nirvanayogaschool · 26 days
Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is the most popular yoga sequence. This practice is traditionally completed at sunrise but is equally beneficial whenever you wish to practice it.
It consists of 12 asanas, moving from posture to posture by either an inhalation or an exhalation, always through your nose.
Some of its great benefits:
- Increases blood circulation
- Improves body posture
- Stimulates the digestive system
- Improves flexibility and tones muscles
- Helps to keep your doshas balanced
Calms your mind and improves concentration.
Do you normally include sun salutations in your yoga practice?
I do! It's part of my daily routine and I love it
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nirvanayogaschool · 1 month
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This yoga sequence for hips targets flexibility and release in the hip area, promoting overall mobility and comfort. Begin with Anjaneyasana, stretching the hip flexors and thighs. Transition into Malasana (Yogi Squat) to open the hips and groin deeply. Next, move into Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) to stretch the outer hips and thighs. Finally, complete the sequence with Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana), which further opens the hips and groin while also stimulating the pelvic region. This sequence is ideal for alleviating tightness and improving range of motion in the hips, fostering a sense of ease and fluidity in movement.
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
In a world that constantly urges us to move faster, achieve more, and never pause, yoga whispers a profound truth: "Yoga is not a workout but a work-in."🧘🏻
While practicing yoga philosophy and asanas, we embark on an inward journey, exploring ourselves and finding our own truth on the way.🌌
It's not about striving for perfection, but embracing imperfection with love and acceptance.🫂
As we stretch and breathe, we release not just tension from our bodies but also the burdens from our minds.💆‍♀️
On this path, we discover strength in vulnerability, resilience in surrender, and peace in chaos.✨
So, let your yoga practice be a gentle reminder that the most profound transformation happens within.♥️
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
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Maha Shivratri, celebrated annually by Hindus, honors Lord Shiva, the destroyer and transformer in the Hindu trinity. This sacred occasion falls on the 14th night of the lunar month, usually in February or March. Devotees observe fasts, chant prayers, and offer bilva leaves and milk to Shiva lingams, symbolizing his divine presence. The night is believed to be auspicious for spiritual practices, meditation, and seeking divine blessings. It signifies the overcoming of darkness and ignorance by embracing enlightenment and divine consciousness. Maha Shivratri embodies devotion, introspection, and the eternal cycle of creation and dissolution, fostering spiritual growth and renewal.
To learn about yoga benefits and sprituality visit web: https://www.nirvanayogaschoolindia.com/
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
According to Hatha yoga pradipika, there are many impurities in our body’s nadis and chakras, and only after purifying them can a practitioner become capable of maintaining the vital energy(pran tattva) or life force(jivan shakti)in their body.🔥
That’s why nadi shodhan pranayama is considered the most basic pranayama, and one should master it before practicing other advanced pranayamas.🧘🏻
Nadi means energy channels or flow of energy 🌀 and shodhan means purification,
(a technique that purifies our nadis and chakras). ♻️
There are many different techniques of this pranayama where we continuously change the ratios of inhalation and exhalation.🗣️
Nadi shodhan pranayama is a balancing pranayama that affects our ida and pingala nadis and maintains balance in our left and right brain hemispheres.🧠
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
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Yoga for Bolting and Gas: Find Relief and Relaxation with These Poses! 
"Namaste! Are bloating and gas disrupting your day? Let's ease discomfort with yoga. Begin in Child's Pose, gently massaging your abdomen. Transition to Supine Twist, releasing tension in the digestive tract. Continue with Wind-Relieving Pose, gently compressing the abdomen to expel gas. Conclude with Savasana, focusing on deep, rhythmic breathing to calm the digestive system. Remember, consistency is key. Practice regularly for optimal relief. Embrace these poses to nurture your digestive health and restore balance. Namaste."
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
Here are five benefits of sound healing:
1. **Stress Reduction** Sound healing can induce a state of deep relaxation, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety.
2. **Improved Sleep** The soothing sounds can promote better sleep quality and help with insomnia.
3. **Pain Relief** Certain frequencies and vibrations have been shown to reduce pain and discomfort in the body.
4. **Enhanced Meditation** Sound healing can deepen meditation practices, allowing for greater focus and clarity of mind.
5. **Emotional Healing** It can aid in emotional release and healing by balancing energy centers and promoting a sense of well-being.
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
Some habits that leave an impact on your growth are:
✔️Investing in experiences: When you invest your time and effort on an experience, that experience adds value to your life.
✔️Everyday movement: The more you move your body, the sharper your mind will become.
✔️Continuous Learning: Learning is the only thing constant. The more you learn from everyone and everything around you, the more you are adaptable to change and gain insight to do things better
✔️Beating procrastination: Dedicating yourself towards your daily tasks and accomplishing them will make you more active and reliable.
✔️Organise your space: The more you declutter your space the more you are creating space for creative and productive pursuits.
Tag a friend in the comments, who you get to learn a lot from!
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
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Yoga offers effective tools to alleviate anxiety by combining mindful movement, breathwork, and meditation. Practices like deep breathing exercises, such as pranayama, calm the nervous system. Asanas like child's pose, forward bends, and gentle twists release tension in the body.
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
Use these 4 stretches as movement SNACKS in your day.🔥
Save this reel to try later. You’ll feel better in 5 mins.
Try 10 long breaths in each.🧘🏻
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
Use these 4 stretches as movement SNACKS in your day.🔥
Save this reel to try later. You’ll feel better in 5 mins.
Try 10 long breaths in each.🧘🏻
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nirvanayogaschool · 2 months
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We have all been distracted or unfocused during moments of our yoga practice and have felt our eyes wandering around the room.🫨
While it is not harmful to allow your attention and eyes to wander, it certainly is not helpful in increasing your mental focus and concentration.🧘🏻
👁️The teaching of yoga sees a direct correlation between an unfocused gaze and an unfocused mind. To combat the addictive and stimulating nature of the eyes, yoga provides a way to draw your focus inwards by using a drishti or focal point.
👀Locking your gaze at one point can cultivate a deep state of concentration, refine your alignment, heighten your awareness, and turn your asana practice into a powerful moving meditation.🪷
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nirvanayogaschool · 3 months
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Research says that yoga may be an effective treatment for lower back pain. Try these strengthening poses to soothe your aches.
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nirvanayogaschool · 3 months
“The greatest ornament of yogi is forgiveness. Sun cannot be seperated from sunshine, flame cannot be seperated from heat and light. Similarly forgiveness cannot be seperated from a true yogi.”✨
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nirvanayogaschool · 3 months
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Nature and yoga naturally weave together to transform our practice into a heightened experience. Being outside at this quiet and peaceful time of day gives us a sense of awakening and starting fresh. Align and stretch the body and mind to set up for a balanced day ahead with a clear mind and open-heart.♥️🧘🏻
Join us for transformative yoga journey✅
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nirvanayogaschool · 3 months
The mind is always busy, restless and cannot be stopped. Meditation and yoga help us rise above the mind’s chatter. What we meditate on now creates our future life.🧘🏻
Mantra meditation involves the repetition of a mantra (sacred Vedic sound in Sanskrit) in prayer, meditation, or incantation and concentrating the mind on that sound vibration.📿
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nirvanayogaschool · 3 months
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Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation) depicts the Moon (Ida Nadi) or the feminine side of the energy in the human body. Since the Moon is cooling and soothing, this sequence can be introduced by yoga teachers under Yin Yoga Sequences to bring down the energies while also balancing them.
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