gracelesslamb · 2 years
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khonshu was also uninvited from the orgy
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gracelesslamb · 2 years
one of these days I want to write a slow burn adventure story.
except I dunno if I have the capacity to even write it like…I start planning it and then my brain immediately goes from that to “okay but I could also just write smut”
maybe I should stick to my strengths.
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gracelesslamb · 2 years
thinking about opening up this blog again for requests. Probably not for MLQC because after the whole Jonah Scott/Taiwan thing the game left a bad taste in my mouth.
Sound off if y’all are interested in more content from me.
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gracelesslamb · 3 years
Ik u said it was incomplete in ur master list and that’s fine it’s gonna keep going or stop at 8 but WOW. I’ve been dying to read some Vic/Lucy/mc threesome fic or hc or whatever from someone and I Just. Ugh. I loved it 😍😍😍
Aw thank youuuuu! I kept it open ended so if the muse hits me I can update it. Lately I haven’t been writing thanks to life stuff but one day I would like to explore the aftermath of the elevator incident.
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gracelesslamb · 4 years
yeah idk about Cécile’s character she’s actually kinda flat she mostly just baby sits Lloyd and tells him if he says something that’s like...not socially acceptable to someone. I didn’t really have much to go off of.
“Don’t Talk”
Rated: Explicit
Fandom: Code Geass
Pairing: Cécile x Lloyd
Summary: Lloyd will do anything for giant robots. Even show an interest in girls. Sort of. There’s not really a plot it’s mostly just smut.
“Cécile, you’re a woman aren’t you?”
Cécile Croomy holds back her grimace at the obliviousness of Earl Asplund’s question. Could the guy get any more cliché in his cluelessness?
“Yes. I’m a woman. Where are you going with this?”
The Earl chuckles, running his fingers through his light violet locks idly. “Obviously it is to ask a favor of you. I require practice in the art of copulation—“
“ExcUSE ME? That ISN’T something you just ASK for practice in. Look, I get that you don’t understand how human attraction works but you don’t just ask your subordinate, who is not your betrothed to...do stuff like that with you!” Cécile fumes, turning back to her work, her cheeks flaming a bright crimson.
Another condescending chuckle. What was wrong with this man? “Science is trial and error. I want to please my future wife, Miss Ashford, so I can get my hands on those antique Knightmare frames, and I have no experience whatsoever with the opposite sex. Odds are if Miss Ashford isn’t pleased with my performance, the opportunity to study those frames would slip through my fingers!”
Cécile sighs. “Then take Miss Ashford on a date or something. Why should I help you practice?”
“Because you would give me honest feedback. I do see you as my conscience after all. I don’t exactly know how I am supposed to conduct myself in such situations and I will probably need instruction. Besides...it has been awhile since you’ve had a lover.”
The heat rising in Cécile’s face rose to a boiling point. He was right. It had been awhile since she had gotten any action whatsoever. Instead she was just making eyes at Suzaku, who really didn’t notice her or anyone else since Princess Euphemia died and honestly she couldn’t blame him. But...Lloyd? She was pretty certain Lloyd was asexual and sleeping with him would be like going to the doctor’s office except with penetration.
Why was she even thinking about it? Granted the Earl of Pudding was easy on the eyes, with his fluffy lilac hair, somewhat handsome face, his lithe frame and...those hands. She wasn’t a prude and had occasionally indulged in casual flings and one night stands before, but never with someone she would actually see daily. Granted, she definitely knew that Lloyd would have no problem pretending their little fling never happened because he was...Lloyd.
“S-so...let me get this straight. You want me to...what? Let you go down on me for science?”
“Correct. In fact, I don’t believe we will need to have intercourse. Unless you want to, of course. If that’s the case I will provide adequate contraception.”
Cécile cringes a bit. He’s so..clinical about this. But...she was intrigued enough by the idea of Lloyd going down on her that she nods hesitantly.
“F-fine. But if you’re weird about it, I’m gonna make you stop, okay?”
“Yes, yes. I understand. I’ll drop by your place tonight at 8:00 sharp.”
Cécile nods again, blushing profusely and not daring to look her future bed partner in the eye. Jeez. What had she gotten herself into?
Later that night, Cécile was ready. She had settled on some deep purple lacy lingerie that was covered by a fluffy white robe. She was fresh out of the shower and sitting on her bed in sheer anticipation. God, why did she agree to this? Sheer curiosity about how her boss would be in bed? That’s a good explanation as anything else she could come up with.
The doorbell rings and she gets up and opens the door. Lloyd, wearing his standard uniform, strides in as if he owns the place. A simple messenger bag is slung over his shoulder, which she assumes has the box of condoms inside. Hopefully he won’t work her into such a frenzy that they’ll need them.
