lionxlilyxevans · 3 years
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RESULT :   an undoing influence
Can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into ANGER (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) 
and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, lining the seams with their love and kisses, you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable. 
You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
tagged by :   i stole it from @horrour​ tagging :   whoever wants to do it!
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lionxlilyxevans · 3 years
“there’s nothing wrong with asking for help.” ( from stiles )
“You’ve met me enough times to know I don’t think that’s true in the slightest,” Lily huffed. “I hate asking for help.”
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lionxlilyxevans · 3 years
post - trauma sentence starters  blood, death mention.
“don’t do that. don’t shut me out.” 
“you’ve been crying. i can tell.”
“we need to change those bandages and get some food in you.”
“you want me to rub your back ’til you fall asleep?”
“that was a brave thing you did today.” 
“shh, that’s okay, get everything out.”   
“there’s something on your shirt. you – that’s blood!”
“need some space?”
“you should lay down.”
“there’s nothing wrong with asking for help.” 
“shh, shh. you were having a nightmare.”
“we can talk through the door.” 
“let’s clean you up and get you to bed, okay?”
“you almost died.” 
“i brought you a blanket.”
“you’re home. you’re safe.” 
“i’m worried about you.”
“is everything okay?”
“tell me how to make it better.”
“it’s been a tough few days. how are you holding up?”
“you have to stay awake. come on, give my hand a squeeze.” 
“you’re in the hospital.” 
“think you can make it to the bathroom?”
“no, no. don’t close your eyes.”
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
“No!” she insisted before she could stop herself, then clamped a hand over her mouth as if appalled to have let such an immediate reaction slip.
“My love, you have already subjected me to country music,” she said carefully when she dared lower her hand. “I cannot possibly stand anything slower or more depressing.”
“I can only have one dog who insists on the country music station, and that slot’s already taken.”
“So what you’re actually saying is that we should train him to enjoy country music,” she pointed out with a light grin. “That way, we won’t have competing radio stations.” Not that she minded listening to less country. It was so American, she could hardly stand it sometimes.
“Absolutely not,” Parrish shot back, suppressing the laughter bubbling up. “Lenore will have to put up with whatever the new baby wants to listen to.”
Parrish looked at the puppy.
“I suggest bluegrass or some kind of folk music. Something relaxing. And mildly depressing, but we ignore that part.”
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
One of the most heroic things you can do is refuse to be cruel in a world that makes it so difficult to be kind.
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
“So what you’re actually saying is that we should train him to enjoy country music,” she pointed out with a light grin. “That way, we won’t have competing radio stations.” Not that she minded listening to less country. It was so American, she could hardly stand it sometimes.
“We just need to stand firm and not spoil him with treats.”
The puppy whined as if knowing he was going to be deprived treats. He turned his big brown eyes on Parrish, tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth as his little tail started thumping against Lily’s legs.
She released a cocktail of a laugh and a groan, ruffling the pup’s fur. “Look at how cute he is, though!” she insisted. “How can I say no to this face?”
He sighed at the puppy’s behaviour. Way too cute.
“Well, I guess we’re going to have to train ourselves, too,” he laughed. “So, Pup, what do you like to listen to? Please tell me it isn’t country. I can only have one dog who insists on the country music station, and that slot’s already taken.”
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
Sorry I’ve been so MIA! I am currently in police academy with no WiFi, so I’ll be on a hiatus at least until December. Always lurking, though!
Feel free to send in memes and asks!
<3 Court
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
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Baby Harry with Lily and the boyz :’0
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
“ have fun in potions. try not to punch anyone. ”
“That’s...a fair warning. You know me too well, Stilinski,” Lily teased. “No promises!” she added as she walked backwards away from him. “Meeting tonight,” she reminded hastily before disappearing to class.
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
“Yeah, but then we give them back at the end of the day,” he chuckled. Parrish watched how Lily lit up at the sight of the puppy in her lap. “We just need to stand firm and not spoil him with treats.”
That would be really hard to do, though. Look at that face.
The puppy whined as if knowing he was going to be deprived treats. He turned his big brown eyes on Parrish, tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth as his little tail started thumping against Lily’s legs.
She released a cocktail of a laugh and a groan, ruffling the pup’s fur. “Look at how cute he is, though!” she insisted. “How can I say no to this face?”
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
“You and me both on that degree thing. Well… that and I was kicked out.” Josh shrugged a bit and he moved to grab his guitar. He leaned back, relaxing with it as he plucked a very light tune. It was best to have something to fiddle with, right now, he thought.
“Not really talking about moving, no. Kind of stuck here for a bit.” Both unfortunate and not bad. At least he had some he liked here. “Was thinking of if I headed home at all, then remembered I don’t want to.” A lie.
She could hear the uptick in his heartbeat when he started to lie, not that she needed the tell. His discomfort with the conversation was easy enough to spot when he started fidgeting with his guitar.
“I’d go out of my bloody mind if you moved anywhere else, I hope you know,” she said, trying to help minimize his discomfort and redirect the conversation. “I swear, you’re the only sane one around town.”
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
Lily noticed his fidgeting and mirrored it so as to not make him feel uncomfortable. She leaned back in her chair and stretched, arms raised in a half V.
“I know this is where our official club meets,” she joked. “But you fancy a stroll? I could use a bit of a walk round the grounds.” It had been nice enough outside when she’d gone to Herbology earlier, so she figured it would still be warm enough now. 
“I say enough with the politics, too,” she added as she stood, anticipating a positive answer from him regarding the walk. “I want to know more about you. Your hometown, your dad, your best friend, anything you can think of.”
