passivecosmicaura · 8 years
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The Orion Nebula in Infrared from HAWK-I
(via APOD; Image Credit: ESO, VLT, HAWK-I, H. Drass et al. )
The deepest infrared image of the Orion Nebula has uncovered a bonanza of previously unknown low-mass stars and – quite possibly – free floating planets. The picturesque nebula is best known in visible light where it shows a many bright stars and bright glowing gas. Catalogued as M42, the Orion Nebula at a distance of 1300 light years is the closest major star forming region to Earth. One can peer into Orion’s pervasive dust in infrared light, as was done again recently with the sophisticated HAWK-I camera attached to one of the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescopes in the high mountains of Chile. High resolution versions of the featured infrared deep image show many points of light, many of which are surely brown dwarf stars but some of which are best fit by an unexpectedly high abundance of free-floating planets. Understanding how these low mass objects formed is important to understanding star formation generally and may even help humanity to better understand the early years of our Solar System.
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
Retrograde is so damn disrespectful.
Cindy Anneh-bu (via spiritualpoet)
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
Okay so im sorry im asking another question but I LOVE the way you write and I was hoping you could do a description on a friendship for me. Its me, taurus female, gemini rising, aries venus, and pisces moon with my close friend a libra female, aries rising, scorpio venus, and scorpio moon. Its amazing because all of our other placements are compatible but I felt like those were the only that mattered. TY
Hello! There are no limits on questions, ask away!
Hmm, our initial impression of this friendship is a good one. At least it’s interesting. You both have active Rising signs. Cardinal Aries and Mutable Gemini, like the one who starts mischief and the other to talk them out of either the action or the trouble it causes. 
You both have watery moons, but Pisces is likely to be far more open with emotions whereas Scorpio will need some time. Although it is more likely that you are one of the very few people she does share her true feelings with because Pisces is so receptive and understanding.
Finally, your Suns are both ruled by Venus. Taurus is the “feminine/introverted” one who prefers smaller, close-knit groups and may appear shy (but your Gemini Rising helps you speak up more). Libra is the “masculine/extroverted” one who has tons of friends--acquaintances, really, because Scorpio Moon doesn’t let just anyone get too close. 
You might find a little difficulty with the Aries Rising and the Pisces Moon. Aries Rising will sometimes say things without thinking and those things might hurt the sensitive Pisces. But we’re assuming Libra’s Sun is in the 7th House, her friendship with you will be of the utmost importance. Any hurt is not truly intentional and all apologies are sincere.
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
Missed Asks
Hello everyone! We answered all the questions in our ask box, but there were a few we received notifications for that seemed to have fallen into the void. If we didn’t answer your question, please feel free to ask again!
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
That was so accurate, thank you so much💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 your magic. Oh and I had made a typo when I made the request, sorry
You’re very welcome! Don’t worry about typos, Mercury Dominant in Pisces tends to help us understand implicit meaning :)
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
Hello.I just found your blog and I have to say that I love it and it really helps me learn Astrology ^^I have a question I'd like to ask about a transit that is taking place in my 8th house. Saturn is now passing through it and it conjuncts my natal Pluto in Sagittarius. I'd be grateful if you could tell me something about this transit! My 8th house is in Scorpio and my natal Saturn is in the 1st h(in case if this information is helpful).PP. Sorry if I have any mistakes but I'm from Bulgaria :)
Hello! We’re glad to help!
Saturn is a very stern planet and this transit will test you in many ways. Transformation and Limitation. You’ll likely find that you may exceed your limits (financially, mentally, physically, etc) during this time and not necessarily in a good way. Try to decide what is really valuable to you and discard the rest, Saturn won’t let you take everything. 
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
Can you tell me something about Pluto conjunct Chiron in Sagittarius in the 8th house?
Chiron is the Wounded Healer and Pluto is the planet of Transformation. There’s a lot of power to be tapped into here if you haven’t mastered your Chiron yet. If you have, then you are able to take your 8th House wound and use it as transformative energy. 
The 8th House is full of things people don’t like to talk about directly, this indicates that your wound may be something you have difficulty talking about in public, or even acknowledging at all. But when (or if you already have) come to terms with this wound, you can help others with the same wound. Transform the hurt into a way to soothe others. 
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
Do you know anything about having an anaretic moon in Scorpio 3rd house? Thanks ♥♥
Our understanding of the Anaretic (29) Degree in astrology is that it can, more often than not, create some trouble with making decisions. If your moon is in the 29th degree of Scorpio, you’re going to have a lot of back and forth when it comes to your emotions and who to share them with. Your moon is also in the house of communication, so it’s quite possible that you want someone to share your secret inner world of emotions, but you’re unable to communicate this need because sometimes you overthink and other times you rush in without thinking and it can be frustrating for yourself and others.
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
What would say about a woman with Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn and Ceres in the 8th house all in Aries expect for the Mars which is in Taurus?
We’d say that this is a woman who knows what she wants (at least for this week) and how to go about getting it! When you do see something that you want, it must be yours, all yours, no one else’s--just yours. 
If your Ascendant is Virgo, then you appear very composed and assertive and others will see you as a mesmerizing leader who can get things done. You don’t like to be stagnant or slow-moving.
And of course all of this is expressed with 8th House energy. Sex, death, taxes and inheritance, etc. should all be topics in which you are well-versed. Where others don’t know where to start, you get the ball rolling, “To hell with taboos!”
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
My dominant signs are Aries, Pisces and Scorpio in that order, I find this mix hard to deal with and balance. I have so much Aries and it's like it doesn't really blend with the Pisces and Scorpio in me, I feel all over the place and like a paradox. How can I balance this? And what would say is positive and negative about these 3 signs energy blended together in one woman?