“So, then. Where is your bedroom?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at her current state of dress. “I see you’re ready to get started, hmm?”
A blush rises in Cécile’s cheeks as she points in the direction of the bedroom . “I-It’s that way, you jerk!” she mutters.
Lloyd grins at her embarrassment and walks toward the bedroom, setting his bag on the side of the bed. Cécile, still red-faced, walks into the room and closes the door behind her and dimming the lights to set a less clinical mood. Well. Here they were.
She hesitantly sits on the bed, patting the spot next to her. Lloyd takes the hint and sits beside her. “So, where do you want to start? Some kissing? Or do you want to just get undressed right now?”
Cécile swats his arm lightly. “Just...just shut up and kiss me.”
“Hah. As you wish.” Without hesitation, Lloyd crashes his lips onto hers, threading those delicate fingers through her drying hair.
The kiss was sweet. Sensual. Slow. Enough so that Cécile’s eyes flutter shut and she just lets him nibble on her bottom lip and surprises even herself when she allows her lips to part and the kiss deepens. Eventually, though, the absurdity of who was kissing her was too much to bear and she breaks the kiss, pushing Lloyd away, who just smirks in response.
“What’s wrong? I thought my skills were adequate, judging by your reaction.” he remarks smugly, in such a way that made Cécile want to clock that smug smirk off his stupid face.
“N-nothing’s wrong I was just...expecting something different from you.” Hesitantly, she pulls him into another kiss, which Lloyd reciprocates by pulling Cécile into his lap as she snakes her arms around his neck, slightly toying with his soft hair. This was...surprisingly intimate.
Eventually Lloyd pulls on the robe’s sash, letting the material fall open. Cécile, in turn unbuttons his lab jacket, causing both of them to break the kiss and discard both lab jacket and robe.
“I see you’re enjoying yourself, Cécile.” Lloyd murmurs in her ear before pressing kisses against the skin of her neck, causing a quiet moan to leave Cécile’s lips.
“Ooh, I like that noise. Do it again!” Lloyd comments, before heating up his kisses, adding small bites and suckling to the mix. Céline, already embarrassed that she made such a noise, bites her lip before another moan comes out. “Lloyd, shut up!” she hisses.
“Yes, yes. Just making an observation. How am I doing so far, might I ask. Pretty good judging the noises you’re making, hm?” He pulls her into another heated kiss, swiping his tongue across her bottom lip, begging for entrance. Cécile breaks the kiss to answer, “Passable.”
“Well...I suppose I need to step up my game then, hmm?” Lloyd grins, pulling her back into the kiss, deepening it immediately and sliding his tongue inside of Cécile’s mouth, causing tingles to emanate throughout her body every time his tongue collides with hers.
While they kiss, Lloyd’s hands begin to wander from her back, to the inside of her thighs, causing Cécile to gasp softly into the kiss. His hand creeps upwards and cups one of her breasts through her bra while the other hand reaches behind and...attempts to unclasp the garment, causing Cécile to break the kiss and collapse into giggles as he struggles. “D-do you need help?” she asks, biting her lip as she buries her face into his shoulder, pulling down Lloyd’s turtleneck to press teasing kisses against his neck while he struggles.
“No, no. I simply need both hands to unlock this contraption.” Lloyd mutters breathily, looking over Cécile’s shoulder to see the clasp. Finally, after a few moments of more struggling, Lloyd finally unclasps the bra with a triumphant, “HAH! Success! Now, can you get off of me and lay on the bed?”
“Only if you take off your shirt too.” Cécile fires back, tugging at his shirt.
Lloyd sighs as he complies . “Very well. I suppose that’s a fair trade.” He pulls off the shirt revealing a fairly wiry body with very little body fat or muscle, but it was still pleasing to look at.
Cécile gets off of Lloyd’s lap and slides out of her bra, carefully laying down, avoiding the Earl’s gaze as she does.
Lloyd climbs on top of Cécile, engaging her in another kiss as a hand caresses a modestly sized breast in his palm. Breaking the kiss he murmurs, “I’ve never seen one of these up close before.” Moving down to her breasts, the Earl pokes at one of them with a look of fascination on his face, making Cécile roll her eyes. This man was 30 years old, five years her senior, yet he acted like such a child sometimes. Most times. All the time.
He spent a good amount of time playing with them, poking and prodding at them, squeezing and flicking at her nipples, causing several moans to escape Cécile’s lips, against her better judgement. He had got her going and now she was definitely feeling heat between her legs as he continues to play with her breasts.
“Y-you can put your mouth on them if you want.” Cécile murmurs, gasping softly as Lloyd takes a nipple into his mouth, tracing his tongue around the nipple, causing Cécile’s eyes to flutter shut as she bites her bottom lip to hold back another moan, her legs rubbing together as her lower regions begin to throb with anticipation.
