newyearsslay-tv · 4 months
They are married and ready to fuck you all up.
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Ice-skating AU brain-rot
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newyearsslay-tv · 5 months
im a vampire *in a British accent*
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newyearsslay-tv · 5 months
One thing about me is I can hardly tell between Neil josten and Remus lupin when it comes to fanart
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newyearsslay-tv · 6 months
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
more show bloopers
they're (the monsters' actors) are doing a car scene and Neil and Aaron's actors together decide to turn on the seat heater of Kevin's actor, all the way up, just to get him to say "bloody hell my arse is on fire"
then it becomes like a running gag, especially between the twins' actors, to unsuspectingly turn on each other's seat warmers uncomfortably high
Neil's actor accidentally confuses the twins:
Neil, speaking to Aaron's actor: look Andrew-
Aaron's actor: *gently and seamlessly turns Neil's actor by the shoulders to face Andrew*
Neil's actor: look Andrew-
Andrew's actor: hi!
not a blooper but Dan's actress is tiny, the smallest person in the cast, (the twins' actors are 5'7-- it's the best thing that could've ever happened to them) which has no significance except for the fact that this girl can and will fall asleep ANYWHERE and the cast has loads of evidence of her knocked in every possible location on set
a scene on the bus where Andrew's actor is walking towards the very back, where Andrew sits, except some of the prop luggage/exy equipment is sticking out into the aisle of the bus and he trips over it face-first and just. disappears completely from the frame. one second he and the camera are moving in sync and the next he's just. gone. flat on the floor.
(Aaron's actor almost pisses himself laughing)
they're shooting a deleted scene of Renee and Andrew sparring together and at one point Andrew's actor just cracks up and Renee's actress is like ?? and he goes "your sound effects." and explains to her how every time she throws a punch she makes like a "whoosh" or "pow" noise and she goes "!!! i didn't even realize??"
on set of the locker room and Kevin's actor is sat in Kevin's stall being spontaneously serenaded by Matt's actor
that scene in tfc where the monsters take Neil shopping and Nicky is talking to him as he pulls out clothes for Neil to try on. except every so often Nicky's actor pulls out the most ludicrous article of clothing and offers it to Neil's actor with a straight face. at one point he holds a lime green mesh bralette that was also a turtleneck and had stirrups (??) up as if to see if it'd fit Neil and Neil's actor just loses it. while he's clutching a clothes rack trying to catch his breath and the people behind the camera are trying to train their hysterics, Nicky's actor turns to the camera, still holding the bralette and goes "where the hell did y'all even find this? i don't think even Nicky could pull this off" *eyes Kevin's actor* "buuuut if anyone could surely it-"
Neil's actor climbing off the top bunk bed except he misses a step and tumbles gracelessly to the ground
Allison's actress nails Aaron's actor right in the face with her ponytail in a scene where they're getting ready for a game and psyching themselves up. he wasn't even going to let it ruin the take but six seconds later she stops and turns and goes "did i just hit you?" and he's like "yep" and she grins and goes "so sorry babe"
Renee's actress is having trouble with a line and by the fifth time they have to restart she's cussing up a storm and Matt's actor pretends to be shocked and goes "Natalie Renee Walker. you're better than that" and she turns to look at the camera and goes "he just learned my full name this morning. if you can't tell"
the scene where Neil puts Andrew's hand under his shirt but Coach's actor pulls a look-into-the-camera- like-hes-on-the-office with a "y'all seeing this shit?" expression so they have to start over
see also about that scene: they're in the middle of a take and Andrew's actor randomly and without changing his Andrew-expression goes "are you flexing your abs right now?" and Neil's actor goes "sorry I'm nervous..you can feel that?" and he goes "yeah" and there's a beat of silence of presumably Neil's actor just flexing his abs. Andrew's actor goes "that's impressive. hot" Neil's actor goes "thanks man"
they're shooting a scene in the lounge and Allison's actress is in the middle of a line when she notices a real picture of the boys being idiots on the set photo wall and starts giggling and goes "sorry sorry i had never seen that one..caught me off guard. okay let's go again.."
