mhyraboo · 3 years
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SHIP #3 (friendzone aside… they’d be an adorable couple)
It’s the most obvious fact that Sugino is head over heels to Kanzaki, but our girl here is either too oblivious or she actually knows about it and just simply sees him as a friend. Anyhow, there are reasons why I think that they’d be good for each other (besides the fact that Sugino is a jock and Kanzaki is the school beauty, which makes them a cliché but sensible match). 
I think it’s a given why Kanzaki is ideal for Sugino. She’s perfect in every aspect - looks, intellect, personality, strength, and she’s even good in video games. Every boy will definitely yearn to be with her especially if they get to know how tough and genuinely humble she is.   
Although Sugino is, at first, entranced by Kanzaki because of her beauty, he was the first one (if not amongst) in class to approach and befriend her as shown in the class field trip when he introduced her to Nagisa and co. to include her in their group. Usually, guys would come to woo her, but Sugino did so for a different and innocent intent - he wanted to be close to her because she’s her crush but that’s it - considering that he’s innately friendly and gets along with everyone. 
It’s mainly for that reason why I think that if Kanzaki was to choose someone to go out with, it’d be our baseball lover boi. 
Other than that, we can observe in the class field trip how Sugino has started to fall deeper for Kanzaki other than for her beauty and elegant demeanor. He also doesn’t act like a knight in shining armor with Kanzaki, which other guys will normally do if they crush on her. This goes to show that he knows that Kanzaki is capable enough and doesn’t need a prince on a white horse to sweep her off her feet. Moreover, he is honest about himself even when around his crush, he doesn’t necessarily try to impress her. A few times we’ve seen him simping over her even though he looks like a fool. Then when he received a chocolate from her on Valentines’, he went ballistic right in front of her. 
About the possibility that Kanzaki likes Nagisa, that fact has no reasonable proof except for the Class 3-E relationship chart that I’m not sure if it’s official or reliable. We may have indications, which points us that Kanzaki has a crush on him but those are just speculations on our part. 
Even if it was true, it doesn’t change my opinion that Sugino is a perfect fit for Kanzaki. Despite his undying and excessive adoration for her, they are still comfortable with each other as friends. Then, on Valentines’ Arc, Kanzaki went out of her way to give chocolates to Sugino privately (even if they are only obligatory). That means that she holds him as someone dear to her and who she truly appreciates. 
LASTLY, they look good together aesthetically. The color scheme of their character designs match well. That’s just a minor reason but it’s a charm to their dynamic. 
As to why they rank lower than Nakamura and Sugaya despite having more plausibility of their ship, it’s because Nakamura and Sugaya as a pair is less obvious and has more interesting aspects to explore about. 
For my fourth-ranking ship, it’s Kataoka and Isogai, the class representatives. I’ll be discussing about them next! 
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mhyraboo · 3 years
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What’s up, LN fans! I just published my new work - a narrative fanfic in the perspectives of Mono & Six  during the events that took place in LN 2. The story is available on Wattpad and AO3.
Keep reading
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mhyraboo · 3 years
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mhyraboo · 3 years
So in my main blog, Lindy Gale, I’m having a Q&A. I also posted about this on Wattpad and AO3. If you have any questions for me (about my stories, my writing, etc.), go ask them in Ask Me Anything tab. 
I look forward to answering your questions! Go ask away! 
Link to my main blog - http://misslindy.tumblr.com/
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mhyraboo · 3 years
CHIBA, asking her if she wants to practice: ...
HAYAMI, saying yes: ...
CHIBA: Let's go.
MAEHARA: I'm telling you, it's love!
KATAOKA: Shut the fuck up, Maehara.
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mhyraboo · 3 years
HAZAMA: I don't know how you're going to pass the next test, Terasaka.
TERASAKA: Don't worry. I'm quick at math.
HAZAMA: Okay. What's 38 x 76?
HAZAMA: That's not even close.
TERASAKA: But it was quick.
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mhyraboo · 3 years
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SHIP #2 (a rare pair but nevertheless ship them)
I know these two didn’t have that much interaction in the anime/manga except that they were paired up by Korosensei in the Test of Courage. Personality-wise, I think that they’d be a good match. Nakamura is an academic genius and likes to play jokes, while Sugaya is talented in art who is also chill and pretty mature than some Class 3-E boys. So yeah, I think these contrasts is a good blend to them as a pair. 
I can imagine them having infrequent, small interactions together during the school year in Class 3-E - talking about something serious with light teasing and jokes. Their relationship will develop no more than that in junior high until college. I can see them hanging out after junior high from time-to-time but with mutual friends. Then after college is when they will start becoming attracted to each other. 
Those are why I ship Nakamura and Sugaya both platonically and romantically. Whenever I think of a pair and can imagine how their story will unfold and evolve, it’s a trigger that I’m going to start shipping them. Besides, there is an element of surprise and mystery when it comes to these two since there haven’t been much about them as a pair. With this, you can explore your imagination about their story. 
How about you? Do you agree with me or not? 
My third ship is Sugino and Kanzaki. I hope you look forward to the next post about them. 
