recentlydeadsys · 3 years
Seeing the 'thank you Stan' at the beginning of Captain Marvel as you're rewatching the MCU in timeline order really hits differently.
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
As someone who has never watched Xmen and just finished First Class, I feel the need to state that First Class was so incredibly gay I can't even begin to describe it. Just down the bones homosexual. Even when Charles was kissing women that movie was so queer. In no way was that movie in any way straight.
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
There is something so transgender about xmen.
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
Glare!Tommy who Tubbo accidentally shot one day and they've been besties ever since.
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
If no one is gonna revive the Fluxbuddies/Yogscast fandom I will.
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
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halloween themed sbi pfps! 
two pairs of matching profile pics :D
Frankenstein and his monster, red riding hood and the big bad wolf 
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
To the Online DID Community:
These last few years have been chaotic, and have left the DID community in shambles due to constant infighting, hostility, misinformation, anti-recovery sentiment and more.
Well, I figured that it doesn’t have to be like this.
My name is Spare. I’m part of a polyfragmented DID system, and I want to help change the community.
I want to create a community built on support, recovery, and healthy coping mechanisms, with content created by those with DID, for those with DID. So, I created Spare Parts, the dissociative identity disorder support newsletter, where readers can submit their own experiences with DID to put themselves out there and to help others feel less alone in their struggles with DID, CPTSD and more.
Inspired by newsletters such as “Many Voices” and “Rainbow’s End”, I want this newsletter to be focused on reaching younger people with DID, those within my age range, since I know firsthand how discordant and disconnected we all feel from both the DID community and real life, as we get older and become more and more disenchanted with the world’s injustices, in combination with our own traumas piling up, people not understanding, and basically never getting a break.
Well, hopefully, this newsletter can be the break we all need.
If you have DID, I implore you to send me your artwork, writing, experiences, poetry, healthy coping mechanisms, words of advice, anything you can think of relating to DID that you want to submit to the newsletter as a DID system, so long as it follows the rules and guidelines for submitting, (found in the pinned post of this blog).
This issue’s theme is: “What is being a younger system like for you?”
It would be great to have submissions relating to this topic, however that doesn’t mean you have to only submit things relating to that topic, anything you feel the newsletter needs would be great.
I hope to see you here!
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
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dsmp and tiktok comments
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
A continuation from this post except I wrote it out all proper like lol.
DSMP Merlin AU
The next time Tommy awoke, it was night. Blurrily he opened his eyes, they felt crusted over like he had been asleep for years and by god did he feel like he had. His back ached from sleeping awkwardly but it was nothing compared to his stomach. Which hurt like nothing he's ever experienced, not even that one time Tubbo pushed him out of a tree for daring to call bees 'ugly little yellow bastards'
He rolled over onto his side, hoping that would ease his pain a little and took stock of his surroundings. He was in a room not much bigger than the barns in Ealdor, it was filled to the brim with potions and books of all kinds, the walls had shelves upon shelves of medicinal instruments and glasses of herbs and spices. There was a work bench a few paces from him on the left that was clutered with a variety of things, including bloodied bandages and towels. Towards the direction his feet were facing there was a small set of stairs that appeared to lead into a bedroom and on the opposing wall another door that lead out into a main hallway of some kind. There also appeared to be a spiral staircase that led up into another level with additional bookshelves installed into the walls.
He laid his head back down, this must be some kind of medical room, he concluded, only they never had anything this big or advanced in his town, so where the fuck was he? He laid there for a few more mintues, hoping beyond anything that the pain would pass, but when it didn't he forced himself to sit up anyways. He was fucking starving and it looks like whoever was here didn't finish their meal just yet. Whatever, their loss.
He managed to pull himself over to the table, it wasn't terribly difficult but he was worried about undoing whatever kind of wacky medical procedure was done to keep all his organs inside his body where they belonged, so it took him a while. Nonetheless he got there, pulling the cold dish towards him and devouring it like a maniac, it was cold, but still good. It distinctly reminded him of his mother's cooking, he thought, before shoving the line of thinking away, no use being a baby about that now, he needs to figure out where he is, where Tubbo went, and why he isn't burning at the stake as he speaks. Which shouldn't be a terribly difficult task.
Tommy swings his legs back over the bench, theres a window on the far wall, if he can get to it maybe he can figure out where he is exactly. He can't have gone far, especially in the state he was in. Which reminds him actually, what kind of doctor leaves their horribly injured patience all by themselves in an unfamiliar world. He announces this out loud to the empty room as well, just for good measure.
"An old one" a voice says with a dry chuckle.
Tommy spins around the best he can in his chair once more. A man stands in the doorway that Tommy suspected leads into a bigger hallway, hes tallish, with shoulder length blonde hair swept back, he wears a green and white striped robe and holds a bucket with one hand. The man closes the door with a creak and makes his way down the steps gingerly.
"I'm Philza, the court physician" Phliza, the court physician says. Tommy eyes him critically.