it's not even supposed to be a blooper but they didn't know they were rolling so there's a blooper of Neil's actor telling Aaron's actor "you're 5 and I'm 10. I'm twice the man you'll ever be. bitch"
the scene where Kevin shows up with the queen on his face except Andrew's actor thought they were still rehearsing so when he appears in the doorway to the bedroom after hearing Kevin and Neil making noise it's with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders the way he had been doing throughout rehearsals
(they ended up keeping that in the scene. Andrew first appears wrapped up in his blanket, all tired and shit. he realizes what's going on and starts to become more alert and as he walks towards Kevin to inspect his face, he lets the blanket fall to the ground. it's grand and dramatic and all, but so is Andrew)
a whole bunch of clips stitched together of when they filmed the Foxes working out in the gym. in the show it's a brief montage but there's loads of unseen content of the cast just fooling around- dancing to music on the speakers and flexing ridiculously and exaggeratedly lifting weights and shit
the scene in the car where Andrew elbows Neil hard in the ribs but in this blooper Aaron's actor joins in and it becomes both twins just pretending to beat Neil's actor up
(Kevin's and Nicky's actors in the front seats are just staring ahead, driving like nothing's happening and shaking their heads going "kids")
Dan's actress keeps laughing during a scene where Dan and Matt kiss and during one take where she's trying to calm herself down by putting her forehead on his shoulder you can hear Allison's actress in the background go "i can do it instead if you want" and Matt's actor smirks at the camera over Dan's head and Allison's actress goes "bitch not you I meant me kiss her"
just. one scene where Neil barges into a room (as he does) but the actor underestimates the set so when he throws the door open it quickly rebounds to smack him, full-body..as the door slowly swings back open you can see him crumpled on the floor in the doorway clutching his elbow
Andrew and Neil's actors are about to do a scene and suddenly you hear a loud "pucker up boyssss" in the background. it's from Allison's actress (who didn't even need to be on set that day) and Neil's actor glances over at her, grins and goes "what are you even doing here. get out. leave" and she just sits in his production chair and settles in to watch
if you look closely you can find a stray exy ball here and there in places where they shouldn't be. that's because most of the cast (but especially Matt, Kevin and Renee's actors) like to nick exy balls from the set of the court and toss them around in between takes..and apparently leave them all over the place
not a blooper but. the cast went through a lot of intimacy training before they started filming (for both like aggressive and soft intimacy) and they're all naturally very close as well, so whenever they shoot a scene where one of them has to pretend to hurt another (physically/emotionally/etc) they always make sure to check in with them in between takes and once they've finished to make sure they're okay
they're shooting on set of the lounge a scene that's supposed to be right before afternoon practice and at one point Coach's actor tells Aaron to get the cart of racquets (i forgot what it's called in the books) and so Aaron's actor gets up and moves out of frame while Coach's actor keeps talking. and all of a sudden there's this earth shattering crash that makes everyone flinch HARD. and then you hear Aaron's actor (who literally was only supposed to take the cart and roll it across the room in the background of the shot) say "i am SO sorry" in the most horrified whisper
Coach's actor eating shit while walking off the bus
Kevin's and Andrew's actors need to do a bit in a scene where they turn their heads at the same time to look very intensely at each other (as per Kandrew) and they simply cannot do it without cracking up it's terrible
Andrew and Neil's actors are on the rooftop and they're supposed to be staring at each other, all intense. but then there's this huge, awkward, horrifying sound from somewhere below and at first it looks like they'll be able to stay professional and just ignore it. but then Neil's actor bows his head to his shoulder and puts his fist to his mouth to try to contain himself and they have to restart ("sorry sorry. but just...did something just..die?")
