prongs-struts-blog 6 years
Why does anti-Snape kids like you despise Snape but has no problem with Lockhart? Lockhart was a shitty person, trying to leave the school when things got worst, claim others actions as his own for fame, tried to erase Harry and Rons memory etc! Yet, you hate Snape as he was some kind of cancer or something!
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prongs-struts-blog 6 years
snivellus was shit and prongs was the shit
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prongs-struts-blog 6 years
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How it should have gone down in the shrieking shack
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prongs-struts-blog 6 years
My phone autocorrecting 'Snape' to 'Nausea' is honestly?? A mood.
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prongs-struts-blog 6 years
Oddly specific Tracy Beaker references are my jam
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New oddly specific headcanon: Snape only eats pickled food from a specific jar that he鈥檚 had since school. This disgusts other teachers at the breakfast table.
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prongs-struts-blog 6 years
My boi, Lupin
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What really went down as Lupin left the castle in PoA
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prongs-struts-blog 6 years
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Harry James Potter, brilliant seeker, likes treacle tart, saviour of the wizarding world
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prongs-struts-blog 6 years
Consider: the only thing that could have made Snape's death any better would have been if he'd gone out the same way as Denethor...off a cliff...on fire.
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prongs-struts-blog 6 years
do you think james potter actually strut
Yes, he had a condition
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prongs-struts-blog 7 years
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prongs-struts-blog 7 years
The March on the Black Gate
Aragorn: We鈥檙e heavily outnumbered. Our only hope is to kill Gandalf again and hope that he comes back even more powerful.聽
Gandalf: What?
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