omega-tech · 18 hours
how was my weekend shift at my job!!! (incoming rant)
Ok, where to start. Well for the past three days, I was on quality until saturday. Let me start by saying that I was only trained to do quality work for an hour, then a whole day. And I did quality in the worst way ever, even when trying to ask for help. I get pushed away while they would do my work for me then try to teach me and what I made a mistake on. So that night I just threw my hands up and gave up. I never thought they would train someone to do quality work for one hour and then hope for the best after that. I didn't learn shit from that training personal or my team leader who was working with me. I mean I was trained to do the stables lines, gluers inlet box, paper work, labeling and etc. but where I am now is the execution area where I made the film to make trash bags out of. I had to learn everything by myself when no one wanted to train me the proper then a fucking so call “hack” or “trick”. Yet these muther fucker blame me when shit goes down when they didn’t give me the proper training or skills i needed to know and learn about. Also I don’t have no one to supervise the help and training I need. Do ya think an hour of training is enough to do quality, which is the biggest thing to do before it gets run into a line to make trash bags outta of. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am already thinking about looking for another job but I don't know if I wanna jump right back where I was last year when no one wanted to hire me or give me a chance with these skills set I have in hand. Hell i didn’t ask to go to fucking execution when i was trying to advance up to B1 level and get the two dollars rise. But the fucking team leaders didn’t think i couldn’t do the fucking job even through i was already learning how to put chip carts, glue pebbles in the hopper hot tub, fix minor issue to the stable box machine, and all source of shit i was doing on the floor as a material handler then a operator B1 when working with two of my operators C1. Yet it wasn’t good enough to work that position and get thrown in the back. 
I should just calm down and try to process the bullshit I was dealt with by the people who didn’t give me the right training all while they were thinking of the output production number if we made it and satisfied  their customer to our consumers. I think just next time I would ask if I will have someone with me training me and watching me for more than an hour. If not, I will gently ask to step down until I am given a person to work with. 
At my old job, when someone gets trained on the first day or moving up a position, they train with that person within the eights outta five days or two weeks to get everything down and skill level up so much that they can work on their own without my help. I trained people for the whole eight to twelve hours for seven to two weeks before they do their test to see if they can make it on their own then with assistance from me or others. Well at this job, you do get the proper training as a material handler, but! As for trying to advance up to a B1 like I was trying to do. I had to prove to my cell leaders and team leaders if I was good enough, which in most of the cell leaders' eyes I was good as long as I got the training but the damn cold hearted team leaders don’t see that way at all. I am busting my ass off to try to move up in this company yet I am faced with multiple challenges on a daily basis when someone on this shift doesn’t want to do their job but yet they get rewarded. Yeah, award the lazy workers then the hard working person. 
If things don’t turn out to be good, I will try to work as much overtime as possible before I quit this job, to save enough money before i quit. I might not even put in my two weeks notice since it might not be worth it since this company alone goes through employees like toilet paper like my old job at pactiv. I am just done working at these factory jobs but that is what temples have in this town. Fucking factory jobs then good jobs that could push this town a better place then what it is now. I just hope I can make it at the end of the year so I can start going to school for my CNC OPERATOR or fall back on my back up plan as a CDL license driver and work a Monday thru Friday kindle deal then a rotation shift of twelve hours shifts. That my little rant of what happened on my saturday night shift at reynolds.
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omega-tech · 5 days
my opinion about emulation
I could go many ways of my dislikes or likes but I will say a couple of things. 
I feel that emulation would help archive old video games that have been forgotten or lost from documentation. How else are we supposed to know the history of video games if we don’t save them? Many old games from the cartridge era are dying from chip rott or chip failures. Some cartridges are just beyond repair or saving. And as for disc base from pc to playstation. Those are getting hit harder than cartridges due to the disc rot and scratching on the data on the disc. Once it's gone, it's gone for good. That is why I feel that emulations should be a thing to save these games before being lost. 
What I don't like about emulation is the use of it. Over in China, you could buy loaded retro box or handhelds that have thousands of games from the eight bit to sixteen bit, even twenty four/sixty four bit games roms for over twenty to eighty dollars. Some come in the form of an arcade fight stick. And another thing i am seeing is software or hardware devices that you can mod your current console and play rip games. Nintendo went after a company that makes the switch emulation that you can run on your pc or steam deck. And the ps4 just got a linux based emulation and runs pretty well if you got a beefy pc to run it, only if it linux os then windows os. Those of the emulation I don't like but that is my opinion. 
But I do see why people do it, and the reasons that come with it. I mean, I would love to have a red cab neo geo mvs arcade system but those are going for $900 to $3000 a pop from a one slot to four slot. I would rather emulate the cab on my pc than buying the cab. Also the mvs carts are getting so pricey. And there are some games on the snes I wish I could afford but can’t. I would love to have most of the jrpg games on snes like secret of mana, chrono trigger, and super mario rpg. But those games are running around $80 to $400. Same thing on ps2 the king of jrpg. I wanna get my hands on the .hack series and also tales of the abyss, star ocean, fantasy star universe, and tales of rebirth. Again, those games are getting so pricey and scary due to disc rot. And if I have to use an emulation to play them. So be it. 
