sharkarella · 6 days
Reimagining “Wish”
Chapter 1- The Intro
Chapter 2- Asha’s Big Day
Chapter 3- The Question
Chapter 4- The King and Queen
Chapter 5- When Blue Turns Green
Chapter 6- And The Star Answered
Chapter 7- Inspire Them
Chapter 8- They Know
Chapter 9- Tangible Things
Chapter 10- The Thanks I Get
Chapter 11- Into The Eye Of A Storm
Chapter 12- Magic Pencil
Chapter 13- Magic Mirror
Chapter 14- I Will Protect You
Chapter 15- At All Cost?
Chapter 16- This Wish
Chapter 17- To Give You Even More Than… This
Villains Backstory
Deleted Ideas
Fun Facts About The Characters
Part 1- Reimagining Asha
Part 2- Reimagining the Villains
Part 3- Reimagining Star
Part 4- Reimagining The 7 Teens
Part 5- Reimagining Valentino
Asha 💜
Aster 💛
King Magnifico 💚
Queen Amable 💙
Valentino 🤎
Bravo 🩶
Progress on Chapter 1
Progress on Chapter 1 part 2
You’re A Star rewrite
Wish Away- Villains duet
This Wish- I Want Song
What We Know Now rewrite
This Wish- Villain Reprise
Where did wish magic come from?
How the 7 teens changed Simon’s mind
What The Stars Said (Look at the reblogs to see it in full)
Cute Nicknames Asha and Aster call each other
Possible AU
Future professions of the cast
Young Magnifico and Amaya + Florian designs
Ghost Florian (And more)
How Florian Died
How Was Magnifico and Florian's childhood
Character’s favorite foods
Character names
Characters Birthdays
Aster being human
Asha Flirting With Aster
Aster Flirting With Asha
Can Aster Cry?
How the stars reacted to Aster messing up
Asha and Aster being cute
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sharkarella · 1 month
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Internet Safety
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sharkarella · 2 months
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sharkarella · 2 months
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sharkarella · 2 months
Yandere Octavinelle being fascinated with the red of your blood.
TW: yandere, gore, slightly suggestive
In the depths of the sea, the colour red doesn’t exist. Scarlet, ruby, crimson…. These mean nothing to the creatures born of the ocean.
Blood to them is just a dark liquid, with a strong, heavy metallic smell that weighs on all the senses. Something primal, yet alluring at the same time. Perhaps it’s the hunter genes in them, the need to sink their teeth into a squirming, bloody mess. To clutch and hold someoneuntil it breaks under their grip, to devour them whole.
The stench of blood drives all three of the Octavinelle boys slightly off the rails.
Azul nips your shoulders when he’s holding you. Dark red marks dip down the curve of the base of your neck, blood gleaming scarlet in the faint light. It almost looks like a string of pearls, draped across your skin.
Azul does it as gently as he can. The plush of his lips pressing softly against your bare skin, the chill sinking deep into your flesh. Before he takes a bite. Nibbling at your skin until his teeth breaks through and draws blood.
Sometimes, he sits back and watches his handiwork with a perverse pride. Watching your neck beaded with your very own blood, a grin spreading across his cheeks. Of course, you’ll never be far from him while he’s admiring you.
Azul’s legs tangled with your own, arms tight around your torso. Holding you down, your back pressed flush against his chest. Azul craves your touch, like a creature craves air. It hurts, whenever you’re not around. Like a dagger stabbing through his heart, again and again and again. A frenzied attack on his very being.
Look at the effect you have on him, darling. You won’t be as cruel as to leave him without a reprieve, would you?
Floyd doesn’t even give you a chance. Without so much as a warning, his fangs are already plunging themselves into whatever part of your body you deemed fit to expose that day. Floyd isn’t picky.
You’re unceremoniously shoved under him, Floyd’s fingers wrapped tight around your wrists. They dig in your flesh, leaving bright red welts against your skin. He throws you on whatever flat surface he can, before clambering over you. Pinning you down with the sheer bulk of his body alone. Habits from the hunt, trained into the memory of his very muscles.
Floyd quite literally knocks all the fight out of you, wrapping himself around you as tightly as he can.
Every part of your body is lined with violent, bleeding bite marks, scarlet gushing from them. There’s nothing but that metallic stench in your nostrils, stinging every crevice of your nose like a thousand wasps. Floyd isn’t gentle, not by a long shot. You’re just so warm and soft, Shrimpy….
You can’t really blame him for taking a bite or two, right?
Jade enjoys watching you squirm. There’s just that shiver of glee that runs down his spine whenever you twist and turn. Struggling in his arms, trembling away all the while. Watching your futile efforts is entertaining in itself. Separating yourself from him is something you’ll unfortunately never achieve in this lifetime.
Not when your blood is this sweet.
Jade’s fingers wrap around your limbs tight, the blade of his nails digging into your flesh. Lining your arms with crimson crescents, the ruby-red flaring to life on your skin.
He varies the pressure he uses to press down into your skin. Sometimes quick and firm, sometimes slow and gruelling. Leaving you on your toes, eyes watching his hands glide through your limbs with quivering fear.
Yet once you’re overly focused on the antics of his hands, Jade makes his move. Burrowing his face into the crook of your neck, fangs sinking quick and deep into your very flesh. Piercing right through your skin, drawing blood. He stays there for quite awhile, tongue lapping up whatever spills out of his bite.
It’ll be a shame to waste even a single drop, no?
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sharkarella · 2 months
From の on pixiv....baby eels and baby yuu!
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and grim grim
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Very cute I love the babiessss. Azul, give the yuu back to floyd he's gonna throw a tantrum
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sharkarella · 2 months
Aquarium date with Floyd Leech
Floyd x reader
There’s something inherently romantic about standing side by side with someone you love. Your shoulder leaning into his arm, fingers interlocked with one another’s. Clutching onto his palm, letting the cool blue lights of the tank wash over your body, rippling through every surface the light could touch.
You watch in awe, as schools of multi coloured fish swim right by, each with their very own appeal. Shimmering scales, deep soulful eyes, or perhaps even an astonishing speed, for one so small. Gently, you place your palm against the glass, if only to get closer to the wonderful world playing out before you at that moment.
