mikisenpaii · 3 years
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
Your scars do not make you ugly.
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mikisenpaii · 3 years
Friendly Reminder!
Just because you're related to someone, it doesn't mean you have to love them. It's completely okay to dislike or even hate a family member for their actions. You are not a bad person. You are not in the wrong here. You are not the asshole. It's okay.
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mikisenpaii · 3 years
Coping Mechanisms for Those Who S-H out of Anger
tw: mention of S-H
* Get something to bite down on - Find something soft though that won't hurt/damage your teeth. Examples: baby teether (don't feel embarrassed to get one, the one I use is literally shaped like an ice cream), silicone bracelets, basically anything silicone
* Get a journal and a red marker/pen - Once you have these things, open up to a random page and just start scribbling. The red will trick your brain into thinking it's blood, and the aggressive scribbling will get out your anger.
* Blow up a balloon - This regulates your breathing, and you can do whatever you want with it after! Draw a face on it, pop it, whatever!
* Do jumping jacks - The stomping motion can be a pretty good stress reliever. In this case, you're getting exercise and distracting yourself from h*rming!
* Write about the person/thing and how they/it made you upset - Don't be afraid to hold back--write down how you really feel about the situation. If it's a person you live with, hide the page someplace that they don't have access to or rip it out and throw it away.
I really hope this helped. I've decided to also start removing my vents after a day or so. I know stuff like that can be very upsetting and now that I'm posting pro-recovery content, it'd be somewhat triggering to have stuff like that here too.
I love you all!
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mikisenpaii · 3 years
I will be posting about sh (s*e*l*f-h*a*r*m) on this blog. I am currently in recovery. I understand that content like this can be triggering to some and can cause relapses in those also trying to recover, which is why I'm pinning this post so it appears before anything else on my blog.
I request that you please don't report this blog. This helps me vent out my frustrations during my recovery, and I really don't want to lose this blog or make people worry.
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