Of course Lloyd was completely oblivious to Cécile’s thighs rubbing together and he continues to play with her breasts far longer than Cécile would’ve liked but she gave the Earl some slack — he’d never played with boobs before.
Eventually, Lloyd decides it’s time to move on and he kisses his way back up to Cécile’s lips, leaning in her ear. “So...how do you want me to pleasure you?” he asks. “With my hands?” His deft fingers rub at her clothed core, causing Cécile to sigh in pleasure. “My tongue?” he nips at her earlobe, “or..” his voice lowers into a whisper. “My cock.” With that he rubs himself against Cécile’s aching core, causing her to moan louder than she expected. He was...a decent size judging by what she had felt through his pants.
“A-all three?”
“How greedy.” Lloyd murmurs softly, pulling down her panties and immediately stroking her core, which by this time was soaking wet. “I guess I did promise to go down on you for science.” he mutters. “But now I need to take care of my own arousal too. How annoying. Do I have permission to penetrate you after cunnilingus?”
Cécile’s face burns bright red as she nods quickly, too embarrassed to say anything.
“Excellent. Then let’s get this show on the road, shall we? Spread your legs for me!” Lloyd exclaims, as if he was about to test a new feature on the Lancelot.
Slowly, Cécile spreads her legs, revealing her core to the Earl of Asplund, who grins with delight as he settles between her legs. “Now, let’s see if I remember my female anatomy correctly.” he murmurs, experimentally sliding a finger inside of her, his face flashing in surprise as her insides just suck him in. “Oh my. That’s..interesting. Just sucks you right in there, huh?”
Cécile was getting impatient. Her loins were on fire and needed relief. “Just get on with it, Lloyd. Please!”
“Fine fine.” Lloyd begins to thrust that finger inside of her, once twice, three times before adding a second, and locating her clitoris, which he presses his tongue against, causing the other scientist to moan softly. “K-Keep doing that” she murmurs under her breath.
“Hmm...your taste is..hm. Interesting. It’s not bad it’s just..” another lick. “Strange. And a bit salty.”
“Stop—mm! talking!” Cécile says, her eyes feeling heavy and fluttering shut as her head tilts back against the pillows as Lloyd thrusts his deft fingers inside of her while swirling his tongue around her sensitive button. With all of this stimulation, it wasn’t surprising that her first orgasm quickly approached her and she fell over the edge with a loud gasp of pleasure, panting slightly.
Lloyd looks up from his ministrations and pouts. “Aw. Did you finish already? I was just getting started. Oh well. Guess that means it’s time for the main event, huh?”
He sits up and removes his pants, underwear and all, revealing a very hard, decent sized shaft. Unashamed of his nakedness, Lloyd hops over to the messenger bag he had brought, finding a condom wrapper and tearing it open and placing it on his shaft.
Cécile watches him while he does this, still trying to catch her breath after her orgasm. He was a virgin, so he probably wasn’t going to last very long, but given the fact that he was 30 years old and not a teenager anymore counted in his favor.
Lloyd climbs back on top of Cécile, pulling her into another passionate kiss just to get her blood boiling again, rubbing the tip of his cock against her entrance, thrusting inside of her sharply, causing both of them to gasp. Cécile tangles her legs with his as Lloyd begins to move in and out of her. Their breathing is heavy and the movements of their bodies results in the bed rocking and creaking back and forth in time with their movements.
Their coupling was surprisingly intimate as the Earl was too winded to offer much more than a few gasps and moans, making the entire ordeal much more erotic rather than the clinical nightmare Cécile was dreading. In fact..she wouldn’t mind this becoming a regular thing. The only problem was that outside of obligation, Lloyd had no interest in sex whatsoever and the obvious: he was engaged.
Cécile didn’t have feelings for Lloyd, rather she would definitely admit to having affection for the eccentric young man who just really liked building giant robots and pudding. Maybe that counted as feelings.
Lloyd’s thrusts begin to speed up and the bed creaks louder paired with the sound of their bare skin slapping together and their shared gasps and moans. He was definitely close. Cécile holds on to the Earl’s waist as they chase their orgasm together, her body arching into his as they both reach their high almost simultaneously.
As they come down from their high, Cécile pulls Lloyd into a gentle lip lock, which he reciprocated, surprisingly. It was gentle and intimate and as they pull away, they both smile, pressing their foreheads together, his glasses almost falling into her face.
As they lay there, arms wrapped around each other, Lloyd finally breaks the comfortable silence. “...So what are your thoughts? I am expecting a report after all.”
Cécile rolls her eyes and laughs. “I’ll give it to you in writing later. For now just...don’t talk. Alright?”
