newkismet · 6 years
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newkismet · 8 years
Regardless if you deserve it or not bad things will happen in your life
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newkismet · 8 years
Don’t alter your personality just so other people will like you
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newkismet · 8 years
i am so about walking around museums and holding hands
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newkismet · 8 years
Do I want a boyfriend? No not really. Do I want boys to be interested in me? Absolutely.
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newkismet · 8 years
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies; succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; be honest and frank anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway.
Kent M. Keith (via purplebuddhaproject)
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newkismet · 8 years
I think I’m well on my way of getting over that crush I had for like the last year. I can happily say I’m gonna be just fine. 👍✨
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newkismet · 8 years
dear soul, flourish to no extent.
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newkismet · 8 years
How to Beat Your Fears
1. First, acknowledge your fear. This is a huge first step. If you do just this today, you’ve done something great. Many of us have these fears, but they are at the back of our mind, unnoticed, unacknowledged, as we try to ignore them and pretend they’re not there. But they are there. And they affect us. So acknowledge the fear.
2. Write it down. What’s your fear? Write it on a piece of paper. Writing it down takes the fear from the dark lurking places in the back of your mind, where it has power over you, out into the light of day, where you have power over the fear.
3. Feel the fear. Recognize that you’re not alone, that we ALL have these fears. There’s nothing wrong with having this fear. Allow yourself to feel it. It’s a part of you, but it doesn’t control you. Remember you can “feel the fear and do it anyway.”
4. Ask yourself: what’s the worst thing that can happen? Often it’s not as bad as we think. Do you fear being rejected by someone? What would happen if you were? You’d lick your wounds, you’d find someone else, and you’d go on living.
5. Just do it. To beat the fear, you have to just do it. Ignore your fears and just go for it!
6. Be in the moment. Fear of failure (and other similar fears) are fears of the future. We get caught up in worrying about what might happen. When you find yourself thinking about the past or future, bring yourself back in the moment and focus on what you’re doing right at this moment.
7. Small steps. Start small. Do something you know you can do. Allow yourself to feel good about that - and then take another small baby step. Keep doing this …
8. Celebrate every success! Make a note of every single thing you do right, even the smallest little thing. Use this feeling of success to propel yourself forward and take the next step. Then keep building on each previous success ….
Source: http://zenhabits.net/a-guide-to-beating-the-fears-that-are-holding-you-back/
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newkismet · 8 years
Giving and Receiving
To say that it is better to give than to receive is like describing a coin by saying that heads are better than tails. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same event. It is better to be aware of both sides. Don’t just put the heads of your coins in the vending machine.
The merits of giving and receiving come in generosity and gratitude. If you can adopt an attitude of generosity as you give and an attitude of gratitude as you receive, then each exchange will generate happiness. To use mindfulness in you daily exchanges, notice the giving and receiving that you do and remember the generosity and gratitude that is available to you in each moment.
You can’t determine which is better between feeling generous and feeling grateful. When you feel generous you give from a place of abundance and offer happiness and wellbeing to others. That always feels great. If it doesn’t feel good, then it is not generosity. When you feel grateful, you acknowledge your good fortune and connect with the abundance that is available to you. In generosity and gratitude, abundance can be anything. It can be food, money, art, beauty, warmth, attention, kindness or love. Like giving and receiving, generosity and gratitude are a single feeling. You can receive with a sense of generosity and give with a sense of gratitude. However you approach it, these attitudes make you feel good and generate happiness.
To practice mindfulness, you can be generous and grateful with every breath. As you breath in, you can be grateful for life and air to breathe. As you breath out, you can offer peace to the world. If you are talking to somebody, you can speak with generosity and offer your kindness and wisdom to others. When you listen, you can quiet your mind and be grateful for somebody to talk to.
As you begin your practice, it’s okay to think that you’re being generous and grateful. It’s okay to remind yourself over and over again to notice how you give and receive. It’s okay to forget that you are breathing and take air for granted. When you create a habit of remembering, you might forget yourself, but still feel generous, grateful and happy.
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newkismet · 8 years
Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.
Lao Tzu (via purplebuddhaproject)
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newkismet · 8 years
Awkward Situations of Zodiac Signs
Aries : Stuck in an awkward situation is fidgety, sweaty, and has a dry throat. An Aries expects things to go perfectly, the way they want them to go, but when things take a turn for the worse, they lose all control.
Taurus : When a Taurus feels awkward or uncomfortable, they try to play it off with a joke or change the subject almost immediately. But don’t think that they won’t remember this moment for the rest of their lives. They’ll dread on it.
Gemini : It’s hard to find a Gemini in an awkward situation, but when they are they aren’t happy about it. They’re probably more angry than embarrassed. They expect their lives to be perfect and they don’t make mistakes. Especially embarrassing ones.
Cancer : Are the best at escaping awkward situations because they usually don’t happen. But when they are feeling a little uncomfortable, they bring in a friend or family member to save them. They also find distractions to take the attention away from them.
