lost-batarang · 1 year
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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lost-batarang · 1 year
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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Yeah that's you✨️💕
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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New rule, no dumb questions
Based on a text post by @/fragcc
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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I’m paying to force seven thousand strangers to see a photo of my late husband having fun with his dog. Tumblr Blaze is totally worth it. XD
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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lost-batarang · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy update!
We've confirmed the plot: there's an uprising among the race of hook-nosed bankers who control the economy. (Note that the more evil they are, the bigger their noses are. There's a good one who has a big nose but he used to be evil when he was younger.) They're "rebelling" because they want their stolen cultural artefacts to be returned to them and want to not be oppressed anymore, which for some reason means they also want to massacre their oppressors' entire race, because of course marginalised people asking for liberation actually secretly want to kill you. As part of this sinister cabal's nefarious plot for white—I mean, wizard—extinction, they want to kidnap a child, because that's what hook-nosed bankers like to do, right? And their leader is willing to do anything for material gain, up to and including teaming up with fascists who hate his race.
You guys know that conspiracy theorists think Jews funded the Holocaust, right? They claim we did it so we could milk it for reparation money afterwards. And did you know they think we kidnap children? Or that we actually want supremacy rather than equality, and plan to subjugate the rest of the world for our own gain? Presumably you've at least heard the claim that we control the banks. And you know this is all very popular with the alt right, don't you? Have you also heard that this game's original head developer was an alt right YouTuber?
Don't act like this is a fucking coincidence.
No, JKR wasn't involved in the game, and it's actively intended to be trans-positive. Yes, she gets money from it, and will likely donate some of that to anti-trans causes. But even if you pirate the game so she doesn't make any money off of it, you're still going to be be playing the fucking Protocols of the Elders of Gringotts.
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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i know it’s pretty stiff competition but I’d REALLY like to nominate Stygiomedusa gigantea as a hot contender for “most fucked up thing to blindly brush up against while swimming in the abyss”
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lost-batarang · 1 year
i should get a money on/off switch. whenever the streaming services (netflix, hulu, etc, etc) are being bad or raising prices or doing stupid anti password shares i flip the switch and they stop gaining any money. :) and then i wait for their prices to go realllll low to switch it back on again. and then whenever they raise them again i flip it again. then they gotta keep their prices low.
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lost-batarang · 1 year
you’re twelve years old and you break your father’s hand when he hi-fives you. the first thing you learn is that the smallest slip up can hurt the people you love. your (foster) father smiles and says it’s okay (it’s not). 
your parents are not your parents. the idyllic farming community that raised you is not your home. you’re a You-Don’t-Know-What from You-Don’t-Know-Where. all you know for sure is that you’re not human. 
so you can fly. so you can run fast. so you can lift cars. so what? why do you even have this power? what should you even do with it? 
your father said do what’s right, so that’s what you do. 
you stop a robbery. the man’s knife shatters against your skin and you see the same fear in his eyes that you saw in your father’s when you were twelve. you catch a falling child before it can hit the water. his mother looks at you like you’re a god. 
they love you, even though they don’t know you. the most powerful man in the world hates you because they love you. 
you wanted to write when you were younger. you wanted to tell stories that needed to be told. you never wanted to star in them. you never wanted super-geniuses and demi-goddesses looking to you for advice; like you have any idea how to handle threats to reality itself. you’re just a kid from smallville who’s trying to do the best he can with what he’s given. 
you try and get back to the farm as much as you can. it feels normal being back among the open wheat; where everyone smiles because you’re that nice Kent boy. 
when you were younger, you pretended to fly, hands out to your sides and running through the tall grass by the river. it doesn’t look as beautiful from on high; the details get lost and the colors of your hometown blur together from a mile above ground. 
the problem with flying is that it puts you so far above people you care about
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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It's been a while since I did a panel redraw what do you all think it's very accurate in fact I'm not gonna post the original panels just take my word for it this is exactly what happens when Jason takes off his helmet in under the red hood
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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lost-batarang · 1 year
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lost-batarang · 1 year
Finally I have read part one of the Red Hood story in Batman: Urban Legends!
This story is very interesting, we start with the Red Hood looking for the people who are providing Gotham with a new drug. This drug “Cheerdrops” has been passed around for weeks at this point and it has had devastating results among it’s users. If you know Jason you understand that drugs are a big issue for him and one that he treats very carefully and seriously. 
As he interrogates people he arrives to the building where one of the dealers of this drug is supposed to be, there he finds a horrific scene, a boy is desperately trying to wake up his mother who appears to have overdosed in her bed. Jason is quick to call an ambulance and get in contact with Oracle in order to find the boy’s father who is (as he finds out later) the man that he was looking for. 
Jason sees this scene and can’t help but compare it to the time he went through this situation with his mom all those years ago, so he takes the boy with him so he can take him to his father, who Jason is hoping is a good man that had to sell drugs in order to help his family.