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gracelesslamb · 4 years
“Don’t Talk”
Rated: Explicit
Fandom: Code Geass
Pairing: Cécile x Lloyd
Summary: Lloyd will do anything for giant robots. Even show an interest in girls. Sort of. There’s not really a plot it’s mostly just smut.
“Cécile, you’re a woman aren’t you?”
Cécile Croomy holds back her grimace at the obliviousness of Earl Asplund’s question. Could the guy get any more cliché in his cluelessness?
“Yes. I’m a woman. Where are you going with this?”
The Earl chuckles, running his fingers through his light violet locks idly. “Obviously it is to ask a favor of you. I require practice in the art of copulation—“
“ExcUSE ME? That ISN’T something you just ASK for practice in. Look, I get that you don’t understand how human attraction works but you don’t just ask your subordinate, who is not your betrothed to...do stuff like that with you!” Cécile fumes, turning back to her work, her cheeks flaming a bright crimson.
Another condescending chuckle. What was wrong with this man? “Science is trial and error. I want to please my future wife, Miss Ashford, so I can get my hands on those antique Knightmare frames, and I have no experience whatsoever with the opposite sex. Odds are if Miss Ashford isn’t pleased with my performance, the opportunity to study those frames would slip through my fingers!”
Cécile sighs. “Then take Miss Ashford on a date or something. Why should I help you practice?”
“Because you would give me honest feedback. I do see you as my conscience after all. I don’t exactly know how I am supposed to conduct myself in such situations and I will probably need instruction. Besides...it has been awhile since you’ve had a lover.”
The heat rising in Cécile’s face rose to a boiling point. He was right. It had been awhile since she had gotten any action whatsoever. Instead she was just making eyes at Suzaku, who really didn’t notice her or anyone else since Princess Euphemia died and honestly she couldn’t blame him. But...Lloyd? She was pretty certain Lloyd was asexual and sleeping with him would be like going to the doctor’s office except with penetration.
Why was she even thinking about it? Granted the Earl of Pudding was easy on the eyes, with his fluffy lilac hair, somewhat handsome face, his lithe frame and...those hands. She wasn’t a prude and had occasionally indulged in casual flings and one night stands before, but never with someone she would actually see daily. Granted, she definitely knew that Lloyd would have no problem pretending their little fling never happened because he was...Lloyd.
“S-so...let me get this straight. You want me to...what? Let you go down on me for science?”
“Correct. In fact, I don’t believe we will need to have intercourse. Unless you want to, of course. If that’s the case I will provide adequate contraception.”
Cécile cringes a bit. He’s so..clinical about this. But...she was intrigued enough by the idea of Lloyd going down on her that she nods hesitantly.
“F-fine. But if you’re weird about it, I’m gonna make you stop, okay?”
“Yes, yes. I understand. I’ll drop by your place tonight at 8:00 sharp.”
Cécile nods again, blushing profusely and not daring to look her future bed partner in the eye. Jeez. What had she gotten herself into?
Later that night, Cécile was ready. She had settled on some deep purple lacy lingerie that was covered by a fluffy white robe. She was fresh out of the shower and sitting on her bed in sheer anticipation. God, why did she agree to this? Sheer curiosity about how her boss would be in bed? That’s a good explanation as anything else she could come up with.
The doorbell rings and she gets up and opens the door. Lloyd, wearing his standard uniform, strides in as if he owns the place. A simple messenger bag is slung over his shoulder, which she assumes has the box of condoms inside. Hopefully he won’t work her into such a frenzy that they’ll need them.
“So, then. Where is your bedroom?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at her current state of dress. “I see you’re ready to get started, hmm?”
A blush rises in Cécile’s cheeks as she points in the direction of the bedroom . “I-It’s that way, you jerk!” she mutters.
Lloyd grins at her embarrassment and walks toward the bedroom, setting his bag on the side of the bed. Cécile, still red-faced, walks into the room and closes the door behind her and dimming the lights to set a less clinical mood. Well. Here they were.
She hesitantly sits on the bed, patting the spot next to her. Lloyd takes the hint and sits beside her. “So, where do you want to start? Some kissing? Or do you want to just get undressed right now?”
Cécile swats his arm lightly. “Just...just shut up and kiss me.”
“Hah. As you wish.” Without hesitation, Lloyd crashes his lips onto hers, threading those delicate fingers through her drying hair.
The kiss was sweet. Sensual. Slow. Enough so that Cécile’s eyes flutter shut and she just lets him nibble on her bottom lip and surprises even herself when she allows her lips to part and the kiss deepens. Eventually, though, the absurdity of who was kissing her was too much to bear and she breaks the kiss, pushing Lloyd away, who just smirks in response.