The world of retro game collection in 2024 is pretty bad now since everyone is getting into it. I got into it with my little brother back in 2009. I am lucky to have most of my childhood games but the games I was curious about that I mentioned before will be outta react unless I get lucky online from facebook market space or ebay. Emulation is my way to play games i haven’t had a chance to play when i was a kid. Even through it all sources of wrong or good. I feel that emulation will be the only way to preserve video game history and its contents that come with it. So I am 50/50 on the emulation. It is good for preservation and it is wrong for piracy from the current gaming consoles we have now. Again, that is my opinion about emulation. 
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omega-tech · 9 days
Coming soon late summer 2024
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omega-tech · 1 month
I was reading an article about a certain government department that is worried that America's birth rate is at an all time low. And they wanna know why it is. And it got to me in a strange way until I noticed why. THEY WANTED MORE BODY FOR THEIR WARS MEANING THEY NEED SOLDIERS TO MIND WIPE AND CONTROL! Heard me out
If ya haven’t ya notice, the military is at it all time low in the recruitment stages. They even threw more benefits like health care, housing and even get a nice sports car. But none of that is working anymore since people do know that once you’re in the military system, they own you. And you can be replace if you get kill or you kill yourself from the mental abuse they do to people. So now the government doesn't have enough soldiers to protect them or fight the wars they started. And what would a government do? Start making laws and banners of abortion and birth control/sex protection products. And yet that is still not working even though people are being more careful when having sex as a couple is not trying to have an unwanted baby they can’t afford.
That has been my theory for a good while ever since the government banned the abortion and the protection of women's body rights. And soon they will go after men who want to get a vasectomy aka man birth control that I am trying to get soon. And now this department that study and review the birth rates of america on a daily is worry that their isn’t no babys being born at a certain rate each month like a fucking factory. The way things are now with inflation and housing, I don't think couples don’t want to have kids in this era unless it is one child, then again. The government wants a couple to have six kids then only one because that is a basic family value to have in “AMERICA SOCIETY”.
For me, when I was dating this one girl. We agree if we had a child, it would only be one and that is it. But yet our American family values a generation behind us like the bloomers see it as a cruel way of raising an only child with no brother or sister. How is it cruel? And why do ya think what my child wants? Maybe my son/daughter don’t want a brother or sister, have you thought of that! But that is how America taught society. Like the movie “THEY LIVE”. The government wants us to obey, conform, buy, reproduce, sleep and follow the rules of their game! As we who are awake and know what is going on around us and don’t follow the rules while not playing the game are more free then every then being combined with a ball and chain around our ankles. 
What i am trying to say is that this department who is watching our birth rate system here in america should be keeping a eye out on other things like housing crisis, crooks in our government office stealing tax payers money, homeless crisis, mental health and so many things i can’t name right now but yet ya mother fuckers are worry about our birth rate system. Well what i have to say is go fuck yourself and mind your damn business of couples/lovers who don’t want to have kids.
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omega-tech · 2 months
My cruel dream
So yesterday I had a good and wonderful dream of going to Japan for my dream vacation. I finally met up with this girl who helped me find some hard to find visual kei/j-gothic music cd’s i was looking for. She also took me around tokyo for sightseeing. She even took me to a few parties that she goes to and even the underground japan raves i have been hearing about for years. She knew a few djs like dj sisen who is a part of the cyber goth rave scene and also spy47 who is also a part of the j-core music scene. From there I got to talk to them and also chill with them. 
But, they kinda gave me an opportunity to be a part of their rave scene since they needed a real hardcore/crossbreed dj who could keep up with that style of music. I was like, I can't. I don’t even have a Japanese critistalship but they said they would help me get one since it was easy to apply for one. So I did it. I sold almost all my personal items (besides my retro video games and comic books etc.) and put the reminder of items in a storage unit container at my parents house. Move in with that girl from before. And that's when I started to DJ these crazy underground rave parties throughout  japan. 
Next thing I knew I had a house outside of Osaka and a nice car and a music studio. It was like I was living life and then…BOOM!…sandman came by and just woke me up from this dream to reality. “OK, ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT, TIME FOR YOU TO WAKE UP AND COME BACK TO REALITY BITCH!”. And boom I woke up and was sad for a good minute or two. It's like an alter dream that wasn’t true. I wish I was living it but it's only a dream!! Got up, brushed my teeth and cleaned my face. Change into my work clothes and pack my lunch. When i got to my job it started to set in of what if, then i am reminded that it was only a fucking dream. 