Kevin and Neil's actors have to get all up in each other's faces but then, practically nose to nose, Neil's actor goes "i don't remember my line" "mhm" "you have lovely eyes" "thanks mate" "we should start over" "let's." ..THEN they back down
Dan's actress pointing her exy stick at the camera "hi I'm Captain Dan Wilds and YOU [wink] are watching Disney channel" *does very shitty drawing of the Disney logo*
Coach's actor forgets which of the Foxes he's supposed to be addressing so he just says "you little shits" and it ends up sticking throughout the whole series because it's so in character
they have to restart the scene where all the Foxes first meet so many times that by the twentieth time Seth's actor goes "I'm fucking concerned-" Nicky's actor jumps in with "yeah sweetie we know"
and cut
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
aftg show bloopers like
the scene where Neil throws the glass at Aaron (it's not glass glass, it's that softish, breakable material used in filmmaking that looks like glass) and Aaron's actor ducks too late so it hits him straight in the face. nobody moves for a second (they're still rolling) until Neil's actor moves toward him going "oh my god I'm so sorry" and everyone starts laughing and Aaron's actor is like I'm fine dw
Allison's actress tripping in her heels during what's supposed to be a badass entrance and she drags herself out to redo the take, cursing the shoes
so many bits of the cast just pretending to club each other over the head with their racquets
Coach's actor accidentally switches up a whole bunch of words while shooting one of his inspirational speeches. but he just keeps talking as though he didn't just passionately tell the kids to "get out on that floor and- court- show them how real a Fox floors- plays...after tonight they will- they will not ever discriminate- underestimate you again" and you can hear the Foxes' actors quietly break character one by one in the background
Andrew's actor pulling out a knife to threaten someone but then dropping it and jumping back from it
just. the monsters all piled in the car for a scene and they're all in the zone, waiting for "Action" to be called when something happens and they all crack up in sync
Andrew and Neil's actors on an actual roof, trying to shoot an Andreil Moment but an airplane flies over and they have to wait for it to pass because audio. so in the blooper these two guys are just standing very close to each other, Andrew's hand fisted in Neil's hoodie, staring up at the airplane urging it to get out of the way
in one scene Dan's actress kisses Matt on the cheek as a goodbye before she leaves the room, and right after she does Neil's actor jumps up to kiss his cheek too
they're shooting a night practice scene and Kevin's actor keeps missing the mark and it's just a bunch of two second clips of him on set of the court, groaning and swearing and oof-ing. after he misses the action for like the tenth time he just turns to make direct eye contact with the camera, his face comically blank
(in the background you can hear Neil's actor go "thank goodness for editing and all that magic, eh?")
Andrew's actor forgets his line during the scene where the Foxes meet the Ravens at the banquet. he gets to the "Jean. Jean Valjean" line and then completely blanks, going "Jean Valjean. hello Jean Valjean. I'm supposed to say something to you now Jean Valjean. i do not remember what"
the actors for Aaron, Kevin, Andrew and Nicky all being crammed onto that couch in the lounge the way the monsters actually do and falling asleep on each other in between takes
Neil's actor is British who speaks in an American accent but one time accidentally lets the accent slip during a scene where he uses the phrase "strongest goalkeeper". he cuts himself off and it's silent for a beat and then he softly repeats "goalkeeper" to himself in an exaggeratedly British accent and cracks everyone up. Kevin's actor, who himself naturally has an Irish accent, goes "this is South Carolina, love"
it's a night shoot and it's cold and Aaron's actor steals Andrew's actor's (his brother) scarf going "how come you get a scarf and i don't. Aaron is getting the scarf for this scene"
Kevin and Neil's actors doing a scene where they get all up in each other's faces. and then start leaning in too much and make as though they're going to start kissing
just a solid two minutes of Neil and Andrew's actors fighting bugs away from their faces throughout various rooftop scenes