A fish takes notice, slowly moving towards your palm. As it swims closer, all you could do was to marvel at its beauty, the flawless design of a creature from the sea itself…
“Oh, whatcha’ looking at, Shrimpy?”
Floyd leans over, draping his lanky body over yours. Hooded eyes glance somewhat listlessly towards the fish in front of you, brightening up in recognition. Opening his mouth wide open, Floyd bares his fangs at the fish, laughing as it zooms away in fright.
“I’ve eaten one of these lil’ guys before! Tasty.”
You glare at him the best you could, stifling your laughter all the while. Folding your arm inwards, you elbow him in the side playfully, chiding Floyd:
“Honestly! You don’t have to say it in front of the fish!”
His lower lip jutted out in a slight pout, a petulant whine slipping right off those lips.
“But it was really tasty… hey, how about I catch one for you? I think it’ll be easy, if I could just slip into the tank…“
Raising your hand, you smack Floyd on the arm lightly, huffing.
“I am not eating this cutie right in front of its family!”
Sighing, Floyd slings an arm around you, pulling you closer to him. Close enough for you to feel his pulse, beating right through his chest. To count every beat of his heart, the pace slowly meshing with yours. Melting into one, steady beat.
“Fine, fine… you’re so uptight, shrimp.”
His gaze flickers here and there, mismatched irises slowly scanning his surroundings. They rest on you, for a while. Staring at your features, illuminated by the azure ripples of the sea. If Floyd squinted a little, he could almost imagine you two were indeed under the sea.
Holding hands while the waves brushed against both of you, coaxing the two lovers closer. Perhaps he’ll give you a good squeeze, with both his arms and his tail too! It’ll be so fun, exploring the ocean’s mysteries with you right by his side… but maybe going straight under the sea wasn’t too much of a good idea.
Well, Floyd supposed the aquarium was a good start. At first, he didn’t want to go at all. What’s the fun of that? Floyd’s pretty sure he’s seen all the sea has to offer, considering he grew up there. However when he saw that sparkle in your eyes, the eagerness you thrusted the brochure at him with… how could he say no?
He wonder if those adorable eyes of yours would sparkle with the same sort of joy, when Floyd takes you under the sea. He’ll bring you to all of his favourite spots! A old shipwreck teeming with ancient artefacts, a particular reef, teeming with corals of all shapes and sizes… maybe even his little cave Floyd decked out with all his treasures.
But for now…
Seeing you smile is enough for Floyd.
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sharkarella · 2 months
Jade Leech x reader
Jade’s fingers were slender.
Clasping a needle within them, he jabbed lightly at the felt. Moving the silver needle swimmingly through the soft fabric, weaving small, neat stitches across it. He moved with effortless ease, rapidly making his way through the piece of cloth within his grip.
You watch his hands, enthralled by the precision of his every move. Calculated, even strokes of that thin needle in his hand, wielded with all the elegance of a rapier. Although it seemed to slow, after a while. You could hear a faint chuckle slipping out of Jade’s lips then.
Setting the cloth down, a finger reaches for your nose. Tapping it ever so lightly, sending a coolness into your skin. As you scrunch your nose up in protest, Jade does his best to stifle a laugh behind his hand. Goodness, you look adorable startled. However, as cute as you were, Jade can’t be the only one working on the plushies, unfortunately.
It was your idea, after nearly doubling over at the prices of the Aquarium souvenirs. Goodness, plush toys were rather expensive nowadays, weren’t they? Now, Jade wouldn’t have minded paying for your share, but you were insistent on making your own.
When Jade questioned you about this sudden… determination, your lips trembled ever so slightly. A faint tint of pink blooming to life on both of your cheeks. How curious… now, you do know he prides himself on being an informant of sorts for Octavinelle, hm?
Keep your little secrets away, love. Before he decides to pry them out of your pretty hands himself. Jade pokes and prods, arms wrapped around your torso. His chin on your shoulder, a low, velvety voice purring into your ear. Maybe he’ll have a nibble or two, if only to hear you yelp.
Why so stubborn, angelfish?
Wouldn’t you like to tell dear old Jade?
Flushed fully scarlet, trapped in Jade’s loving, tight embrace, there wasn’t much choice for you. Cheeks burning red, you whisper back to Jade, voice tinged with embarrassment:
“There weren’t any moray eel plushies in that store… I wanted something to remind me of you.”
Now that was a surprise. How sweet of you, dearie, to think about him. Although it does make him a little sad. Why go so far to hug an eel, when he’s already here for you? How cruel of you.
To placate your drama-eel, you proposed making matching plushies. The little ones, connected to a small chain. To be carried around, a matched set. How romantic. Jade readily agreed then.
Although now, you seem a little too focused on him to work on your own plush. Gently guiding your hands towards your very own piece of felt, Jade nudges your palm into the soft material. He holds it there a little longer than necessary, but could you really blame him? You’re warm, delightfully so.
He could feel the beat of your heart press against his. Your pulse beating rapidly, combining with his very own. The rhythm of two hearts, blending into one smoothing melody. Pursing his lips, Jade hums a tune, soft and sweet.
Much like the gaze he gave you, a tender sight. Hopefully some of that warmth could be transferred into the heart of that plushie. So even when you weren’t around, Jade had something to hold. Something to keep his heart placated, until you came back. Until he could have you in his arms again.
“Come on, darling.” Jade pats your hand softly.
“The eel isn’t going to get seen by himself.”
He lifts up his own eel, felt as soft as the beach’s golden sand. Pushing it gently towards you, making it nuzzle into your cheek softly.
“You won’t want to leave plush me all alone now, would you?”
A rustle of cloth, as Jade leaned closer towards you. The ghost of his breath brushing against your cheek, far softer than any felt would ever be. You could feel the plush of his lips graze your skin ever so gently, moving with every word that slipped right pass his lips:
“I’ll be miserable without you to kiss, angelfish.”
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sharkarella · 2 months
"Do be gentle with me" Absolutely not. I am taking EVERY opportunity to flustered this mf I that i can! Yes, I did just call you my husband in a room full of people. Yes, i did just climb you like a tree to steal your stupid little mafia hat and run away. Yes, i did just fix your hair and uniform right in front of your father on parents day. What you you gonna do about it?
