joxabear ยท 4 months
My sound cancelling headphones caused a meltdown last night. The irony is not lost on me.
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joxabear ยท 4 months
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Another Fire Emblem x Cookie Run Kingdom fanart! This time is Leif Cookie~โ˜†*: .๏ฝก. o(โ‰งโ–ฝโ‰ฆ)o .๏ฝก.:*โ˜†
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joxabear ยท 3 years
I was writing some support conversations the other day (in case you aren't aware, support conversations are basically conversations between two people in a game, that happen outside of story and combat), when I realized something. Writing those conversations helped me grasp my characters personalities 10x more than anything else.
It's simple, really. In 3 conversations, I had to
A. Give the character(s) separate and interesting personalities
B. Have a topic (an issue, a hobby, a philosophical conversation, anything)
C. Converse on that topic, showing the personalities and strengthen bonds between the pair (or worsen them!)
There's no actions, only words. You can convey actions through words.
I can totally expand on this with an example but I do not feel like it ATM just thought it was a neat thing I found out.
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joxabear ยท 3 years
It's been a while since I've posted fire emblem related anything, but I didn't wait like 4 years to get a +10 Luke and just, not post it? Who does that? Anyway my achievement is done, pure ftp and I've finally +10 my boy
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And yeah, he has the heart blade for aesthetic reasons only. I'm just lucky it happens to work.
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Fantasy Writing Tip
I know I like to talk about this a lot, but really, it needs to be said a lot. While realistically, jumping and dodging swords is kinda impossible, in a fantasy setting it's fine. Realistically, bikini armour and no shirts is stupid, fantasy is fine. Realistically, castles don't float in the sky, or magic isn't even a thing.
Fantasy is the impossible becoming possible. It's not Just for fancy magic and flying islands and sky whales, its for dodging a sword, twirling around with a blade and not being stabbed in the back, firing 50 arrows at once, wearing no armour yet still coming out unscathed, saying things that don't usually get said.
Those "tips" people like to do are tips for reality. Not fantasy. Fantasy isn't realistic. It's not meant to be. Realistic knights are ugly anyway, go nuts with fantasy, don't feel the need to follow any real rules, they don't exist here.
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Writing representation tip! Don't be a pussy and say words.
Too many times I've read books or even fanfictions where the author does Everything to avoid saying a word. Whether it be autistic, gay, trans, disabled, etc etc. It's annoying and honestly a little disheartening. They aren't bad words.
"It's not set on Earth!" it's literally a made up book, made by you. Made up. Gay is allowed to be a word in space. Especially if it's fantasy! Are you using other words? Have you written goodbye in your godless fantasy world? Every word comes from our own history, and you use them in a different world. You can use gay. Or bi, or pan, or demi, or literally anything. Instead of vaguely going "oh this character is nonbinary but there's only a few hints most people miss", just straight up address it my mates it's not hard.
Disabled isn't a bad word. You're allowed to introduce a character as disabled. They are disabled. They have a disability. Stop doing flips to not say the word.
"Yeah this character is totally neurodivergent" where did you say that? Or did you simply assume everyone and their mother is gonna know this character is meant to have ADHD? If they do assume, they'll just say it's a headcanon, because you haven't told anyone.
It's gonna be annoying. You just want people to Know. Yeah, so did I! Until my mum read my book and didn't Know. People aren't gonna miraculously Know these characters are X, you're allowed to say words.
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Please please please for the love of everything holy and not, don't feel pressured to be writing 24/7
You will get it done eventually, nothing needs to be done immediately. There's a lot of pressure in getting everything done young, but it's okay to just live.
I haven't worked on my book in about 6 months. It's hard work to think about it. Of course I occasionally write, a fanfiction, other ideas, small snippets of something, but my main book? I just don't feel it.
There's so many people who did things later. Not everyone is going to be finishing a book and becoming some teenage celebrity (which is an entirely new topic that I disagree with but whatever).
So please, just take a break! Don't worry about the future. Stop putting so much pressure on getting everything done young. It's okay to publish your first book, or first story, at 50.