"Well Philza the court physician you're a rubbish one." Phliza blinks owlishly at this "What kind of physician leaves a mortally wounded young lad as myself all alone in this desolate chamber. Do you want me to die?!" Tommy exclaims, thrashing his hands around.
"Just call me Phil" Phliza says, respectfully glossing over Tommys squawk of indignation upon being ignored "I went to fetch you some water, I can't promise it's hot or anything anymore but I figured you might like to wash up once you've awoken" Phil sets the water down on the bench beside Tommy and walks around the table to find a cloth for him.
"And you weren't alone, Toby was just in the other room." Tommy scrunchs his face
"Nobody calls him Toby but me!" He proclaims "And that's only when I'm very very cross with him."
Phil chuckles "Yes well, I left him in just the other room, he was supposed to check up on you but I guess he's fallen asleep." He ponders this for a bit, finally coming back around the bench and dipping a cloth into the bucket of water, gesturing to Tommy for him to use it. "You've both had quite the day, although your friend seemed reluctant to share what actually happened to you"
Tommy eyes the water skeptically before dipping his finger in. Its cold. "Its cold" he repeats for Philza. "This is no way to treat your dying paitent."
"You're not dying" Phliza says
"Ah, but I could be!" Tommy retorts
"But you're not" Philza says, a hint of exasperation in his voice. A few mintues with this boy and he can already feel the grey hairs coming in.
"Says who" Tommy challenges after a moment of silence, glaring first at Philza then at the cold bucket of water which has offended him greatly. He wishes his water was hotter. It would be much more pleasant. He dips his hand into the bucket a fishes around for the cloth, eventually pulling it out and cleaning off his face and hands from the days grime and blood, it's sort of caked on under his fingernails though, so he uses a knife under the cloth to get in there.
Halfway through one hand he realizes that Phliza has stopped talking to him, which was odd because Phliza the court physician liked to talk to him. He looks up from what he's doing to see the man staring at him unbelievably. This is a common occurrence in the life of Tommy Innit but not from Philza, his favourite court physician. "What." He asks "I'm washing my hands, isn't that what you wanted?"
Philza eyes the steam coming off the bucket "With hot water."
"Yes, it was cold, did you want me to die from hypothermia or something?"
"You're washing your hands" Philza starts slowly "with water that was hot, got cold on the way here, and now is hot again."
"Yes, that's a very good summary of the past few mintues, Philza the court physician, I'm glad you're not going senile in your old age" Tommy reaches over to pat Philza on the head but winces halfway through, he had almost forgotten about his injury.
"Tommy, do you know where you are?" Philza asks as Tommy retracts his hand from Phil's head.
"No not really" he pauses "I was going to figure that out once I was done eating, and then I was going to find Tubbo, and then figure out why I wasn't burning."
Philza sighes, long and suffering "Tommy, you're in Camelot."
And dosent that just put a whole damper on his mood.
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
Okay so hear me out on this one.
DSMP Merlin AU
-In which Tommy accidentally discovers he has Magic one day and sets himself on fire.
-He always had a certain kind of luck in life, trees falling on bullies, Tubbos bee farm being remarkably untouched after a harsh winter or time inexpcibly slowing down when he's running away from robbing the poor baker of their pies (hey, it was just sitting on the window sill, he'll tell Tubbo, ripe for the taking!)
-He grows up in a small town just outside Camelots borders, and while magic isn't exactly banned per-say it's certainly not welcomed by the locals.
-Tubbo is really the only kid in town who seems to put up and join in with Tommy's antics, he was there when Tommy really discovered for the first time he could do magic without any spells.
-Tubbo thinks that's impossible but what does he know about magic, Tommy thinks. Everyone can do this, they're just pussies and don't try hard enough.
-Tommy is wrong.
-It all really comes to a head when he's around 15, he's just messing with the crops near his house, trying to get them to grow faster (his poor pet cow has to eat something!) and a random farmer walks on by. Now, usually this isn't a big issue, the townsfolks here are used to strange things happening around Tommy, only some suspect magic but most chalk it up to Tommy being Tommy.
-This farmer, however, is from out of town, or rather, he's from the town over, just passing through the land on his way to Camelot to sell at the local market. He watches the boy for a bit, who is still oblvious to the farmer and sees the crops on the ground grow 10 times the rate the usually do.
-He freaks out, calling the boy a sorcerer and grabbing him out of the fields to drag him into the towns square.
-Tommy kicks and screams the whole way, causing quite a few people to gather around to see what the commotion is about.
-The farmer pulls a knife from his pocket and holds it up to Tommys neck
-He proclaims to the townsfolk that he caught this young man doing magic on the crops
"Surely he's enchanted them! Poisoned them to kill you!" He yells to the crowd
-Murmurs start up amongst them, surely not Tommy, he's a troublemaker, yeah, but he wouldn't do anything to harm them right? Well. Except for that one time the pigs got loose and trampled the nearby crops. Or when the fishing nets set along the river mysteriously disappeared and showed up outside Tommy's house at night. Or when that pet cow of his bite his neighbor and faint snickering could be heard from the trees.
