sectumsempra-draco · 2 years
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Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa Black.
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sectumsempra-draco · 2 years
Minerva McGonagall purses her lips and shakes her head. The course work is laden with shield charms and hexes and poisons, so unlike the Hogwarts she attended years ago.
We are training children to be soldiers, she thinks, but she carries on anyway.
James Potter sits in front of her, telling her that he’s turned down Puddlemere United and will turn down the next three offers he’s sure to receive. Mr. Potter, we’ve worked on your Chaser prospects since your Fourth Year–
It’s okay, Professor. There’s more noble things for a Pureblood to pursue than the World Cup.
It’s with a heavy heart that she marks “No Prospects” on his career trajectory report. That is not how James Potter should be remembered.
Lily Evans asks for combat training and ways to apply Transfiguration to more practical offensive and defensive techniques. Yes of course, Miss Evans, but we’re here for career advice–
It’s okay, Professor. You don’t have to lie to me. No one will hire a Mudblood anymore and I don’t want to waste your time. But I really do need those techniques, if you don’t mind.
Minerva McGonagall purses her lips and wipes tears from her eyes as she marks Lily’s report.
We are training children to be soldiers, she thinks, and she is right.
The transition from stone corridors to burning muggle villages is too easy. Each trap that James and Sirius set for Filch was child’s play, mere practice for the traps they now set for Death Eaters and, at times, Voldemort himself. Remus and Peter were already accustomed to playing lookout– they do the same now, only the stakes are higher than detention.
Lily Evans is screaming, her hands keeping pressure to the spot on James Potter’s side that grows darker with red by the second. Sirius Black reaches them before she has the chance to and lifts James onto his shoulders, running out of the thick of battle with what she can only hope isn’t James’ corpse. The next curses that Lily Evans sends out her wand next are bright green, and her two targets don’t get up.
Minerva McGonagall wipes her brow, catching her breath behind a fallen wall before rushing towards the nearest Death Eater.
We have trained children to be soldiers, she knows, and she doesn’t think she can bare the truth much longer.
Remus Lupin accepts the rags he’s forced to wear underground now. Peter Pettigrew won’t stargaze like he used to for fear that he’ll be the first to spot a Dark Mark. Sirius Black is bored without James Potter, but James is hidden somewhere with Lily Potter and they haven’t been seen for months.
We have trained children to die, she thinks, and she prays that she is wrong.
It’s November 1, 1981 and Minerva McGonagall stares straight ahead, watching. Waiting. Everyone is celebrating and no one seems to realize that children have died.
She sees the baby for the first time and he is alive, scarred but alive, despite all odds. But no one else seems to realize that children have died. Children she taught and trained and fought beside have died and she feels complicit in their slaughter.
Minerva McGonagall remembers the children who have died. She remembers the students who didn’t return from summer break, the students who simply stop showing up to class, and the students who fall to the Dark Arts somewhere along the way. She remembers the students who graduate and forego the lives they deserve in order to prevent other children from dying. These are the children who are too young at eleven to be exposed to fear and are too young at twenty-one to be left for death, and these are the children whom she has helped raise.
She attends the funeral and her only comfort is that there are only two coffins, not three. Peter Pettigrew is dead, but there is no body to bury. Sirius Black is in Azkaban but deserves to be dead. Remus Lupin is alive, but you’d never be able to tell that from the look in his eye.
We have trained children to be soldiers, she knows. We have trained children to die, she thinks, and she is right.
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
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Manners, Potter, or I’ll have to give you a detention. — for @dracoluciusmalfoys​
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
I like to think that it wasn’t always tense between Percy and the twins because, really, they’re only two years younger than him, and as an older sibling myself I’ve found that younger siblings usually kinda worship you for a while before they develop their own interests and personalities. So can you imagine:
- tiny little toddler Fred and George taking Percy’s things not to tease him but to imitate him
- the twins hanging off Percy at all times, because even if it’s not very efficient as a means of transportation, they love him So Much
- each twin sitting on one of his legs while he tries to teach them to read
-Fred saying he needs glasses because his big brother has them
- George learning to tie a tie very young because Percy always stresses how important first impressions and professionalism are
-Percy helping them with their first pranks on Bill and Charlie, not realising that once they were both in school he would have to endure their tricks and teasing
- Fred and George passing scabbers gently between them with Percy’s supervision
- Percy playing quidditch with them before Ginny was big enough to fly
- Bill and Charlie telling Percy they were proud of him for being such a responsible big brother and Percy deciding that he was going to be the most responsible of his brothers forever
- Percy teaching the twins that they should never play mean tricks on people smaller than them when they turn Ron’s teddy bear into a spider, which happened to be the year that Charlie turned 11 and went to Hogwarts, which happened to translate into Percy telling them that he was the only person in the house they could tease except their mum, who was obviously a less desirable target
- Fred and George noticing that Percy was really easy to get a rise out of but also seemed to be talking to them less
- maybe if they got better at pranking it would impress him
- it didn’t, but that didn’t really matter because now they had A Talent and Percy became Very Annoying very quickly
- that didn’t stop them from writing to him every week his first year at Hogwarts
- and it didn’t stop Percy from writing back
- the letters just slowly became more and more infrequent until they weren’t being sent at all
- it might’ve had something to do with the fact that starting in November the twins refused to actually write, they just sent howlers detailing what they had done when mom wasn’t looking and what they had for supper
- but no matter how annoying they were, Percy always remembered those enthusiastic, adoring little boys in the back of his mind
- i could say something Very Sad right now but I won’t because this isn’t that sort of post
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
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I knew it wouldn’t be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still at school so I decided to leave behind a Diary, preserving by 16-year old self in its pages so that ond day, I would be able to lead another to finish Salazar Slytherin’s noble work! Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) dir. Chris Columbus
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
Draco, draped over the couch: I’m dying.