Leo : Are the masters of creating and escaping awkward situations. They tend to use crude humor to take away any tension in the room. They’re very upfront and will get to the bottom of any situation. Others look up to them for this reason.
Virgo : Isn’t afraid to tell you when they’re feeling uncomfortable or awkward in any situation. They try to quickly move on, and they do so by using rude or sarcastic humor to take away the attention that is on them.
Libra : When a Libra feels uncomfortable, they leave the situation. They’re timid creatures who will avoid conflict or awkward situations at any cost. Unlike Virgo, they aren’t ones to come out and say how they’re feeling.
Scorpio : Are very private people and that doesn’t change when they’re embarrassed or feel awkward. They try to avoid an uncomfortable situation by taking themselves out of them. But if they create them, they expect you to make everything comfortable again.
Sagittarius: Almost enjoys creating awkward situations.. For other people, of course. But when they find them self stuck in one, they acknowledge it. Why pretend that things are find when they’re not?
Capricorns : Laugh off awkward situations. Most of the time, they’ll admit when they’re acting strange or making others uncomfortable. But that doesn’t always mean that they’ll stop what they’re doing.
Aquarius : Tends to get frustrated and upset at others when they’re uncomfortable. They probably won’t admit that they’re feeling awkward or out of place because they don’t want to look “weak.”
Pisces : get “sassay” and will use crude humor to make a situation less awkward and uncomfortable. But this can sometimes backfire and make things worse. They forget that sometimes it’s best to just let things go.
More Zodiac Facts Here
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newkismet · 8 years
ISFP Functional Stack
Dominant: Introverted Feeling (Fi) - They tend to be more “mature” than Fe types. They tend to think about what to say and carefully articulate it rather than being more extraverted in their expression. In this respect, they may closely resemble Thinking rather than Feeling types. They tend to be deep and intense, as introverts naturally are. As a judging function, the Fi tends to be more serious than lighthearted.
Auxiliary: Extraverted Sensing (Se) - They tend to be oriented towards engaging the external world through their senses. They can recall sensory experiences very well and enjoy scanning the physical environment rather than getting lost in their heads, as those with dominant N functions tend to do. They tend to be more action-oriented than verbal, unlike N types. They are more likely to be interested in something practical, like cooking or sports.
Because of their tendencies towards the sensory world, they are more geared for something like visual art than poetry. Their extraverted sensing function gives them an advantage when it comes to aesthetics and fashion. They are highly alert to the environment and easily notice the fashions and aesthetic sensibilities of others. They likewise may be more likely to have a highly discriminating but adventurous sense of taste. This function also oriented them towards more “physical” activities such as dancing, music, sports, cooking and so on.
Tertiary: Introverted Intuition (Ni) - While more oriented towards the sensory, this function balances out these tendencies by allowing the to think more abstractly, like dominant N types. This tends to operate unconsciously, however, so they need to be very in touch with themselves in order to access it.
Inferior: Extraverted Thinking (Te) - This function is more oriented towards the abstract, general, objective and universal, as opposed to the individual and concrete. In this sense, their inferior function is the polar opposite of their dominant function, and it functions very much in an unconscious manner. This function gives them the ability to grasp more systematic elements when it comes to their penchant for social justice. They may be able to use this function to think of how structural inequalities may cause individuals to languish away in poverty, rather than merely attending to the personal, concrete and subjective. They may even derive pleasure from obsessive rule-following and systematizing, contrary to their dominant function.
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newkismet · 8 years
Mbti Types as Mbti Types Pretending to be Other Mbti Types
Credit to thembtisquad for the idea. ESFJ- Pretends to be whatever they think people want am I right? Who knows, get some artsy hipsters around and you have yourself an ISFP. Really the possibilities are endless. ESFP- ISFP, because they actually aren’t a fan of the negative stereotypes for their real type. ESTJ- “I don’t have time for pretending, I have a business to run. Also I’m already fucking awesome.” ESTP- “Whatever you want me to be, babe ;)” ENFJ- Whatever gets them closer to their plan to be married, have a stable job, and two dogs by 26 years old. Also INFJs, because does anyone else notice the giant gap of praise between xNFJs? Who wouldn’t want that extra heaping of social love by pretending to be the introvert. Nobody gives enough love to ENFJs. ENFP- INFP, if they have good Fi, because they just don’t see themselves as that extroverted. xNTP, if they have unhealthy Fi, because “I don’t like emotions what are you talking about those are mine go away.” ENTJ- Nobody, they’re already superior. ENTP- The real question is what doesn’t the ENTP pretend to be? That tertiary Fe man, they’ll jump from ENTJ Overlord to ISFJ Mom Friend if they think it will work out better. ISFJ- ESFJ, when the social situation gets particularly demanding, and INFJ, when they discover tumblr, because do I need to go on another rant how all types need love? ISFP- INFP, because they’re hella deep too. Probably not pretending, just confused. It’s okay, they’re cute and we love them anyways. ISTJ- ESTJ, when they’re leading the group project (oh lord…) and INTP, when you leave them alone for too long with no obligations and a few video games. ISTP- Nobody. Pretending is for fakes. They won’t give in to that societal bullshit. *insert hair flip and walking away from explosion* INFJ- Pretends to be a Mystical Unicorn INFJ and gets offended when you accuse them of it. Come on, Ni doesn’t actually make you see the future or always magically guess correctly man. Be yourself, we still love you. INFP- Pretends to be an INFJ to be more deep. Still 100% emo. INTJ- Doesn’t pretend. Why the fuck would anyone try to be anything but an INTJ? INTP- INTJ, because have you ever met an INTP who didn’t want to be an INTJ? That’s right, you haven’t.
