goingmerryied · 2 months
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The Pirate Who Loved Me~Chapter 3
Summary: (Y/N) grew up in a noble home and island. Her family were members of high class, and were invited to lavish parties thrown by the highest members of society. Although she was raised to be a proper woman, she always longed for something more in life. At the age of 18, she is now ready to enter the social season and her father is to find her a suitable husband much to her dismay.
*3 years before Luffy sets out on his adventure*
Pairing: Trafalgar D. Law x reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ explicit sexual themes, Teasing, Dom Trafalgar D. Water Law, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Be Safe Out There), Multiple Orgasms, Rough Sex, Creampie, Pet Names, Overstimulation, Biting, Bruises, Hair-Pulling, Aftercare
I do not own the rights to Bridgerton or One Piece
The day after the ball, my family and I had a nice dinner over at Lord Andrews's estate. I learned of his first name, Keelan as he accompanied me on a tour with my parents around the property before dinner. He was very kind and respectful, not at all what I pictured. I was expecting a very misogynistic man who only saw me as his breeding tool. However, Keelan held great conversations and spoke about education which I greatly appreciated.
Keelan would be the perfect match for any lady, but there were still doubts in my mind. Doubts that included me running far from here, and wondering if Law would let me tag along with his pirate crew. Then I thought about Ace and that idea went down the toilet.
Today, I asked my parents if I could go out shopping with my lady's maid Lana to chaperone. They agreed feeling that my one day courtship with Keelan was going well and expected me not to run away. However, I didn't plan to, we walked along the market and visited a variety of shops. I was picking out different clothing and silks that I knew my mother would never approve of but I wanted to have a say in my clothing if I were to be stuck in this god-awful place. I continued to walk and passed by the board that contained the most recent wanted posters, I eyed them and saw Ace once more. His bounty had gone up and I smiled.
I began to walk away and noticed a familiar face on the board, it was him. It was Law, he did have a small bounty but he was a pirate. He did not lie about that, I knew some pirates could be awful but he was far from it, especially with that bounty.
"Madam, shall we get going," Lana states.
"Yes, do you think we shall visit the mandarin orchard to pick out fresh fruits for breakfast?"
"As you wish." We continued our short walk to the orchards and began to look. I suggested that Lana and I should split, she was hesitant at first but I ensured her that I wasn't going anywhere, and my father would not hear about it. She nodded and went the opposite way as I continued down my path. I eyed for the perfect fruit that would satisfy my palate. I soon found one and began to reach for it until someone reaches from behind me.
I turn around and face Trafalgar Law once more. He smiles and hands me the fruit.
"To what do I owe the pleasure Law?" I ask as I continue my path down the orchard.
"I wanted to check in on you, make sure you were alright after last night."
"I'll manage." I inform him, and he gazes at me with pity.
"You know you don't have to live this life. You can be free from all this?"
"Are you offering me a spot on your crew?"
"Then how can I-"
"It's too dangerous for someone of your kind to be a pirate, I know you dreamed about it but with your upbringing." He says.
"My upbringing?" I say feeling a bit upset at what he was insinuating
"Well you know, a proper lady, tea time, gowns,"
"And training with my tough brothers on how to defend myself, asshat." He looks at me surprised.
"You trained with your brothers?"
"Yes, they taught me everything I know, Law."
"Alright then, show me." He says.
"Right now? You don't think anyone would-"
"I checked to make sure the orchard was clear before speaking with you. Your lady's maid is being preoccupied by my crew."
"Alright then" I go to swing at him and he immediately dodges it. I try again and he catches my fist in his hand. I use this as an opportunity to kick my leg up. He moves to the side however, I decided to aim towards his arm. This catches him off guard and causes him to stumble back releasing my fist. I take this as an opportunity to kick once more but he is quick to grab it. He yanks me forward forcing my weight to turn us. I then lose my balance causing me to land on my back. He chuckles a bit.
He begins to walk away, but I decide to try again to take him down. I go to throw a punch but he moves to his right grabbing my wrist. He pulls my weight into him bringing his arm and mine into a chokehold. However there is no pressure to this and I'm flush against his chest. I can feel his breath on my neck as he recovers from our little sparring session.
"See, I told you weren't ready." He whispers into my ear, my eyes close as I relish in his embrace, shivering at feeling his breath on me. I look up at him  and notice his lips and mine so close to each other. What am I doing? I look up to him and he shares the same uncertainty that I do.
"Not ready and being rusty are two separate things pirate Law." I finally answered.
"Captain Law, and whatever you say diamond" He says.
"I hate that you call me that." I say unraveling from his embrace.
"You've must have hated it more when the queen named you the diamond of the season?"
"Of course I did, last thing I wanted was to be an instant bride and here I am."
"An instant bride? Already?" He asks. Was that panic I heard?