That’s basically the premise of this first part of the story but now i will write about my thoughts on the specifics of the story.
The story begins with Jason giving a speech about fear and how it’s used, 
“Fear. Its a tool, it’s his tool. I never really adopted it, maybe because he kept that fear all to himself.” Then he continues with “Never had to rely on it, had to work harder to take out the bad guys, had to be…more direct.” he finishes that thought with “Rubber Bullets. So that fear doesn’t get turned around on me.”
I for one really liked this Fear speech, it does really sum up what the Batman does, he relies on the Fear that he imposes on Gotham’s criminals and such while Robin on the other hand was never meant to work with fear, which is true.
It did remind me of the speech that Alfred gave in issue #10 of Under the Red Hood about how Batman works with fear and Jason had some thoughts on it, here is some of it, 
“Master Jason had a condescending practice of referring to the costumed criminals elements as ‘dress ups’. He also noted that such individuals did not fear the Batman the way street thugs and mafioso did. The ‘dress ups’ did not believe he was a monster.” “…the boy did say something to me that chilled me to the bone…even then. 'They all know he won’t kill them.’”
Anyway let’s go back to the actual comic I am talking about…
Jason speaks from his position as Red Hood in current time and says that he uses rubber bullets in order to keep the Bat at bay, the fear that the Bat uses against other criminals cannot be used against him if he plays within the Bat’s rules.
As he was doing that he was actually trying to get info about who is making the drug but all he was able to get was who was selling it to the person he was interrogating. This drug is dangerous and Jason has to work fast. 
Here is where we see the first flashback scene, we see Jason in the cave before he was able to go out as Robin and he is not to happy about it. The art is very beautiful but sadly in these panels i found my first problem with the context of Jason becoming Robin and how Zdarsky seems to set Jason’s feelings on the first Robin.
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It seems that Zdarsky is going for the “Jason believed Dick was the perfect Robin and no matter what he did he would never be as good as him” route, which fine ok, that’s your right but, is it really necessary? I must admit i am a little tired of this particular thing because i adore the fact that when Dick and Jason first met they were fine with one another (even if a little wary at the very start). And the whole competitive and “i will never be as good as X person” is really tiring in the Robin/Batfamily fandom.
That problem is not as significant as the next one though.
Jason not thinking that Robin was “badass”. Well this is not only a bad take but it’s completely OOC for Jason, no matter how you see it. From his first appearance as Robin to the flashbacks in Winick’s UtRH and even through both of Lobdell’s runs Jason has always loved the concept and the mantle of Robin as a child. 
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Batman v1, #385.
So that whole take is wrong, i don’t like it and also who on this or any universe would rather call themselves Batboy? Honestly i hope this is never brought up again or i will cry. ((((Also in this house Robin will always be the name that Mary gave Dick and then he used as his hero name so it hurts a lot more))))
Also at the end of this first flashback Jason discovers a room full of firearms and is obviously surprised because Batman hates those so he asks why he has them, B responds that he has to understand how they work for his detective work, but that’s not all he says, he also says this “…Guns are a coward’s weapon, and we will not be cowards.”
Alright Mr. Zdarsky i see the irony… i also see the Daredevil / Punisher thingie right there.
Anyway we are now back to the present where we see Batman seeing the effects of the drug in one of its victims, after saving that person he takes some samples of the drug. We also get to see two police officers with different views on the “masks”, that’s a nice way to set the story after the Joker War and before the Magistrate. 
Back to Jason, he seems to be struggling, he can’t find the people making/providing the drugs in Gotham and is also doubting his skills, he tells a man that if the information that he gave him is incorrect he “will find him” followed with another internal speech full of self doubt, “…sure thing Red Hood, right now you can’t even find a street drug. Half of Gotham’s teenagers could find it no problem. You never were the best detective.”
Alright, so Jason feels insecure about his skills now? First you have pre-Robin Jason not feeling like he could be able to keep up with the first Robin and now, Jason as a grown man has doubts about the skills that he has used for a long while now? I mean, press X for DOUBT because UtRH showed us how much of a badass and extremely skilled he is. This man planed everything in order to turn the Bat’s world upside down (and this story has references to UtRH so it definitely happened) and now he feels like he is not that good? 
Shit. i know where this is going, first the insecurities that he has already worked out… I can see it coming, the next big thing will be Daddy issues. Wonderful i hate it and i hope i am wrong because those “issues” are more than resolved, i know that’s the only trope DC throws at Jason but honestly how different will it be this time?
Fine, lets move on. Jason finds himself in one of the apartments and what he sees is horrifying. Lying on a bed there is a woman completely catatonic with a horrible smile on her face and right next to her a terrified little boy.
Here is the best take on Jason’s character so far. 