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newkismet · 8 years
don’t forget about it instead use it as an opportunity to grow
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newkismet · 8 years
Turn ons according to your Mars sign:
Aries- showing passion of any kind, the color red, sexy lingerie and underwear, leather, strong scents, whispering in ear, someone who is hard to get, free to be dominant, and smoldering looks.
Taurus- massages especially with massage oil, candles or anything that sets the mood, chocolate, silk sheets, sensual scents, muscles or voluptuous body, and overall slow and pleasing touch. 
Gemini- dirty talk, sexting, phone sex, soft porn or erotica, role-play, filming, Karma Sutra, three-way, and long conversations.
Cancer- cuddling, making out, feeling safe, nice breasts or chest, having chest touched, beautiful eyes, plenty of eye-contact, oral sex, having water in the background like a running shower or fountain, privacy, and mood lighting. 
Leo- role-play, doing it in public like on the beach, the backyard, a photo booth, changing room, or just the bedroom with the windows open and the sun shinning in, warm weather, dominatrix, toys, dancing, or strip tease.
Virgo- nibbling, porn, sexting, phone sex, doing it in the kitchen or bathroom, whispering in the ear, orgies, role-play, and light touching and kisses.
Libra- a romantic setting, edible lotion or whip cream, strawberries or other fruit, plenty of sweet talk and compliments, might like to be spanked and squeezed, and they can be attracted to anything that seems “forbidden”.
Scorpio- leather, bondage, massages, power plays, safe pain, sexy underwear and lingerie, erotica, complete bareness, and passion.
Sagittarius- being in an exotic atmosphere or with an exotic person, freedom to explore and experiment, wants to connect mentally, doesn’t mind someone who teases a bit, likes confidence, and wants someone who can relax with them after.
Capricorn- music, massages, an attractive scent, someone who knows what they are doing physically, submission and punishment dynamics, someone who is frequently willing, someone with style can get them going, they also can be attracted to someone with a “lady/gentleman in the streets but a freak in the bed” type of attitude, an earthy personality is attractive to them too. They can have a love/hate relationship with tickling.
Aquarius- fetishes, toys, drugs, some sort of mood whether it be romantic, exotic, or comfortable (they also like to switch up the mood a lot), being experimental, and doing it in crazy places.
Pisces- eye contact, foot massages, cuddling, romance, music, compliments, confessions of attraction, breathing into their ear, and making out.
Mars with the highest libido: Aries, Leo, Capricorn, and Scorpio.
Mars with the lowest libido: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Aquarius.
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newkismet · 8 years
Advice for 2016
Aries: I know you're full of fire and drive, but remember it's good to go slow, take time for yourself, and to take a few deep breaths.
Taurus: Do what you need to do to feel comfortable, you don't have to be so afraid of change and letting go. Sometimes change is for the better and remember to keep what's important close.
Gemini: Focus, work hard, and you'll see the progress you've always wanted. Don't rush anything and deal with situations as they occur, use your mercury influence to your advantage.
Cancer: Focus on yourself and take every opportunity you get to grow and learn. Take the time to get your life going in the direction you want.
Leo: Work hard and play harder, but most importantly ground yourself. No matter how busy or spread thin you end up, give yourself the time to stop for a moment and catch your breath.
Virgo: Make good use of all your creative energy and let it lead the way. Be mindful and push forwards, you really don't know how far you'll go.
Libra: Now isn't the time to get complacent, opportunities will arise and should make the most of them. Stay on top of your life and think decisions through.
Scorpio: Don't be afraid to let your walls down, be cautious and thoughtful and you'll never know what'll come your way. Roll through and don't be fazed.
Sagittarius: Don't expect everything to just come your way exactly how you want it. Be careful, creative, and you'll be successful.
Capricorn: It's quite alright to get emotional about everything that goes on in your life. If anything, use them as extra motivation to live up to your potential.
Aquarius: Go steady and take your time, the right things will happen in due course. Don't be afraid to go out on a limb and take risks as long as they are all calculated.
Pisces: Now is the time to break out and be bold. Go on and light up a room, you've definitely got it in you and there's nothing to lose in being brave.
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