"Well he has yet to propose but he has already begun courting me. My father has already given him his blessing."
"And is that what you want?"
"You already know the answer to that Law."
"Reject him."
"I cannot"
"It's complicated."
"Would you rather spend the rest of your life married to an oaf that only cares about wealth and status?"
"Out of all the noble men I've met, he's decent."
"So you like him?" He steps closer to me until are faces are inches apart. My breath hitches.
"As a friend, I can't see myself married to him."
"So what happens once he proposes?" He says as he begins to lean in
"You know the answer, just say it."
"Law I would say no and travel the world if I could, go on adventures, be the crappiest pirate there is but my hands are tied. If I were to run now, my brother that's out at sea is at risk of being captured by navy admirals!" His grey eyes gazed into mine as I confessed my true feelings to him. His stoic demeanor sent chills down my spine yet he still captured my attention in ways I could not describe.
“Don’t give up on your dream (Y/N), keep fighting for it.”
My heart raced as he stood close to me and I could feel the faint brush of his hand on mine. He slowly grabbed mine and we latched our hands together. Warmth spreads across my chest reaching up to my cheeks, I look down to his lips and slowly begin to reach my other hand up to lay on his chest. I close my eyes as we begin to slowly inch closer to one another.
"(Y/N)-" He began until we heard footsteps approaching. He stood in front of me as to shield me from anyone seeing us together unchaperoned. He remembered.
"CAPTAIN! We lost the lady's maid she can be here any minute." Penguin and Shachi scream. Law curses as his crew members failed to keep Lana distracted.
"We can continue this some other time (Y/N)."
"I look forward to it..." I say. He smirks as he and his crew take their leave.
I couldn't believe what just came out of my mouth. His concern of who I'm marrying did raise some questions. He mentioned that I could not join his crew. However, that doesn't mean I still couldn't find Ace's crew and join them. If that were the case then I would be by Ace's side if the Marine's were to come after him. That still meant putting him and his crew in danger which is what I had been trying to avoid. God if only he were here to talk to, or even Sabo. They would know what to do. Luffy would tell me to grab some meat and ponder on it.
"Madam there you are! I was getting worried, these two odd men approached me asking for directions, and then continued to ask me more about kingdom." She said as we began to walk out of the orchard.
"Maybe they took an interest in you, Lana"
"Oh no madam. Surely not." She says as her cheeks begin to tinge red.
"I'm just joking, let's get home now." I say as we begin the walk to my parent's home.
As we turned the corner, we run in to none other than Lord Andrews.
"(Y/N). Ms. Lana." He greets us nodding in our direction. "What brings you both out here?
"Lana and I were doing some shopping. Then we decided to pick some fresh oranges for breakfast tomorrow."
"Sounds lovely. Would you mind if I escorted you both back to your estate?"
"Not at all, Keelan."
"What brings you out here, sir?"
"Please just Keelan, and I was in town looking for a gift for my mother. Her birthday is approaching soon."
"Well please let her know I said Happy Birthday."
"Of course. I've actually been meaning to ask you something (Y/N)" No. No. No. not yet Keelan.
"Yes, Keelan?"
"I know that in our lives, we are to fulfill our birth right  duty.  Wed, have a family and carry on our families name. However, I have a feeling this is something you do not want."
"That's ridiculous-"
"So you're saying I'm wrong. I can tell when people are lying to me (Y/N)." Shit, he knows this isn't what I want but my parents would be furious to know that I called off the engagement before I was even proposed to.
"You would be correct but I do have an obligation to fill for my family. I know it may not be love but I do believe we would make an excellent partnership." I try to answer truthfully.
"As do I, however I too can't help but wonder what true love feels like."
"You and me both Keelan."
"Perhaps it is something we can explore with one another." He suggests.
"I wouldn't say no to that Keelan." I begrudgingly say but truthfully I wish I could ask him to hold off on the proposal.
"Great to know, (Y/N)." He himself seemed a bit unsure of me.
We continue our walk to my parent's estate, we bid our good nights and go our separate ways. No proposal has been set but I'm sure one is to come. I make my way back into my room.
I sat in my bed as I thought about what it would be like when Keelan decided to propose, well if he ever did. I don't think I was much help in wanting to marry me. Especially after the conversation we had today. However, I don't want to marry in the first place. I could try to write a letter to ace, but there would be no way to address him without it being intercepted by my parents. My thoughts then traveled to Law.
He was a man of mystery, I wanted to ask what it is he was looking for here.
Just as the thought appeared, the room turned a light shade of blue and a gust of wind flew through my hair. Speak of the devil. I look up and Law is standing there handsomely with a smirk on his face.
"Law, are you trying to get us caught?" I walk over to my door to lock it.
"Sorry diamond, didn't mean to upset the lady of the house."
"Please stop calling me diamond and I am not the lady of this house."
