for centuries. (The photo shows a model of an ancient Chinese compass from the Han Dynasty; it is a south-facing or Sinanian palette made of polished cuboid.) Soon after, the technology was passed on to Europeans and Arabs through nautical contact. The compass enabled seafarers to navigate safely away from land, which increased maritime trade and contributed to the Age of Discovery. The German Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing machine around 1440. The key to its development was manual mold, a new molding technique that enabled the rapid production of large quantities of movable types of metal. Although others before him, including inventors from China and Korea, developed movable metals, Gutenberg was the first to develop a mechanized process in which ink (made from linseed oil and soot) was transferred from movable metals. Paper.
With this mobile approach, printers have exponentially increased the speed at which copies can be made of books, resulting in the rapid and widespread dissemination of knowledge for the first time in history. By 1500, 20 million volumes had been printed in Western Europe.
Among other things, the print shop allowed wider access to the Bible, which in turn led to alternative interpretations, including that of Martin Luther, of which "95 theses", one printed document per 100,000, sparked reform. Protestant. [More information about Johannes Gutenberg and the printing company] The telephone Although several inventors pioneered electronic voice transmission (many of whom filed intellectual property lawsuits when the use of the telephone exploded), Alexander Graham Bell was the first to obtain a patent for the electric telephone in 1876. His drawing patent shown above. Contraceptives Birth control pills, condoms, and other forms of birth control have not only sparked a sexual revolution in developed countries by allowing men and women to have sex for pleasure rather than procreation, but they have also dramatically reduced the average number of children per woman in countries where they are used. With fewer mouths to feed, modern families have improved living standards and are better able to serve each child. At the global level, contraceptives are helping to gradually stabilize the human population. Our numbers are likely to stabilize by the end of the century. Certain contraceptives, such as condoms, also slow down the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Natural and herbal contraception has been used for thousands of years. Condom use began in the 18th century, while the first oral contraceptive "the pill" was invented by a chemist named Russell Marker in the late 1930s.
Scientists continue to make advances in birth control, and some laboratories are even looking for a male form of the "pill". A permanent contraceptive implant called Essure was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2002. However, in 2016, the FDA warned that the implant would need stricter warnings to educate users about the serious risks of using Essure. [7 Surprising Facts About The Pill]
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shivanshublog · 3 years
Best inventions of all time- must read
Man is a kind of genius. Although we've been on the planet for a relatively short time (Earth is 4.5 billion years old), today's Homo sapiens has dreamed and created amazing things, sometimes far away. From the moment someone hit a boulder on the ground to make the first sharp tool, to the beginning of the wheel and the development of Mars and Internet rovers, some key advances prove to be particularly revolutionary. Here are our top tips for the greatest inventions of all time, as well as the science behind the invention and how it came about. wheel Before the invention of the wheel in 3500 BC Apparently the wheel itself wasn't the hardest part of Invention of the Wheel. When it came time to attach a stationary platform to this rolling cylinder, things got complicated, according to David Anthony, professor of anthropology at Hartwick College.
"The Big Bang was the concept of the wheel and the axle," Anthony told Live Science. "But it was also difficult." For example, the holes in the center of the wheels and at the ends of the fixed axles should be almost perfectly round and smooth, he said. The size of the shaft was a critical factor, as was its fit in the bore (not too tight, but not too loose either). The hard work has paid off. Wheel carts have made agriculture and trade easier by enabling the transport of goods to and from markets and reducing stress for people traveling long distances. Wheels are an essential part of our way of life today and can be found in all areas, from clocks and vehicles to turbines. [Learn more about the invention of the wheel] Without nails, civilization would surely collapse. This key invention dates back over 2,000 years to Roman times and only became possible after humans developed the ability to cast and shape metal. Previously, wooden structures had to be built by interlocking geometrically adjacent planks, which was a much more difficult construction process.
The ancient sailors sailed through the stars, but this method did not work during the day or on cloudy nights, so it was not safe to travel far from land.