This sucks! Why do we have these fantasy dreams when in doubt it is not real but yet in this world it is. But once we all wake up to the reality we’re living in of this world. Which fucking suck right now. But maybe one day I will go and take a vacation if I can afford it. I can only dream about it…….this fucking blows!!!
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omega-tech · 3 months
(i would like to say i am sorry ahead of time because this is going to be a nsfw rant with foul language but ya have been warn)
As I sit here feeling sorry for the women in this country who are going through war about their rights, what they can’t do to their bodys. I can’t help but wonder why this is an issue from the government about what women can do to their bodies and try to be in control of them. I for one just don’t fucking care what a women want to do to their body’s, if she want to have a abortion because she can’t take care a child on her own or financially support it. Then i am all for it, it also goes for women who was a victim of rape. I feel if a women get rape by her rapist and get pregnant by him, she have a right to abort his baby. 
But what I don't see in this picture is why the government wants to control women 's rights and their reproductive organs. It is their bodys and why do they have to act like judges tour women like they’re murderers for having a abortion of a child they can’t take care of or support. Yeah ya mother fuckers love to talk and care for that unborn child, but when it come and being born. Ya are quick to turn around and not support it at all and leave that child all alone and helpless. 
What's worse about ROE V. WADE after they took that away. I knew they were going to go after other protected items to prevent women getting pregnant like birth control/plan b and condoms. Hell, us guys get worried when we can’t buy condoms because our state banned them because they believe it is not right to waste a good load of cum. And I won't be surprised if they started arresting us guys for wasting cum, then putting it in a woman. Hell i put one better, they are probably going to arrest us guys for masturbation and killing all those good children that are in a form of sperm. “Oh look everybody, i am going to jail for jerking my stick and shooting my load off in the toilet when watching pornhub. And they are going to fine me for each load I shoot out of the millions of children i kill.” 
And now they are stopping IVF. what the fuck do a fucking egg have to do with this. Well the government also thinks it is an unborn child and it is wrong to freeze them. In other terms, couples who are looking to have a child through IVF treatment will not get one due to the wrongful way to have kids………what? You mean, couples who are trying to have a child and even though they did all the source of things (i won’t name them but you get the picture) to make a child now can’t if they go through this treatment. Suck my Mexican rooster cock! You mean you're going to take away this treatment that can help these desperate couples to have a child through scientific treatment of IVF. because the old way isn’t working for them. How the fuck you became governor/senate/district lawyer, do you have your high school diploma or got your fucking GED and a community college degree. Because I think you didn’t do well in science/biology class to understand how chromosomes work and also embryonic.  
So I would like to say this to our American government people who controlling this ship. Ya need to start worrying about other things like the housing crisis, homelessness, inflation, retirement/social security, police brutality, and ceasefire in Gaza. Then worrying about a woman's reproductive organs. Because “WE THE PEOPLE” have the right to vote, meaning if we don’t like what we’re seeing. Then we can vote you out. 
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omega-tech · 3 months
i fear for my little brother drinking
I don’t usually talk about my family that much. I do alot with my bastard sister but that's another story. This time i am talking about my little brother, i don’t have an issue with or hate him. The thing I don't like about him is that he is a full blown out alcoholic. He got that from our father who was an alcoholic which I am glad I didn't pick up from him anymore (close to it but grandpa told me to stop). 
My brother has been drinking all his life and even though he tries to quit, it just crawls it way back. And it happens when he is not doing so well at work, life issues, or anything that would challenge him in life. I think he got worse when he took up that job as a prison guard in kenedy,tx. That job stress him out so much and he was on full alert mode because he didn’t know if one of the prisoners would try to kill him. He also witnessed that at that prison, someone who murder someone in front of him. But it also questioned his decision when a few guards were trying to test him to see if he could be one of them. I would like to tell ya what he told me but i will keep that private but all i gotta say is that this police/jail guard brotherhood shit, it needs to stop. My brother worked at that job for almost three years I think, and in those three years it made him a different person and what he viewed in his own eyes about his world. His relationship with his girlfriend fell apart, his best friend was using him and guilt tripped him when they’ll roommates after he couldn’t pay his rent and didn’t want to be homeless, traveling back and forth. And his drinking became worse and worse because he was trying to numb the stress out of his head. 
So after those three years he decided he had enough of that job, even though he liked the pay, the stress wasn’t worth the travel back and forth. And that's when I think he started to fall apart. He just lost motivation about life, he didn’t want to improve it or try to fix it, it was just like he was done trying to climb up to that ladder after everything he lost in his life is now gone from the one thing that made him happy. It was also the reason I distanced myself from him when he was getting worse and worse when he was drinking heavily. I did try to help him stop drinking but he just ignored me and would get mad at me while telling me he got this in control when he didn’t. Even though my father gave up drinking years ago after he retired, he didn’t even try to tell him to stop knowing he is destroying himself the sameway my father was when he was his age. I couldn’t do anything because I had no one to help me try to tell my brother to stop drinking and get help. 