"Oh right, soon to be Lady Andrews."
"Hearing you say that out loud makes me even more nauseous. What are you doing here anyway?"
"I wanted to see you."
"There's not much to see."
"Don't do that."
"Do what, Law."
"Put yourself down."
"It's what I feel.."
"It doesn't make it true, you're an amazing and courageous woman who is still standing after being forced into something she doesn't want. If only I can talk her out of it."
"I might consider it if you let me-"
"Not a chance diamond, last thing I need is your pretty face getting hurt."
"Aren't you a doctor that could heal my pretty face." I say getting closer to him.
"I'm the surgeon of death."
"Still a doctor" I lean in closer to him, I just wanted to be as close to him as possible. His presence brought me great comfort, and I felt free while I was with him. I could speak freely, dress freely and act freely. No need to worry about manners, gestures or greeting. It was just me and him. (Y/N) and Law.
"Law" We stare deeply into one another's eyes and the gap slowly closes in. This was wrong, this was wrong on so many levels for a proper woman. Me on the other hand felt this was right.
Just as the gap was about to close, the doorknob began to rattle. Loud knocks began to follow, Law and I pull away quickly and by the time I reach the door to turn around he was gone. I open the door to be met by mother.
"(Y/N)! Make sure you get plenty of rest, I'll have a dress picked out for you tomorrow. I just spoke with your father, Lord Andrews will be over tomorrow for brunch with his mother and father. That can only mean one thing!" She closes the door without waiting for a response and I feel the tears well in my eyes and begin to pour over. I walk back over to my bed and begin to sob into my pillow.
I feel a hand begin to rub my back.
"Don't cry (Y/N), everything will work itself out." He whispers into my ear.
"I can't do it Law, I don't want to do it, but I can't put my brother in danger." I say as the tears begin to get heavier.
"I tried to run away earlier in the year but my father caught me. He said if I tried to run, he would send marine admirals after my brother Ace. I can't let that happen, I won't put his life in danger."
"Do you think he would want you to suffer like this?"
"It doesn't matter Law if I'm here, the only danger he faces is the open seas. Not the wrath of admirals. If I'm here he gets to have his freedom.
"But you lose yours in the process."
"It's what I have to do as his sister."
"As a brother I could never allow my sister to do this to herself. If she were in your position I would tell her to let the admirals come. I would never sacrifice her happiness for my life. I'm sure Ace would do the same." Law argues but I couldn't accept that. I haven't heard from Ace in years besides seeing his wanted posters.
"Law, I wouldn't know what Ace wants because I haven't seen him in years. I can't put his life at risk."
“I’m sure your brother is much stronger now. Stronger than the last time you saw him, he wouldn’t want this for you. I know I don’t.”
“You barely know me.”
“You barely know Lord Andrews.”
“Law, please help me.”
“I’ll do what I can diamond.”
Tag List: @metonimia-de-bellota
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goingmerryied · 2 months
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The Pirate Who Loved Me ~ Chapter 2
(18+ Only)
Bridgerton kind of meets One Piece in this.
Summary: (Y/N) grew up in a noble home and island. Her family were members of high class, and were invited to lavish parties thrown by the highest members of society. Although she was raised to be a proper woman, she always longed for something more in life. At the age of 18, she is now ready to enter the social season and her father is to find her a suitable husband much to her dismay.
That same season, a group of rookie pirates in a submarine land on the noble island to secure funds and supplies for their next adventure.
*3 years before Luffy sets out on his adventure*
Pairing: Trafalgar D. Law x reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ explicit sexual themes, Teasing, Dom Trafalgar D. Water Law, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Be Safe Out There), Multiple Orgasms, Rough Sex, Creampie, Pet Names, Overstimulation, Biting, Bruises, Hair-Pulling, Aftercare
I do not own the rights to Bridgerton and One Piece
It was tradition for Outlook III and Didit to host the first ball of the season. That was how Sabo and I met, our parents kept us upstairs as they partied the night away with the other nobles who were finding suitors for their daughters.
It pains me to be back here knowing all the times I shared with my brother Sabo. How we would sit at the top of the staircase and make fun of the weirdly dressed party guests. My parents escorted me in and were on either side of me eyeing the crowd for any good suitors. I on the other hand was eyeing the refreshment table ready to drink as much as I could to drown my thoughts for the night.
"Right there is Lord Andrews, he owns about 20 acres of land, is very wealthy, and can provide you with an excellent future," says my mother. I look over at him and he is handsome, there's no doubt about that.