That’s a lot of Mars (Aries and Scorpio), and sometimes poor Pisces gets pushed to the side. Understandably you feel torn. The Aries wants to do things NOW and be the best at everything, but Pisces wants everyone to have a good time, and Scorpio wants to be the best in secret. 
Balancing certainly won’t be easy, but it’s not impossible. Balance is really about accepting these parts and understanding that you’re not a contradiction, no matter how different your dominants feel. You are The Warrior, The Mystical Healer, and The Spymaster bundled into one. That’s a lot of different hats, but you have to decide which energy to spend where.
Unlike other Aries, your water gives you a wider field of vision. Pisces lets you see every point of view and Scorpio allows you to see the world as a chess board, all the pieces fall into place. However, this positive can also be your negative if the water “wins” so to speak. With so much information, so many possible plans for attack and reaction, you may find yourself with Analysis Paralysis, unable to make any decision or act on anything because you’re stuck in the world of possibilities.
Utilize your Aries initiative, let Scorpio plan your actions, but allow Pisces to be your moral compass and you should find yourself in a good place.
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
Can you pleaseeeeee do a little description for a Taurus sun and Pisces moon. I love your description for the libra sun and scorpio sun btw, because thats what one of my close friends is cx
Hello! A Taurus Sun/Pisces Moon person is likely to be reserved but very affectionate. Hmm, a cuddly little lamb comes to mind actually. 
You likely have big eyes that get even wider when you see something truly beautiful or heartwarming, maybe you even get goosebumps or tear up a bit. Art and the “aesthetic” are going to be very important to you. You like to be surrounded by your comforts which can be anywhere from your closest friends to your favorite snack to maybe a security blanket or similar from your childhood. 
This combination is so gentle, although you can be stubborn at times, be careful that others do not take advantage of you. If this has already happened, it’s a wound that will take a very long time and a lot of love to heal, but you’ll never forget.
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
Hi , I'm a Pisces with my moon in Pisces and my rising in libra, I was wondering if you could explain what having my rising in libra means. Thank you!
Hello, your Rising Sign/Ascendant is known as “The Mask” you wear. It’s how you present yourself to the world. Libra Rising gives you charm and poise. You like to make sure everyone is happy, even if it means telling little white lies. With first impressions, you likely prefer to be seen as artsy and diplomatic, the type of person anyone can talk to when they just need to vent or be heard. 
While a Pisces can get lost in their fantasy world on their own, you probably don’t like to be alone and prefer to share your fantasies with others. Both Pisces and Libra are very compassionate signs. Libra deals with the immediate issues, like maybe a bad day, and Pisces deals with the bigger, long term ones. 
Overall, you are very loyal and want to help others. You don’t necessarily need recognition, you don’t mind staying behind the scenes either.
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
What can you tell me about having Mars and Jupiter in the 8th house? (the 8th house is in Virgo) Thank you! :)
Woo, Virgo Mars in the 8th House? It’s getting hot in here, but in a very cool way. Mars gives you a wicked strong sex drive and Virgo contains it, very similar to shaking up a bottle of soda. The approach is systematic and properly evaluated. You never (or try not to) lose your cool and get sloppy, everything is perfectly planned out, but no less passionate. This placement also pulls you towards research into the occult, you are, or would be very good at it.
Now for Jupiter. Luck and intellectual pursuits mixed in with the energy of Virgo and the 8th House. This is a very good placement for gaining money through others, like marriage or inheritance. It’s also an excellent placement for uncovering the philosophies of the unknown because you’re able to grasp esoteric information more easily than others.
Please let us know if you have any further questions! We’re happy to help! 
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
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if you wouldn’t mind just giving me a little more in depth info about my chart that’d be great! I’m an Aries sun but as you can see there’s a lot of Pisces in my chart, could that be why even tho I’m extroverted in the sense that I love being social and prefer to spend time with other people rather than alone, I’m still generally a shy and withdrawn person until I get to know people? just a thought. thank you!
You’re spot on with that! With your Moon and Mercury in Pisces, you feel, think, and speak like a Pisces. Though your Sun is in extroverted, fiery Aries, because of your Cancer Ascendant, the ruler of your chart is in the Moon. Even more Pisces!
And so at heart you’re an extrovert, but because of the Cancer and Pisces, you can be seen as shy and reluctant to come out of your shell. Many people believe extroverts have the gift of gab, but that’s not necessarily the case here. Sometimes people don’t always understand the things you say. It may make perfect sense to you but other people may think you’re in another dimension, orbiting some version of Neptune. This actually encourages your shyness. Instead of immediately speaking your mind like other Aries, you’ve learned to be hesitant to speak for fear of being misunderstood or ill-perceived. But when you find people that understand your cryptic, fantastic way of thinking and expressing yourself, they’re keepers for sure!
Please let us know if you have any further questions!
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
 headstones  ~
Aries: “Don’t cremate me because I think I finally burned out”
Taurus: “I told you my cooking was to die for”
Gemini: “Keep talking to me via Ouija”
Cancer: “Now I can finally sleep forever”
Leo “you better miss me”
Virgo: “At least I can relax now”
Libra “I can make room for you”
Scorpio “I spent my life preparing for this”
Sagittarius “I knew this would happen”
Capricorn: “That all went backward”
Aquarius: “that was fucking weird”
Pisces “i have arrived”
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passivecosmicaura · 8 years
Giving and receiving love are vastly different experiences. We give love according to the 5th house; we receive it according to the condition of the 11th
Bill Herbst (via astrolocherry)
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