And then he started to read and follow a certain group of people all while hating the wrong things about this world we live in. He would bash on certain subjects like when he didn’t like it when people give their opinions about Barack Obama being better than trump. Or when he think that he know more about god when he doesn’t and give out the wrong impersonal on certain touchy subjects like gays and lesbians even trans-gender people. And he knows I support the lgbtqia movement, even though he doesn’t say anything to me or question my sexuality (the reason I say that is because sometimes he thinks i am gay when i am not) . I even hate it when he would use God as a weapon in these dabate moments when I try to have a simple conversation. But he would leash out like that when he is buzzing or has one or two drinks in him. 
I just wish my brother would just open his eyes and just accept how things are and just try to stop drinking completely and get therapy help. It's already bad enough that I have an older brother who is far away from his drinking and drug use, and god knows where he sleeps at night because I fear him being homeless out in the streets. And that is what I don't want for my little brother. But how can I talk to someone who just hates the world for no reason and didn’t have it his way when he fell off of life. I just hoped my little brother would just wake up before it was too late for him. 
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omega-tech · 4 months
why rightwing people can't find love
This is abit of a rant so please don’t get offended by what I am about to say. Why is it the people who is rightwing always have something to say against the people of color, the middle class, lgbtqia and even people who got vaccinated for the covid-19. And yet these same people are the ones who get pissed off when they can’t find love or find someone who can love them who they’re in life with society. 
I’m not going to name who this person is but they know who they are. I saw this person posting on social media that they hate this and they hate that. From subjects of gays rights to black lives matter. This person went so far to say that Donald Trump is still president and Joe Biden is just taking over the white house hostage? Really, you're going there. 
But what is so funny about this person is that this person can’t find love and they don’t know why. This person went on tinder, POF and even some sex sites to find someone to love them but can’t seem to get any response due to this person's behavior and beliefs of life. This person went so far as to say that they only date people that aren't vaccinated. Also this person doesn’t like to work and expects someone to give this person money or take from the system like food stamps and section-9 housing but got taken away for “reasons”. 
Here my through’s of this person who just hates the world the way it is. You're just mad because you scare someone outta your life who once loved you until you turn on them when they saw something in you that just made them think twice about you. Why would you deserve to be love after you went out and attack people in the lgbtqia and also people of color because you think they don’t get anything because they’re are not white or straight. Matter of fact, you lost your job after a video of you calling a black man the N word because you thought he was a criminal when in doubt he was just a city worker just trying to fix a water line that was broken in the alley. And now you find yourself alone in your apartment working at a dead end job wondering why you are where you are now. All because you decided to listen to the people who are lying to the world. So guess what, this is what you get when you decide to hate the world and push the people who once cared for you and love you, even your friends and family. But since you think the way you think about certain people and their beliefs while you think you're better than them. You're not, and you're wrong for doing what you did. And if you die alone, you know why. But I don't wish that on someone but you better learn and respect people's lives or just mind your business and shut your mouth up. 
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omega-tech · 5 months
another weigh lost journey in a different way.
Ok, I know every new year. People sign up to go to the gym and do some weight lose. But it only lasts for about two or three months. Because diets kinda suck but some of us can do it, and some of us can’t. Right now I am thinking about doing a fasting 16/8 diet. Meaning i can eat within eight hours but after that, no eating for sixteen hours. Right now I am at two hundred and forty four pounds. And I wanna get back two hundred pounds.
I think this diet will work because I will start doing healthy smoothie drinks and also my protein drinks. I just need to figure out how I am going to balance it out while I am at work. Again I work a twelve hour shift and it rotates. So it is going to be tough on me. Meanwhile, I signed up to a different gym that is 24hrs which is good on my work schedule. The only difference I will do now on my workouts is a lot more cardio and less lifting weights. I would love to lift heavy weights back then when I used to power lift but those days are gone. But i hope i my body back into shape
I am not looking to have a beach body or a lean and cut body with shredded abs. I just wanna keep the weight off for my health reasons. The one thing I have to focus on is to not stain myself and my body while maintaining my cardio exercises. In other words, do not over do it. Back then I would workout in sets till failure, meaning when I couldn't work out which gave me great results but i pay that in muscle soreness and body arches. And no amount of amino acid drinks or pills couldn’t save me. Also I hurt myself on my elbow and shoulders, even my lower back when I did a lot of deadlift with the belt around my waist so it wouldn’t compress it outta shape. 
I just hope I can get back two hundred pounds and stay that way. So let this new year be an ok year for me and everyone else.