-At this point Tubbo had made his way through the crowd. He had been sick with a nasty cold, some crack doctor had told him he wouldn't live another winter but Tommy thought that was bullshit, he spent one evening with the boy and he was already getting better!
-"What the hell is going on?" Tubbo asks as Tommy continues to shout profanities at anyone who would listen, turning towards Tubbo as much as he can without impaling himself on the knife.
-"Tubbo! Thank god you're here! This lunatic grabbed me all rough like and dragged me away from my poor Henry. He's all alone in the fields Tubbo! What if something horrid happened to him and I wasn't there to help!" Tommy shouts, montioning wildly towards the direction he was dragged from.
-The farmer tightens his grasp on the boy "Shut up! Your act is up Sorceror! Reverse the spell you put on the crops or so help me..." The knife he's holding digs closer into his skin, but not quite cutting it yet.
-Tommg finally stop flailing but frowns deeply "I didn't put any enchantment on my crops! I feed those to Henry! What do you take me for? A cow murderer? How dare you assume that of me you prick!" And Tommy kicks the man in the shin, releasing his grasp on his neck and glaring him down, gold circles his irses.
-The Crowd gasps and takes a step back, Tubbo steps forward to stand beside Tommy "Hey man we just want to live in peace" he tries "can't you just leave us alone?"
-"SORCERY!" The man yells, ignoring Tubbo pointing his knife towards Tommy "LOOK AT HIS EYES! HE HAS DECIVED YOU ALL! THAT IS THE MARK OF A WITCH!" And with that he charges full force towards Tommy, knife held in hand, ready to strike.
-Tommy tries to dodge the man, but he's caught by his neckerchief and he panics, magic instinctively flailing out to get this crazed man off of him.
-The town watches on in equal parts fascination and horror as the farmer goes sailing through the air, landing hard against a tree.
-Theres a loud crack that accompanies his landing and the crowd goes silent.
-Tommy lands hard on the ground a few steps beside Tubbo, his head throbbing from the impact, his side hurts a little.
-He opens his eyes only to immediately shut them, a fresh wave of pain washes over him and he gasps, hands crawling to his stomach. The man got him.
-And he knows he has to leave, even if he's injured, he has to go somewhere else far away. The town just witnessed him injure a man, he threw a man into a tree! He's done for sure. And Tubbo. God. His bees are gonna miss him when he's inevitably thrown into the same pyre as Tommy. Those poor bees. Tubbo has to live, he thinks, for sake of all bee kind.
-Tears track down his face and the world burns brightly, he feels like he's flying for a moment, levitating in the air, free as a bird to go wherever he pleases, free to get away from this town and the pyre he figures they're building for him as soon as he wakes.
-His thoughts are (quite rudely) interrupted by some kind of loud scream but it's annoying and high pitched, he tells the voice to shut up.
-He lands on his back again, except here the floor is hard and stoney. He groans and rolls over. It's too bright and noisy. He resolves to keep his eyes shut after hesitantly opening one and having the sun glare straight at him.
-Time passes a bit more quickly after that, colours outside his eyelids pass by and there are multiple voices overlapping one another, hands roam over him, lifting him up and dragging him somewhere else.
-It gets quieter eventually and his world decends back into darkness, he thinks he's inside now.
-The room he's brought into smells like herbs and spices, a cloth is placed over his head and some kind of horrible liquid is shoved down his throat. He weakly curses at the person who gave him that drink. Really, he's already having a horrid time, couldn't you make it taste sweeter? Like maybe some honey from Tubbos bees. He always liked that honey, he should tell Tubbo that before hes burned to death.
-Someone distantly laughs but it sounds wet and gross, like they've been sobbing for hours.
-Everything seems slower now, and he's suddenly extremely exhausted. Maybe he'll take a quick nap. Tubbo wouldn't begrudge him that would he? After all he's pretty sure he's just been stabbed or something.
-A hand settles on his arm, it's comforting and he thinks, yeah, I'll take a quick nap.
-Before he nods off he hears footsteps draw near and the owner speaks quietly above the crackle of a fireplace he hadn't noticed was there.
"Well you boys have certainly gotten yourselves into a mess haven't you mate?"
-Thats an understatement, he thinks, and then promptly passes out.
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
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Lookit these losers
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
Hey y’all, I made [THIS CARRD] that explains things for new alters within systems who don’t know anything at all, as well as explaining how to set up pk, tupper, and simplyplural. Hopefully it’s helpful to some of you! Feel free to spread it around and keep it pinned in system chats etc
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
Oh, you don't like introject heavy systems?
How about you introject deez nuts into ur mouth then.
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
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When I said "At this point I am just straight up writing fanfiction," this is the post I was talking about.
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
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Some wimblur soot
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recentlydeadsys · 3 years
Something something revievebur
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