he-ate-ralph · 4 years
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Screen recorded this from a Disney+ ad on my Instagram
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he-ate-ralph · 4 years
Screen recorded this from a Disney+ ad on my Instagram
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he-ate-ralph · 4 years
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I had to show my love for clones, I just HAD TO. Here are some bros Fives n Rex!
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he-ate-ralph · 4 years
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oh my, hope hal doesn’t walk in on them….👀💚❤️
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he-ate-ralph · 5 years
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based on this post, with my own additions. these tips can be used both for school tasks and for everyday tasks like cooking or cleaning, but they are mostly focussed on school!
not working because you feel tired?
eat and drink something! often I don’t notice that I’m hungry or thirsty and just feel really fatigued and don’t know why. then I eat/drink and feel better really quickly!
have something with a bit of caffeine.
try to expose yourself to natural (or at least bright) light.
do a mini workout to get your heart pumping. skipping is fun?
keep yourself stimulated. play upbeat music, use bright colours in your notes, etc.
not working because you’re struggling to think straight or or organise your thoughts?
talk through what you need to get done with a friend, your teacher/professor, etc. they can help you organise your thoughts around the task and come up with a plan!
break the task up into small, easy to approach chunks. write them down.
use a visual planning method like a mindmap to organise your thoughts - putting them down like this can help you sort out the confusing tangled mess of thoughts in your brain.
not working because you feel bored or frustrated with the task and are struggling to push through it?
reward yourself for completing parts of the task (keep the reward non-distracting though, or it can lead to the next problem!). you could set up an accountability system with a friend - they could, for example, promise to bake you something if you manage to get a task done on time.
list the reasons why you should finish the task. use these as motivation.
relieve your restless energy by doing something active during your breaks (like working out), and by keeping yourself stimulated while working on the task (for example by using a fidget toy).
if it’s frustrating because it’s difficult, get help!
modify the task to make it a bit more fun. relate it back to your interests, use fun stationery, etc. this might involve asking your teacher/professor if you can complete an alternate task. they’re usually pretty accommodating.
not working because you’re distracted by other activities?
use an app like ‘Forest’ to encourage you to work solidly on your task for a period of time without getting distracted.
block distracting websites.
write down thoughts and activities that you want to come back to later after finishing your task, rather than getting caught up in them.
related to above - use the Chrome extension ‘Tab Snooze’ to put distracting browser tabs away for later.
if you don’t need internet for your task, go work somewhere where you can’t access the internet.
not working because you feel stressed about the task and trying to do it makes you feel worse?
try the two-minute rule - work on the task for just two minutes. you might find that after this time the initial anxiety around starting the task has faded and you can continue to work on it.
similarly, break your task up into small, manageable chunks and approach them one-by-one. remember that something is better than nothing, even if that something is just writing out the subheadings in your report.
try to make your work environment calm and comfy to soothe you while you work on the task - turn a heater on if you like it to be warm, keep the space minimal and organised, play calm music, etc.
get help from others! a chat with a friend or teacher/professor about the task can help reassure you and they will probably also have helpful advice about how to approach it.
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
I love them?
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
please watch bojack horseman
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
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in colors!
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
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— a galaxy divided 
celebrating 10 years of star wars: the clone wars 
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
Rexsoka Week 2018 Dates and Themes
Calling all Rexsoka shippers! Its that time of year again, here are the dates and themes of this year’s 2018 Rexsoka Week
Dates: October 8 - 14
Themes:  Day 1 - It was Back During the War… (Oct. 8)
                    How did it all begin? Padawan Ahsoka Tano is a spunky teenager who befriends Clone Captain 7567 - Rex. How does their friendship grow? Does Ahsoka drag Rex into any shenanigans? How does the Captain teach his new Commander to be a soldier?
                   Day 2 - Chasing Shadows (Oct. 9)
                   They’ve both been affected by the war—and sometimes, it’s too much. How do Rex and Ahsoka handle the physical and mental scars?
                  Day 3 - It’s Madness! [AU Day] (Oct. 10)
                   AU Rexsoka, in or out of the Star Wars universe! Could a simple WWII soldier and elite government agent become the best of allies? Could there ever be friendship between a bubbly college freshman and a cynical grad student? If Ahsoka was lost to the Dark Side, would Rex follow?
                   Day 4 - A Different Point of View (Oct. 11)
                   What do those around Ahsoka and Rex think of their relationship? What are the different observations through the years? What does Admiral Yularen think of the partnership between the Captain and Commander?  Does Kix see glimmers of something more than friendship between his commanding officers?  
                   Day 5 -  Lone Travelers (Oct. 12)
                   For too many years these two wondered, and hoped, for the other’s survival. How did they cope with the loss? What were the years they spent separated like?
Inspiration for this theme goes to @tigereyes45
                 Day 6 - _______ Day (Oct. 13)
                 Free Day! There aren’t enough days in the week, so this day is set aside for those works that don’t fit under any category.
                Day 7 - Wait for Our Future (Oct. 14)
                With TCW series being renewed, we are all so excited to see Rex and Ahsoka reunited. What are some things that might transpire? What do we hope to see grow between these two old friends? What will the inevitable end turn out like?
Recently I know the Rexsoka fandom has been receiving heavy anti-shippers, and some artists and writers have been rudely attacked for enjoying their ship. So let’s be sure to have a friendly, hate free week! Remember, SHIP AND LET SHIP!
I hope everybody likes this year’s themes! If you see one that inspires you, feel free to take it and run! Any stories, fanarts, gifs, drabbles, screenshots, anything! I’ll be re-blogging any and all works [unless the creator says otherwise],  so if you have any submissions this year, tag them #rexsokaweek, so we can all easily find them. Any works on FF.net, or AO3 can be linked to, and shared as well. Thank you!
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
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Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex
Star Wars
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
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oops my hand slipped
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
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When you are smol and your synthezoid boyfriend is tol <3 
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he-ate-ralph · 6 years
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Rey is probably not an Aries like Daisy is, and Finn is probably not a Pisces like John is, but I decided to play around with the idea anyway, because I like that combo, and the chemistry can be fantastic (as we’ve all seen)! Drawn as a Patreon reward by @horreurscopes. Thank you, Alex! <3
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