TW: Blood, vomiting, general cruelty, violence, and abuse
Prince. Rose of the Empire of Edessa. Even King Carnation, at some point. So long ago. He had been called many things, but in that moment, he was nothing but a plaything, writhing on the cold, dirty ground.
A familiar pair of leather boots stepped into his line of sight, pulling a curse from his lips. Castillon. He should have known better than to think his...sire would leave him anything to eat or drink out of...what? The goodness of his heart? Pity?
His stomach ablaze, a dry heave tore from its depths and singed his insides, producing nothing but spit and blood. No, sure as he was standing there, the beast had no soul.
The former prince blinked a few times, as the world spun around him. Perhaps he wasn't so sure...
A condescending 'tut' came from Castillon's mouth, unfortunately proving he wasn't just a figment of his dying brain. "My little poppy seed...what did I say about getting into the wine?"
Confusion struck against terror, culminating in a need to get up and run. The instant he tensed to spring up, however, another heave brought the fire from his belly into his lungs. He leaned onto his side and spat up a mouthful of his own blood -- foul and bitter, even without the poisoned wine.
"You..." He began, but the words felt like needles in his throat. The bile, poisons, and blood made getting anything out impossible.
He looked over to the other two fledglings -- his fellow Spawn of Castillon. The brother looked nauseous as he stood straight and still as a boulder. The sister similarly so, but she turned her gaze as tears gathered just behind her eyes.
"Don't you accuse me, wretch," Castillon spat, his tone sudden and sharp. There was a cruel taunt hidden behind his words and indignation; of course he poisoned a glass of wine he left out.
The former prince slowly worked up the strength to push himself up with one shaking arm, before a sharp jab to his ribs sent him flat onto his back. He felt as if he was sinking even further into the ground, the pain in his chest blinding.
The wicked grin returned to Castillon. "You will live through this." He couldn't tell if it was reassurance or an order.
Another wave of bloody vomit, more painful than the rest, bubbled out of his mouth. He only just had enough in him to turn his head and spit it out.
"Primrose. Hyacinth. Clean up this mess." His master's voice began to sound farther out. Castillon turned on his heel and promptly left the room.
Primrose, the sister, wasted no time rushing over to him. He tried turning over, to keep both her and Hyacinth at an arms length. Gods knew they didn't need to see him like so. Castillon stripped him of his dignity often, and left what little pieces he had left for the two other fledglings to pick up.
He was lucky they tried to build him back up, instead of keep the pieces for themselves.
i know vampires can't get sick but i think they should get poisoned more often. gasping in confusion as they clutch their chests. starting to look like the living corpses they truly are. vomiting mouthfuls of blood because they thought a drink would help, but they're just starting to feel steadily worse... they didn't even remember what this kind of pain felt like.
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Thinking about writing the most cliché story and you know what? No one can stop me, I am unstoppable
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WIP Progress
NANO 2020 -  11958 words
It’s been really hard to write. I’ve been really depressed.
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While walking home you spot a strange looking lizard caught in some plastic. You decide to free the poor creature. Freed the lizard spreads out a pair of wings and begins to happily fly around before landing on your shoulder. It’s seems you have made a new dragon friend.
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The Best Writing Tools to Win NaNoWriMo
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Five-time WriMo-Winner Jenna Plute won her first NaNoWriMo in 8th grade and hasn’t looked back since. She’s here to tell us about some of the unusual apps she’s test-driven to help a wide range of writers navigate their way to the finish line!
The goal of National Novel Writing Month is to write fifty thousand words. That’s it. Sounds simple, right? You could copy-paste the word “purple” fifty-thousand times, and you would win. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Your inner-editor steps in, and no words seem good enough to put to paper. And maybe this is good if you have years to write your magnum opus. Each turn of phrase can be molded, each comma artfully placed, each setting fully fleshed out. But when you’re writing a novel in a month, overthinking is the enemy of success. To avoid this, nothing has helped me as much as programs that force you to write continuously. With these programs, I can bash out 1,667 words in 45 minutes. Are they good words? No. But will I win NaNoWriMo and have a first draft? Yes. And that’s the goal. 
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i am not immune to the "character's eyes glow when they use their powers" trope
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If u want to write a story about a character that's just you but hotter with a dark twisted backstory and magical powers and a pet falcon or something, I think u should just go ahead and do that. Who's gonna stop you? The government?? Fuck the police.
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7 Bad Plots
I’ve seen all of these and I bet you have, too. But sometimes, we don’t see we’re doing them ourselves.
1. Victim Plot A story about a character who never acts, but is always acted upon by evil villains. We’re supposed to feel sympathy, I think, but I always want to hit the victim and ask them when they’re going to DO something about their life.