See Jade likes to say "do be gentle with me" but what he actually means is some variation of "I am going to fuck you up :3" so to have that turned around on him???
He's a mix between deceased and in heaven. But don't think you would get away with it, "do be gentle with me" is a promise. If you call him your husband? Well then you had best be prepared for him to put his arm around your waist and hold you close to his side, forgive his wandering hands, he's got to make sure he has one on you at all times you know? Spouses are supposed to do all sort of things together don't you know?
You don't get very far away from him with his hat, though you think you do at first. Moray's are ambush predators after all, he tricks you into running into him and makes sure to trap you in a very tight embrace, "do be gentle with me" he whispers, biting your ear making sure you feel his teeth as he makes you climb again. Put his hat where it belongs, won't you? Those skilled hands of yours know what to do.
Now, pearl, his father is here so he has to behave a little. There is no mention of being gentle now, he can save the promises for later. And to be honest? I think he would find this sort of wholesome. His little cleaner shrimp is doing their job and showing off in front of his dad! You're so confident in your ability to take care of him, just like the good mate he has always said you are. It makes him all warm and fuzzy inside.
So he will make sure to be extra gentle with you later.
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sharkarella · 2 months
04/02/24’s delivery 🏹✉️ twisted wonderland
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<3 stood still, when we first metヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ,ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ ;; summary. ‘eels are covardes—hence how the tweels are when it comes to romance.’
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characters. octavinelle : floyd leech , jade leech ( separate ) ;; romantic . 🖇️ tags. reader is gender neutral ( you/your ), reader is yuu, pre-relationship, romantic fluff
📡 _a/n. ‘the tweels could never be flustered’ this, ‘the tweels are slick when it comes to romance’ that.. i choose FREEDOMMMM!!
f. leech
— it’s a sure fact; eels are cowards, and with no exceptions, as is floyd. think him as intimidating, scary, a mereel who’s more than willing to terrorize a few people if it seems fun enough. but deep down, he’s very much a coward. at the very least, that much is true when it comes to who interests him most—you. he can’t recall exactly when you caught his heart, like a fisherman after some catfish for his dinner. but he knows for a fact, and remembers how all of a sudden you sent his heart a flutter. maybe, so long as you’re attentive enough, you’ll notice the way he tries ( and fails ) to hide his mushy smily face that makes it ever so obvious how much he truly finds himself infatuated with you, the way he at times twiddles his thumbs when you joke together like he wants to say something more, but his nerves leave him to back down.
— after all; despite their frightening features, especially floyd all things considered, eels are cowards. oh, but that’s alright, because even if he can’t seem to spit out even the words ‘you’re real nice lookin!’, at least there’s the true fact that, lo and behold, you’re capable. go ahead, be physically affectionate with him, tease him a bit so long as he’s in a good mood, just return the favor of romance. all of it, are things he absolutely lives for. especially when it comes to physical affection, even just a teasing hand hold is enough to get him flustered and looking away from you, albeit with a pout.
— really, he tries ( and still fails ) to tease you back, but when it comes to you, it really doesn’t seem to work, does it? “boo, shrimpy..you’re no funnn..” he’ll pout, and he pouts even more when you just giggle in response. what’ll be the ticking point though, for him to sum up his courage and confess to you? that’s where a gift comes in—some shiny jewelry, specifically speaking, a necklace. surprise him from behind and put it on, maybe let your touch linger around his neck. especially then, you can take the time to adore his ever so flustered face.
— he can barely keep in his sheepish delight, so mark his words, by after school hours he’s hunting you down over to ramshackle; albeit you get there first, so despite his nervousness telling him to run away, he knocks on your door, forcing himself to with his other hand. thus when you finally open the door, he proceeds to immediately envelop you in a hug, and pay attention to the way he kept the necklace on, as it clinked softly against your bodies at the quick movement. “eh, shrimpy..you like me right? that’s why you gave me this pretty stuff?” he’ll ask, head nuzzled into your neck like he’s scared to see if you reject the notion, so go ahead and pat his head and tell him outright, that you love him. so floyd summons bravery once more with his toothy grin, and gives you a peck on the cheeks in his glee.
j. leech
— when the jaws open wide ‘n then it gets all shy, that’s a moorayyy..and that’s also jade. indeed more reserved, though still as menacing as floyd, and yet so long as you push the right buttons, it’s rather easy to get him flustered. as equal a coward as his brother, but his usual smooth, calm-face helps him a bit, though he clasps a clenched fist to keep himself from trying to hold your hand in case you’d rather not and his eyes dart around when he tries to make eye contact with you. maybe he’d be good at hiding his feelings, if not for the way he hitches when you give him even the slightest of affection, like grabbing at the fabric of his sleeve to take him to eat lunch with you.
— he can go ahead and try to be suave, especially with his “do be gentle with me”, but well and goodness believe that he goes to bed kicking his feet and giggling like a high school girl whenever you act smoothly in reply. at the very least, your blatant honesty with your compliments and praise evens out with his cowardice that causes him to suck in a breath, leaving him without the ability to come up with a smooth comeback. give him some time to lessen his fluster, to keep up his reputation as the ‘humble, gentle’ mereel his first impressions leave him to be.
— and goodness, how he’s left with a flushed face whenever you give him princess treatment, run your fingers through his hair and offer to feed him food when he teasingly suggests it ( and his mind is like tv static..he didn’t expect it, but he really, really enjoyed it!! ). but to finally get the feeling across so he feels comfortable enough to know his love is requited .. you’re going to have to be direct here, and ask if he’d like to have dinner with you at ramshackle. at that point, no matter how impressive he may have been in hiding his shyness before, he’s just barely keeping himself together from stuttering when he agrees, his sharp teeth showing just barely then.
— for just one last time, feed him some food as you eat together, in comfortable silence before jade finally collects himself once he realizes you truly aren’t just teasing him, that you really did ask him out on a date, which he was brave enough to accept. maybe he lets a nervous chuckle before he takes hold of his utensils, still barely able to look you in the eye, unsure of how he managed to gather the bravery to do it even just then. “for you to treat me ever so kindly like this..” and just a slight quiver in his voice which he berates himself over, “by any chance..have you taken a liking to me?” and that, then, is when you can confess—ask to kiss him if you’d like, his stomach will do twirls sure; but he’ll say yes.
