oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
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Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron in Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
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has anyone done this one yet
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
Friggin, Friggin YES
A Whumper who is a Whumper solely because they love being a Caretaker by any means necessary.
They break Whumpee’s ankles just so they can wait on them hand and foot while they’re bedridden for months
They poison Whumpee’s food so that they can rub their back as they vomit, then sit beside them and spoon-feed them meals
They deny Whumpee pain medicine, fever reducers, even their own previously prescribed pills just so that Whumpee will seek out physical comfort from them
They never let Whumpee practice on their crutches to get around, opting to carry them everywhere instead
They don’t treat any of Whumpee’s wounds for days, they don’t let them clean themself for weeks, letting them sit in filth and infection so that when Whumper finally bathes them it can take twice as long to be thorough
They never drug Whumpee to calm them, instead using various means of suffocation until they pass out
They cut, burn, scratch, anything under the sun to elicit screams and tears from Whumpee, just so they can shush them and wipe their thumbs across their face
They let Whumpee have a shred of hope by forming a close bond with someone else, someone who knows how to be a real Caretaker, only for that person to be ripped away to remind Whumpee that Whumper is all they have
And every time Whumpee is finally on the mend, they dread the day they’re deemed to be at full health again, because it means Whumper is going to incapacitate them in a matter of time to keep them helplessly dependent
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
I am so into Kylo Ren being all nervous during torturing someone and not knowing really what to do while trying to be threatening but it gets even better when it is Poe he is trying to torture because Poe would so use his fumblings against him.
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
PSA: I. Do. Not. Judge.
Whether it be male whump, lady whump, gay ships, straight ships, everything in between ships. Whatever you want to write your whump about: torture, sickness, emotional whump, non-con, incest, BDSM, alpha/omega dynamics; whatever!
This is a completely judgement free blog- whatever you’re into, no matter how “bad” it seems to outsiders, as long as you are not hurting yourself or others. (Except If you’re/they’re into it, lol) What you like does NOT mean you’re “crazy”, “sick”, or there’s “something wrong with you”, it just just something that brings you joy in life.
Reblog if you’re a judgement free blog too!
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Here, enjoy this lovely stock photo. 😊
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
perfect for poe (whumpee) and kylo (whumper)
when you have the time, prompts for a defiant whumpee and an uncertain whumper who has no idea how to torture someone? fantastic blog btw!!
:D thank!!!
And I’m finally getting the time- move in took a while
The whumpee could see that the whumper was insecure, and they wanted to use that against them whenever possible. The whumper would constantly be mocked as they worked, and the whumpee would be merciless with their insults.
The whumper puts on a tough facade in order to stay in control, but the whumpee wont break. The person that had taught the whumper everything they knew never explained how to break in people like the whumpee, and now they were panicking.
The whumper constantly gets injured because they keep messing up, usually the restraints aren’t tight enough and the whumpee manages to get ahold of them. Everything gets to a point where the whumper spends more time patching themselves up than torturing the whumpee.
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
Currently Taking:
Poe Dameron Whump Prompts!
Feel free to drop a prompt in my asks! I’m only writing Poe Dameron fics/imagines right now but will probably do some Moon Knight ones soon.
I only write…
…Poe as gay. I truly believe he is a homosexual and will portray him as such.
…Poe with he/they pronouns. …Poe as the whumpee.
…Kylo Ren as the bad guy. Sometimes I make an exception if a nice Ben Solo fits the story. Ren makes a great whumper.
…Finn as a good guy. He’s too perfect to make mean. I won’t make him a whumper unless Poe wants it rough…then Finn will just apologize over and over lol.
I will NOT write…
…pedoph!ll!@, !ncest, or su!c!de. Every other content warning is fine but will be portrayed as negative and I will ALWAYS add trigger warnings.
…Poe as straight. It’s against nature to me.
…crossovers. I’m just not in the mood. Only send requests taking place in the Star Wars universe during the sequel timeline.