2. Deus Ex Machina Plot Frequently happens in children’s fiction when the adults come to save the kids. But it also happens in adult fiction when an earthquake or a natural disaster changes everyone and makes them see how all that came before doesn’t matter.
3. Coincidental Plot The author lets coincidences cause all the problems and then solve them all. Has a certain resemblance to the victim plot, only I know it’s the author I want to hit.
4. Random Plot This is a series of events that are only loosely connected. Even if the main character is propelling the plot forward, they are changing their mind too much to make me care.
5. Meaningless Plot There’s no thematic cohesion, no overarching purpose or meaning to the events that happen, no sense that this has a larger, human meaning.
6. Abrupt Ending Plot You know you’ve read a book like this, with a tacked on ending because the author thought that would be cool instead of annoying. You have to craft the events so that they lead to an inevitable (if surprising) ending. That’s your job, writers!
7. Gotcha Plot A twist ending that doesn’t feel satisfying. It’s just so that the author can feel powerful over the readers, who couldn’t possibly guess that.
Do better!
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Your son is kidnapped and being held for ransom. There is no worse feeling for a parent. They know he takes daily medication for an illness and is using that as leverage for a quick ransom payment. But he doesn’t take the medication because he’s sick. Like you, he takes it to pass as a human.
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That was fucking beautiful. I usually don’t read stories like this on tumblr but this one captivated me from the start and kept me hooked as it went on. And the ending is sooo satisfying and UGH I love this
Mirrors Do Not Make Promises
The evil-queen-to-be looked into the magic mirror and asked: “Am I beautiful?”
The mirror had not been addressed in many years, hanging like an island in the center of the iron chamber. The curtain was gone though. The room smelled of dust. There was light somewhere, oh lords, there was light.
The mirror, a phantom outline on the surface, looked down. A girl stood, hooked nose, thin lips, dark hair the texture of crow’s feathers, and ruddy skin– both too pale and flushed all at once. Teeth like overlapping piano keys and body gangly as a newborn calf. She wore the finest gown of purple, heavy-set and dragging on the dirty floor.
Her chin wobbled. She had a determined set to her jaw but her cheeks were tear-stained, and eyes as red as daybreak, at least the types of daybreak the mirror could still remember. The mirror tilted it’s head.
“Am I beautiful?” The girl repeated and stomped her foot this time, but the tears didn’t stop. There was a purpling welt across her cheek and a bruise forming with a tinted yellow edge. She must be an island as well.
The mirror closed her eyes. She nodded. “You will be. You are.”
The girl’s eyes went large as entire skies, the type of skies the mirror could still remember at least. “Promise?” It was a child’s whisper.
“I do not make promises.” The mirror replied and the girl huffed.
“Fine.” The curtain returned.
“Am I beautiful?”
The evil-queen-to-be was taller now, growing into herself. Her cheeks had rounded and teeth slowly straightened out by small spells and larger ones. She had used a book she found, a moldy, stained thing, fleshy and dank. It was written in a language of people who lived and worked in caves and shadows.
The girl had returned to the mirror now, on the cusp of forgoing shorter hems and growing into the adult ones.
The mirror hummed. “You again. My girl.”
“You again, my mirror.” The girl narrowed her eyes. “Do you have a name?”
“No.” The mirror responded quietly. “Do you?”
The girl rolled her eyes. “I suppose you do not hear them yelling it through the hallways, Esme! Esme! Foolish, tricky girl, always with her books and always with her sullenness.”
“I do not hear them. No.”
The girl blinked several times. “Oh.”
“Esme.” The mirror tried out the name.
“You may call me Lady Esme.” She sniffed loudly and crossed her arms. “I’m nobility.”
“Of course.” The mirror bowed her head and sighed. “Ask your question then.”
The girl considered her for a long moment. “Am I beautiful?”
“Have you not asked before?”
The girl went red in the face and glared at her shoes. “You’re just like everyone else.” She twisted in place to leave.
“Of course,” The mirror hummed. “You are beautiful.”
She looked shyly back over her shoulder. “Really? You promise?”
“I do not make promises.”
The door slammed, but the curtain did not return.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall,” the young woman sang and skipped. “Who should I poison at the ball?” She carried a flower, but also a small book at her side. The mirror had watched her fill it with cramped tiny handwriting. She coded it through complex numerology at midnight, hidden.
It was filled with the secrets of the tomes she unearthed and more she made herself. “Mirror on the wall,” she kept singing. “Who should I poison with my comb?”
“You jest.” The mirror said softly. “But if you must poison one, poison the only son of the Duke of Engles. He plans to bed a scullery maid, and will not be easily deterred by no.”
The evil-queen-to-be stopped in place and faced the mirror. Her clever face and clever eyes were cold and sharp. She was even older now. “Noted.” She said thoughtfully and plucked at the flower in her hand. “This will be my first showing.”
