sexiestsex · 21 days
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sexiestsex · 23 days
The medical term for this is Paresthesia and it can either be:
A burning feeling, Difficulty contracting your muscles and using the affected arm or leg, Feeling like your arm or leg has fallen asleep, Itching, Numbness and tingling, Pins and needles feeling or similarly described sensation.
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sexiestsex · 24 days
!!! This is EXTREMELY real and systemic and honestly as a German has been enlightening to learn more about.
One of my primary sources of information on Palestine has been Jüdische Stimme (the German branch of Jewish voice for just peace) a Jewish anti Zionists organization. It is one of the largest Jewish organizations in Germany and recently their bank closed their account, took their funds and demanded a list of members and addresses. This is obviously terrifying and extremely alarming.
It also is the case that in Germany 30% of... they phrased it as cancellations "over antisemitism" but this includes arrests and basically any and all consequences for speaking up about Palestine, harassment, lost jobs, horrible reports in the traditional media, etc etc have targeted Jewish people.
One report of media "cancellation" that really shook me is when The Only Land won the Berlinale and German politicians and news lost it at their frankness about the oppression. The way the German News and politics reacted directly endangered the makers of this documentary and their families, once again including Jewish people.
I am saying this so it is clear that this is not comparable to the kinds of media cancellations we always hear about with regards to right wing figures who end up gaining status.
The German state is extremely invested in Israels existence. The AFD (neo fascist party) supports Israel just as the Left party does. The existence of Israel is important to Germanys identity as reformed and it's "redemption".
It should be said also that Zionism and the foundation of a Jewish state have from the beginning catered to countries that want to get rid of their Jewish populations. When Herzl first publicized the idea he explicitly labelled it as the solution to "the Jew question".
I cannot currently add links cause I'm on my phone but the sources are in order Jüdische Stimme (solarbagel on Instagram also speaks really insightfully about it and the historical context this is happening in), The Guardian (Kenan Malik, denouncing critics), Yuval Abraham (on X or insta, he is a Jewish maker of this film), The Dig (The German Question) if you only look up one of these i recommend this one, it's a podcast episode with a Jewish researcher and she does a great job also going into the history of this phenomenon, i read this last one in a scan of an 1896 document of an ad for the Jewish state by Herzl but idk that someone translated this? I'll just add a photo. It was published in "der Nahost Konflikt" by Rolf Steininger
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sexiestsex · 29 days
#wait does this definition consider. intersex as a gender identity. hmm
Nope! Intersex people are grouped in here because experiences of intersexism aren't often easily differentiated from experiences of transphobia. The oppression (some) intersex people face for the way their bodies are is related to the same oppressive sex and gender binary as the oppression (some) trans people face. It is a common way to group people who face this oppression in Germany to speak of TIN* or TINA* people as we often need access to similar resources and knowledge. (The a stands for agender). We, in the youth group, recently decided to include detrans people in the acronym as they are often excluded from TIN* spaces and surveys and we wanted to make their inclusion clear. Which is why i adopted that same standard here.
I should have probably worded gender and sex variant people and not just reduced it to gender I just considered intersex the catch all term for that but that's not exactly true so I'm glad you called me on that!
Hope that helps!
TIND*: trans, inter, nonbinary and/or detrans. The star is for inclusion of other gender variant identities that people hold that don't fall within this but they feel are relevant.
Cis*: cis usually means identifies with the gender they were forcibly assigned at birth, but I used the star here to be inclusive of other axes of privilege such as endosex persons.
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sexiestsex · 29 days
TIND*: trans, inter, nonbinary and/or detrans. The star is for inclusion of other gender variant identities that people hold that don't fall within this but they feel are relevant.
Cis*: cis usually means identifies with the gender they were forcibly assigned at birth, but I used the star here to be inclusive of other axes of privilege such as endosex persons.
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sexiestsex · 2 months
Please comment what you think works well and how you think it can be improved? (This includes building a new system and what that would look like) also where you are
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sexiestsex · 5 months
sooo I've been introduced to Kinnporsche
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sexiestsex · 5 months
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sexiestsex · 6 months
i know it depends what you're resting from and all that but I'd really like to hear about it! I feel like I'm running against a wall with all my strategies and everything I'm trying is counter productive and leaves me more stressed and in pain. So i just want to know what helps other people.
