lilsprite-dreamlog · 5 days
Demons need love too
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phimm ii. gouache watercolor painting on paper 2019
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 5 days
June 4, 2024
We were in a older home that had been converted into a shop. They sold antique furniture and vintage clothing.
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
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Oil pastel doodle on 11”x14” wood panel.
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
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it's always been you
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
The way I’m getting so annoyed with my brain/subconscious. I had another dream of him again. I keep dreaming of this content creator and it’s freaking me out. The parasocial relationship is growing. I really think I could have a shot with this person. How delusional is that?
They don’t know I exist. It’s just my brain playing tricks on me cause I’m single now. Am I lonely? Desperate? Horny? Definitely horny lol but I dont feel lonely.
In fact I am getting more and more comfortable being alone. Enjoying my solitude. Not having to worry about what my partner says or thinks. All I have to do is worry about myself. So why does my dreams say otherwise?
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
I was working at a casino resort in Puerto Rico. A hurricane swept through the island and we had to help the tourists. There were lost kids and tons of injuries. I saw some old friends from high school lol really random
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
I just remembered another part of my dream! We had been given lil octopus babies🥲 they were so adorable. Okay that’s it. That’s all I remember.
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
I decided to let go, and swallow me whole
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
I remember wandering through an office building. It wasn’t the back rooms, there were people there. This office building was made mostly of glass. It was a modern design. I had gotten lost in the halls. When I finally made it out, the glass building was in the middle of nowhere.
It was built on a plot of land. It was cleared out. No trees, bushes, or landscaping. It was so flat. It was also the morning so it was a bit misty. There was also no parking lot to this building. It was very odd.
Pt. 2
I don’t quite remember how the dream transitioned to this next part. I was cast in a play and I was to do the opening scene. I would be the ‘principal’ in the play. While also being myself as the host. I practiced my lines and thought I got the gist.
I lost the book with all the lines in it and I started bugging out. My mind went blank on the lines. I asked my other actors to let me go over lines with their book. For some reason they all refused.
I ended up going on stage and winging it. The nervousness left my body when I was on stage. I don’t even remember if I did well or not. I was just glad it was over.
Another random part of this dream was that Cardi B and offset were in it lol Cardi came to the play drunk, and got into a fight with offset. She stormed out of the auditorium and he stayed. Then she got attacked by a dog on her way to the car?? lol she ended up in the hospital because of it.
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
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Andrew Blucha
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
I was in South Korea eating toppoki but there was bugs in it. Then some creep tried taking pictures up my dress. There was a big spider that tried to crawl on my face. That freaked me out. I’m not fond of spiders.
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
I’m so sick of dreams that put me back in high school. This time I was graduating. It was around Halloween time tho. It was dark and Rainey.
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
I was at a certain persons house. I had a crush on them but they were not reciprocating. Maybe they were oblivious to that fact? So I put the flirting on turbo drive.
Giving him the eyes every time he looked at me. Staying close by him. Giving him soft brushes of my fingers when he talked to me. I felt as though he still didn’t get the message.
Other friends that were there had left. So I pounced on him. Hehe. He seemed shocked and surprised. “Don’t make that face, you know I want you” I said playfully. “How am I I supposed to know that unless you tell me?” He said worriedly. “Well…I’m telling you now.” I replied devilishly.
He was so nervous and it was so cute. It made me more hot for him. I wanted to tear him apart. I grabbed his hands kinda forcefully and put them around me. “Do I have to beg you to feel me up??” I joked. He smiled shyly.
I put my hands on his face, he was flushed and warm. Ugh this silly man is so fucking adorable. This dream felt really good.
I remember my dogs being in this dream also. Then we built a homemade pool in the backyard.
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 2 months
I went to a department store that reminded me of Bells. It was large but not as big as a Macy’s. The department store was also very dated with ugly brown carpet and office tile ceilings.
I was walking around and saw this cute romper. It was short sleeved with shorts. What was unique about it was that it had green and white skinny pinstripes. And a zipper on the front. It gave me a 70’s vibe.
I kept walking around the store and stuff kept changing. They kept adding and taking away stuff. They had a furniture section. Then I ran into my ex. He smiled at me and I looked the other way.
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 3 months
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lilsprite-dreamlog · 3 months
I was watching my ex bosses pets. This boss was the manager of an animal hospital. When I worked there she was extremely rude and pretty harsh on me. I was really young so I didn’t really care for how she treated me.
So idk why I agreed to watch her animals because of course she was super harsh and picky about the time I spent with them.
I ended up getting another job at the mall, it was a clothing store. So it took up some time from watching the animals.
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