“What’s wrong? I thought my skills were adequate, judging by your reaction.” he remarks smugly, in such a way that made Cécile want to clock that smug smirk off his stupid face.
“N-nothing’s wrong I was just...expecting something different from you.” Hesitantly, she pulls him into another kiss, which Lloyd reciprocates by pulling Cécile into his lap as she snakes her arms around his neck, slightly toying with his soft hair. This was...surprisingly intimate.
Eventually Lloyd pulls on the robe’s sash, letting the material fall open. Cécile, in turn unbuttons his lab jacket, causing both of them to break the kiss and discard both lab jacket and robe.
“I see you’re enjoying yourself, Cécile.” Lloyd murmurs in her ear before pressing kisses against the skin of her neck, causing a quiet moan to leave Cécile’s lips.
“Ooh, I like that noise. Do it again!” Lloyd comments, before heating up his kisses, adding small bites and suckling to the mix. Céline, already embarrassed that she made such a noise, bites her lip before another moan comes out. “Lloyd, shut up!” she hisses.
“Yes, yes. Just making an observation. How am I doing so far, might I ask. Pretty good judging the noises you’re making, hm?” He pulls her into another heated kiss, swiping his tongue across her bottom lip, begging for entrance. Cécile breaks the kiss to answer, “Passable.”
“Well...I suppose I need to step up my game then, hmm?” Lloyd grins, pulling her back into the kiss, deepening it immediately and sliding his tongue inside of Cécile’s mouth, causing tingles to emanate throughout her body every time his tongue collides with hers.
While they kiss, Lloyd’s hands begin to wander from her back, to the inside of her thighs, causing Cécile to gasp softly into the kiss. His hand creeps upwards and cups one of her breasts through her bra while the other hand reaches behind and...attempts to unclasp the garment, causing Cécile to break the kiss and collapse into giggles as he struggles. “D-do you need help?” she asks, biting her lip as she buries her face into his shoulder, pulling down Lloyd’s turtleneck to press teasing kisses against his neck while he struggles.
“No, no. I simply need both hands to unlock this contraption.” Lloyd mutters breathily, looking over Cécile’s shoulder to see the clasp. Finally, after a few moments of more struggling, Lloyd finally unclasps the bra with a triumphant, “HAH! Success! Now, can you get off of me and lay on the bed?”
“Only if you take off your shirt too.” Cécile fires back, tugging at his shirt.
Lloyd sighs as he complies . “Very well. I suppose that’s a fair trade.” He pulls off the shirt revealing a fairly wiry body with very little body fat or muscle, but it was still pleasing to look at.
Cécile gets off of Lloyd’s lap and slides out of her bra, carefully laying down, avoiding the Earl’s gaze as she does.
Lloyd climbs on top of Cécile, engaging her in another kiss as a hand caresses a modestly sized breast in his palm. Breaking the kiss he murmurs, “I’ve never seen one of these up close before.” Moving down to her breasts, the Earl pokes at one of them with a look of fascination on his face, making Cécile roll her eyes. This man was 30 years old, five years her senior, yet he acted like such a child sometimes. Most times. All the time.
He spent a good amount of time playing with them, poking and prodding at them, squeezing and flicking at her nipples, causing several moans to escape Cécile’s lips, against her better judgement. He had got her going and now she was definitely feeling heat between her legs as he continues to play with her breasts.
“Y-you can put your mouth on them if you want.” Cécile murmurs, gasping softly as Lloyd takes a nipple into his mouth, tracing his tongue around the nipple, causing Cécile’s eyes to flutter shut as she bites her bottom lip to hold back another moan, her legs rubbing together as her lower regions begin to throb with anticipation.
Of course Lloyd was completely oblivious to Cécile’s thighs rubbing together and he continues to play with her breasts far longer than Cécile would’ve liked but she gave the Earl some slack — he’d never played with boobs before.
Eventually, Lloyd decides it’s time to move on and he kisses his way back up to Cécile’s lips, leaning in her ear. “So...how do you want me to pleasure you?” he asks. “With my hands?” His deft fingers rub at her clothed core, causing Cécile to sigh in pleasure. “My tongue?” he nips at her earlobe, “or..” his voice lowers into a whisper. “My cock.” With that he rubs himself against Cécile’s aching core, causing her to moan louder than she expected. He was...a decent size judging by what she had felt through his pants.
“A-all three?”
“How greedy.” Lloyd murmurs softly, pulling down her panties and immediately stroking her core, which by this time was soaking wet. “I guess I did promise to go down on you for science.” he mutters. “But now I need to take care of my own arousal too. How annoying. Do I have permission to penetrate you after cunnilingus?”
Cécile’s face burns bright red as she nods quickly, too embarrassed to say anything.
