A Tribute to Jonghyun | My Memoir
        The girl had first discovered Korean Pop music when she had moved to a different school, away from everyone she had known. She had desperately sought after friends, but always found herself being wounded and taken advantage of. Pleading for a way to escape reality, the girl stumbled across an artist called Jonghyun. 
        After falling in love with his song Déjà-Boo, the girl soon found herself falling even more in love with the group SHINee. She constantly switched biases, but felt the same love and respect for all five members. However, Jonghyun's songs and bubbly personality always stood out to her. 
        The lonely and cowardly girl would learn how to love herself with the help of SHINee. The lonely and cowardly girl would slowly, but surely be able to peek out of her shell. She would finally be able to stand straight and hold her chin up high. The lack of friends wouldn't matter so much when there were five talented members that would always love and cherish her for who she was.
        Listening to song after song, the months flew by. Those months turned into years. 
        Two years later and the girl still loved Jonghyun and SHINee. She fondly remembered her mother turning the volume up on "View" in the car, something she'd never done before. When she thought of SHINee she always thought, "Oh~ Bright songs, bright boys!" The girl had related the word 'SHINee' to emotions of happiness. She would see their photos- their smiles- and think. "They'll always be with me." 
        They always would be with her.. but her emotions regarding the group would change as quick as a snap of the fingers. 
        One fateful day, the girl stepped out of her house only to be greeted by rain. "Rain in December," she thought, "Today is going to be a burden," Running under the raindrops, she held her hood up with her cold fingers, dashing to get to the bus stop on time. Even the music blaring in her ears couldn't distract her from the ominous feeling the gloomy, dark day gave off.
        Staring at each passing street sign, the bus ride to school would be long. The whole day would prove to be long for the girl. She entered her class feeling no better than when she had first stepped into the rain.
        With each word the girl would write in school that day; a lengthy, desperate sigh would be drawn from someone she loved dearly. As she neared the end of paragraph, he, too, would near the end of his final message. A final message that would affect not only the girl, but millions of other people around the world. 
        When she placed the period at the end of her last sentence, the man she loved would breathe out his last sigh, forever leaving the world he had suffered in.
        "Kim Jonghyun found dead."
        The girl could never forget the feeling of numbness when her eyes lingered on the headline. No matter how many songs she listened to, no matter how many music videos she tried to immerse herself into, nothing could erase the pain caused by those four words.
        No matter how much she tried, the girl could not even begin to comprehend the emotions that had invaded her. Nothing could ever be the same after the passing of the man she loved. Her heart, which the girl had shielded from others, had been shattered by a person she had never even met.  
        Now torn and battered, the girl made a promise to herself. 
        She would never forget him. 
        Even if she had to cross mountains and oceans, she would always be with him. 
        He would always hold a very special place in her heart because,
        He had made the girl's life colorful.
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“Artificial Love” (Reader x Min Yoongi/Suga) (Angst)
Author’s Note: This scenario was inspired by EXO’s song, Artificial Love. It’s one of my favorite songs on the new Ex’act album! Check it out sometime!
Word Count: 888
There you sat, in the corner of some gross rundown bar, contemplating anything and everything having to do with Min Yoongi. When you first met you were so dazzled by him. His mysterious aura intrigued you, and he left you begging for more of him.
3 years in and now you knew the truth. His gummy smile which bestowed upon him the most childish expression; it was fake. His harsh on the outside, but soft on the inside personality; that too was fake. He didn’t love you, and you spent your nights trying to pretend as if you didn’t know it.
Whether it was some disturbing game of Yoongi playing with you; throwing you aside in some dark place just to pick you up and toy with you occasionally, or if he really had felt some connection, some spark, in the beginning, it had all fizzled out now. There, in the ruins of your past devotion towards each other, stood nothing. Everything had been destroyed.
You knew every drop of Min Yoongi was fake, and every fake ounce of him was poured into your shot glass. Every night was spent wasting away the hours, you filled with an artificial happiness. Yoongi wasn’t coming home, and you knew that. So, all that money saved to shower your lover with gifts was used on other, more fulfilling items to wash away the pain.
It was half past midnight, and you were 2 shots in. Another normal night, for you and your new hobby. You rested your chin gently in your palm and sweetly asked the bartender to get you another drink. As he poured the clear liquid in your small glass, a hand firmly gripped your shoulder.
Groaning, you swung your body around to face whoever touched you. As soon as your eyes met, you froze.
It was him. The person you’d been avoiding for the past couple of months.
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?” he spat quietly, not wanting to cause a scene.
You opened your mouth to speak, but he wouldn’t let you.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere, but I never thought I’d find you here,” he harshly adds.
Before you could resist, he grabbed your arm, and forcefully removed you from the stool you were sitting at. The bartender called out to Yoongi frantically, trying in vain to make him wait. You were already pushed out the door before the bartender could call for the bouncer.
With one hand still grasping your arm tightly, Yoongi ripped open his car door and shoved you in. He locked the doors before going back inside and paying for your drinks.
You silently buckled your seatbelt as he emerged from the bar, storming towards the car. You knew better than to fight with him now, he was on fire.
Stabbing his keys into the car and starting his engine, Yoongi looked over at you, his eyes showed nothing but fury. “So I take it you’ve been having fun without me?” he lashed out. “I leave for tour and come back to this.”
You looked down and played with your fingers. Even though you were mad at him for leaving in the first place, you decided not to say anything. It would only make things worse.