Please give me your How To Have Energy.
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sexiestsex · 7 months
Literally obsessed with vaccines. Best form of health care. You get stabbed with needle (good thing always) you can plan ahead if the vaccine is one to likely make you sick it, you get treated like a human person, you don't have to explain why you need/want it and are seen as responsible for getting it, it pisses off the worst people, you don't get fucking dangerous illnesses, you protect the people around you, it's quick, sometimes you don't even have to make a phone call. It's literally the shit there's no downsides.
Anyways get vaccinated against HPV if you can. It's recommended for everyone regardless of sex btw. But if you have questions ask your doctor they have info materials about it and all that.
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sexiestsex · 9 months
Leave your pronouns and language you use them in in the tags!
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sexiestsex · 1 year
It's so wild to me that like. t e r f s position themselves as being the ones to support detransitioners while also talking about them and their bodies in the most vile way. And while I understand that transition regret is real and very very hard to deal with and maybe seeking out people who validate the way you feel about your body feels good in the moment, I truely truely do not think it is a healthy way to cope with it. And obviously blaming the trans community is not a great way to go about it either lol.
I also think, we as a community are honestly also doing detransitioners a disservice by not acknowledging the ways that, doctors do pressure and expect trans people to conform to a certain transition path and even intentionally misinform you to get you to make your choices differently. This is how and why they are still performing unnecessary surgeries on intersex children. They want our bodies to conform as closely to one binary sex as possible and that means you have to do a lot of research about every single transition decision you make and can't rely on only doctor's information. It sucks and it's disgusting that they don't care about actually helping people be comfortable, only about making them conform but it's something you really have to keep in mind. No one is pressured into a transition, I'm starting to feel they'd rather we die than transition. But yes, once you are transitioning there are pressures to do it a certain way.
I'm sorry to everyone who regrets a decision they were misinformed about, that they were pressured into or otherwise didn't have full agency over. That just makes it so much harder to deal with the regret and i really can't give advice on it, except that, if you ever felt pressured into any decisions about your body, you should not be fighting against the availability of transition care but also join our fight for informed consent in medical care.
Informed consent is not yet a standard in any treatment but it really really needs to be. And there need to be consequences for doctors who intentionally misinform or don't inform patients. The insurance should not be allowed to demand one kind of treatment to cover another, especially when it's not a necessary treatment. The stories of medical malpractice you hear when talking to people are absolutely unhinged and abhorrent and put lives at risk.
The solution to absolutely none of them is less autonomy and less agency.
Originally I was gonna make this a body neutrality post, validating the right of all people to feel however they do about their bodies and their decisions about their bodies but arguing against this disgusting narrative of brokenness and being "ruined" that is spread to trans and detrans people but i guess I got side tracked. Anyways. You can find happiness in your body again no matter what you've been through, even when it's hard. I hope you find ways to enjoy yourself and your body in the time you have here. Other people can make it harder but it's still possible and you can still do it.
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sexiestsex · 1 year
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sexiestsex · 1 year
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sexiestsex · 1 year
By match up i mean ie bisexual biromantic and not match up would be ie biromantic asexual.
I was just wondering how other people navigate their attraction! Do leave in the tags what your identities are and how you personally relate to them if you want to <3
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sexiestsex · 1 year
Tell me in the tags if you picked something you do or something you would block someone for
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sexiestsex · 1 year
Okay so because I'm currently suffering. Please only respond if you bind/used to bind/want to bind regularly. This is inclusive of all binding methods whether safe or unsafe.
If you are unsure, common injuries/symptoms of injuries from binding are skin injuries, shortness of breath, heart burn, back pain/back injuries, chest pain, inflammation in the ribs (usually hurts more on the left side), difficulty concentrating, pain that radiates into your shoulders, etc
This is not meant to be fear mongering at all and is not a survey to see how safe commercial binders are esp because there would be so many specificities on that. I mainly want to see how normal my experiences are and how many of us get fucked up by how hard accessing surgery is.
This one is a survey I would appreciate you sharing i would be really interested<3 also i want to hear your experiences in the tags even if it is just that you have no issues I'd be glad to hear that!!
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