“Excellent. Then let’s get this show on the road, shall we? Spread your legs for me!” Lloyd exclaims, as if he was about to test a new feature on the Lancelot.
Slowly, Cécile spreads her legs, revealing her core to the Earl of Asplund, who grins with delight as he settles between her legs. “Now, let’s see if I remember my female anatomy correctly.” he murmurs, experimentally sliding a finger inside of her, his face flashing in surprise as her insides just suck him in. “Oh my. That’s..interesting. Just sucks you right in there, huh?”
Cécile was getting impatient. Her loins were on fire and needed relief. “Just get on with it, Lloyd. Please!”
“Fine fine.” Lloyd begins to thrust that finger inside of her, once twice, three times before adding a second, and locating her clitoris, which he presses his tongue against, causing the other scientist to moan softly. “K-Keep doing that” she murmurs under her breath.
“Hmm...your taste is..hm. Interesting. It’s not bad it’s just..” another lick. “Strange. And a bit salty.”
“Stop—mm! talking!” Cécile says, her eyes feeling heavy and fluttering shut as her head tilts back against the pillows as Lloyd thrusts his deft fingers inside of her while swirling his tongue around her sensitive button. With all of this stimulation, it wasn’t surprising that her first orgasm quickly approached her and she fell over the edge with a loud gasp of pleasure, panting slightly.
Lloyd looks up from his ministrations and pouts. “Aw. Did you finish already? I was just getting started. Oh well. Guess that means it’s time for the main event, huh?”
He sits up and removes his pants, underwear and all, revealing a very hard, decent sized shaft. Unashamed of his nakedness, Lloyd hops over to the messenger bag he had brought, finding a condom wrapper and tearing it open and placing it on his shaft.
Cécile watches him while he does this, still trying to catch her breath after her orgasm. He was a virgin, so he probably wasn’t going to last very long, but given the fact that he was 30 years old and not a teenager anymore counted in his favor.
Lloyd climbs back on top of Cécile, pulling her into another passionate kiss just to get her blood boiling again, rubbing the tip of his cock against her entrance, thrusting inside of her sharply, causing both of them to gasp. Cécile tangles her legs with his as Lloyd begins to move in and out of her. Their breathing is heavy and the movements of their bodies results in the bed rocking and creaking back and forth in time with their movements.
Their coupling was surprisingly intimate as the Earl was too winded to offer much more than a few gasps and moans, making the entire ordeal much more erotic rather than the clinical nightmare Cécile was dreading. In fact..she wouldn’t mind this becoming a regular thing. The only problem was that outside of obligation, Lloyd had no interest in sex whatsoever and the obvious: he was engaged.
Cécile didn’t have feelings for Lloyd, rather she would definitely admit to having affection for the eccentric young man who just really liked building giant robots and pudding. Maybe that counted as feelings.
Lloyd’s thrusts begin to speed up and the bed creaks louder paired with the sound of their bare skin slapping together and their shared gasps and moans. He was definitely close. Cécile holds on to the Earl’s waist as they chase their orgasm together, her body arching into his as they both reach their high almost simultaneously.
As they come down from their high, Cécile pulls Lloyd into a gentle lip lock, which he reciprocated, surprisingly. It was gentle and intimate and as they pull away, they both smile, pressing their foreheads together, his glasses almost falling into her face.
As they lay there, arms wrapped around each other, Lloyd finally breaks the comfortable silence. “...So what are your thoughts? I am expecting a report after all.”
Cécile rolls her eyes and laughs. “I’ll give it to you in writing later. For now just...don’t talk. Alright?”
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gracelesslamb · 4 years
incoming Code Geass Cécile Croomy/ Lloyd Asplund fic that caters only to my tastes bc I just finished watching it and there wasn’t any fic for that pairing so dammit I wrote my own and it’s probably terrible.
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gracelesslamb · 4 years
so I’m writing a new fic that involves flimsy excuses for smut in a fandom that is dead and y’know what? that’s where my muse took me and that’s fine.
but idk if I should post it.
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gracelesslamb · 4 years
*clicks on pot and pan on stove*
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….999, why are you like this?
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gracelesslamb · 4 years
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someone help these boys
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gracelesslamb · 4 years
hey! i’m glad you write for mtap since there aren’t many mtap writers out there- can you write a gust smut fic w a female builder? or gust nsfw hcs? i just love my snobby husband shjdnsjd
bruh. It’s on the list. I just got a new full time job at a call center and it’s kicking my ass. I love Gust and his stupidly pretty hair and his tsundereness too
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gracelesslamb · 4 years
Heyyyy! I just finished reading the Lucien-Victor elevator threesome and I'm in awe, you're such an amazing writer! I understand if you've got no more motivation or ideas but it it's possible could you write another part for it? I'm desperate to see if Victor distances from her or not!