“I thought you were going to support me and wait for me. I should have known that wouldn’t be the case. You only think about yourself after all,” he drove towards the apartment you shared, but you questioned who would be sleeping on the couch tonight as the other slept in the bed.
“Do you seriously have nothing to say for yourself?” the words were slung out of his mouth.
“I never said I would wait for you,” you mumbled.
He looked over at you. “What did you say?” he asked confused.
“I never said I would wait for you!” you screamed at him. “I said I would wait at the beginning of this relationship, but not when you left for tour. Not when you started showing up late from practice. And certainly not when you just decided to stop coming home at all!”
Tears were past the point of pooling in your eyes. They had flooded your face, covering you in nothing but sobs. Yoongi, horrified by your last statement, had pulled over by now.
He sighed and leaned his head against the car seat, closing his eyes.
“What? Is this too much for you to handle?” you spat out sarcastically as tears continuously streamed down your face.
He tried to pick up your hand, but you tore it away from him as if his hand was a knife.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Yoongi’s apology was more than enough to push you over the edge.
“You’re so fake, Min Yoongi! You’re fake!” you screamed at him, being louder than you’ve ever been.
By then your tears made it so you couldn’t see anything. You couldn’t see the facial expression Yoongi made when you shattered his heart by saying such a thing.
The pain in his heart would remain as he silently drove the two of you home, your sobs being the only audible noise. His pain would continue to remain as he tried to mend the broken relationship you shared. The pain would last for what it would seem, eons.  
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Every Little Thing
Because of the horrible recent trending tag on Twitter (Armyswantjindead) this scenario (hopefully) highlights so many of the amazing things our Seokjin does. Never stop appreciating him.
(This is my first post on this blog)
Words: 841
Everything Seokjin does is the product of grace, care, and effort. There was nothing you ever had to complain about when you were with him. His meals were always thoughtfully planned, according to your taste rather than his. His corny jokes, only proving to make you smile more and more as they increased. Even though he spent hour upon end practicing and practicing, trying to improve his dance, he always tried to make the lonely hours up to you by showering you in gifts, though his presence topped any gift. He took care of you during any mood, making you laugh at his traffic dance when you were sad, piling you in blankets when you were sick, and making sure you never felt alone. Not once did he ever put himself before you.
As you opened the door to your shared apartment, you didn’t smell the usually breathtaking fragrance of fresh cooked food. Instead, you were greeted by the darkness.
“Seokjin?” you called out, wondering if he was somewhere in the house.
When there was no reply you figured he was just out practicing late again, and prepared for a night alone. You took your heavy coat on and hung it up, flicking the lights on.
As you opened the door to your bedroom to change your clothes, you noticed a dark figure on the bed. You approached and saw Seokjin, sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. You rushed over to hold his arms.
“Seokjin?” you frantically asked, “What’s wrong?”
He didn’t move. Talking didn’t seem to be on his mind at this moment.
You sat down beside him and began to rub circles into his back, hoping he was okay. There was nothing you could do beside being there for him, until he wanted to share what was eating at him.
Finally he looked over at you. Red stained around his eyes, and you could see tears flowing from them at a fast pace. Seeing him like this made your heart drop, and tears automatically started pooling around your eyes as well. You wrapped your arms around him as his sobs became audible. His face pressed deep into your neck and he held onto you tightly, as if you might dissapear.
“Seokjin, please. Tell me what’s wrong,” you pleaded, massaging his scalp. Your fingers ran over his soft hair and landed on his neck.
“They hate me,” he stammered between heavy breaths. His hold on you, not letting up.
“Who? Who is they?” you questioned, wanting to know who had the audacity to make your dear Seokjin feel so badly.
“ARMY… they… hate me,” you heard next, as Seokjin’s hands clung onto your shirt. “They want me to die,” he added through sobs.
This made you release yourself from Seokjin’s arms, and kneel beside him, holding his face. He looked at you with painful eyes, tears still dripping. You quickly began to wipe his tears away, though they were quickly replaced.
“Who would ever want to hate you?” your voice soft and calm. “Who would want to hate the most selfless and caring person? Who would want to hate the man who wants to make everyone happy, who wants to keep improving for his fans, who wants his fans to love every member equally? The person who never puts himself before others… how could someone hate him? The person who’s completely turned my world, and made it so, so much better for me… how could someone say anything bad about him?” You came closer to his face. “How could someone hate the man I’ve fallen for so deeply? The same man who I love everything about. His handsome face, his amazing abilities, and most of all - his down to Earth personality. How could someone hate him?”
You pressed your forehead against his. “Anyone who wants to say anything negative about you will have to come through me first. There’s no guarantees they’ll come out alive.” This earned you a small laugh from Seokjin, and he wrapped his arms around your waist, making you come closer to him.
“I love you,” he whispered into your hair, as your head leaned into his chest. The tears that were once draining from his doe eyes had subsided for now, and the two of you sat, holding each other in the dark.
“You should eat, you’ll feel better,” you suggested. “I’ll make something for you, for a change.”
“I would like that,” he smiled and let you get up from his arms. You stood and held his hands for a moment, rubbing his hands with your thumb and squeezing them.
Holding his hand, you led him toward the door and flipped the light on. “Is that okay?” you questioned, only wanting to make him happy for now.
He nodded and laughed as you pulled him into the kitchen.
Though the pain caused by his very own fanbase would eventually return, for now, seeing you dressed in an apron, determined to make his favorite food, made him genuinely happy.
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