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sharkarella · 2 months
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some jades
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sharkarella · 2 months
"Oh, but I was here the whole time, you're the one that vanished" DETAILS!!!!
Tattler, for the love of all things hole. I just get a job from 15 to 23 and decided that is a great moment to start the college (yes, I'm great making bad decisions). I don't have I life anymore and NEED some Trey kids/marriage hc so I can be happy again 😭
Hello 🌙! Mx Tattly is happy to hear you're doing well, despite the busy schedule. Your presence is a delight to have. You should consider yourself lucky, as Mx Tattly was in a domestic mood themselves. While you're here, you might also enjoy the Heartslabyul part of the "Say hi to daddy!" series, since it is similar to your request.
The Way of the Chef Husband
Characters: Trey x GN!Reader (romantic), unnamed children, Cater, Riddle, Che'nya
Warnings: food and cooking (trey's love language)
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Trey Clover enjoys the simpler things in life
Despite the myriad of people telling him that he could aim highter than the simple, domestic path of life Trey settled on, he has always known what he wanted
You, as his partner, trusted his decision, and you never regretted it
Trey had all milestones for your relationship planned out in his head
After graduation, you'd move in together in his hometown, and he'd start officially working at his parents' bakery while you found your own job
You'd meet the parents, he'd ask for your hand, and you'd get married during spring, with Che'nya as his best man, Cater as his wedding organiser and Riddle as his officiant
Of course he introduced his plan as suggestions during your talks of the future, and he adjusted his plans accordingly
But despite any modifications in his mental checklist, he still ended up feeling accomplished as soon as his ring got on your finger and vice versa
It was a simple plan, right?
Simple doesn't mean easy however, and Trey's job as a baker at his parents' bakery is anything but easy
Trey has prepared himself for years for the hustle and bustle of their little Queendom of Roses bakery
And when kids entered the picture, Trey's patience and multitasking skills were really put to the test
He'd prefer bottle feeding for a baby, since it allowed the both of you to have a more adjustable feeding schedule and equal bonding opportunities
And you had to admit, Trey had a knack at dealing with any fussing baby
"I think the years I've had to deal with Riddle's temper came in handy more than I thought..."
He admitted it with a smile on his face, while also making you swear you will never tell him he said that
The moment your little ones were old enough to walk and talk, Trey would allow you to bring the kids to the bakery during the less busy hours
Just like their father, all of your kids are in their element in the bakery, looking at the sweet treats with starry eyes and playing together in the special play area his father made for them
Soon enough, word would go around the city about the young baker's cute little kiddos, and everyone would want to visit the sweet image of a dad bringing his kiddos to work
They'd also leave with a tart or two
Uncle Cater took credit of that "business idea", not knowing it was something Trey has been planning from the beginning
But Trey'd never admit that
And his parents, the grandparents of the kids, had nothing against spending a break or two with their grandkids
Things always get fun when uncle Che'nya popped up
At the bakery or at home, Che'nya takes the role of the fun uncle in stride, carrying all the kids around and playing along all their games, letting them braid his hair and tail while he tells them the most entertaining stories
And uncle Riddle, the weekly visitor of the bakery and consumer of their special strawberry tart, always gets dragged around by the kids, and is a delightful presence at their pretend tea parties
Seeing Riddle somewhat heal his inner child while interacting with the kids has always made both you and Trey feel fulfilled
As the kids grew older, their interest extended to helping Trey actually cook, and they'd often help Trey cook food at home
And they'd also instigate a lot of food fights
Cooking is an important bonding experience for the family, and Trey often uses his skills to bond with the family as a whole
Heartslabyul habits die hard, so he'd still order the whole kitchen around, instructing everyone on what to do
And he can't deny how his heart swells when he sees his little slice of pie standing on a stool, stirring carefully into the cooking pot of food, wearing oven mits way too big for their child stature
"Dad, it smells really yummy! Do you need to add anything else?"
"Not yet, we need to let it boil, then add the veggies your sibling is cutting later."
"Why does food need to be hot to be done?"
Your cooking duties were long done before you sneakily recorded Trey explaining cooking to his child
"Daddy! Look, I made star food!"
The little one showed off the misshapen stars they cut out of the food, and Trey wiped his hands before patting them on the head
"Those look great, good job!"
You laughed to yourself, catching Trey's attention
"I also finished my tasks, earlier than anyone may I add. Where's my praise?"
Trey rolled his eyes fondly at your teasing, and approached you, then gave you a kiss on the cheek
"Fantastic job, sugarcube. Couldn't have done it without you."
"Same for you, 1/2 cup of flour."
"Stop it."
He never wanted you to stop it
Trey enjoys his life as it is, and can't help but be grateful to you for helping him built the domestic bliss he gets to live everyday
And you're grateful to him too
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sharkarella · 2 months
Say hi to daddy!
Summary: How would these characters behave as fathers? What does their ideal family look like?
Characters: Savanaclaw dorm (Leona, Jack, Ruggie)
Other parts of the series: Heartslabyul, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignyhide, Diasomnia, Royal Sword Academy
Warnings: none
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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The chances of Leona agreeing to having kids is very low: he has a lot of baggage and personal beliefs that would make him not be fully on board
Plus, why would he need another screeching box when Cheka is already around?
But then a bit later in life... something happens and suddenly he has a child in his and his partner's care
Because why would anything ever go the way he wants?