I’ll come back to it....eventually. Don’t expect another part anytime soon though. I’m not actually playing the game right now and writing it cold like that would probably not do the characters justice. I’ll probably pick it up again eventually but I’m not really feeling it right this second.
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gracelesslamb · 5 years
Poison, an Arlo x Female Builder smutfic part 1
“Surely there’s a better time investigate this, Arlo. Don’t get me wrong; I’m glad you asked me along, I can always use the extra income. I’m just curious why...now?”
It was a valid question. Midnight was usually a time when normal people would settle down for the night. Neither Arlo or Portia’s newest builder would really qualify as ‘normal’.
They had run into each other earlier (but not that much earlier) at The Round Table. Greetings were exchanged and Arlo had asked the Builder if she wanted to accompany him on a late night investigation.
It was an odd request, though the Builder suspected Arlo wanted to see her fabled combat skills for himself. Though she was wondering why he had asked for her help immediately. The sun had set hours ago and they were using flashlights to investigate the outskirts. They had found several clues that lead them to the waterfall, which was where they were currently headed.
Arlo slows his pace and gives the Builder a tired smile. “Ever since the water went bad, we’ve hadn’t had time to do anything other than investigate the cause. I’ve been working on unrelated cases on my off-hours and so have Remy and Sam. We’ve been splitting the extra workload. It’s been...difficult, but it has to be done.”
“How much sleep are you running on?”
“I managed about an hour and a half last night. I’ve had to plow through on less, so I’m not complaining.”
They continue towards the waterfall in an awkward silence. The Builder wasn’t certain if she was close enough to Arlo to berate him for his reckless behavior; therefore she kept her mouth shut. She had only been living in Portia for a few weeks and while everyone had been immensely friendly she still felt a little out of place.
As they approach the waterfall, the pair slow their pace and unsheathe their swords in preparation for trouble.
Jump Dancers. She hates Jump dancers. Stupid fish with their stupid teeth and their stupid poison. The Builder slices through the last one and sheaths her sword, breathing heavily. She and Arlo had gotten bitten quite a few times by the creatures, though their wounds weren’t terrible.
It hits the Builder as they’re walking back into town. Her entire body felt...hot and it was making it hard to concentrate on walking. She bumps into Arlo by accident and he catches her as if it were a reflex. She feels the heat of his skin through his clothes and it feels...nice, even though she can also feel his hands shaking.
“You alright?” he asks with a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“I’m...I’m actually not sure. I feel kinda...hot.”
“Probably a side effect of the antidote we took. Just to be safe I’ll walk you home, yeah?”
They walk to the Builder’s house in an uncomfortable silence. There was a weird tension brewing between them. Arlo had taken the Builder’s hand into his own, steadying her and suppressing the urge to drag her into an alley and take her against a wall. It was clear to him that the poison from the Jump Dancers had an added aphrodisiac effect that the antidote didn’t cure and it had affected both of them.
The plan was to take the Builder home...explain the situation and offer assistance in alleviating the effects.
If the Builder agrees to it, then Arlo would sweep her off her feet, take her to bed and they’ll spend the next few hours fucking each other’s brains out until they’re satisfied. If she declines then...well he will just have to go home, lock himself in his room and wank until the symptoms disappear.
Arlo takes a deep breath and aimlessly traces the Builder’s palm with his thumb, earning a soft sound from her lips.
“Shhh. We’re almost there.”
“I know. It’s getting worse isn’t it?”
She nods.
“Don’t worry. I have a plan, but I’ll explain it when we’re inside.”
Arlo lets himself inside the Builder’s house, pacing nervously in her one room shack.
“Y-you can sit down.” offers the Builder gesturing to a stone stool.
He chuckles nervously. “No thanks.”
There’s a few moments of awkward silence before he speaks again.
“Those Jump Dancers had some sort of mutation in their poison that triggers an...aphrodisiac effect in humans. The effects are pretty mild right now, but they’ll probably get worse if we don’t do anything about it. Best we...fix it now while we still have our wits.”
Suddenly the way she was feeling made perfect sense and the Builder avoids looking at Arlo out of embarrassment.
“So...I just have to...and I’ll be alright?”
“In theory...but...I wanted to offer my assistance.”
“Y-your assistance? You mean…” the Builder’s voice lowers to a hiss “sex?”
“...There are ways I could help that wouldn’t require penetration but...yes, sex would probably be the easiest way to fix this.”
The Builder flushes harder and nods. “Okay. I trust you, Arlo.”
Arlo sighs in relief and walks towards the Builder, lifting her chin and pressing his lips against hers.
Hey guys. Been awhile, eh?
