We all hate recruiting - AIM Group interview with Gyfted's CEO
In April I got to speak at a great job board/hiring marketplace conference in Barcelona called Rec Buzz organized by AIM Group – AIM’s a global business intelligence service covering automotive, real estate, recruitment and horizontal marketplaces and classifieds segments. I’ll write about the conference specifically in a separate article. Below’s a reprint of an interview with me as part of the…
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Which Character Personality Quiz
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Use Talent Assessments: Unlock Job Fit Smoothly
In any job market awash in candidates, and in any role you really want to ‘screen’ candidates well for, finding the right candidate for a role involves more than just sifting through resumes and biased interviews. Pre-employment and job fit assessments play an increasingly crucial role in streamlining the hiring process and ensuring that the candidates you select are truly the best fit for the…
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Emotional Intelligence and Its Components
EQ - Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EI), also known as EQ (Emotional Quotient), is an essential yet often overlooked quality in both personal and professional arenas. It measures our ability to understand, manage, and effectively express our feelings, as well as engage and navigate successfully with the feelings of others. This article delves into the history, components, and value of emotional intelligence,…
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AI in HRtech Failed Us: How to Improve It?
The promise of AI in HRtech has fallen short of recruiter, industry and startup investor expectations. AI has the potential to revolutionize the recruitment process, making it more efficient, effective, and fair. However, the current state of AI in HRtech has failed us, primarily due to the limitations of available data, biased decision-making, and a lack of focus on underlying human-level…
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Tips on How to Land an Internship at a Startup
How to Land an Internship at a Startup
As a co-founder of a recruitment startup I’ve advised countless people on their job applications. Securing an internship at a solid or top startup requires more of an entrepreneurial mindset than your usual job applications. This article aims to provide college students with practical advice on how to land an internship at a startup. Internships at top startups offer invaluable experience.…
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Why Humans Like to Compare Themselves to Characters via Personality Quizzes
Why Humans Like to Compare Themselves to Characters via Personality Quizzes
As humans, we have an innate curiosity and desire to find our place in the world. One way we attempt to understand ourselves better is by comparing ourselves to characters from books, movies, and TV shows. Have you ever wondered “which character personality quiz should I take?” or eagerly discussed the latest show with your friends and tried to figure out which character you relate to the most?…
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What is the Best Career Path for Your Personality Type? 
Have you wondered why some people seem to thrive in their careers, while others feel unfulfilled? The answer might lie in the alignment between their career path and their personality type. Perhaps you feel that you don’t know what career path to take? Let us help you understand the importance of aligning your career with your personality, explore the major personality type models, and learn how…
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ChatGPT killed the SEO Star!
ChatGPT killed the SEO Star How AI will automate a ton of information, task-repetitive white collar jobs
So, I’m sitting in a nice cafe drinking fresh OJ, and I heard the song “Video killed the Radio Star”. I thought “cool let’s see what ChatGPT will write on the topic – it’s trained on pre-2022 data”. ChatGPT, do you know the song “Video killed the Radio Star”? Not bad. I asked GPT-4 for a few song titles This is astounding. OK, so now write the actual song lyrics: ChatGPT killed the SEO…
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https://linktr.ee/getgyfted https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQcSkWIgNx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Growing up poor with parents constantly fighting over not having enough, really messes up your relationship with money.
Even if you are financially stable now, buying something for yourself -even necessities- feels like an impossible task. You feel guilty, undeserving, and even talk yourself out of buying things you've wanted for a long time.
You are not a bad person for putting yourself first, for buying stuff that you like and that will make life a little more enjoyable. You deserve good things, you deserve to spoil yourself. You deserve the kindness you are always giving to others.
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