"Lord and Lady (L/N), it's a pleasure for you to join us. Oh and dear (Y/N) how much you've grown. If only our son had stood by our side as you did with your parents, he could've been a possible caller for you" said Outlook III. My fists clench and I muster up a thank you, your grace. It's disgusting how they speak ill of their deceased son, my friend, my brother. Sabo was never a son to him much like I'm not a daughter to my parents. We are just an object that must carry out the family name, and live in small talk and business deals. A never-ending path with no fun, no adventure. Is this the route I wanted to stay in? It's not like I had a choice in the matter and even if I decided to run away again, my father would find me regardless and then have Ace suffer to torment me. I could never live with myself if I were to let that happen.
"Please excuse me, I need to run to the wash room." I say as I make my way past Outlook III and Didit, not caring of my parents rule of staying next to them. I ran upstairs to his room and ensured my parents were watching my every move that way they knew I was still in the building. They didn't know it wasn't a washroom. I knew Sabo wouldn't be there but I needed something to feel as if he were there. When I entered the bedroom, it had been completely flipped. The silk blue bed sheets were now red, the walls that were covered in our drawings were replaced with overpriced paintings of flowers, and the corner where we would plan out our future adventures was now covered by a new rug that went with the design of the room.
I sank down to my knees and began to let the tears slip down my face. It was gone, everything that was related to him was gone. It was as if he were never here to begin with, his parents. His own parents scrubbed him from their lives for good just to save face. I'm sick, sick of it all. When will this world change, when will we stop being so cruel to one another based on status. What's the point of it all?
"What's the Queen's diamond doing in a room crying by herself?" I turn around and see Law standing in the corner of the room with a bag in his hand.
"What are you doing here, and why do you have a-" I slowly realize that he's burglarizing the place.
"Look it's not what you think?" He says.
"I think it's clear what I think. You are obviously not a part of the royal staff, and are obviously stealing from this family. However I could care less, they don't deserve what they have."
"You don't care that I'm robbing from your people?" He responds.
"These are not my people, these are people I was forced to accompany myself with. I had no choice." I say as I begin to wipe away any makeup that was smudged.
"Everyone has a choice."
"That's easy for you to say, your a man Law. You have the freedom to do as you please, but I do not."
"Last time I checked, genders didn't matter when it came to freedom."
"In Goa it does. I was damned as soon as I was born here. Damned because I was born as a woman, damned to be raised as a wife, damned to marry a stranger and damned to live out the rest of my life trapped here." The tears begin to fall once more and Law takes a few steps forward and sits next to me. I laugh and he looks at me curiously.
"You know Law, if anyone were to see me in here with you unchaperoned, it would cause a major scandal for my family." He begins to laugh with me.
"It may even be a bigger scandal for you if they were to find out I was a pirate." He looks at me with a bit of hesitation with his eye. I laugh but realize he's not.
"Are you seriously a pirate? You're not dressed like one." I say as I take in his dress. He's wearing an all black suit with a red tie, his shoes are glistening in the moonlight and he seems to have done a better job at covering his tattoos.
"Yes, sorry if that freaks you out."
"No not at all, can you tell me more about it?"
"You want to know more?
"Yes, my brothers and I used to talk about becoming pirates one day. One of them was actually successful in doing so. It must be amazing to travel as you please, spend time out in the open water and-"
"Be chased by the Navy here and there. It is fun though, I have a fantastic crew by my side. You actually already met two of them."
"Let me guess, the perv with the bloody nose and the one named Penguin."
"Yes that's them, the perv, Shachi, isn't that bad once you get to know him. Penguin too. They along with Bepo were my first few crewmembers."
"That's amazing, how long have you all been sailing?"
"For about five years, and we've barely made a name for ourselves. Hence why we're here acting as thieves."
"Wait they're here at the ball too?"
"Not Bepo, a talking polar bear would attract way too much attention. He's taking care of our submarine right now"
"A WHAT?!"
"Nevermind that, but Penguin and Shachi are here. You're not going to tell on us are you."
"Like I said, I could care less what you do with these monster's belongings."
"Did they do something to you?"
"Indirectly, I used to be best friends with their son Sabo. He was like a brother to me, we would talk about going out to sea and be pirates of our own ship. However, something terrible happened, he decided to leave before us and stole his father's fishing boat on the day a celestial dragon would visit. The celestial dragon saw him as threat and- and killed him. Now they act as if he doesn't even exist. This was his room and now it's not." Law places a hand on my back and begins to rub it, trying to soothe my crying. I leaned into him more, and my breathing began to calm down. We stayed like this for a while and it was comforting. The darkness and the silence was comfortable with Law by my side.
"I'm sorry about your brother." He said. "I lost my sister when I was young too."
I looked up at him, his once dull eyes were now filled with pain. As I was going to ask about his sister I heard my name being called. My mother was on the second floor calling out to me, I must have taken too long.
"Law if she catches us,"
"Don't worry, I can get out of here quick. See you around Diamond. "Room." A blue sphere begins to swirl around him. "Shambles" and he was gone. He has some explaining to do about that power. I wiped off any remaining makeup smudges that were left by my tears as I began to walk towards the door only to have my mother open it almost immediately.
