orangeorages · 1 year
one of my favorite ways to make fantasy worlds more real is FASHION.
>can people decipher someone's class status based off their clothing? maybe describe someone of a lower class wearing cheaper fabrics or someone of a higher class wearing more accessories.
>can you tell whether someone's native to the area based on clothing? maybe your protagonist recognizes that someone's a foreigner based on them wearing a different style of clothing(different sewing styles, less or more stylized, different colors, different fabrics, etc). Or! Your protagonist is a foreigner and has difficulty trying to look native(they accidently look touristy, or end up just looking goofy in general).
>is there ceremonial clothing?
>do kids dress differently?(less or more formal, different colors to make them easier to recognize in a crowd, simpler outfits that are easier to get into, more or less simple.)
>is there fake cultural clothing? (a tourist trap wears extravagant versions of actual cultural clothing.)
>could, if your protagonist is a foreigner, accidently wear culture clothing wrong and offend someone? Or, it was purposeful disrespecting?
>can you tell what region of an area someone from based on their clothing?
>are there clothing trends?(embroidery, certain accessories, certain fabrics, certain colors, etc becomes more popular) and are those trends different for each age group?(kids have trends that are more based on colors and styles than accessories and fabrics because of comfort and playfulness)
>could you tell someone's job based off their clothing?
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orangeorages · 1 year
Fun fact!
When Cordova came to the Yucatán peninsula, he asked the natives what their land was called and one replied with something similar to "yucatán" so Cordova spread the word that Yucatán was what the peninsula was called.
What the native actually meant by saying yukatán was along the lines of, "I don't understand you."
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orangeorages · 1 year
Tumblr media
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orangeorages · 1 year
unpopular aftg opinion:
It wasn't really crazy for Kevin to have not recognized Neil—actually, it'd be more surprising if he did.
He had met him only once. A decade ago. When he he had different hair and eye colors.
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