don’t you love it when you take a deep breath after not taking one for a while and you just feel so alive and refreshed and it’s like you just had a lung orgasm
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Hogwarts houses as subreddits
Gryffindor : r/madlads
Ravenclaw : r.iamverysmart
Hufflepuff : r/niceguys or r/nicegirls
Slytherin : r/quityourbullshit
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Pretty much everything is accurate. I remember playing tag or hide and seek with my classmates but it always felt like a chore to me. It’s only been about 10 years since then and I remember it very clearly. I don’t really fit in with the kids at my school either because apparently, not reacting to anything going on around me is rude and I’m like, totally not minding my own business.
Approximately an eternity ago, I promised a post about what I was like as a child. A lot of key personality traits manifest quite early in life, so let’s dive into some of my key traits as a kid! (I still possess all these traits, even though I’m speaking about them in the past tense.)
I didn’t fit in with kids my age. I’ve always struggled with making friendships with people who are of my age group. This is not me saying that I’m intellectually superior or anything, but I’ve always just been uninterested in the conversations that people my age generally like to have. Making friendships with adults has been easier for as long as I can remember.
I didn’t really know how to do “playtime.” Whenever we got good scores in tests, teachers would give us extra playtime. I despised this. Once a teacher took me out of class to give me extra playtime, and I just walked back into class. I didn’t understand why she was depriving me of my learning time. My idea of fun was to be in class and learn, and not waving some dolls around.
I pointed out people’s logical inconsistencies. This was definitely my most annoying trait. I didn’t care who you were: if you didn’t make sense, you didn’t make sense. I got into into arguments with my teachers because of this. If you ask my parents what is my most annoying characteristic, they’ll say this with no second thoughts.
My respect for authority wasn’t exactly flawless. I didn’t hate authority. It’s that I didn’t automatically respect people simply because they were in a position of power. I didn’t think that someone being powerful made them any more correct than anyone else. “Just because you’re ____, that doesn’t make your logic any more logical.”
Learning was my favourite pastime. My favourite thing to do as a kid was to read my science encyclopedia when I got home from school. The rush I got from learning new things was incredible. It beat playing with toys or watching TV every single time.
I didn’t care much about forming close friendships. It’s not that I was against friendships or had an aversion to people. I simply thought that there were better things for me to spend time on. When I think back to my childhood, I think I had 3 good friends at most. I wasn’t lonely, because this was all I knew and I thought it was a pretty normal number of friends to have.
Perfectionism: OMG. I did not hand my homework assignments unless I made sure they were 100% correct. I did not hand in my classwork until I knew it was the best it could possibly be. Working in groups was a nightmare because I was such a perfectionist, and I always did all the work by myself so that I could guarantee that it would meet my immensely high standards.
I strived to be independent. From the time I was about 9, I just decided that when I wanted to eat, I’d walk to the supermarket and buy something. There was the constant need to do everything by myself. Someone once made a joke about me being the kind of person who was born and then pushed the doctor aside to cut my own umbilical cord.
If you’re also an INTJ, which of these traits did you share with me? Also, if there’s anything else you’d like to add, feel free to do so!
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In Greece we eat ridiculously big amounts of food but we manage to stay fit by running from debt
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So, if you build stuff, you’re a builder
If you read stuff, you’re a reader
So when you post stuff, doesn’t that make you a poster?
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In Greek, we don’t just say I love you, we say “Φέρε το σουβλάκι και τις μπύρες και μετά πάνε γαμήσου, μαλάκα” which means “You’re my reason to live and I would die without you” and I think that’s really beautiful
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This is me…
Source The Geek Strikes Back
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luck be in the air tonight
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forcing people to listen to my music when I’m driving
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(via 10+ Harry Potter Tumblr Posts That Are Impossible Not To Laugh At If You're A Potterhead)
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(via 10+ Harry Potter Tumblr Posts That Are Impossible Not To Laugh At If You're A Potterhead)
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(via 10+ Harry Potter Tumblr Posts That Are Impossible Not To Laugh At If You're A Potterhead)
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So.. I accidentally planned my English teacher’s death this morning....
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I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass
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by Fall Out Boy
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there is…. another juice
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Someone: *Steals my car radio* Me : *Sits in silence*
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