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
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Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron in Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
Poe Dameron noncon my beloved
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
again, i need this for future reference
intimate whumper ideas
them hurting whumpee without a hint of mercy, and while they’re still screaming in pain, whumper switching in the blink of an eye to hold them, comfort them, and pet their hair soothingly. this gives whumpee an overwhelming conflict between hating and fearing them and wanting to be held by them and running to them when they’re hurt, great grounds for an unhealthy attachment between whumpee and whumper.
whumper drugging whumpee so that they stop struggling and fall asleep, then carefully tucking the two of them under the covers of whumper’s bed and cuddling against them. when whumpee wakes up, still hazy from the drugs, they think that they’re home with caretaker and hold onto whumper fondly, recoiling back in terror when they finally recognize who is really in bed with them.
whumper going out during the day and returning with photographs of caretaker taken while stalking them as a “gift” to whumpee. bonus points if whumper says that they’re sure caretaker isn’t coming for them because they’ve been watching them long enough to know- bonus bonus points if they’re lying.
after a particularly bloody torture session, whumper carefully bandaging every wound on whumpee, always asking if it’s too tight and if it still hurts. they plant a kiss on top of each injury before covering it, resisting the urge to comment on how beautiful they look injured to give whumpee a false sense of sincerity.
a whumper who wakes their whumpee every morning with a kiss, much to whumpee’s disliking- or do they begin to look forward to it in the morning? up to you!
whumper giving whumpee household chores or any tasks and rewarding them with temporary fondness and care, but violently punishing them should they mess up at all. when whumper isn’t feeling lovey dovey, they give whumpee a task that they’re set up to fail for an excuse to punish them.
whumpee doing something wrong and sobbing, begging whumper not to hurt them again while apologizing over and over again. instead of lashing out, whumper quietly reassures them it’s okay, gently putting arms around them and picking them up. whumpee’s mind is only eased for a moment as they realize they’re being carried to the room they’re tortured in, and then continuing to cry and yell while whumper keeps calm and comforts them.
whumper telling whumpee how much they love everything about them with a knife in hand, then tracing their skin with the blade as they talk about how much they love each part of them. bonus points for EYES- them pressing the skin down beneath their eyes with the flat side of the knife or with their fingers, then using the opposite hand to touch their eyes and calmly threaten to pull them out.
whumper hums frequently while hurting whumpee, so the sound is associated with pain. late at night, whumper will lean into a half-asleep whumpee’s ear and hum softly, immediately waking them up in fear and keeping them up for hours.
torture is VERY exhausting. whumpee almost always falls fast asleep minutes after whumper stops, but whumper likes to see them tired. every time whumpee looks too comfortable, like they might be fast asleep, whumper gently shakes them awake and laughs, teasing them for thinking they were allowed to rest.
whumper forcing whumpee to talk about any traumatic life experiences from before they met so that they can insincerely comfort them- and use it against them later on. the comfort makes whumpee want to trust them, but when whumper brings it up later to hurt them, they feel betrayed.
whumper constantly making whumpee tell them that they love, trust, and cherish them. for a further idea, it starts off with whumpee refusing to say it and being tortured, then over time they finally swallow their pride and say it to avoid pain. however, over time when they slowly start to break, it becomes less and less of a lie- and having to repeat it constantly is only re-enforcing these feelings.
whumper sticking a syringe in whumpee’s neck and making them beg them not to inject the drugs into them. any time whumpee says something even slightly out of line while trying to stop them, the needle is pressed in further, whumper still smiling and giving them their chance. maybe if they’re extra mean, they finally decide it’s enough and tell whumpee they did good and that they were convinced, and right as they begin to pull the needle out, suddenly injecting the drug- because whumpee can never win.
the whumpee and whumper sleeping in the same bed, realistically whumpee wouldn’t be able to sleep but bear with me. they wake up panting for breath in tears from a nightmare about the torture they endured, and whumper holds them and comforts them knowing fully well they were the one in those nightmares and they’re making whumpee feel worse.
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
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Star Wars: The force awakens
Let's be honest. This was the best scene of the movie. Poe Dameron is captured and tortured by Kylo Ren. The interrogation scene is short but very intense. You can see how is Poe struggling, how he fights even though Kylo Ren is way stronger than him. He knows he will lose, but he doesn't want to give up so easily. I love Poe 😊
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
keeping this for future refresh 😉
Here’s a list of my favorite whumpy verbs(?):
They almost instantly bring some sort of whumpy imagine to my mind.
(Featuring my favorite gif)
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
all the other fangirls be #protectionsquad while i do nothing but hurt my comfort characters 👀
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oscarisaacwhump · 2 years
i owe no one an explanation. i like spacey bois on their knees, crying and that is that.
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