jesusizmysuperhero · 9 months
🤣🤣🤣🤣 (another) one of my exes and their former b!tch unblocked me recently lmaoooo!
But in all seriousness tho, not giving any names, but like damn, y'all are waiting to watch me fail only to see me rise up from the ashes and be better than you ever could be. I say that, not in a cocky tone, but as a statement, because they're butter people, broken, and toxic. But they don't want to be helped, healed, or fixed, and as someone very close to me once told me:
"Some people stay broken intentionally and never try to heal, always fearing not getting the help they need, they decide, 'fine, I'll just stay broken, no one wanted to help me' even when healing people have tried to fix them, but the thing is that I tell people who are like that is that I can't fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed, sometimes you gotta cut your losses, move on, and heal YOURSELF."
If they see you healing, they'll envy you, so they'll either beg for you back, or belittle you, usually the latter, because of the fact that these people never got the help they needed when they needed it, they integrate it into every relationship they have, thus resulting in the loss of multiple relationships. They know the help is available now if after what they did to you, you heal from, so this angers them, that they couldn't heal before you, so that they could actually superior, typically I see this attitude in my male exes, but I see it in some of the female exes I know.
So you see, you can stalk my page ALLLL you want, all you'll see are my successes tho, because, I'm working on ME, tho it is a JOURNEY 😮‍💨, I stumble, and fall, but I get back up because I know the strength is there, tho, something that toxic people don't usually do.
I do believe they can change, but some people, simply WON'T tho, that's why they're toxic, because instead of taking care of their problems, they complain even tho they know it'll take nothing.
That's the thing, I might complain about stuff, but at least now I have a plan for said things to get done, whether that be work, self love, or family related, something these certain exes DON'T do, because I know them enough that THAT is who they're going to CHOOSE to be.
I've shown them multiple sources to get help, even sent referral codes to some of these exes for them to get 2 free weeks plus a discount on BetterHelp! But do they take it and see how amazing it is to be healing?! NOPE!
As stated above:
I can't (and WON'T *EVER* try again to) fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed.
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jesusizmysuperhero · 9 months
I know I don't blog as much as I used to, I miss it, I do, I wish I had kept up on it all these years, that just reminded me, I need to change my profile pic 😅
But yeah, I got lovely "fruit snacks", jamming to music in my headphones to prevent me from going into another bout of sensory overload, playing Stray on my PS4, so far a really cute game, the starting story might get ya to tear up a lil I know I did 🥺
Anyways if you're new, I'm a pagan witch, actively deconstructing the Christian "faith" I grew up in.
I've been having a lot of mental health episodes lately, idk if it's because my lovely time of month, or whether it be BPD, I haven't been in therapy lately because I haven't had the funding, yes Betterhelp is cheaper than traditional therapy by quite a lot, but still expensive. Hopefully getting back in it this week, and back into working again, these mental health episodes (I call them that cuz idk how else to describe them) it's a lot of a shutdown state and I don't wanna be bothered in that state, it's scary, I won't go further into detail than that, for the sake of other's mental health, ik things can be triggering, I get it.
But yeah, anyways, I'm also bisexual, polyamorous (everyone's poly journey is different, no judging plz) I am a One Man Woman, but I love ALL the girls. My pronouns are she/they as I'm non-binary, occasionally he/they, so if I present masculine, typically I use the they/them pronouns, I'm not too too keen on he/him, I used those pronouns more when I was gender fluid. ANYWAYS 😂, I væp€, 🍃 friendly, 🌶️ content creator, taken by my amazing boyfriend of 3 months (going on 4 in August)
I'm in the process of getting divorced from my TBEH (to be ex husband) (together basically 3 years, married {legally at least}for what would've been 2 years back in April), that's another story for another time tho.
But yeah, that pretty much sums up a lot, oh yeah, imma be a Godmommy to another precious little Godson as my bestie is gonna have another boy 🥺❤️ Sooooo excited to spoil my (to be)* godson(s)* more and more I love them as I would my own, I haven't even met my godson's little brother yet, but I can't wait to meet him when he gets here 🥺❤️🥰
Thanks for reading y'all, I guess I could 🔌 my Wattpad work here lol, look my penname up, it's Thorlovespoptarts. 😅😅
I made the name when I was like, maybe 14-16 at that time, mind you.
Goodnight/Morning/Afternoon, whatever time it is where y'all are at! Peace!
(oh yeah, boyfriend reveal I guess 😅❤️)
(I love him SO much 🥺❤️‍🩹)
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jesusizmysuperhero · 9 months
Can you accept my invitation to help me get free 💰?
Download Temu app and search my code on it!
👉👉👉Copy my code: 256458535
Yes y'all it is me, I would let y'all know otherwise 😁😅
Help a girl out I'm $0.50 short of my goal y'all 😭
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jesusizmysuperhero · 10 months
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It's my 7 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Wow, I didn't realize today (July 20th, 2023) was my Tumblr b'day, feel free to look at my posts from throughout the years, hard to believe I used to be so hateful ugh, thank goodness my eyes were opened tho! Cuz 2016 me was kind of a bitch 😅
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jesusizmysuperhero · 1 year
Alright everyone, it's time for a very much needed, and long overdue update.
Long story short, I'm unfortunately getting divorced, my hubby left me on December 3rd, 2022, for another chick who treats him like a child even though he told ME that he hates that. So yeah idk. Will I take him back? Only if he gets help to work out his issues, and goes to couples counseling together with me. Even then, idk. I still love him obviously and all of it was literally sprung right in my face outta nowhere. This girl was supposed to be a potential partner for he and I but she gave him the ultimatum and made him choose, and he obviously didn't wanna lose something new but could give less than 2 fucks for his WIFE who loved him UNCONDITIONALLY! He says he got tired of being the one to support us, and I'm like, okay, yeah I can work, if you were that upset ya should've told me and we could've talked it out and worked thru it like ACTUAL ADULTS DO but he didn't do that. Besides, the husband is supposed to be the provider of the home and the woman can work if she wants OR here's a hot take: she can also work side gigs from home if she wants and be a stay at home wife/mom!