She wanted him to know he had the freedom to ping pong around in conversation as his mind needed. She could roll with shifts in conversation pretty easily, and wanted him to know he didn’t have to curb anything around her. He could be exactly as he was or wanted to be. Wasn’t that what friends were for?
Stiles grinned, nodding quickly as he stood. “That sounds great,” He said. “You know, I tried out for the house team? I wanted beater, or maybe seeker, but they - well, back home they would have ‘benched’ me, but here I just got rejected,” He shook his head, “So, like, screw them if there’s a horrible case of dragon pox and half the team gets ill, because, well, they’ve no reserves, do they?”
Stiles paused. “Anyway, my point - I haven’t done anything regarding the whole ‘moving around’ for a while. I did skateboarding and baseball and lacrosse back home to waste my energy… being cooped up in a castle, as cool as this place is, can be a bit stiffling sometimes,” He admitted. He pushed the painting, stepped out of the kitchen and down into the hallway.
He smiled at her, though with a hopefully hidden element of hesitance churning in his gut. “You wanna know more about me, huh?” He asked, tone humourous to try and distract. “Me too, about you! Were are you from, do you have any siblings, what’s your favourite subject, do you hate any teachers, come on,” He grinned. “Let’s - I don’t know, let’s do twenty questions?” He offered.
Clearly there were a few things he couldn’t tell her, at least not yet, but… Stiles is good at conversation when it comes to evasion, and he hopes in the future she wouldn’t hold it against him.
“How could a castle this size be stifling?” she reasoned with a half laugh. “I still feel like I can’t figure out where I’m going half the time. This place is massive!” She could see what he meant, though. The stonework, the cold yet somehow always stagnant air lingering in the corridors. It did get a bit claustrophobic, in its own way. “Being outside is nice, though. I much prefer it to sticking ‘round indoors.” If she had been any kind of elemental witch, she absolutely would have been an earth elemental.
“Of course I want to know more about you. You seem fascinating,” she chuckled. “Twenty questions sounds perfect. I’m from London, to answer your first one. So that’s extremely dull. And you’re from California, so that’s one we’ve marked off. Do you hate any teachers? That’s the one I’m intrigued by.”
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
“Huh,” Stiles said. “Interesting.”
Lydia looked flatly at him, before turning her attention back to Lily, expression softening. “Yes,” She said, firmly. “We can definitely do that.”
“And if we can’t I can borrow them,” Stiles said. “Come on. Can you stand?” He asked, moving closer to give her aid in getting up onto her feet. “We need to get going,” Lydia agreed. “Can’t stick around too long, incase they come back.”
“And we can’t fight that,” Stiles agreed. “I’d like to keep all my organs, so we should probably hurry up.”
“Don’t they need to discharge me first?” Lily frowned as she slowly slid off the bed. She was okay not having to stay here; she hated the idea of hospitals. “I need to get dressed but I can walk fine.”
She absolutely didn’t want to stay here if they thought any of the remaining Dread Doctors were going to return for her.
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
@ofuntidyhair continued from here [x]
“No, I wasn’t followed,” she uttered, but it felt like a hollow reassurance. The encounter with the man dressed in mostly black could have been a complete coincidence, but something about the way he’d stared at her just a little too long prickled the hairs on the back of her neck.
“That’s a good idea. I’ll keep Harry entertained, shall I?”
She was frustrated more than anything. This was her first outside excursion in ages, which could have contributed to her paranoia over the strange man outside the market. She loathed that she couldn’t so much as go outside without being a target. How could they keep living like this?
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
what a good day to remember that one of the few canon things we know about james potter is that he doodled his crush’s name across his exam paper like a lovestruck idiot
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
“Oh, come on. We’re cops. We’ve been around K-9s,” she pointed out with a bright grin. Nothing was going to dampen her brilliant mood right now, not even the thought of potty training a hyperactive puppy. “If anyone can train him well, it’s going to be us.”
“I think Lenore is going to be the most excited out of all of us.”
“Oh, I think she will be, too,” Lily agreed and clipped the leash back on the puppy’s collar. “Here we are, then,” she added and headed outside, letting the tiny Golden run along the side of the building for a place to relieve himself so they didn’t risk an accident in the car.
Once that was taken care of, she scooped him up and slid into the passenger seat.
“Ready to see your new home, cutie?”
The puppy yipped again, and she chuckled as she buckled in. He was adorable!
“God, I wish I had known Lenore when she was that little, but she was already well into her training when I met her.” He smiled over at the puppy as he stopped at a light. “Not entirely stoked at the idea of training a puppy, but at least we’ve got the three of us to work together on it, plus Lenore to show him how it’s done.”
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lionxlilyxevans · 4 years
Almeda waved goodbye to her friends, Harry Hermione and Ron as she finally joined her house she looked towards the High Table to see the professors “ hey Lockhart is that your father?” A boy asked her. She bit her lip she knew the exact reason why her father was there among the professors, he was there for fame. “ yah that’s him” she said masking her shame . - Almedaluciundamalfoylockhart
Lily was less than pleased with the new addition to the staff. She’d never believed Lockhart’s books rang completely true; they contained enough mistakes about magical beings to make Lily suspect he didn’t really know what he was talking about.
Of course, she also didn’t like the dismissive way he acted toward his daughter. That only seemed to change when he thought people were watching, and as a parent herself, Lily was not okay with that sort of interaction. She kept a close eye on Lockhart during the feast, listening to him droll on about some adventure or another. She was going to find out who this man truly was, if it was the last thing she did.
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