ghostwritten-grimoire · 13 hours
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“Creativity and inspiration flow into my writing” sigil
for anonymous
Sigil requests are closed.
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ghostwritten-grimoire · 16 hours
Can you please make one along the lines of "I will not let derealisation control me" ?
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“I do not let derealisation control me” sigil
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ghostwritten-grimoire · 19 hours
“Attract Luck” Sigil
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Use for a short burst of luck when you really need it! Write on your wrist/hand for luck until it washes off. Or write it on a piece of paper and burn the paper to activate. 
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🪽 Subtle Hermes Worship 📨
Keeping a journal of letters addressed to Hermes; you can also use a code name for him, such as "diary", if needed
Keeping a picture of him in your wallet
Collecting coins and shiny objects
Writing letters to friends or loved ones who live far away
Writing stories and poems
Having imagery of feathers, wings, turtles, or hares around (feathers and wings are especially good in a Christian household)
Having rabbit, turtle, sheep, hawk, or ram stuffed animals
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of him; a caduceus necklace is extremely easy to find online and is often associated with other things but is still a major symbol of Hermes
Having a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Dedicating any morning drinks to him (coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.)
Participating in any sport
Making a list of jokes or quotes that make you laugh
Making a list of good memories
Watching comedians, live or online
Engaging in activities that bring you joy
Spending time with loved ones
Spending time with pets and bonding with them
Volunteering at a homeless or animal shelter
Honoring deceased loved ones, including pets
"Borrowing" things from big corporations
Setting money aside to save if/when possible
Exploring new places you've never been
Supporting small businesses
Taking a walk
Learning non-obvious forms of divination (cartomancy, shufflomancy, pyromancy, etc.)
Keeping a dream journal
Exercising if able; get some movement throughout the day
Creating something with your hands or imagination (writing, drawing, carving, something inventive and creative)
Donating items you no longer need
Buying a meal for someone who needs one
Showing kindness towards your fellow human
Making a list of things that made you happy throughout the day and that you're looking forward to
Carrying a good luck charm on you; keep a lucky coin
Collecting souvenirs from new places, even just the next town over
If you have a car or bike, show it some love
Be kind to animals; feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
Volunteer at an animal shelter or farm; volunteer at a homeless shelter
May add more later! This is my list of discreet ways to worship Hermes, so far. Please enjoy, and take care! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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My spoonie sigils:
I have enough energy to complete tasks
I get extra energy throughout the day
I have enough spoons to get through the day
I have enough spoons
I am motivated; I go on
I have energy and motivation
I have the power to do
My muscles are relaxed
Bye-bye back stiffness
Ease my neck pain
Ease my lower back and hip pain
My back is relaxed and free from pain
Ease my joint pain
My headache goes away
Ease my morning headaches
Ease my migraine
Ease the pain and fatigue of EDS
Ease my fibromyalgia
My arthritis is manageable
My pain is manageable
I am able to walk (with minimal pain)
I find moments of peace from my pain
I fall asleep easily
I sleep soundly for my desired length of time
I have minimal IBS symptoms
I eat a healthy amount of nourishing food
My blood sugars balance
My legs are steady
My focus will not falter
My joints are stable
I avoid dislocations and subluxations
Boost my immune system
My injuries heal
I heal quickly
I recover swiftly from illness
Mental illness:
I can leave my home comfortably
My mental illnesses do not hinder me
Ease the anger I experience related to mental illness
My anxiety does not control me
My anxiety does not stop or limit me when speaking with others
Ease my panic attacks
My trauma does not hold me back
Brainfog begone
My mind is clear
My mind is quiet
I am grounded, and in control of my emotions + reactions
I keep rational state of mind
Balance my bipolar disorder
OCD does not interfere with my day
My ROCD will subside
My depression will dissipate 
I resist the urge to pick my skin
I keep from picking
I don’t pull out my hair or eyelashes
I do not disassociate
I am verbal
I combat sensory overload and avoid meltdowns
My hypersensitivity is manageable 
I combat inertia 
People are patient with my disability
People are patient with my dietary restrictions
Others understand and accept my illness
I attract money (without having to work)
I am able to manage my pain at work 
I am able to clean and organize without pain
My hospital visit is productive and successful
I learn to accept my illness
DONATIONS - “What is a spoonie?” [X] - Spoonie specific sigils ALWAYS open + ALWAYS free!