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Me: okay, time to work on my book :)
Me 20 minutes later: so I've created an entire AU for Harry Potter including new lore and actual class work, for some reason I decided to make this hated background character the main character
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joxabear ยท 3 years
so because I ran out of poorly given advice, I'm just gonna turn this account into random facts I read and think about while writing my books.
First one is I read in some book that spiders taste using the hairs on their legs, but semen also comes out of them, so like, do they taste that? Did I read it wrong? The books pretty old is that even right? Idk but it's fun to think about.
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Some lesser known side effects of body swapping
Need to get used to an entirely different body shape. Like a baby learning to do everything again.
Taste buds are different, now you hate your favourite food.
Character A had a physical disability. Character B now has to live with it.
Did they brain change? Everything is stored there, including memories and knowledge, so if they don't change brains do they get the other person's memories and knowledge? Do they forget it after going back to their body?
That one's only for specific nerds
Eyesight is different. Hearing is different. Good luck :)
How fit is this new body? More fit than you were, or less?
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Hey, you know what we don't see enough of? New races. I mean, elves are cool and all, but are we really stuck on them that we can't make something new? If you're having troubles, here's some of my scrapped ideas, free to play around with!
A shapeshifter species who can Only shapeshift into plantation
Amphibious lizard people (like argonians in elder scrolls!)
A species made purely of Code, able to glitch in and out of reality
A type of fairy, born and made from flowers (petal wings, green stem like skin, takes nutrients from water + nutrients in the ground)
Dogs made from the lava of an active volcano, burning everything they touch and able to create land on water
Dust people, who eat dustmites and change their size at will (made of dust of course)
People formed from rocks and sand, they're actually really good at architecture
A scaled humanoid with large frog like eyes, and a forked tongue
Barely remember but something about having a peacock like tail, wasn't a bird tho
People whose skin light up at night like a firefly (really bad for sneaking)
Mer people but their tails are seahorse tails
Not really original (like lizard people), but any and all animal people, but give them different quirks (cat people who don't act like cats, maybe they're amphibious. Dog people who don't have any sharp bits, maybe they're better at farming than anything)
That's all I can think of, feel free to add any ideas or even play around with these. They aren't 100% original but they're not elves! Of course, using elves and the like isn't bad, they're amazing, but why not spice it up a little?
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Writing is just thinking you're done with your book then realizing something doesn't fit and having to change it
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Villain / hero stories have so much potential and we should abuse it more.
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Family member: oh, you're writing a book? What's it about!
Me, who knows exactly how to explain it: uh, ya know, stuff
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joxabear ยท 3 years
Religion in fantasy settings
Hey y'all weird goblins and rats, it's moi, breaking my silence with this. I say fantasy, because that is what I write, specifically, and I am going to be talking more about made up religions than real.
Disclaimer: I'm not religious, at all. I'm not a religion whiz who miraculously knows everything about every religion. My general rule is you do you and I'll do me. Respect, people, it's a core thing.
Also big CW I'm gonna brush the topic of hate crimes against religious communities.
Something I don't see a lot of in world building is religion. The easiest way is to just, say there's a god and leave. But I'm all about in depth useless knowledge (lawd help whoever wants to know the lore of my books).
There will always be more than one. Okay, always is a stretch, it's fantasy, do whatever. But if you seriously look at Earth, then look at your world, it looks off.
Google says Earth has about 4, 300 religions. Not that I'm judging you but your world only has 1???
Major religions. Now, I betcha you did a double take and quickly went to google, frantically typing "how many religion???" to make sure I'm not pulling your leg, but how many have you heard of? These are in no way "better" or whatever, just more known about. While you can casually mention a smaller religion, you may need to have depth with a major one (or not, idk it's your book)
I don't see a lot of discussion about this, so I'll jump, without knowing where the floor is. Does a religion overtake anything else? Or, in other words, in western countries, Christianity is widely known. To the point stores, games, books, movies, have it thrown in.
What I'm getting at, is there a religion that overshadows any other? In a certain region do they decorate the place for one religions holiday? Do holidays revolve around the religion?
Different types of religions. Within the 4, 300 religions on earth, there's different types. One god, a pantheon, spirits, etc. I'm sure your world has some variety.
Fake or real? Are there fake religions? Is there any proof to them? Do people regularly contact the god(s) or do they simply pray with no answer?