"(Y/N) this is not a washroom!"
"Sorry mother, I got lost with all the rooms here."
"Very well then, Lord Andrews is waiting for a dance." I internally groan as mother escorts me out of the room.
"We make our way downstairs where my father and Lord Andrews is waiting for us. "Ms. (L/N) would you care to accompany me to a dance." My father eyes me and I simply smile and nodding to him.
As we begin on the dance floor, I can't help but think about Law. He said he had lost someone too, his sister. What about the rest of his family? We were in that room all alone, had anyone walked in on us, Ace and I would be done for. However, he was able to magically teleport out of it. Strange but interesting. Everything about Law was interesting, he was a pirate, he could use a power, he was mysterious yet kind.
"Ms. (L/N)" Lord Andrews says. I completely forgot I was dancing with him.
"I'm sorry."
"Your mind seems to be elsewhere. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, everything is splendid. I'm enjoying my time with you." A lie.
"Very well. I was thinking if you and your parents do not have plans, would you and your family care to join us for dinner?" He asks.
"Oh I would need to ask my father for permission. He usually will-"
"I've already asked him, I just wanted to ensure that you would like to as well." He's considering me in this decision.
"What my father says goes." I say and he smiles. The song comes to an end and we bow to one another.
"Very well then, we shall be expecting you all at dinner tomorrow." I smile and nod to him as I make my way to my parents.
"We're having dinner at the Andrews estate tomorrow. Right father?"
"That is correct, I believe that Lord Andrews would make a fine suitor for you."
Of course you do I thought.
"Well then, we shall be taking our leave, we are expecting callers to show up however, it seems that you have made up your mind, my dear."
"More like you've made it for me." My mother grabs my arm.
"Dearest, we have secured you an excellent match with Lord Andrews, do not ruin this."
"Of course mother." We make our way to the carriage and head home for the night.
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goingmerryied · 3 months
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The Pirate who Loved Me- Chapter 1
Bridgerton kind of meets One Piece in this.
Summary: (Y/N) grew up in a noble home and island. Her family were members of high class, and were invited to lavish parties thrown by the highest members of society. Although she was raised to be a proper woman, she always longed for something more in life. At the age of 18, she is now ready to enter the social season and her father is to find her a suitable husband much to her dismay.
That same season, a group of rookie pirates in a submarine land on the noble island to secure funds and supplies for their next adventure.
*3 years before Luffy sets out on his adventure*
Pairing: Trafalgar D. Law x reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ explicit sexual themes, Teasing, Dom Trafalgar D. Water Law, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Be Safe Out There), Multiple Orgasms, Rough Sex, Creampie, Pet Names, Overstimulation, Biting, Bruises, Hair-Pulling, Aftercare
I do not own the rights to Bridgerton and One Piece
"My Lady, per your mother's orders we must fit the corset as tight as possible."
"Until I can't breathe?" I snap back as my lady's maid Lana as she fastens the strings to the corset that will keep me entrapped under the elegant dress my mother had fashioned for me. She was obsessed with the fabric once the designer had drawn her eye to it. It was a gold silk gown that was lined with gold beads.  My necklace was a line of gold bows that were mixed with the finest diamonds. My hair was placed up with a feather attached to the top which made me feel absolutely ridiculous. It was beautiful but it was not me.
My breathing continued to hitch as Lana tugged and tightened the corset. A brief knock and my door opening stopped us both as my mother walked in. She looked me up and down as tears began to form in her eyes. I mentally groan as she observed me as if I were her prized pig that she had raised for the past 18 years.
"Oh my darling you look absolutely stunning!" She exclaimed and tears spilled down her face. I gave her as a big a smile as I can muster but deep down I resented her for this. How could she be okay with marrying her daughter off to a complete stranger? How could she allow her husband to find a match that would better the family's image rather than ensure the happiness of her own daughter?
"You are going to find a husband in no time there's no doubt about it. You're father is not going to have any trouble securing your match once the rest of the nobles lay eyes on you. I'm sure of it. Your beauty is unmatched compared to the other ladies this season. I'm so glad to have bred a beautiful daughter " She exclaimed. I felt sick to my stomach.
"Mother you act as if I'm getting married today," I say as Lana tied the knot to hold the restrictive undergarment. She walked to the closet to pull out the dress I was to wear to be shown off to the Queen of our tiny island. God, Sabo, Ace and Luffy would be mortified to know that I was still trapped on this island, following the traditional noble values, but it was for their safety.
When mine and Sabo's parents had found our whereabouts in the forest with Ace and Luffy 8 years ago, we were both forced back to our lives as nobles. We were also under a very watchful eye, I more so than Sabo. However, he still managed to flee from his babysitter, but that only ended in tragedy for him and heartbreak for Ace, Luffy and I.
