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do you think Eve ever envied Adam because she could never be her father's son?
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Sometimes it feels like everyone around me is speaking in a secret language and I'm the only one who doesn't know it.
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extremely telling how everytime Israel gets mad at someone it's palestinians that are punished
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gnawing on the bars of my enclosure, why can't i move my eyes, all i can see is the horizon, god stays in heaven for man has barred the gates in gouging Eden as the pursuit of knowledge w/out the consult of wisdom is a head of greed, GODS I NEED TO FUCKIN WRITE
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jesus fucking christ
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you ever otherkin too close to the sun? you ever sit and think in 4D, somehow?? remember your life in an alternate universe??? debate with yourself about the height of your alternative universe husband because you're trying to draw how you both met so it's canon???? what-
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seeing a lot of discourse in leftist spaces about if r-pists should be sentenced to death by govt mandate and, every time, it's literally this
"hey, maybe we shouldn't give the govt the power to just willy-nilly kill even more people than they already do. especially on sex-based offenses, which are a very hot n touchy topic right now, on several fronts."
"so you think r-pists should be let free then? you're defending r-pe and r-pists? because that's what it sounds like you're doing right now."
like what are we doing,,
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sometimes i worry about what i post online, like if it's cringe or too weird or whatever
but then i remember that i'm writing an essay about a woman who not only made a rapist her "uwu dumb hot boi" character but did it several more times and encourages her fan base- of mostly teenagers and young adults- to thirst for them to the point of excusing their canon, on screen behavior
so yeah,, i feel no shame posting about bein a disabled queer otherkin furry/brony who looks up to Mother Mary like an actual mom and has a hatred for the military yet an obsession for fps game characters
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i wish i could talk to more good old people
old people who use their life experiences to share genuine wisdom and spread compassion, instead of being dumb bigots too stuck in their pasts and scared of change
old people who love life and want it to keep going- changing, progressing- for young folk
i want to grow into that old person
i want to grow old
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i would agree with you if it for the fact Project 2025 is already happening UNDER BIDEN and he- along with the other democrats- are doing absolutely fuckin nothing about it.
we lost Roe v Wade and got immediate abortion bans under Biden
we're losing birth control and IVF under Biden
we've gotten hundreds, if not close to a thounsand now, anti-trans laws under Biden
we're going backwards in queer legislation in general under Biden
anti child labor laws are going backwards under Biden
union and general labor laws are going backwards under Biden
disability rights went backwards under Joe Biden
environmental/climate change advocacy is going nowhere under Joe Biden
is he worse than Trump? no. is he better than Trump? also no. will not voting either way help us? again, no.
we need to vote for someone else. that is what Arab-Americans, whose families have been lost or are danger of being lost in Palestine and Sudan and Yemen, have asked of us. that is what people of color have asked of us. that is what queer people, disabled people, literally every other fuckin minority have asked of all of us.
we need change this year. if not that, we need to send a message. a message that we are not putting up with this bullshit anymore. you cannot be a "lesser of two evils" when you're doing the same shit but fuckin slower.
Gonna need yall to stop putting Biden is Just As Bad propaganda on my dash. Had to unfollow someone because I don’t want to a start a fight with them over it, but I’m about to bite the next person who puts that shit in front of me.
If you don’t like Biden, vote in your god damn local and mid term elections for third party or further left candidates so that we get better democratic candidates for future elections. But this one is already fucking decided, and I’m NOT ending up under a Trump led dictatorship because yall value protecting your personal sense of moral purity over the collective good. Whether it offends your personal morals to vote for Biden is IRRELEVANT in the face of the alternative.
This isn’t a lesser of two evils situation. One guy sucks. The other guy is LITERALLY PLANNING TO OVERTHROW OUR DEMOCRACY AND INSTALL HIMSELF AS A PUTIN STYLE DICTATOR.
PLEASE look up Project 2025 and stop acting like abstaining is some kind of personal ethical decision!
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[insert number] hrs of actually good blob opera but, every so often, a random one goes absolutely apeshit for a sec
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watching restock asmr vids and, put of nowhere, my brain went
luxury is just as entertaining to poor ppl as poverty is to rich ppl
and idk what to do w/ that
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twt post for context
maybe it's bc i've been up for 24 fuckin hrs but it's boggling my bingles how i am less chronically online (in a sheltered, echo chamber way) than a bunch of middle-aged men playing on a minecraft server for a living
so there's a YT series called HermitCraft where a bunch of old MCYTers play on a server together, building and goofing around and whatevertf. this season (S10) has a gag where in order to sell things in the Shopping District (costco but w/ mc diamonds), they need a Hermit Permit or smthn like that. it basically tells them what they're allowed to sell and they're allowed to trade the permits for whatever/whenever. these permits also come w/ stipulations; a) sell only what you have permits for and b) keep your shop stocked. simple, right?
my issue comes from how they chose to ~enforce~ these stipulations. the permits are given by the Permit Office, which is a DMV satire, and the PO has its own enforcement agency,, that's a parody of the police. yeah, it's the hur dur, po-po crackin' down bit.
a hur dur, po-po crackin' down bit specifically during a mass anti-genocide protest that is being counter protested w/ riot geared pseudo-swat teams, tear gas, rubber bullets shot at point blank range, fireworks thrown into crowds, and protestors literally beaten to the point of goin limp during arrest right before their safety/medical masks are ripped off their faces in front of news cameras.
just,, oh my god, how socially unaware do you have to be? like you don't even have to run in political circles like punk n anti-punk or whatever to at least 've seen the news. idfc that its your job, step away from the computer for a minute and look at the fire burning in our house. this is not fine.
this. is. not. fine.
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i have another prayer for thee
O' Satanas, embodiment of wrath and holder of all pain from those scorned, heed my prayer. blessed unto me your strength, your fury, and your will. rain it unto my soul like embers of a fiery mountain, uncontained like the magma it spills forth. see the light in my heart, in my soul, and make it burn like a star near death to anyone who dares cross it further. blessed be to me, your soldier of the hellfire you reign, amen.
sometimes, paranoid/angry maladaptive daydreaming is good. only sometimes.
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wanted to make a longer version of my prayer since twt has character limits and tumblr does not so,, here it is
O' father of Heaven and overseer of Earth, his children of it and of Him, those of whom choose to follow, hear us. Blessed be us, His children of light and creation, finders of our paths for which He sees before us but cannot intervene as He decrees it is our will to choose. In this prayer, let his grace find us and, if we so choose, may our spirits be lifted with unbreaking hope and love, a need to seek truth and justice, and an eternal fire that burns bright, a light in the darkness that holds our world, our home. May His son, Yeshua, find us as well and be our shepherd, a guide for our faith. Let his love, kindness, and generosity be an example to follow in a world that chastises it. Allow ourselves to love- those around us, both afar and close, as well as ourselves- and be loved by those who choose to return it. Blessed be us, siblings of Yeshua, children of light and of the Earth, caretakers of our shared home and what waits for us beyond. Amen.
enjoy ig,, you can use it if you want, i'm not a gatekeeper
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when will there be an "our kitchen"
and when will you come into it, hungry for me
your hands find mine
and begin to smell like the soap i'm using to clean the dishes
it's late spring and warm out
but you still bury your face in my sweat-coated skin and breathe in
the water on my shirt doesn't bother us
as our arms fit comfortably together around me
because this is our kitchen and we're hungry
nothing else matters now, it's just us
our love in our kitchen
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