Nicky's actor being the mf king of improvised one-liners (in true Nicky fashion) and just constantly causing EVERYONE to break cause his quips are so random
not really a blooper but they're behind the camera, waiting for something to be set up, and Renee's actress has an acoustic guitar and she and some of the others make up really bad jingles for all the characters
Dan's actress is most likely to fumble her lines or trip over her tongue and she always does like a weird dance to shake herself out
Aaron's actor looking straight into the camera with a shiner blooming over half his face due to a badly executed "fight" scene: let it be known. here on the set of All for the Game, i do my own stunts
(his brother in the background: you DORK. Aaron's actor: shut up or I'm telling Mom you punched me in the face)
Kevin's actor doing a scene (perhaps that one on the bus in tfc) where he's downing alcohol and he's expecting the director to call cut at a certain point or tell him when he can stop drinking but that doesn't happen so he just kind of confusedly chugs the whole bottle and then the director goes "you didn't need to do all that but we got it thanks" and Kevin's like ?? but Neil's actor, who's in the scene, is stood there with his eyebrows raised, very impressed, going "oh my god that was amazing"
Dan's actress slipping on a line and then banging her head against the chest of Matt's actor in frustration and he just rubs her back, grinning
not a blooper but Neil's actor recites the Riko roast flawlessly and as soon as they call "Cut" on it he gets a little sitting ovation from everyone. even Riko's actor is like yeah okay shutting the fuck up and leaving you alone now
Neil's actor actually struggling to get the seal off the ice cream container in that one scene. he fake-struggles with it for a few moments and then starts actually struggling and looks over to the production people and goes "the bloody thing is actually not coming off"
so many bloopers of various cast members having too much fun hitting others upside the head like they do in the books
Andrew's actor accidentally spilling the tray of drinks at Eden's
Allison's actress being the one who can make others break character without getting caught herself
Matt's actor being the one who makes everyone, including himself, break character but doesn't get in trouble because literally everyone is cracking up
however. when they get into Moods, especially during night shoots, and they have scenes together, Matt and Neil's actors are IMPOSSIBLE. to work together. they just cannot control themselves. everyone hates them
see also: Kevin and Matt's actors. Nicky and Allison's. terrible pairings for long days.
there's a scene with coach and the monsters and after like the fifth time they restart coach turns to look at the camera and pours himself a drink using the prop alcohol while going "parenting....is tough"
anyway. call this an au of an au
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
LGBT+ Fantasy/Fiction Books and TWs
1. Carry On by Rainbow Rowell-
(Fantasy, Witches, Vampires, kind of Harry Potter-y, Romance, TW for mention of suicidal ideation/self-destructiveness, abandonment, foster care, neglect, murder/violence, gun violence and relationship issues in the second book. It has some heavy topics but is written in a pretty light tone.)
2. Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston-
(enemies to lovers, about the son of the President and the Prince of England getting into a fight, they have to fake a friendship to fix their PR situation, TW for being publicly outed and semi-graphic sex scenes, also often politically charged discussions)
3. Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller-
(Ancient Greece, demigods, exile, TW for war/violence and tragedy, homophobia, bad parenting)
4. The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic-
(It’s about the mafia/college sports and happens to have a compelling queer storyline in the process. Demisexual main character and other gay characters. (slow burn, it’s a trilogy and the romance doesn’t happen in the first book) TW for a lot of things, it’s about kids from broken homes and the mafia so there is abuse, self harm, murder, police intervention, organized crime, drug use, assault, rehab, all kinds of weapons, manipulation, slurs, etc. The second book has mentions of r*pe (not extremely graphic but it is mentioned a handful of times and there is one semi graphic scene), and torture. It is a great series but it has heavy content and is not light reading if you go in unprepared.)
