ria-bailey · 3 years
maybe, we should stop doing it
stop worrying to begin. worrying not to be the same with people around us. worrying to be who we are.
no, I am not one of these guys who are saying “why don’t you just eat?”, “don’t worry”, “this is not a problem”, etc.
I am anxious, lonely and strange.
and you know, what? yesterday I knew that it is the best thing in my life. that this is me. that I exist. 
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ria-bailey · 3 years
wow, you replied!
wooow, you’re reading leigh bardugo too!
thank you for tagging me, @ria-bailey!! i hope you’re having a wonderful day or night<3
catch up with me
last song: carrie & lowell by sufjan stevens.
last film: zodiac, i think?
currently watching: the haunting of hill house. i’m a little late, i know-
currently reading: the ninth house and the little friend!!
craving: some peace and quiet. not to be scared. love and affection. and this year to be over (it’s january, i know...).
i’m not tagging anyone because it makes me anxious (i always feel like i’m being annoying with doing that, even though i love when people tag me), but feel free to do it if you want to!!<3
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ria-bailey · 3 years
well, let’s try!
Last song: Hapiness - Taylor Swift (omg, my queen & god)
Last film: ‘Minions’, I think...But Idk, it was on TV, and the last one I watched by my own will is ‘Tenet’ by the great Cristopher Nolan.
Currently watching: last series of the third season of the ‘Westworld’.
Currently reading: ‘Shadow and bone’ by Leigh Bardugo.
Craving: water, please.
I don’t no, can I tag anyone (to be honest, I am new at Tumblr) but...
hmm, @vintage-calamity @galina @peter1rose @abluvicn & @bikevindayy (I hope, I haven’t make you all feelin’ uncomfortable for tagging).
Catch up with me tag game!
Thanks for the tag @dearscone 💜
Last song: Stand Tall // JatP Cast
Last film: good question lmao uhh I think Emma 1996 but I don’t even finish it whoops so i guess Emma 2020
Currently watching: Haikyuu!!
Currently reading: Death Note
Craving: to go on a road trip. might go today if I can get myself organised lol
Tagging: @achillesmercury1996 @zine-e @steph-luvs-klaine @alteritymonster @hereforheritage @stressedinadress @the-angry-pixie @kenzie-ann27 @runawaygraham @blueeyedrichie if you want to, or anyone else just say I tagged you!
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ria-bailey · 3 years
that is, do you want to say that there are people who can write, surf the Internet, and not close all the tabs, not pull all the equipment out of the network when someone walks into their room ???
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ria-bailey · 3 years
If you support gay marriage reblog this. If you're on the homophobic side, keep scrolling.
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As a bisexual, it sickens me that some people WILL keep scrolling.
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ria-bailey · 3 years
p.s.: this is your imaginative reality (as a writer or artist, etc) and your imaginative character. you have no one to talk about them. you haven't them at all.
and there is some kind of special intimacy between you and your love...but between you two (or more) is also a third wall or symbolic glass, idk.
how can I accept it???
I can do many things but, accepting the fact that the (fictional) character i am in love with, is not real, is not one of them.
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ria-bailey · 3 years
So I Go to School For Creative Writing, and if you’re still deciding if you should go or not then read this.
The question at hand is whether or not a creative writing degree is worth it. Can you write a novel without one? Yes you can, aboslutely. So what makes a creative writing degree worth it? 
If you can afford it, I do reccomend it. The great thing about writing is that if you can’t afford university, you’re still able to make it.
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1. Classes 
This one is the obvious one. The hardest party about creative writing is learning to be better at it because there is no one good method, and university provides regimented classes. Addtionally (At least in my degree) I had to take general writing classes: Nonfic, Poetry, and Fiction. There’s always one that a writer learns towards (in my case, fiction) but I firmly believe that the two that you don’t lean towards will teach you the most. EVERYONE should take a nonfiction class. It’s not as boring as you think. Remember, Night by Eli Weisel is nonfiction. 
Taking classes outside your writing focus provides you useful tools that you can translate to your chosen craft. I took many poetry classes and screen writing / film classes and have a far better understanding of visualization and symbolism, as well as using lyrical writing without it being too flowery. 
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2. Literature 
This seems like also an obvious one. The best way writers learn is reading, and looking critically at the writing to see what worked, what didn’t, and what tools are on the page that you can use. But how do you spot tools? How do you read like this? And what books have tools to learn and which ones don’t? The degree helps guide you. The Fault in Our Stars has something to teach you, but Motherhood has so much more. You’ll learn to read as if you were that one guy that looks at the matrix, and every book is an educational tool for you.
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3. Written Works 
You have to write works to pass class. Now here’s the thing. if you write a piece the night before and don’t care about it, then don’t expect to be taught anything in these classes. Produce something you love, produce something you could imagine publishing one day. The point is that you are getting workshops and feedback on these works, and beta readers are MUCH MUCH harder to find, especially 30 of them. They have to read it for a grade. 
By the time you leave university, you should have at least one work you’re proud of and think might be good enough for publishing (Assuming that’s your goa if you’re going to university) 
The whole “hahaha I NEVER write” mentality dies here, and you will become bitter like me every time you see it. It’s nice to have deadlines in university, but you realize that deadlines don’t exist in the real world. And like I said, if you just put something together for the grade ALL THE TIME (because I get it sometimes shit happens like I am not a mosnter), you’re best not to go to univeristy. This is the biggest part of the benefits. The ability to recieve feedback by several peers. 
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4. Your Professors 
This is also one of the biggest ones. See, your professors are published poets, writers, editors etc. My film professor missed our fist class because he was in italy for a film festival. My advisor is an editor and novelist. Another one is getting a movie deal for his essay. These professors are as much as your teachers as they are your mentors. They know the writing world and they are people who have made it, and they’re there to answer every single question. 
My nonfic professor is giving me feedback on her own time and is helping guide me through submission and publishing for an essay. This would never have happened without university. 
This is one of the biggest benefits. The connections you make. Remember, Neil Gaiman teaches at universtiy. 
So is it worth it
Ultimately, up to you. You CAN do all this on your own, aboslutely. University puts it all in one place and makes the access easier though. This is soley based off my experience as a university student graduating in the fall, and I know a lot of people consider it. So he’s my two cents. 
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ria-bailey · 3 years
Writing Note №1
If you feel that this scene, paragraph, and so on, looks unreliable - "wrong", then step back and talk to them.
Ask them:
"How are you feeling now?", "What do you think will happen now?" "What color is this vase?" "What would you hang on this wall?" "How would you explain this behavior?" "What do you want to do now the most?" "Are you hungry?",
- and many other questions.
Just talk to them.
As a dialogue, these questions will never make it into your text. But they will help you to help your characters, to understand them, and to help your text at all.
- sincerely, your Ria
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ria-bailey · 3 years
how’d you describe your 2020 in seven words?
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