The Chinese invented the first compass between the 9th and 11th centuries; It was made of lodestone, a naturally magnetized iron ore whose attractive properties they had studied for centuries. (The photo shows a model of an ancient Chinese compass from the Han Dynasty; it is a south-facing trowel, or Sinan, made of polished ashlar.) Soon after, the technology was passed on to Europeans and Arabs through nautical contact. The compass enabled seafarers to navigate safely away from land, which increased maritime trade and contributed to the Age of Discovery. The German Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing machine around 1440. The key to its development was manual mold, a new molding technique that enabled the rapid production of large quantities of movable metals. Although others before him, including inventors in China and Korea, developed mobile metals, Gutenberg was the first to develop a mechanized process in which ink (which he made from linseed oil and soot) was mobile transferred. Paper. Among other things, the printing press allowed wider access to the Bible, which in turn led to alternative interpretations, including that of Martin Luther, of which "95 Theses", a printed document per 100,000, sparked the Protestant reform. [Find out more about Johannes Gutenberg and the printing press] The phone Although several inventors pioneered electronic voice transmission (many of whom filed intellectual property lawsuits when telephone use exploded), Alexander Graham Bell was the first to obtain a patent for the electric telephone. in 1876. His drawing patent shown above.
this is one of the best invention of all time
Although several inventors pioneered electronic voice transmission (many of whom filed intellectual property lawsuits when telephone use exploded), Alexander Graham Bell was the first to receive a patent on the electric telephone. in 1876 (his patent design is illustrated above). . . .) According to PBS, he was inspired to teach the deaf and also visit his mother who is hard of hearing. He called the first phone an "electric voice machine" according to PBS.
The invention took off quickly and revolutionized business and global communication. When Bell died on August 2, 1922, according to PBS, the US telephone service paused for a minute to pay tribute to him. Bulb When you only have natural light, productivity is limited to the hours of the day. Light bulbs have changed the world by allowing us to be active at night. According to historians, two dozen people were instrumental in the invention of incandescent lamps in the 19th century. Thomas Edison is considered the most important inventor, because in 1879 he created a fully functional lighting system with a generator and wiring, as well as a carbon bulb like the one described above. This invention not only heralded the introduction of electricity to households in the western world, but also had a rather unexpected consequence of changing people's sleeping habits. Instead of going to bed at night (doing nothing else) and sleeping in segments at night separated by waking phases, we now stay awake except for the allotted 7-8 hours of sleep. Ideally, we all sleep at the same time. [Learn more about the invention of the light bulb] penicillin It's one of the most famous stories of discovery in history. In 1928 the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming noticed in his laboratory a Petri dish filled with bacteria, the lid of which had accidentally opened. The sample was contaminated with mold and wherever the mold was found the bacteria were dead. This antibiotic mold was found to be Penicillium. Purified by chemists over the next two decades, he developed the drug penicillin, which fights a large number of bacterial infections in humans without harming them. yourself.
Penicillin was mass-produced and advertised until 1944. This poster on a roadside mailbox advised WWII soldiers to take the drug to get rid of STDs.
About 1 in 10 people are allergic to the antibiotic. This is the result of a study published in 2003 in the journal Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology. Even so, most of these people can still tolerate the drug, the researchers said.
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shivanshublog · 3 years
Best inventions of all time | Rich and great inventions
Man is a genius species. Although we have been on the planet for a relatively short time (Earth is 4.5 billion years old), modern day Homo sapiens dreamed and created amazing things, sometimes far away. From the moment someone hit a rock on the ground to make the first sharp tool, to the dawn of the wheel and the development of Mars and internet rovers, some important advances prove to be particularly revolutionary. Here are our top tips for the greatest inventions of all time, as well as the science behind the invention and how it came about. the wheel Before the invention of the wheel in 3500 BC People were very limited in how much we could transport on earth and how far. Apparently the wheel itself wasn't the hardest part of "Invention of the Wheel". When it came time to attach a stationary platform to this rolling cylinder, things got complicated, according to David Anthony, professor of anthropology at Hartwick College.
"The big bang was the wheel and axle concept," Anthony told Live Science. "But it was also difficult." For example, the holes in the center of the wheels and at the ends of the fixed axles would need to be almost perfectly round and smooth, he said. The size of the shaft was a critical factor as was its fit in the bore (not too tight, but not too loose either).