After the celestial dragon destroyed Sabo's ship, I was able to run from my bodyguard in order to find Ace and Luffy but my parent's guards were much quicker in finding me. My parents were beyond furious at my attempt of another escape, so much so they locked me away in my room, training me to be a proper wife until I turned 18 and was ready to be presented for the social season. During that time, I was given the news that Gray Terminal was set a blaze leaving me to believe that Ace and Luffy were also gone.
It wasn't until years later that I saw a wanted poster of Ace, I cried with joy knowing that he was out living his dream. He was free. He was living the life he wanted, his dreams of becoming pirates stayed alive. Now I could only hope that Luffy would do the same if he was alive.
I on the other hand played the role of the perfect daughter, entrapped in her room and being trained to obey the man that I would call my husband. I fought back as much as I could but it would only lead to nights without dinners and harsh slaps to the face from both my mother and father. Then a month after my 18th birthday came a night were I decided I would make my escape, the security guard on post fell asleep and I saw an opportunity to finally leave this god forsaken island.
I grabbed whatever supplies I deemed necessary and made it all the way to the dock. I was to take my father's fishing boat and find a way to maneuver it. Dangerous I know but I couldn't take it anymore. Just as I was getting ready to push the small boat from the dock I heard the footsteps. Multiple footsteps heading my way, I then heard the guns being raised towards me.
"Did you really think you would be able to get away so easily (Y/N)?" My father was beyond livid when I looked into his eyes.
"I thought you had broken this habit but it seems you were just trying to deceive us so you could run away to be with that criminal." I knew he was talking about Ace. I would join his crew in a heartbeat if I had found him but now I would never get the chance to. I stumbled as the boat was pulled back to the dock and I began to get as far away as I could from my father. However he had harshly grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the boat.
"Grab whatever supplies she stole and bring them back to our home." He stated as he pushed her into the carriage.
"I've had enough of these games (Y/N). You are not to leave the house unless you are chaperoned by your mother, lady's maid or I. You are not to leave your room unless your mother or I allow it. You are only allowed to speak with staff. If you as so much try to step foot outside your room, I will have Marine admirals chase down your little friend and have him killed with his head brought to us on a platter. Are we clear?"
The hatred I had for my father that night continues to find new ways to spread through me. I was ashamed to be his daughter. How could he threaten my brother like that? How could I leave knowing I would put his life in danger?
"Yes, Lana?" I respond as I'm brought back from my thoughts.
"Your parents are waiting for you downstairs."
"Of course they are. We should not keep them waiting then." I say.
Lana held the back of my dress as I walked carefully down the stairs. My mother and father waiting at the bottom as each step got heavier as I walked.
"My darling daughter, I'm so glad you finally came to your senses" my father say as he meets me at the foot of the stairs and holds his elbow out for me to take. I grimace and hook my arm into his as he escorts me to the carriage, my mother following close behind.
"No funny business (Y/N), you'll soon be out of our household with your new husband, but I'll still keep a close eye on you. Remember what I said."
"I wouldn't ever dream of running away again father, it was foolish of me to try." I say but he sees straight through my bullshit.
"Very well then. Off we go."
The carriage ride to the royal palace was short and hot. I felt as if the dress would melt of my skin as the sun turned the small box into an oven. My fan could only do so much to keep me from sweating while my father had sweated through his coat. Bad day to wear blue old man. It was ridiculous that Goa Kingdom kept up with present day hygiene but couldn't bother to add air conditioning to their must have carriages. They liked to stay in a regency style era to make their island more appealing, all the more reason to run to the hills from this place.
We soon arrived at the palace and although I was ready to jump out of the carriage, I, a proper lady had to wait for her lordship to exit before she is to exit. As my father exit he turned and held his hand out for me to take. I don't wait a second longer before I'm clambering out of the wheeled oven before I began to overcook. The cool breeze hits my skin and I relish in it. I begin to look around at all the other ladies that are to be introduced. They all seemed happy and were shaking from excitement, I on the other hand felt my corset getting even tighter and my lungs struggling to intake oxygen. I see many of the men who are here looking for wives this season and none of them are charmers.
"There's a an abundance of excellent men to pick out for you dear. Don't worry we'll secure you the perfect match" says my mother as she exits behind me. We begin to follow the crowd towards the entrance, as we enter my mother and I are separated into a room where all the other ladies who are to be introduced are.
"Mother, I need a drink." I say as I begin to get warm again.
"Don't wander too far dear, the procession shall start soon." I nod and make my way over the refreshment table. There are two male staff members behind who are oddly arguing with each other. Generally royal staff are as quiet and still as can be. Simply staring straight as they serve guests. However these two are whispering in hushed tones as I approach them. They both look up as I make it to the table.