Hermione: You’re not dying
Draco: End my suffering.
Hermione: You have a stomach bug.
Draco: Mercy kill me.
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
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“Or perhaps in Slytherin, You’ll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means, To achieve their ends.”
Gryffindor | Slytherin | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | 4 Houses
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
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Hungarian Horntail (considered to be the most dangerous dragon)   It has black scales, and is lizard-like in appearance. It also has yellow eyes, bronze horns and similarly coloured spikes that protrude from its long tail.
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
messy little things
pairing: marcus flint x oliver wood ft. confused slytherin quidditch team
genre: crack and fluff and more crack
word count: 1,873
A/N: i’m aware pygmy puffs were bred by Fred and George, but for the sake of fanfiction and general havoc, let’s ignore that.
a little feel good fic for @flintwoodandco and @2muchtroubleforyou ❤︎
The first thing Adrian Pucey notices as he slides into the train compartment is a pink ball of fluff being petted by a large hand belonging to Marcus Flint.
“What the fuck.”
“Pucey.” Marcus nods, barely acknowledging his fellow Chaser in favor of placing the pygmy puff on his shoulder. The fluff-ball sways gently, whirring happily. It looks like cotton candy from a distance, sun warming its fur.
Adrian places his suitcase to the side warily, unsure if he’s suddenly stumbled upon some alien alternate universe where Marcus Flint harbors a penchant for cute things. (Terence had taken a liking to Muggle science fiction flicks over the summer, and Adrian has watched enough that the idea of an alternate universe isn’t that absurd.)
Marcus doesn’t seem to be paying attention, too busy transfiguring a stray button into a beetle and back with childish glee. The pygmy puff stares at Adrian with wide eyes.
Adrian stares back. “So, uh, Flint – does that thing have a name?”
“Bludger.” Is the terse response he gets.
“Bludger.” Adrian repeats. “You named that pink ball of cotton candy ‘Bludger’.”
Marcus raises a dark eyebrow and sneers, lips curling. Bludger the pygmy puff trills. Adrian raises his hands in surrender – obviously, Marcus is protective over his new pet.
Miles swoops into the compartment just then, suitcase clanking behind him, and does a double take at the sight of Marcus. “Uh. Captain, what’s with the pink shit?”
“The ‘pink shit’ is my fucking pet, so shut your mouth Bletchley, before I shut it for you.”
The auburn haired Keeper quiets, smartly so, only to pipe up again after the candy trolley has made its rounds. Marcus sucks on a sugar quill as he flips through the Daily Prophet; Adrian and Miles exchange frantic glances in a silent conversation of who’s going to press the issue next.
“Can I hold it?” Miles asks, after an encouraging glare from Adrian.
And when Marcus lets Bludger snuggle into his shirt collar, Adrian knows its going to be a long year.
Keep reading
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
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Harry Potter book series from A to Z:
[M] - Merope Riddle (née Gaunt)
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
Draco, entering the common room: Urgh. I hate-
Pansy: Potter! With his stupid scar.
Blaise: And his stupid, not at all soft looking, hair.
Nott: And his stupid, but actually totally cool, broomstick.
Millicent: And his so damn pretty green eyes.
Crabbe&Goyle: And his stupid glasses!
Astoria: Pity it’s covering those horrible good looking long lashes.
Blaise, smirking: And his damn handsome ass that distracts from playing Quidditch.
Pansy: Don’t forget those beautiful distracting hands during potions- because you know, they could do something else.
Daphne, walking by: Precious Potter!
Draco, blushing furiously: I hate you. You all!
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
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THE MARAUDER´S FAMILIES ↴ The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black 
’[My parents] thought Voldemort had the right idea, they were all for the purification of the wizarding race, getting rid of Muggle-borns and having pure-bloods in charge … I bet my parents thought Regulus was a right little hero for joining up at first.’
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
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The boy has never had anything nice and the second he gets his hands on some money he tries to buy a fucking solid gold cauldron like started from the bottom now we here I love him so much
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
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snowy owl
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
some of my favorite marauders headcanons:
remus doesn’t die
sirius doesn’t die
james doesn’t die
lily doesn’t die
dorcas doesn’t die
marlene doesn’t die
regulus doesn’t die
alice doesn’t get tortured into insanity
frank doesn’t get tortured into insanity
peter doesn’t betray everyone
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
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If I could take this in a shot right now I don’t think that we could work this out x
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sectumsempra-draco · 3 years
oh god oh god oh god parkweasel pride and prejudice retelling where bingley is oliver wood and jane is marcus flint. give the rare pair people what they want. i am sending it Into The Universe
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