The hard work has paid off. Wheel carts made agriculture and trade easier by allowing goods to be transported to and from markets and reducing the stress on people who travel long distances. Today, wheels are indispensable for our way of life and can be found in all areas, from clocks to vehicles to turbines. [Learn more about the invention of the wheel] Without nails, civilization would surely collapse. This key invention dates back over 2,000 years to Roman times and only became possible after humans developed the ability to cast and shape metal. Previously, wooden structures had to be built by interlocking geometrically adjacent planks, which was a much more difficult construction process.
there are also much more best inventions of all time 
The ancient sailors sailed through the stars, but this method did not work during the day or on cloudy nights, so it was not safe to travel far from land.
The Chinese invented the first compass between the 9th and 11th centuries; It was made of lodestone, a naturally magnetized iron ore whose attractive properties they had studied for centuries. (The photo shows a model of an ancient Chinese compass from the Han Dynasty; it is a south-facing trowel or Sinan made of polished ashlar.) Soon thereafter, the technology was passed on to Europeans and Arabs through nautical contact. The compass enabled seafarers to navigate safely away from land, which increased maritime trade and contributed to the Age of Discovery. The German Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing machine around 1440. The key to its development was manual mold, a new molding technique that enabled the rapid production of large quantities of movable types of metal. Although others before him, including inventors in China and Korea, developed movable types of metal, Gutenberg was the first to develop a mechanized process in which ink (which he made from linseed oil and soot) was transferred of the mobile type. Paper.
With this mobile process, printers have exponentially increased the speed at which copies could be made of books, leading to the rapid and widespread dissemination of knowledge for the first time in history. By 1500, 20 million volumes had been printed in Western Europe.
Among other things, the print shop allowed wider access to the Bible, which in turn led to alternative interpretations, including that of Martin Luther, of which "95 theses," one printed document per 100,000, sparked Protestant reform. [Learn more about Johannes Gutenberg and the printing company] The telephone Although several inventors pioneered electronic voice transmission (many of whom filed intellectual property lawsuits when telephone use exploded), Alexander Graham Bell was the first to obtain a patent for the electric telephone in 1876. His drawing patent shown above.
Although several inventors pioneered electronic voice transmission (many of whom filed intellectual property lawsuits when phone use exploded), Alexander Graham Bell was the first to receive a patent on the electric phone in 1876 (the design of his patent is above shown). . .) According to PBS, he was inspired to teach deaf people and also visit his mother who is hard of hearing. He called the first phone an "electric speech machine" according to PBS.
The invention quickly took off, revolutionizing business and global communication. When Bell died on August 2, 1922, according to PBS, the US telephone service paused for a minute to pay tribute to him. The light bulb When all you have is natural light, productivity is limited to the hours of the day. Light bulbs changed the world by allowing us to be active at night. According to historians, two dozen people were instrumental in the invention of incandescent lamps in the 19th century. Thomas Edison is considered the most important inventor because in 1879 he created a fully functional lighting system with generator and wiring, as well as a carbon light bulb like the one described above.
This invention not only heralded the introduction of electricity to households in the western world, but also had a rather unexpected consequence of changing people's sleep patterns. Instead of going to bed at night (doing nothing else) and sleeping in segments at night separated by waking phases, we now stay awake except for the allotted 7-8 hours of sleep. Ideally, we all sleep in one go. [Learn more about the invention of the light bulb] penicillin It is one of the most famous discovery stories in history. In 1928, the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming noticed in his laboratory a Petri dish filled with bacteria whose lid had accidentally opened. The sample had been contaminated with mold and wherever the mold was found the bacteria were dead. This antibiotic mold turned out to be the fungus Penicillium, and over the next two decades it was cleaned up by chemists and developed the drug penicillin, which fights a large number of bacterial infections in humans without harming humans. themselves.
Penicillin was mass produced and advertised until 1944. This poster on a roadside mailbox advised WWII soldiers to take the drug to get rid of venereal disease.
About 1 in 10 people are allergic to the antibiotic. This is the result of a study published in 2003 in the journal Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology. Even so, most of these people can still tolerate the drug, the researchers said.
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shivanshublog · 3 years
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Best inventions of all time
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shivanshublog · 3 years
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Best inventions of all time
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shivanshublog · 3 years
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Best inventions of all time
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