"Wow pretty girl." The orange haired one looks at me dumbfounded as the other one nudges him. I giggle as the other one smiles.
"Excuse him miss, what can I get for you?" He asks.
"Lemonade please." I respond.
He begins to pour the drink as his friend continues to burn holes into my face.
"Is your friend alright, he seems to be drooling a bit." I ask
"He's fine, he's just feeling the effects of the heat."
"I don't blame him if I could I would take this dress off entirely and let the breeze cool me down."
Just as I said that the orange man hair mouth hangs open and blood begins to pour down his nose. His friend pinches his own nose and pushes him towards the bathroom.
"Is there a problem here?" A man with raven black hair that run down the side of his face asks. His grey eyes are somehow bright as dull as they are but hold a serious demeanor behind them.
"This young woman was just looking for a refreshment sir. Shachi on the other hand is feeling a bit sick due to the warmth and the crowd beginning to grow."
"You should have him take a minor break sir. It is a bit hot, I was just telling them that I myself am sweltering with all the layers on. I can only imagine how you all feel." I reason with him, he was handsome indeed. I could see tattoos peeking from his chest that he tried to hide with the uniform but failing.
"Noted ma'am. I'll be sure to have a doctor check on him. Penguin continue serving the guests."
"(Y/N) it's time!" I can hear my mother yell. I take a deep breath and down my lemonade in one go. When I look back up and see the staff member eyeing me in shock.
"Ma'am I can assure you that you'll be able to find an adequate match." He says amused.
"What if I don't want an adequate match?" I whisper but he hears.
"A noble woman not wanting to marry into another wealthy family that's a first."
"This noble woman wishes she were never weathly in the first place. I want to be free of this life but I can't."
"Sure you can."
"I'm sure that's easier for you to say Mr..."
"Law. Just call me Law."
"Nice to meet you Law, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). You know I find this whole ordeal a bit odd. Royal staff members aren't usually this talkative, mainly due to fear of punishment from the royal family." I say looking around to see if anyone has taken notice of our small conversation, but everyone is concerned about their presentation to the Queen.
"Let's just say I'm allowed to break the rules a bit as these guy's boss." He smiles a bit and looks me up and down. I hate to say it but I grow a bit insecure under his gaze, my breath hitches but not because of the corset but the way his grey eyes analyze my features right before me.
"(Y/N)! Pardon us sir but we must get going now for my daughter's presentation."
"Of course, apologies my lady." He answers, I look back to him and he gives me a nod and smile. I felt my breath hitch as I smile back at the mysterious staff member. If only he were one of my options, I would accept his courtship almost immediately with or without my parent's approval. However I can't be so ridiculous I've only met the man, yet his are like staring deep into a clouded sky. There's beauty and there's mystery behind them that I would like to know more about.
The staff begins to take our names and we are lined up to make our debut, i feel my hands begin to shake. It's becoming real now, the fact that I may never get to have my freedom. My chest begins to cave in itself and my mother grips my arm tighter as to reassure me. However this only make me angrier with her, I want to cry, but I can't. We are third to walk and it will be over much faster than I believe it to be. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
The door opens and the first pair go, I can see the queen awaiting at the end of the procession to see who is being presented this season. The queen is famous for choosing one special person to be her diamond. The diamond is what every lady who begins her courtship wants to be. She is to have the first eyes of all the bachelors and is usually the first off the market. She is also the most beautiful lady in the Queen's eye. Once she picks her diamond, she'll generally call off the rest of the procession as there is nothing more to look for. However I do not have the luck of being in the crowd that is called off as I am in the first three.
Before I know it, my mother and I are next to walk. We take our places at doors and wait for the footman to announce us.
"Just smile dear and remember to bow to the queen. All eyes are on you know?"
That last sentence didn't calm me at all. I would rather not have eyes on me.
"Presented by her mother Viscountess Eleanor (L/N)."
Here goes nothing, to calm my nerves I think about Ace, Sabo and Luffy. They would be dying of laughter seeing me so dressed up, and walking oh so elegantly to the Queen of Goa Kingdom. The thought alone brings a smile to my face which I'm sure makes my parents happy. I began to look around at all the guests in attendance. My father content with how I am behaving. I move my head slightly to the right and catch grey eyes once more. He's looking at me and nods once more as encouraging me. As if I'm doing just fine yet I was anything but fine.  As we reach the end my mother and I both bow. I then see the Queen's dress move and she begins to descend down. She places her gloved hand under my chin and gently lifts it up. I make eye contact with her and slowly stand a bit. She simply smiles at me and says the words I never thought were possible to me.
"Flawless my dear. A true diamond. I've seen enough for the evening." She says. She places a gentle kiss on my forehead. My mother pinches me.