Hate. Again, CW. On earth, people hate other religions, and use that as an excuse to kill (or worse). Are there reactions like so in your world? Does one religion rule over another? Something to keep in mind.
Books, memory, stories. Is there one book for the entire religion? Or is it stories passed around? Multiple books? Not even a book?
Is it bad to refer to the God? Can you casually say their name, or title? Will people yell at you?
How do people pray? You don't have to show it, or even mention it, it's just something to think about.
I do wanna say, making religions doesn't have to be a straight take away from earth religions. Although, that doesn't have to stop you from researching. And despite what I've said, you are 100% free to simply use Earth religions in your story, regardless of where.
And do remember this is simply advice, you needn't follow it.
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joxabear ยท 4 years
How to find your book title
First off, not even sorry for disappearing, coherent thoughts are hard to come by. Second off, I rarely have issues with titles, but here's to hoping it's a little help.
What genre is the book? Sounds useless but if you know the genre, there would be a general kind of sound to the title. Example being YA novels, a LOT sound very similar (using specific words, like crown, kingdom, dark, etc). Look at similar genres and find a common sound.
Is there a Word? AKA anything specific, maybe repeated, maybe important. This ties in with what the book is About. If you can find a single word, it's way easier.
What's the book about? Ties in with above, perhaps there's one moment you can narrow down. Names. Big books, such as Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, have names. You'll want the name to flow easily, make it more recognizable.
Is there a mood? Kinda can tie in with genre, but look at the general mood of the book. Is it a darker book? Maybe don't call it rainbows and sunshine (or maybe do, and make it a little joke)
Remember, you don't need a title at the beginning, you don't even need one in later drafts. Most of my titles came either from daydreaming or seemed to pop up from the book itself. The title can be as long as you want it, entire sentences, or just a letter.
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joxabear ยท 4 years
How to have fun! (while writing)
I've seen a lot of posts where it's simply complaining about writing. How boring it is, how hard it is, how stressful, how draining etc etc. Idk bout you but I disagree.
Writings been fun for me since I even knew how to write. I've been making worlds and characters and stories since I had a coherent thought. And, well, not to brag, but I enjoy writing. It's not overly difficult, nor is it boring.
I wanna address writers block first. I myself see it as a kind of myth. I mean, when I don't write it's not because my brain isn't thinking, it's because I'm tired, or busy. I've opened a document, stared at it, decided Not Today, and closed it. Doesn't make it writers block. Take breaks and don't push yourself!
The actual writing. I come up with some crazy ways of expressing myself in my writing. It took a while, but I genuinely like my writing style. The way it flows, the changing, simply everything about it. I'm not sure how I did this, it just happened one day. But find your writing style. It'll make writing way more fun.
Editing. I know what you're thinking. Editing can't be fun. But it is! I read out loud for my editing, as it helps me find mistakes I'd skip, or just realise some words don't make sense together. So, make funny voices, have a fun time, laugh about it, rant to yourself. I'm sure my family have heard me doing that, but it's fun once you ignore everyone else.
Creating the characters. This one could be a hit or miss, I tend to just create characters by mixing little pieces of myself and people I know. I also people watch whenever I leave the house. Act like Sherlock Holmes and make up an entire life with one glance. My favourite part of character creation is habits and the like. Little things they do, or say. How they move. That's just me, maybe that's your least favourite part.
Creating worlds. I have a few posts on actually creating the world's, and I can definitely see how it can be annoying. But know that once you do it, you've managed to do what many cannot. I'd say my favourite part is animals and cultures. I can make up the most outlandish animal and have the most amazing culture. It also involves researching about Earth cultures! Of course, not everything is going to be similar to Earth things. Find the fun in it, whether it be learning, or deciding an animals habitat, or laws even.
Plot. This one I can't explain very well. I wrote my first draft without knowing a plot, then had to make sure the plot fit over five books. It kinda just came to me after reading a few lines, and evolved from then. Wasn't boring, and quite fun to finally find it.
I think the most important thing to remember is just "have fun, don't worry", which sounds useless. It's why I tend to go on long rants to try explain that as fancy as possible. Find what you enjoy, and do that. Make up funny things, turn it into fun.
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