Yet, he grows attached, with the help of his partner
He's the only one who can put the kiddo to sleep, and the only one whose hair the kiddo likes to play with
While his lazy predisposition doesn't allow Leona to go too much out his way for the kid, he's far from an absent father
He is not only present but trying his best to be an example
Because, even if the child ends up seeing him as a bad example, he will be satisfied with the lessons he managed to teach
He loves roughhousing with the kid or challenging their young mind
And when he's too overwhelmed, Cousin Cheka is available for babysitting duty
For Leona, fatherhood becomes a time of finally healing inner wounds while becoming more understanding without being dejected: it's the time when he finally finds an inner balance and find some peace
...he still won't ask Falena for fatherly advice though
Leona is, for sure, a girl dad; he also will pump the brakes at 1 child, 2 children would probably open old wounds he's not quite ready to deal with
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Jack is, undeniably, a family man whose life goals follow a pretty traditional route: get married, have children, grow old and see his family thrive
His classmates sometimes teased him lightly about it, but they all were happy for him when they saw Jack's content smile at his wedding and later at the apparition of his first child
From the very beginning, Jack is a good husband and a doting father, and he loves spending one on one time with his kids the most
Jack loves having his little ones join him in his training regimens, even if all they do is watch and ask questions
That's what they do usually anyway, the kiddos have been waddling towards their dad since they were in diapers
Dominant beastmen traits or not, he still expects them to do their best physically, and he's the dad to sign up every kid for a sport
Not that he wouldn't be understanding if any of his kids happened to take a less physically challenging path in life: he'd be just as supportive, but he'd also reflect on his actions and ask his partner if they think he's done something wrong
Parenthood is a chance for Jack to learn how to be more of a team player, not only as part of a parental unit, but also as a dad who needs to meet his kids in the middle and understand that the "pack leader" can still be wrong if he doesn't listen to his pack
Jack would enjoy 3-4 kids, he loves the idea of a big family, and he'd totally be a boy dad
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Ruggie never really thought about having kids, his main focus has always been financial stability and reducing that food anxiety
But it's very likely Ruggie would end up with an unplanned kid
He wasn't completely on board with the idea of parenthood... until his little one looked into his eyes and smiled
Did Ruggie accidentally pass down his pickpocketing skills to this kid? Because they just stole his heart
But that doesn't mean he really has a good grip on what parenting really means; yes, Ruggie is dependable and responsible, but he also is an orphan who has always fought against a lot of prejudice
So he often relies on his grandma for advice, she's the closes thing he has to a parent
He's the dad that really pushes his kid to learn as many things as they can, anything that can become a life skill will eventually come in handy
He helps his kid build up their independence, while they help him become more open and honest
Ruggie is very open with his child about his upbringing from the moment he feels like they are ready to hear it, and he makes them understand that his position in the Sunset Savannah is nowhere near the top as a hyena beastman
But he promises them that they are not any less worth being someone deserving of living comfortably just because of some societal garbage
Ruggie doesn't really have a gender preference, but would prefer 1 child, so the financial burden wouldn't be too heavy
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sharkarella · 2 months
Say hi to daddy!
Summary: How would these characters behave as fathers? What does their ideal family look like?
Characters: Heartslabyul dorm (Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater)
Other parts of the series: Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia, Royal Sword Academy
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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He has so many shelves filled with parenting books everyone thinks he's preparing for writing his own study on parenting
Riddle is the type to panic whenever his child does things that are not written in the books or they don't pass certain milestones according to the research he's done
On one hand, Riddle is a logical man, who knows not all children all the same
On the other hand, he has no idea what good parenting actually looks like, so he assumes everything that goes "wrong" is his fault
For Riddle, parenting will be a journey full of a lot of growing and healing, healing his inner child especially
While hesitant to interact with his child at the beginning due to not wanting to snap at them unintentionally, once he's eased into it he'll become very attached
Riddle will be a little pushy when it comes to school at some point, but it comes from a place of care, and he will spend as much time as needed to tutor his child for any subject and reqard them when needed
He has scheduled play time, naps, meals and the occasional strawberry tart from uncle Trey when the child reaches an appropriate age
I can see Riddle as a boy dad and having only 1 child (that he, unfortunately, dresses like a small victorian child), 2 kids would be a bit too overwhelming for him
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Ace is, hands down, the fun parent
Always taking care of the tasks that involve more fun having than care taking, Ace is the go-to parent for when any child is upset and crying
Card tricks, stories with fun voices, playtime that crosses curfew by a few minutes, his personal mission is to make his children have fun and enjoy things
When they get older, they'll have to learn how to deal with Ace's honesty and his roundabout way of telling them he cares about them
Ace is not a person to hold back from saying what he thinks, so both him and his children will have to find a middle ground in order to not hurt each other
For Ace, parenting will become the perfect opportunity to become gentler with his words, and his love for the people he cares about will finally have a good place to go to
Once the kids are old enough, prank wars become a thing in the household
Not even poor uncle Deuce who drops by after work is free of the classic whoopee cushion
Ace definitely has a daughter, and no more than 2-3 kids
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If the dictionary had a picture next to "girl dad", it would be a picture of Deuce
He is the most gentle, most nervous parent out of his Heartslabyul dormmates
While he is not huge on looking into parenting books, he asks his mother for advice at least once a day
Until one day, when things just start flowing naturally and the parental instinct fully kicks in
When his babies get fussy, he likes to take them out on walks, to feel the calming wind and see the pretty sky
He slowly introduces all of his kids to blastcycles and taking them on small trips, even though he might get scolded himself for that
Deuce goes from being afraid of breaking his precious little babies to being a lover of roughhousing
Who would've thought that Deuce's feisty personality would also go to his kids to some degree? /s
Deuce is very afraid of finding out one of his kids is going down a darker path and becoming less appreciative of the things around them
While it will be a struggle and it will throw Deuce into an identity crisis, he'll do what he knows best: he won't give up on them, and keep loving them until they learn their lesson
If Deuce is capable of change, anyone is
Deuce is a family man, he'd love a few kids, not any more than 4 though
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Trey is the kind of parent who loves carrying around his children everywhere he goes, even while doing errands
He has baby chairs and carriers all over the house, and a bunch of baby sized kitchen accessories
Trey introduces cooking and baking to his children very early: they have special utensils that they know how to use from the age of 3
Some might think it's extreme, but Trey is determined to build their independence from a young age
He is kind of the picture perfect dad, not gonna lie: he is caring, stern but not strict and is the epitome of gentle parenting
He encourages his children to be creative, inside and outside of the kitchen
And he praises anything his kids show off to him
Yeah, he is the parent who puts drawings up on his fridge and stuff
Trey sometimes brings the kids to the bakery to increase the number of customers through some sweet displays of family time
If you ask him, he'll say it was uncle Cater's idea, but he's lying
Trey would definitely lean towards a bigger family, maybe 6 kids at the most, since he will get the hang of daddy-ing quite fast
Plus, uncle Che'nya is a very eager babysitter
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I really think Cater is into the new dad aesthetic
Posting pics of him and his new baby on Magicam, with the kid holding onto his finger with their tiny hand, with their first blankie, meeting uncle Trey for the first time
But he always keeps their face out of the picture or blurs it
Cater loves dancing between sharing his joys on social media and maintaining some privacy for his child until they are old enough to tell him if they want their picture to be posted
Cater is a fun dad all around: he loves going on small trips, piggy back rides, rocking his kiddo to sleep
He attends parenting classes before having his first child, and enjoys interacting with the local new mommies committee
Unfortunately, he is a bit reserved when the child becomes fussy or upset
Old habits die hard, and he knows he has to be open with his child for the betterment of their relationship
...yet, he is scared of being hated by his own child
It's terrifying, especially in the moments when his baby calls for their dad, and Cater gives in and starts soothing his little one
It's a struggle, not gonna lie, but Cater is willing to make baby steps
One child is enough for Cater, and he is definitely a boy dad in my eyes
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sharkarella · 2 months
Soooooo there this video from the HSR channel that has Acheron and Black Swan dancing together and for some reason i keep thinking MC dancing like that with someone. And it’s not from the TWST cast, like maybe someone from their childhood that they knew back then. I really dont know why i keep thinking about this scenario but…
So imagine the scene, MC is currently working in some high end job and the event was nearing it’s end so there are very little people around. Someone came up to the bar while MC was cleaning some glasses. It’s their old friend from the orphanage! So some conversations started and then the friend ask them to dance with them, MC agreed.