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mhyraboo · 3 years
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SHIP #1 (my OTP)
I think it’s pretty obvious why I ship them. But the top reason why is because I love their platonic relationship so much. As partners, they treat each other as equals despite knowing that one is better in something than the other. Not to mention they always keep their distance (despite technically being a couple as they already have went on dates) but nevertheless seemed to be pretty comfortable with a physical touch (e.g. bumping their arms in the Okinawa Island Arc). If this is any other person, they would’ve been flustered by that.
Let’s also not forget how they are such a pair of badasses, keeping their cool at all times and just nailing it. They are also together in many shots in both manga and anime. It’s like they can’t keep off of each other. *squeal* 
I know that their stoic personality, and quiet demeanor, could come of as plain or boring especially when it comes to trying to think of a story about them. But, I’m telling you, you’re wrong! As proof, I’ve written several stories about them in some writing platforms. 
Don’t get me started with how they look good together. Particularly their height difference! I don’t know... they just give off this vibes that say ‘Hey, look at us. We’re pretty cool, right? We also chill and spend a lot of time together. That’s because we like each other. Ain’t that obvious enough?’ 
They just blend each other so well! And they don’t even need to say too much in order to convey themselves. That’s how much they understand each other. You can’t tell me that there is someone else out there who will be a better fit for them. 
So I’m going to end it here. My next ship that is second in rank is Nakamura and Sugaya. I’ll post my reaction about them soon. 
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mhyraboo · 3 years
Sorry if I haven’t been posting here lately. I’ve been caught up with some stuff. Anyway, I just want to ask - where are all my fellow Assassination Classroom fans at? 
There hasn’t been a lot of related content/fanfic stories that I haven’t seen. Especially on my babies, Chiba and Hayami! 
That’s so sadd :((( 
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mhyraboo · 3 years
KARMA: Hayami, do you like jazz? Or Chiba's ass?
*Chiba spits out water*
HAYAMI, going with the flow to tease Chiba: I like both.
*Chiba dies*
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mhyraboo · 3 years
KARMA: Sugino is like a dog when it comes to Kanzaki.
NAGISA: Really? I don't think so.
KARMA, approaches Kanzaki: *whispers something to her*
KANZAKI: Sugino, sit.
SUGINO: Alright! *then sits on the floor*
KANZAKI: Handshake, please.
SUGINO: Of course! *places hand on top of hers while blushing furiously*
KARMA, turns to Nagisa: See?
NAGISA: I'm deeply concerned for my friends.
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mhyraboo · 3 years
Irina vs. Takebayashi Snide Remarks (pt. 3)
IRINA: For a woman to get a man, she must have the charms, elegance, and beauty.
TAKEBAYASHI: I never thought that Karasuma-san would have a bad taste.
KARASUMA: Oh. I never saw those three things in her.
IRINA, cries in the corner: Tadaomi, you meanie!
KARASUMA, thinking inside his head: That's because I find you adorable and mesmerizing despite being a pain in the ass instead.
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mhyraboo · 3 years
Irina vs. Takebayashi Snide Remarks (pt. 2)
IRINA: For a man to get a woman, he must be a gentleman, charming, and appealing.
TAKEBAYASHI: Then why am I still single?
IRINA: Boy, did I say that you are those things?
TAKEBAYASHI: I'm telling Karasuma-sensei that you're the one who put salt in his coffee yesterday.
IRINA: Wait! I take it back!
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mhyraboo · 3 years
[some of the Class 3-E boys are discussing about a girl band that is on trend]
MIMURA: Chiba, who do you stan in this girl band?
CHIBA, grabbing Hayami into a hug: None. I stan Hayami forever.
HAYAMI: You're pulling my hair.
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mhyraboo · 3 years
HAYAMI: Can you stay up all night? Fuck me 'til the daylight... 34 + 35 ~
CHIBA, turns to her in shock: A-Are you sure?
HAYAMI, removes her earphones: What? Rio made me listen to this English song and, surprisingly, it's catchy.
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mhyraboo · 3 years
Irina vs. Takebayashi Snide Remarks
TAKEBAYASHI: Is Karasuma-san at work, Bitch-sensei?
IRINA, holding her daughter face-forward on her lap: I told you stop calling me that in front of my baby girl!
TAKEBAYASHI, turns the baby around so she's facing Irina instead of him: Now I'm not in front of her, Bitch-sensei.
IRINA: Come here, you shit!
KARASUMA, coming home from work: Irina! Stop using such language in front of our child!
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mhyraboo · 3 years
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Idk if this is just a gag, but there’s no way that these two - Chiba and Hayami - would be the type to reply to a text message one day later. Sure, they can be the sort who don’t use their phones for socializing and entertainment, but that that doesn’t mean that they would be negligent when it comes to receiving messages especially if it could be important. 
First of all, Chiba and Hayami are actually conscious of what other people think. They let others in their previous class to push them over to do homework and other tasks for them. Also, Chiba grew out his bangs just to hide his eyes that make other people uncomfortable. That means that they wouldn’t be too crude so as  to not reply quickly to anyone’s message particularly if it’s from their classmate or their PARTNER. 
I would understand if this is just part of a gag although, for me, it’s a poor set-up for this Korosuu comics. A different argument could’ve been used to counter Maehara’s assumption of them dating, while still retaining the comedic aspect of the story. 
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