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omega-tech · 6 months
my thought's on physical media being lost
As most of ya know. Most major retail stores will most likely not be selling any dvd/blu-ray format anymore after the saga strike happens. Meaning there will be no more physical media. As streaming is our new way to view media of movies and shows. Owning them will no longer be a thing. I, for one, am a collector of movies and retro video’s games. I collect from nostalgia feelings to having a rare item on my shelf. I have been collecting movies ever since I owned a vcr/dvd player back in 2001. I used to buy used dvds for a dollar at my local goodwill to a dvd store. As when blu-ray came, i started to collect and buy those too. Some movies that were on vhs tapes that never got released on dvd but blu-ray release for limited copies. 
It saddened me and the people who collect them are now going to back up or hunt the movies they wanna have before people take up what remains physical of dvd/blu-ray movies. So when that stops, the clearance of those dollars to five dollars dvd/blu-ray goes back up to twenty dollars or more. It will be hard to own some of those movies and tv shows we all love.
As of now I've been buying a lot of movies and backing them up in my linux htpc that i used to stream my own movies of dvd-480p/720p format to blu-ray/4k hdr. And I just got a 8tb drive which will soon fill my collection of blu-ray/4k hdr movies. Which led to more hard drives to back my movie collection. I fear that soon physical movies will be a collection hobby and we will see those movies that most people don’t care about on a dvd platfoam, to a high price item just like retro video games. 
Which brings me to this subject. Piracy! I don’t like to say it but in the past, movies and shows have been piracy online for almost twenty six years now since the internet was widely used. And don’t get me wrong, yes those studio’s will never re-release some movies unless they’re going to overprice that physical blu-ray over $60. And that comes only the movie and steel book case with no extra features. And when movies stop being released, they’ll soon be lost. That is why piracy will be a thing again for lost media. 
I think I know why the studio’s are doing this, royalty! Meaning no pay out to the writers, actors, directors etc. which will lead to more issues when those people don’t get paid because the studios just refuse to release those physical media which is a good profit gain. And is also a lead to another issue, licenses. In all, after this strike happened from the stop use of A.I. technology and pay writers of the pay they show are earning. This is a reason to say from the studio “ok we will agree on these terms and don’t use A.I. but we will not be selling physical media which we know ya make money on”. So these studio’s will be banking on streaming then sales of physical media. That's just my thoughts.
In all, I don't like streaming because I don't feel like I own the movie but rather I rent it. And if i am going to do that, i rather have blockbuster or hollywood video’s to be back then streaming it. I wanna see those extra features like bloopers, deleted scenes or interviews of the director and actors that streaming platforms don’t have. Also I don't have to worry about the movie being cut out due to low internet speeds or the image getting clean for one second and then getting a digital grain scale like it glitching out when you didn’t seat the nintendo cart right in the console. But all, if you love physical media then you better start buying and collecting now before it is all gone, just like vhs tapes.  
That is my thought on physical media.
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omega-tech · 6 months
my 39th birthday
Well, next week will be my 39th birthday on November 27th 2023. The last three and a half years have been really rough, hard, emotionally, challenging, and heart arching in my entire life. I lost friends, family, people who I once called homies to sisters. And now I am looking into the mirror of a man who is still standing but humble of the last three years and I mean three long years that change my view of life. 
Since March of 2020 when the world shut down, I was very worried about what would happen or will happen. I was scared and very depressed when I was at home alone. Few of my so-called friends have taken their mask off to show who they really are then what I thought of them. I view the world in two views, one was the hateful and greedy side that was destroying the hope we had left and two was the people who were peaceful and giving that was trying to hold on to hope we had left over. 
2022, was a crazy and rough year for me, I got hurt to the point I lost my front teeth and had to get emergency oral surgery. My job was overworking me and paying me less while the higher up was taking our hard work money away. And at the end of the year I got hurt again at work which led to more pain and arch’s while my job was trying to find ways to screw me over and get me fired. I was stressed out that I wanna quit but could since the medical bills were building up. 
And then the beginning of 2023 was not a good start.  My job screwed me over and was trying to put me in a position I wasn't comfortable with and I called their bull shit. So I made a decision to go to a different department for my job. After that i couldn’t see myself doing that job for so long, i mean there wasn’t any advancement to move up. So in March of this year I decided to look for another job which was challenging. Until late April I got a call from a company that wanted to hire me, which was my break. I put in my two week notice and left that job, and ended with a horrible position. This company told me lies and I knew this job wasn’t for me. I had a plan to stick it out until something good came along but I quit that night because the team leader was trying to kill me on  a line that I didn't feel safe in. So after being without a job for almost a month I got hired on as a housekeeper which i didn’t want but needed a paycheck. Luckily I still had time to do interviews for the jobs I was applying for which led me to get hired on to reynolds. I started in September of this year and currently I am still working here. 