“I know.” The mirror replied. “You will dance and make merry. Be careful of the wine, my lady.”
“How do you know so much anyway?” Esme squinted and leaned forward. “What exactly do you know?”
“I know everything reflected in the world of men and more.” The mirror said and watched the light fall across the floor. She still wasn’t facing the window, though she longed to.
“But how?” Esme insisted.
“I am old.” She said simply.
Esme rolled her eyes. “Well, I could have guessed that.”
“But also ageless. Time cannot touch me, nor can I touch it. But I can peer through its many veins into the greater tapestry.”
Esme tilted her chin up thoughtfully, mind at work. “So,” she said with a cat-like smirk. “I really will be beautiful.”
“You are. You have been. You will be.”
Esme huffed and turned in place. “I must prepare for my debut on the market.” She grinned and looked over her shoulder. “And who should I marry there, my mirror?”
The mirror did not blink. “The king.”
Esme’s eyes lost their mischief, she frowned, and she closed the door softly.
“They’ll burn me, they’ll burn me!” Esme paced back and forth, still wearing a luscious green gown with bell-shaped sleeves. It was torn in places, sullied. “Dammit, they know!’
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I’ve definitely been falling behind on writing but I’m still kicking!
As you can tell by my blog, I actually have tons of WIPs lol but my current favorite is one I made on the fly for NaNo 2020 that currently doesn’t have a name (I’m rubbish at naming, books especially lol)
hii writeblr! i just got off a hiatus—and i’d like to go on a following spree!
a little about me: my name is suyin, i’m 20, and i write fantasy. my current wip is titled where lost queens rise, and it’s a hansel & gretel inspired story. you can find the tag here.
rb if you’re a writeblr so i can follow you! also maybe drop ur wips so i can check those out too hehe
tagging a few writeblrs i look up to: @lasbrumas @duvyena @atelierwriting
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why are star wars planets more boring than earth and our solar system like sure we’ve seen desert, snow, diff types of forest, beach, lava, rain, but like… 
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rainbow mountains (peru)
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red soil (canada/PEI)
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rings (saturn’s if they were on earth) 
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bioluminescent waves
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northern lights (canada)
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salt flats (bolivia, where they filmed crait but did NOTHING COOL WITH IT except red dust?? like??? come ON)
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and cool fauna like the touch me not or like, you know, the venus flytrap.. and don’t get me started on BUGS like… we have bugs cooler than sw aliens
BASICALLY like???? come on star wars you had one (1) job where are the cool alien species
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This is kinda dumb for me to think probably but it reminds me of the main character from Mean Girls a little bit. Like when she compares social situations to shit she’s seen wild animals do
So, with the caveat that I Am Not A Professional Writer:
One of my favourite characterisation tools, especially for character's we get to see the POV of, is working out what their personal metaphors are. When they think about something metaphorically, what concepts come up a lot?
Are they a character where everything revolves around food and hunger, even things you wouldn't expect? (Love is either a feast or starvation, anger is hunger, hunger is starvation is hunger--)
Does this character think about all emotions as something that happens in their bodies, or do they reach for more abstract and less embodied metaphors?
And then there's the difference between a character that uses animal metaphors involving pet animals, vs a characters that uses food animal metaphors, vs a character that uses wild animal metaphors.
I just find it a very useful way to get into their head. Look at what things are familiar to them, or what things loom large over their psyche. And it's a useful way to show it to the reader. A reader might not necessarily pick up on "huh, this character is always thinking in terms of wild animals specifically", but they might pick it up subconsciously, but they're definitely going to notice something more obvious like the 'everything is hunger' person.
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Person A: “….Was anything you told me, true?”
Person B: “More than I care to admit… Maybe that’s why I failed.”
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Person A: “Someone tried to kill me again today.”
Person B: “…A….Again?”
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Haha holy crap I love all of these
Ten more favourite tropes:
Character multitasking an extremely critical task with an extremely trivial one  
Character displaying jarring shifts in demeanour as they switch between different activities  
Character dressed in a manner that’s conspicuously inappropriate for their current situation, without explanation  
Character reacting to an unexpected or frightening turn of events with an implausibly seamless change of mental focus  
Character describing a situation in a way that’s both complete and correct, but emphasises entirely the wrong thing  
Character offering a very unlikely explanation for something with no indication that they’re aware how unbelievable it is  
Character remarking on an unfortunate happening in a way that vastly understates its import  
Character willingly participating in a fun activity while maintaining an impenetrable poker face  
Character demonstrating notable proficiency at something with which they firmly insist they have no prior experience  
Character treating a ridiculous undertaking with enormous gravitas
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