As they were dancing, unknown to the two of them, a certain hunter from Pomefiore just so happened to be there and also just so happened to be recording their dance as it was quite a dance and shared it to the other gangs. You can imagine the reaction those groups have when they see their bartender dancing such an intimate dance ;)
(Also here’s the link to the video im talking about https://youtu.be/e5xueJq4Lwc?si=GRJ4_OwCBaYaTJAq )
(If that doesnt work, the title is called “Rondo across countless Kalpas”)
A Dance to Remember: Twst Silver Bullet Au
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(I love this video the music and the animation is amazing I can get much inspiration from this so I hope you enjoy the story.)
(F/N = Friend's name)
(Y/N = Your name or Yuu's real name)
(It's long so be warned)
A Dance to Remember A Silver Bullet AU story
It was a quiet night under the fog-covered sky as Yuu stared at the sparkling glass on the counter. They twirl their finger gently along the rim letting out a sigh. Another grand party hosted by Crewel that they were asked to work at. High society and eccentric people gather all from Crewel's circle drinking, dancing, and signing their life away under Crewel's watchful eye.
Same old, same old from Yuu's point of view, it's already late into the night branching into the morning. Most of the quests have gone home save for a few that have a meeting with Crewel. All that is left is the staff and the guards picking up what remains of the party. The only reason Yuu is still here is because Crewel wanted to talk to them about something, but he might as well have forgotten with it being an hour now. Still, Yuu knows better than to leave, especially if it's Crewel who wants something. So they sit behind the bar waiting for their teacher to finally arrive.
"Y/N is that you?" A voice breaks Yuu's train of thought as they turn to see a familiar face.
It was a friend from the orphanage Yuu stayed at. They never thought they would see them again. Especially hearing their real name after all these years.
"F/N it's you?!" Yuu couldn't believe their eyes jumping over the counter to give them a hug. "I can't believe it's you. What are you doing here?"
Yuu's friend picks them up and spins them around embracing Yuu with the same energy.
"Of course it's me, I haven't seen you in years, I can't believe you're here." F/N puts Yuu down. "I should ask what are you doing here Y/N?"
"I work as a bartender," The gesture to the bar behind them. "And I go by Yuu know."
F/N looks at Yuu in confusion but soon puts the pieces together.
"I see the years have changed both of us." F/N gives Yuu a sad smile. "After you disappeared from the orphanage I got adopted, by a pretty wealthy family. They are close to Crewel so I go to these parties often." They rub the back of their neck.
"I'm glade you found a family." Even if they are likely tied to the mafia if they are close to Crewel.
"Yeah, you could say I got lucky." They shrug.
Yuu can guess there is probably more there given Yuu's own past, but it's not their business to pry.
"So I'm guessing they're talking to Crewel right now." Yuu looks over to the grand stairs to the double doors at the top where Crewel holds his special meetings.
"Yeah, and I'm guessing you're waiting for Crewel?" F/N raises a brow.
"Yeah," Yuu chuckles.
"Which means we both have time to kill." F/N smirks.
"Yes, it would seem so." Yuu gives them a sly smile.
Music floats through the hall, has Yuu pictures all the dancing that took place earlier that day. The flowing bodies and the adoring smiles. Those who knew Yuu could tell they loved to sing and dance something their teachers took advantage of very often. It's been so long since Yuu has danced just for themselves. F/N can see them start to sway along with the tune. They outstretch their hand in front of Yuu catching the bartender by surprise.
"Really?" Yuu questions looking around, the staff and guards not really paying them any mind.
"When we dance it will be just us, like old times." F/N gives Yuu a warm smile.
How could they say no to that?
Yuu threw caution to the wind just this once and took their hand their bodies swayed and entwined to the music. They laughed and smiled on the dance floor, for it was true it felt like they were the only ones in the world to witness this moment.
Sadly like most gifts in the NRC, some things are too good to be true. Up in the rafters of the hall sits a hawk smirking with glee at what they happen to witness transpire.
"Magnifique," A camera snaps as the hawk can't help but admire his work. He didn't expect Yuu to be here or to get this thrilling scene in front of him. His queen would be most pleased with his work indeed, and to think he can see the beautiful image of Vil's scowl looking at the pictures and videos he procured. Not just Vil's of course, Yuu's beauty is too grand to share just with him and Vil, no Rook must tell the world about this diamond in the rough. Rook didn't wait to sneak out after the dance was over gleeful as he hums along to the song.
Much to Yuu's dismay it would be a long time before they could feel this relaxed with the flames of jealousy swirling around them from the mafia boys at the discovery of the treasured dance.