As of now, I am in a comfortable place and feel safe from being jobless. I don’t know what I am going to do but my plan was to go to school but, school isn’t looking good and I don't know if my trade degree i am going after would benefit me in a good work life. I wanna make this work without failing but I gotta face it because it is a part of life and I gotta learn from it. I just hope something good comes out of this when 2024 comes. I just hope I get a sign from god or anything telling me what I need to do and change about my life. I wanna have a good job and pay so i can own a home out in the country where there is quietness and being safe. That is one of my goals i wanna do, just own a home but these days it is impossible. But then again something will change next year hopefully. 
So as I celebrate my 39th birthday, I wish for change and have a good life. And completing my goals I have set for myself. I know some of the things I will have to give up which some of my friends might not like but have to understand from my view. So, I hope I have a good day on my birthday and wish for change in 2024. 
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omega-tech · 8 months
trump clock is running out, and he realize it now.
I really think Trump really sold his soul to be president and now he is suffering the aftermath of his unfaithful wish that the devil is joy riding. “Oh you wanna be president Mr. Donald Trump, wwwweeellllllllllll……it going to cause you a soul and no you can’t use anyone else but yours!”. Trump got his wish and for four years he fuck this country up to a hell mess. But now, he is getting back what he wished for. This man is being charge with 91 criminal acts of , lying, selling secret’s documents, raping, laundrying, abusing political power, and much more i can’t think top of my head. And he knows he is going to jail. What makes me laugh the most is that the judge closed all his business shares since they found he was lying to banks that his shares are worth more but ain’t. Which means he ain’t going to have any more coming in beside his bullshit lying donation money which will dry up soon once they put a stop to that. 
It is getting closer and closer and soon Trump will not have anybody to represent him or save his ass. So matter will give up his run for president and just get ready to go to prison. Because “BIG RON” is waiting for you in his jail cell to be his slave.
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omega-tech · 8 months
electric cars and UAW unions
I just wanna say that the people who are blind about electric cars taking away jobs aren't true also said that electric cars are more pollutants than gasoline cars. I will say I am 50/50 on electric cars but I know they don’t pollute the air just like gasoline cars. How many times you see a car or a truck, hell even a van. That is leaking fluids and smoking really bad enough that you can smell it thru your car vents with the windows up. Yet it passed inspection knowing you ain’t supposed to have leaking fluids. Yet those same people who are saying that electric cars are bad are the old timers aka boomers who don’t know the difference from burning trash that they think is safe while saying recycling is bad and doesn’t help the environment. 
These are the same people who dump toxic waste barrels in the sea when they didn’t know where to put them when they started to not have room for them in the barrels that were filled with toxic waste. And now those barrels are starting to leak and killing the sea creatures outta of extinction. But the one thing that pisses me off about them is when they say “oh well i am about to die soon, it's ya kids problems now!”. 
Ok i am getting off topic, i just saw a video of a guy who was around maybe 50 or 60 years old. Talking about the automotive union strikes is for the people who are about to lose their jobs because the government is trying to force us to get an electric car. When in doubt it is not about that at all. It is about them not getting what they earn when they help the automotive companies making profits and cut their earnings when they were about to go out of business after the government bailed them out with the loans back in early 2009. And now all three car manufacturers are now making record profits but not giving the employees what they want when they see the higher ups making record high payouts that is close to 22 to 37 millions dollars every year in their pockets while the employees are working for penny’s. And when they find out about it and ask how come they can’t get a raise after they give up their earnings just to save them and their jobs. The big three turn around and just ignore the employee’s thinking they have no power to go against them. Until they forgot that their employees are UAW union. 
This is the part that I don't understand why people hate unions yet, they point the blame on them when they don't know what is going on behind closed doors. How would you feel if you're getting paid less than what you’re supposed to be getting paid for the job you're doing. When I used to work at my old job at pactiv, I knew what my worth was. yet they made me “no” threaten me to do my job or i get fired. And after I had enough with their bullshit ways, I decided to quit and go somewhere where I am worth something. If my job was union, this wouldn’t happen from the bullshit company practice that they were doing to me and everyone else in that company. That company knew I could hang rolls, run a line, pack a line, handle material, do quality check, hourly paperwork, use a hydraulic or electric pallet jack, troubleshoot mechanical repairs etc. yet they can’t pay me 22 dollars an hour or more after 16 years working there. A union would do a performance sheet of the skills I compel and would demand the company to give me a pay raise of the duties I've been doing and the years I work with the company. But since pactiv don’t have a union or allow it, they can get away with that. That's why I left.  
This is what the UAW is doing for those employees. They have given up their earnings and cut their pay rates so the company can stay a float and in business. These employee’s basically give up half of their paycheck so they know this company and their job would be secure. And now they are asking for a pay back of the things they are giving up now since the company is doing very well now. And what happens is they turn their back on them. Now it is time for those companies to idle, pay them back what they gave up to help them, or go outta business and become just like other car companies in America, which is history. This is why I would stand with a union if I had a choice. If a company is making record profits and getting payouts to the CEO and staff then giving to the employee’s who help you to get ya up there in the automotive industry in america. Then why screw over your employee’s, because ya think you could replace them with newer employees who can build your cars, no i don’t think so. These people put in years in your company and give up everything they have in their livelihood so they know they can provide for their families.  
