sage-themage-blog · 5 years
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
some character design that makes me go absolutely apeshit is the whole wide mouth almond face shape cutey reptile. like i see a fucking animated reptile with a big mouth and eyes like a quarter mile apart and i just lose my mind
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
i swear to fucking god i had this innate primordial urge today to learn how to make a cloak for myself and i was nearly sweating and shaking with the effort to not immediately bust out of my work and go learn so i could have just a
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
Person A: “Stop pacing.”
Person B: “I cant help it! I’m nervous!”
Person A: “You’re going to wear a hole in the floor.”
Person B: “I am not! You could be a little more understanding you know.”
Person A: “I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s not like you have to tell them.”
Person B: “You don’t understand. My parents will know what he is the moment he steps through the door with me!”
Person A: “…so?”
Person B: “So, that means they are going to ask questions!”
Person A: “I’m still not seeing the issue, your parents are ridiculously chill.”
Person B: “Hey mum! Hey mama! I know most of our family are life and nature witches, but I accidentally summoned death himself a few months back with highly illegal and ancient dark magic after I got super fucking drunk, and now we’re engaged. Surprise!”
Person A: “……ok fair point.”
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
We'll Rock You
buddy you’re a hard man young man rich man poor man mud man blood man boy man face man
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
sorry what
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
Getting sick and tired of not being a dragon tbh whats with that
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
imagine if the oceans were replaced by forests and if you went into the forest the trees would get taller the deeper you went and there’d be thousands of undiscovered species and you could effectively walk across the ocean but the deeper you went, the darker it would be and the animals would get progressively scarier and more dangerous and instead of whales there’d be giant deer and just wow
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
One of the most bizarrely cool people I’ve ever met was an oral surgeon who treated me after a ridiculous accident (that’s another story), Dr. Z.
Dr. Z. was, easily, the best and most competent doctor or dentist I’ve ever encountered – and after that accident, I encountered quite a number. He came stunningly highly recommended, had an excellent record, and the most calming bedside manner I’ve ever seen.
That last wasn’t the sweet gentle caretaking sort of manner, which some nurses have but you wouldn’t expect to see in a surgeon. No; when Dr. Z. told me that one of my broken molars was too badly damaged to save, and I (being seventeen and still moderately in shock) broke down crying, he stared at me incredulously and said, in a tone of utter bemusement, “But – I am very good.”
I stopped crying on the spot. In the last twenty-four hours or so of one doctor after another, no one had said anything that reassuring to me. He clearly just knew his own competence so well that the idea of someone being scared anyway was literally incomprehensible to him. What more could I possibly ask for?
(He was right. The procedure was very extended, because the tooth that needed to be removed was in bits, but there was zero pain at any point. And, as he promised, my teeth were so close together that they shifted to fill the gap to where there genuinely is none anymore, it’s just a little easier to floss on that side.)
But Dr. Z.’s insane competence wasn’t just limited to oral surgery.
When I met Dr. Z., he, like most doctors I’ve had, asked me if I was in college, and where, and what I was studying. When I say “math,” most doctors respond with “oh, wow, good for you” or possibly “what do you want to do with that after college?”
Dr. Z. wanted to know what kind of math.
I gave him the thirty-second layman’s summary that I give people who are foolish enough to ask that. He responded with “oh, you mean–” and the correct technical terms. I confirmed that was indeed what I meant (and keep in mind, this was upper-division college math, you don’t take this unless you’re a math major). He asked cogent follow-up questions, and there ensued ten or so minutes of what I’d call “small talk” except for how it was an intensely technical mathematical discussion.
He didn’t, as far as I can tell, have any kind of formal math background. He just … knew stuff.
I was a competitive fencer at this point in time, so when he asked if I had any questions about the surgery that would be necessary, I asked him if I’d be okay to fence while I had my jaw wired shut, or if it would interfere with breathing.
“Fencing?” he said.
“Yes,” I said, “like swordfighting,” because this is another conversation I got to have a lot. (People assume they’ve misheard you, or occasionally they think you mean building fences.)
“Which weapon?”
“Uh. Foil.”
“No, it won’t be safe,” and he went off into an explanation of why.
Turns out, he was also a serious fencer – and, when I mentioned my fencing coach, an old friend of his. (I asked my fencing coach later, and, oh yes, Dr. Z., a good friend of mine, excellent fencer.) (My coach was French. Dr. Z. was Israeli. I never saw Dr. Z. around the club or anything. I have no idea how they knew each other.)
So this was weird enough that later, when I was home, I looked Dr. Z. up on Yelp. His reviews were stellar, of course, but that wasn’t the weird thing.
The weird thing was that the reviews were full of people – professionals in lots of different fields – saying the same thing: I went to Dr. Z. for oral surgery, and he asked me about what I did, and it turned out he knew all about my field and had a competent and educated discussion with me about the obscure technical details of such-and-such.
All sorts of different fields, saying this. Lawyers. Businessmen. Musicians.
As far as I can tell, it’s not that I just happened to be pursuing the two fields he had a serious amateur interest in – he just seemed to be extremely good at literally everything.
I have no explanation for this. Possibly he sold his soul to the devil.
He did a damn good job on my surgery.
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
Me: *complains and rants about not being able to write stories for like a year*
Also me, almost immediately after said rant: *bullshits four pages of a story that's been in my head for as long as i can remember*
it's so cringey to read over, but hey
i actually have words on paper
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
white people will cry over the death of a robot but will totally ignore the murder of an African American man who got shot by the police while he was sleeping.
His name was Willie McCoy and he was only 20.
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
he flew. i love him
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gummy lamas
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
if i ignore meridia's beacon for long enough will it just fuck off to oblivion
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
i planned on going for a run or at least a walk before my parents got up, but it's hella windy. not to mention it's snowing, the sidewalks are icy, and it's like 23F out rn. like cracking my head open in the cold is not the way i wanna go
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
*tries to figure out what gaud is*
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okay what
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
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sage-themage-blog · 5 years
God I really wish carrying stuffed animals around with you was socially acceptable
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