Vil was the first to witness the video and pictures, and even he couldn't find a flaw in Yuu's movements. The Pomefiore leader couldn't believe his eyes at the 180 the bartender could undertake, and their smile was so real and so beautiful he had to admit deep down it rivaled his own. Even Epel got to catch a glance has Vil was in a daze and he had to admit Yuu was a fine dancer. The last part he said out loud shocking Vil out of his thoughts has his emotions ran wild ordering Epel to go re do his makeup a ridiculous number of times along with the rest of Pomefiore to try to calm his emotions.
Rook did not keep this a secret he sent copies of the dance to the other leaders sitting back to watch the show. Leona couldn't help but smirk, the herbivore probably had no idea this was captured seeing their surprised face would make this worth while, but the person they where dancing with caused a bit of his blood to boil. The bartender was theirs's who would dare touch them so carelessly, and how dare Yuu laugh and enjoy their company it seems the bartender needed a reminder on their role. He makes Ruggie take the case to find any dirt on the person Yuu was with. As Jack stares at the video in awe trying hard not to show it.
Azul and the Leech twins had the same reaction in a way. If Azul knew Yuu had this talent he would have exploited them long ago when he had them in a binding contract. He needed to know who Yuu's friend was. It could be his one clue to find out who the bartender really was. The twins wanted Yuu to play with them instead and would deal with this mysterious figure that foolishly danced with their shrimpy.
Kamil stares at the video in a strange quietness a small frown adoring his face. Yuu looked so happy and was a wonderful dancer. Why didn't they ever dance with him? Did Yuu not like him? Who is that beside them? Kamil has so many questions and was in deep thought, so much that it worried Jamil at his state. Even Jamil couldn't help but raise a brow as the video questioning how stupid Yuu's dance partner must be since they now have a target on their back.
Idia made several copies of the video making sure he has it forever. He analyzed every moment of Yuu's dance partner and began to search the web to try and figure out who this person was that was so close to Yuu to dance with them. Ortho loved the video and hoped Yuu would one day ask his brother to dance with them as well. He himself now wanting to study dance styles and techniques to try out himself.
Riddle spits out his tea after viewing the first view seconds of the video. Trey rushes to clean up the mess as everyone wonders what disturbed the treasured tea time. Ace looks over Riddle's shoulder to see whistling at Yuu's dance moves soon telling the group making them gather around. Deuce is awe struck at the dance and how well Yuu knows the moves. Cater wants to post it online and tell everyone how they have a five star dancer in NRC. Trey is the first one to bring up who they are dancing with as the others zero in on the mysterious person. Riddle's face grows a bright red who dares touch their bartender. With Yuu's connection to the mafia they are too important to not know who they interact with. Riddle issues an order right then and there to bring the person to Heartslaybul he needs to interrogate this person himself to see if they are a threat or not. That is the only reason of course, don't question Riddle otherwise, the housewarden orders with a bright blush on his face.
Lilia is the first to see the video and brings it straight to Malleus with a mischievous grin on his face. Malleus sits in the lounge reading a book as Lilia hangs from the ceiling handing him his phone. Malleus is confused at what Lilia wants to show him until he sees Yuu dancing and smiling. His heart stops has he sees how graceful they dance. He never knew they could do that. It was a nice surprise at first until it starts to sink in. Was this a party, and he wasn't invited? Who was that person dancing with Yuu? They seemed very close, closer then he is too Yuu. Rain starts to pour from outside as the royal fae starts to sulk. His two attendants notice the change as they rush to his side seeing the video. Silver tilts his head wondering why Malleus is so upset at Yuu's dancing until he sees the dance partner he then starts to understand a little. Sebek is furious how dare the bartender not invite his Liege to the dance he will make sure they pay. Lilia pats Malleus on the head telling him he will find out more about what happened so Malleus could feel better. Yuu has certainly got a lot of explaining to do.
Has Yuu makes it back home and goes to bed they feel a bit happier and lighter as they fall asleep without a care in the world to the sound of rain outside their window.
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(Thank you for reading💖)
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sharkarella · 2 months
It's Nice - Floyd
Author Notes: So. Just like with all Floyd fics this one has featured copious editing and has been trapped within my Google docs for quite some time as it underwent that lengthy process. But here it is. A premarital hand holding fic for Floyd. This fic was edited while I was listening to "They Don't Know" by Tracey Ullman which I can almost promise you influenced how this fic turned out. As per usual, Reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ pre-marital hand holding/ romance implied/ sfw
Word count: 1365
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I sat silently next to Floyd, watching as the unpredictable young man toyed with my hand and fingers. 
Simply put, it was an odd way to pass time, but, according to Floyd, my hands were interesting.
And evidently enough, he did find them interesting. After all, the infamously mercurial merman was just sitting next to me, leaned over so that he was largely lying on the table in front of us as he reached over and toyed with my fingers. Apparently perfectly satisfied as he fiddled with them while simultaneously being beyond careful with them. Almost like he thought they were fragile or something.
It was almost enough to make me forget exactly why all of my classmates found Floyd to be a fearful entity.
My gaze slowly shifted to our hands as I pondered what exactly made my hands so uniquely interesting to him, and then the young man in question let out a giggle. 
I frowned slightly, glancing his way questioningly as he sat up with a smile on his face as his eyes stayed on our hands.
 I didn’t get to actually ask him anything though, since he opted to explain without any prompting, “Your hands are so teeny~ How do you get anything done?”
His two-toned gaze found mine as he teasingly questioned me, and I frowned at his words. Slipping one hand out of his grasp, I held it up to better inspect it for myself.
Sunlight streamed through my spread fingers, but, for all my careful looking, I could not find anything unique, interesting, or particularly small about my hands.
In fact, it just looked like a hand. Plain and simple. Nothing special or unique about it at all.
“Are they really that small?” My response came out as more of a murmur than anything, but Floyd still managed to hear it.
“Sure they are! Look,” As he spoke, one of his own hands wrapped around my wrist as he pulled my arm, and me with it, over so that he could flatten his left hand against my right one.
He leaned around our hands, which were now pressed palm-to palm, to look at me with a wide grin, “See?”