And yet people still think unions are bad because they would believe what they see then what the employees feel and go through. Ya might think you’re making good money but remember this, you're just a number like everyone else. And you can be replaced if they feel too. That is why unions are good because they will defend you. Also cars and trucks wouldn’t raise the price if the union did get what they wanted. It is the company setting those prices of a car and a truck because they know how to sucker you people into paying something that is overpriced then how much it really cost to get that vehicle being built for. 
I’m just putting my two cents in, electric cars don't pollute and the union workers are not against electric cars. It is about pay and job security rights.
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omega-tech · 9 months
first day, new job, new life, new beginning
My day at work was pretty good. I started working at Reynold’s Consumers Products here temple,tx. I had to take three days of classes on safety, rules and policies about this company i am working with. Right now I am just a stacker/material handler but soon I will be helping the operator with his stuff after I do my 90-days probation period. I did good at work and learned the simple duties like restock boxes, chips (not the potato chips, as in package boxes), paperwork and using a electric hydraulic pallet jack.
The people who I was working with liked what I did and gave me some tips and tricks, also they were very helpful when I didn't need help. Also they believed me in doing the work unlike it was my last job. They were asking me if I wouldn't mind being an operator and I told them yes if the crew believed in me. And there is an advance of moving up but this company is very strict about it. Not because people are looking to get a higher pay but to see if they are good enough for the job. At this company if you're good at what you're doing then you will keep your job position but, if you don’t meet those standards they will step you right back down. Which is common at this place. 
My plan is to be an operator as long as I can until I step up to a forklift driver. I think I have a good 12 years left in me before my body starts to break down. But right now my plan is to get my package training sign off before my 90-days are up. And start living a new life, then the one i used to work at which was pactiv.  That company alone brutally broke me and made me feel so depressed when I thought I wasn't going anywhere from all the  favoritism that was going on at that company. But this is a new fresh start and I am going to try my best to get somewhere then being at one position. Wish me luck guys. 
As for school, I am going to put that on hold. I thought I was ready but I wasn't and my dream of being a solar technician came to a crush when I found out the bullshit lies about that career.
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omega-tech · 9 months
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We, as most of ya heard. CM Punk is no longer with the wrestling company of AEW (ALL ELITE WRESTLING). He caused a few issues but one was getting into a fight with jack perry and also a few others which involved tony khan being pushed and lunged at by cm punk who supposedly tried to throw a punch, or try to throw a punch. This happens at the ppv of ‘AEW: ALL IN AT WEMBLEY”. The biggest ppv that aew  ever hosted. Which also coulda cause other problems but I am not going to get into that. 
Idk but i wasn’t a cm punk fan but i respected his work in the ring via ROH, TNA, and WWE. he was a good wrestler, knew how to do a promo and showcase his talents in the ring with any style wrestler that came forward to challenge him. When he quit WWE he was a bitter man because of crap that was happening to him with that company. And we all know about the podcast he did with his former friend when he spilled the beans of wwe and what he went through and how he was treated. 
Seven years later, he joined aew. At first i was kinda happy and also worried because he was going to bring his bad bitterest to this company and also used this company to fight against wwe. Yes and no but from the early problems with talent and also dropping ideas that he didn’t want to work with or plan. I knew something bad was going to happen. Now last year of all out ppv. I watched the match between him and Jon moxley. After that match ended and the media scum starded, he was mad and angry at most of the talent in the back saying if they got a problem with him then they need to meet with him in his locker room. Also he did mention about colt cobalt which early that year got him released from the company by punk which was a rumor but we all know what happened. After that press there was a fight that broke out which got the young bucks, kenny omega against cm punk and alex steel. It didn’t turn out well and it resulted in a suspension, fines and lawsuits. When punk came back (from injuries to his bicep) he had to start over but he quickly came up that ladder when a new aew show collision came on. He was able to do what he did and just wrestle...but!. His issue with talent came back again and didn’t do well. He had talent removed from the roster of collision and also demanded main event matches again. Now fast forward to all out Wembley and the same issue happened again but this time tony khan had enough of it when he was pushed around in that fight. 
I don’t blame tony khan doing what he had to do to cm punk. As for cm punk, he shoulda known better and just be a mature person about it then trying to take out issues with talent he didn’t like or wouldn’t work with. I knew this was going to be an issue with aew and cm punk when he came back to the wrestling picture again. But I never thought something like this would happen but this is the wrestling business. I do hope punk knows what he did wrong and i don’t think wwe would take him back because now they see who he can do once he opens up in rage when things don't go right with them then being a team player. So if this is how we will remember cm punk as a wrestler, then this will be the last image of him leaving the wrestling world for good. I for one respect his work but he needs to be a team player and agree on things with terms. It ain’t 2012 it 2023 and the wrestling world doesn’t wait around for you, it keeps moving forward. 