Realizing that the child is scared of the situation and the masked man that just came into his home Jason takes off his mask and reassures the kid that he is there to help, it’s quickly made obvious that the woman has overdosed on Cheerdrops, he makes sure to call an ambulance for her stating that she seems to be in a  drug-related coma.
Its important to note that Jason is doing this as he is having troubling thoughts about how much this scene reminds him of the time he was in this little boy’s (Tyler) shoes. Its hard for him but he soon realizes that he needs to make sure Tyler is safe. 
He asks Tyler if he has another parent, he does and his name is Andy, after taking a look around the house Jason deduces that maybe the father is also taking drugs so if the police comes they will surely take Tyler and put him in the system, this idea is not one Jason is fond of so he calls Oracle, he asks if she can locate Tyler’s dad’s phone, when she asks about the kid Jason says that he will be the one keeping him safe.
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Now we find ourselves back with Batman where he is investigating the components of Cheerdrops, he finds out that the drug is a modified version of Scarecrow’s fear gas that gives the victim a sense of extreme happiness instead of fear.
Here we get confirmation of when in the timeline this story occurs, which is after the events of Infinite Frontier (where there was an attack on Arkham and many patients/prisoners were killed or escaped).
B suggests to Oracle that maybe Crane didn’t die there and that he might be behind this drug, he will be on the job right away! To this Oracle is like well shit, so she tells B that Jason is also working this case…and here comes a funny yet confusing interaction. 
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Barbara says “I know you two aren’t exactly friends right now but…” before she finishes Batman interrupts her by saying “He is a killer Barbara. I will do this alone.”
OH BOY is this interaction confusing! First of all may i point out how different this conversation is from the one in Three Jokers where the roles were basically reversed??? Please tell me that i am not the only one who finds that funny! Anyway that story doesn’t matter here, but Red Hood Outlaw from Rebirth does, right?
Here is the thing, the last person that Jason “killed” in rebirth was Penguin and he actually didn’t do it, he had him trapped in a panic room in his own Casino. Batman already beat the living shit out of Jason in RHatO #25 for it…and some time has passed, B surely found out that Jason didn’t kill Penguin by now, i mean isn’t he like the best detective to ever detective in the history of the universe??
Not only that but Jason has been using rubber bullets for a while and even at the start he mentions that, he basically implies that he is playing by the Bat’s rules to keep him off his back. Maybe B hasn’t let go of the duffel bag full of heads or any of the shitty people Jason killed during UtRH??? If B still holds that against Jason then why would he try to make Jason part of his Bat clan at the beginning of RHatO Rebirth? 
Maybe he still thinks that Jason killed the penguin…but even then isn’t B working with Harley and Ghost-Maker? You know, people who have killed? Why is Jason different? Did Jason kill someone recently that we don’t know about? Jason only kills a very distinct set of people (that are very not nice) so i guess i don’t see the logic…
Anyway second flashback, and this time we have a look at what was going on in the Batcave with B and Alfred during the events of UtRH! Nothing that wasn’t explored in UtRH is said here but we do see Alfred explicitly telling Bruce how much they failed Jason. There is a heavy insinuation that the fact that Batman keeps sending the Joker to Arkham only for him to escape and kill more people actually makes B responsible for those deaths and i love that. Thank you. 
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Back to Jason and Tyler we get to see some very adorable scenes between the two. Jason gives the lower half of his mask to Tyler to protect his identity like a superhero and we have a really sweet moment in which Tyler chooses the Blue Hood as his name because he likes the colour blue (same Tyler).
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After he leaves Tyler in a place where he will be safe he goes to the building where Andy should be and let me tell you the more Jason sees the less hopeful he becomes about Andy being just one of the people selling the drug… He does some shooting and incapacitating and then follows the man that is trying to escape and here is when shit hits the fan. 
Andy is a disgusting human being. He hates Tyler’s mother and doesn’t care that she might be dead and the piece of shit hates his son so much that he gave a barely 10 year old drugs. 
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If you think that this leads to Jason being a little more like his UtRH self, you know the guy that said that people who gave drugs to kids will get killed without a thought…yeah that’s not happening, here comes the guilt!
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I get it he just killed a man, but, did you read what that man said?
Anyway that’s how the first part of this story ends. 
The story is good. it has things that don’t make much sense but i think it’s because Zdarsky is a Batman fan and not a Red Hood fan in the sense that he doesnt know much about Jason’s character and that this is his first ever DC work.
I cant wait to see where this story goes, while i hope “unresolved daddy issues” doesn’t become a theme yet again in a Red Hood story i believe it’s where we are headed. I will keep on reading because i am invested in Jason and Tyler’s relationship and what is going to happen now that Jason killed Andy.
Let me know what you thought about the issue and my post if you want! Bye!
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lost-batarang · 1 year
I need everyone to tell me which DC character they have beef with, no reasons necessary it can just be vibes
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