iamtrishajames-blog · 9 years
I really liked this blog post, so I decided to answer these key questions for myself. Here goes!
What makes you stand out from everyone else?
I can seamlessly adapt to whichever industry I work for. I have produced content for a number of industries, including food and beverage, sports, entertainment and hospitality. I also have the innate ability to understand and connect with people interpersonally.
What do I want to be known for? I want people to know that I am an extremely hard worker. I have been working since I was 14, and there is no reason to do a job if you are not going to give it 100 percent. I am a very genuine and caring person, and I would love to be known for that as well.
How do you want to make people feel? I want people to feel like their opinions matter. I believe that everyone has experienced something different within their lifetime, and those experiences are what pave the way for their future.
How are people going to benefit from working with me? They will receive a product that has been thoroughly brainstormed. I am a very analytical person, and I always think of everything that could possibly go wrong. Which is very important in public relations
What words do others use to describe me? A breath of fresh air, funny, thoughtful.
What field or industry do you want to work in? I want to work in the public relations field. Right now I would love to land a job at a PR agency to get adapted to creating content for multiple industries at one time.
What words best describe my work? Modern, prompt, accurate.
What services do I have to offer? Press release, AP knowledge, social media marketing, B2B marketing and web content skills.
Tip #7: Find Your Personal Brand
You won’t make it very far in the world of PR if you can’t sell yourself well enough to get hired. It’s as simple as that.
In my PR Publications class this week, we’ve been discussing how to find our own personal brand. My professor, Haley J. Higgs, suggested that we answer the following questions when determining our brand (I’ve added my own answers to use as an example):
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iamtrishajames-blog · 9 years
Have you heard? #WakaForAmerica 
On April 20, 2015, Jauquin James Malphurs, more widely known as Wacka Flocka Flame, announced that he is running for president of the United States of America in 2016. Some of his platforms include:
·         the legalization of marijuana
·         the prohibition of people with large feet to walk in public
·         the prohibition of dogs entering public restaurants
Yes, he is very serious. However, Mr. Flocka is too young to actually run for the upcoming presidential election. 
So, being the public relations enthusiast I am, I realized that Waka Flocka (or possibly his mother Deb Antney) is a self-branding genius. He always finds a way to get himself talked about in the media, and the public finds him landing interviews on news media powerhouses such as CNN. Although we have not recently heard music from Wacka played on mainstream platforms, he is still getting talked about, and he is still relevant. 
And for that, #WakaForAmerica.
Check out Waka’s campaign video below:
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iamtrishajames-blog · 9 years
At the end of the day, all we want is to be respected.
At the end of the day, all we want is to have influence.
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iamtrishajames-blog · 9 years
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Georgia State University. 
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (Public Relations concentration). 
Minor in French. 
May 2015.
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iamtrishajames-blog · 9 years
OK, you’re Trisha James....And?
Yes. I am Trisha James, and you probably don’t know who I am. Hence, the reason I made this page. No, I am not trying to become internet famous, but there is something special called a brand; I want to build mine.
I want to showcase my vision and my promise to the world, and when you guys hear my name I want you to think of a few things.
I can’t say what those few things are, because if you cannot tell by my posts, I am doing it wrong.
I will leave you with this, though:
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, what you do and what you do are harmony.” - Mahatma Ghandi
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