His eyes were glimmering at me as I focused on our hands and found that, sure enough, his hand was far larger than mine, with the tips of his long fingers clearly visible over the top of mine.
“Well, I guess in comparison…” I trailed off as I noticed Floyd’s expression shifting from playful to curious as he looked down at our hands and sat back so that he was now sitting directly in front of me.
Slowly, and almost carefully, his hand shifted until his fingers slipped in between mine and folded down over my hand.
He looked utterly fascinated as he carefully held my hand in his with his fingers slipped through the gaps between mine.
And, largely by instinct, I mirrored his motions. But instead of staring out our mismatched hands, I was watching him as I interlocked our hands and caused his eyes to go wide.
It was one of those moments where Floyd looked anything but scary. In fact, he stared at our interlaced fingers with an almost childlike innocence that confused me.
What was so special about holding hands?
He’d tugged me along after him, all but squeezing the life out of my hand along the way, so why…?
I stilled, with my questioning thoughts grinding to a halt, as I realized, with no small amount of surprise, that Floyd had never held my hand like this. 
Instead of lacing our fingers together as they were now, he’d always simply wrapped his hand around mine. Enveloping it in his larger hand as if he were trying to completely hide it from view. 
Perhaps it was to ensure he had a better hold on me, but then I’d always found that I had a better grip if I had laced my fingers through another person’s and locked our hands together in that fashion.
It was a wild shot in the dark, but I found myself eyeing the young man closely as I slowly began to question him, “Floyd, have you never….?”
I trailed off, not entirely sure how to finish my question. But Floyd evidently understood what I was asking since he nodded and responded fairly easily.
“In my mer-form, I’ve got finger webbing, so…” He trailed off, opting to continue to gaze at our hands before giving my hand a tentative little squeeze that had me wondering if this really was the same young man who usually gave out bone-crushing hugs and had what might be the most merciless grip I’d ever experienced.
Though, to be fair, whenever I received one of his squeezes, it was what he referred to as a ‘tiny squeeze’ and was more of a hug than the vice-like hold that he usually dubbed squeezes.
But instead of commenting on his typically crushing grip, I tentatively finished his sentence for him, “So you’ve never held hands like this?”
He nodded, his eyes still on our interlocked hands, with his dwarfing mine as he continued to hold my hand with a surprising amount of gentleness. Almost like he was afraid I would break or slip right from his grasp if he did anything else.
I frowned slightly as I watched him in silence, but it was a strange thought, because I didn’t think I’d ever outright run from him since our early meetings, when he’d been chasing me and making life generally difficult on Azul’s orders.
Since then, I’d gotten so that I was much closer to him and the other two young men of the Octavinelle dorm that had been involved at that time. Now I only ran from him in a more playful manner, though sometimes I was genuinely trying to get away from him; it was never out of fear.
But perhaps a stranger thought was the one of how he’d never held hands like this. Though it made sense in regards to the webbing he had in his merform, it was still strange to think that he’d never done so while on land.
He’d been here for a fair bit of time, after all. He was a second year here at Night Raven College already, and Azul had said they’d gone to some sort of boot camp when they’d come on land, so he’d had plenty of time to hold hands.
But perhaps the opportunity had never arisen. Either way, the novelty of holding hands like this did explain his quietness.
After just a few more moments of silence, his gaze lifted so that he was looking at me once more. An almost embarrassed smile crossed his face as he spoke once more, “It’s nice. Holding hands.”
He held up our interlocked hands as if to show me how nice it was, and I smiled at how our palms seemed to fit together like two puzzle pieces. 
His hand was larger, but mine still fit perfectly in his palm, and our fingers interlaced like they’d found the perfect place to rest. Almost like it was meant to be.
It was almost laughable, in moments like this, to think that so many of the other students here at NRC thought I was insane to spend time with Floyd. But then, I supposed most people didn’t see this side of him.
And, with an odd degree of surprise, I realized that he was right. This was nice, holding his hand like this.
Floyd was always a mercurial person, and somehow that made quiet moments like this all the more special.
By no means did I have a problem with his playful nature, and I could understand his mood swings. I had bad days myself.
But when compared to the usually busy days of time here at school with him and all of my other friends, moments like this seemed oddly precious.
And perhaps that was why my smile spread the way it did, and I gave his palm a tiny squeeze and received a very careful one in return as soon as I softly responded, “Yeah… It is.”
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sharkarella · 2 months
Can I ask for headcanons of Floyd with s/o Yuu who is much stronger than him, despite being very small? like 1.60 or less
Ofc ;)
Strong little one~
Floyd leech x gn! Reader
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°Floyd knew you were an interesting little thing since the day he saw you.
°From your mannerism to the way you spoke,he knew you weren't the usual person he would meet.
°Therefore he made you his little mission.
°Jade is pretty much amused by his brother's curiosity,only receiving a toothy grin from the double coloured eye when he asked about it.
°Meanwhile your interactions with Floyd were awkward and slightly uncomfortable, something clicked between you two.
°One thing he loved to pick on you about was your height.
°All kinds of nick names rolled off Floyd's tongue,mostly calling you Shrimp.
°Don't ask why, this idea just popped up in his head one morning,it surprised you to.
°Now even after you started dating,he still lurks in the shadows, yeah creepy I know.
°This way he managed to see a quite interesting scene.
°Some two guys won't leave you alone when you're trying to eat in peace,like a normal student should be able to.
°And it's really starting to piss you off.
°So what do you do when this pink haired guy leans in towards you?
°Uper cut him in the jaw, sending him flying into a lunch table.
°His friend has his jaw on the floor, while Pinky is trying to recover from that fatal blow.
°And your dear Floyd? He's over there grinning from ear to ear, after all, who could have guessed such a pretty little thing like you could punch a dude twice your size to the ground.
°He is lovestruck and eager to learn everything about you.
°Good luck getting him of you now,yes you're able to kick his ass,but why would you do that? He's your sweet boyfriend after all.
°Jade loves to tease Floyd, especially that his short s/o is stronger than him,but your boyfriend does mind it one bit.
°He likes his little shrimp tough as nails ;)
I feel like floyd among other RCS boys would like their women tough. I don't make the rules y'all.
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