5. The House on the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune -
(MLM, fantasy, found family, heartwarming romance, magical creatures)
6. Heartstopper by Alice Oseman-
(MLM, graphic novel, slow burn, coming out TW for anorexia, self harm, suicidal ideation, homophobia)
7. The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater-
(Fantasy, about a secret private school, slow burn)
8. They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera-
(Bisexual Latino characters, whole story takes place in 24 hours because at about midnight- aka the start of the book- they get a phone call saying they’re gonna die, TW for death, family in hospital, violence, police intervention, and foster care)
9. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo-
(queer characters (but no romance in the first book, TW for graphic depictions of violence, ableism, mention of abuse, mention of sexual slavery and assault, imprisonment)
10. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee (Historical Fiction Romance, Travel/Journey, Best Friends to lovers, MLM characters. TW for abuse, homophobia, racism, suicidal ideation, alcoholism, depiction of epileptic seizures, gun violence, and discussion of insane asylums)
11. In Deeper Waters by FT Lukens-
(Royalty, kidnapping, MLM characters not being released until April but it looks great)
12. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz-
(coming of age story, MLM, TW for violence/injury, surgery, transmisogyny, homophobic violence)
14. We Contain Multitudes by Sarah Henstra-
(coming of age, friendship and romance)
15. Love and Other Curses by Michael Thomas Ford-
(magical realism, a curse about falling in love)
16. More Happy than Not by Adam Silvera-
(MLM main character, YA, “it's about a boy who is considering a memory-alteration procedure to forget he's gay because leading a life as a straight teen would probably be way easier for him. It's about science versus nature, friendship, sexuality, and a quest for happiness.” About the happy ending and how even bad moments lead to good. Hopeful but despairing. TW for medical procedure to erase sexuality, internalized homophobia, homophobia from others, depression)
17. I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver-
(Nonbinary main character, nonbinary muslim side character, romance/love and building a family out of people you care about. About finding your voice. TW for coming out and misgendering, family rejection/struggle)
18. We Are Okay by Nina LaCour-
(WLW, moving out and coming of age, self-discovery and childhood romance, TW for loss, depression, loneliness)
19. The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness-
(Contemporary, about the normal people’s lives while living among Chosen Ones. Family/coming of age/acceptance story. TW for monsters, apocalypse, violence/explosions, anorexia, anxiety attacks, unrequited romance)
20. Lizard Radio by Pat Schmatz-
(Dystopian story about a teenager struggling with their gender identity, TW for abandonment, oppressive government, outlawed homosexuality)
21. Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas-
(trans main character, hispanic characters, paranormal YA mystery with MLM characters)
22. Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat-
(Bisexual main character, TW for kidnapping/stockholm syndrome, abuse, sex scenes)
23. Witch Eyes by Scott Tracey-
(fantasy, MLM, supernatural)
24. Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda by Becki Albertalli-
(romance, MLM, coming of age, TW for a closeted boy being blackmailed)
25. Fun Home by Alison Bechdel-
(WLW, graphic novel, coming of age, TW for csa, pedophilia, teacher/student relationships, none explicit if my memory serves correct)
26. George by Alex Gino-
(Trans girl, slice of life, coming out story, TW for deadnaming, homophobia, transphobia)
27. Afterworlds by Scott Westerfield-
(WLW, supernatural, fantasy)
28. Witchmark by C.L. Polk-
(MLM, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, mystery, Alternate universe post WW1, TW for murder/war, depression/angst)
29. The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling-
(WLW, Sci-Fi Horror, dystopian future, fictional planet, TW for psychological/emotional horror, toxic relationship, death)
30. The Culling by Steven Dos Santos-
(MLM, Dystopian Fantasy under a totalitarian, extremely cruel government. People must undergo ‘the trials’ in order to work for a government task force- if you fail at any of the trials you are forced to participate in the Culling, where the member has to choose a family member of theirs to die. TW for death, extortion, brutal violence, murder, totalitarian government)
31. Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley-
(MLM, about a court case regarding the main character and his best friend- deals with breaking points in friendships and how people and perception change. TW for biphobia, gay bashing, legal trial, abuse, knives, violence)
32. Ziggy, Stardust, and Me by James Brandon-
(MLM, Gay main character, historical fiction (Vietnam war), about a character dealing with his alcoholic father and family issues who creates a fictional world to cope where he can be out and openly himself. Coming of age. TW for bullying, alcoholism, institutionalized homophobia, familial homophobia, conversion therapy, war mentions)
(this list is a WIP and anyone can add to it! If I need to add TWs or further explanations let me know!)