I just wanna put in my two cents. Also if ya think WWE would take punk back, i don’t think so, he pisses off vince, he piss off steph, he piss off shane, he piss off shawn, he piss off hunter, and last he piss off the exist talent of wwe who once work with him. And it is too much of a risk that WWE can deal with him.
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omega-tech · 9 months
bullshit company making me jump hoops
So today I was supposed to get a call from Reynolds after I did the drug screen test and also did my background check. I did this from August of 12, after that I had to email a dozen people until I got a call from the recruiter telling me my background check static is still in process but they will call me on the 29th of this month which is today. And she called me last week on the 25th. I am at the point of giving up on this company. I went to the job fair at the beginning of this month and once I gave my job resume to the staff of Reynolds, ya was eager to hire me when ya saw what ya like on the job resume. Did the tour of the plant the next day and did a test and made an account to your site for the hiring process. Yet it's been three weeks of signing up accounts, drug screen, online background check and etc. and while i am doing this i haven’t had no one call me until i had to contact ya to see what is going on and the static of my hiring process. 
Wtf is wrong with ya, ya say ya are hiring yet. I am jumping hoops to do all this chores and testing yet I have no clue or someone contacting or telling me if I got the job or not. I am tired calling someone or emailing someone to get a fucking answer if i got the job when ya are just making me go around circles thinking i got the job but don’t know for sure if i ever work. What ya need to do is to stop with all this bullshit crap that a person had to go through just to apply and see if he/she gets hired on to the company. The last job, it only took two days and within a week. I was already working with the company after they did my drug test, background check and my reference check all in the same week. Yet, ya can’t get nothing done when after a week go by to the point i have to call you to see the static of my hiring process. 
Well, the good thing about this is that I got a contact from another company (which I hope they will call me back soon) that just saw my job resume and liked what i have in my skill set. And I didn't apply. They seek me out by calling me and telling me about who they are and what they make. Tell me what they can do for me when working with them and give them the information like my reference and update job resume and they will contact me soon at the end of the week. Idk if i got the job yet but if they manage to get me an interview and get me hired within that same week. Then ya are doing something wrong. It doesn’t take three or four weeks to hire someone if you really need people to work at your company that badly. 
Sorry ya i needed to vent out and i am getting tired of this job market bullshit. They tell you one thing and another yet, they won’t tell you if you got the job after you did all the crap they tell you what to do. 
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omega-tech · 10 months
my two weeks notice
Hello, I am submitting my two weeks notice on 5-21-2023 for reason’s I can lightly explain why I am leaving this employment. I feel I am not being used right and being pushed to the right direction of my duties/employment. The knowledge I earn from my skill set I have been taught and trained for within my sixteen years I have been here for this company. I tried many attempts to earn an upper position here at the foam department but ended in a rough condition of bad team leader to management not believing in me or my skill set that I acquired being here at this company.
Also I have been verbally, homophobic assault and racism called on from formerly to current employee’s when I report misbehavior acts here at work. I had my locker broken into, I had a sexual male part drawn on my locker to even have my lunch bag being put in a break room freezer. I feel that the environment and vibe is very bad here then it was seven years ago when things were good and taken care of when things like this happen when reported. I feel like I am not welcome here at _________ of the things I do here, when all I want to do is to come into work and make the best foam food product I can. So I can still have job security being in place then being worried all of the time that it would be my last day here at work. From the flavorism to cheating and lying that is happening here in the foam department I try to report. Nothing came to a result due to the fact there are a fraction of the employees who are willing to help each other out of the bad behaviors they hide which have happened all throughout the plant, and that also goes to team leaders. 
I feel that if I leave here, I would feel much better than me being here in the mental state that I am currently in now. ________ was a good place to work from 2006 to 2011, but within the last seven years it hasn’t been good. That also goes to the covid-19 pandemic era in the beginning of March 2020 which was a dark time for me and everyone else who formerly and currently working here during that time period. 
That being said, I “___________” who has worked here for sixteen and a half years as a __________ employee is now resigning from this employment for my two weeks' notice. I want my notice to be private until the last day of work. And the reason is because I feel that once someone knows about my two weeks notice, they will (the employees from the foams department) throw a party not for me but a celebration for someone like me who isn’t welcome here in this bad employment environment. Please respect my wishes and keep this private from the employee's public eye.
Currently I am working in the RDP department. Since March of 2023 of my transfer (due to the employee overstaffed on group-r), I have had no issue with that department. But I still wish to continue working in that department until my two weeks' notice is up. Unless I will be escorted out when submitting my two weeks notice, then please let me know through an email so it can be officially documented that I can have it while getting my personal items out of my locker. 
Thank you and have a safe nice day.
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