But apparently my (to be ex) hubby doesn't see it that way. Women don't HAVE to work, but we can work if we WANT TO, as far as I'm concerned, if you have a side gig you do and you don't have a "normal job" but your husband works, then there's nothing wrong with that, and you're not being a gold digging hoe either for it.
I never EVER wanted to run my husband dry financially, EVER. I felt bad for spending even the SLIGHTEST bit of his money 99% of the time but wouldn't let him see that all the time, instead, I'd thank him whenever he bought stuff for me, and be grateful.
And this is the thanks I get for being nothing but supportive of him in his dreams, sure I wasn't able to financially support it at the time but oof.
At least I loved him unconditionally, and have been there for him thru everything.... This is still hard... Even tho it's been 2 months since he left...
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jesusizmysuperhero · 1 year
Twitter’s API changes
Hello, Tumblr. Twitter unexpectedly announced they will end free access to the Twitter API (Application Programming Interface) on February 9th. A recent update had extended that date to today, February 13th, 2023. 
What’s an API?
Put simply, APIs define how programming systems interact with one another. For example, an API allows third parties (say, a social media platform) to interact with another website programmatically (to publish posts, etc.)
How does this affect Tumblr?
We are removing the feature that links a Twitter account to your Tumblr. This will end the ability to automatically share your new posts directly from Tumblr to Twitter when they are published. This will also remove the ability to automatically display recent tweets in your blog’s theme. This change will immediately affect web, Android, and iOS.
We appreciate this will be frustrating for many users, but all is not lost—you will still be able to share any Tumblr post to Twitter manually using the normal share option on web. For Android and iOS, you will need to have the Twitter app installed to manually share Tumblr posts on Twitter. This functionality is expected for both platforms in upcoming app versions.
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jesusizmysuperhero · 1 year
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jesusizmysuperhero · 1 year
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jesusizmysuperhero · 1 year
It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped
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jesusizmysuperhero · 1 year
Happy 22nd Birthday to the original XBOX!
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jesusizmysuperhero · 2 years
Hey everyone, please go check out the story behind my hubby and I's GoFundMe please! If you can help it'd be much appreciated, if not please share this anywhere and everywhere thank you!!
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jesusizmysuperhero · 2 years
"The black-eyed priest? He's got that boom boom... pray." -Arin Hanson, Blood Wash pt. 2
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jesusizmysuperhero · 2 years
Has anyone uploaded this gif yet from the newest power hour. Its perfection.
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jesusizmysuperhero · 2 years
“Watch out for my cum!”
— GameGrumps
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jesusizmysuperhero · 2 years
Hey everyone, just a heads up, based on my posts, I'm in the process/journey of deconstruction. I know I'll get a lotta hate for this post but I honestly don't care. I'm Wiccan/Pagan now, it's who I am. If anyone has any non hateful or gatekeeping advice for a baby witch here, I'd love the help! Any advice on a cute new username too? PS. I'm bisexual, non-binary (she/they, occasionally he/they), polyamorous, I vape, I drink, etc. Thx in advance! (Pps. Any advice on how to get thick, curly hair to grow fast? Vitamins, shampoos, rituals, spells, etc! My hair is currently just barely almost to my shoulders and it keeps growing thicker rather than longer!) (PPPS. Not my picture, creds to In This Moment, my edit tho)
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jesusizmysuperhero · 2 years
The Eight Sabbats part 1
Note: please let me know in dms or in the comments if I missed something, or got something wrong! My point of making posts like these is to inform, but sometimes my research and information can be incorrect itself! Please let me know! <3 Part 2 is coming out soon.
The eight sabbats/the wheel of the year are holidays around the year, generally celebrated by pagans, witches, or wiccans. The sabbats/holidays divide the year into eight equal parts that mark the beginning and mid-points of each season. *The pictures included are not mine*
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Solstice: The time (happens 2x a year) in which the sun reaches it's maximum/minimum destination. Marked by the longest and shortest days. June 21st and December 22nd.
Equinox: The time (happens 2x a year) in which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are at equal length.
Yuletide - December 21st-January 1st
Yuletide (yool - tide) or Yule takes place on the winter solstice, the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This is a time of joy as it is the starting point for light to enter the world again. Yule is a great time for home magick, personal magick, family quality time, and celebration. Short days of work and long nights of dreaming. Set intentions, make new plans, appreciate your work of the seasons before this.
Common traditions with Yuletide is to light candles on December 20th (Mid-Winter's Eve) to herald the return of the Sun. Another, the Yule log. Which is burned (often in a fire place) to represent the light that can be found in darkness. A piece of the log is traditionally saved to start the new year's fire.
Themes- Introspection, hope, rebirth, reflection, family, transformation, celebration.
Symbols- Bells, evergreen, gifts, ivy, mistletoe, wreath, yule log.
Colors- Gold, green, red, silver, white.
Food/Herbs- Apple cider, cinnamon, egg nog, gingerbread, nuts, pine, roast beef, rosemary, sage, wine, wintergreen.
To do- Burn Yule log, decorate, tell stories, wrap presents, spend time with family, burn a candle.
Good spells- Hope, happiness, love (not necessarily romantic), friendship, peace, bonds, prosperity.
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jesusizmysuperhero · 2 years
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This is to everyone of my friends.
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