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
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family madrigal
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
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Some birthday kisses for Renee
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
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Noone could pay Andrew enough for him to wear this canonically but I can pretend 😌
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
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cardan how i see him
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
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judecardan but in the mortal world :>
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newyearsslay-tv · 2 years
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been rereading Keeping Up With the Madocs 
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newyearsslay-tv · 3 years
(Golden trio entering Heaven)
Harry (squinting): Why are the lights so bright here? And why is there a stage- Dad?
James (walking on stage wearing Hogwarts robes and a scar on his face with a grin): Silence because the show is starting
Ron (confused): What show-
Sirius (walking on stage with a bright orange wig on and screaming): Once I make my move, the queen will take me. Then you’re free to check the king!
James (crying): No. Ron, no!
Remus (walking on stage wearing a long brown wig on and skirt): What is it?
James (sobbing): He’s going to sacrifice himself!
Remus (screaming): No, you can’t! There must be another way!
Hermione (scowling): Oh for fucks sake-
Sirius (gravely): Do you want to stop Snivellus from getting that stone or not? Harry, it’s you that has to go on. I know it. Not me. Not Hermione. You!
James (taking a bow): And scene!
Harry (red faced): We did NOT sound like that!
Hermione (groaning): We were 11 for fucks sake!
Ron (horrified): My hair isn’t actually that bright is it?
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newyearsslay-tv · 3 years
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may I present: Lily, Marlene and Dorcas how I imagine them
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newyearsslay-tv · 3 years
What are your favorite Aftg fanfics?
Hello friend! It's nice to hear from you.
So I have a few fics that I'm following along with right now and waiting for them to be updated. But I'm assuming you're asking for completed fics. These are all Andreil by the way.
Please make sure to look at all the trigger warnings and ratings before you read. Enjoy!
The Manny by orphan_account | E | 57,000 words 
Problem #1: Neil accidentally becomes the nanny of two adorable kids.
Problem #2: Neil somehow manages to fall in love with their father.
Bad Dream by PalmettoFoxDen | Not Rated | 4188 words
Andrew has a nightmare about losing Neil, so Neil spends the rest of the night in Andrew's bed. The next morning, no one can find Neil and Andrew is no help.
12 Ways to Woo a Minyard by NikNak22 | M | 69,292 words
Neil is a math nerd who, by a stroke of dumb luck, falls into a group of friends that are the closest thing to family he’s ever had. So, when he tells them about his new mysterious crush, he shouldn’t be surprised how immediately they come up with a plan to help win them over. One they insist that if Neil follows it, he’ll have them falling for him in no time. But things don’t always go to plan – or do they?
Nicky wants to set him up with someone else. Matt and Jeremy are confused but supportive. Allison and Seth offer lewd suggestions, while Dan does her best to keep everyone in line. Jean and Renee know something, Aaron doesn’t really care, and Kevin just wants Neil to join the lacrosse team.
But one thing’s for certain – whether Neil’s successful or not, everyone’s got money riding on this.
all the way home by bazookajo94 | Teen and Up | 29,859 words
Neil is on a plane going far and away from his murderous father. He is on a plane with two rival sports teams. The plane is going down.
Neil is stuck on an island. He is stuck on an island with two rival sports teams, and at least one of those teams is going full Lord of the Flies.
Neil is fine being stranded on an island. At least he's away from his father. But how do any of these people know how to survive on a deserted island?
Oh my god, none of these people know how to survive on a deserted island.
wingpeople by likearecord | Teen and Up | 11,308 words
I mean, what else could Nicky have done when he spotted Andrew smiling at the hot guy making his coffee?