"Thank you your grace." She nods and simply walks out of the room. The crowd begins to the disperse. I had to say I am completely flattered by the Queen, never would I have thought to be considered beautiful, nevertheless a diamond in the eyes of the Queen. However, there is pang in my chest and my nerves begin to twist. That means that my wedding date may have drew nearer and more callers would be at our door soon enough. My chance at freedom was running out.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually agree with the government for once. That girl is beautiful." Shachi says as he and Penguin stand on either side of Law.
Penguin rolls his eyes and Law chuckles a bit "Did you get the information you need captain? Do you want me to ask Bepo to ready the Polar Tang?" Penguin asks.
"Not just yet. There's some more information I'd like to find out, have the crew dock somewhere safe and away from here. We may be here for a couple of months." Law says as he watches the young woman be whisked away by her parents. Every eye in the room is following her as were his.
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goingmerryied · 3 months
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The Pirate who Loved Me- Prologue 18+
Summary: (Y/N) grew up in a noble home and island. Her family were members of high class, and were invited to lavish parties thrown by the highest members of society. Although she was raised to be a proper woman, she always longed for something more in life. At the age of 18, she is now ready to enter the social season and her father is to find her a suitable husband much to her dismay.
That same season, a group of rookie pirates in a submarine land on the noble island to secure funds and supplies for their next adventure.
Pairing: Trafalgar D. Law x reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ explicit sexual themes, Teasing, Dom Trafalgar D. Water Law, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Be Safe Out There), Multiple Orgasms, Rough Sex, Creampie, Pet Names, Overstimulation, Biting, Bruises, Hair-Pulling, Aftercare
Captain Trafalgar D. Water Law had just arrived in Goa Kingdom with his crew the night before to gather intel on the nobles. Although already being at sea for some time, Law and his crew still had a long way to go before making a name for themselves. Their bounties were still little but maybe this mission would be the one that set them apart from the rest of the pirates. He wasn't here to hurt anyone, just to take some extra money so that he and his crew could be comfortable for a while. At 19 years old, Law needed to get him and his crew stronger.
He stopped by a bar that was rumored to have knowledgeable bartenders. Law was told it was frequented by travelers . However, he soon learned that information didn't come free. He found himself being whisked away to the back of the bar. The air was cool against Trafalgar's skin as the woman began to kiss him while slowly pushing him back against a table. She slowly guided her hand lower towards his abdomen and the slight brush of her fingertips caused him to gasp slightly. He grabbed her hand and quickly turned her around to where he was now in control.
His hand slowly caressed down the right side of the woman beneath him as he slowly left open mouthed kisses trailing from her legs to her neck. Her bare chest pressed against his as he slowly entered her. She moaned out as he slowly thrust his hips and began asking her questions about the nobles. Her breathing became heavier and her moans became louder.
"They'll all be at the Queen's presentation tomorrow-" she gasps as he quickens his pace "You'll- be -ugh- able to learn more there- oh god Law. The women who are of age- will be shown out to the public- to find husbands. Plenty of N-uh-Nobles" It wasn't long until the informant became undone underneath him. Now that he had his information it was time for him to let off some steam. He flips her over and caresses her bum as he positions himself at her entrance. He slides back in as he begins his onslaught once more lifting her up until her back is flushed against his chest, caressing her breasts until she hits her limit once more causing him to be closer to his. He quickly pulls out letting her down on her hands and releasing onto her back, the informant quickly topples down trying to slow her breathing. Law slowly stands and finds a chair to sit on to catch his breath.
The sex is great for him, it usually is. There was just something missing from these occasional experiences. Something he's afraid to admit out loud because it could lead to heartbreak in the end. He didn't know if it was something he truly wanted but the thought of having it was nice. He was convinced that he would not find it in his lifetime, but if he did how would the cruel captain of the heart pirates open his own heart to such a thing?
He couldn't worry about that now, he had to think of a plan to infiltrate the Queen's presentation.
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goingmerryied · 3 months
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The Pirate Who Loved Me ~ Masterlist
(18+ Only)
Bridgerton kind of meets One Piece in this.
Summary: (Y/N) grew up in a noble home and island. Her family were members of high class, and were invited to lavish parties thrown by the highest members of society. Although she was raised to be a proper woman, she always longed for something more in life. At the age of 18, she is now ready to enter the social season and her father is to find her a suitable husband much to her dismay.
That same season, a group of rookie pirates in a submarine land on the noble island to secure funds and supplies for their next adventure.
*3 years before Luffy sets out on his adventure*
Pairing: Trafalgar D. Law x reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ explicit sexual themes, Teasing, Dom Trafalgar D. Water Law, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Be Safe Out There), Multiple Orgasms, Rough Sex, Creampie, Pet Names, Overstimulation, Biting, Bruises, Hair-Pulling, Aftercare
I do not own the rights to Bridgerton and One Piece
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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