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“I Will Find Answers in My Dreams” 
 Sigil requested by anon
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“My back is relaxed and free of pain”.
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Goodnight ☪
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Sigil to banish bad luck! Will be used in the spell posted tonight but you can use it for your own purposes if you like! Reblog, don’t repost.
Update: here is the spell
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“Emotional Healing” sigil
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Ok!! You requested it!!
So, I did it!!
I attempted a different format for the spread to make it more easy for everyone to read it.
Please give me feedback (Anon if you need to it’s cool) on how it looks. 
AND LOOK IN THE CORNER!! I FIGURED OUT HOW TO MOVE WATERMARKS AND I PUT MY LOGO ON IT!!!!!!!! (super excited and it’s early morning. The world is ending)
But I hope you enjoy.
This spread is meant to help when a situation is getting a tad out of hand and you need to figure out what’s causing it and what to do about it.
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“Minimal Effort, Maximum Results”
Draw this sigil when you’re feeling tired but still need to finish a project. And so then, refer to the root phrase. Great for assisting in spoonie magic probably.
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“I Find Lost Things”
Draw this on your dominant hand while you’re looking for something and/or cleaning the space you’re in
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"I Know Myself"
Note: I realize some of my sigils come out quite complex like this and can be intimidating to try and draw. It is perfectly acceptable to print them out and use them that way.
You can use this sigil any way you see fit but here are some methods that come to my mind right off the bat.
If you meditate, then meditate with it. Have this sigil nearby when you sleep. Carry it with you in your pocket or purse or something.
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Manifestation Sigil
I easily manifest that which serves my best and highest good
Ingredients to make the corresponding sigil powder:
star anise
rose petals
salt (please omit if using outdoors) 
Instructions on how to craft sigil powders can be found here. 
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"Find A Home That Will Bring You Happiness"
This sigil is worded so can be used on yourself or others!
For yourself: Carry it or draw it on your person in some fashion when home hunting or viewing. This works whether it's in-person going to see the place or just searching for places online.
For somebody else: Draw it on a picture of them or on a piece of paper with their full name and date of birth on it. OR Burn this sigil to ash and sprinkle the ashes in their shoes or turn these ashes into a wearable trinket for them to wear when home-hunting.
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Kitchen Witchery - Quick Spell
Just a quick spell for good dreams or to help give you a bit of a boost of positivity before bed. No measurements, all to taste. This is really one of those spells that you can make your own very easily.
A perfect spell for beginner witches as well!
This is especially for my witches who don't like tea.
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Here's what you do:
Grab a cute mug (optional but preferred because who doesn't love cute mugs?!)
Put some milk of your choice in it. I chose 2% but nondairy would work too. Heat the milk up either on the stove or in the microwave.
Toss in some honey, or your fav honey alternative, to calm the mind.
Dump in a good bit of cinnamon for psychic protection.
Put in a bit of cloves, the tiniest amount otherwise it overpowers the other flavors, for banishing negativity or bad vibes.
A dash of nutmeg for love and good dreams.
Finally, add a tiny bit of salt, this will help balance the flavors and adds more protection.
Stir counter clockwise to dispel any negative energy, then clockwise while focusing on the intent of this spell. You can even say it out loud if you'd like. (Example: With this, I banish my nightmares/have restful sleep)
Feel free to top it off with whipped cream.
Sometimes I'll add sugar as well if I don't want to use honey.
This simple kitchen witch spell helps me calm down. You can use it before you go to bed to encourage a restful night's sleep or to go back to sleep after a nightmare has woken you up. Using a bit of lavender syrup can help promote psychic dreams as well, just don't use too much or it'll taste soapy!
It takes all of 5 minutes tops and it's all done to your taste so you also get a delicious drink at the end!
Sleep well witches <3
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