Not meddle?
Not get all the Foxes on board?
It's like you don't even know him.
in a manner of speaking by likearecord | Teen and Up | 6,335 words
In Andrew's defense, blind dates are terrible and almost all of Kevin's friends are even worse.
Nine times out of ten, calling in a favor to get Aaron to switch and tank it for him would be fine.
Unfortunately, Andrew found number ten.
The Bachelor of Baltimore by likearecord | M | Series with 3 Works
Nathaniel Wesninski, the only son of the Butcher of Baltimore, has two options: choose a mob boss to marry for the benefit of the Moriyamas, or meet with an unfortunate accident. He thought he had it worked out. And then Andrew Minyard walked into his life.
it suits you by lolainslackss | M | 13,592 words
“I’ve heard that you can buy suits here,” He said.
Andrew pointedly looked from side to side at the many suits that lined the walls.
“That’s the general idea, yes.”
Andrew Minyard is killing time working at his cousin's central London suit shop as a personal stylist. One day, Neil Hatford, an Olympic athlete in desperate need of a new wardrobe, walks through the door. That's when everything changes.
library hours by lolainslackss | Teen and Up | 10,026 words
Andrew always sits across from the same guy in the library. The set-up suits him: they're both night owls, they're both relatively neat, and they both like the quiet. There's absolutely no need for them to get to know each other. This delicate balance shifts, however, when the guy sprains his ankle and Andrew finds himself breaking all his own rules and driving him to the emergency room.
A wintry college AU featuring all-nighters, homemade sushi, copious amounts of coffee, and many mixed-up feelings.
The Smallest Exy Player, Now Even Smaller by ionlyloveyouironically | Teen and Up | 20,654 words
Aaron pissed somebody off, which isn't a surprise, but what happens to Andrew in retaliation definitely is. (Just another beloved-character-gets-magically-turned-into-a-child fic.)
Andrew Minyard: Tiny Gay Disaster by gluupor | Teen and Up | 17,041 words
Andrew is fed up with Nicky continually setting him up with guys, so he devises a plan to get him to stop: he claims he's dating Kevin. Of course, with his luck, as soon as he declares himself off the market he meets Neil. Cue the useless gay pining.
Come Get It Now by ExyEimi (Siyah_Kedi) | Teen and Up | 5,919 words
Renee is down and Andrew needs a goalie sub. Neil decides to give it a shot.
Push to Talk by alexjosten |  Teen and Up | 33,830 words 
Neil needs a fresh start. He has a new name and a new job in the middle of nowhere, miles away from anything to do with Exy. The only person he speaks to is Andrew, who knows nothing about him... until Neil's past catches up with him.
A Minyard That Makes Shitty Robots by orphan_account | Teen and Up | 11,231 words
Andrew should never listen to Bee's advice. Or maybe he should always listen to Bee's advice.
Anyway. At her prompting, he makes a YouTube channel to direct his manic energy into. It doesn't help that he only features his shitty, shitty, robots.
fame and infamy (you’re a fairytale to me) by jemwrites | Teen and Up | 18,705 words
When Neil, an enormous fan of A.Doe's novels, stumbles into the quaint town of Palmetto, the last thing he expects to do is stay.
And when Andrew, secretly A.Doe himself, meets the town's newest cryptid, the last thing he expects to do is fall.
Not a Fucking Squirrel by justadreamfox | Teen and Up | Series with 5 Works
“Am I dreaming?” Andrew asked. He whispered it even quieter this time, not wanting his breath to disturb the squirrel.
The squirrel’s head cocked left, and then right. It chirped, each trill musical and blending into the next, but none of it coalesced into language for Andrew. Finally, the squirrel sighed--okay, the squirrel didn’t really sigh, because it was a squirrel, but there was something like surrender in the way it dropped its hand from Andrew’s nose, tugged Andrew’s thumb up, and then bit him firmly.
Or, Andrew makes a friend.
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