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gracelesslamb · 5 years
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why is this so funny
473 notes · View notes
gracelesslamb · 5 years
Hard to believe there was a time we didn’t know how amazing Extraordinary You was going to be.
196 notes · View notes
gracelesslamb · 5 years
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78K notes · View notes
gracelesslamb · 5 years
Yeah there’s like 8k worth of smut in there
The CEO, the Professor, and Me part 1(VictorxMCxLucien)
There are some days when I wake up in the morning and expect the day to go exactly as planned. Nothing can go wrong, everything is taken care of and it’ll be all sunshine and rainbows.
Only it won’t be sunshine and rainbows. In fact, by the end of the day, I’m in a situation that may or may not cost me my life and/or sanity.
…I was definitely not expecting to end my day stuck in an elevator at 8pm with the CEO of LFG and Professor Lucien. Most of the girls in the office would totally envy me right now for being in such close quarters with such handsome and successful men.
They wouldn’t be so envious if they were in my shoes, Sure, both of these men are easy on the eyes, and I like them individually as people. However these two obviously bring the worst out in each other.
“Hmm…Victor. How about I give you a boost and you can open the hatch. If we’re going to be stuck in here all night, we’re going to need oxygen.” suggests Lucien calmly. He’s the only one remaining calm in this situation. I’ve resigned myself to a corner of the elevator while Victor is furiously searching for a cellphone signal.
“…Fine. But shouldn’t it be you to be the one who opens the hatch? You’re more…compact than I am.” Victor stops glaring at his phone and glares at Lucien.
“True…I just assumed you would want to be the one who did the honors of gifting us with the ability to breathe.”  
Victor visibly twitches angrily. “Just…shut up and get on my shoulders. You’re wasting precious oxygen.”
Lucien says nothing and gives Victor a cryptic smile. His eyes flash over to me and his head tilts slightly.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” My voice is flat. I’m anything but fine and everyone knows it.
Lucien’s expression softens a little. “If you say so.”
Victor and Lucien manage to get the hatch open through their combined efforts and the air in the elevator certainly felt a little less stifling. However the tension between Victor and Lucien only intensified as we sat in silence. Lucien seems deep in thought while Victor is pacing nervously, occasionally glaring at Lucien and glancing at me with concern.
I bury my face in my knees and close my eyes. This is a nightmare. I don’t know how much longer I could keep myself composed like this. There’s a gentle hand on my back.
“Why don’t we distract ourselves from this situation. It’ll make you feel better.” says Lucien. He rubs my back gently in small circles. Victor stops pacing and leans against the wall, glaring daggers at Lucien.
“Like what?” I ask tiredly.
“How about a game? Something simple…”
I perk up. “Never have I ever?”
“Alright. Sounds good. Victor, would you like to play with us?”
Victor scoffs. “You two are a couple of children.”
“Is that a yes…?” I ask.
“It’s a no.”
“But it’s not as fun with only two people.” I whine. I give Victor my best puppy dog stare. He rolls his eyes at me and mutters “Idiot” under his breath, crossing his arms defiantly and I could almost swear I saw a soft pink tinge grace his cheeks.
“Yay! Come join us on the floor.” Victor sits down next to me as we form a triangle.
“Do you want to go first, ____?” asks Lucien.
I nod. “Everyone knows how to play, right?”
Victor rolls his eyes. “Of course we do.” All three of us hold out our hands. Ten fingers remaining.
I take a deep breath. “Alright. Never have I ever ridden a horse.”
Victor lets down a finger. Lucien does as well. He shrugs off his labcoat and stares at Victor with a look of confusion.
“What?” asks Victor.
“Why aren’t you taking off your jacket? You lost a finger, you’re supposed to lose an article of clothing.”
Victor balks. “That’s not how the game works.”
“That’s how we played it in college.”
“Just because you played it that way in college doesn’t mean that’s how we have to play!”
“What, are you afraid you’re going to end up naked?” I quip. I wouldn’t mind seeing that. I personally have never played the strip version of Never have I ever, but it sounded very appealing. It might even be fun if Victor loosened up a little bit. I’ve never actually seen him in anything other than a suit and tie.
Victor’s eyes darken and his jaw clenches. “No. I’m more afraid of someone taking advantage of the situation.” His eyes flit towards Lucien, briefly.
I roll my eyes. “You don’t have to defend my virtue, Victor. That was lost years ago. Besides. It is a little hot in here…”
Victor stares at me in disbelief and I giggle as his ears turn pink.
“Go on, take off your jacket. Besides, I’m sure you  have more than ten articles of clothing.”
Lucien chuckles. “Are you implying that you believe Victor will lose?”
I shrug. “He is the oldest out of the three of us.”
“Fair enough.”
Victor rolls his eyes and shrugs off his jacket.
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